The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, June 15, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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JUNE 15, 189
Hra'e MurOl Dr;W4 tjr XXr
Moundt-Tb llatrbet l Again.
Saw I'edfokd, Msu, Jane 14
Ajrain to-day a great crowd thronged
the court room where Lizzie Ilorden is
being tried for murder.
Mr. Adania continue! the croe ex
amination of Dr. Dolan, who des
cribed the position of the bodies and
the blood spots. At this point a
juryman was taken sick and
recess was taken. The pris
oner was affected by the rue
some exhibits and was led - from
the room. Dr. E. K Wood of Harvard
medical college was next called and
described the examination of the
stomachs. The hanilleless hatchet
bad dust like ashes on the
blade tightly adhered. tinder
defendant's objection and exception.
Professor Wood testified that the
' hatchet might have been cleaned of
blood before the handle was ' broken
Off. Witness found nothing to indi
cate disease or irritation in either
tomach and the contents show a dif
ference of an hour and a half in the
time of death.
With H.OOO.OOO Capital.
Jeffekso: City, Ma, June H. The
Kansas City and Atlantic railway com
pany to-day filed articles with the
secretary cf state. The company has
capital stock of fS,000,00, the balk
of it 1.044 shares being subscribed
by K. M. and C Deweeoe of Kansas
The road is to be 200 miles long and
run from a point in 8chuvler county,
this state, to Uainesville. Harrison
County, then to a point in Clay county
to intersect the line of the Chicago,
Kansas City and Texas railroad.
lis WaoUd No Cofflu.
Wichita, Kan., June 14. E, W.
Israel, a wealthy pioneer, who died
last night, sent for a carpenter yester
day and with his family around
him, after denouncing the coffin
trust, he ordered the car
penter to make a, plain deal
box. Then he asked his family to
put his body in it on some straw and to
take it to the cemetery on a spring
wagon and place it in the ground
without ceremony. The old man was
Quite eccentric and refused to see a
physician during his lnt illness.
The Sensations! Killing of the lllabop (
Vabnque, lews, Fortunately rrtitoUd., Iowa, June la. A fashion
. ably attired woman about SO years
old,who subsequently said that she was
, from Clermont, Iowa, entered the
cathedral during high mass yester
day morning just as the
sermon 1 began, bowed to the
' bishop and took a seat on the
opposite side of the sanctuary. She
was recognized as an unknown crank
who had visited the archbishop's resi
dence Friday night Efforts were
made to call her out but in vain.
Just as Father Klcm descended from
the pulpit, she arose and shouting to
him, "Come on, she knelt before the
bishop to offer prayer. She explained
later that the angels had commanded
her to kneel before the bishop and
pray before killing him,
While the woman was kneeling a
sexton appeared. (She grappled with
him, but he forced her out of the sanc
tuary down the main aisle and out of
the church, while she shouted, "I
must kill him. The angels told me to
kill him."
Chancellor Burke sent for a police
man, but the sexton allowed the
. woman to depart before the officer ap-
. beared.
' One Nebraska Boy.
West Poiht, N. Y., June 14. Fifty
one young men received sheepskins be
Death the spreading elms at Uncle
' Sam's military academy Monday and
. were welcoaied Into Uncle Ham's arm;
. by tbs commanding officer thereof, Uen.
Joan M. Schoflelu. Among the cradu
ate are: George H. McManus of Iowa,
Hlmer W. Clark of lwa, Herbert H
' Cresby of Illinois, Arthur Edwards of
Nebraska and Howard K. Terry of Il
linois. .
The Canadian government has de
cided to apply the game laws to the
The Bank of Hope, Kan., has re
organized as the Hope State bank, and not ona out of business as was at
first reported.
Frederick D. Grant, ex-American
minister to Austria, who has been suc
ceeded by Ilartlett Tripp, has left
Vienna for the United States,
The town of Pueehetnalta, Mexico,
was destroyed by a tornado and thirty
persons injured but none killed. Crops
in the vicinity were laid waste.
Receiver Levy ihi been given full
control of the Whittaker packing
plant at Wichita, Kan. He has bweu
instructed to sell all perishable prop
erty at once.
President Carnot of France is slight
ly ill lu eonheojuenee of his attending
the grand prixtt race Hunday and will
probably postpone or give up entirely
the journey that he p auuca to make
to ItrltUny.
A tamer Kavrd life.
