The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, July 13, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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JULY 13, 1893
Ii Erve and True Men England Aims
to Engine the Masses of America
Through the Gold Standard-
Senator Career Writes a Ringing Letter
on the Political Situation, in Which
Ht Cuts to the Cots.
Worse and 'Worse.
About two weeks ago I wrote an arti
cle (or the Omaha Bee. I sent it to that
paper for political reasons. 1 knew
that some would read it there that
would never get to see it anywhere
else. But I fear that on account of the
position it occupied in that paper that
but few got to see it even there, for
one man told me be looked the paper
'over three times before he found it,
liter being told that it was in that
I ssue. It was put awaj back after the
;eneral market reports. In that arti
cle I claimed that the government was
paying out our gold for silver bullion,
notwithstsnding it was denied time
and again. Since that time we have
additional evidence that can not well
be denied. J. Sterling Morton, the
Nebraska product-wrecker and gold
bug champion, has declared that by the
treasurer's record within the last eleven
months over 149,000,000 had been issued
in silver certificates in the purchase of
silver bullion, and that over 147,000,000
of those same certificates had been re
deemed in gold. Is it any wonder that
the gold reserve has been depleted?
The gold that tha law requires to be
kept for the redemption of greenbacks
has been used to redeem the silver cer
tificates, which positively declare on
their face that they are redeemable in
silver dollars.
I claim that every time a silver cer
tificate is redeemed in gold, not only
the law but the oath of office has been
violated by the administration. If the
1100,000,000 bad been kept and used
only for the purpose for which it was
aimed by law, it never would have been
cal id for. But by paying it out con
trary to law and for purposes never con
t jmDlated bv congress, there Is no
wonder that it has diminished. We
are now entering a crisis that we have
been warned of time and again, by the
far-Beelng men of the nation, who have
been branded as cranks and calamity
howlers. But every claim of the peo
ple's party has been verified by present
condition of things and by theadmls
aion of the party in power, as well as
the leaders of all parties.
We have been telling the people that
it was legislation that was leading us to
the verge oi ruin: out -no, mis was
only the cry Of cranks." But since the
ruin has come, the universal cry has
been, "call congress together that we
may have legislation to relieve us from
our present distress." Now, if it was
not legislation that brought us to the
present condition, how can legislation
bring us relief? But what kind of leg
islation do these doctors of finance pro
pose to give us? They tell us the Sher
man purchasing act must be repealed.
But, supposing it is repealed, what then?
Will that give us any more money?
But we are told we don't need any more
money; that we have more money than
we ever had. Now, if we have as much
or more than we ever had, what has
become of it? Ob, we are told that the
lack of confidence has caused the banks
to lor" it up in their vaults. If the
banks are gathering it all, why are the
banks bursting up over the country?
Seems to me that argument is too thin,
ICthe banks have plenty of money.then
why has the clearing house of New
York had to issue 821,000,000 of certifi
cates to relieve the banks on account
of the scarcity of 1 money? It is quite
hard after getting into the soup by
telling a falsehood, to get out by tell
ing another.
We are now beginning to find out
why tbe Sherman act was passed.
Those tbat voted for it admit that
they saw a free coinage law staring
them in the 'ace; that they voted for
the Sherman law to prevent the pass
age of a free coinage law, And how
did they tucceed in blinding the eyes
of the friends of silver? By promising
a larger ui of silver. The Bland act
compelled tu government to coin 12,
000,100 per month. But the Sherman
act required the purchase of 11,500,000
ounces a month.permittlng the secretary
ot tbO treasury to Issue treasurj notes
therefor and left It discretionary with
him regarding the coinage of silver,
The friends oi free coinage, never
dreamed that these notes would
be redeemed In gold and thus taken
ttut of circulation, contracting the cir
culating medium that much more. Hut
they can now see how the momty power
fooled them by balling their golden
hok with sliver.
