The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, August 17, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE A L L I A N C E -I N 5 K PEN DEN if
AUGUST 17. 1&3
Th Coaatry baiwbtl InptlUil t th
OttiTHM of Cwfrm- Iraa Prod ac
tio Alaaoat Stoppad ThoaanU
I Splaellaa Idle Uy Da-
ereae is WeaUra, Bask
New York, Aug. II. R. O. Dun &
Co. weekly renew of trade says:
The long desired meeting of congress,
president's message and the arrival
of tl3,280,00O gold from Europe, with
f 10,000,000 more on the waj, have not
brought the Improvement anticipated.
Yet there ia ft more hopeful spirit,
t tough the nation looks to Washing
ton with some impatienee when the
aenate aeema disposed to rival the
mills in working short time.
The arrest of industry goes so far
that ft third of the Iron production
ceased ia the month of July, and tne
ooa sumption of iron In manufacture
diminished 4o per eent from May 1 to
July L Not even this shrinkage
tlmnlatea demand enough to support
prices, which remain the lowest on
reoord, and further stoppage in
August have reduced the weekly
output below 100,000 tons.
If oily confidence in the future could
be . restored the monetary troubles
might be relieved. Hut at present,'
want of cash, it is said, accounts for
the retarded movement of wheat front
farms to Western markets and exports
have not met expectations of late, so
that prioea of grain have somewhat
failures daring the week number
IM la the United States, against 100
last year, and ti in Canada, against SO
for the earn week last year. - The
number f or ; past week shows ft do
crease from t. previous week of 40. .
Bis ddees Dapartare for Grar Oablas
Olvas Klae to Various Humor.
Naw York, Aug. 14. After lunch at
the Victoria the president and Colonel
Lament entered a carriage and were
driven to Dr. Bryant's house. There
a consultation was held. ' Dr. Bryant
was of the opinion that the president's
trip to Washington had the effect of
staying the progress back to health he
was making at the seashore. The
president complained that his weight
bad not been reduced materially and
be suffered from superfluous avordu
polo. Dr. Bryant packed up a port
manteau and entered a carriage with
the president Colonel Lamont advised
that to all inquiries respecting the
president's health the assurance
should be given that he never felt
better in his life. This program
was carried out to the letter. '
At 8:30 o'clock they started for the
boat where Dr. Bryant alighted, fol
lowed by the president His step was
not as elastic as when he came from
Buzzard's Bay last week. He walked
alowly and his eyes looked heavy.
Dr. Bryant said: "Mr. Cleveland ia
In splendid health; feels first-class;
tip top." ? i
"Is It not strange, doctor, that the
president should leave the seat of
government while congress is engaged
with legislation of a vital and im
portant character?"
Dr. Bryant said he was not prepared
to criticise the president
"Perhaps a domestic event requires
his presence?" was suggested.
"It would be unprofessional on my
part to speak of that matter."
War of Exfermiaotion on tha Meacham
Gang Three Killed.
Jackbox, Ala., Aug. 14. The coun
ties of Clark, Cherokee, Wilcox and
Marengo are greatly excited over the
murderous doings of he notorious
lleachamites and between 400 and
600 heavily armed men are at Meachim
bet for the avowed purpose of wiping
out every member of the gang and
avenging the numerous wrongs per
petrated upon the people of the coun
ties named.
, Tooch Bedsoe, one of the Meacham
gang, was captured lost night after a
hard chase by the posse-.He confessed
that Bob Burke killed John Anderson
and shot down, Willis House, and that
James, the leader of the gang, killed
Rrneet McCorquodale for a large sum
of money, and that' Captain James
Qordon killed Lm House, also that
Captain James . r'orsque has been
marked as the next victim. The
posse riddled Bedsoe with U U,
The dead of tha gang arei Lew Jatnoa,
XWdo and Kirk James.
U Voaa Maa of Shelbrvllla, Ala., K
tf la rmhl aad Throe Are Killed,, Ala., Aug. 14. Yes
terday six young men, John Hitter,
Kick Logan, Bab Kparks, Ward Balea,
William McCarthy and John HuletU,
all sons of widow, got ft keg of beer
and went to the woods near town to
have a time. After loading up all
started for town In vehicle, when ft
drunken quarrel aroe between the.
