WESTERN MANUFACTURING COMPANY. (an corporation.) The W?trn Manufacturing Company oraQl7J un.ler'that name en June 10th. Ic, commenced business on the 1st of Spu-mber 1, and Its termination la not w be uniU June 10th W. . , Tae palnctpal place ot transacting business Is at Lincoln, Nebraska. It is or? anlwi to carry on the manufacture and sale of agricultural Implements, barrels, butter tubs, wagons etc. , , . Its capital stork isune HHiarea imu" within one year thereafter. which and the balance JlOO.OWiom dollars. Fifty per cent, oi was oald In In September 1888, rlthln one year inereaiwr. t... htr a board of Ave directors who elect f romithelr number a presi dent, vice president, secretary and treas urer. The highest amountof Indebtedness that It is authorized to contract Is two-thirds,! 3l 118 capital stock. H-JpSLwfent M. D. Wklch. President (bbal.) Secretary. Notice to Bridge Contractors Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will 1 received at the office of county clerk of Furnas county. Nebraska on or bef ore noon i of the auth day of June A. D. iwa. for the con struction of the following brtdites: One certain combination bridge across the Republican river at or near Oxford on or near the half section line running through the middle of Bectlon twelve (12) township three 3) north of range twenty-one (81) west p. tn to be built according to plans and specifi cations now on Ble In the county.clerk office In aald county. Prime bridge across Turkey creek between town three and four and section five and thirty-two in range twenty-one west 8, p.m. White bridge across Dry creek between section twenty-eight and thirty-three, town four, range twenty-two. Bathrlck bridge a crons Elk creek between section fourteen and twenty-three, In town four, range twenty- thHiser bridge across Muddy creek between section sixteen and seventeen in town four, range twenty-three. , . Tomblin bridges across Deer creek, oae be tween Section nine and Mxteen, and one be tween section fifteen and sixteen in town four range twenty-four. . . . One bridge across Medicine creek east of Cambridge on south K of section twenty-nine town four, range twenty-five. Bold bridge across Beaver creek In Eureka precinct, on road running north and south be tween the south east 1-4 of section twenty and sout h west 1-4 of town two, range twenty-three Morgan bridge across Beaver creek on road Tunning east and west between north-east 1-4 of section thirty -four and south-eat 1-4 of sec tion twenty-seven, town two, range twenty tour. . H W. Taft bridge across Spring creek on public road, between section twenty-three and thirty-four In town one, range twenty-two. One bridge across Elk creek on public road -one-half Ue eat of Arapahoe. 0. fa. Stowe bridge across a draw on public road between section one and twelve in Eureka precinct. J. D. Case bridge across Dry creek t n north line of section thirtynve, town one, range twenty three. One bridge across a draw known as the Donahue draw In the north-east 1-4 of section twenty-four, town two. range twenty-four. W.S.Robinson bridge across Beaver creek between section nine and ten, in towa two, range twenty-one. Bids received on fcoth combination and Iron bridges 14 ft road way, 8 inch bard pine Mooring All bids must be accompanied by good and sufficient bonds and filed in the county clerks office on or before noon of June 20, A. D. 1WJ. Commisloners reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Dated this 6th, day of May. A. D. 1K93. H. W. McFaDUSN, (seal) County Clerk. W. C. T. U. DINING HALL, 138 S 12th St., Lincoln. First class table and attendance Lunnho at all hours W)tf S f Of every description, Newfound UKJKjt O land, M.n,iff, St. Bernards, iirevliouiuta. Hull. Fox. Skv and 8cotch Terrier. Collies, Pug, Spaniels, Realties, Foxhounds, Set ters and Pointers; alfb Ferrets, Malice Cati pet animals, fancy pigeons, poultry, Send itamp far price list. Live Foxes wanted : Herman Bosecb, SIS Market, Bt. St. Louis -.. , The Things We Prize Most are not the gewgaws and gimcracks we gather about us. Every life, of course, has its sacred tine!ed treas ures, but in this practical work-a-day world man is prone to value most .those things which serve him best. Not much sentiment in this, per haps, but some sense all the same. The McCormick . Machine of Steel takes first rank the world over. Hundreds of thousands of grain growers call it the best harvester and binder that ever went into a grain field, arid they prize :t accord ingly. It isn't sentin-.ent w.th them it's just plain, old-fashioned com mon sense. They like it test be cause it serves them best. It costs more money than some harvesters, but that's because it's more valuable. Its advantages more than offset the added cost. The " Machine of Steel" is built to harvest the grain crop of the world, and to do it better than any other machine. Ferhapt you may care to know more about this narvwter. Our catalogue wiil interest you. Mccormick Harvesting machine Co. CHICAGO, ILL. R.B1SF0RD, Agent, Lincoln, Seb am w ), enFBEE. tt toTrjr reader of thia paper. AllP CutthUoutand arndll ou ' .