4 UGUST 3-1893 THE ALLIANCE -INDEPENDENT. A' . - & 1 National rt BUSINESS COLLEGE. ; Y. M. V. A. Bldo., Kahsas Citt, Mo. j Host Practical Business Collect in the Wwk Shotthasd. Typewriting, Book- ; keeping and releeraphy. Shorthand 1 , by SI ail. Three lesson free. Send tor i OUT BftXiAX, 2UM9tK umn. y UY "DIRECT FROM FACTORY" BEST MIXED Painte. For Houses, Barn. Roots, all colors. A SAVE Middlemen's profits. In use il years. En darned by Grange A Farmers' Alliance. Low prices will surprlH you. write ior samples. O. W. INiiEKSOLL, 58 Plymouth St., Brook lyn. N. Y. We Sell Direct to the Consumer AT WHOLESALE PR 168. I House Paints, Barn. Boof and Bridge Paints. ' Buy direct from the factory. Guaranteed HlioII Paint Ca.. N W cor. Paulina A Klnzle St. Chicago, 111. FURNAS COUNTY HERD 7 - "s, AMD- flolstein : Cattle! . A few Extra Good September Pigs, k and a No. 1 butter bred bull, yearling, J registered for sale. Prices right. II C Willi. me II. W. SIIIIICMIIOVIIf Beaver City, Neb. PftNTg , 4 -...1 It Jf Fit like wax. . Wear like iron. Never rip. : . . v Send for samples and rules for self-measurement. ( IIHCOLH , PAIiTS CO., 1223 O 3treet Make Your Own Bitters! On receipt of 30 cente, V S. stamps, I will eud to any address one package bteketee's Dry Bittern. One package makes one gallon ' tent tonic known. Cures stomach and kidney dlneases. Now is the time to use bitters for tbe blood and stomach. Hend O. G. Bteketee, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, 30 cents, U. S. stamps, and we guarantee that he will send at once. For sale by druggists. . EXCELSIOR HOME BAKER AND ROAS FER. The best paying investment for a housewife. None genuine without brass fittings) our latest improved style, is a solid make, has deep flange stroiiB but hlsh errata, and rlose nerf nntlv ttvht. , , saves 3S per cent nutritious elements. Full de- scrtptlveclrculars on application. I also man ufacture the "New Success" stove mat and the Famous Frying Pan, etc. AGENTS WANTED in every county in the U. 8. Address, CHARLkS SCHULTHEISS, 40 N Main St., Council Bluffs Iowa. lwrrllltllr.lI.P.f. No Monti RiQuired. tilt Mit 4 atnd U la m Willi Vur full BUM toil BMfa and will Mt4 yow UIb BftU WIB4 WfttCft I" if TMtihmk ft ft tif Out at ,.rfsan, rsf ckarv. and M It yrra. (MMW1U Mft fttrt eaa rHuiB H any ttitM vitb- t MM Bl MIW'M f,a4 if iiUi Wwa) aWI M4 ! aft U mW hff ft -TMI- irtTixiea. S94Bartittrntt Tha Wtwld'a Fair. Tba seven Woaaera of th worlJ war playvhlngs and dull ones at thai w&ea compart wit tba CtUurablaa EiptMlUoa of l'J t. All the kaRtnff tor and ruln4 pyramids aad laati brUye aaj other so-called i&arval of taaofj world, together woulda' torn such a spveta cle as thsra it ao to Ins avea, aot a thousaad tutka awaji,' Word eanaol tUeurtba it Hut it you take tba liurtlef ea rout to t'hl caga you vaa sea it lur jowraelf. llaa aell at the dixtor Zle w r at 10th aad U sat, wtli gi mi iafurBtaUua about tralas and help saak yaur jouraa pteaeaat and prvfltabl. Cacurslo errday, - 1a theapaat plaa for immumvaU is Nt JJaiWrmaas, ill 8tft Mala ua IttUkfisMaA. wan CKi.MiiftktA Umm wist aw mm bjiif ymtwrnw w Md ata arv Wavisg tkelr ardars raat t's lU U sirtat. TO OrDf 3 And Upward FREE w j iir w mi MM v r I l- s rw mT : ih V w i 1 1 ,v a. 1 vl i v. I 1.1 A ifH. l MP 'J 5 V 'il fT4 -f L.J baiidera esc The best aau- km be:, back, lime, cement, sand v.hatever goes into the construction of a building; they employ only tbe lest workmen and pay toe best wages; they get .better prices for their work than their less careful competitors, and always get the best contracts; they paint their work with Strictly Pure White Lead manufactured by tbe " Old Dutch Pro cess " of slow corrosion, and with one of the following: standard brands : " Collier," " Red Seal," "Southern" For colors they nse the National Lead Company's Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. These colors are aold in small cans, each being sufficient to tint twenty-five