A camera is to be credited with sav
ing life. Mr. UttloUiila aiul party
were lately exploring the Pamier with
a cooblderable body of, natives and a
Chinese guido. Whoa tlm time came
for the Tatter to leave the explorer
learned that he had made prepara
tions to plunder the party In the Uor
cghll Past, lie had the ruin brought
to his tent, told him that he had tkn
his photograph, and due I a red that
he should send it to the 1 hlnene gov
rnorot Ksshgsr with the reu.t that
the original be midOetl. The guide
confessed lit terror and the plot fell
tbs dsttMialka ef a heavy calibre
fua at lufvUlsdl reeeutly tws.hvd all lbs
vtaioes of s railway lists last pe
14 lo atullary ra si tu iiuto. Fr
tsaalsly aoas el the taMure were la
rrr, Test kial at lU ais, m fw4 laal
las RMrehtni et raiment t.f tuldisrs II
jarjU ; was ritr4 by f earth
aw Sifarslua Uwt4 Us lower s
JUUki a Sssi wl Uit abvv
the istr,
Is t Baaksr ftrhaflacr's My.
Milwu-xee, Wis., June IS. The
body of an unknown man recovered
from the river yesterday la believed
to be that of Herman Schaffner, the
Chicago banker, who disappeared
June 9, causing the failure of his
ba- k. The description of the body
agrees in many respects with that of
Schaffner sent out by the Chicago
police. .
Shot an Indian.
St. Paul, Minn., June 1J. Dr. J. R.
Walker, ia charge of Leech Lake res
ervation, telegraphed Marshal Dan
shower this morning that he had shot
and killed an Indian accidentally and
that his life was in danger.
The new government at Nicaragua
Is said to be hostile to the canal project
Ilichard Hamilton, a riverman, shot
and killed his recreant wife and
William hams in Evansville, Ind.
Statistical reports show a heavy
falling off in the exports of mineral
oils, cotton and beef and hog products.
Anton Sholl, a merchant tailor at
Odell, 111., drank a half gallon of
whisky and died after suffering great
Secretary of State Osborne of Kan
sas has decided to refuse all charters
to clubs intended to evade the prohib
ltroy law.
It. F. Moody, an insane farmer living
near Weir City, Kan., hanged himself,
lie imagined that be was in the way
of the world.
A petition is being circulated in
Oklahoma asking President Cleveland
to adopt the drawing method in dis
posing of Cherokee strip lands.
James Gross, colored, of Lawrence,
Kan., who fled recently to escape
criminal assault charges, was arrested
in Detroit, Mich., and returned to
Two boxes of dynamite were found
near the railroad at Joilet, placed
there, it is thought, by the Lemon t
strikers with the intention of blowing
up the militia. '
Nearly a dozen persons were killed
and as many more injured by g col
lision between trains near Sabana
Grande, Nicaragua, due to a brake
man's carelscss.
Citizens of Southeast Missouri will
ask to have Professor liovey removed
by the world's fair commissioners and
a Missouri man placed in charge of
the Missouri mineral exhibit.
Ilishop Joseph D. Key was overcome
by the heat whl.e preaching a bac
calaureate sermon at Jackson, Tenn.
The attack was not fatal, though the
bishop could not finish his sermon.
The Republicans of Cowley county,
Kansas, have nominated George Skin
ner for sheriff, J. 8. Wllkins for treas
urer, R. 8. Htrother for register of
deeds and J. 11. Fishback for county
It is reported from Tahlequah, Ind.
Ter., that C. W. Turner, a merchant
of Muskogee, Ind. Ter., representing
capitalists, is preparing to make a
liberal bid for the Cherokee strip
bond a
Secretary Carlisle has called for the
resignation of George H. Thobe, spe
cial immigration agent at New York.
The country first heard of Thobe
through his contest of Mr. Carlisle's
seat in congress.
Ex-Postmaster General Wanamaker
has telegraphed to ex-President Har
rison asking him to accept the invita
tion of the city council to deliver an
oration at the Fourth of July demon
stration in Fairmount park, Philadel
phia. The lead and zinc sales of South
west Missouri and Southeast Kansas
last week aggregated aT.O.UGO. Of this
Joplin contributed 117,390, Carters
vlllo, 817,550 and Galena, Kan , 14,
000. Zino was lower and there was
little activity.
