? ATTTAK V- Bi There Saturday mote beet ways and here. Fa are especi: Sherml Editoh Ai Sherman Cq at Loup City 9, 1893, at one anoes are requev J. 8. Needham, President Silve Sheltos, Editor Alliance The citizens of Shi met today and made hold a mass silver con day. September 2, at 10 trove. A committee each of the political pai to get speakers and mak ments. President Powers' President Powers will ments in the state as folio August 26, Saturday, countv. - - August 28, jvionaay, wayne, wayne county. August 29, Tuesday, Winslde, Wayne county.' August 30, Wednesday, Madison, Madison county. , August 31, Thursday, Platte Center, Platte county. September 1, Friday, Albion, Boone county. ' t In the Counties. . People's independent county conven tions will be held as follows: - Perkins: At Grant, September 2, at 10 a. m. Dawson: At Lexington, August 26, at 2 p. m. Valley: At Ord, Sept. 1, at 1 p. m., a mass convention to elect delegates to state convention; at Ord Sept. 25, at 1 p. m-, delegate convention to nominate county ticket. Sherman: At Loup City, September 2, at 1 p. m. Platte: At Platte Center, September 2, at 1 p. m. Clay: At Clay Center, August 29, at 10a. m. Jefferson: At Fairbury, August 26, at 2 p. m. ' ' Cuming: "At Beemer, August 29, at 10 a. m Buffalo: At Kearney, August 29, at 10 a. m, Cass: Weeping Water, September 2 at 1 p. m. Antelope: At Neligh, Ssptember 2, at 2 p. m. ... - Hamilton: At Aurora, September 2. Holt: At O'Neill, Sept. 2, at 2 p. m. Dixon: At Ponca, August 29, at 10 a. m. - ' Brown: At Ainsworth, September 29 1 p. m. ' Nance: At Fallerton, September 2, at 3.30 p. m. Cedar: At Hartington,. August 26. Keith: At Ogalalla, September 2, at 2 p. m. ' Merrick: Central City, September 2. Cheyenne: Convention was held at Sidney August 9, and a .strong ticket nominated. Adams: At Hastings, August 26, at 11 a. m. Furnas: Beaver City, August 19, at 1 p. m. Polk County convention meets in Osceola September 1. Adams County convention meets at Hastings August 26. Lancaster County convention meets in Lincoln August 25. The Nance county convention is called to meet at Fullerton September 2, at 3:30. The Pierce county convention will meet at , Pierce, September 5, at 10 o'clock. The Cedar county convention will be held at Hartlngton, August 26. The Custer county convention meets at Broken Bow, August 29, at 10 a. m. . .a , a m ft VTB Labor Day in Lincoln. Lincoln, Nkb., August 22. Editor Alliance-Independent: I desire to say a few words through your valuable paper, if you will kindly allow me space. First I would say that the label ing men of Lincoln' and Lancaster county will have s grand parade in the city in the forenoon, and in the afternoon at Lin cola park the programs will consist of concert by the Nebraska State Band, bae ball botwccn the Flattsmouth and llavclock teams for a purse of $25.00, also greased pig, tub race, running race and other sports too numerous to men tion. At 2:30 Mr. II. M. Ives, president of the Kansas State Labor Federation will addrtHi the people. You should not fall to hear the allvor-tonguod chain plon of labor's cause. And now lot me ay that at labor day comes on the 4th, ttef of September, and upon tha 5ih, thl Independents or people's party will hold their convention la this city, would it not bo a splendid opportunity for those t th eOJ dolegaWs to said a tale convention to combine bulnei with pleasure and try and get to Lin coln on tho evening of Kept in her so M to Im able to enjoy th labor day cnUtrtatamant ar.d touch slhows with your brother tliar of the city la on grand round of pleasure, e!o to tejuy the muU) that will be faraUhed by )m entire caUhra'rd SUt band. Why aut do this asd th a on tfeutemtar hht yew could eaWr U(ua th balne that brought you ham with a mu ai.d a brotherly abate of the hand, afur day of ttijoycunt sveh as labor day will will be la tha ca'lut city this jver, Vtry truly jwur. A liTi5i if f CanrAi. City. I'ae North wra Mm to Chic? Um rate, I'1 Irelae. UflSqa iU Vtaf W, A. Ton MlBS ElW . c.rxirf &F.AuJ A 1 ACDnMenue ua7plutocratio For twenty-five years theonftl bank. papers have taught the naU ooUid be ing system is the best thajjy impii. devised. Not only that, buCy. gu. cation at least, tney nave tauga, HMa niih1! flint, t.hnv ftrn nerfectlv for depesttors, no matter how managed and today thousands of their readers actually believe that a depositor cannot lose his money. The depositors In over a hundred of these favored and petted Institutions have found out to their sor row within the last 90 days that a na tlonal bank is no better or safer than any otber kind. The fact that the peo ple don't arise en masse and demand their abolition entirely, their notes to be supplanted with a government issue of greenbacks, Is but another link in the chain of evidence that proves our vassalage to the money power. The Nonconformist. Donnelly's Head Swims. ; Mr. Cleveland says that congress will not touch the tariff question until the country becomes prosperous. Last fall the democrats told us that the country never would bs prosperous until they revised the tariff. Andif the country becomes pros perous'what's the use of revising the tariff? Why disturb what's well enough. Really it makes one's hed swim! No revision of the tariff until the country Is prosperous: no prosperity until there is tariff revision; no necessity for revi sion while the country is prosperous; can't revise it when it isn't prosperous; no prosperity without revision; no revision without prosperity no no Oh Lord! Is there a tariff question anyhow? And what is It all about? Ignatius Donnelly. v Another Republican Gone Wrong. Sidney, Neb., Aug. 16, 1893.-Hon. Mark M. Neeves, republican receiver of the Sidney land office and late editor of the Sidney Telegraph has been dis missed from the government service on account of a $1,300 shortage in his ac counts. United States Inspector of Land Offices Andrews Is awaiting the action of Mr. Neeves and his boadsmen in making good the shortage before steps toward prosecution are taken. No other official is effected or in anyway implicated in the defaulcation, When seen by the reporter Mr. Neeves did not want to talk. He, however, says the money, cr most of it, was loaned by him to his son-in-law. Ventos . Turning the Table. A banker approached Congressman McKelghan a few days ago and said: "Mr. McKelghan, what are you going to do to relieve us from these hard times?" "Hard times" saidJMcKeighan "why I am not aware of hard times." "Why, said the banker, "we can't get any money." "Well," said McKelghan "you haven't anything to sell. Go home and go to work and raise something and you'll be all right." "Oh, hell!" said the banker and walked away. Ex. In Old Virginia. Ihe Virginia populists have a full state ticket in the field. In speaking of the convention tha Lynchburg Dally News says: "It was a fine looking body of representative men, in which the farmer element largely predominated. General Field, the late populist candi date for vice-president, was oae of the most active of the nearly eight hundred delegate present." TUB MAUKKT8. Chicago Grain and Lite Block CaicAOO, Avtt. 13, MMl pAms-RiwII ?. h); n4' buh-r; ) u rhuk r. V'-t.-l (thrift, i i'lh; 3 "taut, U W4i u4 t'Kf, Ho Utewiptis IV ti ftiarkat f tut wrt UiUJ au . t w I ; prim -r il fcttl. hr ft) tUi ln 11.1. 4 !'. h m b k r l ! ' W.M lwr ht lovr : $i ; Ta. "i i;wt, ft h Omaha 14 v iKliYl tltnatton wanted la ftud fmstry wwa. ttVna'ly. rotfahle, and Arv.i all ffwad HS m ywrt ijr nt, "H.AUlsttelodi-radiat 'THE AUBUCAH lift. ABnual Eevitw of tie American Agri- caltaralist A SHORTAGE 15 KEASLY ALL CSCPi Home Coxaumption and an Iscrsas d Foreign Demand Expected to Yield an Average Return to the Farmer. Dependant on Money. . New Tobx, Aug. 22. The following a a summary ot tne American Agri culturist's anual review of the crop situation and of the agricultural year: The harvest of 1893 in the United States Is, in many respects, similar to that of three years ago, but with every prospect that home consump