The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, September 07, 1893, Image 8

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1. 1
Vatcraas Mot Given tha Prf:r!a la
th Appoiutmaot of X'ui -le Ofllc a
Itaqulrad by aa Old Law Co m
saaadar - la Cuirf WaUMrt'
Ambus! I'rport Many
Mar bled Mora IS'JS.
f.vr! ax atoms, Ind., .Vpt 7. The
' first session of the national encamp
went of the (i. A. R. bejfitn thin morn
' uf( at U;30 o'clock, as did aho the first
session of the Woman's llelief rpa
ooDvtotiou aud the Daughter of the
One of the most important reports
mad a to the national encampment
w. that of Urn special committee on
legislation bv Chairman Keay. The
purpose of the appointment of the
committee was to do somethirifr to se
cure the enforcement of the
two federal laws, almost totally
disregarded for many years, the first
providing" that those discharged from
military or naval services by reason
of wounds or privations incurred in
the iiue of duty should have a prefer
ence in the appointment to public of
fices and the other reeommending'that
honorably discharged men should be
S referred by tho business men and
rms of the country for lucrative em
ployqient On this subject the report
ays:' .
At ths time of tn tkinr our report to the ns
ttoosi eiictiupinont ut Wsililnnton, U. C, we
succeeded la eultw beforj cooyre a bill
wblcb. If enarled Into law, would have greatly
beneOled our Interests. The committee de
stroyed Its value for the purpoae ws bad ui
view. We eatrd s vlxorou protnxt.
Letters snd telejrsms to the ifrntlRinsn wbo
Introduced ibe senate bill snd to tbe chairman
of the copimlttue of tnat body whlish had re-
ported it batik "wltn an ainendmitnt 'showslng
--now not to ao it" received no attention
baps they wore unworttiy a reply.
The grand army of tbe renublfc, united as
i tie
one In s common causa, aKited by the sons
Of veterans sad si) pttlriollu people, must at
taek the citadel where the latter day enemies
ot ths veterans are entrenched, clmrln II
ax am and axaln and never vouee advanulnv,
ebarxlnir and nrlof, until they have won
tbe victory Your committee Is pleased to
announce that, with a view to securing
early conalderatloa of IL It h,im, as smondnd
In tbe commltlDo, but which fulled In the
rifly-eecond oonxrees, It bos already been re
introduced In both branch of the Fifty-third
coni-rc, now In spuciul ;miIoo, If "eternal
vlftllaiiue" tie now eiereUod by the member
ship of our organization It will soon become a
law We desire to alo renew the recommen
dation m mIo In our first report that they are
suoh a experience has taught are nnceaaury to
tbs pro30cutlon of tbe war lor veteran' rights
The report and address of 'Com
mandor-lii-Chiof Weisscrt was deliv
ered this afternoon. He reviewed the
progress of the order during the past
year . and made allusion to the
death during that time of two illus
trious comrades, ex-President Butb
erford II. Hayes and Oeneral lien
Jamln V, IS u tier. Continuing ho said:
While our loaders are fust passing away
there hits beun an uuunuslly larxo death loss
among the rank and file, amon tboaa who
earrlod a iruu and knapnacU durlm tbe lute
war, and poll charter throughout the order
bave been repeatedly draped with the
Insignia of mourning The Ion tiv douth
la the ranks of tbe U. A. H during tbe vast
year la 7.001. This U an exte of any pro
vlom mortuary return. Add to the llgure
theeitnntled Ions amon vetoran not mem
bers of the order, uniouutlng bv a couitervatlve
Sttlmale to 7.600, we huve a total to by death
tnong the union votor.ttu of u,M)j,
Qln the returns for DeeeTnber', IM, thore was
an Increase la membership of x,omi ovnr tbe
June previous In xood standing and s largo In
crease was eonildently luolted for In Juno, but
the desired result wm nmoritulned. After most
earnest effort mode by headquarters to In
crease I bo memberKhin In iochI standing,
a loss from June mi, ot pverS.UW must bo re
ported. The determination to 'weed out all
member who are practically a dead to
the order, tok-oint-r with the - pressure
In flnaauiat mutters throughout tbe
country, from official reports, Is
largely the ratir-e. I am pleaitcd, however,
to be able to report the delinquent lint for the
aame poriofl reduced by almost 4.U01 The
total membership of the Clrnnd Army ot the
Itepubllo Is 4ia,f5t. of whleh W.tti are In good
standing; suHrwrnled, 41,001; by delinquent re
ports. 4,fki?. The nulu by muster Uurin the
past year t 14, H.
