The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, August 31, 1893, Image 1
c v. The Alliance-Independent The Alliance-Independent tithe AsvecaiaaJ f- ' AdrertLalor, medium In tlie west. It is especi ally valuable as a means of reacting the farmers. Its circulation la as large In Nebraska as the cir culation of all the "farm Jocmals" combined. Give Thk Alluxck Indxtknokst a trial if you want good rou!u.J VOL. V. John Bali and Orover Bribe and Bull- . doze the American OoBgrei to . Betray the People- THE DEATH-BLOW TO SILVER. Every Compromiss Snowed Under in the House The Repeal Gets More Than a Two-thirds Vote. Where the Members Stood. Tot tree silver oolnaje at the ratio of 10 to 1 For I'.'!: against 22. For free coinage at the ratio of 17 to 1 For iuu: against zsu. to: For free coinage at the ratio of 18 to 1 ('or For free coinage at the ratio of 19 to I For 106: luain-t 2OT. For tree coinage at ratio of 23 to 1 For 119; against 224 To re-enact the nd-Allison act For, 124; against. SIB. For the un" .onal repeal of the allvor purchase'... . -or, iSW; against, 109. Washington, Aug. 29. Under the impression that the order under which the hoiHe had been operating: as to the hour cf meeting still prevailed, outsiders interested In the votes on the silver propositions filled the publio galleries before 10 o'clock and many members were in their seats at tthat hour. The practical outcome of the votes to be taken was conceded on all hands to be the defeat of every proposition relat ing to the free coinage of silver at any of the agreed upon ratios and also of the resolution reviving the Bland Allison act of 1878. Even Mr. Bland, the silver champion, admitted this and he acknowledged that the estimate of the anti-silver committee of a majority of about fifty against apy of the sev eral silver propositions Included with in the order might even be exceeded. Mr. Reed came in at 11:20 o'clock and was particularly noticeable be cause of his suit of Kentucky tow and red four-ln-hand scarf. Bourke Cockran did not appear until after the speaker's gavel tell, but Messrs. liar ter, Ray'nor and Tom Johnson, anti silverltes, buzzed and beamed with anticipations of victory. When the speaker cabled for order at noon nearly every scat on the floor was filled, indicative of the unmis takable evidence of the general inter est in the matter in hand. V The resolution contained in the rder of procedure on t liver ques tion was reported by t clerk, pro viding for a vote, first u 'ree coin age of silver at the pi atio of 16 to 1. Representative Bailey of asked if, in the event of all the amend ments included in the order being de feated, it would be in order to propose an additional amendment germane to the subject Speaker Crisp replied that as at present advised he would answer no; that the order provided exhaustively all that the houso might consider; but that when the time came to formally present the question the gentleman from Texaa might be heard. Representative McMlliln desired to offer an amendment providing for the free coinage of the product of the sliver mines of the United States, but Mr. Bland objected to even having it read, saying that such a proposition was not free coinage at alL TUB VOTB ton SiXTCRlV TO ONE, The Wilson bill having been read, Mr. Bland, Democrat of Missouri, offered hla first amendment, that of free coinage at the present ratioof 16 to 1 and It was defeated by a vote of 131 yeas, nays 42a, amid applause liAm Ika atnfti.siHwaftat mail aavta. st. Icelvedone more majority than they expected. 