tion and an increased foreign demand will so advance values as to yield as large a net return to farmers as on the average of recent years. lne cotton crop will be harvested on fewer acres than last year. As large or a larger breadth was planted to this staple, but the inability of many planters to borrow money enough to work the crop, together with the drouth, floods and worms, and the still greater difficulty of get ting money for picking, combine to seriously curtail production. Present indications point to a crop of 1,750,000,000 bushels of corn, con trasted with 1,630,000,000 last year and over 2,000,000,000 bushels in the immense yield of two seasons previous. The wheat output will not exceed 443,000,000 bushels according to the American Agriculturist's own reports and its interpretations of government to 614,00,000 ps the average lor the past two i 400,000,000 bushels in 1890. 2.5O0.0O0 less acres were dc voted to wheat than last year, and the bulk of this decrease was in the surplus states, which bid fair to have 78,000,000 fewer bushels than last year, and 125,000,000 bushels under surplus states produc tion of 1891. Available supplies of old wheat are 40,000 bushels greater than twelve months since, . but ever : all of that farmers also hold 17,000,000 bushels more old wheat now than then. The total supplies of the ensuing year are only 500,000,000 bushels, or 117,000,000 less than the average of the two pre vious crops. Our home consumption has averaged 365,000,000 bushels an nually, leaving an apparent export surplus of 135,000,000 bushels, against exports last year of 192,000,000, and the season before, 225,000,000. This year's acreage of oats was never exoeeded except in 1889, when over 750,000,000 bushels were rown on 27,460,000 acres, compared with 620, 000,000 bushels on a slightly smaller acreage this season. This is within 40,000,000 bashels of last year's out turn and just about an average of the previous , three cropa The usual quantity of rye, buckwheat and bar ley will fie garnered. The supply of hay (over 83,000,000 tons) and other forage is abundant, though mill feed and cottonseed meal may be higher than last winter. The wool clip is somewhat heavier than last year. Serious reduction in the supply of live stock is reflected in reduced arrivals at our domestio markets and decreased exports during the past seven months, with a very fair tendency to values. The American Agriculturist notes an increased domestio crop of sugar, but a shortage in tha world's produc tion of 300.0oO long tons of sugar; but "prices are more likely to be affected by changes in legislation than by changes in production." Potatoes have felt the drouth and about 165,000,000 bushels are looked for slightly more than last ysar, compared to 245,000,000 in the bounti ful crop of two years ago. Reviewing the financial situation from the farmers' standpoint, the American Agriculturist concludes that "the prospect for prices in the early future depends more upon the mone tary situation than upon natural con ditions, all of which point to causes that should result in higher prices." Stocks abroad are not materially larger than a year ago, so that the ex cess of 5.000,000 bushels in the United States stocks of old still leaves an in dicated shortage in the bread crop of the t world of 100,000,000 bushels of wheat This allows Russia as good a crop as last year. The European rye crop is hardly a fair average; oats are under average and potatoes are In jured by arouth." With no extra surplus ofthe bread crops and an assured deficit of wheat, the United States is likely to be called upon to export as much wheat as last year if not more. Indeed, exports .have been inach heavier since July 1 than lnftt eaun. "The conclusion is justifiable that present prices of grains ere abnormally low, as thero is little evidence of our ability to sparaas much wheat as Europe wants unless a Urge underconsumption pre vails In the United States. FIVE INSTANTLY KILLED. 