I THE ALLIANCE -INDEPENDENT. 1 AUGUST 24. 1893 ) 1 iQtiOr rffii rO- rO ffft- vfo ) g RATIONAL . . . - j C? rH BUSINESS COLLESE.i Y. M. S. A. BLBO,, Kaksaj ClTT. Mo. 3 Host Practical Bosinasa College In the YWtl'L. Snnrlh&nii Trmwrltlnir. Book-1 lrn Inv nrt TaUmnhr Shorthand ' ihu if ThpM iHbumi fnM Sand tor I I oar bfECIAL SCMMB OFFER. ,v "nisirr KBnu ir.TnBY" BEST MIXED Paints. At WHOLES ALB PBIM.D Fro. For Boost, Barns. Roofs, all colon. A SAVE Middlemen's proflta, 1b aee IIWI. En- uineg dt unup at - - "-- "r pncee win surprise you. -nw lyn,N.Y. fe Sell Direct to ill Ccssrar AT WHOLESALE PR let. BVUDO J VP - -w ew RUSSSII Paint CO., NW Cor. Paulina AKtnzie St. Chicago, 111. FURNAS : COUNTY : HERD -or flolstein : Cattle! A few Extra Good September Pica, and a No. 1 butter bred bull, yearling', -registered lor sale, trices right H. S. Williamson, Beavek City, , Neb. TP OpOEH 3 And Upward TO $10 5 Fit like wax. Wfi.v liVrn irnn. v vsavav v stawa Never rip. Bend for samples and rules for self-meas urement. LUICOLII PAIiTS CO., 1223 O Street Make Your Own Bitters! On receipt of 80 cent, U S. tamps, I will end to any address one package bteketee's Itrv Bitters. Doe nackaffe mak4S one rallon best tonic known. Cures stomach and kidney diseases. Now Is the time to use bitters for tbe blood and stomach. Send O. O. Steketee, of Grand Kapids, Michigan, SO cents, U. S. stamps, and we guarantee that he will send at once. or sate ox uruKKisw, EXCELSIOR HOME BAKER AND ROASTER. The best paring investment for a housewife. IICZJHIS . None genuine without brass fittings) our latest lmTirovMi l.viB. is soi iu maice. nan umu nun strong but high grate, and closes perfectly tight eia ww i nant nnrmtinns- amania sti i. scrlDtieecirculars on application. I also man ufacture the "New Success" stove mat and tbe Famous Frying Pan, etc . AGENTS WANTED in every county in tne u o. aaaress, ' CHARLES SCHULTHE1SS, 40 N Main St, Council Bluffs Iowa. tow Excursion Rates-North-West- ern Line. July 24th, 31st and August 7th:' Chicago, one way I 0.15 Chicago and return ,. 15.00 DAILY TRAINS. Chicago, one way . .. 10.90 Chlcngo and return to Nov. 15th 19.10 .tot a urines is. U. na return . . . 10 50 Dead wood S. D. and return...... 19.50 Fast trains through sleepers. W. M. Shipmax, , Gen. Agt A. S. Fielding, City Tkt Agt. Depot Corner 8 and Eighth streets. . X. Moore, Tkt. Agent. The World's Fair. Tbe serea Wonders of the world were playthings and dull ones at that when compared with the Columbian Exposition of 1SU3. All the leaning towers and ruined pyramids and glgaatio bridges and other to-called marvels of the old world, together wouldn't form such a specta cle as then is now to be seen, not a thousand mile aay. Words cannot describe It. Hut If you take the Hurling ton route to Chi cago you can see it for yourtalf, Hon sell at the depot or Zieruor at 10th and O MU. wlU give you Information about traUs and help meka your jouree plraoaei and profi table, Eseurslo very day. The cheapest pt" for monument la at (ion, Naiwrmaa',- 215 south, Ninth tit , Lincoln. naslnrss men, wcr5aantt, bankers aa salt ur lavg th.r orders at Utters I'm I Con O s'rttt. Ve Nitrlhtetra ties U Chl ?o tow ravea. tait trt!s. Uo 1U1 WhywStrictry Pnra Whlta Lead the best paint ? Because it will outlast all other paints, give a handsomer fimsn, better protecuon to the wood, and the first cost will be less. If Barytes aad other adulterants of white lead axe "just as good" as Strictly Pure White Lead, why are all tbe adulterated white leads always branded Pare, or "Strictly Pure White Lead?" This Barytes is a heavy white powder (ground stone), bavins; the appearance of white lead, worthless as a paint, costing only about a cent a pound, and is only ased to cheapen the mixture. What shoddy it to doth, Barytes is to paint. Be careful to ase only old and standard breads of white lead. "Southern" "Collier" "Red Seal" are strictly pare, 44 Old Dutch "process brands, established by a lifetime of use. For colors use National Lead Co.'e Pore White Lead Tinting Colon with Strictly Pore White Lead. For sals by the most reliable dealers In nainta everywhere. ' l I .Ml forma. will Wly I yea a post NATIONAL LEAD CO., ' l Broadway, Sev T tt Louis Branch, Clark Avenue aad Tenth Street SL JOSEPH BUGGY CO. Si. Joseph Buggy Co. Carriages and Buggies at Lowest prices. Catalagfle and price list free. 6th aad&lessanio SU. St. Joe. Mo. Tonrtlst Rates to Colorado. The Union Pacific Railway (overland route) will now sell round-trip tickets to Denver, Colorado bprlnz. Manitou and Pueblo, at the