The last act la tbe conspiracy tocom
pel this natUm to adopt the gold stand
ard wm the t4pge uf Ir- eloaf tt
slivtr la India. Horn If ttngland
succeeds In C4nr&maUnf this lat
effort to destroy the power of this gov
ramnt to pay the debt we owe aer,
tbe will have succeeded la dolsg what
be (ailed la do in t-o wars: subjugate
tbU nation and wpl us to forever
pay hr tribute, if we submit to tbU
ere, ih where, theft will be our
femWd Urty. that we have loftd to
$uw Hinc tbe eU for cuaf res to
tawil August '. Tbe burden ( that
call U relief (torn the Unsocial dre
lua. The rherinaa act suust be rw
pealed. Hut raa It be 4vn 1'arlUI
ays tbat be Ua now tbat It can, but
tea u It ul4 w bate tmm
it it ia h d now and cvuUl
aot av Wen dune touk a bat
baa about the f nan? ITtere
bat tent feu eleeUua wllbla Ibis tlffi.
o asw numbers of congm. We ante
1 l I re H jrMf1HLFtJtWJ
had no chance to test any change in
public sentiment, and if the members
of congress elected last iau nave
changed, what has changed tnenv ur
as Simpson said. "Has somebody been
fooling with my heifer?" Now. I do
hope that the people will keop a care
ful watch of their congressmen; and
see who has sold themselves to the
English money power and spot them as
they would spot a thief and when they
return, trite them such a reception that
they will forever hide themselves in
toeir snaine.
If ever we needed brave men and
true, it is now. For these are times
that try men's souls. Let the cry go
forth, "Give me liberty or give me
death." The liberty loving people of
this nation will never submit to a single
gold standard. And if the demo-republicans
parties ever permanently demon
etize silver they will sorely lay . the
foundation for the demonetization of
gold or repudiation. This nation will
never consent to become hewers ot wood
and drawers of water to Eogland. If
the course now pursued by the money
power is continued, we will be com
pelled to resist her demands, though It
takes another war to do It. The com
mon people will bear a certain amount
of oppression, but when it becomes too
heavy to ba borne, they will rise in
their might and say 'thus far and no
farther shalt thou go.' We have heard
a great deal in the last few years about
twisting the lion's tail and adopting a
policy of America for Americans. But
this, you remember, was said about
election time when the politician
wanted office.
Now, if this nation is not able to reg
ulate her own financial system, but
must appeal to England to help her out,
why can't we let ber regulate our
tariff also? And, by the way. what
has become of the tariff question, any
way? Friends of America, stand by
your guns, tne press ana tne stump,
and press the Dame to me very gates,
for we have the enemy on the run. The
victory is in tight. J. H. Darner.
Two Kinds of Boycotts.
Now tbat the fourteen clerks dis
charged by tbe railroad on suspicion of
betraying office secrets have been rein
stated, and peace once more reigns at
Fourth and Townsend stre 'ts, it may do
no barm to give a moment's thought to
the statement of the clerks at the time
of their removal that so long as they
were under the ban of tbe Southern Pa
cific they could not hope for employ
ment on any other railroad In America.
This fact was not put forward as a
grievance. It did not seem to occur to
sny of the victims that there was any'
thing unnatural in it.
And yet If such a universal boycott
had been attempted by the Federated
Trades, what sermons we shmild have
had on the tyranny of labor organizations!
The officers of the Federation would
have found themselves in lall for con
splracy as soon as a federal judge could
get time to look into their case, and it
would not have taken him very long to
find time
The boycott is no invention of labor
unions, la the form of the blacklist it
has been a weapon of employers for a
longer time than records can measure.
In the hands of capital it Is secret, swift
and effective. Manufacturers and rail
road corporations do not have to distrib
ute dodgers on tne streets warning tne
public nut to hire an obnoxious work
man. They do not -ring inemseives into
collision with the law. By quiet cor
respondence, which no labor union has
the power to trace, they make a boy
cotted workman an industrial outcast.
As long as the courts do not touch this
form of oppression they should be cau
tious about interfering with the feeble
efforts of labor to retaliate. Of course
violence and crime must be suppressed,
but if mere advice not to patronize par
ticular firms is to be treated as an illegal
conspiracy there should be an attempt to
do a little regulating on tbe other side.
San Francisco Examiner.
Freight and Passenger Rates.
The great wrong that needs to be
righted Is the dally imposition practiced
on the people by the railroads in charg
ing one rate for carrying freight and an
other rate for carrying passengers.