The commander said there were
four ponts of the O. A. K. iu Canada,
one ia the City of Mexico, one in Hon
olulu (tail lie had received au
application for ono at Lima,
in tho republic of Peru. During
the year just closed there had
been more culls for ro lie n in years
past and the same was liberally given.
The official reports show that &177,
845.53 was disbursed by the various
post on the work. The Woman's
keliof corps had distributed for the
relief of comrades, the families of des
titute comrades and the widows and
orphans, fAM'-'fUT: amount turned
over to pot during the year. 831, toil.
80s amount for memorial day, ?14,.
SSLSUt uittkinir a total amount ex
pended for relief sluoo organization of
4I.:M W. Thj corps had a total
membership of i34,;m, an increase
over lostyesr of over 4..HK).
The report of Adjutant General
Gray shons tint the present encamp
ment ut made up of I, Is? members
representing 7.8J8 pou, forty-five de
partuumta and 3l7.?l member. The
suspended members number 4r..a;t.
Ihirlitg the year there were 7,00
deaths. For charity HTMIX-V va
spent a total aluc the order fnun
datluti of S.'.'tttO.Doa. The order has
Issued v:,:is fUf.
' T ie f'alitulle umt.
CttK-40, Kept T Ari'UUshop Cur
rli'an tf New VorU tho thief
figure In 1 1 day's al.rt of the l ath
olid eottgr-. lie was rf ivea s hearty
reception and Wloflr addreued the as
semUUge. Ttt-day's wneh ia the cm
I res was Isrgvly in eHitmitte and
U dtscutio laid hUH the etuigreas
Is divided la U tter eou-.taer iu detail
the essay subjects.
H ' lit ttetsfttttif,,
Lowtttis, pi, T The lr of la
Mr raMNi f.r tue lateratUnts) gu!4
9 f 7 the iU) l Yloturia Yal
tlab was s-sIImI t. y. TVts tHmtee
laatsj werst tbe t'lUwwi WaW yaehl
HilUaai att4 m .Nsvaawe. Ibe
tlrivaai wo.
eierM MaawMU tvttsw t4
ttoevwJt, Mept, t-Jwh K DwitfW
Is iei M4sie erltU dt. jester
! fM W years.
pMfWiU Battle JSelwawti a TslatsaaJ'S
rem aa4 Territvry Daadlts.
Oklaboma Citt. Ok., Sept 7. Word
has been received here of a desperate
battle between Deputy United States
Marshal O. S. Harris' posse and two
desperadoes called "Three-Fingered
Jack" and Tecumseh, a negro, near
Keouk Falls, on the border
of Oklahoma. When they
were informed, 'Three-Fingered
Jatk" and Tecumseh would
be at a "top dance" in that neighbor
hood that nizht with a quantity of
whisky, HarrW and hit posse laid in
wait for them and surroun led them
in the road. The desperadoes drew
revolvers in each hand and rode
through tho guard in front of them,
keepiujr up a constant Are. They
fired four shots before the pose
opened on mem. xecuiuncii a jioreo
was killed ontl jacKS wounueo, ou
botli escaped.
Harris had uve men in n s party ano
they were all on foot and were nuable
to follow the desperadoes. Later
news has reached here Ih it Teeumseh
was shot through tho body and could
not possibly recover. Three lingered
Jack's name is Iloone, and he was a
member of the Dal ton tcanif There
is a large reward offered for him in
ITimiii whr ho la wuat
where he u wan l hi for train
robbery. Tccumsch is also a bad man op helped to mane the frightened peo
and is wanted on several charges at pie believe that guns and munitions of
Fort Smith.
lloinvseeker on the Lookout for l'enon
Net I'roperl yu!lfl.l.