1 A CarrUf t'otl mt fot Struck Traia at a CraMUg. Lerot, N. V., Aug, 85. An acci dent occurred her yenterday on the Lehigh Valley railroad eroding ot Lake street. In which five prop! were lntaetly kilUd Their names are) f J, lUive, Mrs, I J. !.uvr and daughter, Mta Ola. all of Lero.v; Ml Nancy Hick of tit unit pU-t; Mla tUntu Bawdea, daughter ( th Uv. feamuat Ikiwdeu, of New York, '1 ho fit nnf.trtunsU atarte I with a spirited team to ehurvh. tVhea on the tracks tho tattbuued LehigH Val ley fljer struck th forward Jtrl f tho frrlf, ant a aoeon.l lalr tho erukhd ImU tut th cvwj.i.W wtra flying through tha air. To liMt ttMk at lao fai fa'io, Af !.Tb wt jwit 1m4 was a rword VioaVer at th fair la pulm of ttledac. Tb narar of tbitM dnrtnf tha aovea days unMltl, aa laorsasa r last wotb t tto.171 IrvfKM M ij kt A ton. Mn tJt. Neb., Aug. IX At a con vention of citkons of Hooker tcntoty resulntions were paused withdrawing fr.m Hi "nd .';- ounvenMun and diacharsrinf tha delegates formerly ap ro n!o. ppeecnes were maae eon demning congress and charging that not one law is or has teen enacted by it in the interest of the poor man, and charring the ctonsrresamen with being schemers and ready to paas any law for money, lne convention then passed resolutions stating that the citizens of Hooker county would work this land question alone, in that as substance, and would present to the people of the country a petition and asking their signatures to the same asking congress to give each settler 640 acres under the homestead law instead of 160. They will then ask each, county to hold a mass meeting and pass such resolutions and sign such petitions as they see fit, and all will be sent to the representa tives in congress, that they may k ow the wishes of the people in the snd hills country. i . Cut' 'Ebb Down. Lincoln, Aug. 22. Auditor Moore recently armed himself with a good sharp pruning knife and waded in the Garneau vouchers clear up to the bridle reins. The first to meet disas ter was the one for Seth P. Mobley's monthly salary of 1340. The knife sliced off 115 of ft. Similar cuts were made in many of the other vouchers for salaries, Heretofore Qarneau has drawn the money and paid the salaries, but this time the sal ary warrants have been sent direct from the auditor's office. This action of the auditor is a new venture, al though parties who have watched the case were aware that the auditor con templated taking a decisive step tow ards getting out of the dilemma. It is predicted that those affected will not like this action one bit One la Hufflclent. (hUHA. Aucr. 22. Saturdav afternoon Swift, alias Brown, secured a license to marry Miss Annie Campbell. The wedding was to have taken place this morning, but in the light of devel- nnmcnt) it. in nrnvod immiKi-ihlA and . -3L I t. - . us BShe bride that was to have been re Nearly fwsav," uo iicens6 whjch Swift in trusted it? h'P'"?' J? udge. Ihe reai5aSL nub. nt, in his errorts . r ty tore the stub out of the ifdev record. Judge Eller sent the sheriff after the man for mutilating a public document. Later the police discovered that Brown already had a wife, and this was his reason for wishing to avoid publicity. Miss Campbell la much worked up over the affair. To Bay th Water Works riant. Norfolk, Neb., Aug. 22. The city council has passed an ordinance sub mitting the question of the issue of 140,000 in per cent bonds to the elec tors for the purchase of the water works plant now In operation here. The plant was put in six years ago by A. L. Ktranc. who operated it for a while, but it has latterly been in the hands of a receiver. Private custom- srs are now paying the operating ex penses and the hydrant rental, $80 per hydrant, which the city now pays, is good deal in excess of what the In terest on the bonds will be, so there is little doubt thai the proposition will arry. Fuaeral of J, W. Slpherd. Osckoi,a, Neb., Aug. 22. The funeral ot J. VV. Sipherd of Lincoln was held it the Presbyterian church here 8un iav. Rev. Van Qieson of that church preaching the sermon. The church was crowded and a large number of people could not get in, but had to . . . .. . .