This outrageous railroad practice of
distinguishing between cattle and citi
zens and charging forty or fifty times as
mach for carrying 200 pounds weight of
humanity as for carrying 200 pounds
weight of hogs takes millions of dollars
annually out of the pockets of the Amer
ican neoDle.
it Is not the tariff nor the pension list
nor the tremendous civil service salary
list that has made the people of. this
country poor and is keeping them
poor. 'The reason why nine men out of
ten are impecunious la the exorbitant
railroad fares tLey have to pay.
Just think of the monstrous Injustice
ot carrying a carload of merchandise
welching tori; v.'Pi (rota New Y?rk
to Boston for 40 and then charging
the nun who owns it Hi fur vatiyliiji
bis family of seven persons, weighing all
put together less tban half a ton, over
the same distance. Yettbli I what Is
being done on all the railroad lines In
tbe country. New tork Recorder.
The age at which children are per
mined to work In Austria, according to
the latest consular reporU, Is twelve year:
alss In Bolglum, France, the Netherlands
and Sweden. In Denmark, tirest Brit
ain nd Italy It Is ten years; la Germany
and Sweden cbUJren under fourteen yean
treat prrm ttedto work raw tban sit
hour dally, tn Doamark sti and a ball,
Auatrla en tit. Frtnee ten. and In ;
land n4 more tha four and a bait hours
ot uninterrupted Utr at a time is permit
ted. Italy Uelf-t hours up UttweUe
yean, when tbe r Uiloo Is removed.
lbs ipulUt state commit We New
York reoeattt held a mtstisg, at which
it was Uecbled to hold the Slew conven
tion at KylvHA Uaat h Uke OnetJa. As.
K which will be Usrtni the great
faittisrs'encainpweat. The reproeeut
l!oa will be ttte tletrgtte from Molt
couy emi Nw )ufk sad. Kings,
which hMe use additional fur es. hcoa-
rreesloaal dUtricti ard one additional
fur evry awi tut or iu;vrity fraction
c a ior weaver,
jesMaMna! --!
II tlaM wen, nirchaaut bankers
and aiwamea are Waring' tftielr orders
at UsKwla fast Cu., IJ O s'rveW
Interesting Iteans Gleaned from
People's Party Exchange.
The bi-metallo league meet August
1, in Chicago.
The neoole's Dartv has been organized
in Vt., and a convention calltd.
The Latin union still remains firm in
its stand on the silver question.
TTav. fl II. Macklin. of Germantown.
was romlnated for governor by Ohio
Cholera, la raiHnr In Southern France
There seems to be an effort to keep it
out of the newspapers, however.
The ner capita Indebtedness of Oregon
1873 00. Thiaieaald to be less than
that of almost any, other western state.
Tha Rfnwt Tnd. Stone OuSTrleS
company, the largest producers of oolitic
limestone in tne worm maae an a-Bigu-
a a wiilt of tha Preahvterlan
troubles, the famous old Lane Seminary
at Cincinnati, may be abandoned en-
TVi Waahlno-tnn Poet In a recent
riniihlA.ha.adAd editorial charges the cold
bugs with being conspirators. Here is
a righteous voice in Sodom Itself.
In South Carolina, after July 1, all
saloons must go out of business, the
state dispensary system undertaking to
supply liquor to the extent needed. .
a MIaiii she Ait owner at Grand
Junction shows the pelt of a lamb born
- "a a T a.
on the urand mesa a tew days ago. it
has two bodies, wun out one neaa.
In an interview at Indianapolis Sena
tor Porta nmAir.U'A tha raneal of the
Sherman law and said suspension of
w a f iii a a. - 1
silver in lnaia wouia ieaa to a panic.
The boundary dispute between France
and Slam has reached an acute stage.
A French gunboat has anchored before
Bangkok, prepared to fire on the city.
Anthony J. Drexel, the Philadelphia
banker and philanthropist, died sud
denly at Carlsbad, Germany. A low
estimate of bis fortune places it at $20,
The first full cargo of hay ever sent
from tbe United States to Europe is be
ing loaded at New York for France,
where there is a prospect of selling at
good prices.
