I I THE ALLIAKClS-INDEPENDENT. JULY 13. 1893 MADE A MESS OF IT. IConUctwl from Fifth Pmw.I fix up or arrange the matter. Not long ago he wrote a letter openly tak ing Burrows' part In the present con tention. ti. 11 McGaw was a member of the board durintr lt91, and passed upon and approved all the uutrageous claims of that year. Clark OM U a new member of the comm'ttee. Ue did not attend the meeting of June 6. When he came to Lincoln, be manifested a strong disposition to court iho society of Thompi'oa and other friends of Bur rows. I am satisfied he knows very lit tle of the real history of alliance af fairs, and that he inado no adequate ef fort to inform himself. He simply al lowed himelf to -be " swayed by the older members', i Capt P, U. Barry is also a new mem ber and he ia the ouly ono who mani fest a desire to investigate the facts ,7 'A find a verdict in accordance with them, lie was at both meetings. But he was obliged to leave at 2 o'clock the last day. Before leaving, be wrote out hit vote sustaining the charge of ex cessive charges on printing, etc. It will be observed that his name is not attach ed to the findings of the committee. I do not believe he will ever stultify him self by signing tbem. This then is the self appointed jury before which i was summoned to ap pear. This so-called investigation reminds me most strongly of the investigation of asylum frauds conducted by the board of public lands and buildings last falL Still I relied upon these men to rise above prejudice, and personal interest and find according to the facte. How sadly 1 was mistaken will be seen from the following, , ' FINDINGS OF THE COMMITTEE. In the matter of the complaint of S. Edwin Thornton vs. J. If. Thompson, secretary, upon the evidence submitted the committee find: . First That in the year 1880 under the Instruction and assistance of the execu tive committee and Secretary Thompson, H. O. Armitage started the paper known M the Farmers' Alliance, In the spring of 18W the paper failed, or was about to fall. By vote the executive committee authorised the purchase for the state alliance of the said paper for the sum of about 1800. The said paper continued In this relation for a period of about ten months, doing a portion of the job work for the state allianoe, charging for said job work a good -round price so as to meet the expenses of the paper in its struggle for an existence. In 1800 Thompson and Burrows assumed the in debtedness, and the said Thompson as secretary of said allianoe contracted with said paper for the printing of the applies for said alliance at a liberal profit, so as to maintain the paplr as aa Instrument of organisation. These bills were audited by the auditing committee knowing that tboy were liberal and sub mitted the same to the annual meeting of the state alliance held in 1800, and by that meeting approved. And now on further examination the committee find under the circumstances surrounding the alliance and the secretary, that the charges for printing for the years lbSD and i&tW were not exorbitant or ex cessive. Second In the fore part of the year 1881 the vigorous and rapid organization of subordinate alliances required a large amount of blanks and other printing which were charged and paid for by the secretary at prices which were large, and too large considering the amount of work done and the charge that said printing was let without competitiou is sustained. Third That the charge that the print ing was let or contracted for by Hecre tary Thompson at exorbitant prices corruptly and with the intent to defraud the state alliance, is not sustained. Fourth-As to the outlier of clerk hire for the office of the secretary previous to the year 1880, the revenues were in sufficient to pay a salary of $40 per month to the secretary. The state al liance in its wisdom for the years 1800 and 1891 left the matter of clerk hire entirely to the discretion of the secre tary subject to the approval of the state alliance at its naxt meeting. In the year 1801 the subject of clerk hire be came of ..considerable magnitude. At the meeting held January, 1803, after approving of all the bills for clerk hire for 1891, the annual meeting fixed the cierk hire at not to exceed $500, of which amount a little over f 400 was used, and therefore by the evidence the charge that the secretary lias used un appropriated funds of the alliance for clerk hire is not sustained. Fifth. As to the matter of rent, fuel, and light for secretary's office that the charge is extortion, after examination Into the subject as far as possible, we find no exorbitant charge unless it is compared with like rents at the present time. The committee rely upon the report of the auditing committee for its facts for each year for office rent, light, and fuel in the absence of any other evidence in relation thereto. The charge of fraud and exorbition in the matter of rent, fuel and light are not sustained. 