-.-1.1 J, J itana on tne ouwiue. Mr, aipnera naa i larire number of friends here, having lived just on the edge of town for several years, ana movea to Lincoln ibout a year ago, so that his children might have the benefit of Lincoln's tchools. Tonne and Denlao Champions. Omaha, Auir. 22. The state tennis tournament was finished today. C. S. SulHnffham captured the one set from Austin which he required to give him the match with the loss of three games, wd thus remains the single champion ship. Young and Denibe overthrew the doubles champions. Cullingham and Battin, in a match uninteresting ind unscientific from start to finish, by the score of 6-1, 6-1, 6-6, 4-6, 6-1. All the contestants lost connaence as the outset and Denise was the only pan who showed any brilliant play- Rawhldea a Minister, Shelton. Neb.. Auir. 22. Rev. a P. Loomis. imstor of the Method 1st church here, was rawhided yesterday morning by Dr, M. L. Pnxton in front of the lat ter's office. The preacher, in talking to friends, had made ugly charges against the doctor in connection with his professional attendance on a young lady. On meeting the preacher the ioctor asked him to retract ana on ms refusal proceeded to chastise him. Friends interfered before serious in jury was inflicted. Elopement i'rnatratad. Ono, Neb., Aug. S'J. Lover of sen sations were given another treat here today by the reportjof the attempted lopement ot two oi uru e wen Known joung people. The report wan prob ibly exaggerated, but the arrest and txamtnation of Nellie Morse as a can didate for the reform school, Instl ;atd bv her mother, follows as a se Hel. the mother Is highly rr a nee ted ind tWe hvr great grief bittarly. r'rtxt Johnou, th other party to the tenaatiun, escapes unhurt rafuosT. Neb, Aug. K. Ikirglars rained eatrance to the gaa store of rl lieibrirha. on Untad street, durlna atnrdv Sfht, by cutting out a pair! tt the rror tl.jr. They aiired and rot away with era revolver bad aorue tmmuattim for tbm without bolag 1erl by tha family that was akt ping lvtir Troof li to Fort Wovlh. Ijxroi , Aug. f1,-etrt(y the roat IWIt U'and luou ware jut.hlant vrr tha fart that they were aU: t ticket prffora dlro t to Fort w t Ik. !., lae r aaviB? poj iwpwii tad traa ar rie Uirooxh fit fhl jago Vi fort uwtH. I.lula wade pttwivtt lat ns w . mmm.mmmmtaLMmmi.xmarK -Dougiasapd 8fxteptTi StrU. r,7Z MlVtL" wokk bach vat, ru. TSKainepteiDbr 1 A br n n 11 1! 11 n Zr.ZT .J , " 1 T an elegant .peclmen ot peainanakin frei vc JiJlil eautocu, aad . SsKATpna Axles and Maaderson had a tilt in tho senate the other day in which the latter came out second best. The Superior Guide-Times is no more but the Superior Independent takes its place under the management of Hulff and Son. It will advocate populist doctrine. New Yotk banks have put in circula tion 138,000,000 of a species tf bastard currency, having no warrant in law, called clearing house certificates. Chi cago bankers, also, and those of somt other cities, have followed this ex ample, yet we do not hear the faintest whisper cf "fiat." If srme one bad pro posed to relieve ice present scarcity or money by increasing the issue of that blessed currency of tbe people, green backs, it would have started the bank ers' acd goldbugs' organs howling like a pack of hungry wolves. Which Is the more trustworthy, the fiat of a banker or that of the United States p-overnment? Faim, Field and Fire side. A Splendid Institution. A representative of The alliance- InDKPZNtENT recently visited the Omaha Commercial College, Omaha, Neb , owned and operated by Rohr- boVgh JJrothf rs. He was surprleed to find nearly 2C0 students enrolled during the dull sesscn of the year. Ee was also pleated toiearn of the exttnshe preparations being made by the pro prietors for tbe fall teim, which opens September 1st. While there he learned lbat over COO ex-studeits of this most worthy institution had been provided I with