The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, August 31, 1893, Page 7, Image 7

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    .AUGUST 31 IGai
THE A L L I A N C 1 X I) E V E X D E X T.
i Rational
Y. M. A. 1!lik3.. Kansas Citt, Mo.
Most rract!rl BiilneM College
re in thef
ir. PooU-fS
horthasd y,
Wwt ; isnoiihapd. lywwruimr
fbyilaiL 'l'tiree iwonx )re. Srnd lorfi
$2our pCIAL SUMMER OFFKlt. ft?
-Keepinir aca i ieerapn.T. Einonnjiii'
MIXED Paints.
For Houses. Barn. Roofs, all colors. A SAVE
i ... Middlemen a profits. In use 61 years. En-
darsed by Grange & Farmers Alliance. Low
8rioen will surprise yon. Write (or samples,
i. W. KGEIiSOLU JS3 Plymouth St., Brook
lyn, N. Y.
Jlolstein : Cattle !
. A few Extra Good September Pigs,
- and a No. 1 butter bred bull, yearling,
s registered for sale. Prices right.
; H. S. Williamson,
' Beaver City, Neb.
And Upward
Fit like wax.
Wear like iron.
Never rip. .
fend for samples and rules for self-meas
,1110011 PAIiTS CO.,
1223 O Street.
The bent navinu Investment (or s house wife.
None rnuliiA without brass fittlnci) our latent
Improved style, is a solid make, has deep flatiRe
strong but high grata, and closes perfectly tialit
saves 33 per cent nutrltiouselements. Full de
scriptivecirculars on application. I also man
ufacture the "New Success" utove mat and the
i . w-, I I . . 1 . I ' T Tl l.f , KTTV r.
li anions crying ran, ew, AuiinionAi.L
in every conniv in ine u. a. nuu.o,
Council liinns Jowa.
Programme of Fall Festivities That For
Brilliancy and Variety Outshines the
i Carnival Cities of the Old World.
Paris, the most magnificent city on
either continent, bos for ages held the
proud titlo of "the premier, carnival
city of the world " However during
the last ten or twelve years an Ameri'
can rival of no mean pretensions has
contested for that high honor, and to
day St. Louis holds what Paris so re
luctantly rallnquisbed, the title of "the
carnival city ot the two continents."
Not content with the successiui exm-
ibltlons of previous years, the Autum
nal Festivities Association Lrroged
ia programme for 1893 that In brill
f iancy and variety will be difficult to im
i prove upon. The first of the great
attractions, the St Louis hi position,
will throw its doors open to the public
September 6th and continue until Oct.
21st. Tho world-renowned Sousa's
Band has been engaged by the manage
metit, which in itself is a lufilclent in
ducement to crowd the magnlftoeut
building during the concert
Special attention has been paid to the
street Illustrations, and on the evening
t Auffutt nth. 17th. .Mtb, and 3 lit.
'4 u.mlr"th, 14th. 21st and 2h, and
ber 3d, ftn, nth and 19th, the most
I gnlficcnt dVjlny yet attempted will
Iect vy ui uio lorvunaio visitor,
ectrlclty playing a prominent part.
f Le evening of U:tor 3d the Veiled
Vophcl and hit toltowera will parade
(through tho principal thoroughfares,
Lad Immediately after the areat ball
rwhtch bat received considerable pro
rolaence throughout the world, will be
The 33d gn at Bt. Louis Fair and
Zoological Gardens, OeUitwrLJ lo'th,
will t the croamng wvex ti the car
nival KWia, This intltutloa has no
ix-er, and Is known Is every land where
le footprint of clvilualwo exist. I he
Miourl r!3o Hallway and Iron
Mounta'a Uoute being distinctly H'
Louts lluiia, and hivlu at all tlut U
InU r-U of the city . mind, have mads
rettiaraably low ntnd trip ratu fnm
all Hlnlit'n tho entire yuirr. u n;
iKtU and rel.irn during th ft stltlttis
rVri'urtlirr Information i regard t
' Yw. rutf, lUnU tf ticket an l lr
V f th fail festlv tu t proi.-ramnw,
nraret Xtlurl I'a.'luovr Irno
utnln TU kt Agi t la your rrl
r It. a TwMd. li wnd T
w the best U
In Pamt saga
White Lead i best; properly applied
it will not scale, chip, chalk, or rub
off; it firmly adheres to the wood and
forms a permanent base for repainting.
