The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, June 15, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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JUNE 15, 1893
the Organisation of Farmers,
Control of Deratort. and the
Marketing of Product.
Farmer Livingston of Otoe County Out
line! bis Plan for Farmer Doing
Tbeu own Business,
Farmer Elevators.
Delta, Neb , May 26, 1893.
Editor Alliance-Independent:
That the farmers of u rich productive
country ; favored with the most ad
vanced christian civilization, with
learning and Inventive skill, have been
sinking in debt and going down to pov
erty i unaccountable until the cause is
discovered the venomous worms that
are secretly and continually gnawing at
the vital roots. These venomous
worms are the plutocrats in politics
and speculators in business. Shall we
allow these bloodsuckers of our wealth
to continue their deadly work! Let re
formers in both business and politics
strike from both sides. Let the farmers
exercise sufficient intelligence to strike
from their side; and political reformers
with their tireless intellects and brave
honest hearts, strike from the other
and our country shall soon be redeemed
aud we shall once more be a prosperous
and happy people.
The following plan it proposed with
positive assurance that it will assist the
farmers to do their part in the work of
redemption: ,
First. That the farmers of the whole farmers, is the time to pay your morC
country shall unite together in one com- " were piacea wnen you were
nact union: and have a thorough under- w l w P "".
lea aroue! Hear the call of dutv a
uouoie auiyi mange tne system of
distributing food to the Deoole: and
chooae a method that wilt shut out a'l
Iniquities in its transaction, and all
useless expenditures between Droducer
ana consumers. r raiernai'v vour.
James Livingston
Interesting Ileus Gleaned from
People's Party Exchanges.
Philadelphia reportel 10 nfoM lut
Tte popu.uts are holdioircountvcnn.
ituuuHs au over UQlu.
Iowa prohibitionlsM have adonted
strong anti-monopoly platform.
Twenty five million dol
eu i rum t-uicajro stock durin? May.
. aw
1 ti s week the Dooullsi of Ivmmvl
vania bold their state convention at
w liiiamsport.
n now aeoenas on the railroads tn
ma ice toe fair a success. writM Cunt
t . ni '
u j rum vuicago.
xtlicetaiiiem is prow n mop ranM
jy acn-ss me oic oca man tmone th
old vinegar jugs of New England.
tor the first time in the htatnrr nf
w i - . - '
jveotucKv wooi-crowinc. Tanner ar
coaironting a nineteen cent market
An Indiana democrat has declined an
si.suuomce. lie has a! to declined
tempim? offer to hlmlf in
Another Cbicaco bank cna tin. and
its president jumped Into the lake while
me depositors wdood it ud for aound
a .
John Sherman has been verv silent
of late. The originator of the present
bard times knows when it Is time to
get in out or a storm.
Reports from California sav thou-
sands of those who voted the old party
Mi-aeui last JKovemDer are now work
ing for the new party.
Anion? the official family at th daw
uorean minister at Washington are:
Messrs, Yi Mum. Chow Chick and
Unang liong whang.
Wheat 64 cents at Chicago. Now.
standing and agreement among them
selves about how to conduct and manage
their business, so that they will act in
union as one man; chiefly to establish
a new and better way of marketing the
products of their farms.
Second. That the farmers shall get
possession of all the grain elevators at
their appraised value along an toe ran
road lines of tne wnoie country or as
many of tbem as may be required for
their purpose.
Third, (a) That farm products shall
be sold on orders direct; and as close to
the consumer as possible, (b) that
wheat shall be sold on orders direct to
the millers, and shipped direct through
to their flouring mills; (c) that all other
products shall be sold in strict con
formity with these methods; (d) that
prices shall be regulated mainly by' the
Liverpool and London marie tt.
Fourth. That banks shall be estab
lished to facilitate exchange In connec
tion with elevators.
. Fifth, (a) that a national board of
managers shall be constituted, whose
duty it shall be to regulate prices and
exercise a general supervision over all
other matters of a general character;
(b) wlh occasional exceptions, the
fixing of prices once a month will be
sufficiently frequent; (c) that state and
county elevators shall each have a simi
lar board of managers, limited to each
one's province; (a) teat a superintend
dent shall be elected by . each state to
superintend the state management; (c)
that a president shall be elected to pre
side over tn wnoie management or all
the states combined in this union.
