The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, June 08, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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JUNE 8, 183.
CentlmtMd from First Pap 1
Urd entitled to draw a-ainrt the
.ppropnaUoa provided lor in Uu act shall
kcrp an itemized account of ail eipenditures
tnao by thani and report tba same with
voucher to tba finance committee of the
nut legislature and no officer of institution
jd eo state officer shall indebtedness incur
any beyond tha amount appropriated in
Uua bill except to prevent disaster." Die
tastlmonr sbowstbat the respondent made
no attempt tocoinplv with the provision.
Tba charge aare fully sustained.
t. Tba testimony tend to show that gross
frauds were committed in tha delivery of
coal at the Lincoln insane asylum. Tha re
spondent claim to have been ignorant of
tbese frauds unUl about September, 1WAS. It
appears that from tba last day of October,
lWO, to the iXSth day of March. IBM. tb
Whitabreast Coal and Lime Co.. furnished
eoal for the asylum and were allowed there-
lor tba sum or m.Kki.vo. 10 cover tnu
claim an appropriation of 112, 000 or so mu h
thereof as might be necessary was made,
and tha claim was certified to the auditor by
the respondents.
The coal was alleged to have been deliv
ered on the oars at the asylum twitch, but the
amber and initials of tha cars on which it
was alleged tha coal was delivered are not
riven in a single instance. Dr. Knapp testi
Ses in effect that ha did not believe the
mount of coal charged bad been
danvarad. His bookkeeper testified to
substantially tha same facta. Neither
of them now.ver communicated
their suitcion to tha respondent, Knapp
afterwardt approved tba vouchors and they
war approved by tha respondents and the
warrant issued. The fact that an appropri
ation bad been made to pay for this coal was
not an adjudication of tba claim as the legis
lature cannot adjudicate claims. State vs.
Hancock, 'i Neb., 88. Tba very large
acBoufit of coal charged sufficient to have
supplied all the asylums in the state for the
Ume charged certainly should have put tba
respondents upon Imiuiry. The report for
coal from other public Institutions were be
fore them and unless fraudulent vouchers
ware sent in from them also of which tbtre
Is no claim a comparison should bava shown
the fraud. No examination was made now
ver. A specimen is seen in a voucher for
July UW1 a follows:
(State of Nebraska, Hospital for the Insane, to
rititebreast Ucel Lime company.
General Fund.
K.ono Pes,, a II 7
U " a 1 71
K.860 Canon... a
1U.(iO pea, , a
NMw Lump a
si.ouo I'm .a
u.uio Lump a
i.ump, .,. a
0,ono pea , a i 7
u,m ('soon,. .a
40,000 pea ......a lAimp a
MHO Canon ....a
4.000 Luniu ,.a
IM, JIU.OUI Pea,.,,,.,, a
i, 70,0110 pea a
IW, 104,000 Pea, a
. . I10 71
I hereby certify that the above account if
lor mipplle actually furnished, tba above
named institution,
rllf 0 here)
Jno. T, Vomln,
, Examined and adjusted, auditor public ac
counts, per deputy. Approved: Kecretary
of state, per deputy.
Racelyed of T, U. Benton, auditor of pub
Ho account, warrant No,
(Big a ber also)
Hospital for the Insane, Lincoln, July 81,
J881, I certify that the within account It
Just and correct and that it ii a proper and
necessary eitwnse and has not been paid,
W. M. Knapp, Hutwrintandent.
Examined aud approved August 8, 189i
by tba board of public lands and building,
aid account to be charged to appropriation
for fuel and light.
Jf. C. Alle,
RecretarV. President.
Endorsed : Nebraska Hospital for the In
sane, Lincoln, Neb., voucher No. IU10.7H.
Warrant issued on account of fuel and light
t WWtebreast Coal & Lime Co.
Auditor of public account. M
Betta, Weaver & Co., seem to have adopted
be Whltabreast style of vouchers in Novum
l6l. Tne voucher for December, 191 1,
at follows:
"Ueueral Fund.