Thomas Sexton, the Irish leader,
has resigned his scat as member of the
lirltish house of commons for North
Kerry. This has prevented an open
rupture between the Irish and Glad
stone because of concessions to Union
ists on the home rule bill
Kttft-t of Habit.
jur. iireeley wa in the nabiu on
Sundays after church, of going down
to the Tribune office to examine his
exchanges, it was a cold day in win
ter, and the janitor, looking in, found
him huddled up close to the radiator,
poring over his papers, evidently en
joying the warmth. A very visible
smile was on the janitor's lace, when
he exchiimed to the distinguished
editor: "Didn't you know that thore
was no heat in the building on Sun
days?" No." thundered Greely; "I
shall be cold the
noon, now." And
his exchanges.
rest of the after
ho went on with
What People Bay of Stekelee's Iry
Rev. II L. Luebert of Watertown
South lkot writes: "It I the boat
think' I have ever used (or weak stem
Sead (i. U. Stek'tec, Grand Kaplds
Mich., 30 cents In U. S. stump and he
will end you one pack aire Steketie's
Dry Hitter. Cut this out and send it
with vour order. You can pet thews
lry Bitters at your druu store for Z
cenu. If tot. then send to the above
addreit '
We call the attention of our readers
to the advertisement headed 'incuba
tors and Hroodr" In another column.
Mr. Singer, who a4v?rtlwa, 1 one of
the larguat manufacturer of, theae ma
chine ia this couotrjr. sod, the demand
for his macula has bona great, that
he has bn obliged to double the rapa
city of bl wurk ki keep up w Uh vrders
this Urge Hula U entirely due to
the fact that hi tnacblnrs being built
on a new principle, rv eay t ort
and stlfict ry la htr rvaulu, and In
the hands of Uuaf who have had no
previous ipi ln, gUe gianl haw hr
Sond tor eireuUa and Wtluuiula!.
ahowtog jual w the in ashlar are
and at doing a over the ivuatry, Mr.
ln(ir Is jifUy rvllabl. id is one
of tits uil svUtnaivd p.'u!try brle'a
la the wsrld,' hatching thuad of
fowl very tr, Addrvas U. B. !n
grr, CardUiWo, Ohltv
RefarJD Pie Comments oa the
Great Impeachment Decision.
The opinions of Judge Pout and Ner
val in the impeachment trials in the
light of all the evidence is a travesty
on justice, and it will be very difficult
to make a large porton oi tae masses oi
people believe that It was not obtained
by partisan Influence. OgaJaJla Kecoru
and Pilot.
The opinion is no surprise. The re
sult has been anticipated and even the
opinion of each member of the bench
readily foretold. That Judge Maxwell
would be in favor of convicting and
Post and Norvalfor acquittal was ap
parent. There is something wrong
hen the opinions of members oi the
supreme bench can be, to a certain de
gree of accuracy, foretold Schuyler
Quill. .
Of course the chief justice is wrong
and the virtuous Post and talented Nor
val are correct as to what constitutes
an impeachable offense but it will be re
membered that even the judicial purists
last mentioned acknowledge that hiring
notorious thieve to do the state's work
and paying them four prices Is as they
put it: 'lightly prejudicial to the in
terest or the state. .Hamilton wounty
The supreme court rendered a deci
sion Monday evening oa the impeach
ment cases, judge Maxwell was for
conviction, and Nerval and Post for ac
quittal. When the people get an op
portunity they will render an em
phatic verdict on Norval and Post-and it
win not by any means be complimentary.
The accused officials had been given a
tip" as to the decision, and prepared
big "blow out" for the occasion when
it was rendered Pawnee Prcis.
Both Norval and Post admit that the
funds of the state were fraudulently
used but do not think that they were
used maliciously. They did not do it
to rob the state at all, but just merely
to repleeish their exchequer. Thou
sands of dollars of state funds have
been stolen, no one for a minute will
doubt that, and those stats officers
were plaeed there as the guardian of
tnoce funds, and they should be held
liable, and would be but a for partisan
court. Micden Workman.
The decision will not surprise any
body, Norval and Post were expected
to uo lust wnat tney aid. it was not
expected that tbey could do anything
nctter man whitewash the republican
But we have not heard vet from the
court of last resort. The decission of
public opinions is yet to be announced
in the future: and we predict that the
dessenting opinion of Chief Justice
Maxwell win some day be sustained by
an overwhelming majority through the
caiiot oox.
The funds at the asylum and peni
tentiary are matters of fact, and some
body must be responsible for them.
