The Alliance-Independent The Alli&nc8-lndspsr.isnt IsUm I Mvtalsi J L. r i a. a. Advertising medium In the west It U especi ally valuable u a meani of retching the farmers, lu circulation li aa laree In Nebraska as the cir culation of all the "farm Journals" combined. Give Tbb Aiaianc Inditixdeht a trial if you want good results. VOL. V. A BIG CRASH IN Th Oudahy and ' Fairbank Corner Ool lapaei and Fork Falls $9 00 Per Barrel- 8IZ OTIEE BIG FAILUEES FOLLOW. Millions Lost in a Few Minutes Pork Follows Wheat and Silver No More Big Prices for Hogs. ' A Panto In Chicago. Chicaoo, Aug. 3. The big deals in pork and lard, which have held the , price of those commodities at inordi nately high figures for months, have collapsed, accompanied by the an nouncement of the failure of six prom inent bouses concerned in them J. Q. Steever, E. W. Bailey, A. C. Helmholtz, Wright & Haughey, J. Cudahy and the North American packing company. Late this afternoon N. K. Falrbank & Co., the great lard dealers, made aa assignment The price of September pork dropped in a few moments almost 19 a barrel. It was the most sensational decline ever recorded on the board of trade. September pork, at the close of the market yesterday sold at 119. 25 a bar reL This morning the first recorded sale was 118.75, and from that price there was a continuous drop of fifty cents and 11 at a time until 110.60 was reached, making a loss of 88.75 from the last price of yesterday. At the bottom prices there was some buy ing and the price reacted to 111. There has been manipulation of some sort in the pork market continu ously for almost a year. The corner which was run by Wright and Cudahy last fall was such a phenomenal suc cess and made such enormous profits to the bulls that the temptation to re peat the deal could not be resisted. The manipulation was carried through the spring and finally concentrated in the September option. The people in control figured on a small summer supply of hogs and did not expect to have to carry their deal igainst ad verse influences of all s - But the money troubles have co . up and the summer supply of hogs has been larger than anybody expeoted, and the manipulators found themselves carry log an enormous dead weight, with - everything against them. It is thought that the holdings of pork through the three firms which failed must have exceeded 100,000 barrels. If they were an even 100,000 barrels, the losses on the deal in a few minutes this morning were almost $1,000,000, The people who held the pork commenced selling wheat before the recent big decline to get money to support their pork deal and they are aid to have made about $100,000 on the decline in wheat. After the excitement in pork was over and the market began to quiet down and began to look serene, a aeries of thunder claps fairly shook the board of trade building. The failures of the American Packing and Provision company, one of the great packing firms, of "Jack" Cudahy, the heavy packer and daring operator in hog products, and of Wright d Haughey, heavy receivers and ship- Eirs of grain, were announced, creat g the utmost consternation. Prices began to tumble all over the floor of . the Exchange. Lard, which had been supported all morning at $a,6o, dropped off to 89.40, then to SU, then to 17 without a trade, and very quickly was down to to, a drop of 13.73 per hundred pounds, or 17 per three since yester day's close. The announcement was made that John Cudahy had ordered all trades with his own house closed. That increased the excitement Kibe dropped rapidly, selling 11.33 lower than last night s close. The smash In the lard market sent wheat down at a rapid pace, from O.He the Hepteuttwr prioe dropped very quickly to and reacted a little from that point Cudahy wss largely interested in the North American I'rovUloa company, and when iu failure was announced the failure of Cudahy was looked for aad it wmib same. After that the fell re tt Wright A JUugliey was not unespeeted at they were interested with Cudahy, Cudahy had been carrying a Urge amount of lard and la addition, had dealt rather heavily in rib The ud dsn slump in prk tide warning eaeght bin ttuiirrd t meet the deeltue la lard aud ribs whleh ae I eoieptnM it and he was fore4 to the , well It U luspuaelbU st this ltai ta etl wale the amoual Involved, but they are believed to he ery leitfe. The North .lwrUw I'ruvulon eviupaay etase la tapiialUed at liitMNM, PORK PENSIONERS MUST' WAIT. Weetersi Baaks Me WUllng to Cash Cheeks Ceder Present CoadUloa. Washisgtos, Aug. 8. Owing to the disinclination of the national banks to part with their currency at this time it is probable that the pensioners who are to be paid this month will experi ence delay in receiving their money. The banks have heretofore