' nOMittal for the Iiimuio,
To Dotts, VVeaver & Co. :
To 4M.500 Tons Vea.... 1 70..,,
" 818,1) " Lump. 1 70...
14.TW M Canon. 6 00...
.... W0 7
Ht) 83
11.671 28
Other voucher!
Approved Jan. 4th, lSW."
In that form were approved
Let Every Throe Month.
Contract for coal were let every three
months and the WhltebreaKt Coal Lima
Co., and Betts, Weaver & Co., seem to have
monopolized the biisliiee. From October 1.
lbWt, to December 81, lHlfA and the month ol
February 1MI1, the amount of coal alleged to
have been delivered to the asvluni at Lin
coln was 17,5M,1W7 pounds and the amount
actually received o far ns the evidenc
hows was 7,5Ki,tK) pouudx, leaving a tihort
age of 9.W2,:07 outuU which cotit r,',K'V47
The proof fails to show that the reopondetiU
In auy manner profited by thoso f rau.lw. The
resH)udenU introduced evidence tending to
alutw that last October they submitted tht
whole matter to the grand jury of Lancaat
county and thereby sougut to briug th
guilty parties to justice. It is but faic
"however, to state tliat Oovei'ilor Boyd rt
quested them to lav the matter liefore th
ii ran J jury and it U evident tlmt the mutter
bad aetjulixd ich piblWUv it vuld not U
avoided. On this trial they in effect deny
tii. frauds, or l hut ii' such existed the bai
anv notice thereof in anv form and
tlieivfoi-e are tit 4 chameable then
With. Thev bvhi ! to eshilit
no very friendly sentiments towards tlia wit-
timt by wtuuu ttw U'ftU'U proveti,
aud teitaitily n dUpokitioit to ai l iti
urocurbu? iiKf d the muiu. Koiihj n liaiicw
U pUct on the approval of the aoyltuu
ofncttm I'V the governor In bis iHua of
Jim. lv,i; 1 his no doubt is entitled to ctnw
sitlerable weight but It ixuld not in any
liianner eivua the reponleHt from ih
lerelM of r-lialiW t-are In eiamiiiatnui
vt aovlum voucher. In lditiu to this the
lalui etuniiilwkiner in l'v. lnW III ht.
mrt t the rvernor which U m avuleniw
sttvs. tt, uiuU the eitn vUm
futuil.iiij .upplte. the apjrpriatn fund.
are !. Iretiueittl uel Uwl in Keeping
with that cttm-ei tiott i'f rhni Uf whi B tU
rtares that It "hwMa a wulmtttia of si
Iteltw ft luvurtm. lrivtbva aul
Uiumm that are alone rittrt by tb mhciwli
aiul Ihmit Ii k lida kid iilli' i 1 kVt"l til
i bum "for Urdau l U ibn . fuel a id
babta.' r oit vt IH. othnr mtwr
fuaUai trmuitd lor hutiiteuaaev f U.c
It M fttlFbUi tv tU r tl-'iiU ttutl
tsia ttiwttMws ta tair iwi te ti4 am
tn rwwl that It U tntMti.W t. ive atWi
tto to HiMHK ej tit tt lutaiuna tlutt
wus tfvH tbeut aa that Ibvf aia tbrv
fe.t'Mal4 It t tuatttrNa H
atuxuut tt budiHM la iwh ef th. wuva
Mnt Ibis ! a iarfe aiwl frMi
aat baUM iw ad driiiauttttaiaiy
IntuMuiu la tha witUw t4 tU Wft e.