Wichita, Kan., Sept 7. A move
ment was inauguarated here yester
day to form what might bo termed a
vigilance committee. The purpose of
the association is to organize s system
of espionage over men who intend to
enter the Cherokee strip lands con
trary to the splritof the law governing
its opening, and fighting their title to
claims should they tako any. The
particular fellows they are after are
I ii owe wno may oe worm over t.uuv
or hav 100 acres of land.
The incentive for tbe movement is
. . . , ...
the knowledge of the fact that hun
dreds of people who are well fixed are
ostensibly putting their property out
1)1 their possession in order to be in
shape to enter the strip under the law.
They Hold a llarmoulou ' Convention
and Niiiu J, 01. Joseph for Governor.
Dks Moisks, Iowa, Sept 7. The
Populist state convention, held here
yesterday, was entirely harmonious.
The attendance was up to the average
of similar gatherings in recent years,
about 300 accredited delegates being
reported. A full state ticket was
nominated The platform indorses the
Omaha declarations und says there
are only two parties, the People's and
vno gum. upon me uinuncuvo siaio
mnuu ui jjniiii miwuu mo (jiuuuriu ia iu
present law until It can
be succeeded by state or national con
trol of tho liquor trafllc. The ticket
named is as follows: Governor, J. M.
Joseph of Creston; lieutenant gov
ernor, f). A. Ott of Des Moines; su
preme judge, A. W. C. Weeks of
Wlntersct; state superintendent, Mrs.
Wlthrow of Marshatltown.
tprlng a iarprUe on tho Itepest Force-
Demand a Quorum at All .Time.
' Washisotos, Sept 7. -The silver
men in the senate yesterday sprung a
surprise on tho repeal forces in the
declaration of Mr. Stewart that here
after a quorum of tho senate would
have to bo present when senators
spoke upon the silver question, if tho
opponents ot ropcal insist upon a
quorum being present at all times, it'
i, .... .1 1 t
interfere with the program of the
trieuus ot the repeal.
I 4 ,
--.. Kau City (rain.' .
Prices vers quoted as follows: No, t hsrd
wheat, No- s hard wheat Blis51Ho: No.
4 hurd wheat 4Ufl.r.J',o. relected hard whout,
4wnre No a ro.i Mh.iat. fii.v.n- No. a -nit
wheat. Bin Mo: No 4 rod wheat, 4i350o. j
CoitN-Wo firm and at the cloae prices were
fully le htijhor than yesterday. Offerings were
not lime and Cciimnd was very brlate. Ite
col pt i of com 6i enru, a year a,-o, tlJ cara Na
t mixed Co, a oid at Ulc; No 3 mixed, 3ix$
SOijo No 4 mixed, o; no urade, niHo- No.
t white. M'iK. No, 3 white. aovftMo. Na 4
white, tin. Shtpiior pul.l Mit.ioso for No t
rorn The Mmrhl quotation wm nominally
37i0 Mi()ili)pl rtver.
- tutshold ratbor slowly, but wers not
quotubiy lowor. Koccipt of ptits to-day, S3
cum u sear u a, U km. No 8 mixed oats
seid atS.jS4; eboto heavy, Kl premium:
NO 8, I8J.IHC No 4 tIH0. No. t Wh.t. t"i
'.Vc No. S white. WSSo. Kvs Scarce Not
nominally 4-VSKo river: No X 4;'a I'L ax
M HO-Nominally M in.-o pur lu upon the
b;tN of pure er lota sunll lots, J4a less.