Sixth, (a) that the business of this
union shall be transajtd through the
national, state, county and eieva'or
offices: (b) heavy orders such as foreign
millers would order, as a ship cargo of
wheat or corn, shall be sent to the na
tional office. Orders ot loss magnitude
shall be sent to state or county offices
according; to their bulk. The elevator
office will supply the local demand
The above is a suggestive and limited
outline of a great plan for the better
conducting and managing of the busi
ness of tne farmers of thU country.
And it is now submitted to the farmers
of Nebraska for correction, improve
ment and enlargement in the ardent
hope that after due consideration they
will llnd It worthy ol their approval
and adoption, and finally of their re
commei.dation of the plan to their
brother farmers of the country.
Large cattle feeders will JSkely op
pone this plan as being adverse to iheir
interests; for it is clearly seen that It
will raise the price of corn. Ilut they
have no right to expect that their
neighbor corn-grower are to furnish
tbem with cheap corn so cheap thU It
U away down below the cost of pro
duction. Their remedy Is at hand:
and that I to limit their feediag to
the capacities f t.Mir P lnM
Thus when thy shall wife so enm to
buy and may hare some to sx-lt xhvf
are interested in a good price for both
corn and cattle, lk''de at a general
thing mixed farming is the bett kind
rf farming. Cattle feeder should
draft and ontummme a plan that will
give them m r of an indept-nJIeat
stand la marketing thflr tcc It can
be doBw If they go heartily at it. My
experience In tbU branch of Uniting
has bi'a very limited: and ol court
such a bare had ettiutT experience
should be more tapah: but it 1 eta
give any aU'aie 1 will r ttrj gt4
U do v
la couclusloa I would y thtt the
twit latervMot the (veeral puMo d
ttiaad a rhaei to tne )wtu of mark
Ung farm pmUettua. Hat who
ftdngUidau? It It fro ohr data,
ot the frttry Navrl If u
farm r doa' tlt It, U Ui vr be
dwiw?; and the ay if lutray will
tva)lait, and Nn-om a re and saurv
vfftt le, UHtU AmtrUaa frrdm U
?!- ftwwr, ar-d tfce rjl4te rul4.
IttrvM rvtmm It deealtg
tlrvl; f it the fanntrt, tad ht 4 nut
hm ddaad ' IVUt a' Uattftroua.'
httthtirhutrau dttty A dfetf
nUa Hey ve W titl aad
thtr lial !, aad t th rnt mi
tutur ya'tratluat. A duty Uy
tsUaUaad anaakiad t Urg-e a
a'rluU and hUaHbrtjUlt Ta:
farwtr i t tfca t."t4 1 1 A.rr !
The indict tions are that thr l
lack of confidence in the laid. Possloly
vi vuonuence in tne administra
tion, and the system it represents.
f.x. Governor Chane and othera worn
indicted on the 6th inst by the Howard
county grand 1ury for frauds connected
wun tne oanK at ureentewn Indiana
The indictments against II. C. PrlnU .
the result ot the Homestead strike have
been quashed. It is b-lievd the cases
against tne strikers will be dismissed.
Keep your eyes upon the congress-
i a . ' . .
men who aare to vote ir a tax upon
the wage earner's breakfast table in
preference to taxing a millionaire's In
come. -
Fbiladelrbia papers sav General
Weaver' recent soeech at the Bantiat
cnurua m mat city "was a revelation
and completely captured the audience
Saturdav evenlnc. Mav 27th th nnnn.
lists of beattle, Wash., held a monster
anti-bond demonstration, and an enthut-
astic crowd about 3,000 people welcom
ed the speakers.
During its closing hours the Penn-
sylvsnia legislature pansed a bill re
pealing the odious blue law which Sab
batarians tried to enforce acalnst Sun.
day newspapers.
Rome burned and Nero fiddled. Our
country is groaning under financial
strains and Grover fishes. And Ikel
helmer, Wallstreet-skinncr. Bcatemlff 1
& Co. smile serenely.
It is when the farmer brines in hl
wool and cets 14 to ltt cents a Dound for
it and pnys $1.00 a pound for the cheap
est grade of blanke's, that he throws
his hat for tariff reform.
