The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, September 21, 1893, Image 2

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    4 ST
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SEPTEMBER 21 1803.
President Peiittj Ei Btea Driven Out
of Bio Janeiro
Th B:ai!ian Ctital Forced to Give
Wsy After Days of Repeated
Only One Fort Still Holding Out.
Bcexos Atrks, Sept IS. Official
Advices received here announce the
repeated bombardment durinp the
pest few days of Bio de Janeiro, and
private advice Just received say that
Eio has practically been captured by
the insurgents, who are also in poase
aion of the town of Nlctheroy, oppo
site Eta. ... .
The official adv'ces say that Nlcth
eroy was shelled time and again by
the vessels and that the garrison of
Kictberoy was finally compelled to
surrender after making a gallant re
sistance, After the surrender of Nlctheroy
the garrison and civil guards are re
ported to have sided with the insur
gents who have received large addi
tions to their fleet.
The forta for several uays remained
loyal to the president and replied
warmly to the fire of the war ships,
but the latter are not known to have
sustained any serious injury and were
certainly able to dr've the president
and bis government oat of Rio.
The president with a body of troops
still sdhering to his cause is en
camped at the Tillage of Santa Anna,
twelve miles from Rio, where he is
awaiting the onslaught of the rebels.
In spite of the seemingly desperate
position in .which he is placed he is
not disheartened nor is he without
friends. The official reports received
here say that congress has passed a
Tote declaring itself loyal to him and
sustaining him in his struggle with
the insurgents. - . .
The rebel fleet now numbers nine
vessels, large and small, all under the
command of Admiral DeMelios. In
addition the rebels have been rein
forced by the naval forces of Cabrias
Island, situated in the Day of Rio de
Janeiro, about one mile from the city.
Fort Cabrias is one of the principal
defences of Rio and is also the state
prison, from which all the better
class of prisoners, especially those
confined for official offences, hsve been
liberated and joined the rebel forces.
Fort now said to be
holding a neutral position on the re
bellion with the probability that its
?:arrison will side with the insurgents
a the near future, and some advices
even say that the garrison has already
joined issues with the insurgent and
the latter are having things all their
own war.
Fort Sun I a Crus at the entrance to
the harbor is still loyal, the official
advices aay, and it seems likely that
the fortress will 'bold out longer than
the others, as the insurgents are said
to be highly Incensed at the resistance
it has made and to be prepared to
wreak vengeance upon the garrison
when it surrender It is not believed,
however, that th insurgents will act
too rashly, as the policy of the in
surgent leaders since they landed has
been one of conciliation, because the
foreign warships have had a healthy
restraining influence upon the move
ments and actions of the insurgents.
Fort Santa Crus must surrender be
fore many days pass, for the garrison
is short of provisions and . the rebels
have control of all the wavs to the
fort. ... .. , . ; . -
It is rcrortcd that the rebels have
seized n nr1 retained possession of the
arsenal and custom house. Admiral
De Melius, the insurgent chief, is re
ceiving reinforcements on ill sides;
troops, money and provisions are be
ing placed at his disposal and he feels
confident of ultimate success.
A con fere nco has taken place be
tween tbe friends of President Pelxoto
and Admiral L)o Mellos, at which the
former sought to make terms, with tho
insurgents Admiral De Mellos is re
ported to have replied that uncondi
tional surrender was the only thing
which he would accept. ,
Wakuingtox, ppu 10. According
to advices received at the state de
partment, the llrazilian rebels con
template bombarding Ilto de Janeiro
S . . 1 . ....
K" tu-uuy. in iucM-ge was re
ceived by Secretary . Uresham last
night It was in cipher and was not
tranftlatrd until this morning. It was
dated IVtropolIs, a suburb of RIa Jan
eiro, September 15, and read as fol
low; I h Un (Ht4 Uit u th more h tot
vsls hv b entered by lk rerplution
ary (jtitUrtm to ntov further up th bay.
This a don apparently to riv th rabela
haae to bombard to fit? ubui lmln
lbs merchauttuea ; T summon.
It Is said the state department has
no further information, but eipecta to
be sdvtad by Minister Thompson a
soon a the action la tWu to bombard
the liraiUian capital. The result of the
bombardment will be telegraphed by
Am OH ! SUllad.