Chtesfo Hoard of Tardv
CitlCAi.iX Sept. TTbe followls! table
his the nrn of price for active future
on luard of tudo to d.iy :
LSKtl- Pi IU
' Jan f
. 4 11'
K iMiil r a fi
I Ml ar t 4 at I o S. f
r Mfirt,
im h'a,
HmiB at ("Vi I Wael
wtntw ?t ihmiuvI S ear. pna:, M
M MMittMi. ear wa at! ear;
leant ti t ot i UI r olrvl, sat
tiN tltt 1 ItK afiHK,
Ks rivv, Mi, s t -.
!, tIMt ial, M. aStrt4 vaMM4Jt,
Sai ! I Si TM MfSl wm tailtj o-ine
aa4 i4y lui gaud tiMt 4 e4 jwwsua
aaa Vs air iwr thR sa4 rJ
siim4 ii4r T tMr SaU a4
va tit ia t w4 t4 (
trt4 Wt aJ ii ri4l Hrt1 M aiv f.
a4 sol It 4 Vta I 1HS
!? ..iiai l4 l4 t 14
IDS awters M4 Ho- 4 ,;4 M ait4
II. wf
Hwlvl S.. a U4 e4e4t.
S tm i a va m ei
H..i.t S lll.iB j'lIlj I !f.u'tl -'.PM
-- '- - I , - - i -I a I t
WHS4T-.-n. U rt si, rs mv4
tvt ftv, m mv i mJ
iHtf I", M. OKV 0I
ivt -i! i is 4
Mv 41 tl
Hop ir.i , u , ris ti
ihX. .4 MS It ti 4
May. W , J ' !), SH
iwi ii iv iit htai ill si iiis
I3tt lliu MM 14
n VU III 1 14
tut f)' fi ?U4
fH'i IJU fV tS
w uo u
I '' l rl luiU hMKlIt
Two More sllsalaf .
OSfii-U Neb.. Sept 7. District
oirt eonrenes today and the grand
I wr Will sit tnd investigate into the
v hy snd wherefore of the loss to the
ounty of some of the funds held in
trust by the absconding treasurer.
Scott. The authorities here are look
ing pret iy hard for Scott, but what the
outcome will be no one knows. Inter
est has diverted somewhat from tie
missing treasurer by reason of the cofa
tinued absence ot Banker Adams and
his brother of the Holt connty barik,
and the general impression prevail
that they have p-one for good, but t-he
motive or nfce- tv for going is not ap
parent on the si. face at present. The
bond of O. O. Snyder, appointed re
ceiver of the ban'-," Is about completed
and it is cxpectea he will begin opera
tions oop. t
Caused CJulte a Hrare.
Cfrrris, Xeb , Sept. 7 Muoh excite
ment prevails at Summer poNtollice,
about twenty miles eouthwet of here,
over a scare to the effect that the Cath
olics are determined to take thLt coun
try by force. Owing to general hard
times, or some other unknown reasons,
services are hot being held in the Cath
olic church at that place and hence the
windows were boarded up for protec
tion against stones or olMacleH that
miirht possibly be thrown by reckless
boys. These windows being boarded
(war were stored therein. Meetings
I have been called for the purpose of
organizing a militia to quell any dl-
f iiprM n.j.
Itnrglars at Aurora,
Ai-roba, Neb., Sept. 7.TJi! e .uty
fair opened here yesterday pi d seems
to be accompanied by more than the
usual number of thieves and burglars.
Wednesday night parties - broke into
the residence of Dr, S teenberg and stole
bis watch and a small sum of money.
At the residence of Mr. Halter, of the
(inn of Baker & Wales, thieves also
broke in and stole a suit of clothes, his
tvnf.'li anil almnt. El In mrinpv. No H r-
rests have been made. There arc quite
.... v -ii.,.
a number of Idlers loanng arouna
town, among them a quartette of
colored young men, who have been
hanging around the saloons' singing,
who will be clofely watched and will
probably find it advisable to move on.
T11 Itock Items
Taui.e Bock, Neb,, Sept '.An ora
torical and musical entertainment was
held in the opera house Tuesday even
ing that was a sequel to the oratorical
contest hell horo a few weeks ago.
The managers of the house procure the
prize winners of the occasion, Mr. J. L.