Paints which peel or scale have to be
removed by scraping; or burning before
satisfactory repainting; can be done.
When buying it is important to obtain
Strictly Pure
White Lead
properly made. Time has proven that
white lead made by the "Old Dutch"
process of slow corrosion possesses
qualities that cannot be obtained by
any other method of manufacture. This
process consumes four to six months
time, and produces the brands that
have given White Lead its character
as the standard paint.
"Southern" Collier"
Red Seal"
are standard brands of strictly pore
Lead made by the "Old Dutch" pro
cess. You get the best in buying them.
You can produce any desired color by
tinting these brands of white lead with
National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead
Tinting Colors.
For sals by the most reliable dealer! in Paints
If you art coins to paint, it will pay you to
Send to no for a book containing information
that may save you many a dollar ; it will
nly cost you a postal card to do so.
1 Broadway, Sew Tot
St. Louis Branch,
Clark Avenue and Tenth Street.
fit. .Tnsenh Bu?irv Co. Carriages and
Buggies at Lowest prices. Latalague
and price list free. 6th ad Messanle
St. St. Joe. Mo.
Make Your Own Bitters !
On recelntof )centa. U 8. stamps. I will
send to any address one package titeketee's
Dry Bitters. One packape makes one jrallon
best tonic known. Cures stomach and kidney
diseases. Now is tho time to use bitten for
the blood and stomach. Send O. G. Steketee,
nf nrsind Kanlda. Mlchican. 80 cents. U. S.
stamps, and we guarantee that he will send at
once, r or saie oy uruKgisia.
Tonrtiat Rates to Colorado.
The Union Paclfio Railway overland
route) will now sell round-trip tickets
to Denver, Colorado springs, Manitou
and Pueblo, at the low rate of $24.15
good returning until Octobar 31st
Stopovers allowed between Cheyenne
a.d I'ueoio. run particulars given ai
1044 () street
J. T Mastist, E.B. SLOSSEN,
City Ticket Ag't. General Agent
Missouri Pacific are offering the very
lowest rates for round trip tickets to tlie
world's .r air, Rood iior return until
November 15 1893. Also have placed
on sale summer tourist tickets at the
usual low rates as can b? verified by
calling at office 1201 U eteY Lincoln,
Neb., J. E. R. Miller. C; T, A. or H.
CTownsend, G. P. & T. A. St. Louis,
MO. ; '
Am going east. Professor Ong of
the Omaba College of Shorthand and
Typewriting is instructed to sell my
$60.00 life scholarship for 119.00. Serd
kim 119 00 and he will Issue a life
scholarship in your name. Show this
to your mend, write at once. uao.
S. Ccrrie, "Gen. Del.," Omaha, Neb,
Use Northwestern line to Chicago.
Low rates. Fast trains. Office 1133
OSt. .
I am going east I have a $60.00 life
scholarship for the Omaha College of
Shorthand and Typewriting for sale
for $19.00 cash. Purchasers can call or
write to Professor Ong of college and
upon receiving $19.C0 he will issue in
your name the nreeciioiarsuip l pogsetss,
You can attend anytime you wish,
Please cut this out and show it to your
friends. Write or call at once to col
lego or Geo. S. CURRIE, "Gen, Del.,"
Omaha, Net).
The constant demand of the traveling
public to the far west for a comfortable
and at the same timo an economical
mode of traveling, has led te the estab
lishment of what is known as Puilman
Colonist Sleepers.
These cars are built on the same gen
eral plan as the regular first-class Pull
man bloepers, the only ainerence Deiug
that they are not upholstered.