Lxiitu, Mu, hvpt 18. -I. Hart
men, an old and prominent physician
of AuilviiU. was shot and Inatantly
killed by William Powell of that place
at :s o'clock thU morning. The dif
ficulty originated fr mi old fud
Vet wee a ihn two mfu. I'owrU U now
la usWty at lliggtaaville.
Oladet Will Wah It la Ae-swal.
l4stf, pL II Mr. tUatUtooe
will wait hUgteat spwk in whlth
he will apit al t the ettort, ?r
th htue of lord aad rUf l the
future if the t.tfctt party, at Kklu
burgh, Wedaesly, St.
I O. II UK I'rvdrriok W. hharoa
aad ttr lwl4 sapiUiUU, fMrty
t Clifiaa, have the hti.
luut fwotpatty aait the laws
t Nw Jr.y, u use lU twUttua
ltt by ta Uw ttk bbarvtt.
IfUWM la Wklfh Watra CMfrMiBM
Ira Taklasj I4 rmoaal laUreat.
WASHrxaTox, Sept. !l While con
rress is dealing with tbe financial
luestlon, the federal elections bill
tnd the reform or tbe tariff, the 511-
louri and Kansas members as oppor
tunity offers, will endeavor to slip
through bills of local interest.
Mr. Heard desires authority for
Missouri to select Z4.50O acres out of
toy public lands in the state subject
to entry,, for the benefit of the
i gri cultural college so as to make np
for selections taken st the double
minimum rat under the act of 1863,
before the public funds along the
Atlantic and Pacific railroad were
educed to single minimum.
Mr. Arnold wants $.'0,000 for a
bridge over the north fork of White
river in Ossrk county.
Mr. Davis of Kansas is struggling
to get 130,000 to complete improve
ments at Fort Riley.
Mr. Funs ton. when not busied ar
ranging for bis contest with Mr.
Moore, is working for 30,000 for a
federal building at Kansas City, Kan,
snd 1100,000 for a building at Law
rence, Kan. His pet scheme is, how
ever, one appropriating $500,000
for the benefit of several hun
dred Ksnsans who are in
dicated by name in the bill intro
duced. The money is to be paid them
for loss of property taken or de
stroyed and damages resulting there
from during the civil disturbances
hich prevailed in that territory
from November 1, 1855, to December
1, 11-5(1.
Mr. Curtis of Kansas is deeply in
terested in procuring for the Chicago-
Topeka Light Heat and Power com
pany, organized under the Illinois law,
authority to dam the Kaw at any
suitable place or. places within the
county of Hbawnea and also wants
110,000 for an elevator for the Topeka
public building and for changes
n the stairways. He further wants
30,000 for tho purchase of grounds
adjacent to the Topeka federal build
ing for extensive fire proof vaults and
good metropolitan things like that
lie further wants to turn the post-
office department into a savings bank.
According to his plan whenever 100
bonaflde patrons of a money order
postofHce ask that it be made
savings bank, a savlntrs bank
it should forthwith become and
pay two and a half per cent
on deposits left six months or more.
wnue congress Is digesting that
scheme he will be satisfied If it will
give him 175,000 for a public building
at Emporia on ground now owned
there by the government lie also
wants congress to extend for three
years the time for the construction of
the railway of the Choctaw Coal and
Hallway company which expires Feb
ruary 18 next, and confer additional
extensive powers.
Mr. Iirodorick has become tho par
ent of a bill for the erection of public
buildings for postoffices in all towns
and cities where the annual postoffice
receipts for four years preceding have
exceeded $4,000 annually, the limit
of the cost of construction to be four
years receipts. To carry out this
schema his bill appropriates 810,000,
000, all expenditures to be in silver
coins. i
Mr. Voorkcaa Propate te Have General
Uetwu Clot la Nina Days.
WasitiKOTOir, 8ept 18 The repeal
forces sounded the note of warning to
tbe silver raeu in the senate to-day
and made ono more demand for a dav
definite when the final rote should be
taken on the repeal bill.
When tne repeal bill was taken uo
at 12:35 p. m. . Mr. Voorbees asked
unanimous consent that reneral de
bate close on the 25th instant and then
amendments be debated uutll the 87th
under the five minute rule.
Mr. 1 el Icr objected and Mr. Allison
of Iowa proceeded to address the sen
ate on tho bill. -
Ko FtMlon This Time.
