The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, June 15, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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VI Nebraska Fanners' AIUanc.
J. H. ruwiu. rtwinu. vonno.
r. a. roTWTH, vice-ires , A.Dion.
J. X. THOMPsea, Stat See jr. Llueeln.
l. C. Faibohilb. Lecturer, Oakiaie.
B. F. iuxav. Chairman, Ex. Coat.. Wabajt
Action Demanded.
Glen Rock Alliance. No. 409. Ma
house divided aeainst Itseli can nfl
Whereas, a number of sub-alliaac
in Nemaha county hare passed resole
tlons forbidding sending in any mor
dues to our present state secretary whl
is suspected of not being true to the re
form movement; and
Whereas, our state executive cor
mlttee can not or do not take any
tion in the matter; therefore be it
Resolved, That, as the reform move!
ment is greater than any man or set
men, it is to the best interest of thj
order that all true and loyal sub allJ
ances tend their delegates to Grand Is
land as soon as possible to re-organlzl
the state F. A. & I. U., and that tbl
state organization be purged of all uc
worth and selfish men.
S. M. Haynes. J. C. Dedser,
Secretary. President.
A. B. Flack.
0. L. Cook.
Y This is no rebel veil, but our hone
as tney go, out wnat we neea now 1
Dromot action. We take no Burrow
: in ours. If some action is not taken w
will drop the alliance and go en mast
into the Industrial Legion. Governol
Powers is honest and capable, but
ing a man of strong attachments t
lormer associates, he seems to be co
pletely captivated with Burrows. Wi
give notice now that we take no M
cune, Tillman, Terrell, Thompson, Burl
rows nor Hoiden in ours. Those thai
would lead the reform movement muaj
lead it to certain victory, or be rui
over by the Industrial car,
Picnic and Rally.
Oak Valley Alliance and Industrial
Union No. 1354 will hold a picnic of
July 4tb, 1893, at the residence of Wml
Aukerman adjoining county farm of
'Abe north. W. V. Allen. U. S. senator!
tor of the day. Very, comprehenslvi
rrangementa are being made for
great day. By order of
Mid-Summer Rallies.
The state central committee hava
made arrangements fur Senator AlleJ
and other prominent speakers to speai
at the following places.
Franklin, "16.
Alma, " 17. ' '
Indlanola, " 19.
Holdreage, " 20.
Hastings, "21.
Clay Center, " 22.
Nelson, " 23.
All of the meetings will be held a
2 o'clock p. m. Local committees wlL
matte necessary arrangements.
G. W. Blake, C. H. Pibtle,
Cnairman. Secretary.
Populist Governor Endorsed.
G v Pennoyer's snub to Clevelan
in regard to enforcing the Geary la'
has !, n very severely criticised i
thu Ruf, sunh rrltu'tam iiqiiqII
proceeded from an ignorance of the red
facts in the case. The resolutions give!
below will show how they regard thf
matter on the coast. They wer
adopted by a monster mass meetinf
held recently at Portland, Ore.
Resolved. That the people's partf
in convention assembled, tender ovf
admiration and resDect to (rnvnrnif
tne Urestiam-Uleveland combination.
Resolved. That workman ui olr
are merciful and lenient toward tb' un"
fortunate and unskilled, even ir states
manship, and we therefore tedder our
condolence to Greshana, CJUveland and
the Biz Chinese Companies.
Chicago Grain and Live Stock
Chicago, Juiw 13, 1893.
CATTLi-Hecelnta fl.000 head; market steady ;
ood to choice steers, S4 TVitS 7S- others, i uu
60; IVxans, S3 85$4 1U;cowi and heifers,
Hoae Receipts, 12,000 bead; market strong
aud higher; mixed and packers n W ftOis
6 00; prune heavy and butcher's weight,? SO
07 IV prime light, V tik&7 So.
Shkep. Kecelpti. s.ouo head; market hinder
Prime naUvea, HWJDft: wetern, 80
lb; TeiiUS, St H); UlubH. SS SOkAA 15.