They are furnished complete with
good comfortable hair mattresses, warm
blankets, snow wmte lines curtains,
plenty f towels, combs, brushos, etc.,
which secure to the occupant of a berth
as much privacy as is to be had in first-
class sleepers, l here arc also separate
toilet rooms lor ladles and gentiemea,
and smoking is absolutely psohiblted.
For full Information send for Pullman
Colonist Sleeper Leaflet.
J. T. Mastin, C. T. A. 1014 O. St.,
E, B. SLOSSOX, Gen. Agt
Lincoln, Nob.
Attention. Independents.
The present reduced rates to Chicago
places a world's lair visit wimin the
means or an.
As an unexcelled means of getting
there your attention Is called to our
limited train leaving Lincoln dally at
2:20 p. m., arriving In Chicago at 8:15
a. rn. Uv uociock you can reach the
fair ground by cable cur,, passing for
miles through una of Chicago's most
migniaoent street, a sight a whlolt
Is worth a special vklt to the city.
Chair car, through aleeiwr and din
log cars, afford every comfort and con
venience, w M. fulfil aw, un. gi.
A. H. FliLUisu.
City Ticket Agt., 113.1 0 street.
r. i au"i
IV pot Afunt, F.lghth and S streets,
Te Sea tea Chept Land and th Btt
Ciopa In Nebraska.
Augut 22, 8i ptctnWr 12 and October
10, tut r.iahurnraliroitJ. .Vjrttiwt Urn
line, will soil round trip LckuW for 1U
abort purpose at tn fart pla 14-ao
!rr than T7io rlnt on lU lla'-s
In Nebr, oat! lUkoi and Wio
tntng, Wrll.t ycur ( that I In; mi
ratra ar aU i gal front tiuinl w t tt
rUau od twenty tl. Mopdvcr
given. rr l-ftiwr inrmttttit tail
on A. H FUhLng, Cl'y TU Wst Ai.t.
II it O tnt, . l rt Aft K. T.
Mom, erin'r ana r.ightu a'rvel.
XV M hint'M s, Ga. A(V
When Mil Malono, the wiuh, och hone!
wi'l ovi-i iutoxu-atitr.
An' lips abrew with honey dew
W hf-n she's artu-xyuttur.
ItopiiU'd me shuit, an' then, to boot,
Siinuled on me uwid-timi crony,
Oi c'u'dn't tall how moijrhty well
Oi lavlod llm Alaione .
An' whin the priest at widdin' feast,
Did toia the pair so natcly,
An' in a cot their mated let
Was sittled so complately.
Oi'd never think of how they'd dhrink
Tiio swates of mairiuiony.
But love w'u'd shtart it in mc heart
To invy Tim Maloney.
Well, Timmy doied. and I presoldo
In Airs. luc s affections.
An' toiina has lint me many a hint
Ta vary me reflection.
But confos no day whin Oi'd not say,
Wid hearticsi uupnny,
Wtin by his jrrassy mound I pass,
Oi invy Tim Moloney.
Boston Courier.
Miss Camlola Brown, sitting at tho
front up-chamber window, cutting out
calico short waists for Mra Black's
five little boya laid down her shears
for once in her life, and. with her el
bows on the sill watched the people
as they walked or drove past and
entered in at the gates of tho la to Mr.
Barker's premises.
Poor Benjamin!" she t-igbed. "I
wonder whether up in heaven ho re
members the day when he took me iii
and walked mo atl over the house?"
" -The things are old-fashioned,
Camiola,' he said to me; 'but they
were mother's and before that they
were grandmother's. I like them,
but say the word and I'll new furn
ish.' 'No. Ben,' says I "what your
ma likes to have I don't want to alter.
I like it ..It: it's good stuff,' and then
he kissed i- v "
Miss Cami lla felt for her handker
chief as she said this to herself. "And
we stood at the garret window and
looked off toward the mountains.
We'rs going to be happy as ever
folks were,' said he," here the tears
began to fa.lL Oh, Ben," she sobbod;
"to think wo quarreled after that,
and didn't speak when we met But
you never married and I refused two
offers good one.'. Ben, I guess we'll
meet up there sometime, and make
up." i
"Why, Miss Camiola! you've been
a-cryln'l" said Mra Black's loud
voice, lust then, in her ear. Camiola
started guiltily, but she was too can
did to complain of a cold or the sun
in her eyos.