1 hla Is the detailed votet YeaaAhiKitt, Pcsaoeret. Tetaai Alks. R aublloaa. Miehltfsa. A laiearfar, It-nxmrkl, Notu ttraiiu Alton, tmri. tiitpti Araold, DasMwral. Missouri; Mailer, Ihm rat, Taai Itsasr, Populist. Kmh! tusk. Mad, ivwasrat, Alas; tt.ll, PoftuUst. Ck ot4t, ItriL IstatMial. liMk, Dam. f rl Ujri. h;n.htA. lturat, tst an Ulead. lnHfl MiM-Mtrti Mostaar, tteaMvrvt, Lautaltaai Ho. Pvsttlial. Mies, an. lWr. It-utucrat Kwtk Canalae; rkiwitra, K.athiivaa, talllni. Mrsast, lBHHrt, Nafta t'aratta Hrl, IvmiMral, ladiaaa lfta, Meawatiaaa, Kui I.. Sstra, li.ri, Mi, Brs a, pakfet. Maraafca, ttuaa. parat, Nwil t'aritli, Ilss. Iwwiwrak, tstau4 I'atutasld. Iu4fl, ljiufm i uiu, lvwri, (alllo:. CiimharV fV (, t'US tsawfl. M. tvti MU4.Mft. AitX tWlNII, tVW . 1iu, livMMftat, Win u. liMia, IVwufk Ia4i IVnw, inswHrtat, Tta t. lHra, T 9 , Cai.t4 fat, Na i !. ( ttika, , IkaMMitl, Taiaa. t'l. UM Ik Mtiai rNnuii ha i Aiawai tWHMM'al, fci. .!. (Mnuutt IS a.iv. 4jUiMa. tMMKMwa, l a iil, Arau tv , tiatvwlal. Hi--y tkwtutta. Watai wiiHtiy , ifia a. r,fai Knai, i Iwi.itf Iwip .f HHki SM, !- ! t W4(a J'Utea ts t.) THE CRIME Fuusion, llepiibllcan, Kansas: Fjr an. Demo crat, Missouri Ueai-jr, Democrat, California; Qoodnigbt, Democrat, Kentucky: Urady, Democrat. Sew York; Hull. Dem ocrat, Missouri:' Harris, Populist, Kan sas; n&rttnun. Hepubllcan, Montana: Hatch, Democrat. Missouri: H'-ord. Democrat, Mis souri; Henderson, Democrat, North Carolina; Uolman. Democrat. Indiana: Hooker,' Demo crat, Mississippi; Hiiflon. Populist, Kansas; Hunter, Democrat, Illinois; Hutcheson, Dum ocrat, Texss: Jooes, Dt'tnocrat, Virginia: Kern, Populist, Nebraska: Kl Worn, Democrat. Tessa; Kyle, Democrat, Mississippi! Lace, Democrat, Illinois: Latimer. Democrat, South Carolina; Lawson, Democrat, (.norgia: Lester. Demo crat, Georgia; Llrinsston, Democrat, Ueor rla: Lucas, Rupubllcan, Koutb Dakota: Maddox, Democrat, Oeorgla; Moguire, Dem., California; Marshall, Dem., Virginia; McDearmon, Dem.. Tennessee; McKeikbaa. Pop., N'Kbraska; McLaurln, Dem, South Carolina, McMillin, Dem., Tennessee McRae, Dem, Arkansas: Meredith. Dem, Virginia; Money, Dem. Mississippi; Montgoinnry.Dem,, Kentucky: Morgan. Dem., Missouri'. Mosea, Dem, Ueortla: Murray, Hep, South Carolina; Nelll. Dem., Arkansas' Newlsnds, Pop, Neva da: O'Ferrall, Dem., Virginia: Paynter. Dem., Kentucky, Pence, Pop., Colorado, Pendle ton, Dem., Texas Plckler, Ia!p South Dakots: Post, Ki-publloan, Illinois Richard son, Democrat, Michigan: Klchardson, Dem ocrat, Tennesaee; Kobbins, Democrat, Ala bama: Robertson. Democrat, Louisiana; layers, Democrat, Texas; Miblnv, Democrat i'ennsylvaola: Mlmpson, Populist, Kansas; Hnodgrasit, Democrat, Tennessee; SiallJtws, Democrat. Alabama: Stockdaie, Dcmocrut, Mississippi: Btnne, Democrat. Ken tucky; htrult. Democrat, South Caro lina; Hwsuson. Democrat, Virginia: hweet, Ucp, Idaho; Talbert. Dem., Koiith Carolina; Tarsney, Dem., Missouri; Tate, Dem., Georula: Taylor. Dem., Indisna: Terry, Dem , Arkansns: Turpln, Doni., Alabama; Tyler. Dnm, Virginia, Wheelifr. Dem., Ala bama; Whiting, Di'in , Mlchlgun: Wllliumn. Dem., Illinois; Wlllluuis, Dem., Mississippi; Wilson, Ken, Washlnitoa; Woodurd, Doin, orth Carolina VH, TUB VOTE OK THK OFI'OSITIO.t. The vote against tho 19 to 1 ratio was as follows; Nays Mossrs. Adams. Republican, Ken tucky; Aldcrson, Democrat, West VlrInlu; Aldrich, Republicnn, IHiuois; Apiloy, Rpult llcan, Massacihusfitts; Avry, Ri'oubllcun, Michigan: Huhcock. Kspulillran, Wisconsin; Dakcr, Ropubllcsn. New iJu.npshlre: iialdwln, Domocrat, Minnesota: D.uiiuh, Democrat, Wisconsin; Bartholdt, Ipublican, Wixionri; Hartlett. Democrat. New York: Ilarwlg, Ixinocrat.Wlscoiis!n: HnWlcn, Ueriubtlcan, Nw York: Uoltz.hoover, Dninojrat, Pennsyl vania: Berry. Democrat. Kentucky: Bingham, Republican, Pennsylvania: Ulsck,, Illinois; Blair, Ropublioan, New Hampililre; Uoutclle, Rep., Maine; Urattsn, Dem., Mary land: Brawlsy, Dem., South Carolina; Breck inridge, Dcmoerat, Arkansas: Breckinridge, Democrat, Kentucky; Brlckner, Democrat, Wisconsin: Brosius, Republican. Pennsyl vania: Brown, Democrat, Indiana; Burrows, Ronubllcan, Michigan: Bynum, Democrat, Indiana: Cabanlss, Democrat, Goorgla: Cad mus. Democrat, New Jersey: Caldwell, Re publican, Ohio; Campbell, Democrat. New York; Cannon. Republican. Illinois; Carutb, Democrat, Kentucky; Cutchtnrs, Democrat, Mississippi: Causey, Democrat, Dela ware Chlckerlng, Republican, New York: Chllds. Ronubllcan. Illinois: Clancy, Dem., New York; Clarke, Dem-, Ala- oama; (.odd, uem.. Missouri; cooxran, Dem , New York Coggswell, Rep., Massachusetts; t'ompton, Dem., Maryland; Coombs, Dem., New York. Coooer. Dem . Florida' Conner. Dam, Indiana: Cooper, Rep., Wisconsin: Cor nish, Dem., New Jersey; Cousins, Rep, Iowa; Covert, Dem., New York; Craln, Dam., Texas'. Cummlncs. Dem, New York; Curtis, Rop New York: Dalzoll, Rep., Pennsylvania: Daniels, Rep., Now York: Davey, Dem., Louis iana; De Forest. Dem.. Connecticut: Dinirlnv. Rep.,Malne;Dolllver.Kep , Iowa; Draper, Rep., viasacnuftens: Liunn, nop', Mew Jersey; Dunnhy. Dem.. New York: Durborow. ltani.. Illlnola; Ellis, Kop., Oregan; Kngllsh, Dem, New Jersey; Frdmaiti Dem, Pennsylvania; Everett, Dem., New York;. Fellows, Dem., New York: Flelden, Dem , Now Jersey; Fitch, Dem., New York: Fletcher. Reo.. Minnesota: Forman, Dem., Illinois: Funk, lien., Illinois; Gardner, lie p., New Jersey; Gear, Rep.. Iowa; Gessonhalner, Dem, New Jersey; Gtllett. Reo.. New York: Glllett. Rep., Massachusetts; Goldlzer. Dem., Illinois; Gorman. Dem.. MlrnlKan: Grraham Dem.. Texas: Grosvenor, Republican, Ohio: Grout. Republican, Vermont; Uuger, Republican, Iowa; Hamer, Republican, Nebraska: Haines, Dem., New York: Hail. Dom , Minnesota; Hammond, Dem. , Indiana; Hare. Dem., Ohio; Haruier, Hep., Pennsylvania: Harter, Dem, Ohio: Haugen. Rep., Wisconsin; Hayes, Dem., Iowa: Hoiner, Rep, Pennsylvania Hen demon, Rep, Illinois Henderson, Rep., Iowa; Hendricks, Dem, New York; Hepburn, Rep., Iowa: Hermann. Rep., Oregon: Hicka, Rap., Per-sylvanla Hllborn. Rep., California; Hlnes, Democrat Pennsylvania; Hltt, Republican, Illinois; Hooker, Republican. New York; Hop kins, Republican. Pennsylvania: Houek. Dem ocrat, Ohio; Houck, Dem., Kentucky: Hullo Ic, Rep, Ohio: Hull, Rep.. Iowa; Hlkert, Dem., Ohio: Johnson, Rep. Indiana: Johnson, Hep., North Carolina: Johnson, Dem, Oliio: Juy, Rep., Missouri; Kiofer, Rep. Minnesota; Krlbbs, Dem., Pennsylvania; Laoy, Rep. juwa. mduWi unrn , naoue laiana: Dm., Ohio; Lafever, Rep , New York; Lily, rtep, Pennsylvania; Linton, Hep., Michigan; Lisle, Dem., Kantuoky; Looswood, Dem., New York: Jx)Ud, Rep , California: Loudena. agar, Ken, New Jersey; Lynch, Dem., Wlseoa in; Maimer, Dem., New York: Mahoa, Hep., Pennsylvania; Mallory, Dem, Florida: Marsh Rep., Illinois: Martin. Dem., Indiana; Marvin, Rep, New York: McAleer, D-m., lennyl, vanla; MeGsllery, Item., Maasachuaetuii MoCiear, Rep., Minnesota: MoCrear. Denv. Kentucky: MoCuiloaa. Dem, Arkaa aas; MoDoasld. Dam . llltnola McDowell, Rep. Penaiylvanla; MeKlrick. Dent., Massa chusetts: MoCaaa, Dans, lilinolai McKahr, imm. Maryland: McNagay, Dsns , lu diaaa; Malkletoha. Hep., Nebraska: Msrrar. Hp, Nsbraska; Meyer, Dew, Lo ilstaaa Mllllksa, Rep, Mains, Mono, Rsp., Misbifsai Mars. Hep.. MtuuwiU; Mulhlsr, IV in , fsnn. svivanla Northway.Rnp., tat: Osil. Iteea., MesMM-auaatls; I) Nelll. Run, ponlMla (njthwall Im , Ohio, Vf, IV a., Kao4 Islaa4, I'ashalU Dam, Tsaas Paliertua, livov, TsaaaaaMt Payne, Ua., New Yelk; Paari, Daas. Oslo; Pssdia