The public will yet do what a partisan
court failed to do, Beatalce Tribune-
The supreme court in this state has
at last handed down its decision and by
a vote of 2 to 1 acquitted Secretary of
state Allen, Attorney General Hastings
and Commissioner of Lands and Build
ings Humphrey of the charges brought
against them by the legislature.
judges Post and Norval were lor
acquittal, and Chief Justice Maxwell
stood alone for conviction. The ma
jority of the people of the state how
ever, believe that the decision wa a
partisan and prejudiced one and that
these men were guilty of the charges
preferred. The tax payers of the state
feel chagrined on such a terminus of
the case, after spending about $25,000
to rid the state of the thieves Super
ior Guide-times.
The verdict of Post and Norval is
against the people, and It is no surprise,
in fact It enly vindicates the opinion
held by the public all along. But there
Is another court whose power when
necessary is greater than that of the
Nebraka supreme court. That court,
composed of the great common people
of this state, will render a decision
which will be final In the cases of the
men just acquitted. Too republican
party in Nebraska will bo held to
answer for the outrages perpetrated
upon the people by Its leaders and
when these people are called upon to
render a decision Instead of one dissent
ing voice raised against fraud and cor
ruption it will be one unanimous ver
dict from which there will be no ap
peal. Independent Press.
As we said in the out set the trial of
the state house ring for misdemeanor
and impeachment by the supremo court
would end in a I area nas been citmon
strated by the aupretue court, f thank
God not with the sanction , of J udgo
MsxwtU) connlsting of l out" and Nor
val have declared the ree.rtondunts not
guilty. Mother's fate wll be the same,
ana an mo nosis oi neaven caonoi re
turn, or cause to oe jroturnea, by any
court in this state or a Judge Dundy of
the federa' court the million dollar
stolen by Moshcr from the people, and
the appropriation of f 15,000 to prose
cute the thieves by the last Icglvlature
for the lawyers to prowente thieves
snd bummers to say nothing about the
thousand of witnoMos and bailiffs. The
facta are the people have boon robbed,
and the robbery baa been sanctioned by
A supreme court. r.lmweoa lustier.
While the people are forced to sub
mit under the diuUloa of the supreme
ciicrL vet It is a bitter Pill to swallow,
all the aattio. Th evidence wa clear
and ronclualve a to fraud committed
againat lha taxpayer of the slate, yet
a majority verdict eihonetau s tb will
ClaU iroplleaUd frtun blame in legal
, vet it will att change the oun
vlctton of the wpl In the loaat, and
is only on mr nail lu the Ud of the
cofflaof lh btnll Mrty of .Nebraska.
Judge Maxwell U to he honored for the
(earlea manner In which ho has stood
utt for the people of Nebraska againat
th atiue of publ'o trut by tt ofh
clU. All buor to hi nam. II ha
won laurel fer blmielf thas will live
long after lh name of hi I ate
on tU bono) have sunk Into oblivion
Cuaier Ounty ltuio pendent.
We have a a IVtvU harvester for
sale at on third off. pari cah balance
ta thue, a bargain fur '
W. A. ifoaard, I U .No Ifth Kt,
Institute of Shorthand 4 Typewriting
The Oidmt and Best limine College in the
West. Faculty xjTHHcri. No vacation.
TbuuanU of Orsuusum sad old fiudvnts o -rupylntf
pay! c it Aud Feponib!e position".
w rite caiaiofTiir ana circulars Den re ce-i l
Ing wuere tu iu-ud cll-e.
F. f. KOOJE. Pre14ent
Omaha, Neb.
Make Your Own Bitters!
On reeeiptof 9) rents. U. S. stamp. I aill
send to auy address one package iekte
Ltt-jr Bittern. te ptukaiie tuakfe our if alios
bit tonic known Cares Htomwb and y
dieaws. Jinw is the time to ue Miters for
the blood and stomach. Jxrul U. U. Mekett.
of Grand Kapldn. Michigan, au (.eut. V. S,
tatnpx. and we guarantee 1 bal be will nci at
once, v or aie try arnugiti.
CATARRH ftof try 'my aSffdVi'ne!
It Is a tare cure. Try it ud t couvuiceo. You
will iM-virr rma it. k!i.l hv mall tn inr ad.
dreea. Irie One Dollar. JOHN P. HOltlt, IA
Clark fcirxet. Chicago, illlnoin.
fcave ih tax. cot rf nianufactnre. and
avoid adti i em Hi a Ak uui t;rxerf.r it.