Sir Ceo. M. Pullman. C. T.. nredleta
hard times and appears inconsolable.
A faling off in porters' tips with a de
mand for higher wages as a result, sad
ly disturbs his peace of mind.
U. Wood Davis. wrltine in the Arena.
show plainly how the nationalization
of railroads would save the republic
9309,000.000 a year, besides creating a
sinking fund of $50,000,000 a year.
The contest for election of a-overnor
In Virginia this fall seems to be nar
rowing down between the democrats
and the populists. It is now predicted
tea, tne republicans will not even
make a nomination.
The success of the state saloon svs'em
tob Inaugurated In South Carolina
next month hat become a subiedt of
grave anxiety because the governor de
clines to say whether or not he will
set up a free lunch dally.
Ex Governor Charles ltblnnn of
Kansas, has cut loose from the demo-
crate trere, and joined the populUts
The Stalart Democrats and th Kan-
is City Times were too much for the
I'Hl man's stomach, he bad to leave.
During the pat four years the vol.
ume ot money ha been contracted
fully 3J0,tn0,Ut) by gold shipments
abroad. At the tain time population
and builat have Increased, Now the
country U in trouble i It to be won
Oervd at!
A tujfgetllCD leaked out from Wash
tng'oQ that the volume of greenback
t to N enlarged to I loo.0tf),U)0, an tn
rrM of t it.ift) oti. The new nirfet
will be tkuhauged fur gold, which, of
course, will vntual)y land in the
vajlucf the bank of England.
C'lttn planter and what raiser
wh. a now mup'.atalcg of the low
pri of thir prvd'tt't should bar la
mUd that they are (vxuix-tiay wttn
ehrap lah-r of lad. a and ltaaia la
tndia laUirrr role t ut a yet? la
slhtf and in ILimU wht. grower rw
v U l4) a yoar.whiSe Amrrlraa laf
of tt. miu e!at cu IJt a y ar,
ivrate Mctlraw tl th state f
Wa'htUiTtka, 'rat wt"ttgttt or ta
year a, anttlag in lanelwM
Ub i la bt Hkt. lie at Ii4
tnwe U wf, aad bgm ht v
era a hrte-iav drlr. He
utada h la ay to sVat.le, tr he W
ran tariff. hw l kotr a4 lalr,
ml f.fcUy vn i t th ut pnktrM
an I m'l'ular m l the aw ttat. lie
it a:M foMy yr ti'.d.
The Widow of th Gnmt tibowman Fi
log a. Quiet Life.
-Aunougn tne newspapers kill me
every few days. I am really doing very
well," writes Mrs. P. T. Jiarnutn from
the Mountain Park Hotel at Hot
Springs. N. C home time ati Hra,
isarnum sprained her ankle and went
to Hot t-nrintrs to recuperate. Mrs.
liarnum maUe good use of the large
fortune left her by her late husband
by giving 'freely to charitable ob ecta,
anu, Debiaea. na niuie a nan at me
yearly donation to the hiator: ul tuild
ing wnicn Dear , er liuM ard'a n .me.
When in JiridifejKiri sin n ,ves u great
deaL besides her heavy e.iuipaires
she hat a light
natural wood trap,
before which she
herelf drives
spanking team of
T Lnglish hackneys.
hhe ndea on horae-
pack early morn
ing and like other
Knglish women, en
joys plenty of out-
door exercise.
Within door she
oanset many hours
Mrs. p. t. barnum. daily at the piano,
at which she is an adept hhe is ex
eeedingly fond of statuary and has
some beautiful marbles at Manna.
ueaiaes tnese sne nas there many
vaiuaoie paintings, curios ana books.
fwaet Odors.
Sweet Bind aromatic odors have al
ways been in request among mankind.
eastern nation especially nave ever
been noted for their intense love of
perfumes. Borne year ago Professor
Tyndall showed that sweet and aro
matic odors were cooling to room in
other word, their presence bars out
the heat rays of the sun, allowing
tnoae oz light chleny to enter. An
ether-spray of perfume, kept up for a
lew minutes in a summer room too
hotly heated by the sun, has almost a
magical effect in cooling it atmos
phere, for the reason aosijned by Dr.
j uumi, itiiuijunt vfe.ii uisi'uvcreu
that odors and perfumes are also an
antiseptic that is to Hay, protective
against epidemic disease in a vervhiirh
degree. No wonder, therefore, that
ladies instinctively put their per
fumed pocket-handkerchiefs to their
nostrils upon noticing a foul smell.