8ixth The committee finds that the charge that Secretary Thompson, acting as business manager of the publishing company, charged the alliance $183 for printing 80,000 constitutions which were tinted by The State Journal company or $140 ia sustained. Seventh We find from evidence sub mitted and otherwise thai the continued and persistent publishing and charging of fraud and corruption end incompeten cy of Secretary Thompson without suffi cient grounds by K K. Thornton has been the principal cause of the subordi nate alliaaot withokling their qaarter ty dose and somewhat of a division ia the ailUacee which should have ae axis laooa. These facte have already Mnesd the resignation of ear seoretary and should these siaadstviu puUtcalkw ecatiuus we reeouaiewl to aMiaaee ssesnbers to withdraw their support front such papers. IT?. iUsl, CWa. BL HoUaw. . Oasa, VMMkTK. Oa read lug the above "flatUsf U at a bwe to know whether to laugh ortoveop. They so sssager, si at uri aaco with the tacts, so patchod up, y ihr.ea are so tntii , and the whole uusgweuevi.uetv ffam-4 to white- TboniMoa and cwulvtna aut that it ought to disgust every honest fair mmaea aiiianmgjgij. I cannot discuss tbefe findings at length now. This article Is already too loog. But I want to ca t you attention to a few points: The statement that Barrows and Thompson assumed thelniebtedaeM f the paper and became it owners ia ltd0 it absolutely false. It wa aw y b tcx in 188?. ' The committee says Thompson con tracted with the Dublishine concern to do the printing at a liberal profit. This is undoubtedly i rue. In other words be let the printing to himself and his partner. I He claim thattheseexcessivecnarges were made to maintain the oarer etc. is ridiculous. The paper during 1890 made money "band over first." At one time Burrows snd Thompson drew out of its treasury over I'JOO apiece, and iiurrows repeatedly drew laree sums of money from It. We claim that these bills were audited by the committee with a full knowledge of their excessive character is purely gratuitous. I do not believe it. But If they did, they did It under a false impression that It was necessary to support me paper. The committee says the charges for 1801 "w large, too larat considtrina the amount done.'' How mild! Not a word of condemnation for anybody! Then the committee says that the charge that Thompson let the printing -at exoroitani prices corruptly am mtA Intent to defraud the state alliance Is not sustained." Who said be did? I never mode any such charge. I said he did it knowingly and to advance hit oirn personal interest- The finding regarding clerk hire is a miserable subterfuge. It doesn't cover the case at all. Either Mr. Thompson's salary was never earned, or the clerk blre should never have been charged, and there's no way to get out of it. The finding regarding rent and fuel is no better than its predecessor. These findinrs were made after Capt. Barry left In the afternoon. They were completed before supper. About 4 o'clock the committee sentfor Thomp son and either formally or informally demanded bis resignation. After sup per the last finding was made. It Is based on a falsehood. I never slandered Thompson. I never charged him with fraud and corruption through the columns of The Alliance-Independent. It was fixed up to complete the whitewash of Thompson and cast reproach on me. Why didn't the committee have the courage to say that it had demanded the resignation of Thompson? Why try to saddle his resignation onto me? Still I am willing to accept the honor of having caused It. BURROWS MOT INVESTIGATED. When I appeared before the com mittee to hear the verdict, I asked what bad been done with the charres against Burrows. Allen Hoot replied that they had decided to follow the decision of the supreme court "not tojsa peach an ex-officer." I think the remark was very appropriate. I think the example of Post and Uorval was well followed throughout. Thus the cowardly schemer who has been mainly responsible for the whole affair escaped without even the form of aa investigation. Then a new secretary must be ap pointed And in performing that duty the committee CAPPED THE CLIMAX OF FOLLY. Then aiitutinhd ifr ,.