low rate of 124.15 good returning until Ociober 31st Stopovers allowed between uneyenne a.o memo, run particulars given at 1044 O street J. T Mastih, E.B. Slossen, City Ticket Ag't. General Agont Missouri Pacific are offering the very lowet rates for round trip tickets to the World's Fair, good. (for return until November 15 1893. Also bare placed on sale summer tourist tickets at the usual low rates as can be verified by calling at office 1201 O stre, Lincoln, Neb., J. E. It. Miller. C. T. A. or H. C. Townbikd, G. P. & T. A. St. Louis, MO. Am going east. Professor Ong of the Omaha Collets of Shorthand and Typewriting is instructed to sell my 160.00 life scholarship for 119.00. Send him 119 00 and he will Issue a life scholarship la your name. Show this to your friend. Write at once. Geo. S. CcRRiE,."Gen. Del.," Omaha, Neb. ITafl Northwestern line to Chlcacro. Low. rates. 1 Fast trains. Ofece . 1133 OSt I am going east. I have a $60.00 life scholarship for tbe Omaha College of Shorthand and Typewriting for sale for 119,00 cash. Purchasers can call or write to Professor Ong of college and upon receiving 119.00 be will issue in your name the life scholarship I possess. You can attend anytime you wish. Please cut this out and show it to your friends. Write Or rail at once to col lege or Geo. S. Ccrrie, "Gen. Del.," Omaha, Neb. , The constant demand of tbe traveling public to the far west for a comfortable and at the same time an economical mode of traveling, has led te the estab lishment ol wnat is known as PuJlman Colonist Sleepers. These cars are built on the same gen eral plan as the regular first-class Pull man Bieepers, tne only ainerence oelng tnat tney are not upnoisterea. They are furnished complete with good comfortable hair mattresses, warm blankets, snow white linen curtains, plenty el towels, combs, brushes, etc., which secure to the occupant of a berth as much privacy as is to be bad in first- class sleepers. There are also separate toilet rooms for ladles and gentlemen, and smoking is absolutely prohibited. For lull Information send lor Pullman Colonist Sleeper Leaflet. J. T. MASTIN, C. T. A. 1044 O. St, E. JU. slosson, Uen. Agt Lincoln, neb. One Faro to Hot Springe and Dead wood and Return The Elkhora line Is bow selling ex cursion tickets each day to Dot Springs, tne great neaitn resort, ana Deadweod, the mining center of the Black Hills, at one fare for the round trip. Get particulars at city office 1133 OSt. or depot corner S and 8th Sts. Attention. Independents. The present reduced rates to Chicago plaoes a World's fair visit within the means of all. As an unexcelled means of getting there your attention is called to our limited train leaving Lincoln dally at 2:20 p. m., arriving In Chicago at e:15 a. m. lly 9 o'clock you can rach the fair grounds by cable tar, paaalng for mites tnrougB one or ibicago't most magnificent streets, a sight of which Is worth a special vtrit to tbe olty. Cbair cars, through, sleepers and din- log cars, afford every comfort and con venience. Wm. Piui'Max. Gen. Agt A. tt. FlSLPlNU, City Ticket Agt, 1 133 O street E.T Moors, Ik pot Agent KlMh and S street. TURKS CHKAP EXCURSIONS Te See the Cheapest Lands snj the Beet Ciops to Nebraska, August :i fceputmber 12 aad October lOL the llikborn raltroai. Northwestern Hue, will tell round trip ticket for the aUtve purpu at one rare p! I J -no far let than f7u PwInU na Its lines In Nebraska, go tta lUkoU and Wyo ming, VHt ytwr CrU'ttda that tU raU e are alio gul fr u.lat wtatiif ( 'hleagti on the Nerth wtr iltxre. TU'ate oa twenty csrt, htou mvr gtvtio, ftV further lrrrmnt!ia fail wa A. is. rieid . a Ttekut Afent. IIU O itivet, o, IVtH l Aweii' T. M xe, cwrner ii and Ufhth e'rt. Why? M you arv Kuiug w uwu., tr io asnd to us Tor a book containing ml tion that may save yon many a dollar: it eost yea a postal card to Co so. THE SCHOOLS OF AET. A DAY IN THE LIBERAL ARTS BUILDING- Assericaa Art It)tts slake Sploav SM Skowlag at Chleac A ariaa Artlau Ar Slaeara Fortrayera ef Ma Sara Tka Diffsreot Schools. World's Fair Letter. N EXHIBIT OV great value as one of the most im portant factors In the remarkably rapid development of American art and' the unfolding of this wonderful JJ&L.,-, lilZ r flower, the World's ty Columbian Expoal- ' tlon, ia that of tbe Amerlean art schools, in the southern section of the gallery of tbe liberal arts building. The exhibit is not a very large one, but it is representative and character istic of every feature that is certainly evolving an American school of art We have waited long and patiently