The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, August 17, 1893, Image 1

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    The Alliance-Independent
Advertising medium
In the west. It Is especi
ally valuable as a meant
of reaching the farmers.
Its circulation is as large
in Nebraska as the cir
culation of all the "farm
Journals" combined.
Give Thk Aluanck
Indkfknskst a trial if
. you want good results.
Mr. Bryan of Nebraska Attacks the
President's Message la Vigorous
Terms Bis Hecommcodatlnns u
' denounced Addresses tot
and Against Bpkl Cap
ital News.
. Washihotow, Aug. 17. The morn
ing hour in the senate, after the in'
traduction of bills, was largely oc
cupied oy a discussion a to tne over
loading of government buildings in
Washington with public books and
documents, Mr. Vest proposing a rem
ay oy tne passage ol a bill appro
priating $300,000 for a building to be
known as the hall of records.
At the close of the morning hour
notice was given by Mr. Voorhees that
be would not ask action to-day on the
bill to allow national banks to in
crease tneir circulation to tne par
value of the bonds deposited by them,
but would do so to-morrow.
Thereupon an amendment to that
bill was offered by Mr. Cockrell,
authorizing the secretary of the treas
ury to redeem at par and accrued in
terest such of the two per cent bonds
as might be presented for redemption
t and to pay for them in. new legal ten
der notes. This proposition an
peared to Mr.' Sherman ' : as
unwise and unbusinesslike, and he
stated the objection which occurred
to him against the amendment. This
precipitated a discussion in which Mr.
Cockrell ridiculed the idea of letting
the national banks increase their cir
culation while his proposition to in
crease the greenback circulation waa
opposed by the senator from Ohio, the
friend and supporter of national banks
and the great gold monopolist
Mr. Borry, Democrat, Arkansas, then
addressed the senate in advocacy of
the double standard of gold and all
ver. ,
Mr. Oalllnger spoke next and at the
close of his speech the senate on mo
tion of Mr. Cockrell, went into execu
tive session.
Dlseoaelon la the House.
Washzhotoj, Aug. 17. After adopt
ing a resolution calling on the secre
tary of the treasury for information
respecting silver purchases, the house
to-day resumed the debate on the
Wilson bill, Mr. McCall (Sep., Massa
chusetts) speaking1 for the bilL
Mr. Coombs of New York, followed.
While speaking for the repeal of the
purchasing clause of the Sherman act,
no referred to notes and thereby
broke the natural flow of his elo
quence. Mr. Bryan, Democrat, of Nebraska,
attacked the president's message in
vigorous terms. The recommenda
tions of the president meant the burial
of silver with no promise of resurrec
tion. They were an argument for the
single trold standard. They led to
gold monometallism over whose door
waa written: "Abandon hope all ye
who enter here."
After Postmaster Koblager.
Washington, Aug. 17. Postmaster
General Blasell to-day took up the
long neglected report of the three in
spectors, two of them being Republi
cans, who examined the Kansas City
po to Sloe. While Nofainger ia ex
onerated from any guilty kuowltdge of
or complicity In the wrongful practices
which the investigation reveals, he is
unanimously charged with such a laok
of executive ability as necessarily
brought the efficiency of the ofltot to
a low ebb. The report bears more se
verely on the conduct of the office
than anyone had anticipated, and it ia
aid at the department that Dr. Not
singer's term of service must be
brought to a conclusion in the inter
est of the efficiency of the offioo.
Mtaeoart Aeaetattaeal.
Washington, Aug. l?.MIorta
Washington look upon Senator
V attack on the administration's
flaaaalal polloy as being equivalent to
the death blow to Joe flu We aspira
tions for the Woe ( collector of
rtwaue U Dvol pl. If it be trae
that Mr, Vest's sptMsch ruined rink's
proapeeta, then the eheiis t ('Mat
llUerv look up despite the fs that
Mr. iWnery has HtttitttMt hltueelf
la aalt-edtMtaUuaUan Interview
Again It U salt that caOave?ao
IVaaefs will name the waa.
Wants te iMteMl tttaeat,
WaiitiroN, Aug. It Prlerln: A.
Job, a yoang Uwy te vi CMt-tf U her
ocalng I., become minister ta Its welt,
WsuetMMsd Mr. UUuW tie euuies with
strong letter to nigh administration
officers. : It ia understood tha the will
have the support of Senator Palmer
There is considerable doubt expressed.
however, by those familiar with the
delicate and important questions now
pending between this country and
Hawaii as to the likelihood of Mr.