Uaughey, Misses Lulu and Daisy Iicr
lin and Lilian Jenkins, and they gave
a very good performance, which was
enthusiastically received,
A harvest home service at the Me th
ou Mi church and a publio installation
of Christian Endeavor officers at the
I Presbyterian church drew out largo
crowd of church-goers at tlicte places
of worship Jnst Sunday,
Ktreedt Expectation.
ffK'KMAS, Neb., Sept. 7. The fit
tendance at the fair yesterday exceeded
the expectations of the most sanguine.
Notwithstanding the fact that Mrs.
Kirkcmiall was not expected to make
a bnloon ascension today, a purse was
subscribed and she gavo n good ex
hibition of her skill. Tomorrow she
will make mother nscension. In the
nices May Day won first money in tho
three minute race hr:.11!i. Rainbow
I won second money. In the 2:45 race,
(Chnrley It. won first money and Haby
jllahuw second. The management is
induing extensive preparuuons 10 en
tcrtatn tho thousand tha will bo in
attendance to-day.
Found a Dead Man.
Omaha, Sept. 7. The body of a man,'
well dressed, was found in a vacant
lot went of llrownjll hall yesterday
'I'l... .... ...:,i,i
The coroner was notified
and viewed tho remains, From ptipers
found on his person it wa3 learned his
tuuiiu was Anton C. Lnrsen. ' AVhen
SiMirched at the morgue a gold watch,
&' in ensh and a baby's gold ring were
found in the purse of tho deceased.
Close Inquiry developed the fact that
the dend man lived at 1727 South Fit-
tecntli street, and was employed as a
clerk iu Iltlooncr's dry 'goods store. It
Is probable the coroner will hold an
David Newntau's Dratlu
I.ix;,oi.s, Xebraskn, September 7.
The remains of David Newman, who
was Killed by tho cars at Mendota.IU.,
wh 1 attempting to get on the train
whi!?ltwa& in mr-tlon, arrived here
yest.rdny, in chirge of a delegation
of Mi'tnitita ivniirht Teiuplitr, of
whinh Miciety deeeuod wks a promi-
n nt tiH'iubcr, In getting on the train
Mr. Newman caught the hand rail but
in.ssel tho btcp, falling between the
c:r 4.
SaiAhKil lll II ami in a Thresher.
(Kt s.oi.a. Nek, Sept. 7. One of I.. L,
Her f, wm met with a very severe acci
dent, near here. lie was at work
around a threshing machine and hi. p-jviK-il
to ptuoj his left hand on the belt
that arts the cylinder. Ilia hand was
draun in U-twei'ti the Wit and the
liit j e wheel jin I vrnhed. 1 1 w as
th-ni'il tlut perhaps the lund could
Ih Kuril, but ve'tiday th diH'tor
antpntated t!ie hand jiit abve the
Xw t Imnh at I'a Mhl.
Vk Witt, Nvb S f I. 7. -The PpKeo.
plliip are upy ing their new churvh.
It U n Wrmtlful atriu lure coating over
M.issi, The rrcl-r, l!v. iWrnard
t hirhe, eawiw Jauii y into amaii
lut'on and has awnnplialuHi the work
f building a tine ihitrvh ami guitr
ing a urgv i-vingiegatioti with uet re
Uiar'..t U S'iee -a.
tHvetutwl a tsiawsle
DtheT t Cl IV, NeU, K. pt t.-The
demnfratie runty n-titral tom. tee
hss Hd liie dale of tUe vouuiv tm
teut on VrHr-mWr ?1 atul the iUiv at
JacKoiH. t iui.!ertl wia.rtflin; was
ladulirvtl la bv prH- ti r u.i.ltes
all nhiarf ii Ml hKii they voutd
d.l U.v the utl strenctli tid tidually
fas tttt lewtiaaiy '
Olltllt, Nelv, Nrpl. T - IhetVloass
aeai tiary ha ks ii.'eTdi jr remir
fsr several it.iys t ivHtratiwy Uth
iwalng ( tH i4m u tvnWiuUr M.
lhtWn, nfvMHi 4, I- lliiia,
katsrrivd, and U tuakiwf ausk
' - ,
f!t I the prd. tiuar
, ws.