--Willi your run name ana aa alLdreM, and will aeod ou on of tuM alrirant richly jeweled sold flnUhed waU'taM by eipreaa for eiamlnation, and If you think It iaeiiual In appeaianre to any 126.00 (fold wati-h, pay our aample price, S1.M,analt la youra. Wcwns with the watch our (riiaranl that you ran return It at any time within on year tf not aatiafactory, and it on sell or caun the aale of elx w will ifi you 0..fr. Write at once we ahall aend out aamplea tor slaty daya only. THI NATIONAL MTO A IMPORTINO CO.. 334 Dearborn 6treet, CHICAGO, ILL. AUCTIONEERS. Z. S. BRANSON, WAVERLY, NEB. LIVE STOCK AUCTIONEER. Makes sales in Nebraska and other states. Beit of reference!. Fourteea yearn experleuce. Price reuonable, correspondence solicited and atlifactlon guaranteed Cancers Cured. I will pay liberally for the names and addreaaet of pcrtoni suffering from cancer. Guarantee a permanent cure or no charge. No matter if case has been given up by others, write me at once, i'hyaicians supplied with remedy at liberal dis count. Full remedy and instructions for self treatment, Im. THE HARRIS CANCER SANITARIUM, Fort Payne, Ala. , Use Northwestern line to Chicago, Low rates. Fast traiBs. Office 1133 O St. NEW. SPRING GOODS. Worsted dreas roods from 10 cents to$l w per yard. DRY GOODS Our stock of wool dress goods li just beautiful. Ten thousand dollar stock RnflTQ Stnrl RHdFS A. large variety of gent's, ladle's toselectfrom DUU I O ollU wnvH and children's shoes. Straw hats from So to II each. HATS and CAPS. Gent's wool and fur hats from 60c to S 00 each. Our stock of groceries and queensware is always complete. Jur constant aim U to give you the best goods at bottom prices. 9210 Street. Opposite Post-Office. ITreci Schmidt. V ,a,? One My KmM for Five Years! Price, $49.75. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. v0vAgents Wanted for the Kimball Pianos and Organs l. HOSpE, Jfi Ornaha, Teb. PROGRESSIVE WEST! Prof. 0- Ybcent of Indianapolis Analyses and Answers a Plutocratic WaiL BEPLY TO A F01UM ARTICLE. How the West is AdvanciogToward a Higher Civilization. Great En couragement for Populists, An Able Review. SSTASUSMIO 1S77. JASJcMILLAN&CO. MAIN HOUSE, 200 to 212 FIRST AVI. NORTH, N MsnixAroLis, itnre - . w a m m m. Mil HlnnapolU thaaptkln . January. HELENA, MONT. , FIRE NORTHERN FURS. peats o inrintwia. COUNTRY N0 PftCKCR NANCHiat CHICA60.IIL ST. LOUIS, MO. Cr"",,.S;!ud VlUUiBi, vrj oiues, hits, Fan, Wool, Tallow. Creus, Dtsrtklss, . A Moot. itrisiNcii iv pimitttoi. ) S.M Wtmm !. Mm . Daaaawaa t, , Ca.aa. W. Piaaa MtMn ? S'u.a. Maat Iih, (..P . n., .m eM. at. i. likettt a4aM IhiMMala Hils 0iaat IMt 4 l4t SkiyyM tw tkta f..trim4 li a4 l h S'.mhmj. HuMa 0 m PILES, FISTULA, 4 U at DUealiaaEU4 Df. TharmUsj A Mta, XaatM CUV, M.,uawt ir tlare raiMV-. Vi h M Mill ftlalr4 We luiliiu. I IHHM vl l'uW Ml I'tlMMiil IU kllW itaM ..I U J.B k,fa m an, j-r wl la.ii ( la uiu a la I it h.I fwi tttil ! ku laiwM. a4 f t MlMt4 ' h u4rU o k Ih tut-i f it, awl bo WtvlJ 4. W l Ct Ntata Ui4. IhAXM It W M Hak II t4f The May Forum contains an article entitled. "Menacing Socialism in the Western States," written by Mr. Frank Basil Tracy, who, we are told, was born In Iowa, graduated at the State Univer sity in 1888 and has since been a writer on several western papers among them a leading dally. Mr. Tracy has been thoroughly frightened by the upheaval of the west and being on the ground has had a tolerably near view of the field. His opinions are not at ah reassuring to the old school politicians, but any populist who will obtain a copy of the forum containing the article, will buckle on his armor anew und pursue the fleeing foe more vigorously than ever, feeling that the great forces of nature are fighting for him and that success is not far distant. Mr. Tracy is a confirmed plutocrat of the republican persuasion, and he takes this sepulchral view of the situation: "He would be indeed a blind observer and a most superficial student who liv ing in the west, coma not see in me rise of the populist party and in the wide-spread prevalence, in the western states, of the heresies of that party, serious conditions of public thought and popular tendencies essentially in imical to the stability of our present form of goversment. If thee heresies were confined to tne populist party, tney would cause no necessary apprehension. but the plain, bald truth is that this people's party Is only an aggravated symptom, a surface manifestation of a disease which has fastened itself firmly upon the mental constitutions oi tne pdople of the great west." George the Third could scarcely have chosen fitter language to express his fears and those of his courtiers one hun dred and twenty-five years ago, regard ing the colonies that later formed