SMMkrtwe. b'r, bMv St a txtt ifci
ottsnuiy hhtett tha Ks pl
tl ivmm In ltiia I tl t
tsr i4 taM 4ettr atol tui.
ttf ivUmu ut aL I A the axitV liw
el ulSt tn k ply al M. miiat hr. If
tam Itttvr Mwt atbouil siimv if
tay wiU Mn Hunt i laini t tha n(Mt
ttltlMriftttiMgtrif I tM lw
tr4 kHiiMMt -H.l. I iaittt lh
t H sm. bs kuvan to tk fn.NMta a4
117 M
M 40
e IW 7 07
w m i
I 71
IM el m
IN 68 (ti
M 40
evo w
I 71 St 40
IN 111 17
90 t u
1 Mi ti K
I 71 M W
I 71 s 0 10
1 71 m 44
as no twa anxxuoa was snaoa it must tm
wrasse it was not eoosttjerea nersmary.
Tba busuHMs of the state, however, mart be
nwrfivH is ra9at!T prM-st aad
careful manner, otberwiae the lesult would
berha. Huppiaea merchant or basi.'
man Kuld urge the want of time to lok
after his btwineas and therefor neglect It,
the result would not b umwrtiun. No de
fense of this kind ran be entertained
5. Ar the ai-ts ground for impeach
ment? N. 6 article 5 X the constitution
provides: "All civil officers of this state
khali be liable to impeachment for any mi
demeanor in office. " It may be well to in
quire finst what are the duties of public
olilcers? Each one before eutering i-ton h is
duties is required to take an oath that he
will "faithfully and imrtially perform
the duties of hut office according to law and
the tt of his ability." An olticer is bound
to exercise ordinary care such care a an
ordinarily prudent man would exercise in
the management of his own affairs.
The reinilonUaxe to quit an extent
tniHtees. They let contract and certify
claims each year to the amount of nearly
fl,000,(iO. Now shall this work be per
formed faithfully to the bet of the ability
of each as he has sworn to do or shall it b
neglected and no examination made? There
is considerable conflict in the authorities as
to what constitutes an impeachable offense.
Under the common law tha grounds of im
peachment are "high crime and mis
demeanors." In a number of cases
under this law it has been held
that the cause of accusation must
be a crime punishable under the criminal
law. in England imiieacbment ha been to
some extent considered as a mode of trial to
punish crime although a Judgment of
guilty was no bar to an indictment and con
viction for the same odenee. jn wis coun
try, while some of the cases bold that to con
stitute an impeacliable offense, it must be
such as would be punished under tha crimi
nal law. Yet, in the majority of cases it is
b.ld that this requirement m unnecessary,
and w are constrained to adopt tha latter
view, Judge Lawrence in 0 Am. Lew lleg .
6-1!', la discussing meaning of the word, says:
"1 be word misdemeanor baa a common law.
a parliamentary and a popular seuse. In a
iarltmentary sens as applied to officers, it
aeans maladministration or misconduct not
necessarily indictable." "Demeanor is con
duct," and misdemeanor is misconduct in
the business of bis office. It must be in mat
ters of importance and be of a character to
show a wilful disregard of duty.
Ara They Impeachable.
Now, do the acta abo recited constltut
rfscondiict in office)1 We ara not
without authorities in this state on that
polut. Thus in Minklor vs. Bute, H Neb,
1B1, a county surveyor who acted on tm
honest belief that be had a right to remove
section corners erected by the government to
conform with the field notes was found
guilty of maladministration of bis office and
Jemoved. lu Htate vs. Oleson, 19 Neb, !U7,
tlie relator was removed from tba office of
sheriff for official misdemeanors and tha
judgment was affirmed. It ti true the prln
cl pal question lu this court was the juris
diction of the county commissioners to try
tut eausa but the cfioracter of tha offenm
was also to some extent involved. In Bute
vs. Meeker, 1 Neb.. 444. tha respondent was
removed from office by th county board of
Hallne county for certain alleged
violation of tha law and while
an appeal was pending in this cour"
compelled blm to deliver over tba books 6
tba office to the (jeraJn appointed in bit
stead. In these case there was no tostiininy
on th part of this court to hold that these
judgment of removal were valid Among
the ground mentioned in tba statute for re
moval from office are habitual or wilful
neglect of duty. Oomp. Bt. Chap. 18, Art.