MeOarthv drew his piatel and shot
B parks in the back and Kilter la the
aide, and aimed a shot at lUUtt
which mlaaed, Unraa than drew hit
pUtal aadahut Mot arthf twlo la tha
breeal McCarthy died thUmuralag
ftftd the other two men wilt die.
Il)d ft Hatha?,
Wichita, Ku, Aug. U.Tn pre
Uaiiftary bearing la the rata of tha
titat va Uaookifr, Heck, and Oreer,
th Ualtd but airs rubber,
wot e.nMludd her yaWdy and tha
4tdnU were held la the sum of
t,uW eaeh to appe&r at the !pUu
Wr term of the diatrlct aotrt
MoAlsstso, .lad. Ta Aag. It
The IkMith MtaUaUr bank of Huath
KftAlaat has go lata lltdatlo
fur hm parpuee of SM4teastaA. All
aipoaltor will b paid la full
imnfMittia rm' Mtn h la
th Ha la " of ilai.
Washisiotox. Aug. 14 In the silver
debate in the houe lute yesterday
af terooon Congressman I'cnce, IVpuiiat
of Colorado, followed Mr. Ulan J. With
his opening sentences he attracted
the close attention of the hou and
retained it to the end So other man
had succeeded in impress. ng bim
self upon the favorable ton. deration
of hi associates on tua sour at sucu
an earlv Deriod of hie membership.
lie was sorry, he said to note by the
tone and wordaof the gentleman from
Maryland, Mr. Uaynor. who opened
the discussion, that he was influenced
by the columns of the metropolitan
Dress and - was d-ipoted to treat
representatives of the Western dis
tricts, and particularly of those states
where silver Is mined, as foreigners
and aliens. lie did not exactly com
prehend th reison why that gentle
man should sbeak of the treasury de
partment as acting' the part of a
pawn-brouer lor me surer miners oi
Colorado and Nevada. It might be
that the gentleman knew more of the
rawn-broking business than he (Mr.
Pence) did, or it might be on account
of the practice of the treasury depart
ment to Jew down the men who
brought silver there to sell, because it
was now beyond question that such
was the policy of the department
It was bet-ante the people of Colo
rado had come to understand that the
platforms of the two great political
parties were but glittering catch-words
that they had within the last tweive
months asserted their political inde
pendence. It was not (as the New York Sun
said), because Mr. Keed of Maine was
a czar that tb Democratic party
had come into power. It was
because it had declared unequivo
cally for the remonetlzation of
ailver. The scene in the house
yesterdav was enough to attract the
attention of any thoughtful observer.
Was It possible that the gentleman
from Maryland (Mr. Kaynor), uttering
the oentmenta He did, and the gentle
man from Missouri (Mr. Bland), utter
ing the sentiments he did, were
elected last fall on the same identical
platform? Laughter on all sides.
In this connection he quoted from a
speech made by Mr Carlisle in the house
In 1878. to the effect that the striking
down of from three-sevenths to one
half of the metallic money of the
country was the most gigantic crime
of this or any other generation, and
he contrasted that declaration with
the present position of the secretary
on the ailver question. The- speech
was made, he raid, when that gentle
man was a leader, not a follower, when
he was a sender of messages, not a
bearer of (hem. Laughter.
Mr. Wheeler of Alabama closed the
discussion for the day with a plea for
a larger volume of currency and the
bouse adjourned.
In tha Callow Days of Youth He Meats
tha Maiden's Malting Eye.
The first beau appears along about
when we are 14 or 10. There have
been, of course, many little boy ad
mirers, but according to a writer the
genuine gallant does not materialize
until we put on long dresses and com
mence making ourselves up for young
ladies, a comprehensive phrase that all
girls will understand.