Robert T. Lincoln, Bishop Leane,
Fredrick L. Olmsted, Richard Olney
and Daniel H. Burnham were among
those on whom degrees were conferred
by Harvard college.
Convicts working in the stone quarry
atFolsom, Cal., penitentiary made a
break for liberty, and in the fight which
ensued three convicts were killed and
four others wounded.
Under the new Canadian criminal law
those dealing in lotteries will be liable
to two years imprisonment and 12,000
fine. This applies to all games of chance
except at church fairs.
The St. Paul fire department is
threatened with disruption because of
lack of funds to continue the service un
less the men accept a reduction of pay,
which they refuse to do.
Tbe bank of Ness City, Kansas, was
closed by order of State Bank Com
missioner Briedenthal. It had a capi
tal stock of 140,000, deposits of 131,300,
and but 183.95 on hand.
Governor Waite, of Colorado, has
been requested to call a special session
of the legislature to consider tbe advis
ably of passing a law setting aside all
debts for a stated perjod.
Gen. Nelson A. Miles was elected
president of the Society of the Army of
the Potomao and a resolution was ad-1
opted urging the national government
to purchase Gettysburg battlefield.
The Cabinet of the Epworth League
at Cleveland adopted a resolution in
structing the General Secretary to
withdraw the .pwortn .League exnioit
from the World's Columbian Exposi
tion. The Uoion Coal company of Colorado
has struck a five foot vein of the same
quality as the Canon coal in its new
shaft at Williamsburg, at a depth of
3'.)0 feet. Preparations are being made
to mine 500 tons a day next winter. .
In the United States Court at Madi
son, Wh.. Benjamin C. Vanover of Pine
River, Wis., was sentenced to the
Milwaukee House of Correction for a
year and a day and was fined 11 for im
personating bis dead brother, who
served in tne war, in an effort to secure
a pension.
The eastern coal agents have advanc
ed prices for July dellvry as follows:
Fifteen cents on egg and 20 cents on
stove and nut. No decision was reach-1
ed on the price for broken coal. The
western agents advanced coal 25 cents a
ton on all sizes. The estimated output
for July is 3,000,000 tons.
TK ff'.aLv Siinreme emtrt of South
Dakota bas decided that the Western
Union Telegraph company must accept
messages whether or not written upon
the regular teiegrapn uiue. u
plaintiff, Joseph Klrby of Sioux Jails,
In the case In question gets W damages,
lie bas pending forty other cases.
Dealer at New York say that trans
actions in government bonds have bea
on an enormous seaie rewnuy. vo
authority estimates the sale lor the pat
fortnight by savings oauis anu ainureu
Institution at about 121.000,000, Na
tional banks were the purchaser and
full prices were paid la every tnntaac.
It the wtllof the late Senator Uland
Stanford I J,&WMJ0 is left to the trustee
of the I a and tfuaford. Jr., ualveriif
at l'alu Alio. tftMOUU to hi brother
Ibotaa Walton Stanford, and lluu.OuO
eaoh hi bU other two brothers, Joalah
and A. P. Stanford. After minor be
quet his wife ts made mUuary
tieaeral Weaver is sldresalng lm
men gatherings la Kan as lately, A
ournixwlat from Cloud txniaiy re
ports upward m I.hjM at IVmctmlia.
many owning dUtanoes ot SO mil? full
tare in the raUrwnd. and Utlaf la
the tun M two hour, for feu ball wwuM
huM half tbe auJWaoe It U such
suJIacma the tbat bad the $ , p. p.
to ibltk they am m lunger la it out
Kes) faud oa tvforta tuatters by
ukieg tUi r.
u-iii hum ti m!m rnr
Itm i eaoae do alckneaa, and may be f t
etfr OI tne peueui WW WU1 1UUU1HUU
MnYiiTME& ana ioefhihe
th patient, by th f our SPECIAL
M.h..t miiII in tuowfa
Urn wit peraoo who have tweaeured
uii t tai aaati a ..u
nia. a i w a. m r -
lata at 9
' 1 .60 Pr package.
if your drugs Uidoee not keep them, eneloeeos St.
and we will sand you, by return mall, a paokaca of our
Writ yoor nam and addrea plainly, and state
whether Tablet are for Tobacco, Morphine or
aaquur uauib
DO NOT BB DECEIVED Into purchasing
an y 01 uia Tariuua noairuuia inn ira
A Acti jjttt ana tame bo outer.