SBec. 1, An examination of tha ooustitu
onal provision! of a number of tha western
state will show that misdemeanor Is cause
for impeachment. Thus,
rwcllon L Art. 7. Of tha Wisconsin const!-
tution provide for Impeaching "all civil of-
jicerj oi vois state tor corrupt conduct in of
fice 6r for criminal misdemeanors."
Hec, 0. Art. 6 of the constitution of
indiana declares that "all state officer shall
or crime, incapacity or negligence b liable
to tie removed from office either by impeach
ment or by a Joint resolution of the
general assembly," Section 80 of the consti
tution of Illinois provides that "The general
asHcmoiy may tor cause entored on the jour
nals upon due notice and opportunity for
defense remove any Judge upon concurrence
of three-fonrth of all the members of each
house. All other officers in this article men
tioned shall be removed from office on pros
ecution and final conviction for misdemoau
or id office, "
foo. 117 of the constitution of North Da
providus for impeachment for
r'itiWoomluct, malfeasance, crime or
hilw".cmottnqr or hnUtgal drunken
linns or Rfoss Inroinpetency." 8!C. 4, Art.
10 of ibe contitutlon of Houth Dakota is the
snme. Sec. SJ8, Art. 2 of the constitution of
Kansas provides nr impeachment for any
misdemeanor in office. Hoc. !4, Art. 8 of
the cotistluitlon of Iowa provide fur "im-
teaclunent lor any misttemeauor or inai-
asauce in office. The constitution of Col
orado sj)till(8 "high crimes and misdemean
or liiiiaeoHttnce in omej. nee. em.
Other states provide for substantially the
mine causes, l ne provision in tne coiikihu
tion of this state is broader than that of any
of the states named except Kansas. Under
our constitution any gross misconduct is
cause for imiKachiuent. It would be a vio
lation or tne oatn or omce ami of tne officers
duty. In that resjtect our constitution i
much broader than the common law term
high crimes ami misdemeanors. '' But even
at common law the offense need not neces
sarily be a crime punishable by the crinihiul
Alexander Hamilton in No. (VI of the
Federalist sa vs : "The subject of this Juris
diction are those, offenses which proceed
from the misconduct of public men, or in
other words from the abuse or vioiatlou ol
some public trust. They are of a nature
wuicu may witn peculiar propriety tie no.
nominated iiolitical as thev relate chiefly tc
n Juries done immediately to the society to
Hamilton's views are genurallf
adopted in this country, la the early rt
of the century iiuixw hmeiit was the ordi
nary mode of removing objectionable clli
cers. i lint in Alasitachusetts and some otuet
states covuty officer and aveu justittof th
peace wet ImiKwhed, In man r if not all
Of tha stales at the preut time Ow statute
provide far a simple direct proceetttug lu an
anion in mw nature ol iiiiieaciimetii agHiuti
rertaiu otlicws ho ai guilt v of mlwouduct
in office; and tmpeachmeitt ts but on of the
rtmitli fur that iurima. a:m Mi tin state
if ai'ulied to a tUhe olicer U th sot
the cue howavar which would cause
the removal of a count V otneer tn the
j round of iiiiMii bict in o.'ftce wHtM smi
l t suincleut asatnsta nrntw, in
claim lhattuor nv llul durtard t4
Uw lu to. nuntteutUU V cell h tusa Is clearly
MHtwn t ttnfouudcd Tba t"tuU't.,
dutv t.i tha stata was lit th first tlttMm to
ai'i.tlnt a til.l. i!U K ut suis liiteii-teiit
wbxaoukl lutilnl tba IUHU vt IU
h.nd. Hr that H slut W-.flvtsl fait
trwatmeiit a o rt ronlrm'vor in th
t.v ttwnl ef uv let and pun-Hm f matar.