the revolutionary confederacy, and finally blossomed into our sisterhood of states. Jefferson Davis, Alexsnder H. Steph ens and Robert E. Lee might have used similar language regarding the north and northwest In 1856. CBut the hysterical sobs f frightened monarchs or antiquated politicians have failed to check the onward step of civil ization, and the wild dreams of the "fanatic" of yesterday are the accepted philosophy of today. The wonderful outpouring of the people and the un affected enthusiasm of the crowd, both delegates and spectators, in the Coli seum, July 4th, at the Populist Nation al Convention, struck terror to the heart of. the youthful Tracy. When he refers with alarm to the "thirty four minutes" of incessant cheering at the adoption of the platform, he forgets that similar wild scenes occurred in the Minneapolis and Chicago conventions, with this trifling difference in Omaha, the cheers were for principles, while in the other cases the cheers were given at the mention of the names of men who were the representatives of certain organized banditti striving for the ascendency, with no higher motive actuating their frenzied demonstrations than the desire for official place and the attendant perquisites. It is admitted that "property and per' sons are entirely safe, that the west is peaceful: it is to a degree happy, and on the surface contented," but the specter of socialism is ever disturbing the cogitations of our economic tyro, He refers to the "socialists" as of three classes: 3. Populists. 2. Not populists, but favor govern ment ownert hip of railways and control of monopolies. 3. "raternallsts" in all political par ties, and these are (horrible to relate) "Intelligent, educated and prominent in business, society and the church," and those three classes constitute in the "deliberate judgment of the writer a majority of the citizens of the west." We are told that in Omaha, a typical wskra city, are two thousand populists and many more "socialists" and pater nalist." that debating cluU presume to discuss ths great underlying principle of human liberty and decide In favor of government and municipal ownership of aooalUsd natural monopolies; that the Social ChrUUaa Union ha been study lax the "Social Aspect of Christianity by Prof. Utuhard T. Klyj that Dcaa Gardiner of Trinity Cathedral, U prsst- dontof this body cf investigators, and ail tn inner rvotor in u city are uittbrt, and that oa of the rector h4 tht aodadty to Uelar al opinion that ' this government will Imkhuim paternalistic wait it gov to the devil first " tvmplalat U made that the Nobraaka UgUlature aa4 otarUW t Join It ta halldlag aad holdlag a rail way fp.ia. MaatU.b to th Uu!f; that ultra iclantl4 hilt are tatrude,4 la tola Uglslalure and that "wtattra euiUgv are flttad lth tha aUutat and their lywuau of ua dxIJ affiirma Uvely socialistic proposition: that many clUes in the west own their own water works, gas and electric light plant, and are taking steps to acquire control of the street railways. The abeve is very encouraging to us, for it conveys the intelligence that large numbers of the people are think ing, a sure precursor of progress. Mar tin Luther thought deeply and endeav ored to reform the church before he decided to start a new one. John Knox and Charles Wesley are other familiar names, and these men passed through the same experience. For long years from Thompson and Garrison to Lincoln and Summer the conscience of the peo ple, in and out of the church, was educating to recognize human liberty above property right1. Any csllege Is to be congratulated that Mr. Tracy has not control of its curriculum, for then would the study of lllcardo be substi tuted for the works of Spencer, and lyceums would be subjected to an es pionage that would do credit to the Czar of all the Russlas, in his effort to crush out the hertsies that prevail in those theaters of debate and investiga tion. I suppose the debates in . the English Parliament tbat preceded the adoption of the Magna Charta were considered by King John as rankest treason, for we are informed that It was only at the point of spear and lance that he finally accepted the terms of that Immortal document that assured freedom of thought and constitutional liberty to ths English speaking people. The deepest thought, the most profound research and persistent investigation has always preceded every great ad vance in social and political science. It is not to be supposed that the United States possessed itself and as sumed the management of the postal business of the country without a strug gle with the express companies that were charging twenty-five cents for the delivery of a letter, It is altogether possible that this great advance was accomplished In spite of the lugubrious groans of caviling political leaders acting as paid attorneys of the express companies and protesting with men dacious, perjured' cant against the "un