positions in Cmataialcne; amoet nmar!le.recora- Otter colleg1ioaBtof p'-cingyoung men aid wc8n"l7H,08ltIoB UP graduation, but Bobrbou.fc ?rojerJ do the work ai d ssy very little' ateu. it Any worthy graduate ot this Insti tution can have a position. . They have bad a great many calls they have not been able to supply, - It seims, there fore, to us that it would pay ny young man or we man to turn their attention to an institution which can not only give the ra a most thorough course in tbe business branches of Shorthand and Typewritirg, but which can place them In a position as soon as ready, Tbla Institution enrolled over 800 students last year, and expects to ex ceed U00 the next year. Eighteen or twenty slates were represented during the winter term. They provide students places to woik for their board, which reduces their expenses to a minimum. They tell us that a student ought to at tend the college a whole year for about 176 In motey. If you can do this any where e)se we should be surprised to learn of the fact. . If you are thinking of going to school this fall or winter write Ilohrbough Brcs., and get a beautiful catalogue and specimen of penmanship. The cata logue will give you specific Information concerning all of the departments of the institution.' They have recently employed un expert penman, who now has full charge of the penmanship de partment, Ab an euorcsfer, plain writer and flourlshcr, he has no super ior. Send at once for a catalogue. BEDEW 1 BUBSOBIBE! Un account of cur efforts to reorgan ize this ccmpany, aid the efforts of enemies to make It appear that The allia h ce-Is de pe de n t was about to suspend, many independents have tbown a timidity about renewing their subscriptions. We are happy to announce that the reorganization will positively take Eloce in due time, and that no one need eeitate to send in subfcrlptlons. We have no notion of suspending publica tion. Dsrlrg this month county con ventions will be held in all thecountlej of Nebraska, and they will furnish club-raisers an excellent opportunity to do some effective woik. We earn estly request all persons who feel an Interest in the success of our party in the ecmlng election to help ua push the circulation of our paper. A correction. Miss Chicago Is your neuralgia any better, dear? Miss Boutou Better? How could It bo. It never was good. io te "intensely fashionable" eal your strawberries with a fork never with a knife. No city baker caa maka cake to compare with tho "gentiewomaa housekeeper." The number of courageous people who eat oysters out of season is said by dealers to be .Increasing every year, Scotch toast is the best dish ever invented for the pleasant and satis factory utilUatidn of "old, stale bread." rtatircms should be kept as far re moved front the steam of cooking as possible, as this I what causes them tu ruL Tile that can be purchased for a few peanlos each are at once Beat and convenieat to place between the kitchen table and hut oooking Yes tela .-.-. A towel rack made with several arms fattened to a half-Ureutar cea tor, w hUa ia tare fata to the wall, U a eoave alent place for drylsj disa When writing to ftdverUMrt p,ae mealUjo. thi tier .... l'e Northwotrn Use W thlcare, fw ratct, st tralei .j.Offce IU3 U ML r mr w ar m nrogXATixoBua.i v " tav-t.hr tho above ,Bt wm AUOIVMt BOHRBOUOH BROS.. Omaha, Neb, HIGH CARNIVAL AT ST. LCUIS. THE METROPOLIS OF THE MIS SISSIPPI VALLEY AGAIN V PRESENTTS A Programme of Fall Festivities That For . Brilliancy and Variety Outshines the Carnival Cities of the Old World. Paris, the most magnificent eity on either continent, has for ages held the proud title cf "tbe premier, carnival city of the world " However during the last ten or twelvyears an Ameri can rival of no mean pretensions has contested for that high honor, and to- ,4g Si I vnj t. i . la , tjm. wvuio MU1US WUBt X MO 10- luctantly relinquished, the title of "the ' carnival city of the two continents." Not content with the successful exhi bitions of previous years, the Autum- f nal Festivities Association has arranged a programme for 1893 that in brill- I iancy and variety will be difficult to im- 1 prove upon. The first of the great ' attractions, the St. Louis Exposition, t Will throw lta dnot-a nnen In t. n.kl(. ! . -f-- v aiv iuuiiv I Seotember 6th and cnntlnn nntii rw 2lst. The world-renowned 8ou'a Band has been encaired bv thn manaira. 