cashed readily all pension checks presented, but now several in the West have notified the treasury department that in view of the financial stringency they do not feel justified in doing so at present as it would require consid erable ready 'money in some in stances 1100,000 a day. Pension checks paid at Indianapolis, Ind., Knoxville, Tenn., Louisville and New York are drawn on the subtreas nry at Philadelphia and those at Topeka on the subtreasury at St Louis. FAIR DIRECTORS FINED, la Contempt of Court for Sunday Clos Chicago. Aug. 2. Judge Stein of the superior court this morning decided that the world's fair directors and officers who had been directly respon Bible for closing the exposition gates Sunday, July 23, had violated the in junction granted in the Clingman peti tion and were consequently guilty of contempt lie ordered that Directors Gage, Hutchinson, Ilea rotin. McNally and Kerfoot should be fined $1,000 each and stand committed to jail until the fine should be paid. Attorney Eddy, representing the fair company, moved for an appeal from the court's ruling, and that mo tion was discussed. The directors and other officers were all in court At the conclusion of the arguments Judge Stein granted an appeal. An Ioveetor Commits SuIeMe. Philadelphia, Aug. 8. Colonel William Freshmuth, aged 70, a well knowa inventor sod aa active organ izer of regiments during the civil war, being colonel of the Twelfth regiment of Pennsylvania cavalry, committed suicide at his home yesterday by shooting himself. He was the in ventor of a patent, aluminum press and the capstone at the apex of the Washington monument was con structed by him of this material and presented to the government Hughes Court Martlet Topeka, Kan., Aug. 3. The court martial trial of Colonel J. W. F. Hughes of the Kansas National Guards for alleged disobedience of Gov ernor L welling s orders dur ing the "legislative war" - last winter, began this morning in the ofSoe of Adjutant General Artz. All the officers of who court, including .. ?Vvw.ate Frank Dosler, were t -seat iri il uniform, except Colo nel b. A. M Jinnis of Eldorado, who was delayer. West Point Cadets Poisoned. West Poiht,. N. Y., Aug. 3. Sixty five cadets were poisoned by some thing they ate at supper last night The doctors cannot imagine what caused the trouble. This is the sec ond time that the cadeta have been poisoned during the present camp. Kossla Calls Cl'lna to Aeeoaa. London, Aug. 3. The Vienna corre spondent of the News says that Russia has resolved to ask China for an ex planation of her attitude in the Pamirs question in view of the enor mous masses of Chinese troops con centrated in the Pamirs. Retrenchment on the taata Ye. Emporia. Kan., Aug. &, -Instrue tlons have beeu received .1 this point to reduce expense in every possible manner on the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe road, to discharge eleven men and to order no new material until further orders. Chaffee A(ln-t foal re, Ciscii-f ati, Ohio, Aug. The Times-Star conUius two and one-half columns of situational matter, eharg tng ex-Governor Foster with the rob bery of his bank. The Times-Mar le Republican and has been a great friend ef Foster's. l-alleiWIvhte father la TfeaU. i'uii.AD-Lruu. Aug. J. Kdwla T, Cook ha been appointed realtor of the I'UIUdetpala I'avklng and Provis ion company. The itabuItU a well a aaavu are likely to ?"' rte iarge amount Jf a suie AMsm. Ilexaeav, Ok.. Aug. I. The United Mates cavalry U supposed to have fiitnl the Cleroke strip and It le now a vast ootid, fratlou dli4 ta create wet 1 Weithees Wale. we ttea4. Hesroa, Aug. I.-Ths United hi tee watah company has resumed work at Us favuiry at Ulbu with a full force afVr tu weeks' vscsll. u. LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, THE WISDOM What the Worlds Greatest Thinkers Have Said on the Money ' Question -Texts From "Which Popnlists Preach the Gospel of a Better Day Coming James A. Garfield In a speech in congress in 1878 said: "Whoever controls the volume of money In any country is absolute muter of all Industry and commerce." Professor Walker, ' , One of the greatest American iconomlsU, said: "That prices will rise or fall if the volume of money U increased or dimin ished, is a law that is as unalterable as any law of nature." John 8tuart Mill, The greatest English economist of the last generation said: "If the whole volume of money In circulation was doubled, prices would double'. If increased one fourth prices would increase one fourth." winr. ..' The great Roman historian, more than 1800 years ago laid: "The colossal fortunes which ruined Italy were due to the concentration of estates, through usury, brought about by lack of an abundant supply of money." Andrew Jackson, . Who has