constitutionality" of the proceeding. In the midst of some incoherent rav ings about "paternalism," grange stores and "socialistic movement in the seven ties," our neopbite has lucid a moment, and thus clearly states the situation: "The members of the second and third classes of socialists are oot as yet insistent or demonstrative. With them it is more a hope am a belief than a demand. Aud while many of these men would demur if classed with the populists, the difference between them is simply in degree and not in kind. This is the central fact which sheds a great light on the rise of the populists, who knew and know that joined to them In sympathy if not In name are thousands of their brother citizens. And it Is this feeling which lay behind and was the impelling force of the Omaha convention, 'these populists appreciate the fact tbat they are a few steps In advance of the others, tbat they differ only in being more logical, and they believe that in a very short time these others will cross the narrow boundary lines1 and become of their party and name. It is the thorough and lull understanding of this condition and these facts which furnishes to the student his gravest apprehensions of the fuure when the adherents of this socialism, with which the west Is honey combed, shall have become united, logl cal and therefore aggressive." It would be difficult to pen a more complete and comprehensive view of the situation, but if a populist had written it, he would have been scorned as an egotist and derided even by his political friends for his assurance and assumption. Tyrants always had their "gravest apprehensions" aroused when their sub jects began to think. 'Twas true of the Pope when priests began to investigate. 'Twas true of Charles the First when his retainers became thoughtful and 'logical" i In their thinking. 'Twsg true of Louis XVI of France when he found the thoughts of his subjects directed by such "logical" minds as Lafayette, Rosseau, Auguste Cornpte, Voltaire and Thomas Paine. The cltldal of human slavery trembled when the thoughts of men became "united, logical and therefore aggressive" under the leadership of Wendell Phillips. And the fawning flatterers that pay court at the fact of party leaders whs prove to be only agents of Ikrlbaum, Heldel bach and Rothohlld, may well have their "gravest apprehensions" aroused since the world especially tne more unfettered west ha begun to think under the leadership of Kdward Bel lamy, Hamlin Garland and Ignatius Donnelly. Mr. Tracy has discernment sufficient to locate and recognU some of tht patent abuses under which the west baa suffered bat h offers bo rvmedy that U practical, but grow "ap prheatvH of thowi that can grsp th situation and do propuM an effectual cure for the dUea. On ha of the situation is thus present!; "Ta Pacifla Hallway have frota lb tlARlot watered thslr swuts u Djuner tuo U known, N4lvlJoJ MHitd bn dsvlared ou that Inflated stock wltbiHit attrmou Mraings. Tusure thM earning the raUway director UI4 a a-rlfoo and laiularabU burden uuua tae rvfton tributary to the rail way by tuean of eiifblUot and bur. desuKMae treltfat rat. T other rail wait whlrh entered that Wrtttory twined with It ft1' road la tht drain up on the puree of the ioil. tn IN stak-a trared by the IV'ltta rd, freight raw are wftea four tltue the charged tn the eatt for the sam dls-! tance. Nothing ran so clearly illustrate ths part played by the government In propagating the seeds of socialism as the free silver lunacy in the west. No stranger can comprehend its extent. Every populist, nine-tenths of the demo crats and one-half of the republicans are devoted to this heresy. The only difference between the fire silver popu lists and tne hoatst free silver men of the other parties, is that the latter are deficient In logic, for they are really and finally believers in fiat money." Webster defines "logic" as "the sci ence of classification, judgment, reason ing and systematic arrangement." Ac cordingly when thinkers upon the sub ject became "logical" In their thoughts and scientific in the arrangement of their Ideas, they at ones become popu late, having graduated from the fresh man class heretofore occupied, for it is only the thinker that refuses to aceept the dogmas of Ikelheimer, Heidelbach and Atkinson, and enters the fresh man class on economic studies. But what is to check this landslide that threatens to overwhelm the west and whose "logical" result will be the engrafting of "socialistic" thought up on the coming generations in all sec tions of the country? Here is the remedy in Mr. Tracy's own language. "Dut and more systematic education by the public schools and by the news papers must be Inaugurated. The cardi nal defect In our public schools lies In the fact that they do not teach directly the evils of such heresies, nor ao tney give any basis upon which the , pupil may build logical and wise views of government aud economics. There