for the birth of American art and at last we are beincr rewarded by a white star of promise that has appeared in tbe western sky, whose radiance calms and charms and fills the heart with, hopes of great gifts for the luiure. The work of the art schools grouped in a section divided into small apart ments, extending along the eastern aisles Tbe art institute exhibit which is regarded with much interest occupies the last space tn the row. This school, though one of the young est ranks with tne first art schools in the country. Its position is due to the genius of iU instructors, among whom are Lorado Taft and Frank Millet, whose rare gifts and unconven tional grasp cf the knowledge of true art have contributed so much to the artistic beauty of the Exposition. The exhibit represents very fully the work of tbe school; it includes tbe Saturday juvenile class, decorative de signs from original designs, architect ure, modeling, studies In oil and in charcoal. Hreadth and originality are characteristic of the art institute and there are some special features that mark its superiority. Tbe still life studies in oil, of metal work are strong and brilliant and there is re markable truthfulness in the glisten ing sheen oi tbe polished and orna mented surfaces. In the modeling prang's exhibit. there is a tendenev to work on new lines. The bust of Bessie, an exqui site piece of sculpture, reflects tbe un folding of an independent spirit, as necessary in art as in any other de partment of human labor and achieve ment. The art institute of Chicago is the most distinguished and successful of all the undertakings for an advanced culture in tho city. It had a struirsrle to maintain life in the early years of its existence, but has triumphed over all the difficulties of its checkered career and has at last reached a height of achievement scarcely hoped for by its founders and friends, who are proud of its progress and resolved upon greater advance in the future. The commendable feature of the Chi cago Art school exhibit is the truth fulness of its work, the absolute freedom from bizarre and theatrical effects, the purity and refinement of motive. Should a great national school of art be established in the near future it would not be a mistake to place it in the wonderful city on the shore of a beautiful inland sea where not long a?o art was wedded to indus try and where to-day we bave as the fruitage of that nnion the marvelous "White City," the greatest triumph of the skill and genius of man. The St Louis school of fine arts, of which Iialsey Ives, chief of the fine arts department at the Co lumbian Exposition, is president has a fine exhibit adjoining the Chicago school. It was reorganized under the Washington university in l7tf when it entered upon a stage of rapid progress and great usefulness. It gives a wide and careful training in all the depart ments of drawing.palntlng and model ing with instructions in anatomy, perspective and compcsitlon and has life classes for both sexes in drswlng from draped models. The treatment of flesh toncs,shows thorough training "v:.tt"'J mm I iHrri cxitm ash uic. and an lttte)!l-en! aad srii alhet, nleruiitlinf t( thl lraaob of art. 1 he flit trt rump Ui' ettl oe etcvHont work. t 4 aUa th '. t h rleas th relu 41 Iflera RilaaUs anl two buure set-l.lg aa remark sbU lor tttvlr iMtld a4 truthful stm t. '1 hl wttra thuwa huw it n t le m'4 at art. hu u e.v.l v stUed ktii, le.lA- fit U-htir, im pte with the art flntr can, with a few iiid. lo'.d, earatttitne to !Tsu bli are Un4 t e m. tbe labored efforts or veara. The school of drawing and painting, museum of sne am, iioston, has an excellent exhibit of studies in black and white; there - are a number of heads in oil which show by their strength and grace that thorough and noneat work is the purpose of the school. In the art schools exhibit the schools of industrial art have an equal share with those of high art, for art means now something more than picture. and the various applications of art to objects or use aed ornament beinsr understood and appreciated by a large majority 01 the American populace. Industrial art has had a disagree able association, to many, people It suggests the commercial spirit the shop and the factory, but art if it is worthy to be called art i based on science and science is necessary, not CHICA80 AOT SCHOOL. only for the most successful produc tion, but also for the full appreciation of the fine arts. Good industrial art includes the scientific as well as the artistic elemeht, science securing the necessity of