They Are
la reea'.Ur aail
Kassai Citt. Ma, Sept 7. B. P.
Copen haver, Thomaa V. Nevitt and
George IL Lyona of the county court
of St Clair county, who were released
from tbe Jackson connty jail ia
July for the purpose of returning borne
to call a special election to - vote
on a compromise on the old bond
question, returned to Kansas City last
night. This morning they went to
the federal building to call on Judge
Philips and submit their report The
special election was held last Wednes
day and the qualified voters of bt
Clair county decided ba vote of l,9ll
to )7U that they would not settle at
the rate of fifty cents on the dollar tho
$1.00,01K) worth of indebtedness
which the county owes on bonds is
sued many years ago for the construc
tion of the febo and Neosho railroad.
The Judges have considerable respect
mingled with a large proportion of
fear for Judge Philips, and to this
morning they sent W. W. Law ton, tbe
prosocu.lng attorney of 8t. Clair
county, to learn his edict. He was
informed that ho would have to wait
until the stress of federal business was
over before any new order would be
made regarding the unfortunate
It is thought that in view of the
many liberties they were allowed here
while In Jail Judge Philips will order
their removal to the Henry county
jail with instructions to thu marshal
to treat them no better than other
prison rus. The Judges themselves are
satisfied they will have to languish in
cells until January 1, when their
terms of office expire.
In 1805 the election of a new county
court will be in order, but it is not
thought that a man will be found in
t-t. Clair county willing to accept the
nomination with the prospect of a
term in jail as the only re
sult of electiou. Tho question
arises in this connection whether
under tho law the present county
judges will have to serve until their
successors are elected and qualified or
whether they will be allowed to step
down and out In the former event
they may have to remain in jail for
life and in the latter event tit Clair
county will be without a county
court and consequently without
means to collect revenue or transact
necessary business.
lie Tries to Hob an Krpre Car but Is
, Thwarted by Handy Manger,
Aukaxsas City, Kan., Sept 7. As
the north bound Hanta Fo passenger
train pulled out of Orlando on the
southern boundary of the strip last
evening a man on a horse started out
be side of tho train. When tho train
got away from the town and entered
the strip it struck a heavy up grade
and ran slow enough for the horseman
to beep up with it. ,
When the man caught up with the
express car he tried to get in the door
from the back of his horse. The mes
senger, realizing that an attempt was
being made to rob the express car in a
novel manner, opened fire on him.
The ground on which the man was
riding was very rough and bis horse,
after stumbling several times, fell to
his knees, throwing the would-bo, rob
ber over his head. The train had at
this tlrrto got to the top of tho grade
and ns it increased its momentum the
express messenger fired a parting shot
at the man on the ground.
The shooting attracted the attention
of the passengers who filled tho car
windows with their heads and two of
tho took shots at the receding horse
man. ' ' '
The Wtiy and Mean Committee I.Utens
: to ; Manufacturer.
Washington-, Sept' 7. When tho
ways and means committee resumed
its session this morning, W. O. Whit
comb of the Whltcomb metallic bod
stead company of liirmincrham, Conn.,
and John Day and W. II. Edsall.repre
sentlng II. L. Jndd &C'o., of New York,
munufucturers of bedsteads and up
holsterers' hardware, presented argu
ments in favor of the retention of the
present duties on the above mcutioned
artii'lcH, mid a modification of tho
duties on raw materials entering into
them, Whltcomb stated that
he was formerly an impor
ter of metallic bedsteads, and
becoming convinced of the rapid
dmnutid for these goods In this country
had decided to establish a plant in
Atiivr'tcti. His company had invested
Miio.o ) in the business, and now after
having operated for about torn1 leaps
ei; 'itist getting a solid foothold. His
company was itblo to sell goods at
from teii to twenty per cent less than
w hen he was an Importer.