Emporia, Kan., Sept. 18. The Lyon
county Populist convention met
here this forenoon and se
lected Levi Dumbauld as tem
porary chairman. The usual com
mittees were appointed. Kx-Assistant
Attorney General Noah Allen made a
short address. A careful canvass of
prominent men in tho convention
eada to the prediction that a straight
t.cket will be put in the field and the
short speeches by vVllen and Dum
bauld were almost entirely devoted to
denunciation of Cleveland and his pol
icy. The result will be that Lyon
comity will have four tickets.
Four I'oUonera Lruchad.
Aiif.rdkk.v, Miss., Sept. 18 Near
Quincv, Miss., two weeks ago Thomas
Wood ruff and live children were taken
violently III and two children died.
The others Ktill linger with little hope
of recovery. Examination showed
that til well had beeu poisoned, and
Ken Jackson. Mehaley Jackson, Lou
Carter and Hufuu Hay lea, all negroes,
all arrested for complicity, were
lynched by a mob.
llaatlratla lrown4 la tpala.
Maphiu, Hept IK Late reports
fro n th flood iu the province of To
ledo make the lo of life awy up in
the hundreds. The center of th flood's
havim was Villa t'auas where the
dath roll was terrible, The peaants
ousrht refuge In eaves on the hill
sidaa. At night when all were sleep
ing la fsncUd security the water rose
suddenly and swept lata the caves,
drowning evry pron In them.
Ftf I tlaaaWMt tat art 4.
Wahit Sept 1 1, -"Congress
will glv lu sppruvAt to th pi an of
rontlnulitf the world's fair unlit Jan
uary I. Th a was mad evident by a
nuuitarot lntrtawt with evugrvs
ianal tastier. There Mat not a p'r
n dhapiMrutUg, aator sad Niaitt
bar giving their Warty lalormat
i lh plan.
t t!rlt ht a star's Hturt.
WstHixutoM, hpl tl-(. H. Malt
sur. H'md wptrl)r of tie
trattty, in hi annual report says
that iatiu In hi talk flia
is,ill daring the year, $ th tactual
of bust, do la that psrUnt has la t
rM4 Taw dirr la
walaly tUs mutt of u4-rkWeA
hall lavaHlaf a Kavttf ratal.
PtarrsiiocTH, Neb., Sept. 18. The
news of the trial of an important suit
comes from Elmwood, a small town in
the west end of Caaa county. J. W,
Thomas, an employe of the li. fc M. in
th Is city, brought suit before an Elm
wood ju&ticc against C M. Wescott, a
clothin? mercliantalso m Plattsmouth,
to recover name 400 for alleged - dam'
ages done iiuu by tne sale i an ac
count into Iowa, on which his wages
were afterwards garimheed Several
other actions of the same natare
brought by other working-men against
Plattamouth merchants were com
menced st the same time. The Thomas
Wescott case was tried Friday before a
Jury ana resulted In a verdict for the
merchant. The other suits will be
taken np in turn, and their outcome is
awaited witn unusual interest.
A Couple of Fire.
Ckdab RAriDS, Neb., Sept. 18. Ii
destroyed a barn containing ei;;:.
head of work horses belonging to
C. Stowell, jr., proprietor of tf.e
Cheononda ranch, at his farm four
miles south of this place, at 11 o'clock
I rulay nigbt. Ibe cause of the fire
is not known and the loss is about
81,000 with no insurance. .
Sltkrior, Neb., Sept. 18. Fire broke
out Saturday morning on Central
avenue, between O. S. Carthodel's
jewelry store and Martin & Uilchrist's
grocery.' Nearly the entire stocks of
both etaabliahments were saved, but
the buildings were left charred ruins.
The active work of tho fire department
prevented the fire from spreading. The
loss amounted to several hundred dol
Killed While Heating.
Lihcolx, Neb.. Sept 18. Charles
Wagner, foreman of True Bros. Chicago
oaicery, on bputn Eleventh street in
this city, was accidentally killed yes-
teraay wnue out on a Hunting trip.
laking a loaded shotgun, he started
from his home at VoO Wood street, in a
two-wheeled cart. When near the
North Ninth street bridge over Salt
creek the gun slipped from the cart
Wagner caught it by the barrel to pull
it back into the cart. In doing so tbe
hammer of the gun was drawn back
far enough to explode the charge when
it was released. The full charge en
tered the unfortunate man's right side,
killing him almost instantly. - He
leaves a wife and two children.