He is usually the brother of some
special chum of ours, and in this way
we are enabled to see him more often
than if we had no reason for going
to his house.
ne Is exceedingly bashful before
people, but can talk, a blue streak
when we are alone, ne squanders
bis allowances on Ice cream, soda and
caramels, and on rare occasions in
vites ua to a church sociable or con
cert lie la always one of the group of
youths who wait outside the church or
Sunday school door, and he Is the one
always to escort us to our homes on
such occasions.
We are teased unmercifully about
him and really enjoy it, though pre
tending to be fearfully indignant and
provoked about it
This sort of thing goes on until
something happans, as some things
have a way of doing, and either he
goes away to college or we leave for
boarding school, or perhaps a quarrel
or change of residence occurs.
At any rate, years perhaps will roll
away before we see a bearded man
who can bear the slightest resem
blance to ft young, rosy-cheeked boy.
It It an Iasalt to a Shirt and a KuUance
to Its Waarar.
As warm weather continues, swelter
ing mankind with one indignant voice
demands the abolition of the senseless
little tag which makers attach to tha
bottom of the moiern shirt front At
best this pesky tag Is ft useless fixture
and two often It ia an unsightly nul
sance. When It la concealed by tha
waistband of th wearer's trousers it
frequently causes a lumpy wrinkle,
and when it rises above that line It
has an uneanny way of thrusting
lUelf Into view between tha button
holes of one's vest ."'..
On tha shirt of a man who goaa
vastiest In hot wetther th Httl tog
la ft fluttering badge of vulgarity, an
audacious Insult to good tatte and ft
starchy affront to social order and
pro grata. Tha tag U tha on useless.
wttles and lasperatlag part which
evolution ha not yet eliminated from
th nineteenth oantary shirt It U a
survival of th unfttteat a rello of th
dark ng when atrangsr deslrout of
cashing ft eheek at th bank polatad
to tha Initials on tha ug of his shirt
front a a meant of Identifying him
self; whrfor th offend v and o
teatatlout tag must go. Suffering maa
ha pulled the tag aad ovulation will
do tha rest
l'e Northwestern Uoo to Chicago.
Inw raws.
Foal traJaa.
umo ujj
KvMtlaasaat of mm tutviad Uaaear tfofor
Har Appaaroae.
When I first knew Pari. Taglioni
had left the opera and Fannie Elssler
reigned supreme; the triumphant suc
cess, however, obtained by her in th
"Diablo Boitenx, financially ad van
tageout as it proved to the manage
ment, was by no means relished by
her lady colleagues, who, finding
themselves during the long run of the
ballet completely shelved, unscrupu
lously profited by any .mode of annoy
ing and embarrassing their obnoxious
rival. One evening Burat de Gurgy,
author of the libretto, knocked at the
door of th charming dancer's dreai-
ing-room and found her in a great
state of excitement
"My dear M. Burat" she exclaimed.
"I am in ft terrible rage. I have
scarcely time to dress, and some one
has stolen my chalk."
"Your chalk!" began Barat
"Not ft doubt of it I have asked
everybody for some, and they all say
they have none. It is a conspiracy.
you aee, to hinder me from dancing.
So now, M. Burat, yon will get me
some, will you not?"
"But, my dear lady, I don't know
where to go for it"
"Make haste," insisted Fanny. "I
will par whatever you like, but I
mast have it Yon have just a quarter
of ftu hour before the curtain rises,
and I shall expect yon,"
Itwaathen 11 o'clock, and all the
ahops were shut consequently H.
Burat waa highly perplexed whit to
da However, at last he returned,
bringing five little bits of chalk, bat
looking extremely doleful
"Enflnl" exclaimed Mile. Elasler,
triumphantly. "You are indeed
friend In need. What do I owe your
"Twenty-five sous for five glasses of
execrable cognac," was his inswer.
"I have been obliged to go to five
cafea in order to steal the chalk from
the billiard tables."
A Boarder's . Exparlaaa With an Co
nally Toelfarou Alarm Clock.
An alarm clock, according to the
habit of the beast, always goes off at
the wrong time and in a thin-walled
building it always succeeds iu waking
the whole house a well aa its owner.