Cleveland selecting a young and in
experienced man.
i 1 Mirer Offer All Too High. ,
Washington, Aug. 17. The amount
of silver offered for sale to the treas
ury to-day aggregated 300.000 ounces,
at prices ranging from seventy-three
cents to seveuty-four cents per ounce.
all of which was declined and 9 726C
tendered. .
Lot to Kansas. . ,
Wabhinoton, , Aug. 17. Yesterday
half of the places in the government
Inspection department at the - Kansas
pity packing houses, formerly held by
Kansans, were tilled by Secretary
morion at congressman rarsneys re-
(uest oy Kansas utyant
I To Refund the PaclAe Debts,
Washington, Ang. 17. Mr. . Frye
to-day introduced in the senate the
bill from the last congress providing
for the refunding ol the Pacific rall-
oad debt
Morning Blase at Geneva.
Gkkeva, Neb., Aug. 17. Yesterday
morning anout 5 o ciocn tne alarm of
Are was sounded from engine bouse
No. 1, calling the boys to one of the
largest fires that has occurred here in
many years. The building in which
the fire occurred was a large' two-story
frame double store room. The . lower
floors were occunied bv Ilvron Mer-
shon, general merchandise, and J. R.
Hallard, boots and shoes. The second
floor was occupied by Mr, Bipsonasa
pnotograpn gallery Tne fire is jrener
ally supposed to have started in the
Mershon grocery, but no one is certain
xne nrst intimation 01 tne oiaze waa a
very loud explosion, supposed to' have
been an oil barrel or tank in the gro
cery . unis was soon followed by an
Other and in a short time the whole
building seemed a mass of flames.
woods were carried from adjoining
Itores to places of safety, but the fire
was soon under control and was con
fined to the one building. The lost
was about f 12,000, partially insured.
Evidently Foul Play.
Thedford, Neb., Aug. 17. O. I. Gib-
ton, a" hunter, came to town to-day
snd reported to the sheriff that Tues-
lay while out in the hills hunting he
ame across a cart, harness, camping
outfit and a gun, but could not find any
trace of men or horses. The sheriff,
ne county attorney, Uounty Clerk II
urow, and W. J. uoflman proceeded
to tne place and lound the oart and
other things as Mr. Gibson had reported.
Everything indicated that foul play
had been done. After 'searching about
tnree-quarters 01 a mile from where
the cart was found, the body of a man
was found in a bad state of decomposi
tion. The body seemed to be that of a
man about five feet ten inches tall, but
10 badly decomposed that very little
idea could be formed as to his appear
ance by which he might be identified,
ersons living near here savthat a man
witn tne above described outfit had
sanvassed them for books. A jury will
be impanelled and an inquest held
Killed la a Thresher.
Obd, Neb., Ang. 17. Charles Petera,
l young man living about ten miles
ibove here, met with a frightful accl
lent Tuesday which caused his death,
lie was working with a threshing ma
shine and was standing at the separa
tor of the machine feeding. As they
were nnisning tne jod ana his fellow
workmen were engaged in cleaning up
the grain they did not notice him for a
ninute or so, and when looking up
they were horrified to see that he
eras In the mouth of the machine, only
its feet being visible above the plat
form. II Is head was torn and he waa
rightfully mangled, lie waa single
put leaves a father, mother and brother
Sd sister to mourn his Iota. The fun
tral will be held here today.
Nattered Barloe lajartea.
Ponca. Neb., Aug. 17. A seventeen
rear-cM son of Juhn Enders, living
three miles south of here, waa badly
Injured a few days ago while driving
serosa hi father a field, lie waa stand
Ing up snd In trying to alt down on the
edge of the wagon Tied lost his bUn
snd fell to the ground, the wheel
passing over hi hcat and tUmtach.
Allluuich idiy crushed and brutavd
it Is thought that hi Injuries will nut
prove fatal;
feaaee feuaty Teattere.
Paws Cltr, Neb., Aug, IT. Conn
t tuprtatndaut thrown called th
institute a order, with eighty teacher
IarwlWd. The taslruuturs are suirlii.
a'.wt C. J. IWi. lteet-tMi Hur
mWtt .t ntW. IC IVwIer, Jr., tUirltmert
tnl lYfr H. M. lira t Un ot this
iiVy. A repetition wis Ui be gUen IK
t Mi her U th in.urt houw, but a
t y rain prevent suCluieol attend.