Manufactured only by
j -rim
kM. M Optra BIsck.
I have
two paeaag
(lm wrtttnf
Rlpans Tabules assist digestion;
sweeten a sour stomach; cure .liver
Use Northwestern line to Chicago.
Low rates. Fast trains. Office 1133
O St.
When you write to one of our adver
tisers, be sure to mention The Alli-
Use Northwestern line to Chicago.
Low rates. Fast trains. Office 1133
Call on Geo. Natterman It Co. (or
carriages, wagons, binders, and all
farm implement. We'll use you right.
213 South Ninth St., Lincoln. ,
Use Northwestern line to Chicago
Low rates. Fast trains. Office 1133
O St.
White beans, honey, sorgham molasses
butter and eggs to sell on commission.
J. W. Habtlkt,
Bute Agent.
Use Northwestern line to Chicago.
Low rates. . Fast trains. Office 1133
O St.
Vnilnw tha ommi to the furniture and
household goods emporium of Melnzer &
Sweanngen at 127-120 North Fourteenth
street, where you will find everything In
their line of the best quality and cheap
est price; especially bed-room suits.
Use Northwestern line to Chicago
Low rates. Fast trains. Office 1133
rUlvBALils. Ataoargain, one oi mo
best paying Photograph Galleries la
. ... , it..
thA of Lincoln. Neb. Will teach
purchaser the trade if necessary. Had
a 14,000.00 tradepast year. For parti
culars address, W. H. Clinkenbeabd,
Lincoln, Neb.
Use Northwestern line
to Chicago
Office 1133
Low rates. Fast trains.
O St.
Barber & Fowler have some of the
cheapest property in Lincoln for sale.
If you have a good, clear farm and
want to get Lincoln property, write,
and they will find you a first-class deal.
Barber &,
Room 10, 1041 O Street.
Tourists Trips.
Round trips to to tne Pacific Coast.
Short trips to the Mountain Resorts
of Colorado.
The Great Salt Lake.
Yellowstone National Park the most
wonderful spot on this continent.
Puget Sound, tbe Mediterranean of
the Pacific coast.
E. T. Mastin, C. T. A., 1044 O St.,
J.B. SL03SON, Gen. Agt..
Lincoln, Neb.
Barber & Fowler have a stock ol gen
era'. mAmhandlHA in Iowa, now run
ning and doing big cash business; old
settled country. Party wishes to wove
to Lincoln and win iuko a part cioar
property and balance cnh. bee or
write, Barber & Fowler.
noom iu, imi j enrw.
Missouri raclflo,
Th Mlaaouri Faclfllo railway seems
yi ha un with the tlmea to the very
latest moment In giving low rates to
the World uiraiao to atiouis anu an
aantpn ruilnta It well a to tha SOUth.
ana- information da.lrd can be had at
r.'ul O t Lincoln Neb J. V 11 Miller
n T.A .nr SL. Louts Mo, of LI. C
T0WN8KNU G. 1. & T. A.
Notrh Western Una ralac tleeper
and Fast Chicago Train sjemioa,
A palace car for Lincoln people Is
now attached week dys to the timl
ntM Men's lat train leaving Lincoln
at K "i n m and on Surnlav to the t'bl
rairu limited kavlnif at 1.40 P, m. No
bitter rvlc, lol raw.
k, likata. Iwrlh raaratlons tO
Call at city tft I IU O, St., or dt
corner S and Ha gt.
Mitwrl Vm lfio are ftVrlnf the ry
loweit rat for round trip UvbeU to the
u'n.i,i'i Fair, BiHHl i for return until
Nvmwr 15, lm4, Alo ha plaoel
a aaia autuiuer tourlat tU'kte St tn
usual low relM a can terlnod by
ralllnif at tl?. I AH tl tlr". Idaooln,
N.k. J. Ii 1L Mn l id. C. T. A. or II
UTuwNtasu, U. I', At T. A. Bt. LouU,
Mo. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
tit. Wife Uucfi (o. CarrVacee and
HutfrfU at itiwvati lrtH'. t'atalogu
and irto Ut trr. U and Maat
l , ik Joe Mo.
carrlul lu v eau t Ion I
wl turtle Ute
vcaUtfatlon a to our reDOoaltU-
ity ana lb menu oi our labieie. .