k and kl exarchs a oHat super Wu
uttt 11m smt, I J in 11 tint BWt
tiHHu-V to m tiba "' w iu'lnal
tu,lunJ tku iMiiui tiitiitadlv mttitlavl
to tha mmhmv tr ttw ir .-tgite In all ttma
ri tlwr . a f.ibita to tli hr. their
ditty. lhaviainltattb) kuw skhI.u.- abxul
iKtmaa taeiuitbsl to nu aataat i.i.r
1U U.l kiuw tltat ha tvi twvittadt lHt
M ettU aiht wv.laiUy ul l irtt bv hn
Uitwt tnii tuWtxWutt. hid"! tha ai ymmm
U u si ts to kira bint tbrwr iuu a
lit tttwttl tatty U an ,!. u.ia oi at
itfitaews a. it WMlh4t ha wi dtla
it "itue, i
Mb f if
bt ' b f nw M at tlia
taut tun. Ia-KltW b ba ! aa a
aiu iik ti an attie H Vl a vsW
s a vi. utt. i t a Uj V' tha ra it
t Kub lbr rttt.f4ttt a4 atlfuliV
ieultNnt K 4i aw msmv imtW
tf mm attawft a wa W brrv a
Stbslsasa an M " !
But toe aataontiea are uniform that uaag
ranxiot be proved to contradict thaaxprvswad
tenr or a contract wner it woum rsauit in
luiure ramie ol statute.
tbKirs' Ex part Test, S71-273 and case cited
It i very clear that proof of usura cannot
be considered otherwise we might b askd
to aaiM-Uon tha UMure at aylum switrb. Con
siderable stress is laid upon the good faith of
the respondent in committing tneea acts.
This question u before this eourt in Cobby
vs. Burke, 11 Neb., 161-162, in an action for
taking illegal fees. It is said: "The penal
ty imposed by this act may be incurred by
exacting fee which are supposed at the time
to tm legally demand ble. By the vary
words of the prohibitory clause
the taking is the gist of th
offense, ignorant of the law will not ex
cuse in any case; and this principle is appli
cable and with irresistible for' to the case
of ..j officer selected for his capacity and in
- torn ignorant is unpardonable. The very
4. eeptance of the office carries with it an
assertion of a sufficient share of Intelligence
to enable tne party to loiiow a guide, pro
vided for bim with unusual attention, clear
ness and '"decision. On any other principla
a convict .a would seldom take place even
in case of th most flagrant abuse: for pre
texts vjjnt never lie wanted.' it may D
said -e people having elected thee
men tu, ill should be respected and they
should not be ousted for the offense charged
In every vote I have given in this court I
have favored carrying out as far as possible
the will of the eeple expressed
through the ballot box but the same con
stitution which provides for th election of
officer and for a discharge of the duties of
the officers, also provide for declaring th
office vacant in case of serious, wilful mis
conduct. In other words, w here tha officer
falls to faithfully lierform the trust commit
ted to his bands. Th doctrine ha been
applied from time Immemorial. Thus, if a
trustee in equity misbehaves hi any way to
tne detriment or the estate be may b
removed. Ex pt.rtfl Kaynoldx, 5 Ve., 707.
Ko, if b refuse or neglect to execute th
trust it Is cause for removal.
In re Mecb. Bunk ii Barb, 440. Da Puy
ster v Clouding 8 1'age 'Jf.i6. Perry on
trust No.'41U and cases sited. This rule ha
been applied by this court against Inferior
officers in a number of instances. Thus in
Brock vs. Hopkin,3Neb. 11 it was held that
a clerk of the district court was liable for
damage occasioned by hi negligently and
carelessly taking Insufficient security.
While if he exercised a reasonable degree of
care in the performance of his duty he wai
Dot name, in Fox vs. JUeaohim o Neb. 631
it was held that where a justice of the peace
violate the law and abuses his authorit y to
the Injury aud danger of another, ho and
bis sureties are liable on bis bond for such
damages, I know of no reason why the
same rule which would bold a county officer
liable for damage or guilty of an offen
for which he might be removed, should noj
be applied to the state officers. Tha charge
lu both cases is substantially the same, vu
misconduct in office.