1 ment, which in Itself Is a aufflclent In ducement to crowd the magnificent building during the concert. Special attention hss been paid to the i ' street illust-ationa. and of August 12th, 17th, 24th, and 31sL September7th, 14th, 21st and 28th, and ' Ostober 3d, 5th, 12th and 19th, the moat i magnificent display yet attempted will ' greet the eye of the fortunate visitor, electricity playing a prominent part, ! l no ereninir of tlctnher HA tha vua Pronhet and hia follownra will mmiI. through the principal thoroughfares, and immediately after tbe great ball which baa received considerable pro minence throughout the world, will be U1U. The 33d great St. Louis Fair and Zoological Gardens, October 2d to 7th, will be the crowning week of tbe car nival tfeason. This institution has no peer, and is known in every land where the footprints of civilization exist. Tbe rniesouri raoino Hallway and Iron Moutfatn Ivoute being distinctly St. Louis flnitr,Uld having at all times the a remarkably low rounbPflrttrate from -II - l At A OA an point uu vua enure system v oi. Louis and return during the festivKca. fiW fnrt.hne lnfnpma(.Wi in re era r A '"ti rates, route, limit of tickets and for a - . A .11 I . . .1 1.1 copy oi ine laii iesuviues programme, addrest nearest Missouri Pacific or Iron Wnnntftln Tlnlrnt Atrnnt. In vnnv tarvl. tory, or H. O. Townsend, G. P. and T. A A r T I ngv, ov. jjouis. "Tobacco Users Smile Sometimes'' When told how tobacco 'hurts them: sometimes they don't, because shattered nerves, weak eyes, chronio catarrh and lost manhood, tells the story, if you are a tobacco user and want to quit, post yourself about NO-TO-BAC, the wonderful, harmless, guaranteed tobacco-habit cure by calling on II. T. Clark Drug Co., our agent, and securing a copy of our little book, "Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life Away;" they have sold many boxes of NO-TO-BAC, and they are prepared to sell it to you under an absolute guarantee to cure. Books mailed free by addressing ' The Sterlino Rimedy Compabv, No. 48 Randolph St, Chicago, 111. Low Excursion Rates-North-Western Line. PAILY TRAIKS, Chicago, one way... I 9.15 Chicago and return... 16.40 Fast trains. Through sleepers. W. M. Shipmax, (Jen. Agt A. S. Fielding, City Tkt Agt. Depot Corner S and Eighth streets. E. T. Moose, Tkt. Agent. Notice. Anvone can obtain free silver litera ture by addressing The Pan-American Bi-Metallic Association, Denver, Colo., and enclosing postage for same. Use Northwestern line Low rates. Fast trains. OSt. to Chicago Officei 1133 Subscribe for THE Amjance-Inde-PENDENT. $1 per year. Vlavl the remedy for uterine troubles now being Introduced by tbe Nebraska Vlavl Ccmpany, Ml N. V. Life Bld'g. Omaha Is creating a profound and wide spread Impression. In tns District Court of Lancaster County, Nebraska. Joje,tiUHE. WMansr. John E. WMener. i V. The il(wnU..t In tha alK.va entil.l caue, , Jnhn K. WMriier. U h"rp.y nuiiDed thai, lha ulalnUS. JiawvWn K. t-J'r- " SuirVtrourt c( LBrar euv. NibrSa, aa h Ifth pv of Auu, im Wr -ii.-u Kaliist tha tWlc-JaDt making lr a Ulvra ;r,.w ihadrl'Dtlanl Ha UagrouOtt ul liewtf-s Ufi oJ abaiia.uiV Tbe Ml.) lfrnlaat. John K, W Mewer. I kt r tHitU14 hat ttBlt-M a anra i4 tiriiilua ( or Nlfih aid lr ot iu t. I'M, lk matK-ra Iklnu IB iMkHt fallUuU coiiUliwI alll l r4 lu hi abatt a. Ik ivta dar f , H timk. la a !. ha All'1. FitftMut, authofa aad Mtssaaii Vallsy Railroad. Iih ri t;.:kia - 8 tt. Cljr 5Kt . .. i 1 1 t"t l a,la ai. k.i. lw r. a., ! ..; n sa t', I ir r !. J " ' . k. m. in i tt a a .; ,V Va-H f : . t. t .-' : i M , I t j a ai it l , .-k .is !! I j j f Af!iia ; I .' i ' 1