A Bold Bad Man.
Liscotir, Neb., Sept. 18. A burglar
entered Dr. King's office on O street
sometime between 5 o'clock Saturday
evening and 10 o'clock Sunday morn,
ing and helped himself to all the yel
low metal in sight, consisting of two
pieces of bridge-work, $10 or $12 worth
of plate and scrap cold, and the doctor's
gold-bowed spectacles, of tho total
value ox about 825. The bold, bad man
must have entered with a skeleton
key. He seemed to have no taste for
forceps and other dental instruments
as none of that class of goods were
Crawford Want tbe Land Offlca.
Crawford, Neb., Sept. 18 The c!
sens of Crawford held a very enthm
astic mass meeting Friday evening to
consider what steps should be tnk.en to
secure the land office of the consoli
dated land district of Chadron and
Alliance for this place. Petitions are
being circulated over the entire dis
trict These petitions are to be sent to
the secretary of the interior with maps
showing the accessibility of Crawford,
its location in the geographical center
oi the district and its roadway facili
ties. !..-,,,:;,.
flare Them a Welcome Home.
Tkkamah, Neb., Sept. 18. When the
passenger train arrived here Saturday
mgnt a delegation ot citizens and tuo
Ladies Silver Cornet band were at the
depot to welcome the Burt county ag
ricultural committee from the state
fair and to congratulate its members
on the success of the county in captur
ing tne pom meuai ana tbe 8000 cash
prize. The band played and Judsre
Hopewell delivered an address of wel
come, which was responded to bv H.
ger, president of tho agricultural so
Footpad at work.
Omaha, Sept 18. W. S. Saunders
residing at lsi'O Howard street, com
plains to the police that he was robbed
ridny night at Twenty-fourth and
Spaulding streets. He Bays that he
was returning from a social visit shortly
after 1 1 o'clock, when two men com
manded him to throw up his hands
and followed the deamndwith the pre
scntntion of a revolver that looked
larger than a Krupp gun when held
clone to his face. He says that the
footpads relieved him of 818.
Dawn County Fair.
Chaproh, Neb., Sept. 19. Thceighth
annual fair of Dawes county open Sep-temlx-r
20 in this place end will con
tinue for four days. It bids fair to be
one of the most successful in the his
tory of tbe Dawes County Agricultural
society. The crop In this action are
fairly good and farmers propone to get
out aim kiiow tnetr big potatoes, corn,
etc., to tho best possible advantage.
Hathlo Itoath.
Omaha, Sept 1. Saturday forenoon
Pan Kice, a mgro porter employed at
the Hnrker bUa-k, was taken with a
hemorrhage of th lun and died la a
fVw moment. Two ur throe phynl
clanwert hattlly railed, but could
not save the man s lit. Ulce U the
man who ftl out of a third utory win
dow In the Barker block a year ago
and to all appearamv wan not injured.
Coroner Maul ha charge of tho body.
No tmiueat will be hrhl.
hand Stare al Ilwaaar.
Pis mil. NvU. Kept. H.-Thl little
city w vioitwl Ut Friday bv one of
the wtirat dut lorma known tare for
year. Hand and dut were blown la
cloud, trr and dwelling had to be
closed and all butlnraa a suspended.
The trtti w Mvtr that few
farmers win wrt hauling crl ta
town wro tviitix-ilo l ta, their
td. m the mla m Idown out of
tU g Ma.
n i Hi isii mean
l aal t a,
OMAtlt, Kcjl S.-Jt4ie tWgfr, m
Car Si'e.winUnt. met ah a rUu
Sivi.U-nt In th t UU'iH-eJt Northwektern
yurvl. II rui.u a the f
Ward of a swUh oirhi wlutn U
otu MirmaUl l manuer ha Uj p4
Slid fall, the bal rruahiua a of
ai fi as to iuk awpuulioa
Utaraa Fram AU FarU of the Ceaatry
how Deeltfad lapravaaaant.