Th Bishop of VfetuSmmUtr.
Cardinal Archbishop Vai-rflao has
returned to England, and was recently
tendered a public reception by the
Catholics, who have made his home at
Westminster beautiful by their gifts.
His eminence ha made a mott excel
lent beginning for his London work
by devotinir the lartre sum of monev
offered him by the faithful to works
of charity.
The Cardinal looks marvelloush
well he is one of the handsomest men
in Englaud-since his visit to the Vati
can, where be was made much of bv
rope Jueo, who sun drtams of the con
version of England to the ancient
faith. It was due maiul v to his earnest
labors that such a large delegation
wnt from the United Kingdom to
Rome to attend the celebration of the
recent Pupal Jubilee. Uishon Vaughan
is the proprietor of the Tablet news-
from persons
who have been
cured by the use of
Hill's Tablets.
A'm. m vi
X f S
X X. X C X X X X
X X X l i I LT
m. mm. m m. m m
y x m v i Tx
i i x m m m mw
r xx xxx
I rx x x x x
a nam Commit
X l C rx x X
rvxv vv
XX X 1 s
I . i urn to our reapoiuiOU
Uy aad the menu of our 1 Ut-u. .
plSJ Double Chloride of Gold Tablets
. - , J v.. JMr m irora io a j vg. PrrfrrtlT harm.
mmw w m mmm habit zssfssrjfiastip
ui jjautai, i! j ui psooi oar NttlAl. FORMULA OOLO CURB TABLBTt.
uuring ir-imrni poiieni r mow a tb Tru as of LI a nor or Mar.
pbine until ucn time m they shall voluntarily gt t tbem up. XT
n enu pumcuiarn aim pamplilet or tentlmonUl free. and t
pa Rlad to plaoe miirrra from auy of these bablu In eonnnnnlci
tlou with peraon who bavebeeu cured by the una of our Tablbts.
-.MILU'" TABLETS ar for sale by all rinsr-CLASS
nunuii Vl.yu l"riacaags.
If your drussut dona not keep tbem, anelnaa n f .00
ar-dwawUl send you, by return mall, a pacxaga of our
Write your nam and addmaa plainly, and tate
wbrttier TableU ara for Tobacco, Morphia or
M4UW AlUWlb. 4
DO NOT BB DECEIVED into rmrebaatng
J a-w vpi ivui uuatl UII1SS I nn I ft ri f r-lTK
offered fori h1i. ak for TTTT.Tj'Q
aA0iuAX ana hu tut vutor.
Manufactured only by
US a II Optra Black.
Ohio Chbmical Cn.t
a:-lbe bean nsinf fee
cur for tobaooo habit, aad found rt would
t Wbat YOU claim for IL I naad tM
Worth of tliaatmniMithrtB
and Irom ona to fla .in..' r i ....ih
from ton to lortvnlmanr ua kJi
and amokfid for twenty Ore yean, and two jtackara
Of you Tablet cared 01 ao I hara no dertra forltT
o.m.4aiMiHU, JUealU,Mlcb.
naya. I am cured.
Haw jouKho. f. O. Box a.
I will not touch liquor of any kind
tb ear u permaawtt.
Truly yours.
PirraBuaoa, Pa.
peas: a
1 haa waited four mootb before writtag
zonia trul.
Tna Ohio Cvuuicil Oouflini.iiim.rn,.Ti.yi. h... PlKIIM I'S'l?!
I bare uatd morohlne. bTDodermiflall. (or mi m. ulkan u ai haKs
W. L. WtKXiAt.
Addreaw J1 Ordwrai to
5 1 , S3 and e Opera Blook. LIMA, OHIO.
brave I known a Tobr
paper and the Dublin Review. He is
an earnest and always an entrancing
New Fruit Drying Apparatus.