UKA1N Wheat, W; corn, ); oata, SI.
Omaha Live Stock,
Omaha, June 13 1193.
CATTi.a Oood to choice steers. 11 10:
there S3 7Mt4
Cows II J.'it tt: stockera and feeders, I Tft
f)t a.
Hoae-ttl tWt SIV.
bntir-1 itnt& to.
a.t. .t .1
lata I'iva 11 111 (fci lum manth axhsiVH
vnAnAMA Kitiann ri ai inio itUh ui
Ewit. AddrrM J. K. V Care
I'm North w..trn lino to Chicago.
Low rAtos. Iat trains. OZx
Se the 'Ah rung- Gla and Paint Co
for p'nV glaM and glaa4 taah. S. K.
coraer of t J-.h tad M, struts, Moooln
Mtatourt Psctfte Kstlwajr.
TU 0e at lwr and r T!fa aad
it mmu
4mv. arre
Wubaorlb Uw Tut ALUiMCt Ndi
Lw tiv a !,..,.,, ii h r ) "
illf Kt ,!iu
f itM.iWN ; e w t it m
The 4th at Wymore.
The populists of Wymore and vicinity
Gage county, are preparing for a grand
celebration on July 4 th. Capt. Ashby
of Beatrice will be one of the principal
speakers. J. R. Dodds, the fighting
editor of the Arbor State Is pushing
the preparations and will no doubt
make the affair a success.
To The Farmers of Lancaster County
We want to call your attention to our
Disc Cultivator, which we are fully
convinced, from our past experiences
la the best one ever offered the trade.
We wl 1 guarantee it is ejual, iin price
and quality to the very best.
We want to, again, call your attention
to our line of buggies, surreys and
spring wagons, and harness. Call and
see them.
We will carry again this year a full
line of Champion Harvesters and Mow
ers, in connection with other goods of
the same kind, and a full line of Rakes
and Stackers, and other Hay Tools.
The Garr, Soott & Co. Threshers and
Engines. These are at the front every
where. Burk & Cadhan,
Corner of 10th & O St., Lincoln.
Tourists Trips.
Round trips to to me i'aclflo Coast.
Short trips to the Mountain Resorts
of Colorado.
The Great Salt Lake.
Yellowstone National Park the must
wonderful spot on this continent
1'uget Sound, the Mediterranean of
the i'aclflo coant.
f. T. Mastih, a T. A., 1044 0 St.,
J.B. SLOlsoit, Gen. Agi..
Lincoln, Neh.
Rarber & Fowler have a stock of gen
era merchandise in Iowa, now run
nlng and doing big cash business; old
setlitHi country, l'arty wUhes to move
to Lincoln and will lake a pari clear
property and butane cah. Soe or
write, H A RUCK A t'OWLKR.
Room 10, I'Vil Q Strw
WwlJ s rati Raws.
This 11m now qoutas rates as follows:
Lincoln to Chicago. llO.m)
and rttura..., l.:o
Kates low as the lowemt, and time
fat as the fattest by this rouU,,
Per full particulars aad sleeping car
svoomatodsUoaa apiJy at eity ortiew,
W. M. StiirMAN,
Geo. Afi
A. 8. ri.MN .
1V1 Corner t an4 Kiatl e wrote
t. T, Mv-aa, Tat. Agvat.
A ItOl'SlXO It.lLLV.
hheridan Cuwotr Popullets K'ntloree
Judge Matwell.
Saturday. June 10, the streets of our
kown were crowded by the citizens of
pheridan county, who came to attend a
public reception given in honor of our
representative and senator.
At i o clock p. m., six or seven hun
dred assembled under the pavilion
which had been erected for the occasion
and were addressed by Representative
Woods and Senator Stewart. Tn th
evening the opera house was filled and
speeches were made by A. K. Sheldon
editor of the ChadroB Signal and Hon.