Nkw Yobk, Sept 18. R. G. Dun Jk
Vx's weekly review will say:
Returns from all parts of the eoun-
ry snows decided improvement.
lopef ul feeling prevails; money grows
ttranaani st speculative centers, and
omewhat easier for commercial pur-
roses. The number of establishments
e ported as resuming work, thirty-
tne w noliy. and twenty-six in part,
itm exceeda tbe number closing.
hirty-three for the past week, besides
en reducing force, so that the hands
mployed have somewhat increased.
rhe number unemployed is still very
arge, tne great Industries are still
ar below their normal productive-
tess,.and part of the resumption of
vork ha been seenred by lowering
prices and reducing wages. But busf-
iess is pulling itself together, and
wen tbe crop report has caused little
lepre&slon in stocks.
Industrial improvement is largely
n cotton and otherwise appears
carcely more satisfactory than last
reek. About two-thirds of the Fall
liver mills are operating.
Ibe number of firms failed has
rreatly diminished. The failures re
xirtedthis week have been in the
Jnited States, only 314, against 321
'or the nrevious week, and 154 last
;car, and in Canada 37 against 28 last
- Uarrled at Eighty Tear.
Columbia, Mo., Sept 18. The
'riends of Garrison IL Chance of Cen-
;ralia, Boone county, were surprised
0 icarn yesterday of bis marriage to
Miss Mary a NcilL Mr. Chance is 60
rears old, and this 1 bis fourth matrt-
nonlal venture. His bride is 43 jrears
The Crulaer Detroit Delayed.
Washisgtoh, Sept 18. Owing to
he law requiring every vessel to
nake a forty-eight hours' sea voyage
within lour months after her com-
station before she can be accepted by
the government from the contractor,
he cruiser Detroit did not start for
Brazil yesterday. She will start on
tho trial run to-day, however, and if
t proves successful sbe will salt for
uio Janeiro at once on her return. '
llrothaliood afea Called to Denver.
Pkhver, Col, Sept 18. The Rio
3rande grievance committee has
tsked Chief Sargeant Chief Wilkin-
ion and Arthur to come to Denver
for the purpose of investigating
the trouble existing between tbe road
ind its men over the proposed tem
porary reduction of ten per cent in
wages. The gentlemen are expected
to reaca uere Sunday.
Two Live Lot at Merrill.
.MERRILL, WIS., Cpt 18. AS a re-
tult of yesterday afternoon and last
ights terrible fires, twenty-five
farmers of Lincoln county are desti
tute of all wordly possessions and two
niidren are dead.
Kana City Oral.
Price were quoted sa follows: Na I hard
wheat. Ma67c No. I hard wheat, UftMo;
No 4 bard wheat, b&itMo; rejected hard wheal
KKiVio: No. J red wbet, Mo; Na 8 red
be!tt,6Sfefiio; No. 4 red wheat, 63354a
bale on 'change tab. bails of Hlnslsslppl
Ivor Habd whbat-no. t hard. Sfl cars Mo.
iu cars ozxa Na nsra, 87 csrs tee, a cars
)lo. No. 4 hard, 1 car lo, I car tone. Re-
lected, Hear Oo, 1 car Sea Weevilly whest,
i car caoice oio, l oar wo. , son Wbsat No.
I red, li cars eta. No, red, 4 ear 6lo, St
tart o.a no 4 roa, l car sua.
uoKN-woa x to wo lower. Offering were
tot larjre, but demind was rather slow. Re
ceipts of corn 58 car; a year ago, 47 ears Na
I mixed corn old at 35o; Na 8 mixed.
mo; Na 4 mixed rJo: so groae, tvascia.
NO. 8 white. Sea No. 8 white. 85a Na 4
ahlto, Ma. Shippers paid 34t Mississippi
Her lor No. 2 corn, anrtalao No. Z white corn.
Both sold at i:QJ2',o Memphis.
0ts Were flrmly held st unchanged
ricQ. iceceipts or oats, 11 cars: a year
wo t cars. Na s mixed oats sold st S3
He; choice boavy, 1 to8o premium: Na 8, 19
lie: No. 4, 17&W0: No 8 white, 25&270; Na 8
Uio, 2l25e. Rtb Offering more freely:
No. 2 quoted nominally at ioaAio river. No. 8.
j jomlually, 4'Jl5o. Klaxskkd Firm, ia
Ko per bu in car lots, upon the
' n, ....HA. Dmn1l U. ,-H. ....