The wear and tear npon the temper of
the community is consequently greater
than that caused by the combined
efforts of ft forgetful janitor and an
intermittent elevator. A young man
in an uptown house in Washington
who has been in the habit of over
sleeping himself, ; recently purchased
an alarm clock of Imposing propor
tions, ana a Dew nue a lire engine
gong., As usual the thing went off
about 3 a. m., and the owner, who
hod just fallen into a sound sleep,
leaped wildly from his couch .under
the impression that the house was on
fire or some other dire calamity had
befallen. Occupants of adjoining
rooms followed suit and the" objurga
tions heaped upon that unhappy alarm
clock were both loud and long. A
policeman on the beat blew his whistle
nnder the impression that a riot was
in progress, and the whole neighbor
hood was aroused. Meanwhile the
owner of the clock tried to stifle it in
the bed clothes, but still it hammered
away vehemently and made more
racket than ever. Finally, in despair,
he plunged the riotous timepiece into
a jar full of water, where, at the ex
pense of ruining its inner mechanism,
iu voice was stilled. The young man
now hires a newsboy to wake him.
Allv and Dead.
A lady had almost decided to buy
the coat she was trying on. The
weary sales-woman breathed a sigh of
relief. The customer had been hard
to suit Even yet she fingered the
buttons and twitched the sleeves
thoughtfully. 'What was this fur
when it was alive?" she asked abrupt
ly, as she adjusted the collar. Tha
sales-woman hesitated and stammered.
She was torn between a business-like
desire to make a sale and a conscien
tious regard for thi truth. Her con
fusion was painful. "Well, ma'am'
we have to call It martin," she said at
last "but it was skunk when it was
How We Watta Our Subatanoa.
An American who has lived for sev
eral years in China has this to Bay
about . our national extravagance:
"What the American family throwa
away would keep a European family
from starving and would feed a Chi
nese or Japanese family. "Look at
this," and he produced a cylinder of
bronze as large as a 'plug' hat "Here
It a Chinese stove, or oven. With
four or five pieces of charcoal a Mon
golian will make tea and cook rice
and eggs over that,whll an American
domestio would u at least ft hod of
coal in tha same operation.
& iii
The Ualra af tha Uasd Naatbarad.
"Dr. Wilson, a well known English
authority," remarks th New York
Herald, "nays that th average num
ber o' hairs to th square loch on
human scalp Is about 1.000, and th
whole number of hair on tt scalp of
an adult la In th neighborhood of
mooo. Dr. Watneyer asserta that he
counted, )a th space of a quarter of
an Inch, on th crown of a man's head
93 hairs, while he counted only US
In the same space on tha occiput, and
til on th anterior part of th scalp."
Hahta1 Chotao.
A fluaueWr of doubtful reputation
gave ft grand ball. D toeing was still
going t X In th morning. As one
at th guasta wot about to retire, the
man in eharg of th eloak room
landed him th first top eoat that
mm ia hi way. "Bat tW la not
',." Not yours? I am very aorrj
it la the best one left." "lUt mine
M ftw nerfwily n. "Oftt too
aew oft have been all gone ajneo
Henry Gay ( urleU.u ia paying ali
mony to two wirr.
- Seven hundred live larks constituted
the queer present lately sent by th
king of Italy to the German emperor.
Lieutenant Otto E. Ehlers, the Ger
msn explorer, made sn Asiatic jour
ney of 7,000 miles on a Himalayan
General Nelson A. Miles was a clerk
in a Boston store and familiar with a
yardstick before he took hold of a
The senior alamnut of Harvard
college is Eev. Dr. W. H. Fumes, of
Philadelphia, the only surviving mem'
ter of the class of 1820. He is 91
years old.
In hia remhiiseenses of Dickens. O.
A. 8ala saya that the novelist had an
almottt morbid fondness for talking to
police officials and entertaining them
at bis home.
The Shakespeare society of Germany
bas sold 20,000 copies of a cheap edl
tion of the dramatist works within a
fi-'w months, and 10.000 additional
copies are being printed.
Qeorge Gould has been a good teleg
rapher for a number of years and
does his own telegraphing from his
summer home, and he does it much
better, too, than the general run of
operators. ,' ; t ,
The oldest officer in the French
army is General Mellinet; he is 95
years of age. The officers of the gar
rison of Nantes, where he resides,
visited bim the other day in a body
and gave him an ovation.