pounds of Strictly n ,t,L'. - r a rure wane icaa toe aesirea snaoQ These brands of 8trlctly Pure White Lead for sale by the most reliable dealers in paints everywhere, If you are going to paint. It will pay you to send to us for a book containing Informa tion that may save you many a dollar it will only cost you s postal card to do so. : i i NATIONAL LEAD CO. i $ i i 4 I 1 Broadway, Kew TWftV j J 5 It. Louis Branch, ; r Clark Avenue and Tenth Street. ' 5 10 $15 Sa? LIOHTNIRB PLATE! ftaaplkUssjrvvirj.waieM UlltoVWt, PIMM Ik SoaM of Jwelrr o4 m w, m at) kld f mui vitk gold, tUnr r slokd. Me eiperteae. Mo optul. STery houa kafl toodi aiw4 flMlU Si. Writ. (M.irott. H.E.VELNO w- rsftdwof miiMpfr! KtlCatthil nt and awnd It t IM wlftfe Will Mad you tu of IbfeK alegaoft, rk'hlv latralf d. srod Hwaahvd watchM ,rf bjr rprsai for ftaiinUl and tf 1. yo think HtBsBl In MiftMamtMa io ny gold wfttcB pay wrsifflpu trlr.i3.W,aiid tt la vovrn. We tnd with ib walcb our tuiniBU ftfaai yog mb raturti It mt mny Ham trttklo dm yar If not ulUfstctory. ftud tf yoo Mil r Must tha hI a i w will tob Ob Vr. Writ one. M wa abail axiod oat bmoDsMI for M day on it, Addrvas THE NATIONAL M'r'U A IMPORTINO CO.. ZH PHttors St., CUoago, SL Sr. JOSEPH BUGGY CO. St Joseph Bugey Co. Carriages and Buggies at Lowest prices. Catalogue and price jl&t free. 6th aad Messanle Sts. St. Joe. Mo. Tourtlst Rates to Colorado. Tha Union Pacific Railway- (overland route) will now sell round-trip tickets to Denver, Colorado Springs, Manitou and Pueblo, at the low rate , of 124.15 good returning . until Ootober 31st Stopovers allowed between Cheyenne and Pueblo. Full particulars given at 1044 O street. , J. T Mastin, E.B, SLOSSKN, City Ticket Ag't. General Agent Am firolncr east. Professor On? ef the Omaha College of Shorthand and Typewriting is instructed to sell my $60.00 life scholarship for 119.00. Seud mm f 19 uu ana ne win l&sue a me scholarship in your name. Show this to your friend. Write at once. Geo. S. Currie, "Gen. Del.," Omaha, Neb. Low Excursion Ratea-North-West-ern Line. July 24th, 31st and Aucrust 7th: Chicago, one way $ 9.C5 Chicago and return 15.00 DAILY TRAINS. Chicago, , one way. 10.90 Chicago and return to Nov. loth 19.10 Hot Springs S. D. nd return. .. 15.50 Deadwood S. D. and return 19 50 Fast trains through sleepers. W. M. Shipman, Gen. Agt' A. S. Fielding, City Tkt Agt. Depot Corner S and Eighth streets. E. T. Moore, Tkt. Agent. ITsa North wAatArn KnA tj- Chlmcrn. Low rates. Fast tralaa. Office 1122 OSL Tha eonsunt demand of the traveling public to the far west for a comfortable and at tha same time an economical mode of traveling, has led to the estab lishment of what is known as Pullman Colonist Sleepers. These cars are built on the same gen eral plan as tba regular flrst-clase Pull. man Sleepers, the only difference being mat mey are not upnolatered. They ar furnished complete with good oomfortabU hair mattrvaaea, warm blankets, snow wuito lines curtains. plenty af towels, combe, brushes, etc., which aecur to tha occupant of a berth as much privacy a la to be had ta first class sleepers. That ar also separate toilet rooms for ladles aad gentiemea, aad stnokiaf Is abaoluteif prohibited. For full tnformatloa send for Pullutio J olonlst 8leir leaflet. . T. Mastim, O, T. A. 1044 O. SL, E. U. SLOHsion, (tea. Ark Liooola, Web. One fare te Hst tprlnca and Osad weed and Baturn Tha Klk bora line U ao Mills e earslua tickau each day to (lot stprlag , the graai baitb rert, aad IfeaJweod, taaailataf oeawrol tha Hlack 1IUU, at oaa fare for tha roiled trip. Ust aerticalars at ehy tffl UU 0 SL at dpvl erar aad th Swt. IV North WMtara tlae to Chicago lw raiea. fast trains, Offvw IliJI 0L Vu NortkweaUra Itaa to I'ttkata Low raws, last trataa UIm lild 0 s s i SBBBBAaBBiSMseaSWai m LEMONADE. lmunade! Iain : tuy pries! When it vets as hot as blazmi Then tby eooline virtues shine. When June comes with torrid creeses. Then thine and sveetDesa pleases. More refreshing