Bran Firm: 68Q(Uo per owt: bulk, 66o lesa
Castor iikans 120a buin car lots: small
ot, tl.iu CoitN Caop-Flrm: ee71o per
wt sacked Hay KecolpU, 19 cars; market
Irra. Tlmotby, choloo, t8W No 1, .17. 60-33:
ow Kridos flft5t); fancy prairie, M tftftj;
lood to choice, dV((5 60: common, 3.60&150.
Chicago Iloard ot Trade.
Chicauo, Sopt. 18 -Tho followlnt table
ihows the rnuo of pricet for active futures
m board of trado to-day:
Sept 16 Opn-d Hlg't Lo'st Sjpt
WuBAT-sep. n tv as r ntii
I)o 724 73'., 72 73 Ti
May 7V tvy, ? 7U 79
COBH Sep. 41 S 41 S 4U 40 40tf
Oct. 41 41-; 4Mt 40H iuM
MftV 4f fH ii 444 i
3At iSrpl MH SOS W KJj
(VI. ".', lfu!4 M
May hi1, 81 81 81
t'ORK S-cp. 1(11 ISM 16 . 1636 16 30
Oct 114 76 14 7b 14 ft 14 66 14 DO
Jan. HtM 14 UJ U 77H 18 77S U
Uauu si. mm 8 :s 8 73 ru
Oct. 8 K 8 65 8 67H Btr 156
i fK) ll T77S 71 TO)
ep. Sir.'S 8V74 tl B7H
Ott tt , 8 87V, (tS STS IW
Jan ffu T4Q 7 87S 7 87' t
T, tlmaUvl reeetpt MondAy Wbt,
tM) can: cart 1,'ulear oat 44 4ui h0,
XtA aead; tor next we, I86,OUO head.
UaoeIpt4 at lca-o ldiv Wt,
Jiiiiirv. 140 ear, oatract. It earc sprlas II
r. eoatrAct. ., ear ear. kU ear (wia
ract 87 r t 864 ear: oa tract l)r
KSa City. Ma, Sept. !S.?tllR4
(pta. MI4 nalvo. 1H lalppad jealerdsy
IW caive. aft Th tsar hat fur food
tail UMiil trof, oi bora aa; ,
lull aad aia taady. lector dull and low
w. Tvi (( ri dull a4 .
Draawd tf I blpiia sltwr. tl 4 tttj
i ..f Mt.i svar 44,4U n and Sifr,
It v;l J.'v Tia aad ladu attwra, rshs)
Vm a I laJia twaa, 61 ru6 lai
ttwkai tad 1,-e.tof, ll tJ, Wiiad, II 88
ltu - Kovt. . ll bliMl irMUrdar,
Uit T a4rk abuat ataadt, imi.u
tirtnaf aj ( vM'B ak lrll rS4 ItiMU
SI M at
ht Kvip I t aalniNKd teat!, 41.
Vb awrVt dtH Hu.ktara sat wat4
tad aiavMt aatnatl
ta MWaUti e lifwalU h:
W M 4 iWt ....,.., 4U
M I Ill M
. ... - iw a, 4
1 Ilk l I 8 ......... t t
I'cki U"tjl , t MHMat
, A t i af hkm la
t Start, I wi IM im tlkft t).d draft,
aat tMt4a ut tH. tt-w a
M !.. 8akm aUiA XMt Ut
Ult. fH al atr 4 I4
H f vrv v ? r. af M
w Vltl v Ii4te4t4
trini Octobet IRSX Par ates!onlon busineas
rui and (hoi t band court run continuously
th yer ronnd. The larirest. chpet nd best
Batdnei School In the west. Impolys thn
napenar penmen, writ for catalogue to
Urw-oln Busineas Collefe Lillissjdg k Gir
mi. iiui anu o ms. j rt, uneoin, !to.
Hair Death
Instantly removes and forever destroy
oj minus, iaca, arm or rjecu, wttsout au
c coloration or Injury to th most delicate
, j-
sskln. It was lor Ufty rears tba Mwrat
formal of K ru ui us Wilson. cknwl-
rz edeed by pnyxlclans a th hlKbest au- lu
thorlty sbO moHtemlnent derm itologlst ta
jCI And h&ir ftTWi&iti.t. r.har vr liwwl. Imr. T.
line V. I a rtri , a r.. irm rut UfA.tlm
; auons tbe nobility and aristocracy of
i Europe he prescribed this recipe, trie
8U by malt secure ly packed. Corres
pondnnc confidential. Sol agents for
America. Address w
I Dept. R, 67 South Tlftb Ave., New Yrk.