H. G. Stewart. The glee club furnish
ed the music for the occasion. At the
close of Senator Stewart's speech W. H.
Westover ofTered the following resolu
tions which were adopted unanimously.
Whereas, Chief Jujtlce Maxwell, in
his dissenting opinion in the recent Im
peachment cases aga'nst thestate Board
of Public Lands and Buildings, laid
aside party prejudice, broke loose from
party ties and made his findings con
form to what the great reading publio
of this state knows the facts and evi
dence warranted and fully justified,
therefore be it
Resolved, By the members of the
people's Independent party in mass
meeting assembled that we heartily
commend his independent action and
decision and hereby express our confi
dence in his honesty of purpose and
judicial integrity.
uur cause in Sheridan county is gain
ing strength every day. At the present
time all of our county officers are inde
pendents filfient hHff lnimto nlarlr
and one commissioner, and no doubt
,L .1 , . . . .
Mietw tnree win oe replaced Dy Inde
pendents when their term of office ex
To Organized Labor.
As the Nebraska State Labor Congress
will meet at Lincoln on Sunday, July 9,
all organizations which have not yet
taken the necessary steps to be eligible
to representation should do sd at once by
notifying Leo L. Ulm, recording and cor
responding secretary, 405 William street,
Omaha, Neb. Per capita tax for the first
quarter is due this month and must be
paid on or before July 2. The objects of
the Nebraska State Congress are:
1. The encouragement and formation
of local and central labor organizations
in every city and town In the state.
2. To assist in establishing national la
bor organizations.
3. lo aid and encourage the labornreaa
of our state, also to establish an organ of
the State Congress as soon as It may
be deemed advisable.
4. To further the interests of labor In
the state by using all honorable means
to secure the oasHase of law which will
aid the cause of the common people.
5. To band together the laboring peo
ple in one grand organization that they
may be better prepared to ansist one an
other in the hour of need.
The basis of representation is as fol
lows: Each labor organization in the
state is entitled to one-delegate; each
central body to threede&irates.
It is of the utmost importance that the
meeting at Lincoln next month be a grand
success, and it is hoped ' that all labor or
ganizations in the state will send dele
gates. J. R, Schptp,
Leo L. Ui-m, Secretary.
Nebraska nanera frlendlv tn Inhne tsla&oA
copy. r
A Great Pork Prod ncer.
Here is one of the best reccommend
ationa ' for Sfcolrt.oo'a Vtnir Pknlaxa
Cure yet. II. D. F Unburn, of Guide
ivock, neD., says: "i. w, steketee:
i'lease send five dollars' worth Steke
tee's Bog Cholera Cure. I find it a
great pork-producer. What I have
used of it gave good satisfaction" If
the farmer wishes to Increase his pork,
he should feed Steketee's worm rem
edy once a week.
Never Fails.
For years we experimented trying to
find a safe, sure and cheap cure for the
dreadful hog cholera. Three years
since we perfected a remedy which
never fails to prevent or cure it and
have sold it to thousands of farmers
south and west who highly recommend
it. We want to introduce it every
where and to do so we will send a large
box to aay address prepaid by express
or mail for only $1.00. This is sufficient
to cure 25 hogs or prevent 40 to 50 tak
ing it. If directions are followed we
will positively pay $50.00 for every case
not prevented or cured with our
"Champion Cholera Cure." If you
would rather have $1 than to save your
hogs pay . no attention to this; If you
desire them cured send today, "(j. C.
C. cures """thing but Hog Cholera.
New Industry Mro. Co,
Bran fort, N. C.
The Invalid s Meoca-The Tourist's
F.very Individual afflicted with rheu
matlsm, kidney affectlos, nervousness,
dyspepsia, debility from any cause,
would do well to visit Hot Sprints, and
with strong assurance of cures or great
rener oemg enecteo.
There too, and in other portions of
tne mac inns, win oe round unusual
delight for the slghteeer, student and
The Elkbora Railway, "North
neaiern Line" i now running a
through sleeper daily to Hot Springs.