true and permanent work manship, art contributing the quality of attractiveness and beauty. The Industrial art schools, whioh are a factor of no little importance in modern economics, have proceeded on the basis that science ia the true foundation of art, and the success of these schools strongly confirms the principle on which they are based. It is certain that the development of the industrial art idea in America has opened up unusual fields of usefulness to women, which they are entering with adaptability and enthusiasm, making success sure and unquestion able. In the art school's exhibit woman's ability to do good work is so evident that it confutes tbe notion so long indulged in that the art sense was limited to man. The woman's art school of Cooper union is full of sug gestions and contains many happy features. There are a number of ex quisite designs for book covers of tbe sixteenth century, stained glass win dows, Gothic lettering, tiles and tex tile fabr'es. Much ofthe designing is baaed upon historic ornament, the Egyptian, the Assyrian, the Greek and Byzantine. The flower studies for ap plied designs are a very interesting and instructive part of the exhibit The pen and ink drawings are strong and the studies in oil are treated with great refinement and truthfulness borne of the best American artists are teachers in the school, Goodyear, Van derhoof, Wier and Gifford.' ! The normal class for the training of teachers in the I'rang course of form drawing and color has nn exhibit that gives one a very clear idea of the logical sequence of this admirably de veloped plan of art instruction. The Philadelphia School of Design for Women, one of the oldest schools in the country for the art education of CHICAGO SCHOOL OF DESI6X. . women has a large and representative exhibit Its various departments of practical dekign. crayon portrait, land scape painting, flower painting, mod eling, drawing from antique architec tural, china decoration, etching and normal art course tell the story of the groat breadth ef tbe work, its progress and remarkable productive power of tue siutitinu. Tbe I'rang exhibit occupies the first alcove in art school row. Although not in the circumscribed sense, an art school tn Chief l'eabodv's judgment the aim and the results accomplished are in the end those of an art school. The work la arranged very system atically and one can very easily follow it front the first ytar through that of the lat year in the grammar schools and get an intelligent idea of the itrogmkiou and continuity of the course of instruction. A tetaon one learns in looking; through the art eohool eihlbit, la that there la in the American temperament an intelligent art tuoremeiU which i ready to be stimulated and developed. Art la no Ua,'rr reaervea for tbe talented few, but is twcoiue a means of tdj'Stiu.i throughout the Un l. Art In A mert. a uttitt be tKulo rd " the WtU of a I road hu manity. T!, pittiut of industrial tra.aiu? iaio tha school Is a great ale" t't this lUreviUui, one that wilt r ly gl a nicher Me and a eotler put (MM to t:i Uxr of euiammt 11 fa. the fuiiiUtuenlal 'laical prluotiiJi-e that hold tit'.ety toether Ittutl hot t lt tight uf. A t ad alio, tha study of beauty iha hlf !,et in aature and a bm an Ufa. ni 1i duwvted sraiatl a sxlal demvxralUaUua. whtvb, soma tw ep to tSea"a ua, and (or thu r4a Iha wrk of art e-luAstloa ha tla Vti b S powerful aiswal fove. Ji a M. toswr. eel Sa every way VANITY OP GREAT "MEN roaOdeaca aaS Comh Kiktbltee la All Walks of Mfc The candor with which Salvlni in his autobiography bandies the sub ject of his own talent has provoked comment but after all there is some truth in what Schopenhauer says: "With people with only moderate ability, modesty is mere honesty, but with those who possess great talent It is hypocrisy." A man possessing genius can hardly fail to be conscious of it and the New Orleans Times Democrat thinks it only natural that he should take pleasure in such of his works as best display his power. Keats, who "hated a mawkish popu larity," was merely within his right when he said: "I think I shall be among the English poets after my death." When Michael Angelo, hav ing heard his Pieta" ascribed to a Milanese sculptor by a group of sightseers, straightway shut himself up in his church that night and chis eled his name upon a fillet of the drapery, he was not moved by wounded vanity, but by the proper self-respect of the artist who knows that his works are worthy to be ac knowledged. Liszt's proud motto, "Genie oblige," commits those who adopt it to many