tua, Psat, Waal Vtrflaia; Parkiaa. Ham laws Phillip, lUa. Vaaavihaaia. Ilru. Dvos, Paaasf lala; Pvwrra, Na, Vermont; Prise, twos. Iscs Pasdall, N-a, MaMWhitatUi Mar, Hsp, New Vsik, Kr aar. l-n , Msrtlaa4 Mm4, Rs, Mia, ttnllly l , aailtaaia Ryara. im , i'aaaytaata Mlt aatda, tialw Rtukss, ju , Oh M..WMMI. Hop, pxaasrlvaai. awM. ! il, Ivta. tttt Rn, ra., Ns Ytwk, fc4hrtcaMa. nw . Now YmI, iaatM. M Iw. aitssala. attW ki . kuiia i . Itaa. fca, Up , Wtwtiat Sk'aw.a. Ra. nap, s Vars kiM, , Map , liiiftttia, . i"mivai ami i a. iwaMKiMt,! riaf r. m , l itaa . n,t a-sa ) Dan, " ''. , aa , P..,,Uaat&. W A- airoc Vu,, vattiaia. Umm. ttw. snMf Ma,(fcih. Vkltut IkiM. . ali. Ta ., V aao-xa Tiw ttw. I s va , l..,a !;, naf. pa. PsasnttMiis i!Ht. LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY. Dem., New Tork; Washington. Dem. Ten neasne; Wauh, Rep, Indiana; Woadock, wm, viicnigan: w-u. iem, wiacnnsin; nou.Ni. twu , lion urn, ?, it jvif , irt : 1 r.t. 11. 1 1 i , ; i' ,1 iisuu, ncy., ,uiu. 1) iiaiiij, lelil,, cl 1 IP rlnla; WUa Dem .Virginia; Wolverton. Dem , j-enunyivania. tvoomer, wep., I'cnnayivunia; WrUht, Rep., Massachusetts; Wright, bap., s'vsoay i van in s.'u. ANTI-SILVER MKX JUBILANT. The announcement of the vote npon the amendment was received with ap- (iiause ana some surprise at the ma ority against free coinage, it being nearly double tbe lartrest estimate made by the anti-silver committee. Mr. Bland, from a seat at the left of the speaker smiled grimly as he heard the result, nervously chewing and rocking to and fro on his pivot chair. The figures show that a majority of tbe .Democrats voted against free coin age. With tbe close of the roll call the clerk announced a single pair- specifying with great particularity the side on winch the member would have voted if present This is a common custom fu tho senate but very unusual in the house and indi cated with what extreme care tbe pairing contract was made. It i very uncommon, also, to find so few mem bers paired, and the roll call revealed only eight absentees, who had not provided to make their votes couut in he total result With tho wave of applause and jubilation which swept over the hall as the crushing defeat of free coinage was announced the who e house seemed to tako a deep breath and to lose interest in what was to follow for the next few votes. Them were on the various ratios, hut every one know that the ratio question was not only dead but burled ten days ago. Mr. Blnnd asked a yea and nay vote on tho question of free coinage at the ratio of 17 to and secured it. As the clerk began calling the roll Mr, Bryan walked down the center aisle, calm and grave, around to whnro the silver leaders sat. They sat in con sultation some time and then Mr. Bryan by ca7 stages, made hU way back to his own seat Tho 17 to 1 amendment was de featedyeas 10(i, nays 2 10, On this besides the loss of the Populist votes, the members of that party withholding their votes, there were several nega tive votes from those who voted in favor of a' ratio of 10 to 1. The 18 to 1 amendment was rejected by a vote of 10a to 230. The 19 to 1 amendment was defeated yeas 105, nays 237. The 20 to 1 was rejected Yeas 119; nays 23. The Bland-Allison coinage act was defeated, yeas 136, nays 210, The Wlslon repeal bill was then passed by a vote of 230 to 110. Bl'he tirst of the ratio votes were taken amid such a buzzing as fairly drowned the voice of the clerk at times, and the few members who wore keeping tally on tho rest had to ap peal to the speaker repeatedly to pre serve enough order to make 'hearing possible. Only the "old stagers" on the silver side stood out for the 17 to 1 ratio, Man after man who had voted