A new fruit dryincr apparatus has
been brought out in Victoria.Australia,
and publicly tested with apparently
satisfactory results. The novelty con
sists in the motion of heated air
through thu trays of fruit downward,
instead of upward, as in ordinary ma
chines. In the center of the appa
ratus are two cylinders, one incasing
the other, with a space of a few inches
between. I nto this space air from the
outside is admitted, and is warmed by
a fire at the bottom of the inner cylin
der. The heated air. at a temperature
oflMdeg. F. to 180 deg. F,, rises
through the space between the
two cylinders, and is drawn downward
through the trays of fruit Into the tire,
and thence up a chimney, the moisture
of the fruit being thus effectually di
posed of. The apparatus will dry 000
pounds of apples in a day, reducing the
weight to 100 pound. The drying
of each lot of apples placed tn the
trays usually occupies two hour, or a
little longer, as compared with four
hour required when uaiug one of the
beat of thg Amerh so tn.cftlya.
Th tlold frwaarltM f tb World,
Year by year the gold production of
the world la inrreain. The reaults
for lwl are the largest on record. In
round number, the prod uut ton for five
year wa a follow; !?, a.ovt.eoc
wm i, o.( a.Hi.bou
.? Iw,,oiioo.t and lavl, a.ojf,.
WW 0, In th Trantraal tr.
dai-ed only per nt of the world'
yield, bt In the proporUnn had
rUen ta IS, per ut. The following
the prvUnetlon in Huo to? th
eountrtaa nawxd; t'ntud MaUa, aWut
l, a. 1 Auttratta, l,4S,3uo .,
and Uuaala, v;
"I he a-od," write Mr, Mat
I.rWhllia In the iir4a and I'oroat.
la th boa wHer I betp suy raieet
fUal. glaM Ubrl wita g.t rtlt.
lky are anad tt tullky gtk. Mttb a
(( matt urlr, bth ry ag,-w
able lo writHa. Tb a antra. Umm4
witk a kai4 wnil, ttand th father
wH, and the label hmk llW ir'ia.a
aad are prttly ilaa. iiy rubbiug
Mlib vuu't r. ta I and t,', th
wriilhg ea lw per f wily if4 aail
the UWl twt aaitt I bt Vtii '
laUl, hirer, ha one grvi d a4aa
t tge - that U m Um -m v kirk uba
tt -iy liable t
A Fuvallup
fiawt Jnnyt.
tiara 'Mr. Brit tbe artiat want
m to stand for him a a n.del." Maud
'Wbat I I b ttudvina-
Cloak Ksview.
"It says ber th last of tbe 600 hav
ust died. Tbey were a noble band." "1
didn't know tbey were a band. 1 thought
they were cavalry." -Life,
Bishop Oullem "80 vou tblnk heaven
I like Boston, do yon?" Mr. B. (from
th Hub) "Oh, of count, not exactly: 1
don't expeet too much.' Life.
Mr. O'Brien "Hey yes a son in th
plnitincheryl" Mr. Hyen "Yl, me dear.
Bbure, Ol her nolne uf 'em, an' y couldn't
xpict thlm aul to be good." Life.
'GoodriM, John I How uueer babv
look. I believe be i Koine to have a fit. "
'By George I I believe vou ara rlirht.
Where' my camera I" Detroit Free Pre.
Mr. Keyboard "Wbv do vou alwava
sit at tbe hotel piano I You can't play a
not." Old Btokes "Neither can anyone
else while I'm here." Munney's Weekly.
Mr. Bloobumper "There's nothing ego
tistical about Uoslln." Mini Dollle (nfir
caatically) "Nol" Mr. B. "I heard bina
ay yesterday that b bated a fool,"
Brooklyn Life.
A little boy, tbe ou of good I'resbv
terlan parents, wa aRked the question in
catechism, "What! tbe chief end of man!"
ana ue answered; "Man' chief end i to
glorify God and annoy him forever."
"Wbat make a writer use such an ex
pression a "he twore roundly!' " auked
Pilppln. "I don't know." renlied Pennib.
"unleu the hero waain a perjury cute and
juneu to wear Kjuarely." Washington
A teacher in New Jersey was hearimr
her clans lu natural history recite, and
calling up a bright looking little girl,
auked; "What is a ruminating animal?"