"Well I have cried a little, Mrs.
Black." said she, "You see, we used
to be friends, Mr. Barker and I and I
knew bis ma, and remember all that
furniture, and it seems a sin to sell it
and tear down the old house, and
maybe root up tho lilacs and straw,
berry shrubs, and perhaps cut down
the trees. It was almost like home
to me in Mrs. Barker's day."
Well, it must seem a sin to any
one, and more so to you, Miss Cam
iola," said Mrs. Black. "But don't
you want to go over and see the place
and what is going on? You might
as well just take a day or the rest of
it I'm in no hurry and you look
tuckered out"
Mrs. Black was kind in her way and
felt a certain pity for Camiola, She
had heard that Camiola was once en
gaged to Mr. Barker and might to-day
have been a rich and important widow,
instead of a poor lonely seamstress.
Go along. Miss Camiola," she
added. "I know you want to."
Did she want top" Camiola asked
herself; and heart answered her yes."
She would boo tho old homo onco
more; see the old furniture; and when
she could get a chance she would go
up to the garret and stand whero she
stood with Ben that day. Her old el
bows should lean where her young
ones had pressed; she would look out
over the mountains, and fancy herself
a girl again, with Ben beside her and
his engagement ring on her finger.
And Miss Camiola thanked Mr.
Black, put on her show bonnet with
the washed ribbons, and the shawl
tbat had been so goad once, but was
faded and even mended now, and
walked up the road and turned into
the iano, and entered the Barker gar
den. The neighbors who saw her nodded
or spoke, but they were selling tho
tall clock and there was some excite
ment Camiola stood at the door
awhile and listened to the bidding.
Deacon Hickory got the clock; Mrs.
Amoa Mole llMjclawfootsiudboni-tl. A
Jewish lady from the village bought
the trunks of women' clothing, sold
unopened, for next to nothing. Ann
Barnaby. the washer-woman, got the
tubs and irons cheap in a lot, and so
on and so forth.
To Camiola it all oemed tragic
Fbe wont upstair whore people were
poking the beds and pillows, and ex
amining tho to'llet s-ts and curtains,
and she began to mount the garret
A her bead roso above the floor
she gazed eagerly about her. From
the ratters bung some withered herbs
and some rope of onions. The
trunk had loon carried down and an
old bureau. A coat hung upon a
peg; over it a hat Camlola went to
the window. Mia would not cry, for
the mutt face those people down-ttalr
again; but tho uttered little moan of
anguUh a he stood there. 8ha
realised what life actually t at that
moment, and it aoemod very cruol to
her utioa young, Uj loved, prvlty and
hopeful; now old, unloved, wrinkled,
and with nothing to with fun No
wohdur that hfuffer4
At latt the turned hor bavk on the
ternnl timuutaint .ia iiaugd wbtU
live wr i IHid, and whtl youth get,
and loe dcpurlvd, aad grv wure
d ig - an I t.iw tt.a cwui upon th wall;
itra'a coat - an oM binit' V ort
lunj a id an tv'y; aid a b'J tnottd
brlnitiud toit hot The woman tout
rimer. Mi o.tjd up ah4''it tb
coal aad taiktnt to li arid can-in d It
a d v',i UHk u h V. Ut Ur I t.i,li aad
aU4 U It was wvrtlt iK', , It
LiU rain str.hj on It Its 'uf.e was
odd. Nobody wanted ir. lint what a
relic it aould bo to her of Ben! only
she could not ask for it
She could take it hide it under her
shawl all foldod fiat as it would bo
and keep it forever. Berj's Lat
her Ben's hat! Why, sho had a right
to it
And Miss Camiola obeyed tho im
pulse, took the hat and hi I it neatly
away. It sea mod. almost as though
it were a theft; still, it would not be
wrong to take it
Whon she came home. Mrs. Black
told Mis Camiola tho walk had done
her good; her cheeks wero quite red;
but she went early to bod that even
ing. She bolted hor door and un
dressed in a hurry. ihe put out the
light 1 hen she felt for ber shawl in
which the hat lay folded, aad took it
in her arms. A certain perfume that
wns always connected with Bon's hair
was faintly noticeable an odor ot
bergamot. It brought back tho past
vividly. It almost seemed as though
Ben's head rested on her heart She
clasped the old hat close and kissed it
Oh. Bea" she whispored, "I was
always ready to make up, but you
were rich and I was poor; and I was
proud. On. Ben! on, Bon, Ben, my
And for hours the Jay awake the
Camiola of tho post in the darkness,
which blotted out the change) in hor
face, and fell asleep ntlastund dreamed
of young Ben and his perfumed hair,
and beard him once more say they
would be happy together.