. tvr loi toarher are tieu4
ta t vnrwsd I his Unu.
f ' ' rr 1- pT
He Parts With the Admlnletretloa oa It
rinanolal Stand, and Declares Thai
the Cneondltloaal He peal of the s
Bhermaa Law Is Inposslble
Blmatalllsm la the
Frfuch Kepubllo. .
Washinoton, Aug.: 16. Before be
ginning hi speech yesterday in the
senate on the silver issue Mr. Vest had
read the declarations in th Repub
lican and Democratic platforms on the
subject of sliver in order to show that
both parties were practically agreed
on that question lie said that it was
time for the people of the United
States to know whether politics were
a juggle and s fraud, or whether the
solemn declarations of parties were
worthy the confidence of a free people,
tie had been known as the firm
and unshrinking friend of the presi
dent of the United State and
had in all hi camoaifrn neeehe in
Missouri declared Mr. Cleveland to be
bimetalllst like himself, snd that
they only differed in reference to th
ratio, lie had the right to make that
statement, because Mr. Cleveland had
accepted the nomination on a plat
form which pledged the Democratic
party te blmeUlll. , ,It had been
welt known that the Democratic party
stood on the doctrine of bimetallism
that it had met in Chicago and
nominated Grover Cleveland for th
presidency. He did not want to say,'
now, that the president was opposed
to bimetallism, or that he would not
give his executive sanction to a meas
ure to coin silver at a commercial
ratio with gold, but he did undertake
to say that the president' message
was most significant for what it failed
to say. He undertook to say, with
the greatest respect for the president
and without the slightest doubt of his
honesty of purpose, .that when he
failed, In that great state paper, to say
one word in respect to bimetallism, be
certainly meant that a consideration
of the question of free coinage of sil
ver at any ratio was so impracticable
1 1. j.j a a a T .
mat it uiu doi neeu executive notice-
In replying to questions by Mr.
Gray of Delaware Mr. Vest asserted
that any discussion on the subject
would be imperfect and unsatisfactory
which did not admit, on both sides.
what was known to every Intelligent
man, that If the volume of money waa
increased the prices ot commodities
went up, and that if the volume
of money was decreased, the
price of commodities went down.
He had seen the day in the
vicissitudes of his life when 830 of
paper would not buy a loaf of bread,
and when a five dollar gold piece would
buy a house and lot It was not nec
essary for him to say when and where
that was because he did not wish to
revive war Issues. And so, if one-half
the coin currency of the country were
struck down the burdens of those who
owned money would ba doubled, and
the prices of commodities would be put
down beyond computation.
Mr. Vest spoke of the bimetallism
of France, and declared that to-day
the French people were financially the
first people In existence. The Frenoh
peasantry hoarded their five frano
piece, and so. in the United State.
the colored men of the Houtb would
hoard silver dollars if they could get
them. Why, he askei, should not the
United K tales float ISOO.ooa.uoo of sil
ver In this country Instead of being
told that the country would be ship
wrecked If silver coinage was con
tinued another day. It was not, he
aerted. the overproduction of
lives that had brought down
It value, it wa legislation that
had done It legislation In Germany
and the United btatea, How eould it
be expected that silver should retain
It value whn thee two great nation
UmiU aay th monetary urn of silver?
u itn tne rraourre and population of
the United Miate It wa onlv ntw.
ary for th United Mate to II a pul
Icy and to stand by Ik Th trout)
tdav wa eue4 by th mma and
Mdalou Ueuleatton of th Idea that
th country wa about ta fro to th
gold stindard, and that th llvr
money of th country would b worth
Mr, Palmer, IVnvocreL of llllaal
Would th rtivi of th hhai tuan aet
bring th country ta a gold auadardV
Mr. Vt-I think it would If th
titter man act I repealed t aeulber
llvr d-dlar will be ia4 In tat
Mr, rlir How due th Sherman
not aid free otnsge?
Mr. Vest I da't think that It do
Id fre iHiine,'.
MA I'al wer 1 hen hy not rpcl It?
Mr. Vtst-1 am Ullujr to he It re
AUGUST 17, 1893.
pealed bnt I do not want It repeal
made a stalking horse for mono-'
metallism. .