-. jj clerkl 1 have nothing to say against the vniin cs loln Y)..a -1 a uuv sne nas oeen a mem ber of Jay Burrows' family most of the time for four veara. Kh in rn i ,ni - ... ww 11 UUMVl the Influence of Burrows and Thomp- u" jju,ioie lor a Human Doing tO be. She IS not and ran n,4 UnlU, A- member of our ordtr. I doubt If she ever attended a sub-alliance meeting in her What do VOU think nf It. all ,.. m ance people? Didn't the 'comuaittee mas a miserable mess of it to say the least? J Can our nrdoi- um, v, .,(.., a i . .w u itrmu KUU built up by such methods? As to the committee's threat of boy cotting this paper, it is a fitting finale of this miserable business. I am free so say mat i am ashamed of tho men who drafted and nlo-no,i that. t pity them for thelr.weaknes, for their uiuibi uowaruioe, ior ttieir truculent subserviency to a man who has shown himself unworthy the respect and con fidence of honest men. I have only tried to do my duty. I believe I have dnna it. if iv. see fit to boycott me for that, let them uu bo. iiwui not swerve me a hairs breadth from the path of duty. But I have no fear nf it. I -,,,i v. .v. a ni'UJU rather have the condemnation of that committee than its approval. At the most, its threat is the roar of a lion that has neither teeth nor claws. Yours for Justice, S. Edwin Thorktox. Am going east. I left my 60.00 life scholarship with Professor Ong of the Omahs College of Shorthand and Type writing to sell for 110 00. Send him 119 and ho will issue a life scholarship In vour name. T1I vnur frl.m,!. w,ii at once, (Jeo. S. Cukrie, "Gen Del.," uroanB, Men. Use Northwestern line to Chicago Low rates. Fast trains. Office 1133 GoncUtinnal We. the undersigned, agreo to pay the sum st oppot our names, a tivk to "foe Alllana 1'ublii.btng Co the same to be paid or nt to J. V. Wolfe. treaiurr of the ccmm.tVUo, Lincoln, Neb,, to be deposltod, or held by htm, until the um of Twenty live Hundred iVtllars or more ia utcrid and paid Id. and the value thereof. In sbwk. la said paper, to b lu;d to the parties paytag the same or to some one designated by them. In shares of Twenty dollar each, aald stork to be fully paid ui am) noa aaole. Hatd company t he re orgaald ahea ld amount rlrd and fully paid, on the etll of the com mittee appointed at the l isdU l'ot la LlacoU. June It, trt. tUidnytabrurnltottsubrlber0f eidemouetlt ti.V) I not paid la or there is any falluro la wild reri,eNatlan. 1'rovidml, that ao sub H-riber shall bo rettired to uk out and hold stock la said company unless he llres U do o, NAME. i fiTfirm i iTfiTi nTininnnnnTrn UuUJUflun JJCfMiiiiiM. J. T. U. 8WIGART, Secretary f tht Xebraaka Mutual Cretan. Ton ad and Wind ttorm lasuraaoe Company, KUITOK. all wmmuaioatlons on Kirs, Crcions or Hall Insuranoa should be addressed to Sim at Lincoln. Nebratka. HAIL. Policies are being written and cent out as fast as we can. We have had about twenty losses re ported, but so far none of them are heavy; the largest Is less than tl50and some of them are very small; one tells us that his corn is coming out and per haps will not be -worth while to send an adjuster.", t, hope that members In the county alliance will recommend some good man for adjuster. We urge all to write names very plain, and especially on title page of the application. CYCLONE. The terrlb'e cyclones of last week in Iowa should be a waroinsr to all who are not Insured sealnst this form of calamity. It is not safe to say that you will never have a cyclone because you have not bad od In your community for a number of years. Some claim mat tcey are safe because storms fol low streams or valleys, others that they do not, hence all try to find an excuse, tne same ss hundreds did In the path of the recent storm In Iowa, but now they will all see that they were mis taken In their manner of reasoning, and now they are falling over each other trying to get Insured before the next storm. Will you be so negligent as to "wait until after the horse is stolen before you lock the barn." Agents wanted. EIRE AND LIGHTNING. Write for appllcstlons and Instruc tion In fire and ligbtnlag. THE MARKETS. Chicago Grain and Live Stock Chicago. Jui ii isaa. CATTLB-RecelDts 0.OUO bad: market lownr: good to choice iteera, at 40&5 40- others, St jq irxuoM, ra t ija.vo cowt ana neuer, f 100 et 2ft. tHooe Receipts, 19,000 head; market steads' ut hlKher; mixed and packers, Bf oo& s ta; prim heavy and butcher s welKhts.M ta o 9t; prime ugnt, to zirjo au. HBSIP. Kecelutl. 