tar than wina Then thy flavor so doliclou. Titillates tbe t ite capricious Of the veriest epicure. And the clinking in the classes Of the broken ice surpanses Music of the spheres, I'm aura. Lemonade! I sing thy praises. Not with lone, hitch-sounding phrases, But with zeal no kss intense. And to think that he who'd try thee Almost any day can buy thee For the small sum of Ove cental A FOKCED LEAD. There! were only three people In the room besides the whist players; he old gentleman who sat in the cor ner of the room and was always read ing, and Julia McCullough and young Stevens, who were in another corner, half shielded by the Japanese screen. Of the card players one was old Mr. McCullough, to whom whist was the business of life. A second was old Mrs. McCullough, who played excellently, but never could bo utterly deaf to the claims of the outside world. The third was Mr. Richmond, a successful lawyer, something over 60, with closely-cut, iron-gray hair, quick, keen eyes, a manner which very likely had been nervous, but was now only incisive, and an utterly absorbed attention to the matter In hand. People said Richmond had had a disappointment in love, which had kept him a bachelor and perhaps encouraged the habit of absorption a fact which caused Julia McCullough and young Stevens to regard him with deep and respectful sympathy. The fourth player was old Mr. McCul lough's partner, and just at present she groped under such a cloud of disapproval that it would have been a relief to have escaped notice alto gether. She was a silent, smooth, unassertive, unmarried woman, whose game Mr. McCullough had trained, trimmed and pruned in season and out of season until, as a matter of self-preservation, sbe had learnod to play better than ho. . Hut it was owing to her that Mr. McCullough now fidgeted in his chair and glared at a nine-spot as if each club on its surface were a weapon of assassination. It was but 8 o'clock in the evening, and she was playing only till tha stage came to take her to the train on which ' she was to leave break up the game and leave. No wonder Mr. McCullough was almost speechless with rage. No wonder that Mrs. McCullough fatally wandered, so that she mistook a knave for a king and pulled in her opponent's trick. Even Mr. Rich mond, who scarcely knew how Miss Selwyn looked, so rarely he raised his eyes from the tablo, folt that her conduct was injurious. May I be permitted to -inquire, Charlotte," asked Mr. McCullough in an awful voico, "since when a knavo has been advanced to the dis tinction of taking a king, of the same suitP" "Gracious!" admitted Mrs, Mc Cullough, pushing the card to Miss Selwyn, who was so crowded by the universal disapproval that she re ceived them as a free gift. "Of course it is impossible to be even decently attentive in the midst of such willful disturbance,11 re marked Mr. McCullough. "if it were not a case of illness,11 began Miss Selwyn, agologetically. "People have no business to be ill,11 snapped Mr. McCullough. "Do you suppose Susan will be able to get there, too?" asked Mrs. Mc Cullough. I hope so,11 returned Mis Selwyn. "Come, come, Charlotte!" -exclaimed Mr. McCullough; "for heav en's sake, let ua play while wo can!" . Julia McCullough and young Ste vens were talking in low tones be hind the screen. "Did you really pin It up?" asked Julia, with apprehensive pleasure. "I really did," returned young Stevens, "in the hall. I knew how strained the situation would be to night, and as it is my last evening I wanted it to be peacefuL They might have asked one of us to take a hand." "I wouldn't have done it," said Julia, firmly. "Yea you would, you poor lamb, or I would have taken your place and lost my temper. lean get along with your uncle anywhere but at the whist-table." One of tbe hotel servants came to the door the stage was leaving. Miss Selwyn rose, looking ready to cry. The cards had just been dealt I am very sorry," she said. "Sorry!" growled Mr. McCullough; "we