Artu'tl f-Rroe lor the t'oal fluid.
Kansas I'lTV. Mo., Sept 7. A special
trktn on the MUaourt Piiclllo bearing
t.Yi negro men and women, the men all
Brined with Winchesters, passed
through St Louis this morning for
Sou then tern Kaunas, Kansit City
ci'ul opermors say they are for the
Ml teuiri l'aeUli mines at Yale In
iri wfurd iuiintv.
May ol lie hot Allr Alt,
W'asuimitos, ,Spt 7 The govern
men l may after all take steps to pr
vent tho execution of the two t'hero
tier wtut aro ru'iitiMiecd to W ahol
ttcplrmtar The matter was dl
i v e I at the cabinet meeting yter
l.i , but the full seope of the tn
met mis trivew the secretary o( the
lnter:r emiUI not b learned.
AnHilier t u,Mry iUivr4
liuitu, N;t t. -Tbe lkl An-
ig r sjya that a widespread Nlhiltw
tU otnirey, the objwt of whloa
li a-'.iunH-h I ha death of the
!te, h Wvn itiaeovvr.Nl at Mveow.
lUghty-nv sludeatt, eiht irvfaior
tnd Ave lade witti Iwiuiig ta etlst
uatie fin ite are liMptWaV).
-' --
ha awatlay I at lluls
CU , eet T. Apparently J nd)
ityin's order ttretaf Sunday
iWnjroHh world's fair will steal
lathe end ot (he tipualtia. Jad
t'.wintf lvUi, after matare deUtwtir
L, Ueoltue4 to latlrv
The i'.hetra Kuaa Vedieal
(aatMiatlw) la - v ia s.iaveatia t
mi Wsvlt, Kan. 1 He oevaah. U Iks)
arlerly uteeUnf l Ike aovUtbi,
J. W. CASTOR President.
J. P. BOUSE. Vice-President.
Tbe Od!j State llatnal Inssnsu Company Granted i Charter.
J. W. Castok, Emerald, Neb.
J. P. ROCS. Alvo. Neb.
J. L Hk.rma.nce, Ratmocd, Neb.
A. GitEENHa.MYEK.Cheeney, Aeb.
B. 11. Davis, Byracus, Neb-
J. A. Flores, Goehner, Neb.
J. A. Babb. Yrk, Neb.
W. J. IIildreth, Exeter. Nfcb.
N, 8. HYATT, President, Neb.
passing through a wonderfully succesi-ful year, and the farmers are tak-
I lng bold of tbe work in a way
X asd thoir satlsfacuon wltn tne
thtiuuh tbe comnaLV has oustalmd nearly twenty losses since January 1st, t
bave been promptly met, and nettled
of insurance written by the company
bus ---,
Fire and Llghtniug
. Wind and Tornado
That tbe spleodld growth and prosperous condition of tho company U due to the
fact that the company have a fee paid In for the purpose of moptiog the losses
promptly, and without the expense, bother aod dotay or an g-etment, is ap
parent to all who have made a study of the work. We desire to call the atten
tion of all farmers to our company, and respectfu ly invito all to come in and
talk with ua or writ for by-laws and all lniormation concerning me company,
before putting their Insurance elsewhere. Address all corumuoicatLms to the
Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company or Nebraska. Rooms- 5 acd tf, Halter
Block, Lincoln, Neb. Offloe, Corner 13th and P St.
Le Grand
J. W. H A.RTJLiHJ-5r & CO
To (he Reader of The Alliance
Having purchased the entire business of J. W. Hartley tfe V
Co.. I want to 6udd1v all of the patrons of the old firm with J
good?. If yoo want to save
prices on any and all kinds of
All orders bv mail will receive mv womnt attention. "Tit-
, .
Call and see us when you are
member I guarantee entire satisfaction. - - , .. . , i ;
OA K flAiitli 114-Vi a T 'haaIii irAk l v
I 1 I I l I I IF l fHaa1PM"'lf ' " I I hi 'III I yn-mrcwsmmwvmmmm 1 .