Double Chloride of Gold Tablets
TORiroo iii from StoldaTs. Perfectlv bartn
va tn a cup of tea or coffee without taa knowl-
mvup mwMaw .Mw -
habit zror
m irvm uwm vi uvwi w
?7&Z " a
v- ,u.i-v
from ten to
ana inim
and emokaa
Of your Tablet
Taa Oaio Chbhicai Oo. i i8oue tiui mo I
nr SI. 00 worth of roar Tablets for Tobaeeo Habit. I received
them all riff bland, although
Ihav did the work In laaa than
Yrujj you
Taa I
Ohio Odbmioal Co. Miniimi t"!! ffives me pleasure to apeak a
word of pratee for yoar Tablet.
atae for your Taoieie. it
liquor, ana to
l M.. tj
eonataat drinker, but after nalng yoar
and will not touch Manor of any kind
you, ia order to know the ear was permanent.
Ohio Chbmica l Oo : Giitlbmi tToar Tablets
used morphine, hypodermioaliy. for aaeen
as oi your xaoiet. ana witaoui any anon oa
Addreeta avU Ordrn to
i X
Ladles' Fine Button and Lace Shoe, 11.50,
S2.S0, SI.0O.
Genta' Fine Calf Lace Shoe and Congreu
Caitert, S2.00, IJ.SO,T3.00.
M Uaei and Youths' Celebrated Burton School
Button, l. SO.
KVSand lor complete IlluatraUd Catalogue.
I hear good word, only from those who pat
ronize you. Mr. Loucki hat patronized you now
lor a year, and hat been well pk-awd with the
purchases for the whole Umlly. When opportu
nity offers, 1 shall always be glad to say a good
word lor you.
II. A. Loucki, Huron, So. Dakota,
Pra. National Parm$rf Allianci Exchang$
and Industrial Union,
I4S Conjrsss St sd US Franklin St., BOSTON,
For Balk bt-
J. S. FREEMAN, State Agent.
ColumbUH, Neb.
P C Ann will buy patents on a perfect com
4l d,UUV blnnd jilaDtur and Cultervator. Can
be manufactured at halt the price of nlmllar
ones and welghx liw. Also patents on Stirrup,
Lantern and Foot Warmer. For torm and
partlcularit addreMi,
T. F. BAIRIJ, Oasburg. BranawlckCo., Va.
Molar Roots Banded
with Gold and Pereslaln Crowns,
the finest and moat durable
erowns ever made, and nnsicallad
for beauty.
ReraoTablo Bridge Wort
All Uuld or aart VuWaotU,
W are pi ting p the flati r-
aVSIa tirl,lca eorh ttit gala aal sreaev
.!. a aa aaaJa. aUUerior t I
thing blor ffrd to th yablU.
Isa b worn with tb rattsiUrt,
and costs Is a than ordinary bridge
ia un la repair, but idu
tu.kiMitiJi retiabrlng. W HM
nut up artillrtal ttb IU fM p0,
the tfnest attiAoal tU r aiada.
All woib wartsstad ant M
sis. Tbls sil 4 wer I seyra
rrlcihia for bbli sneasstt.
Dr. A. P. Durrui,
fatHk t AMD ii U StMSt.1
1 liliiooiu. NTI.
la N'l.rtbweaUira line U I hUagd
lAtsr rates, last trala. Off.) 1 135
from persons
who hav been
cured by the use ef
Hill c TaMefc
" fct its "ALOO.t ' ' ' ' "
TaaOaioOaaaiia.-beea nstng yowf
eraforlobaceohabtkanKfj ,V4 taw eants
a what Toe claim for it. 1 naa.-a'b.a.flaT.
of the atroneeet ebewtna' UibaoOu-i.''
nf 10 or. rivmra: or 1 woum flrYHB i
lortv DitMta of tobaoco. Hm ehawa.
for twenty-nee veara. and two nukiaai
cured me ao I have no deaire for it.