9.000 head : market lower: Prim natives, Hi! SB SO: wetrni, It Uk Hit w; reian, t mi; mmon. to wnfto u. Gbajn Wheat, Mi'corn, W oats, Omaha Live Stock. Omaha, July II, US CATTI.R Oood to choice steers, $4 VYQM 60: ethers It VObi Ml. Cows II Z'ja3 50; stockers and feeders, t 00 Boot f B7Sa0S. bncsp-S mta 75 !"turjr or tan-Dial. There are many Interesting stories told of the buildings in the Inner Temple, the chief quarters of the London lawyers. On one house, which was destroyed in the great fire of 1838, there was a sun-dial whose motto was praised by Charles Lamb for its -strange heart tan. guage." Its language was certainly strange, tnougn wnetner it stirred the heart or not, may be doubted, for it read simply, Begone about your business." This curious in scription is said by Mr. Loftle to have risen in this way: The work man who was setting up the dial asked the treasurer of the temple for a motto, and the latter thinking the man was joking, replied in the words of tho. inscription. On his part, tho workman, taking the treasurer seriously, wrote the motto, Uogone about your business," which remained as long as ' the dial Tobacco Deranged my Stomach and my Entire Nervous SystemAfter Using No-to-bac I Gained Sixteen Pounds in Weight, Valparaiso, Ind., Nov. 26, 1892. Sterling Remtdy Company, No. 45 Ran dolph St., Chicago: Gentlemen: I used three boxes of NO-'l O-B AC, and it destroyed my taste for tobacco. Befcre I began its use I had very poor health, heart trouble, and my nerves were all gone; In fact, my health was so bad that 1 sold my store and spent a year out of doors to Improve mv health; I was too nervous to work. NO-TO BAC cured me, and my health is better than it has been for many and many a day, and 1 am only too glad to give you the liberty to use this statement, in order that many others, who are being destroyed by the use of tobacco, may see it and be saved. (Signed!) T. B. Hart. NO-TO BAC is absolutely guaranteed to cure any form of the ubncoo habit; you csn buy it at H. T. Clark Drug Co. Lincoln. Neb., our agents. Call and get a copy tf our little book, entitled "Bon't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life Away." The cheapest place for monuments is at (ieo. Natterman's,' 213 South Ninth St., Lincoln. Use Northwestern lino to Chicago tlcagol l.w rates, rast trains. Office OSt. Anroomont, mini HMolHT. i the Omaha College of Shorthand and Typewriting Is instructed to sell my 160.00 life scholarship for I19.C0. Set d aim fiuuu and be will Usue a life scholarship in your name. Show this to your mend. Write at once. Geo S. Ccrrie, "Gen. Del.," Omaha, Neb. HOT SPRINGS. SOUTH DAKOTA. The Invalid's Mecca The Tourist's Delight, Every individual s filleted with rheu matism, kidney aff actios, nervousness, dyspeps'a, debility from any cause, would do well to visit Hot Springs, and with strong assurance of cures or great relief being effected. There too, and in other portions of tne oiacic mns, win be found unusual delight for the sightseer, student and artist. The Elkborn Railway, ""North- western iine' i now running a through sleeper dally to Hot Springs. Low round trip rates given. Call or write for full information. A. S. Fielding. City Ticket Agent, 113.3 O street, Lincoln, Neb. W. M. Shipman, Gen'l Agent Tne World's Fair. The seven Woadera nt tho wnrM were Dlavth Inert and dull nnu af that when compared with the Columbian T lil m iif.r imposition oi ioyj. All the leaning towers and ruined ovramida and clcantin hHH frssa on1 other so-called marvels of the old world, together wouldn't form such a specta cle as more is now to oe seen, not a tnousana miles away. Words cannot describe it. But II you take the Burlington route to Chi cago you can see it ior yourself, lion- neii m toe oepot or z-iemer at luin and O Sts. will give you information about trains and help make your journe pleasant and profitable. Excursio every day. CHAUTAUQUA ASSEMBLIES, Fremont Elkhorn Sl Missouri Valley R. R. Fremont June 28th to July 21st. Rate: Round trip one fare plus 35 cts. for admission to grounds. Long Pine. Neb. June 80 to Jul p I2t.h Ua-L fare for round trip. Tickets good eo- I 4 TI t T . 