MKKIWerHKK . Uorkvllle, Teea
'! 2. Ei." But,on r-ac Shoe, SI 80,'
920O, 93,00
ient Fine Calf Lace hre and Congre
Gaiter. ilM. $2.B0, $3.00.
MiMea and Vouth' Celebrated Boston School
Button, Si .BO.
, tF'Send for complete Illustrated Catalogue.
I hear good word only from tlione who pat
ronize you, Mr. Ixutk haa patronized yu now
lor a year, and ha been well pk-aied with the
purchase for the whole family. When opportu
nity offer, 1 lia)l alway be eladtoaya good
word for you,
ll. A. Lour k, Huron. So. Dakota,
rrtt. National Fnrmtri' Alliana kxthangi
and Industrial Union.
MS Congreu St. and 148 Franklin St., BOSTON,
& St. Pali.
The only line running solid vestibuled.
electric lighted and steam heated trains
between the Missouri River and Chl
cigo, conlstiog of new palace sleeping
cars, elegant free reclining chair cars,
luxurious coaches and the finest dining
cars in the world.
The berth reading lamp in its palace
sleeping cars is patented and cannot be
used by any other railway company. It
is the great improvement of the age,
Try it and be convinced
Close connection ia Union depot at
Omaha with all trains to and from the
went, ror further information apply
to your ticaet agent, or
F. A. NASH, Cen Agt.
W. 8. HOWELL, T. F. & P. A
1501 Fahnam St., OmahA. Neu.
The Aultman
For Catalogue and Prlcos address,
Western Manager,
268 Foot Front.
Second Largest Normal
rrHl' miOOL l now Jn full operation in all iudr'ttmenu-ljetween700and 800 tu!enU in
aetual attenrtauee. Tbt re ba been at Jmet ?M UH (.pent in buildli.i. (n im and we need
snequa amount In 1S0 we o.ed now 60 toTihoui. to accou.ined.te the atadente. We are
eellloa lot from fSOUito 4( on e. .emit and II in a firn c!Mbance to double yinr numej
wltbiu tbe next J2iooDlbi. Buy a lot. build a houte; it w!JJ j ay for itwlf witbln ova year
If ituat(Nl on
tl on i bih rolUeif ground overlookliiff tbe Capitol clty-a city of eft 000 wonla- nt . &
ted wita tbe city by electrie ear, nawibt.rt.e pro,m 1. the tol"SSSlfi "
near tbe Witiern Norma! will tell cheap at d
ivm muu mnua ai or near w enifrn normal can on
ROOM 10-1041-0 St ,
in v l.iiuiii mi i iub n; (o euuiaie your I'nnareB. oa fcve Citv dvnnlii,.f. in. V7ZZ
UX It you ere thinking of rending your cb'lMren to school buy lot, bl.'i 1 1 houieard Sn?a
of It-it will pey all eipetiwi, end will pa. for llnelf in a abort Umi i '-p,rt
mull Ir.nt. ,.t link no.r tt.o .,.IP..,,., ..'.,. ,k,rf. -W ' Dav IOm
& Tajlor Machinery Company.
Colte in krica.-
aeat of
on eay teima.
. rt - luvuiiii. KUH
LOin ffll Mnlanli.. M
ror any Information in regard to
or write,
Lincoln. Neb.
tauKht, Gradtiatea awiijited to poaitlon Onlv ex.
clUHive achool In Km... nni.C . .yal'. r
in the world. The brnTn f earih WoVe ad?
WD pay for "average cour e.,' ncludlnir tulOm.
inrthia'ad ndWWHafh,1' 'S iSLwSl
w.aea btdn "tT: .r the paet year
uatM aaa i u yt? S Ior or grad
Kaane;Ka'na1aa"Kt'U0N' Mr-
Shorthand and Typewriting.
A. C. Oao, A. M , Principal and Proprietor.
An Exclusive School of Stcmraph.
tmiaha that give a frEnKurS, Wl
I1HU BIOOOI, 'Home Of our BtUdTUH nnlnt
The Standard Hemington is tbe Type
writer uf-fl. Khart.honw . .
msnd from $50 to f 150 per month.
uFor further particulars call on or address,
Omaha College of Shorthand and Typswfillna,
?.0'8 Nf w, .Thealre B!df, OMAHA,
u Cor. 17 & Harney sw. NEB.