'Des Moines' Wire Reel
FiU the
with the
a e e o
w h a b
or iiiov
insr fan
side or
out Sid
any wf
on box.
W pay
the freight. Oh cap, Sthomo, ErriCTiv
I viu iwr circulars, prices, etc.
Dea Koines Equalizer Co., Mfrs.,
iat'.sn Ttni ui ... ,a. w..
) ilsi lie, Carwtlpetlva, lyseala, fhrsala
Uy.-n,vry, Olfraalia llreatk, aad all dkfc
arJcrs r lb Hommh, Uur aad Bewet.
l'lnn, Tabulis ctm'nm nntUns; Isltttioaj ta
ll moot d-fliiwu- rotiniimtitwi. Are iileaawt to
ink, mfe, .'! i-iiU. r,d (rive lini..lfiit relief.
tl. Jsy I on) r.-l lliromh nearest iLruaita.
tahynuM, Ssiaple frr by autl. AOdmoT
Csmcers Cured.
I Will IM libmllv tnT lh nanu.. ..1 -J.I
I. ' J . ' ' ' ' . H HU
of persaos auffenng from cancer, Guarantee a
-...mnviunui mi iMirt, no mailer it esse
hjs been given up by others, write me at one
PbyrKians supplied Wlth ren)eiT ,t librra, di,
count. Knil 1 nnnw .nil i n.,v...,;nn. .... .
treatment, Iso.
Fort Payne, Ala.
Pearl Steel Mill
and Tower.
Will run 20 yesr trttMut eH.
" in seau loem on SO SSfS Utt Mai.
.iu,, uvaauaiaciory ur me pur
chaser it Ann ha Mfn.n.j A ...
-- . v..u. tin ,v Ul
and an aae fMlaht kuk
We give tbe afrunffeal teonro-Jyof any
Cnmnnn. In n. k...lHno. .,
- u. m? WU.IHOB., tuere
by Crotectlnir van nail mi ....-
suilir r nunillBL iibmbi in nnna nw m as
1 m " """" swaaw VS SSU
Write for full particulars and
Batavb, IUatCo.,111.
IJlliM Pin A 4n.4 t CL at aa
- w wv mvi
(oii trtna rstr t . Ct. 1 .
Outtoa? 1 M Bostoa School
t Ssd tar tasaptets lllastratsd Cataiogua.
I haar good words only from iIuim who nt.
mniss wiu. Mm I AMka I...
for year, aad aaa baaa ll .Ih.1 ni, ,k.
atty ortatt, 1 that) lay bs glad to tay a good
II A.frttiiM. II...... a. r l ..
m aasrrx (ami.
41 Caf rtas It, Ul frfraklt t I0ITM,
MiiuuHirl l'a.'lrl.i aM nff 1 n tk
lowt rst- lor round trip Ikkot tst the
ui .ne Bir, tt-u iur rtturo UttUI
Nitv. n,)s 1.'. Iwa ts r.l....l
taa!a ui'nf? tourist ticket l th
Uslial 1,11 tut, la A.11 k.. t
kaitled at iitrj I2nl t rw. Mnoola,
a..t. 1 1.. , . . . . . . m .
i1"'! it- ii t.H, v. v. a or u.
UTuwicvaMtK i. t. A T, A. fit Irfiuts,
I's North wralera lib Ut tl.
lw raw, last In la. tttlu lias
SI. ,1 Ptf.h Huffy larrlaf rs aad
rWf!. at lvwt ftlcwa. i'atal'i'guo
sad prtaw llt eth and Maie I
9U, bV J, jUt, f
ae"-.. . mmm.
Limcout, Neb., Aug. io, 1S93.
SulpHo-SxUne Bath Co., Lincoln, Neb.
Oentlemen 1 have been a victim ot rheamatian
for sereral rears past, 1 have suffered intensely at
times, and nave gone to tbe Hot Springs of South
Dakota, and the Hot Springs of Arkansas fire
tiue, seeking relief. I have also taken maeb
medicine under the directions of able physicians.
Ahont one month ago I suffered from one af the
asoat violent attacks of the disease, and at once be
gan taking hot salt water baths at yoar new and
splendid bath house in this city. Under the rare of
xoar gentlemanly and efficient attendant. Mr. Henry
fcchmntte, I have, 1 think, entirely recovered.