268 Foot Front.
Second Laret Normal
rrillS SCHOOL 1 now In full owtrsllon in all II
A nctiial Bt'vutliure. There hi ben t lsl I'txittO -ent In btilUIInt a lW, nd we u
n iuiisl atiioimt in 1SK1. Vi n-d now SO lo T liouar to iconinici)iUi the I'tidcsU. Ws .t
Mlllug iou fnui lauooto I4u0 ou ty mrni
a tttiiu ilitt urn Kuiouibs, llu) s lot, ttUId a
I situai! on nisb ttiiii"! rouna ovvtiuosini m i spsioi c iiv- s cny w sn roo iiu
rueucvlo-l mi tlm ctiv bl lw til cf. lliirft ivi iu 1 U Cnvl rriil
rlty ut l.lnrolii nt I is l ! to lmnl four tblklrva. Vus I v riijr dvmiiiiraii
Int. It votl ra ibliikliti nf itiwtlBf ruur eolldron to M-bul buy s tut, ttu.'ld S boumsI r
of llU will lr sit Iltof. n4 will l' for IimpII In a linn imia. kubnl
wall Hani nf Um) l l Hi rolli-L-lr Bi pus In tslily ii-tii lit lMi,( lot rlti
near ih V.(rn Koiata atll Mil fbip ard a y ivibm, vru tiifuis allow la i
tola and Und al t liaai Wvtlvra NNral tall on ot wills,
ROOM 10-1041-0 St,
Tb M'orlit't l'lr,
Tbw nvwa Vos4s tb world
wvr UjfVhlojf-n t JuU ob. at inal
wbiutt tiunrvd witlt th Columblaa
lawaltloo i IsaX
AU U kaalsif tasra aal rti!ae4
lyriu:j an4 (IgaaUa brlJif'S as4
utavi su-oal'vil warU af laiV wurU,
wwlhr wvwUla'l simk sai)iv
vUas thsr U a l U Ma, aui a
ihiHiaa4 ttiUns a ay ,
WurUs eaal avwvrlba li. Hal U
' Uk lh ltarHnum rtaU Vt Cbl
(tfa M M sww II ( yimrwa l.
ll at taw 4it w iiiar at ItXk a4
U tits, wtit gt )ti lalorwaUiia alvu'
trata a4 al mii ywu oarw
I'ltasaat a4 rvfiuil. Kh'mi.
W. B. LINCH, Secretary.
Bute Agent ,
Rccms 5 and 6. Halter Block, Corner
13th and P S'.reets,
Lincoln, Teb.
tnat shows i btlr conadeoce in tne compan
security tne company anoras inem.- a
entirely satisfactory to all. The amou.
glnce January 1st, 18113, to September lit
.'0fl,0i0 01
M. Baldwin
.-. :.'' LV1
- Independent (
money,1 write me for whole&ale
5 ' - "yJ
rX ' !
; ' $
- vy
- - u i - i -
Hh UlUvUiU) ilDV
in the city. . - ,
College in America. ((
department botwrpu TOO nd 0A tdrlL t
snd It I s Itrti lam hnc-e to double jrwr moH
houM; It will y for IUif wliltln ots yisr.
the seal ot
1 1
Lincoln, N
tpiMilcr ami ihw f orlila fair
Ibis drUibtful moftta will att.
luoia vtior n h erv alr thai
u'roiir. Nvcurv ttulisu at eltjr
Ull O J i r eoraer and
I'sa K o tn ato r aTi i baTlV rhka
law rat. 'at traita. tJSe i
oi - y
Win wrtusa- tw a4rtwr f
IwvtttliMI .' Hafwr,
IUlo Tso hk4 aii
tweMi auur stumscli,
vwi vai, nf iqii yrinweiiro i i
train Usvtuif !,lniHla tt l.iJtfj
! Bftrs tan, It tbvt tjlra. f X
taa trvumJs Uxor tt o cluck lha
7 A
1 1
Ah a