A.M. JATLOUD, LealM.Mlch.
Do as fasav, K. T.
1 was both a heavy smoker and chew.
three day.
i am cured.
re, auaAtubtr ju mmi, r. v. MSf .
rrmaoaaau ra.
W mm. a.kl.. aaMa 1
bob waa Mraar t aaaicMa mubmw
Tablet bat three daye ae ojeJtditeBt,
nave waiwa roar amain veiere wntaaeT
Tours tralv.
, CiiroiinrATi, Oaio.
aaew perrorfd a miraeJe iaaiy ea
years, aad bay
mwiNainNi pj oe es
asy oan.
W. Mm UfliAI.
injiJrLTiri a n n n a ft
Institute of Shorthand 4 Typewriting
The Oldaat and Best BnalneM Colleg in th
West. Faculty experienced. No vacation.
Tbouaands of Uraduatas and old atudenu oo
cupylng paying and rcaponMible posltiOB.
Wrfui fiir catalogue and circulars bcfor decid
ing wnere to aiutoa ciBjf".
. ... ...
" Omaha, Neb.
,A il
Mineral Springs.
For the cur of Rheumatism, DripepsL
Catarrh, Malaria, Llrer, Kidney and Nerroua.
troubles, Kczema, lllood Iiiaeaaeti, Neuralgia.
0neral Debility, etc , etc.
Arm amnal. If not a u Deri or. to an In thl
coanlrjr or Europe, and th cure effected by
their systematic use are truly remarkable.
Is the mostfomplete, tborougbly eanlPPtdl
and finely furnished In th world.
For further Information, circular, testi
monials, etc., address Drs. M.H. A J. O. Brer
ett, Managing Fbyalclan, Lincoln, Neb.
GolpQ to the
7ordo Faff?
If you bav pot mrrVQ&
for AccornTnodatlOTit,
atOp at-sasssjs-f- , .
Headquarters for the People.
IT E. 0or. 71it & Beipp Are . Ohioago,
within two blocks of the Fair Qrounds (South)
Capt. a A. Power, known in Fopullatend AU
ance circle throuRhout the United Bute, Is
with this hotel and will promptly and truth
fully aoawer uiutnrina ior rooms ana rates.
You can atop at this botoi without tbe fear ot
extortionate charge. Bend for a certificate
in advauce, good for 10 days' lodging.
Whn ran arrive In Chtcairo. KO to th Lake
Front, Van liuren hu station, and tale an
Illinois Central (South Chicago) Suburban
train and buy a ticket to FARK8IDK, UXMC
EAST ONK HUK'K and you wttl see the
LOUISIANA lim CU tm I ortng trunks if
you ran avoid it. All rooina provided with
good double-spring beds. Large room will
av two and three double beds TO auuoaao-
I.ATS raMttSN AT SfS I4L NATS. Writ 0. A.
l"OW tit, Agent, lor particular.
J. M. SELLERS, Utni;tr.
Formerly Proprietor alamo Kotbu
Ukrale bpriugm, tol.
Meotloa this paper.
Cancers Cured.
1 wdi mi UNmllT M Um aaasse aad aJarssss
a aaiaaH sugvnag truas WW, tMWaas a
HtaMat (hn t - '. N aaatla 4 rase
lu tw Bie f , r.te at f.
PfcwMUMMi suJwd with raie-ds at UtmnX mt
(al. roil n-ndy a4 tmumOm Sss s
ltatamt. Se.
Pert Payne. Ala.
WetUi t Pall Raw.
nu Una bow auuW rate a fullow:
Uncotn iaCatafO,...
" aiHt return. . v
ttata. liiar aa the kiwoat, anJ itSM
tat a tha faaWvst b tbl rousa.
ror l-U i-aruouiar ana itcupg r
StxHiianuKlaUn avri o
Ua. A
A 8, Kmeiva.
mt A . '
IliNtCtrnr-aa Klfhta strests.
fc.T. Mi" X, iMVAfvat.