ought to be teachers in every school who should be obliged to instill into their pupils right principles of govern ment and life. Such tuitions is of more inherent value than all the other studies in the curriculum. We need more honest and penny-despising pub lic journals, newspapers with broad vision and Intelligent, independent views. W need a revival of the mov ing editorials which shall convince men rid thorn of their heresies ana elevate public thought. We need careful and udlclous laws. The nice distinction between government supervision and government control must be made. The government ana state legislatures must strike down the powers of trusts, mo nopolies and "combine" by wlssand ust limitations. The I'acino roads must be made to loose their grip on the stolen millions, and render an account ing to the government. The munici palities should break the merciless grasp which telephone, gas, electric llirht and other monopolies contrive to secure on city councils, and compel a reduction in tne exorbitant rates Dy which the owners grow to quick opu- ence, and by which a grlevlous burden Is laid upon the public The greed of these municipal and state corporations Is the direct and immediate antecedent of this socialistic agitation and much of this agitation would be temporarily allaved if this local cause were removed. The people wouia inon reel in a spirit to listen to the dictates of reason and sound economics." Much of the above taken in the ab stract, or unconnected with the rest of the article would receive the ready assent of most fair-minded people, but taken in its connection, what does It mean? It means that the schools should have their courses of study supervised in the interests of those opposed to government ownership of railways and free sliver. Who are they? Heldelback, Ikelhel mer, Henry Clews, John Sherman and Co. who are but representatives of the class that control In the counsels of Wall and Threadneedle streets. It means that the text books are to be re vised so as to give a distinct capital! tic trend to the thought of the youth, lost if they be left free and un trammel ed with only the principles of pureloglo as a guide they might unit into sucn heresies" as municipal ownersnip oi natural monopolies. Tt . revision of text books has already proceeded so far that in the reading books, among the few selections chosen from the bible, Is found the parable of ten talents where in occur the words, "Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers and then at my coming should have received mine own with usury." And now to complete this prostitution of Holy Writ to the base, mercenarv Dur noses of the horde whom Christ soourged from the Temple with a whip of cords, the christian churches, muzzled by this same Moloch that sent Ernest Seyd te America witn a nail million of corruption fund to influence congress to demonetize silver, tne christian churches, through their re presentatives, lately presented the bible reaa;ng worm witn a sew revision ox scripture, substituting the word "Inter est'1 for "usury" In the above passage well knowing when they did It tbat no such word as our word 'interest" exist ed at that time and that the tubstltu tlon is a plain subversion of scripture. Now, when the school books are again revised to suit the "revised bible" the youth of Dth christian and freethinker will oe taugni amoug tneir earnest lessons, "Thou oughtest therefore to have Dutmv mnef to the exchangers and then at my coral sir 1 should have received mine own witn interest." It 1 true that we need more news papers with broad vUlonand Intelligent independent views, but we hope the former employer of Mr. Tracy Is not the type to which ha refer, a paper which fur rear cosiemned tn prat tle ee of the Vactno rustd and by tu aatl monoiioly utterance kept la tne repub lican pari the earnest reformer who in every Nebraska town labored la that party fr the betterment of society, till the duplicity of the paper disheartened them aad they joined the popuiUU only to find themeulvv and their principle tradutwd and vtlllncd by the Journal that Bret caused them to think on those MbiwU lh 'careful and ludlolut law' are being Bavted by ptKilisU, Uslaoc la Mot belag railroad bill wbkh tha hbby la Nebraska kUlinl k the tiurehaae of a senator two tear as kt which It ctruld not defeat la the UUs W Mature. Thevi wvk to eitravstf hm Is also aoowuUhed by tha H-iutlU who have lnivA hd the. late) .Nhraka tUM urtowr (or higfe crime and Ml demeanor in oSkse, prornlna.it among which wm the etnb-izlemeat of fund and the looting of the treasury under every conceivable pretext. The adoption of the railroad policy of the populist would cut tha Gordlaa knot and bring order out of chaos, brinar justice in the place of atrocious in justice. Our sophist objU to muni cipal ownership of water-works, gas. electric light works and street railways and vet he demands that municipalities