In lils address at the dinner of the
Artist's Benevolent fund Henry Irving
said that "of all the will-o'-the-wisps
that ever lead men astray, the maxim
that genius is the infinite capacity for
taking pains is the most delusive."
The litigation in which Miss Loie
Fuller recently became involved in
Paris has developed the fact that the
sinuous serpentine dancer was guaran
teed a yearly salary of C'O.OOO for
three years by the manager of the
Folies Bergeres Music halL
Austin Dobson does not look like a
writer of daintily romantic and musi
cal verse. He Is stout and of madium
height, and has a florid complexion, a
pair of shrewd, kindly, bluish-gray
eyes, an aquiline nose, a moderate
quantity of dark-brown hair and a
thick, bushy mustache.
Andrew Carnegie has rented, besides
Cluny castle in Scotland, Dra'g-dhu-
House, two miles from the castle, on
the banks of Loch Ovia, near the
rocky recessea where Prince Charlie
took refuge after the battle of
Cullodoo. John Morley onca described
this house as an Ideal Highland resi
Mrs. Anna L. Pierce, a sister of the
poet Longfellow, has recently given
to the Maine Historical society the old
Longfellow homestead in Portland,
Me. It was the first br'.ck house
erected in the city, and was built in
1785 by the poet's grandfather, Gen
eral Peleg Wadsworth, adjutant gen
eral of the Massachusetts militia dur
ing the revolution,
The late Senator Stanford was at
times a very absent-minded man.
Once an old servant, named Jane Wal
lace, possessed with a vague idea that
Mr. Stanford owned two or three rail
roads, usked him to send her back to
California from the East So the sen
ator wrote on a sheet of note paper:
Pleaso pass Jane from New , York to
San Francisco. Loland Stanford."
I'he pass was honored, the first con-
uctor to whom it was shown tele
graphing to headquarters for instruc
tions before accepting it.
Women like balls and assemblies as
hunter likes a place where game
He Don't you think you could love
me just a little? She Oh. yes; I can
love you just,as little as you like.
Young Mr. Skidds Miss Fosdick
Ella, dear can you love me? Miss
Fosdick Quite likely. I've loved lots
of men.
The "strongest woman on earth" is
being sued for divorce in New York
for having eloped with a cannon-ball
A woman ani'"' -hrmer lives near
Frankfort, Ky. oiiu is said to be
able to charm the wildest animal by
ht sound of her voice.
The king of S am is attended by a
body-guard composed exclusively of
four thousand of the prettiest young
womtn in his real -n.
Mr Jack Gardner, a social leader
in Boston, has a string of diamonds
nearlv a yard long, which she wears
around her neck like a boa.
Twenty-live different branches of
instruction are open to women in
Yatt Institute in Brooklyn. Of
these, fourteen are self-supporting.
The e-ngaged girl Is seldom known
by the company she keen. As a. rule
he doesn't got thoroughly acquainted
with her nntll after they are nilrrled.
Mrs. Poiadeater, horrified I heard
oday that Mr. Coillngswood lead a
doutdejife, Mia Forty, with a sigh
That's much Wtter than a tingle
'Did vou bear that Charlie had Wen
lltnl by - Mbta Money bv? "Yeas
and I told hi in there were Jut as good
h Iu the sro." "Hut Charlie's hunt
ing for gold "th."
Mr Stianard, th writer, who Is
wot known by th name of J oh a
Strange Wtuter, says she kmsof on
happy marriage that was th result of
4mmmI made on the fourth day
fur the roupl awl. Ills her own.
The wtttt of an egg. " ,I,J
watrr and safer, is good f r chllira
ho ar troubled with an IrrtUbl
ttotnscn, It U vviy hvallt g. and will
prov an esifllvnt rv-avdy for tll
flit, aa well as a elnu!e preventive
I r bowrl ditoruVr
NAgsnts W&nted fcr the
A- flCDE,
! 4
f land
Our fctud
For $2.49
02.40 iaisost.,.ixiooiii,xTeb. 02.40
We have land or sale In Adams.