may have to play with a dummy l" "There isn't a soul In the house that can play," sighed Mrs. McCul lough. Richmond rose to go with Miss Selwya to tbe door, IU put her in the carriage and re turned. Not a word bad been spoken. Itv walked restlessly to a bmikcaae and read tha titles. Tba old man la tbe Corner burl4 himself deeper In bis pages; the young girl and her companion bwama mere Involved la winding worsted, Mrs. McCullough sortod her band mm hanlratly. Mr, Mot utloujfh drummed oa th table and looked ready to burst with rage. It waa as If nature were preparing for a cataclysm. Suddenly they all, flieept the reader, looked up. A wwmaa slood la tbe dkHray one-look In, though aot a younf auitiaa, liar (ray hair roe straight from her handsome forehead) hr flear rom pie slue wee a little Hushed, but 'he spoke with perfect te'f-poeaessWHt. I saw the aottce plaaed up la tha ball," eba ald I am good waist pleyerv VYmU jt.u ilk t baa ate piaka up the band." Young hut heas roe with a side tetie at Jitlla, who Iwkwd a IttMe evnd. ' "Pinned up in'tbe'han?" repeated old Mr. McCullough, doubtfully. "Yes." she said distinctly, with a swift glance that took in all the occupants of the room; "the notice saying that there were three whist players in the east card-room who wanted a fourth at a quarter past eight Only good players need apply." . Richmond glanced at the young man with a certain severity, behind which was a gleam of amusement, and came toward the card table. "1" began young Stevens; but it was old Mra McCollough who settled tbe matter. "Well,Sl she interrupted, "do come and sit down. I'm sure I don't know how you got here, but we're glad enough to see you. Pll play with Mr. McCullough because 1 am used to him. You can play with my part ner." We're wasting a lot of precious time," said Mr. McCullough, and the handsome woman came forward from the doorway and picked up the cards that lay at her place, Richmond seated himself opposite, and for ten minutes not a word was spoken. She did play well one of those intelligent, pliable games which show science, memory and compre hension. Richmond was delighted with her. If at a critical point be planned a brilliant stroke, she caught his intention Instantly and co-operated. He was not curious about bcr personally; he had barely looked at her; she was simply his skillful com rade. ' It was her deal, and as she picked up the cards she shufllod them once. Richmond's eyes were on her fingers, and he started a little. She mixed the cards by an odd bit of manipulation. He had never seen but one other person do it The next time he watched her; then he glanced from her fingers to her face in sudden, sharp inquiry. Her eyes were on bis; they woro a look that might have been triumph. The game went on. The low tones of the young people were almost whispers. "If you had that ace you were a long time playing it, Charlotte," said Mr. McCullough. at tho endof a band. "One doesn't win by being in a hurry," sbe answered, easily. "No,11 said the stranger, speaking for almost the first time, "one does not" The words were simple, but to Richmond's ear they were emphatic. He looked at her with a certain air of suspense, and again she met his look. Another hand was played. You did it that time." said Rich mond, at the end of it, as he scored three tricks. "Yes," said she.smiling, "I thought it was time I took matters into my own hands." Ho turned a little pale, and dealt the cards with his eyes on her face. Ihe evening slipped on; tbe game was closo and interesting. "That play of yours was an unusual one," said Kichmond, "but success ful." ' " "Yes," she answered, slowly; "I broke all the rules to do it It was a forced lead, but there seemed nothing else to do." There vre bright red spots in her cheeks and she held her handsome head very high as she spoke. He laid down the cards as if to stop. play In? ; then "It saved the game," be said con cisely, as he picked them up again "I thought you bad