1 . nit., . .. . iu nuui xjiuuuio ju'y zo:n ana dure turning to July 13. W. M. Shipman, . G"- Agt. A. S. Fieldig, CityTkt. Agt. Depot Cor. S and Eight St. E. T. Moore, Tkt Agent. WANTED Ivocation for a Populist nanAw A A A If r if T . . f-Ky' "UUI cot, Jul V., BOX IVI, York, Neb. I am going east I have a 160,00 life scbolarahip for the Omaha College of Shorthand and I'viMwritinv fa ,i for 119.00 cash. Purchasers can call or write to i'rotessf'r Ong of college and upon receiving 119,00 he will issue In your name tne mefcnoiarsnlpl possess You can attend anvtimn inn i.h Please cut this out and show it to your friends. Write or call at once to col lege or Geo. S. Currie, "Gen. Del.," Missouri Pacific Railway. Ticket Office at Depot and corner Twelfth and O Ktreeia. Am ffolnr easL Pmfaanr Onr mt Leaves. Arrives. Autaimand Neb City ExP...ij;i5pro 4:a0u"m St.Tu,(day Kxprea u SPm r:jopni Auburn and Neb. City Exp.. 9:,op m Z4 lm St. Louu niKht Expreu, .... 9:j0 p m 6:ac a m Accorooouon 6topm 8; 15 a m Union Pacific Railway. DEPOT, CORNER OF AND FOURTH STREETS, an TICKET OFFICE, I04I e 6TMEET, tav. Arrive. to:oaui t7:i9?m 1 7:4? a m 1 8:45 pn 1 6:30 p m 1 10:40am 3:45 p m j:-o p in t7 59 p m t9:o a m Omaha, Council Bluffi Chicago, Valley, east and went Beatrice, lilac Spring! Manhattan east and went, Tupckn, Kantn City, east anil aouili. David City, Stromtihurg. Sioux City, David Citv, ' 1 olui.bua, Denver, tMkc, Helena, San Francisco anu Portland Beatrice and Cortland The Aultman r - . For Catalogue and Prices address, HAWiHUKNE , j m rap w WESTERN NORMAL COLLEGE 265 Foot Front. Second Laret Normal College in Ameriea. Tl:L,rlJun';i'ru7 I?h"lL''i '"".'rn ,n.f" d'Jrtiit-etween 703sr.d 00 ttudfats In kU r.Li J,, , An in iSi 1 ' T. t,HA '" n. " lr!1i 4260 m )ent ta buildings in 1H, and we dm iit22 i.? nn 'li?'. v Ultd buyi 74 huis to rcommcdt ihs students. W are ?llh .hi m tT, fht0 uW r? "!r;rm!. ,nd " ' cl,M double yei monll within tbe next Ktooiiiu.. Hu a loi, build houe; it will ty tor itself witnlo five jt ara tbe THE WESTERN NORMAL, (f situated on nigh rolling ground overloosii lots and landi at or near W estern Normal call on KUUM 1U-1U41--U St , $2.49--SPECIAL add Out and Present at Our ttitidio Two ME CABINETS aifl One Large CRAYON POBTRAIT For $2.49Finest Finish 02.49 ISIS O St , Linooln, Neb. 02.40 VRKtP U II U A Sua Uk ffnld nlmtnt wt-h to every reader of thu peprr, Cut tlila out and wnd It to ut eifrwlm oar fu'i nam and aa aiMdreM. and ire will send von one of thew elegant riihly leveled gold Anlthed ahh of exprena for examination, and If yoo think it (1 equal la appearance to any t26 00 gold watrh, pay our simple prl.-e, S.Mandltldyouni. We lend with the watah our iruaranUt ithatyou can return It at any urne wiiinn one yeur 11 ni HatlKfaetory, and tf you sell or the aale of alx e wllliriveyouOnFne. Write at once an we nhatl tend out aamplea for sixty daya only. THE NATIONAL M''Q 4. IMPORTINB CO., 334 Dearborn Street, CHICACO, ILL. Take The Alliance-Independent. L - SI - r 7k. & Tajlor Machinery Co "cp "I . Jm a tMmtmM't .ON THE HILL neat of u tbe Capitol cltT-ritT of B 000 nonl-.nii. or Wilie. BARBER & FOWLER, Lincoln, Neb. OFFER ! $2.49 O0Oaya and We Will CJvo You CHAUNCEY M. DEPEW. Tbe other day, 1b speaking of the Im proved facilities for luxurious fravel lo this emimry says: VVe are abaudonln the old system of lighting the cars with kerosene lamp, and more tbaq half the coaches have already been equipped with the most improved and the safest system of lighting' known in this country or Europe. With the rwPintech lamps there can be no poHsibility of danger from explosion or otherwise, as the apparatus is all out side and under the car, and in the evnt of mishap, the fixtures become detached and the ea escapes into the air." The brilliant Pintsch light, the finest car illuminant in existence, now in use oa the Union Parifio System fulfills all the requMte conditions so .hamiilv noted by Mr. Depew. auPP"y mpany. Western Managor, OMAHA, NEB. 'v, U