Iajw round trip rates g Wen. Call or
write lor lull information.
A. f. FllXPiNU, City Ticket Agent,
11X1 0 trwt, Lincoln, Neb.
W. M.SinrMAN, liea'l Ageat.
The cheapest ptav fur monuments Is
at NattertuanV 313 South Ninth
Hi , Lincoln
Missouri IVlfiii are offering the very
lowest rate for round trip tickets to the
World's Fair, pmd , fur rvlurn until
Novttrbar II lJi. Also ha ptatwd
oaaaU summer touiUl tickets at the
usual tow rates as eaa bj vrt04 by
railing at riW i.'OiO tint. Llnooin,
Nb., J. K It. MU LSH. C. T. A. vt H
il TuWKtiKLs (I, t A T, A. St. Iul,
J. T. M. SWIOABT. Secretary f the
Xebraska Mutual Creione, Torsade and Wind
ttorm lnsuraaee Company. EUITUB. AU
"onmuatcattons on Fire, Crotone or Hall
insurance ehould be addrewed to aim at
Lincoln. Nebraska.
We are receiving some encourage
ment in our effort to start a state fire
company and many have said they
would help the company when started
but do not say what amount they will
insure. Please say how much insurance
you will take, providing the company
suits you, and then when we get fifty
thousand dollars listed we will send out
articles of incorporation, bylaws and
We are stat ting this company for the
purpose of helping to start local com
panies. When any county or commu
nity has enough members in this state
company to start a company of their
own they can withdraw if they wUh
and form a company of their own.
The charges In this company will be
nominal irom the start. In fact it will
cost nothing, and when you have enough
gathered together in the state company
and want to organize a county company
notify the state secretary and I will
notify the members of your county of
the time and place of meeting, at which
time vou can take such action as you see
fit. When you get your company under
headway the secretary of the state
company can be notified at what time
to cancel your policies and you can
make them take effect at the same time
in your local company. We solicit cor
respondence from every community not
covered by a local mutual fire company.
In our Lancaster County Fire Com
pany we have had three small losses
this spring by lightning, but our losses
so far have been less than five dollars,
still no one knows how soon there will
be a larger loss, hence we urge everv
one to insure at their earliest conveni
ence. We would ask the secretaries of
other companies to report losses to this
Our cyclone company is growing and
we are receiving applications from diff
erent parts of the state. Our company
is now over a year old, has about three
hundred thousand dollars worth of pro
perty insured and has not bad a loss.
The most of the cyclone losses, if the
readers will notice, occur in towns, and
In as much as we cannot insure town
property we are exempt from those
losses, although occasionally cyclone
hits a farm building. This company
being a strictly mutual and purely
cyclone company, there will be no
assessment until a loss occurs There
Is Bome money in the treasury, we are
out of debt and are not liable to Incur
debts beyond the amount we have in
our treasury at any time. Our fees are
nominal, being $2.60 for the first five
band red and 10 cents for each addition-
allfeiundred or fraction.
If we have no agent in your com
munity please write us for applications
and Instructions.
, ' HAIL.
, Applications are rolling into the
office of the Nebraska Alliance Mutual
Hail Association at a good rate. Some
few have' had their notes sent back
owing to1 the fact, that they were not
signed by any one except themselves.
We want these notes to be good notes,
and when a man Is a total stranger to
us and has but his own name on the
note we have no way of knowing
whether the note is good or not. We
had fourteen hundred members in last
year's association, about two hundred of
whom are delinquent today on what
they agreed to pay. This year we want
to pay exactly what we agree to pay to
the loser, and In order to do so we must
insist on having good notes.
ihe question is frequently asked as
to when the insurance takes effect.
The insurance of any member will take
effect on the day we receive his appli
cation, providing we get the one hun
dred thousand acres, and the present
indications are that we will get three
hundred thousand acres judging from
the number of letters received asking
for applications and instructions. We
have had one small loss In Phelps county
but at this time we are not able to state
the amount, next week we will give it.