Mr. Vest spoke of the unfortunate
condition of the miner of the West,
and aald that the somewhat dramatic
remark of an ex-senator recently that
in the extreme West the people were
crying for bread and that in New
York they were crying for go'd, was
literally true. Suppose, said he, that we
were called upon to-day to pas a law
topping the factories of New England,
what prospects would we have from
that section? Suppose we were called
upon to strike down the wheat culture
of Dakota and of the Red river of the
North, would we not expect to hear
protest against it? "If I were," he
said, 'from one of tlie hllver produc
ing states. I would fight thi detnnne
tlzation of silver a I f.uplu thu fjroe
bill because it Involve all, that thos
people should hold dear In the way of
property rights and of th comfort of
life." - . v - ! ,
In conclusion, Mr. Vet repelled th
idea of there being a necessity for In
ternational agreement on the subject
of silver.
steuoeavllle, Ohle,eorehed.
bTEUBKXTILLE, Ohio, Aug. 1. Thi
city waa visited yesterday afternoon
by the greatest conflagration in the
history of the place. Th Ions will
reach $200,000.
tradition of the World's Fair wit
Aeeordlag te Auditor Askerasaav
Chioaoo, Ang. 17. Auditor Acker-
nan 'of th World' Columbian Expo
ition company baa mad hi official
eport, showing th condition of th
x position finance August 7, a fol
ows: Expended (or construction
tnd administration, - t33,183,423,9v
luUtand'pg liabilities, SMIO.MI,
reside - ft, 444, 600 of dbntur
xnds; total gate receipts, 93,447,
138; receipt from concessions,
l,178,641. One feature of interest to
ttockholuer is the item of reoclpt
from concessions, which show that
wllected revenue from that source
luring July waa over 1600,000 m total
f 100,000 mor than the return front
she same source during May and June.
A near a can be judged the receipt
trom all sources are now 980.000 a
lay. Operating expense are In th
neighborhood of 916,000 and decrea
Ag constantly. This leave a net
venue of about 905,000 a day, or
tomewhere near 91,000,000 for the re
mainder of the fair. The attendance,
iowever, is increasing so steadily that
(he directors expect to realize consid
erably more than the estimate and
dear up all bonded and floating in
lebtednes with a margin for the
itockholder beside.
Opening of th Moat Enthoslastlo Con
vention In Tears.
Dxs Moines, Iowa, Aug. 17. Th
Republican state convention wh h
net here to-day was th most
thusiastlo in year Over 3,000 peo. .e
were in the hall when Chairman
Blythe of the state committee railed
(or order. Ex-Senator Harlan
was presented as chairman amid
rreat applause. He said he believed
that there were enough intelligent
Republican a in America to overturn
the Democratic administration, but
they should work unceasingly to that
sno. - Among ether principle: cx tsa
Republican party he enumerated such
discrimination in tariff, dutiea a
thould protect American Industrie,
whether of farm or shop, and a sound
Unsocial system which meant money
gold, ailver and paper, evbry dollar
ta good a every other dollar.
Deadly Esplneleai ef a Voile.
Weluhotox, Ma, Aug. IT. A
boiler exploded In th Wellington
Star mill thi morning, killing J. R.
Johnson, on of th owner, and
Frsnk Albon, a bov It yr of ag.
Only part of th body of the'boy eould
b found. Th boiler wa carried up
th hill about too yard. Th mill
had been Idle for several month and
just started thi morning nndsr saw
Llghlalag t'aaeee StorMfe.
Frirxi, Nab, Aug. I?. During th
storm Monday night Hyrbtnlng struck
th farmhouse tf John I'arndwvta.
thro mil west, nd the hmta and
content were burned. Th Iwrn of
John (ilavln. who live two mile south'
west, was aisp struck and burned.
Terrorised th fort,
I'aii Citt, Kf b, Aug. I?, iiaraty
Pf tn took ieplltn lo D. I. Low,
kAssourl Hi4ttle section foreman, m
Cloylag a nw wan and tnphasir4
ta protest by latln hint tr th
h4 with a man! fcaMtl, I r soaped
la to Knaiv
Hsrad a I haee,
llinao. Neb, Aug. T.Mf htnlf
Itruvlt th MvthtHllst ehureh at Jtolvi
ler during th re re a t slorst and it
jatitltally tiMik Br a4 brne4 to j
th ground, it Is a total I'm, with i
Mr. Coekroll of Mlseonri Opposed t
Mr. Voorhees' 0111 Allowing Matloaat ,
Hanks to Ineresae Their Ctrenla
f Hon Woleotl mt Colorado,
tends Up for free Silver
Hons Ulseaseloau
Wasbihotov, Aug. 17. Th princi
pal scene of action of the financial
battle wa shifted to th senat yes
terday and raged with varying in
tensity and interest throughout th
afternoon. . Immediately after th
preliminary opening business had
been transacted, Senator Gordon of
Georgia recalled a plank in th last
Democratic platform by presenting as
measur to suspend for ninety day
tb law Imposing a ten per cent Us
on state bank iue. 11 declared It
would give relief to th country la
pueen day and would max It posal-
Die to move in immense cotton crop
in the South. The proposition wa
not received with any particular
warmth by tb senate, and Mr. Gor
don asked it reference to the finan
cial committee and said he would de
mand a report yea or nay on th
measure at an early day.