that queen, Charlotte," said Mr. McCullough in ireful reproach, "from the way you played before. "it is dangerous to draw infer ences," said Richmond quickly, look ing across the table. "Not usually," she answered light ly, "if one knows one's partner." At 10 o'clock Richmond, instead of taking up the hand she had just dealt him, put both his arms on the table and leaned across it Mra Mc Cullough looked as if the skies would fall, and Mr. McCullough said: "Come! Come!" Richmond heeded neither of them. "Will you tell me why you played as you did?" he asked with sudden sternness. His .partner looked at him and her eyes fell for a moment Then, with her first full composure, she answered: "It has taken me a long time to return your lead; but I found, soon enough, that it is from what is my strongest suit as welL" "Come, come!" said Mr. Mo Cullough; "a great deal of talk about a hand that is past and gone. Pick up your cards, man!11 Instead of doing so Richmond stood up. The young people stopped talk ing, and even the reading old man laid down hi book. Is your name still Frances Kfflng ham!11 be akcd. "Yes," she said, rising too. Have you come bauk to met" "Yes," she said again. "1 have waited a long time," he went tm- Yea" There was a pause, "Will you eorue with me Into the parlor across tbe hall and let me speak to youf She bowed, and tossing down her cards sbe pasted out of the room and he followed her. It Mra Mcl'ullouijh bad ever al lowed Profanity la her presence she might have bad ta llttea to It thee, lor several moments Mr, McCul lough fo a 4 nothing appropriate la his voh-ehulary, Are we never going te have a de feat game of afcUt! be thaadered at last -.Marietta, A Mae et Mewses, Thai was a shrewd polloeruae wb having tv- ejuarrwltwe druaWd tun ta haalls managed te grl the arms tf ,tme vt them around a tele graph pel and ta slip handcuff va Alto. Ialug hint alttU the pole he tHd( the stkar ta the static with Uoum travelt KNOCKED HIM FLAT. rhe Result of a Doable Mistake by a We man. Mrs, Keeler, whose husband works In the lumber woods near Moscow, Idaho, went to town lately to do some trading. Her husband was to meet her at the store and accompany her home. She waited until nearly dark, and as he hod not come she ttarted home alone, carrying a sack of flour. The Keeler place is three miles from Moscow-, and the road la through the woods. It waa quite dark before Mrs. Keeler,was near home, and just ahead of her she saw what she supposed was ber husband standing in the road waiting for her. She was in a bad humor because he had failed to meet her at the store, and began giving him liberal pieces of her mind as she approached. When she got within a few feet of him he began to growl back 'at her so fiercely that she stopped and then made the alarming discovery that she was confronted by a big bear instead of her husband. With a shriek she dropped the sack of flour and took to her heels. She had run some distance when she dis covered wha .she thought was another bear coming toward her. She stopped In the road and filled the woods with shrieks that were plainly heard at Moscow, Hut this bear was her hus band, and when she recovered herself sufficiently to recogelze the fact, she struck him a blow with her fist between the eyes that knocked him flat In the road, and then promptly fainted. Her husband had quite a time in fetching her to, but when he had suc ceeded, she explained matters aa they went together toward home. The bear waa gone, but he had scattered the contents of the flour sack along the road for twenty yards. A PLEASANT PROSPECT. Had a Warm Time to Iook forward to . la the Near roture. A ragged oolored boy about twelve years old sat on the sidewalk in the full glare of the noon-day sun with his back against the board fence, A very solid old man, walking with great dignity, came along and halted to look the urchin over and inquire; "Hoy, hain't I done seen yo' sum whar befo'? Hain't yo1 de wldder Taylor's