She awakened suddenly, in the early
dawn, and came back to herself. She
dressed herself; smoothed her prim
bands of hair; pinned the cushion and
the sheath of scissors at her side; and
looked at the hat Of. course it must
be hidden away; and she spread a
newspaper on the bed in which to
wrap it paused to look at it again.
The Inside of the hat presented it
self. The piece of leather which lines
the crown looked curiously thick. She
touched it with her hand. Under It
was a long paper folded into a nar
row slip; she drew it out and saw that
something was written outside. Tak
ing the paper to tho window she saw
that these words: "The Last Will and
Testament of Benjamin Barker."
At this Miss Camiola began to
tremble from bead to foot but she
was a daughter of Eve. softly and
reverently Indeed she opened the will;
but she did oppn it and read it
through, and whon sho had finished
she crept bod again and lay there
sobbing for a long while; for in it
she had found strange things. Some
of Benjamin Barker's money had
been left to the hospital, some of his
land to the church, and there were
legacies for many people; but the
homestead, with all its furniture,
garden and farm land, and an income
on which sho could live luxuriously,
were bequeathed "to Camiola Brown,
spinster, in memory of the love I bore
her all my lonely life. " .
No wonder poor Camlola wept
But Mr. Black soon found out' the
cause of Camiola's agitation, and Mr.
Black was a lawyer; the witnesses
were found.
Why Benjamin Barker had put it
In his hat lining no one knew. He
often carried papers there. Perhaps
he moant to leave It in safe keeping,
but ho died very suddenly, with hat
and coat on, as he was about to drive
out But the will was found and was
all right Nothing bad yet been
taken away. . The money was re
funded to tho purchasers of the old
furniture '
The young ncphow had a tolerable
legacy, and made no fuss whatever,
and one day Camiola entered the
homestead as its mistress. It was a
strange ending to her love story, she
thought She was here at last, but
how! It almost seemed to her as
though some spiritual union had taken
place between her soul and Ben's; and
in the keeping-room, on a peg near
the door, she hung his coat and bat.
There they hang always, and to the
stranger who sees them, nnd looks at
the mild old lady rocking in the great
chair as sho sews or knits, it seems as
though the master of tho house were
within up-stairs somewhere, por
hapa It often seems so, too, to
Camlola, Farmer's Voice.
A Modern t'in meter.
The monoy-londer D. feeling his
end draw nigh, adjured Lii three
partners, A K and O (whom he had
fund a his hdliii), tu piil S'v'm hUFiurnd
dollars apiece into his coffin. Though
I can't take it all with mo. at least
let me hare that much of It" They
carried out his wWhei to the lotter,
but os it turned out on discussing
the matter, in a slightly different way.
A hud put in a fivo-hundrod-dollap
bilL B, who was morn sytnputhotlo,
and knew how his dear friend D loved
bullion, had put in five hundred dol
lar in gold. C wa silout on the
point but on being pres'iod, admitted
that ho had put in a check for fifteen
hundred dollar payable to D's order,
and had taken the other thousand
dollar out Argonaut
Ye modern ;r jiitiiur.
MotherIt's tri tblo lute. Why In
the world don't you go to bed?
Uttlo Daughter I'm ttudyln' my
(ruruumr Uon.