If a county officer is guilty noon will urgt
as a reason for condoning the offense thai
the accused was elected to the office and tba)
the people would be deprived of hjj service!
by bis removal; aud 1 know of no gooi
reason why the same rule should not be ap
plied where the officer is elected by the en
tire state. It is said the respondent acM
judicially in approving (count, and there
i. are hot ball i for their act. Tha abb,
at' o ncys for the resKmleut made no claim
of this kind, and therefore it is evident thej
did not rely on it.
If iu approving account they act ju
dicially in order to protect them, there art
three things which must occur. First, th
claim must tie one they are authorised U
audit. Bc o id it must be presented in tht
form of a bill or voucher showing the debt
and what it is for, otherwise the board wouW
like a Judge passing upon a matter not b
fore him, such a a matter not put in Issue,
and third the statute makes it their duty M
investigate every claim, The protectioi
accorded to a Judge against t
private action does not ' ap.
ply when he I on trial under stiet lflc charge!
of impeachment. Even a judge of thii
court could not plead protection against sucfc
charges. In such nas his conduct and gen
eral manner of conducting bis business maj
be inquired into and it be is found guilty of
miNconduct on any of the charges be may bj
declared guilty. But no Judicial officer ii
protected Vben be exceeds bit authority and
those respondents very clearly in all thai
they are charged with acted either without
authority of law or in excess of such author
ity. But in my view their duties are noi
judicial. In the proper sense they do no)
allow aucouuts. Thev merelv investigate or
should Investigate the vouchers and the sever)
items thereof to see that they conform to tht
contract. In other words, the duty of tht
board is to let contracts in a specified man
nex and when vouchers are presented undei
such contracts which upon examination nr
found to be correct thev are to certify tht
same to the auditor. The certificate is not i
final order from which an aptieal would lit
anil is not a judicial act. It will not be ser
iously contended that an officer who uegu.
gently and improperly certifies a fraudulent
account which it was his duty to investigate,
or who unlawfully draws money from tin
tmisury is protected from the eonsoqueneet
of his acts, and so far as I ara aware no caw
K UolclH.
11 nd Given Bonds.
Proof was introduced on behalf of the re
spondents to show that Dorgan, Knapp aiic
others litul given bonds to the stale. It ii
evident that none of these lioiuls will covei
the actual loss to the state, ami even if en-
fortwtl would lie an inadequate remedy,
But the giving of the bond by an officer doet
not exempt him from the performance o
his duty nor relieve those who sujierintend
his acts from a faithful suervislon of tin
same. The law imposes the duty of super
vision "with a reasonable degree of care.'
The duty of an officer is stated by Judgt
Lnke in Brock vs. Hopkins, supra, that hi
exerci-wd a reasonable degree of can
in the performance of his dutv.
U seems to me the respondent!
wholly failed In the pcrfoiuinnce of thi ll
duties in t he cases sfitiod in these charuett,
whereby the state, during the ten moiitlu
that lkirgau wsjisuivriiiteiitlttiit. lost a large
sum of money, prvlably ut less than IV
um and t S4 for re-setting the boilers, w diet
wan uot a debt of the state, together wltt
the sums drawn by Hopkins and Howe to gt
to I ittstmrg aud the jvoitdcitt to go u
Ht, Louis, in all t'-'M. The owr-paum-nii
ror coal ail in sixteen mouths mveii r,t.i
A& ordinarily prudent maa would have ro
quired the vouchers to b ill projier toru
giving tba number and weights of tits arv
era! cars. There are telephone lu all of tht
I'll Idle building so that it would hav taket
tut a moment to make the pruir imiuirkt
ill ret-ard to the coal and pi t t the luler
est of tba statts, but so far a the proo:
shows u h iiitptirie wvi not tuade iu a slu
g uiaUitce,
A pubtw officer, like anv other Movant
should I faithful to U ent lover to sea tba
in a I luaitar umlt-r tos t-oiitivd tba liuulut
shall ftol I, In . her word, U
hail t f.itutui to ltt trust, not a an
trrrsr, but ta the tftht ol tloct This t ta
tk.t-oik th.t aa t'Sloi Ukt to Uilk
lulls' ii im ki Hun, tmr p-imio inti
H.M.. sliituhl t rltM'il mi tititlita. l-fti il
piw suU uh.t.t fr t.wror u.fint attd
too m..tiV .ht'til.l to tlf th. trsAsurv
mii In sirht iunuHt a tl t II tst'Hi
i.mU !( nli li4tta
uf th U lhatw, lb lnmn.