aye on the first roll call voted no on the sec ond and many others left the chamber. The slight gain made on the higher ratios was not unexpected by some of the leaders and it was the published impression of these that the ratio of '.'0 to 1 would poll the largest vote re corded in favor of free coinage. When it came to the 18 to 1 amend ment the chorus of dissatisfaction whieli arose when Mr. Hatch insisted on his demand for the yeas and nays showed that the house was in no tem per for childish delays. It was to bo noted that Mr, Bland, to whom this whole business is deadly earnest and not mere torn foolery, did not loin in the demand, but lay back in nis sent, , snowing as much coin poxim: as lie could eoinmand. The vote on the second ratio amend ment made a slightly bettor showing for the silver men, not because of a considerable increase In tlmlr vote, but by a falling off In tbe number of their adveraarles. By the time tbe third vote was called Mr. Blaud had recovered his wind enough to make the demand for the yeas and nays hlin-rlf, although he did not stay In h's seat long enough to see now things, were going. The anti-silver men, sUo, whj had united the effort to prevent further roll call, concluded to let the thlpg go and put every body on recurd on every phase of the ques tion. 'I he third part aed tavote when Mr, I d amend ment provld , eotaag at ft 17 tw I rat1 cam before the house. Msaara. i.tpauii and Baker ef the Kansas - ,-at heard their aamsa railed, but atarwd at the vUtk lu aiW-e, A alight ripple f applaua greeted the anatuuueat of the viU JIU ta tiai la recogalliu ut the Increased aati-aiUvr majurltr and there wae a rlr d.sMaitiii ur the prl t.f hituse In disr vrita farther prvrrvdiags utdr the attUl twdr and takeiHfwditig vutea viva vism Mr, IteU'k f ,Miirli slmng )y ua jwtwd etti ao vrtWtivnty that a r4 vail a ttrdaivd Ills nth t e aim ply tn favtM in iha rtNMfd tUe itauisa f tkitaa wfcu had tadad eilwr, Kuhss rU IW TM Al.M XNl IC !m& r.Mt.M II wr yar. AUGUST 31, 1893. NOW 111 II SENATE. . . The Gold-bugs Will trj to Buib the Be- peil Bill Through the Saaate THE 8ILVEE MEN WILL FIOHT IT. Voothaes' Bill Bubstituud for the Wilson tiiil National Bank Bill Side-tracked thlier Congressional News, Washinoton, Aug. 33. The senat rommittee on finance this morning decided to report back to the senate tho Wilson repeal bill with the recom mend etlim that the Voorhees bill already on the senate calendar be substituted for it Tbe committee also resolved to set aside the national bank circulation bill, which is now unfinished business in the senate, in favor of the Voorhees bill and to press the latter measure as rapidly as the temper of the senate will permit " The difference between the lioune bill and the Voorhees bill is found ia the attachment to the latter of a para graph declaring that it is the policy of the United states to use gold and silver as money metals and to preserve parity. The program of the commlttoo as far as it contemplates the setting aside of a national bank bill can only 'be carried out through the aid of a tniijot !ty in the senate for the national bank bill cannot bo withdrawn or set asido save through a majority vote in favor of the consideration of tbo re peal bill The silver men in the sen ate profess to be indifferent as to which bill is considered by the senate, holding that the bank bill is almost as objectionable as the repeal bllL The silver men say they will fight re peal at every step. In the senate Mr. Teller objected to immediate consideration of the repeal bill, and it went over until to-morrow. The Stewart resolution inquiring into the condition of the treasury was taken up, but