Mr. voorhees seportod back from
the finance committee th national
bank bill Introduced by him Monday,
The vice president uked if thr
wa objection to the immediate con
sideration of tb bilL
Mr. Cockrell: Ther ia objection.
because there are a number of sena
tors who desire to be heard on thi
proportion and who will have amnd
menu to offer to giv to th masse of
the people the same right a ar con
ferred on the national banks, and to
put a stop to favoritism and proserin
tive legislation. We hav just a
much money in the country a we ever
bad. I shall never give my vot to
any diu tnat tend to recognise th
right of national bank to bun and
control th paper money of the coun
try." After the Voorhees bill had gon
over on th objection 1 1 Mr. Cockrell,
the latter gentleman asked the senat
to consider and pass the house joint
resolution for the payment of mileage
to senator and representative for th
present session. Thi gave Mr. Fry
of Maine a chance, which he availed
himself of, of ridiculing the idea of
the public duty which would postpon
relief for the people and make hast
to provide relief for senators and
Mr. Frye was asked whether he ob
jected to the consideration of th
joint resolution. He declined to do
so, but Mr. l'effer stepped into the
breach with an objection and th
joint resolution went to the calendar.
The Lee Mantle case, involving the
question of the right of governors ot
states to appoint senators, under cer
tain circumstance wa then taken up
and Mr. Canton of Virginia, addred
the senate briefly in support ot Mr.
Mantle's right to th seat Senator
Voorhees then introduced ft joint reso
lution extending for six month th
bonded period for whisky In govern
ment warehouses.
The resolution offered last Tuesday
by Mr. Lodge, ltepublican, of Massa
chusetts, directing th committee on
flnanc to report st once ft bill to re
peal th purchasing clans of th
8briuan act, and that a vote be taken
on inch repeal on Tuesday, the s.d
Inst, waa laid before th senate, and
Mr. Lodge mad an argument In ad
vocacy of it. What the people want'd,
he said, was prompt action. II had
no mind for party politic or delay.
II ssked slmplr for actio). II closed
with th quotation from Mr. John
Quliwy Adams, "1 would not deliber
ate, 1 would act."
Mr. Woloott, tiepubUoan, of Colors
do, rplied to Mr. Lodge.
At th do of Mr. Vctleott' ph
th Lodge rulution wa laid asid
without action and Mr, Hoar 4
d red th on Mr. Vest' reso
lution a ta blotatalitsm, la whtab, h
argued for th rpal of th Shcrwaa
At th Iom of Mr. Uoar't ph a
dtseueataa. started a to th other
quMtkMt of reaponslbUity f th 4
woaetlsathMk et sllrar and waft carried.
oa ft eua ttn by ttoaatur Mewett,
Coehrll. Aldrieh, llo 4 Shorn.
In the He see.
WAsntsarvM, Aug. IT.-Th awl
latsrvUf pwb In th ho istt
day, bea It waa rUy th first
HsfttViU protest against fr uala
ms d.lvr4 vy Mr, Urvevo
ot Ohk, and wa lauhlaf ftelfber la
sarvastw uur satire. Ma Sntntgraae.
!HvaftV l Tta,ta, ad jV
The AlIlAnce-lndependetrt
4vftl :8535s"-"
The free and unlimit
ed coinage of silver at
the ratio of 16 to 1; in
other words, the restor
ation of silver to the
place it held In our cur
rency from 171)2 to 1873
That the Sherman
law should not be re
pealed unless a law
more favorable .to sil
ver is substituted for It
NO. 10
tr assault upon hi colleague,. Ur.
Patterson, on account ot th poaltloti
taken by that gentleman against frj
Mr. Hall of Mmsouri, apok In fWT
01 greater voium ot currency
of tb free eoinag of silver.
A Boy Bornod to
Nxbbasxa Citt, Nb, Aug. IT.
Whll starting bonfir with gftaolla)
Eddie Blgley, aged 7, waa burned to
death. Hi right hand and aid war)
burned to crisp. Walter Armstrong.
ft play mat about th Mine ago, wa
badly burned whll trying to ex
tinguish th flam.