tf ti iio'll- aill m hit l a-ir
HtVWt tl tUlll ta IS ISH-IItt ti
IM Mtltnt t-4 lltklulUM II ! i.- urn
ttvn sit t siui-i . simI rf y t
iltrtuawl t.i IM kwl tnift ut
Tr ara an haa. a tl
ka ta ! It S t..ttti!f I ! by
uir witH'tt.- ti tba .. iw r
.iu,tat U1 Ikithftitl
a iwi i
! t ika it, autt a tss nutMit4
. i
ilih r
! tsa sa t skouM M siMia ata I
trt Sllr M hl4
1 H tk wl ol tka SiiH It tkrt
H, in..ta stl.- w ik nMMt tfK.U la
i I Wttol IM'ltuiMl ft tit A )
I twr t siismmi h ! ilttt hMtit4 a It
4t .4MtlHl tt Mr U ka l.'UI
taSuvtMIt I lt IkoM ! 'tvSI
U tut k w4ai, t
I la tfcif Unvt, l tnnHWatw, t
eoorsa. ara at responsibia for their lneuearca
bat it ts ssy duty ununte them.
CEL Maxwcll,
thiet Justice.
A Hare Chance.
To a newspaper man who is aeetin?
an opening', I can offer the best possible
inducement. 1 am offering for sale a
half of the whole interest in an inde
pendent newspaper, published in a
strong independent county, in which
the party has a elear majority oyer both
the other parties, situated in & coan'y
seat town of 1,000 population, in a
western county of Nebraska where the
population has nearly double in the
past year; the county officers are ail in
dependent and the piper Is the official
paper of the county, running ail the
county patronage. The cilice, is well
equipped In both newspaper and jo
departments, and has a good run of
work. Has Washington hand ores'.
Gordon jobber, 200 poundt brevier type.
50 pounds nonoariei and 50 pound, of
long primer, lota of Job and '-ad" tvno
Paper has paid $40 per month net after
paying foreman, one type setter and all
running expenses. Office cost 1900 cash,
bat will sell for trJOO and give the best
of reanons for selling. For further in
formation address The Alliance-In-dkpbndent,
or L, Box 1343, Lincoln,
Farms row Sale.
160 acres 4 miles north of Alliance
Box Butte county Neb. 70 acres in
cultivation, 80 acres fenced, sod house
and barn, two wells. Wlllgir pofs-s-ion
at once. Price Vi 00 per acre.
160 acres 6 miles north of Alliance.
40 acres in cultivation, all tillable.
Price 17.00 per acre. There can be
other land bought adjoining these if
desired, ror further particulars ad
dress, P. D. Kline,
Alliance, Neb.
Tourist Trips.
Round trips to to toe Pacific Coaet.
Short trips to the Mountain Resorts
of Colorado.
The Great Salt Lake.
Yellowstone National Park the tuutl
wonderful spot on this continent.
i'uget bound, the Mediterranean of
the Pacific coast.
R. T. Mastim, C. T. A., 1044 0 St.,
J.B. SLOlSOs, Gen. Agt..
Lincoln, NeH
Barber & Fowler have a stock of gen
eral merchandise in Iowa, now run
ning and doing big cash business; old
settled country. Party wishes to move
to Lincoln and will take a part clear
property ana balance cash. s?e or
write. Barber & Fowler.