been canonized as the patron Saint of the democratic party, said: "If congress bas a right under the constitution to Issue paper money, it was given to that body to be usec by itself, not to be delegated to individuals or corporations The U, f . Monetary Commission Compofed ef the greatest financiers of the nation, appointed especially to Invee tlgate the silver question, and at the bead of which was Senator Jcnes of Nevada, said in its report: "A decreasing volume of money, and falling prices have been and aTe now more fruitful of human misery than war, pestilence and famine. They have wrought more Injustice than all the bad laws ever enacted." Thomas Jefferson, The auther of the declaration of independence, and the father of the democratic party said; ,y - t,-'... ?,..' 1 "I believe that banking Institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a money aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power should be taken from the banks, and restored to the government and the people, to whom it properly belongs." Professor Walksr Of Yale College, speaking of currency contraction says: - "When the procers of contraction commences, the first class on which it falls is the merchants of the large cities, they find it difficult to get money to pay their notes; the next class is the manufacturer, theale of his goods at once falls off; laborers and mechanics next feel the pressure, they are thrown out of em ployment; and, lastly, the farmer fltds a dull sale for his produce; and all un suspicious of the real cause, have a vague idea that their difficulties are owing to hard times. We have become to familiar with these periodical revolutions in trade, that we look upon them as the natural phenomena of business, but it is not so." . Hume, The great English historian of the 18th century said: "We find that in every kingdom, into which money begins to flow ingreater abundance than formerly, everything takes a new face! labor and industry gain life; the merchant becomes more enterprising, the manufacturer more diligent and skilful, and even the farmer follows his plough with greater alacrity and attention. A nation whose money decreases Is actually at that time weaker nnd more miserable than another nation which poeteeses no more money, tut is on the it, "casing band. Falfing prices and misery and destruction are inseparable companions. The disasters of the Dark Ages were caused by decreasing money and falling prices. With the increase oi money, labor and industry gain new life." John Sherman. In disou8Blog the proposed destruction of the greenbacks and resumption of specie payments, in 1869 gave the following description of the results which would folow: "It is not possible to take this voyage without the sorest distress. To every person except a capitalist out of debt, or a salaried officer, or annuitant, it is a period of loss, danger,lassltude of trade, fall of wages, suspension of enterprise, bankruptcy, and disaster. It means the ruin of all dealers whose debts are twice their business capital, though one-third less than their actual property. It means the fall of all agricultural productions without any great reduction of taxes. When that day comes, every man, as the sailor says, will be close reefed, all enterprise will be expended, every bank will have contracted Its currency to the lowest limit; and the debtor, compelled to moet in coin a debt contracted in cur rency, will fled the coin hoarded in the treasury, no representative of coin In circulation, his proptt ty shrunk notonly to the extent of the appreciation of the currency, lut still more by the artificial ncarclty made by the holders of gold To attempt this task by a surprise upon our people by arresting them In tLe midst of their lawful butlness aad appljln a new standard ot value to their pro perty, without any rsducllon of their debt, or giving them an opportunity to compound with their creditor, or U distribute the losses, would bean act of f41y without an eitmpte la evil ia modern times. Ei Senator John J. Ingalls, The brilliant republlcaa orator of Kansas, spraklngof gold la 1KT1 said: No people ta a great emsrgeacy ever found a faithful ally In gold. It U the moet cowardly and In acherous of all metal. It makes no treaty ll doee not break. It bas no frlmd It doe not soceror latter betray. Artnle aad arle are not maintained by gold, la Um- of paalo aal ralamlty, shipwreck at4 dtau r, It become the agent and mtaltter of rule, No eatioa tver fought a great war by the aid Of fold, On the contrary, la the crisis ot the greatest perl), It becomes an eeuiy mere poire! than the low la the field; but wbea the battle Is won and peso has been secured gold re appear aad claim the fruit of vlu tery, la our own CltU War it Is doubtful