- From experience and my observation of- the re
sults of treatment of many patients at the Hot
Springs shove nacteil and at your bath house, I am.
convinced tint betterand quicker results can be ob
tained by course of hot salt water bath at Your
bath house than at any other place In the country.
. 1 do not hesitate not only to recommend, but to
urge every person suffering from rheumatism to try
a course oi baths at your bath house under the
directions of one of the physicians io cbsrge.
I believe your new and magnificent bath house
will 1 rove a great bkssing to the many victims
of rheumatism In this vicinity, and I hope it will re
ceive the liberal patronage it merits.
- You hsve not requested i,f me anv testimonial,
but I deem it proper that f should acknowledge the
great relief f have received at your hands, snd you
may as whst I have said in such manner as you
may deem proper. Very respectfully,
J. B. Sthods.
The above from Judce Strode is but
a sample of tbe many similar testimon
ials we have received without solicita
tion and wbich will appear from time
to time In these columns.
Sclpho-Saune Bath Co.
Fourteenth and M streetss, Lincoln.
Molar Roots Banded
with Gold and Porcelain Crowns,
the finest and most durable
crowns ever mads.and unexcelled
for beautv. ; i
Removable Bridge Work
AU Gold or part Vulcanite.
We are pnttlnR np the Ineit remov
able bridge work on gold and French
Vulcanite aver made, superior to any
thing ever before offered to tbe pabtlo.
Can be worn with tbe greatest eomfort,
and costs leas than ordinary bridge
work. . Is easy to repair, but seldon
breaks or needs repairing.. We also
put np artificial teeth with cold palate.
tbe finest artificial teeth ever Bad.
AU work warranted first class or no
sale. This stylo of work Is supremo
perfection for public speakers.
Aluminum can be used Instead of cold.
if desired. The back under molars cast
be restored with . the greatest perfeo
tion which are so useful, and prevent
the cheeks from sinking in,
Fine gold fillings of pure gold at ver
reasonable rates.
Dr. A. P. Burrus,
ROOIII 9 AKD 10, 1208 0 BTEEEl.I
Xslxxoolxa, CTola.
Missouri Pacific Railway.
Ticket Office at Depot and corner Twelfth and
Leave. Aril Tea.
Auburn aad Neb City Exp.... '13:25 pm c.:aonm
St. Louis day Kxpress auras nm S:sona
Auburn and Neb Cily liap.. 9:,0p m &4 i m
St. Louis night Express 9:30 p m 6?aS a n
Accomocahon a ao pm 8;g a m
Union Pacific Railway.
Omaha, Council Bluffs
Chicago, Vslley, east
and west
Beatrice, Blue Springs,
, Manhattaa east and
west. Toorki. Kma,
to:os a m
1 6: jo p ot
i!4S p ra
t r$Q p Bi
17:59 p m
1 10:40 a n
J SO p n
te:o t
Citv. east and south. I
David City, Stromsbura;..
Duma wiy, ustiu taty,
I oluu bua, Drnvar,
Salt Uke, Helena.
San Franatsco and
Her.trict and Cortland. .
Fremont, Elkborn and Missouti Valley
Depot eornsr Eighth od 8 street. City Uckt
omc 1133 e street.
Waheo, Frtmont, Nor- 1
tola, l ong Pia, I h-d
row, U N. Ill, Dae.
"oJ. Hlatk 1 1 lilt aad
Wyossinif puinU
H'i a. si rM p
Wsh, KraaMat, M
nart Vallry, Csuar
Haptds, C'hKsar aad
aat ktaditca, Md.
WaalM, Muai City,
MlaManalia, St. Haul.
Iruiulh and Nuilh.l
Ml sal '
i p at it as p
yraawial Acai'datia
. o pa, y i a
I'm Virl ..i n. . . ,
how rate. lat . . .f."
lUrhstaA t-.i- v ...
i..-. V wme ti the
t hspe.t proporij In Moooln for sal
aat ta rt lilZ rm J
," 8UWI.KH,
Ifaaitn lu, ItHi o bin i.
- . . ......kW srain tlce.
A Da.aiM tor (.,. ri... i. .
now ;r,r.h;.r.u r: .r.Tr.?. r1
it! fa7i.7 uzzr.srj w
lt ra, ur
rurtlikaU r.iK . . ,i