trials and efforts. As trancisoo Millet said, speaking out of his own experience, "In art you must 'give your skin,' " Yet even he, whose aim was to "paint for eternity," bad moments of dark despondency in that time when nogloct disheartened and ridicule assailed him. "If I were not firm in my own ideas," he wrote once, "if I had not some friends if I were alone, in fact I should ask myself if I were not the dupe of my imagination, if I wore not a dreamer." Mendelssohn also acknowledged that there were days when "all things looked at him askance," and he felt that he would prefer being a carpenter or a joiner" to following his own high vocation. Sir Walter Scott's biographers' toll us that he never, introduced his own books as a topio of conversation, but if they were referrod to by others he joined simply and naturally in the talk; not showing himself fatu ously eager for adulation, or mock- modestly deprecating the praise which was his due. Lamb was not less adverse to an affected attitude on tbe part of literateura A sworn enemy of "cock-of-the-walk-ism," nothing pleased him more than to trip up pompous gravity and send it sprawling. Thackeray, when it was necessary, spoke candidly of his writings and on several occasions specified certain passages which he considered his best work; but he did not call himself "the inimitablo" or suggest that his domestio virtues would form good material for his biography. Iiut there are and have been many men of genius marked by an overweening conceit It is re corded that Degas once said to Whistler, apropos of the letter's mania for posing: "My dear friend, you conduct yourself just as if you had no talent at all" The musician's feminine love of appreciation has been playfully ex plained by saying that "Music is a woman," but authors, as a body, have not shown themselves free from this failing. Hazlitt classed Byron as a "sublime coxcomb," and Leigh Hunt as "a delightful one. " Vanity of tbe latter kind, which is like that Of a child proud of its new frock or its useless little treasures, is rather winning than otherwise, through its naivete, but there is another sort which demands tribute of all passers, and is liable to provoke a spirit of opposition. The self-esteem of Haz litt himself was excessively irritable and of unstable balance. He would even fancy that the waiters in the coffee house were pointing him out j to the other guests as "the gentle man who was so abused last month j in Blackwood's magazine." Garrlck was another gifted one whose talonts gave him no feeling of surety. He was unfortunately sensitive to com ment living, as it were, "in a whispering gallery, always listening and always anxious about himself." The vanity of Gustavn Dore, that gamin de genie," as Gautier called htm, took the form of jealousy of his contemporaries. He flew into a transport of rage upon hearing that MeixHonior bad resolved 200.000 francs' for a painting; and he always fancied that unfavorable criticism of his pictures mutt bavo been insplrod by personal enmity. A i'earl IluaU Not very long sgo a London news paper announced that a jowolor of Turin had made a tug-boat formed of a slnglo pearl. The sail is of beaten gold, studded with diamonds, and the pinnacle light at tho prow Is a per fect ruby. An emerald serves as its rudder, and the stand on which tt Is mounted is a slab of whitest Ivory. Ibe entire weight of this marvelous Ipecltnnn of the jewelry craft Is loss than half an oun, but the maker values Itati'l.tKHX Heartless. !le4 "I think our teacher of composition Is charming, don't you, Emily?" "He, Bertha; that heartless won. iter? Captivated by hi blue eyes the tth,r day, 1 slipped a lUtlo at fcH'Uonate nte Into toy roj book!" "And what did hdr' Hldgava It me bi k with ail the polling mistakes rorracted In rd itskr tiMtiaMite tbe !." ronilaiit'ne the Great was toot a aiaV ti ttturdrvl hi wtm, Die or tw of Ma sons, a fuattdtfabU until her of hi other ranalivee. sad a Kalltjr of a ecore of aatii.allis and murJ"ra IK waa a Christian ti! la ttu.r. 4 . NEW YORKERS RUSTLING FOX CURRENCY. RESORT TO MABT HOTEL SCHEIE! CertlBed Checks of Various Kinds ts4 te Take the Place ef Cash Call foe a Hestlng- oi the Baslaess Meat f the Coeatry la WashUg-toa, f Carter Harrleoa'e SI- ( aaaelal Views. j New York, Aug. SI. Tbe schemes devised for temporary relief from the lack of ready cash have so swelled ia character and number that it is hard to keep track of them. One which has commended most general approval ia that of using certified checks to pay off the hands in the industrial