Konm 10, 1041 Q8trey
"T ST ST m m ST fcu i
llttur. Cttt.tiliti"t
.1 uMwfMvnH'rf.'... r --"77 T
kTHpnH Car M.It4lfl UlW
t. prm, .4 m, It . jvww,
ma muitmUmUM m U ttum It aUWItM
'vlthtBMffMf lfMlMtHfSflty,Ul4lfOTI.llW
mat Ik. Mboftfl w villain m(lN rsiS WrSt
wn till ml out MBClMlW t0 Ml.
fo. try .my Medicine.
It is a sure cure. Try 11 aud be couvuictxi. You
will never regret it. Kent by mall to anv ad
dress. Price One Dollar. JOHN P. HOKR, Mi
Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois.
Have tha tas, cost of manufacture, aud
avoid adulteration. Ask your grocer for It.
MEKI WBTHKtt it tlU. I'larkville, Ti.n
IU been in me I'nce fW3
It Is tbe Pioneer 8'eel Mill
IlbssBei(itt.t'rciin'h, Dur
ability Power: it U tbt best;
uenre tb. mill for you to buy
Tumsiuos nave tueui i
Have 4 angle steel comer poih(
subiMnii.ia u-ii wins sna
bra ces; not fence wire. 1 hey
re lllit, trous, Simple lb
Coustfucllou, much cbcanet
tna ' wood snu will lsst a
itfu t me ' Our uil!s and
towers sre AbL STKEL nud
KUbbY (il'AKAN'tf Ell.
Write finrlcesn Icirculnrs.
Audreys Aieuiiouiug tui spa
Arkansas city, Kansas,
The Aultman
I .
For Cntaloftuo rtml Prlcos ndrtrsss
26B Feet Front.
Largest Normal
'THIS HniOOb is now In full operation In sll lu dersrtment bctvuon inn an . . stu-nds... e. 1 br bs. Uen t tilt Wi"o"
Nil ; eqns iQ(.ui.i in lh93. W e now 60 to 71 ho.isf i" livmmtm Ai . w"M
elllns- ols frcm $Mui to 1400 on essy terms st.d It is s first 3.wXXttoAS?ik aro
wltbin ibe next 12 Bu, a lot. build a house i" wi ii iy "o, 'iximniiLV9,
the seat of
Is situated on blgb rolllsg jrround ovetlor.klng tba Cspltol clty-a cltvof v.nnt
cpnner-ied with the city by elertrle osrs. Hewtborne proi-mVis the finest 2?J0,,,e",d to
city of Lincoln stid Is Ibe place to educale your childreB. Yom bsve cit? sdvSnIl,Lund
U. If Vou ara thinking oF.enlm. .hIMron . hih;..i'. c"T..,.avantf!es with eountrv
of It-it will b.y alT exbenwsVsn w 111
small tracts of l.nd ncsr the rollew-f rom oi e to thirty acres-just be tbln foe.7? , ,om
ROOM 10-1041-0 St,
&, Taylor
fa I
i. Ufa . '
Um in
Lincoln Neb..
tauKfct, Graduates assisted to Doelttnn. n.,1.. .
we have been unable tS mSJ&g" rep
tiawis. Add. W. H. BKELTnS m?J r ""'.ifad
670," Saline, Kansas! N' Mgr-' Lock x
Shorthand and Typewriting.
A. C. Ono, A. M , Principal and Proprietor.
An Exclusive School of Stenograph.
and prnclical stenographer as
Omaha that gives a free' Engl h course. "
HI?? "rihScJ?- .S"kI,r1.lnclpal of Pdelphia
Htpti srhool: "Some of our students not vet
turned twenty are making more mooev by
fhorthond than the principal of the higheYhoS
after having given himself for more thin twen
ty years to the profession."
The Standard Rtimintrton is the Type
writer used. Shorthand, writers com
mand from 850 to $150 per month.
For further particulars call on or address,
I flu .L O 1 1 . - - . f Mi i , A .
2 uiuana buueya ui onorinana ana lypewntlng,
Boyd's New ThealreBldg,
.ur ii nitiufy bis.
Nan (igor.