Th "Bile M Will Out Wa.
Louisville, Ky., Aug. 1'. A clrw-
lar wa issued yesterday from Prsi
dent Milton II. Smith's offio to th
trainmen and trackmen of th Lonltv
Bill and Naahvili railroad announo-
Ing on September 1 thr will b a re
duction of ton pr cent In all Mlarl.
five rtekeU ta the Ftold.
; Topkka, Ean.,Ang. 17. Th ProhlU
tion county ecntral eommittee yester
day Issued call for county onvntion
to b held Saturday night, to nomln
ftt eandidaU for ounty oCo. Tfcla
will mak th fifth stralfht tlckt la
th flld tn t1 e-)-jy.
4eir "'e-oaspsof lesaaa.
St. Paul, Mina, Aug. 17. It U.
probabl that Jk Dnspsy, tls
noted pugilist, will b r moved fren
St JoMph's kospltel la fw 4y t
torn qult place in th country. E!
physical health ha become xcU-tt,
but h still trasur th halludnatioa
that Danny Nedham and hi ot&r
friend hav ngagd la plot to txSso
hi lit.
A Oeed Thine- fmr tosxyvttt
Corn TV ill, Kaa, Ang. 17. Ti
Delftwr--Js-?"! . rtjnrnt wli
ended Letarday, hav been ft blclzj
to thi Mction. Tbr wr 471 Ia
dlans paid 1501.13 eaoh. Th OoCty-
vine bank bar rcivd for drf ' :,l
and collection ovr 9300.030 of tla
check and Coffeyvill marehanta t
cured something file tlOO.OCO.
A company of men 1 scare hinx for
apposed buried treaur nar war
rensburg, Mo.
The tailor of Springfield, lfo.. or
dered th wage reduced ten per ont
The journeymen struck.
The arrest of tramp at Logaa-
port, Ind., dlsoloaed th existence of a
thorough organization of thieve.
The Forsyth milling company'
laige mill and elevator at Bow en'
Mills, Ma, have been burned to th)
Profesor C A Boyle of Ottawa uni
versity has been elected professor of
music at the Kansas State normal
One of the Conrad boys was shot and
killed from ambush while moving hi
household goods across th Ohio into
Lon Walter was appointed pot
master at Corning, Holt county, xia,
and W. H. Fallis at Mission. Lincoln
county, Oklahoma.
The New Orleans bureau of freight
and transportation haa taken up th
project of Governor Lewelllng for a
Gulf route to Europe.
The line in th Western Passenger
association will try a waek of stralrht
one-fare-round-trip rate to th world
fair In tb near future.
Governor Tillman of South Carolina
baa applied to have the sobriquet of
that state, "Palmetto," registered aft
trade mark for dispensary liquor.
Crluituitl tM-weeedintrs will be begna
gainst President Darragh and Cash
ier battler of tho suspended Kansas
City Safe Deposit and Saving bank,
Tb Missouri synod of th Cumber
land i'resbtrlan church 1 In sloa
at PerU Spring. Th Bav. 1L D.
Kennedy of liuneeton la moderator.
Clarenc M. Dow, ton of a Dnvr
millionaire, ha urrndrd at fort
tam Houston, wher h I now hl4
on charg of desertion from th array.
Th Union National bank of Exjla.
Wis., ha closed It doors. Th p-
IU1 stock I 9160,000 and tb Uti? r
souroe asvs.iwa ju individual O
poslU are 3l,0tXX
Tb eoppr mloe at WPPrppll, .
Cat, hav fluted down. tLrovUT 900
men out of employ meet. Th atlja)
r owned by Irederlek Am ot lh .
Uftloa I si'luo road.
Th Port Scott Boavl Invjtmnt
wpatiy threaten to su Secretary of
tat Caboro fur damagiag It fo4
Kiu by Istylng ftddrtM Qtuounln
d luttunt eomnanj.
ASuMlftA fUhlAT fliMt WU IT
ai. Vt tor is th I'altu 3
fatal aftd auny boat wat iwa
vata ava ar aaiwa 10 tMa
a drwa4 tad oUmm ata
Iweveft IMiMeoeV
Iooa, Nb., Aug ir. Th aw M. ft
thrh t Deniua will ha ddu-u4
pest 9uday, August 0. Kv. 9k
atllh f Philadelphia will preach lb
i4latoay Mrtatw.