Hut you aald the toai hcr gave you
mly one rule to-!ny and you learned
that Ut throw mlnutus."
lUn why ate you purlbg over
that gramnmr at elvveu o'clock X
I'm lonrftin tne 'j' Uons."
ltrMM tl Uoutlr,
Firmn ( .wiury gang) ft' 4
ut wi Ul 1..) fur y . Mr Mi'tlahar
rajM. "r hii.Uu 1 im wtKU I
ttoai-n. It wn a foio watvU, an' U't
itnatiid "H to t'r
Mr. AKr.. IV tr a me! How d!d
that hrt('5ii
lmi.ii-A t vn m rack fsU ft
im N. r. Vviy.
1 ;i-i'.; A n' :.-. .'.
A cow niooht) a ml her cu'.f were
arderod fcr tim groat liw; ordered
ry a hpceial act o tho legislature of
Maine last win.tfr. TaxiJcrciist
Gilford only was em;owo:ed to secure
them, and he, selecting t'u grand
hunting ground auovo hkowhegan,
bat little known to the world at largo,
but well known to the Megantic fish
and gaino club o! Boston, filled the
bill to perfection, ar.d t-ecuretl, and
in a moBt peculiar and
way, u cow moose aad her perfect
. History will net recall in aay land
a moro peculiar hunt than
of Gi lord's in behalf o'. Mu'.uo and
tho grer.t show in Chicago.
Tho lis'i aud garno coinroiflsJcnors
think thero are botween :',.V) and
3,C0j tnoos'j on Maiuo soli; about tho
oarao number of caribou, whilo deer
are so numerous now taut an guide
had rather contract to give a patron
ten shot at ten deer than ono fehot
et oo iroo. c or ono caribou. , To
protect this game. Ma ne saya that It
shall cost $MJ to shunt a cow rioose
or calf at any tlui. and that bull
moot-e, di?cr ar.d caribou of both
sexes fhall bo shot o.ily in the last
throe months of tho year. The pen
alty for shooting a deer in sea
hou is iil), and as that i.uin is more
than tho money valuo of any dead
door, those animals got fairly good
protection save around cor tain lum
ber camps in winter.
But up along tho waters of tho St
John river dwell tho St. Francis and
Toblquc t:-lbo of Indiana, nnd yearly
and uumolostcd they raid tho moose
a .d cuibou of Maine, killing tho
males as well as the females with
young, leaving tons of meat for the
porcupine, tho fox, the weasel and
tlio hawk, taking away only the
hides, which later form tho network
of enowKhocs. Kvon did not timber
land explorers find tho meat and
view tho slaughter, the thousands of
pairs of new snowshcos of iiiooho and
caribou hido put upon tho market
cuch season would tell of tho destruc
tive work of theso Indians, which,
unchecked, will soon give to the
mooso tho position in natural history
now occupied by the American bison
a name, and a nams only.
But' Maine wanted a cow mooso
and calf, and wanted them in a legal
way, and therefore passod a law al
lowing hot' to tako tho iwo sped
mons of her own property. This was
in February, i?ay tho Boston Herald.
it should bo bono in mind that
tho mooso of Maino are la tsoino re
spects like tho reindeer of Green
land. T hoy are so hot blooded that
they givo birth to thoir young upon
tho snow or oven upon tho Ico. In
tho woedfj of Maine In early March
tho ponds, lalros nnd rivers are
sealed with three or moro foot of ice,
and at such times any man whose
musclos are hardened for a tramp
can tire and run down any douken
of tho forest of Maine, save birds.