If tt gold of N Ywrk and tiwdoa did not work tta greater Injury tbaa the powder aad Uad aad tree of the Houth. It was the moet lavlaelhJe enemy ef tb pubtta ciU!t (U4 pai j ao soldier or stllor. It rffueod the eatleaj obligation, It wae worth most wbea our ferine were tb luwtet. Kmy defeat gave It ieortased value. It wa la opea alliance with our enemies th world over, aad ail It energies were avtked for our de trvetloa. Hut a uiual, w bee 4ar bad he averted and tb victory secured, gold swagger ta the fruul aid aewit tb tuprtMaey." AUGUST 3, 1893. OF THE AGES. A GREAT CONVENTION The Greatest Financial Gathering in th Worlds Hiitory An Army of Bformfi- ARE A9AIU8T ALL 00KPK0MI2I3- Great Speeches Delivered by Thurman, Pat tw son, Donnelly, Powdrly, Wait and Others John 8her ' man Denounced. , A Strong Platform. Chicago, Aug. ft Th national eon vention of the American Bimetallic league met at 10 o'clock in this city this morning and the attendance wa larger than that of any previous as sctnbly of like character in the history of financial agitation. The first Methodist church auditorium wa overcrowded an hour before the meet ing was called to order and it waa early apparent that a larger ball would have to be sought forfutore sesslona ' When Chairman Warner called the convention to order scores of delegate were obliged to stand in the aisles, but all took the inconvenience good naturedly. In a few opening words Chairman Warner introduced Mayor liar rUon, who welcomed the delegate to the city. In the course of hi speech he said: "Home of you may be rather wild. It is said that yott aro lunatics, silver lunatics. I look down upon yon, and I am rather glad to -welcome such lunatics as you. Alexander the Great, the Three Wise Men of the East, Martin ; Luther, Christopher Columbus, Mirabeau, Na poleon, Benjamin Franklin and Mora had all been called lunatic in their time, but all have left their mark on the civilization, the geography, the religion or the political liberties of the world. It is crasy men that march the world forward and make Srogress a possibility. You may be enounced, out John Sherman waa always crasy enough to fill his pocket with the wealth of this world. In almost prehistoric time we know that gold and silver were the money metal of the world. Oold is found in pockets, it is the fruit of chance, but silver is worked out of the rocks by hard, methodical, , inevitable labor. They say that those who believe In bi-metaf-ism are crazy. If the act of 1873 could be blotted from the annals of Ameri can political action, I believe that sil ver would be worth 129 cents an ounce. Be wise in your deliberations, but be fearless. Congress Is about to meet Give the benefit of your deliberations to congress and tell Orover Cleveland what the people want" COLORADO RESPONDS. Thomas M. Patterson, In responding to Mayor Harrison's address, said, re ferring to the thousands of idle men thrown out of work by the closing of the silver smelters of the West: "If there is danger of anarchy in this land, who will produce the Anarchists? Cries of "the millionaires." "Wall street" In case of looting who will be the cause of it? Will It be men driven iron their homes, who have been loyal, law abiding citls ens, or will it be the men who In cold blood and for selfish purposes so man ipulated the legislation of the country that the money necessar, to keep it body in good health was destroyed or fled to hiding places and thus mad th laboring men paupers, thrown up on the charity and Christianity of the land? We are waklnir but for the free coinage that Jefferson and Monroe gave to thla country and whkh wa ratified by congress and th peopl when Andrew Jackson waa president We stand by the law of 17U3 placed upon the stat ute book wbea the constitution wa first adopted and when the thirteen free and Independent eoloulea bevam waited as free and independent state. We are In favor ot the constitution of our father and we are ta npnattioa to the Anarchist of th lsut Hie Aa arc hut who sit behind basking coun ter (applause), th Anarchist who by their UgkalatUin would turn the poor Kple of th land out of their home, Anarehbt who aro forcing dowa Ckea and robbing every man ot one It of that wuU be puB la the shape of property. 