shall break the "aiei-clles" grasp which these corporations have secured and by which the "owners grow to quick opul ence. " The populist is "logical" enough to go at once to the core of this fester ing corruption and by public ownership remove the causes of the disease. There is a minimum of corruption and a maxi mum of efficient service in our postal system, which is a beacon light illumin ing the way to the safe harbor puUie ownershtp of natural monopolies. The policy outlined by Mr. Tracy would keep us for yet many years upon the debatable ground fighting over the "nice distinction between government supervision and government control" while the corporations that have us at their mercy wou!d still further fatten, and more firmly fasten their grasp up on a people ever growing more helpless In their interlacing, indisseverable bonds. It is true that "w In the weit need statesmen who will not be afraid to jeopard their chances of temporary success by preaching the true princi ples of government," and not only the west but all portions of the country need them. Where can these be found in the republican or democratic parties? Hon John Sherman in congress Feb. 27th 188. Senator D. W. Voorhees on January 14, 1876, aad the brilliant scin tillating ingalls on February 14, 1878. are familiar Instances of men whose clarion voice rang out for the people as against the corporate powers, but a change came over them and instead of the trumpet tones of freedom, their voices became as soft as the cooing of doves, while they deceived the people with honeyed phrases and betrayed them as the price of retaining an offi cial title ana salary. The former two havr succeeded until the present time in tl tifr deceptive course, but the latter has met his Waterloo, and the people Kansas, nobly withstanding the com bined onslaught of the briber and the demagogue, and without a single re creant In the populist legislature of 1890, declared they would nave in the senate chamber one who would not mis represent them, and Senator Peffer fills the chair formerly occupied by the Irrl descent Ingalls. The men who have risen te prominence in the republican and democratic parties are those who have with bated breath and humble mien doffed their hats to the corporate powers and assisted them to fatten still tighter their coils upon the already helpless. J. Sterling Morton is the latest instance of a western man gain ing recognition in the east because he misrepresented the sentiments lof bis people, bent the "pregnant hlsges of bis knee" to monopoly and cham- loned corporations instead of standing rmly for the people. Oeneral Labor Notes. Carnegie's dividends fell from 15,000000 in 1891 to 11,000,000 in 1803. American socialists are raising funds for canpalgn expenses in Germany. Consumers' Circles," the new co-opera tive scheme, Is spreading in eastern states. Jerry Simpson Is talking of taking a trip to Europe to study the labor orob U in. Methuen, Mass., voted for municipal waterworks. Waltbau wants cheaper gas. The Glasgow dally labor paper Is meet- log with success, and has $ 100,000 cap'. tal. Ralph Beaumont Is bombarding mo nopolistic Pennsylvania with reform hot shot. St. Louis taxes the Western Union octopus tlO a year for each "pole In the Street. Pittsburg has eighty-three millionaires no report of the number of paupers.crlm inals, etc. Income tax has been raised In Great Britain a penny on the pound. Plutes are sqeallng. Labor Day will hereafter be celebrated in Pennsylvania on the first Saturday la September. New reform and labor papers are springing up everywhere. Must be a de mand for them. The girl waiters of Chicago have or ganized. They expect shortly to have a membership of over 400. Chicago's city treasury was snrlchcd by 11.349,834, the last fiscal year, as the profit from the socialized water works. In the future May Day will be a legal holiday In Paris without a reduction In the pay of municipal employes. The lUtail Clerk's association of St. Louis recently held a successful demon stration and parade, celebrating their victory for the 8:30 closlag. Six hundred men were In line. CHALNCKV H. OKPEW. The other day, la speaking of the Im proved facilities for luxurious travel la this country ay: "Vte are abandoning tneoiu system of lighting the car with kerosene lamp, and more tha halt the coaches have already been equipped with the most Improved and the eafoet ytem of lighting known la this country or Europe. With the new t'lnWch lamp there can be no possibility of danger trout explosion or otherwise, t the ap paratu l ail out side aad under the ear, and la the event of mishap, the fixture brcoene detached aad the gas -! Into the air, I he bi tlilaal I'lntech tight, the finest car illutuiaaat la existence, now la use the Uatoa (Vino Mysteta fulfill alt the requisite) ooed.tioe o hsppUj acted by Mr. ivw, Wpkm jw write to one of our adver tleere, be sure to nieaUii Tut ALU-m,-a luU'SiKf