Concluding from tho sizo of some
trucks thatone of theso mooso must bo
a cow, Gilford started in pursuit, and
for two days kept hot on tho trail,
often finding warm beds which tho
now jadod and norvous animals had
just vac a rod. :
It would appear that this femalo
wai barren, had groat log power aud
some knowledge of tho law, for sho
niado a great struggle, keeping well
ahead of tho hunters, who unfortu
nately hud tho wind with them all tho
timo, getting finally acrcsa tho an
cient boundary lino ir.toCanada.from
which territory Gifford dared not
cxtricalo , b.vv without documents
other than WincheNtor rifles. There
fore ho turneit back upon Maino soil
to look for new tracks and bettor
hick. IIo was rewarded the next day
by coming full upon a cow mooso
lying down, which ut onco aroso and
charged at thj party in a zig-zag
way. '
Gifford was much surprised at the
action of this cow. Ho had beoro
that stood his ground when two
t'cli'dd r,f a ton of bull moose was
rushing straight at him, but this cow
Hut-ouivd an ('i.zy a ii Canadian
Frenchman lull of Canadian split; sho
bellowed, too, as though in pain and
alarm. Gilford h"uot toor, and going
up to her found sho w;t parturient
in an hour bo would have giveu
birth to hor calf. No v.'itwU?j gjjy
fought, grow da,:ed and bollowed In
alarm. At oueo tho taxidermist
oponod her, taking out in perfect
form, alive, sound, an', with eyei
wido open. -gioofo in miniature, a
dream in mooso ba'.r nnd lw.ofs, a
Uttlo thing no bir?r of boJy than a
forty-pound drg, and but twenty
threi inches hiU, Tho litllo animal
thus so (itioerly ushered into tho
world saw tho weather-beaten faces
of four hunt'.rs. nw the rifle, tho
dead mother, and then entout a wall
for a diet of iiioosj milk.
Thnro w no alternative. I'ity
for tho iitt'o o.: could m be ex
Ictidfd. n.uoio n Isk could not be
given, and . !t?r ten minute in
thU world, tho l ,V y mo-o. d Htlnud
to till tucli a peculiar ralw;(:i in lifo,
TU- III! I'4 II r.
It Uxald that ft. Anthony ol Padua
i !ii pxae id a M'rm.m at ltfg
shut di'lni'tly h ;rd thr mile
, ..( .M. tirvnry ateea that he
htsir I t'ti n lNiHtel pi-nyi f i"idl
n;a likw ttltnc,, an I M Honor
H.NsrU tho c'tttnt .!!'., by Co i.u nk
h'f lliey tlUvHi tiii bt- ,tl f !
sf tun iart,T 1 w -tf'an, K'turitia aad
Ivn'.dii, aUbtmU A Ireut
t .( i, ! n dt?awti ii'.i. ' f.tul4
t.AVn 1 1 -n I ut UU f ! a
lf Northwestern line t hl-
Lw raut. last Ualat. USloa 1U4
TakeTniAixttNci UbiriNittNT.
Mct'rrary, Itynnm, tt'lUoa, Toorhecs aod
Other Mlvrr I.UW l(pealers Hanoi
ouwly Culled Down ua Their Fsst
ilacords Mr. tSiaiiiu Ac
knowledges lliti Cora and
liecs t'orglveuessi
Wasiiisotox, Aug : The feature
of the silver debate ia the bouse yes
terday was the speech of Mr. Pence of
Colorado, who aald, iu premising a
very humorous (speech, when he had
come to Washington he had expected
to find a warm corner and a comfort
able tcat In the old McCreary inn, but
ho hod been shown tho door, anil on
inquiry he bad discovered that the old
hostelry was being rnn on the Euro
pean plan. He had been told he wonld
receive a cheerful welcome because be
bad been told McCreary had in 1801
oecn tendered a vote of thanks by a.
Kentucky convention for his advocacy
of the free coinage of silver. He (Mr.
Fence) waa allied to Kentucky by mar
riage, and be had believed no could
rely on Kentuckians; but he had been
compelled to telegraph to his
people or rather bl wife
had that he had been fooled.
He had been taught by Voorheea,
Cooper and Bynum; and right well.
they had taught htm. Laughter, i
lie then turned ma attention to nr.
Bynum and his allusions to that gen
tleman nut the house in a roar. It
was not necessary for him to read any
number or speeches made by that gen
tleman under tho prior administra
tion. He would content himself with
referring to what his own eyes had
witnessed. He would not go back into
old hbtory, He would go back only
to October, 18UI, when Air. uynura ox
Indiana, Mr, Black of Pennsylvania,
and Mr, Wilson of West Virginia were
advertised to make a tour through the
country for the purpose of organizing
Democratic clubs. How warmly the
people of Denver had treated them.