was referred to the finance committee, Mr Gordon then addressed the senate in advocaey of tho unconditional re peal of tho Sherman act lie declared that he could not vote for any meas ure that involved delay and that he was therefore opposed to the substi tute reported to-day. FLAMES IN MOBERLY, MO. Seventy Thousand Dollara Damage Don to tli Beat Huslues Blocks. Mobem.t, Mo., Aug. .30 Fire start ed in the rear of Bak er, Walden St Go 's furniture and undertaking estab lishment at about 11 o'clock last night amid oils and varnishes and made rapid progress. Next to Baker, Walden - & Co. 'a, which was a double building with a front of about fifty feet was the Pythian hall building, a three-story pressed brick structure recently com pleted. The first floor on the corner was occupied oy ut. Adams as a drag store. Next to this was the grocery store of II II. Bergstresser. The grocery store of David Hutche son and that of suppe x wchwao, dealers in crockery, glassware, pic tures and frames, etc., were next attacked. There the fire stopped on the east and the postolllce block waa saved. Th walla of all the building eept the northwest rear corner of the )"ythlau building fell In aa th flames progressed. The buildings in ruin covered a apa. of over ISO feet Atria the atreet on the corner weat of th. I'ythlan building la th three st try brink btilding of the ttotuocrat publishing company, a w structure. It waa somewhat damaged. Many outbuildings were destroyed and much Injury doue to th front of storre ppvMite the fir. Th waUr SHtUy was abua taut but oaly two etri-ama were ud on the Ire on e tvii"t of lik of bus and hydras! fa.-illtiaa The total tus I placed ftt ItuVs'i Insurauee, Hl.T'ia Mlllt Ik Ileal. Mai'Kiu, Aug. 3u. The riots wh'eh started t a t'nert in Men MsUstlasi !tuiv!aj( vetting Weause th wreneatf, r?fM-v ta (day th liU hymn were repeated ycatarday and lat night I tho lht atr, thrth Basques hoots! th 't firmanc until th etur. left th slag aud putu wtdr4 thai h i nrta a Ut dropped. 'I h auih hid psUm of the the in ff a f-vt iutumua aad th hue t i lal h strt. I h tlt war uttsit' to ttioiMriss th rhtMrs, wha lnu siai!ua aa4 wtjUul di trltu Hit. I the tfp leaiv. th trrvt-. r now va duty ,f wh.i hur elvUUna areaure lS? OU Ik, CAN'T APPOINT SENATORS. Th Montana and Washington Caaa Dcldd Againat tba Ineansbnts. WashinotoN, Aug. 20. There was a very small gathering of spectators in the senate this morning, the voting in the house on the silver bill having at tracted the curious to the south wing of tbe capltol. Mr. Morgan waa not present at the opening of the proceedings, but hi return to the city from bis foreign mission aa arbitrator in the Bearing sea controversy waa signalized by the appearance on bis desk of the counter feit present of a seal, about one-third life size, rising out of a bank of rosea. Notice was given by Mr, Bnerman that be would address the senate on Wednesday on tbe silver question and by Mr. Wolcott for Thursday. jnr. nan iroai tne committee on Indian affairs, reported a bill authoris ing certain cnerokee allottees or claimants to purchase the laud held by them. lie explained that under tho recent agreement with the Cherokces seventy of those Indians had occupied and ii a. i unproved the land ceded In the Cherokee outlet It had turned out that more than seventy of them had equities in the land and the bill simply authorised the secretary of the interior to allow such as had such equitable rights to purchase the hold inge (not .over eighty acres), paying the same price therefor as white people pay. The bill was passed. A bill was reported from the judic iary committee by Mr, Hill for the repeal of the federal election