Pprnoa, Graely, Gosper, Garfield, Hitchcock, Harlan, Hall, Hayes, Kearney,
Lonp, Lancaster, Perklni, Shermao, Valley and Webster countiaj In Nebraska.
The land belong to us, and we will sell them from
$4.5 O Per A.ere Up,
Call and Se Ul Of Writs US for list namlnir th Atint n nnnnffaa n wlah
. , .
to Invest in.
Room 1 1, Durr Dlock,
J. w. CASTOR, res. .
J.P.KOUSB.VlPres. f , I. U0TT,
LARMERS, we invite your attention to the Farmers' Mutual Insurance
1 Company of Nebraska, If you are In want of Insurance you can not
I ' afford to Insure In anv other comoanv. and If vou do not want inmnnM
now, write and get a copy of our
are doing any way,
Remember we are for Farmers only.
Roam 407 Brae Building-.
OHN B. WRIO HT, Pres. T. E. SANDERS, V. Pre. J. H. M'CLAY, Cashier
pi umb i a National Bank
For Barns. Bridges. Roofs. Fences. Ete. 5 PF.R C.KKT. TRDW AAnntA
by Union Pacific Railroad as their Standard freight car paint. Best Paint in
the world. Protects iron from rdst, wood from decay. . Sold ready for the brush
u ii e Ktuioa cans at ou cenu per gaiien.
Manufactured by National Oil Paint CO., Omaha, Neb.
and all other Disease of th Rectum cured by Dr. Thornton & Klnor, Kanaaa
City, Mo., witheut knife, ligature or caustlos no money to be paid until patient is cored. W
also make a speciality of Diseases of Women and Diseases of the Skin. Beware of all doctors
who want any part of their fee in advance, even a nets In the end you will and them expen
sive luxuries. Send for circular giving names of hundreds who have been cured by us, and
how to avoid sharpers and quacks. Office, No. 100 West Ninth Street. Booms 81-32-33 Bunker B'ldg
0nral Paaaanfer Aftat,
The lavalld'a Moc-Th Toartet's
Efery individual afflicted with rheu
uatUtnt, kidney aff actios, nervouso,
drtil. debility from any cauoa,
would do well to vtslt Hot 8 print, and
with strong assurance of euro or great
relief beta ffctd.
Thar too, aad In other portions of
tha Ulaclc mils, will he found unusual
dUf ht tor the sUnWr, student and
The Elinor 1111 way, "Korth
Waatern Um U cw runnlnf a
through sleeper daily to Uot tyriuf.
Low round trip rates rl re n, Call or
writ for full la'ortnatloa.
A K ttlLMna. Clly Ticket Agent,
IISJ O street, l.lnotiia, Neh.
W, M.ttHtrMAX. tiea't Afat,
Op Fif Itatsfl for Firs Years !
Price, 49.75.
Kimball Pianos and Organ
Jr., Orriaha, Neb-
OFFER !-$2.49
the next
99 Dave
and '
We Will
Cive .You
Finest Finish
Butler. ChaM. nuatnr. nunriv. ' lYanfiA.
w WJ ww "
W. b. LINGh, Seer.
By-laws and Constltutlen and leara what we
- ,
in oarreisou cents per gallon.
City Paoae&gtf Agmt,
The other day, la speaking of the la
proved facilities for luxurious travel la
this country says:
"We are abandoning thold system
of lighting the cars with kerosene
lamp, aad more that half tha coache
hv already been equipped with the
most ttnproved and th safest system of
lighting known ia this country or
Europe. With the aew I'latseh lamps
there can be ao possibility of danger
from eiploaloa or othorwi, as th
apparatus U all out stdeaad under tha
oar, and la tha event of mishap, tha
Bitures beeome detaebed 0d the gas
oaia lata the air,"
Th brilliant i'iatoch light, the ant
car Ulumtaant iiunoa, now la a
Ni th Uslon tVltlo Hysten fulfills si) ft
th req vital t condition o htppllr 1
aold by Mr, JWpew, , "