They had been treated to bed and
board, J laughter.
Then Mr. Bynum bad addressed the
largest audience that had ever assem
bled in Denver. In the Rockv Moun
tain News was a stenographic report
of his speech, in which he said: "I
have always been in favor of the free
coinage of silver. I have voted for
free coinage from the time tne ques
tion has been before congress, and I
will do so every time the question
comes up." He (Mr. Pence) trusted
tho teacher would not rebuke the
scholar when he ventured to tell him
the question bad now come up. Ap
plause and Laughter. . .
Mr. Bynnin replied to the strictures
made upon him and upon his seeming
inconsistency but he did so in a jocu
lar vein, and with evident appreciation
of the Colorado man's humor. He ad
mitted he had spoken in Denver in
1801, and that he had addressed one of
the largest audiences he had ever
faced, lie had had in the fall of that
year the pleasure of making a tour of
the continent with several other
gentlemen in order to establish Demo
cratic clubs, Everywhere they had
been hospitably received, and by the
timo they reached Denver he might
have been "smilingly and jocularly"
irresponsible. When they arrived at
Denver they were shown the sights of
the city and a more magnificent city
he had rarely seen, Ho had admired
the bcautica of tho city and had asked
"What means all tins?" The reply
was "It means silver, it is built on,
silver," "But,", replied he, "I am
making a tariff campaign." "But you
can say something about silver," and
he had done so. He confessed his sins
and asked forgiveness. Laughter.
Pence retorted that he understood
the excuse the gentleman had for his
utterances that night. He hoped the
gentleman would not have to plead
any such excuse for his vote on the
pending question.
Johnson of Indiana, and Avery
spoke in favor of repeal, and then the
house took a recess until S o'clock.
A $1,000,000 BLAZE.
Soofli Chicago VlnlteU by a Disastrous
Coo flHgration.
Chicago, Aug. 20. A fire which, In
the extent of the territory it covered,
rivals Chicago's historic conflagration,
began in that part of the city known
as youth Chicago, about 4 o'clock yes
terday afternoon. The 50,000 people
comprising tho Inhabitants of the
town wero precipitated into a panic
second only In this city to that which
characterized the conflagration of
1671. It is estimated that 950 build
ings wero burned and 1,000 peopU.
mutt-red h-mtt The loss approxi
mate I, ooo,iM)0.
The fire started in a three story
brick building at tho corner of Ninety
first street and Superior avenue, and
within two hour had consumed five
blocks of the greatest industrial sub
orn of C hlcagit
The fire wtvs canaed by the overturn
ing of lamp In the rldenc of Mas
ter Mechanlu Gill, an employe of tba
rolling tntlls, while hla daughter a
curling her hair with a curling Iron.
fma irhnuHr Urn ta m !
and r.ighiesw IMrtslw
Nw York, Aug, M All day long
craft hat broujfhl trjf of the
Mor n's work at , and It proved a
l. rribUi ii(i.Uiuriii to th rteord of
It ravage tm land. Th tUhlug
ttfluntiter, F.infir Mat, with a ervw
of ltt Min, and FUaut Johnwui, with
a i rpw of i lirat mm, went iUmn off
MuMuu th Jtaey et and alt
ii Uxtid wem
Nt YHwrr:,t t, Ausf. AUnl
o'. bnk yesterday iHMrftintf w Tea
mi, a eal bi and a lowing s'l,
wor wrt ttd off IH et it thU
IKttat hi a .! a ftvm th- twtg
tlcaiuer raUt shot thrrt all
i ltd tnr twyoii-t rviw lUtU-tt, Tle
it(l.ra tler nwu ol h rrw are bs
t!ee-l ta hV n lrnt't, thus
ntaklni tha tutut isi ut Hf i t igtv
cvn p r Viis,
... I, at. uult.