1 know that there le a wtaej and merciful Ood. and. aa Miamou sense aad patriotism dwuvt Beta the ma of th Aueruee peo ple wbea they see tl IWrat, 1 baoer that th eause will triumph, aad 1 hep tht within the year we may rKtut la tbi rtty and tf th aaens of kiy and victory that will brief ft-exltA aad har-plee U all of those ) now Wk only tuta cloud and Uk4iv I tlieak you." (Tieiue duu applause.) The free and unlimit ed coinage of sUrer at the ratio of 16 to 1; in other words, the restor ation of slWer to the place it held in our cur rency from 1792 to 1873 That the Sherman law should not be re pealed unless a law more favorable to sil ver is substituted for it NO. 7 CKATJU1AJ WAaXIB 0 TBB PaXaXXS Chairman A. J. Warner of the ELe tallie leasTue now delivered hi open ing addre. "Th most extraor&a ary condition of affairs," said aa, "meet the assembling of thla conven tion. Almost perfect peace prevail over the world; the earth is yielding her fruit In unusual abundance, aad rich harvest ar being gathered under favoring skies. There is enough and to spare, and yet never before la the history of the country has there been snch widespread fear and distress) never before such loss of confidence and destruction of credit Industrie are everywhere breaking down aad laborer by thousand ar thrown workless on th street with want staring them In th face. Score ef baaks, most of them well managed aad showing assets which under ordinary circumstance would place then above suspicion, are driven to sus pend. There has been a shrinking of hundreds of million in the value of stocks and other property, and. In agricultural product. To attribute all this eondition to the present silver pur chaslnj law of th United States is ab surd. Under this law sinee 1S0O, 1M, 008,000 hav been added to our car reney. So anybody bliv that the prseno of this 1150,000,001) makes nosey scarce and dear Would wa r better off If we were out of itf The real rbjeet lesson ef tfe ltvata 1 very dUcrent from that WbUJi t-J gold conspirators intended. "It enables us to see the bexinxLr7 of the shrinkage In pries that sor i take place la order to go to a pwrt'j gold basis. The trouble is fa l .e change in the money standard, lia value of money may be doubled ettsr by doubling the weight of stand" 1 coins or by 'destroying half of t metal . out of which coins ax made. One is as effective ta the other. The establishment ef a stnffle sreld standard is equivalent to putting the value of two dollars into one, It is doubling tl unit and putting property down eye half. This I what U foiaf nV To An this and still rnnlra the eeana number of dollar In payment cf debt and taxes is to sanction tie spoliation of on class by the oCC7 and the talk of such a standard ta honest or such a policy aa sooad fin ince is the rankest hypocrisy." Referring to the act of 1873, Geaeral Warner said: "The member of oca gress, the speaker of the house who signed that bill, the president who approved it, never knew that it de monetized silver. There wa bat on man in the senate who knew that tb act demonetized silver; and yet ho was never hung or shot for treason. S Great applause at this allusion to ohn Sherman. "That act will be known inhlstory a the demonetization of 1873. Le th memories of those who stand con nected with it rot in oblivion." Great applause. General Warner said that he waa willing to have the act of 1890 re pealed if the other Sherman law, the act of 1873, could be repealed by the same bilL Both Sherman laws should go together and the country be placed back upon the constitution and th law as it stood before 1873. In his conclusion the speaker de nounced the metropolitan newspaper of the country as being controlled by the money power and characterised their editorials as being but the in spiration and the bidding ot the gold bugs instead of the conscientious ex Sressions of the writers. The people win, must win against all these aggregations aud iofluenc ot capt A committee on credential wa ap pointed consisting ot one member from each state. , Oa motion of ex Congressman hymes of Colorado the chairman wa authorized to appoint a committee of fire on permanent or ganization. A this committee tb chairman named Symea, Beagan of Texaa, Stark of Ohio, W burn of Massachusetts and Full- ider of Illinois. A committee constating of one dele gate from each state waa authorised to be appointed on rule aad order of busineaa, this appointment to be mad by th various state and territorial delegation The committee on per manent organisation waa also author tsed to select a larger ball In whkh to bold th session ot th convention. On ream-em bit ug la the afternoon the eommttie on permanent organ isation reported, recommending Alien W. Thurutaa ot Ohio a permanent ebalrmaa of th euaveatioa. The re ; port waa ratlned by unaaiaaou vote and Mr. Thurutaa, being Introduced by the chairman, waa received with great applause. rt-AR MArrao our ur acvarcs, A conference ef the leader of tit) various state wa held last nig hi Among taoe pre at werei Heaalov Stewart, Hen tor Henry M. Teller, - east N. II ill ot Colorado, U W. Wilder of 1 aver, es-Uoverae tout! ef Colorado, X W. Thurntas Colo. Faa of New Yv i-etA Rearaa et Tesa. J, LL Mlwlt et Tvaee. UoteraO (Cuaitsaei a siesta far )