law and it has gone to the calendar. Mr. J'eflVr then made a personal statement oi tne cause of hi" cliango of attitude in tue Leo Mantle case. The parliamentary rule required the final -vote- in the Lee Mantle case to be taken on the original resolution as amended, and it was agreed to yeas 9.', nays y.v. The vote on the right of John B, Allen of Washington, under the like circumstances, was precisely the same 33 to 21). The result of tho vote is that those senators are declared not entitled to their seats. The house bill to repeal the Sher man act was reported to the senate at B: 60 and was referred to the finance committee, Mr. Voorhees stating that there would be a meeting of that com mittee to-morrow and that there would be prompt action on the bill, in con nection with the measure already re ported from the finance committee. Miw Troops for th Strip, Chicago, Aur. 29. Orders were re ceived at General Miles' headquarters to-day directing that a command be given four troops of the Third cavalry, now stationed at Fort Eiley, Kan., to proceed at once to the assistance of troops on the Cherokee strip. This is for tho purpose of assisting in keeping the Cherokee strip clear of intruders until noon of September 10, when the strip will be legally opened. ' The troops will carry thirty days' rations dud will bo fully equipped for the field. Daughters of Prominent Families Klop. Wichita, Kan., Aug. 2 0. Miss May Stout and Miss Bonnie James, each iged 17 and each a daughter of a prominent family here, forsook their homes last night after the rest of the families had retired and left town without leaving much clew to their whereabouts. They are supposed to bare gone to Chicago with two well known young men who disappeared it the same time. Blooded stoeh rrad CntCAdo, Aug. 30. There waa a parade of over IS.OOO.oCO worth of blnxid horana through th thnrottjh fares of the White City to-day. The blooded aoltnal of America led and following cam those of Buss la, r'ranw. Koglaud and Germany. The (lav waa cold and raw and th attend snee at the big lit, stmW pavi'iott to witness th awarding of premiums to th horses and cattle waa less than II had been any day previous, Th tlaas wf wills Hal. Wasiuxurox, Aug 50, -After a little routine Ixiolnrsa in the lnus Mr, rUhigs.!toiu?rt MUsUaippI, called up tho report of th sommittee on rule, reporting th rulas ta govern th house of lit Fifty-third eoiBvet whkh th hous protMvded to eouaidar antler gnrel dliv thvk) autds. iUui!U, Kaa , Aug. w. . A trtk ia lu aa I thrashing uuM utttttt snt through Hhsffra brhlgss lath )Mtht 4it of this ftiMtity, last veiling 4 T C Vsr, U. t. . nd ior YYsfKtctii badly In td. fusts p.Whlv fUl!y, n IUI f thta Vs"a ( lla. . Ions, M.s, Aug, i nTft (irA hat s t tkls yvar a vrp of otia t psm 1 1 this MMrWvt t d t at ue tion at n" jrealerdev at U I'wttan shu; ti tli MtMf t'itit4 earn watttf Uft reals p r p , The free and unlimit ed coinages of silver at the ratio of lrj to 1; la other words, the restor ation of silver 'to tie place it held In our cur rency from 1792 to 1873. That the Sherman law should not be re pealed unless a law more favorable to sil ver is substituted for it NO. 12 IA TERIliniiE HURRICANE Visits the Atlantic Coast-AO Llvea Lost at Savanah. Savannah, Go., Aug. 30. At least fifty lives wore lost and several mil lions of dollars damage done by a most disastrous hurricane which swept over the ' y and vicinity Snnday , almost on anniversary of the hla torical hui ne of 1881. , , The storm . hlch had been predicted by the weather bureau for several days, began early in the afternoon and increased from then on until it reached the climax between 11 and It o'clock last