Use Northwestern line to Chicago.
Low rates. Fast trains. Office 1133
St. Joseph Buggy Co. Carriages and
Buggies at lowest prices. Catalogue
ana price list free, oth and Messanie
bit., at. Joe io.
A Rare Chance.
To a newspaper man who is seeking
an opening, l can onor tne best possible
inducements, i am offering for sale a
half of the whole interest in an inde
pendent newspaper, published in a
strong independent county, in which
the party has a elear majority over both
the other parties, situated in a county
seat town of 1,000 population, in a
western county of Nebraska where the
population has nearly doubbd In the
iat year; the county officers are all In
dependent and the paper is the official
paper of the county, running all the
county patronage. The office Is well
equipped In both newspaper and lob
departments, and has a good run of Job
work. Has Washington hand press,
Gordon iobber, 3H) pound brevier typu.
M pound noniHtrlof and 50 pound of
long primer, lots of Job and ,!ad" type.
Taper ha pt'd t!) per month net after
paying foreman, one trie setter and all
running eipvnee. Office co 1)0 cah.
but will sell for and give the host
of reasons for wiling For furl her In
formation addrv Tiif Aliianck-Ix-rtkl'KXPKXT,
or L, Hx I Ml Lincoln,
m sw-i l at
ft ft
JMaw.Mk. ta
fA jaa w few
.!. I.. I MN4
a km f . ( tta
m m rtM . ya I
at avtf ft fmt eTwsi
- rm i i m " xb)
v If" -mmm
m ,ey jnU tm X W
fHt H4ftOIAV M''-
1 XL'
A aAVi
S2.40-SPEC1 AL
Present at
Our Studio
For $2.49
02.49 lEie OBt,
Worslod droHi good from 10
cenw to 11 Oi) per yard.
Ten tnouiiand dollar stock RODT
toeelectfrom DUUIO
Straw hau from 5 to ft HATS
Our stock of groceries and queensware is always complete. Our constant aim la to
give you the best goods at bottem prices. '
Opposite Post-Office. Fred Schmidt.
The Addition to our stock ia composed of the most
durable, handsomest aud newest styles m clothing and Gents'
Furnishing goods we have ever nad in stock and our Prices
are lower than ever. The fact is evident that
You Should Invest Now
While the stock is new and complete and not watt un
til summer is on and then take tne pick of what is left
Call and Pee Us Anyway. We will use you right We
have some exceptional bargains in Spring and Summer
Overcoats and dusters. Strictly One Price, and All
Goods marked in Plain Figures.
i 124 0 St.,
Next week we begin our
Grand Clearing Sale!
We have too many Hats and Flowers and they will go at such
prices as jou never heard of.
Big lot of ladies' untrimmed straws 19c
Another lot at. ,29
Another lot at ,69o
White Leghorns worth 65c for 27c
Fancy Braids worth $1. 18 for. 53c
FLOWERS 19c buys a lot of flowers worth up to 45c
House Furnishing Department. ,
$8. G8 buys a 100 piece decorated Dinner Set
2. 19 buys a 10 piece decorated Toilet Set
1. G5 buys a 2-qt Gem ice cream freezer.
3.95 buys a lawn mower best made.
. 7 5 buys a nice large hammock.
Olias. A.. Broad.
Fisher & Warfels,
j j30o at, uipcoin.
II 1 Gurlilf ray Ion to Eians Oar Wl
the next
03 Oaya
Civ You
Finest Finish
.lnooln, No to. 02.40
Oar stock of wool dress goods Is
Jut beautiful.
flnrl 3HOFi A large variety of Rent's, ladle's
oilu OnUCO and children's shoe.
and CAPS.
Gent's wool and for bats from
boc to S 00 each.
Our Spring and Summer
Now Complete.
Lincoln, Neb.
before July Inventory.
Rig Hi
... M