son?" "Yes," was tbe reply, 'An' what yo' loafln 'round yere In dis fashun fur?" "Am dat yo'r bizness?" saucily de manded the boy. "Am itl Am it! Wall, I should de clar' to reckon it was!" "What yo' got ter do 'bout it?" "What I got to do 'bout it! Why, boy, yo' doan 'pear to know me! Per mit me to lnterduee myself as degem' Tan who has bin oo'rtin' yo'r mudder fur de las' three weeks, an' who's dun gwine to marry her dls eavenin' an' become yo'r stepf adder! Look out for ine 'bout seben o'clock to-morrer mawnin', boyl Pze gwine to begin at dat airly hour to make yo' wish you'd nebber bin bo'n into dis yere stait of Alabama to sho' yo'r peartnesi In I'ralse of Sleep. Night brings to me dreams of sliver streams that murmur through the wild wood, and sylvan dales and quiet vales, where once I roamed, In child hood; I seem to see the mighty tree whose boughs I yet remember; the pond where I swam in July and skated in December. Oh, .vision blest, of peace and rest and sunny days and gladness! When breaks the dawn you all are gone and I am left in sadness. Fnr morning brings the wenrv things that I must know forever; the burn ing street, the tolling feet, the long and fierce endeavor; the bills to pay, the words to say that I so oft have spoken, the loads to pack until my back is pretty nearly broken. If men could snooze for months and lose no time in bitter waking, this life would be a thing of glee and hearts would not be breaking. Splendid" Was Made fur America. I asked Commander Dickens what observations the duke de Veragua made at the world's fair. He in formed me that during the tour of the exposition buildinga both the duke and duchess frequently exclaimed: Magnlflcencia, preeloao!" "Every thing they saw on the grounds," said the commander, "waa magnificent and precious. They were almost speech less when they saw Niagara. All through New York state, and es pecially during our journey along the Hudson at sunset, the ducal party was lost in wonder. The duchess, who had been gaslng upon the land scape for some time, turned to me and said: 'The word "splendid" must have been made todttscrlbe America." Oreads' ilumtMiln. Usually the Innocent old lady with the bombasine Is a harmless aa she looks, but there are time when her presence Is as portentous a the ab sence of tba famous tea-peony nail from the horho was to the rider, A horae-ear waa passing through a street In New York the other day; on one 1U of the track waa an eseat tloti: on the other, wrandma with her UuiUmiu. The bora ahUnl Irto tbe ditch, a yuHng ntaa was kicked la the stomath. the var windows were suthrd, the pMngtr badly shakort p. aad a derrW-k bad t be put la reo,ullilon ta rt cue the team all be eauso tho old lady atgaated to slop tha car with her umbrella. U4 A primitive oe reeentl took plate at oaa ut taoo summer board' sng k.mw whkb verify their adr tUed proMtlae to kovp guest ehveply, iMrtng ta ltterf roauv ef hipped ptte bofuro desert, a be tnuvlgod. tMa Id appeared la taeklieaea doorway aad roaisaddi "All beep lour sp-MUsf BUSINESS REVIEW. DUN AND BRADSTREET ON THE SITUATION. THIS WEEK WAS A VERY HARD OE lint Hack Soaadne.t aad Strength IV a Disclosed Nevertheless Large Sasa of Money Were Seot From Mew York to the West.FaUoros of National Banks Sloe J an oary 1, New York, July 31. R. G. Dun ok Co. 's weekly review of trade says: "The , hardest week yet has left tha business world still able to rejoice in the soundness and strength disclosed. No banks here or at other Eastern ' cities, and no Eastern firms of large importance, have gone down, but nu merous banks failed in the West, in eluding some of high repute and large business. Hut through all this strain the banks of N York have passed without ble and imports of gold have me need. . From 81,000,000 to 8.', 00" ..money have been sent West evi day, and a large decrease In bank erves is ex pected, as the treasury -as not been disbursing heavily. Failures during the past week num ber 3m) In the