estab lishments. Inspired by this the city bank of Buffalo, an institution organ ized under a state law, has set a new plan before the public which has brought warm compliments from prominent financiers in New York and elsewhere. It is for the City bank to issue New York drafts in sums of ft, t', $3 and flu, payable to bearer and let them be passed from hand to hand as cash till it becomes convenient to re deem them in government currency. Being drawn to bearer, no endorse ment will be needed to pass title and being drawn on New York they have both the collaterals deposited with the local bankers' association and the money on deposit in New York te rescue the holder against lose. JHot tn years was such general In terest taken In the weekly bank state ment as was tbe case with the exhibit to-dav. When the statement made its appearance it proved to be favorable, l'robably the item which attracted the most attention was the further in crease in circulation of f 702, 200, which makes the gain in this respect for two weeks over 11,400,000. Loaus were contracted 15,25.1,900 and deposits de creased f 1,001,100. There was a gain In specie of 4,72,ooo and aloes la legal tenders of 1703,700. Reserve in creased 14,409,575, which reduces tbe deficit to f 12,045,800. When the statement was read at the exchange at 11:35 it was received with long and loud cheers. The demand for currency was moderately large at IX to S premium. The Import of specie at this port for the week was 1 1,353, 00, of which fll,240,70 were gold and f 1,246 silver. The exports of specie for the week were $204,000, all of which was silver. An officer of the board of trade stated this morning that a call for a meeting In Washington of the business men of the country for the purpose of demand icg the immediate and unconditional repeal of the purcbaae clause of the Sherman silver act, would probably be issued within a few days CARTER HARRISON'S IDEA. 1 The Chicago Magistrate Fevers Paylag Oat ail ret Instead of Notes. Chicago, Aug, 21. "If I were presi dent I should restore confidence ia thirty days," said Mayor Carter Har rison, when asked to express an opinion on the present financial depression last nights "I would put the 143,000,000 alWer dollars lying useless in the treasury ia circulation. What is the trouble now? Scarcity of currency. And yet tbe government keeps Ob bmulsg treasury notes that can be locked up by timid people. I would not Issue a single note, but I would pay all national debts in silver and in that way bring the stringency to a sudden termination. Do you know at this moment there ia 150,000,000 is gold and bank notes deposited in the vaults of Chicago? Take that money out and put it in circulation and in a week the stringency would be 'gone. Silver cannot be boarded it la too bulky gold notes can; and if $143, 000,000 in silver was turned out, money would be plentiful. They talk of silver being an undesirable money, yet who will refnse to take silver dol lars? Let the national government pay all its debts in silver now stored away. A man who received 600 of the dollars would not put them in a safety vault and he would not 'log them around. He would pay bis r'ebts and bank tbe rest The banker, having currency, would accommodate nia customers and then the wheels of commerce would revolve again." Fort Keott Sugar Works Opened. Fobt Scott, Kan., Aug. 21. The sugar works of this city has begun work two weeks earlier than usual on account of the immenae cane crop. The chemical analysis of all ku to far marketed shows a greatly in creased rr pt,nt of sugar and aa the farmer is paid according to this the increase la very gratifying. The vagsaae Is being uaed for making paper and the leaves are being sold for fodder. Hay SUport Kol Mw frutttaale. Caxajohakir, N. Y., Aug Si. The Bay Trade Journal shows a weaker tendency in Ua review of the hay market The foreign demand has greatly decreased and ?ablea Just re eelved ahow that the price paid there U lower than here, when transporta tion expense U considered. P papula tion In hav " the prospect of a fore ljr n demand I declared dangerous at lhi moment. Aa OH at. La. I tem laateea br, Uitia, Ma , A g el.wTbaGrealjr Burnbam tirocery eoiapesy, wbee tudne via Mine months ago merged with that of i; 11 hcudJer A Co, iat the Hxadder-Ual Grocery tympany ootttUla!Ut o( the two old Arm, become emt'arraueit. It lubti (Tartrate aUmt kt,0u wtlh 1 about tho tame. Mtlttaa A 444 t Ik t trat t1HInt. A. tt th bauk rlrt'itUlUm tntUtaiid' UI j7.Jt , t an tucrv wJl 0 tijMM-Vt wtm , A M !H!1"M kS, UR, At