night, having blown for eight hours In a terrific hurricane. It began raining early in the morn ing, but only in gusts. After the first fall it ceased and did not begin again until afternoon. Then the work of destruction began and lasted until the storm had spent its force at midnight ah tne wharves along the river front and the Ocean Steamship com pany's and Savannah, Florida and Western railroad wharves were under wator and the tide was still rising. A view of the city at dayliirht revealed a scene of wreck and ruin that sur passed that of tho great hurricane of 1881. The ruin at Quarantine Is immeasur able. Nothing is standing where one of the finest stations on the South Atlantic was twenty-four hours ago except the doctor's house, and how this weathered the fearful gale la miraculous. The wharves are crone, the new fumigation plant, which has cost tha city so much money, is in the bottom, of the sea and nine vessels which were waiting there for release to come to -the city are hltrhand drv in the marsh and no doubt will be totally wrecked. The Cosnlne whs the only vessel which managed to Keep aaoat. lhe tug l'aulsen arrived In the cltv at S o'clock. She brouo-ht up about sixty passengers from bee. Mr. Bevers, ono of them, eta that four colored men, enga-d railroad track, w sailor and a cabin b earing the tcd. A hooner on North ght of tho which went beach were llarsl, which is on her Beach, are drowned It is reported ti it crew of a terrapin si ashore on the south drowned. The hotel Tybee is consid erably damaged In front Her veran das are gone. All the bath houses are) gone. The K. of P. club house wan washed away. Tbe north end is practically cleaned out The water swept with tremen dous force over this part of the island. Railroad tracks were carried from 200 to 500 foet. Tho Chatham club houso Is badly damaged. The pavilions on the beach are gone; so Is tho switch back, i It Is believed the first bulletins of the cyclone's destructiveness have not been exaggerated. JscksonvllU Also Nuffsrs. Jacksonville, Fla , Aug. 30. Thia city has been out off from communi cation with the outside world since 3 o'clock Sunday morning. The tornado which the weather bureau foretold last Saturday struck Jacksonville about daybreak on yes terday morning. In this city the velocity of the wind waa forty-eight miles nor hour. Hundreds of treee were blown down and altrhs ranidlv disappeared before the gale. Score oi dwellings and nubile buildings were entirely or partly unroofed. Hurrleaw Sweep Charleston. Ciiarlkstox, RG, Auar. 3a Charles ton has again stood In the track of a tornado, which has shaken th ell u her foundations. The damage to property cannot now be eatimated and , oi oi m unknown. Will Cola All th toald. Wasiiisotos, Aug. 30 Secretary Carlisle has ordered the United Htatee mints at 1'hlladelphla and Kaa t'rnn- cUco to be fully manned and the full capacity ot both mints be utilised in the eoiaas; of gold bullion, lhe treasury department itosseasea from lghtyBv to ninety-fit tons gold bullion which la a part of th reserve of lim.isMUXsj. (Juki bars cannot ba) uhI aa currency an It has been de cided to coin th bullion oa hand. XaSad list's Thtv lfht AstuoaK, I nd. Tr,. Aug V atv Jim t hautMllof ram In last even lag with two hur thtva, arrat4 r th I hiM-Uw bttrder. t harUa Mowalu aud lid Chapman ar their aamea Tbev bvlong m a fanjp who have hN lafrallnf thK porVtsn ul th ttrltory for whs tint wst, i liss4 waa auia WuttsMatu X, Y Ag. .trf Mthrhf vt lW Hvarr, ad atn yvtunf vttipaoU, wa.s rv aalliuf ithvW'i fsvht, th Alohsv wr rapslseit lu l ake I kaidM at l o v k yimay nttMris a 44 of tint Wf war dtvwafd, TeieTrlt AttUXlt lhiPl?i&SfeHT I