United States.agalnst 171 last year, and twenty-three in Canada, against twenty-two last year. It la noteworthy that only three fail urea were of capital above 1300,000 eac'i and ouly ninety-nine of capital over 15,000 each. Over fifty banks stopped during the week, but nearly all were in the West liradstreet'a weekly report of tba state of trade shows that the volume of general trade has. been further re strfcted, and there is no reason to re port an improvement In business as ft whole. , ' BANK FAILURE OF TUB VBAB. A eiatement From Comptroller f the Correnoy Eckles. WaBHitfOTOJf, July 31. Comptroller of the Currency Eckles has given ou the following statement; "Recent dis patches having appeared In the news papers to the effect that since January 1, 1803, 201) national banks have failed, the following statement has been pre pared that the public may be properly informed. Instead of !200 having closed their doors, but 105 have gone into the hands of the comp troller of the currency. Fourteen of this number have already resumed business under favorable conditions and possessed of the confidence of the communities where located and dur ing1 the ensuing week it is expected several others will have complied with the requirements of the comptroller and reopened, while prior to Heptem ber 1 an equal number will resume. Out of the total of 103 closed but thirty-seven have gone into the hands of receivers, the balance either having reopened or are still in the hands of examiners with strong prospects of re opening. "Five of the 103 bank are capital ized in the amount of 91,000,000 each, one at Sooo.ooo, six at 900,ooo, thirty six at ",0,000, the remaining- at (300, ooo, 1250,000, 1100,000 and less, but more than 850,000, the greater number being fron 8100,000 to 8150,000. By geographical sections the failures are distributed as follows: New England states, two; Eastern states, two; Mid dle and Mississippi valley states, fif teen; northwestern states, six: wes tern states, fifty-five; Southern states, twenty-five. Total. 105. Bank Clearings. New Yobk, July 31. The following table, compiled by Bradstreet's, show tbe bank clearings of the week ending July 28, 18H3, with the per centage of increase and decrease as com pared with the corresponding week of 1802: Cities. Clearings Ino. Deo. kansas City M.fWtf.Wl I 47.a' Omaha 4&4.!M3 Denver...., I,608,7 T7.t st Joseph l,oi,am . Lincoln - 4l2,2Wft 144 wiohita ...., wear u Topeka sa.oiu at Mosher's Bank Will Pay 10 Per Cent, Omaha, Neb., July Jl. The Capital National bank of Lincoln, wrecked by Charles Mosher, will pay 10 per cent A rortlaad Ore., 11a uk Stupaaded. . IV'KTLaxd, Ore., July St. Tha Union banking company has ana pended. TWO TOUOHS ROUTED. They Auaalt m Father and boo aad Oel Badly Worsted. Chu.i.k'othk, Ma, July 31. Yester day was a regular field day with the Ledbetters, father and son, of Chi I llcothe township. The family reside in the wild of the Grand river and Medicine creek bottoms, aad their neighbors are somewhat like the sur rounding country. William Lank ford and Sam Anderson hat had a grudge against young llbetter for some time, and teaterday went to hi hotiia to da hint up Th Udbetter retreated to their house, wltivU they barricaded, when Leak ford boat la Ihed.xir with an Iron pot; whleh h found la the yard. A be entered the door LodUtter, Junior, tired both bar rel of a shotn at him, sUty-fnur et the Na a shot striking him In the breast and forty-el-ht lodging la hi left artn. Ijtnkford and Anderson left fur th former s bote and a d,m tor was e-nt for. Young Lodbetler mounted aorao sad came tot ma, gave himself p and we romtutUod toinlt. Half an hour later Aedrou re turned to the Ledlwtter beau and re awed th nht, using a half en old isss ldbotun but the latter ot ta, hi wtk wit a revolver and shot An dtroon through th body. He will probably die. The Led betters were) roleaaedoa a Wd f by Justin trkty to appear August L iMbUe oe.Uu JualtiUatk Led tetter.