"One that chews ber cubs," wa the inno
cent reply.
An elephant about to cro a frail bridge
recjuestou tn mahout astride hi neck to
UiHinount. "Arrah, now," said the ma-
nout, witb true oriental olwtlnacy, "wud
ye be bavin' me walk aero wid ye an'
make two u? us on the bridge at wance?"
Perceiving that bulk wa the same thing
as brain, tbe elephant hid away his feel
ing in his trunk and moved on. Ban
Francisco Examiner.
Wi have land tor sale in Adams, Butler, Chase, Custer, Dundy, Frontier,
fprna. Greely, Gosner, Garfield, Hitchcock. Harlan, Hall, Hayes, Kearney,
Loup, Lancaster, Perkins, Sherman, Valley and Webster counties In Nebraska.
These lands belong to us, and we will sell them from
$4.50 Per .Aore
Call and sea ui or write us for list naming the county or counties you wish
to Invest in. '
Room 1 1 . Durr Dlock, - LINCOLN, NCD.
J. W. CASTOR.' re.
J. P. ROUSE. Vb-rres.
t, I, 077, 8TATI AGENT, A.
w. A. LINCk. 1
Follow the crowd to the furniture and
household goods emporium of M Inzer fc
Sweanngeu at 127-129 North Fourteenth
htreet, where you will find everything In
their line of tbe best quality and cheap
est price; especially bed room suits.
Use Northwestern line to Chicago
Low rates. Fast trains. Office 1133
Tour lint Itatea to Colorado.
The Union 1'acifio Railway (overland
route) will now sell round-trlp tickets
to lh-nver, Colorado Springs, Manltou
and 1'ut bio, at the low rate of 124.15
good returning ur.tll October Slat.
Stopovers allowed between Cheyenne
and I'ueblo. FuH particular given at
11)44 O tret.
J. T Ma ATm, K.R RMiaaiN,
City Ticket Ag't. General Aged
L'e Northwestern line to Chicago.
Low rates. ;Kat ttalci. Office 1133
Mlaaourt Tai'lllo,
The Misteuri I'aclOle itllwsy stem
to be up with the time to the my
latett momeot In giving low rate to
tbe W ot Ida Mr aUo to bt Lou! and all
catra pilal a well to the south
Any Information dlrfd ran be bad at
Yiih tl ht I.lmola Neb J. K, It Miu.f tt
v T. A , or ft. Uiul Mo. of 11. ti
Towsat SUG. I', A; T, A.
l'e Northwestern Ilea ti Chicago
!aw tMe. Fat train, Office Hi?
()ll tiAt.K -Alatrgala, on of the
bt pa) teg I'ttotogrtph Gatlertt la
tbe city of LUoula, Kh Will tmh
.urvh'r the trade it ae tary, l4
a tt,tHtf trade W Ml
cnlar addrvta, v. It, t'UMKNliKtat
LI acid a, Neb,
ARMERS, we invite your attention to the) Farmers' Mutual Insurant
Company of Nebraska, If you are In want 0 Insurance you can net
afford to insure in any other company, and if you do not want iosuraoe
now, write and get a copy of our By-laws and Constitution and lean what wa
are doing any way,
Remember we are for Famtrt only '
Room 407 Brae Building.
$1 1.76
Will buy a
Ulpan Tabulv alt
wreta a tour totah
t' Nrtkwatra line a i'h!e?tt
U rat, lat trala. Olt'ix HW
it at
Call l a tieu Naturwsa & for
!H'iik', iron. binder, add all
farm twpirmvsw We'll it yvt light
.'i j iU y,uh H , Lianas,
In the New Spring Shades of
Cafe an Lait,
Military Black,
Emerald, Tabae,
. and Violet
fl$ ituli Subline Silk Warj all colons . . .
3S inch All Wwl Whip tWl " in Chan
40 inch AU Wtx.l Suiting Sjring Stylrt. .
ititioi imiiMliiiiiii lit
4d Inch All Wwl Satin Umih (n-rman Uv
rirttA in all wlott , . v
40 inch KnglUh Srr Changt'ftbk ethri.
Siirnjlvt chrvrfully wat to out of town cuiturotm.
HrasN4 f