v- 1 ii-wfa rTi'Tt rirvii ALLIANCE DLRECTOKY Nebraska Fanntra' AttUnc. J. H. Powiba, PrMldent, Cornell. W. Pothtis, Vlos-Pr , Albion. J. M. Thomfsgs, 8 tats 8ec"y. Linoain, a. C. Fajbchild, Lecturer. OaaJai. B. r. JXt. Chairman, Kx. Com.. Wabssh. Program. SUBJECTS FOE DISCUSSIOW. I Which is a worse enemy to good government a man who will sell his vote or a man who will wilfully stay awaj from the polls? 2. Resolved, That the best solution of the race problem is negro coloniza tion. SUBJECTS FOR ESSATS. 1. The Briggs trial for heresy. 2. Which is best? Deep or shallow cultivation of corn. 3. The twentieth century 4. The Belgian revolution. PUBJECTS FOE SPEECHES. 1. The dehorning of cattle. 2. Is partlsanlem dying out? 3. The land question is the single tax the solution? 4 Is America fostering a monied aristocracy? Resolution Worth Reading. Oak Valley Alliance and Industrial Union No. 1354, Oak precinct. Lancas ter county, Nebraska. At an open meeting of the above named alliance the following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That we earnestly endorse General Weaver's efforts to establish a great nationally college at Des Moines, Iowa, in which shall be established professorships with the following curri culum: Land, public utilities and in antloas, finances, transportation, con Btltutlonal law, legislation, suffrage, applied Christianity and public debates. We pledge our co operation and sup port so far aa we are able. Every lover of his country and every lover of the human race should txnl very effort.to attach,he sublime teach ing of Jesus Christ to civil government. Pour-fifths of his divine teaching as set forth in the four books of the gospel had direct reference to the temporal wants and lightening the burdens of fha nannlp WAAv SWWSv . Plutocracy must not and shall not lord over Uod's heritage, "tie mat will not work neither shall he eat:" this is God's fundamental law Inflicted nmn AHam anrl the human race. When all men and women who are able to render service are put to work the nation will produce ia three hours and seven-tenths of an hour each day all that the nation is produciug now, thta Cnd-lfke svatem we would vuuvi ,-- have time to beautify and adorn the earth, sweeten, beauuiy ana aaorn our own lives and fit tbem for a better world to come- . The clergy of this state and nation who are preaching "goody goody" and submission would serve God more ac ceptably by hurling thunderbolts of ' divine wrath at our modern civilization that admits ot little children in our great cltit-s being driven into the chill ing mist of early morning, and driven In pitiless armies into sweating shops and great factories to wear their little lives away in order to stuff the unholy -coffers of our millionaire plutocracy. And upon the boundless prairies of the west our little boys with immature limbs and hands raised almost to a level with the crown of their heads pinned to plow handles from ten to sixteen hours per day. . "Oh! shadow of our departed fathers, lnnlr rlnwn in mtv uDon our sorrowiae country when children reared in this way become the future iatners ana mothers of this land." A. N. Housel. Secretary. P. S. State papers are requested to copy. Picnic and Rally. Oak Valley Alliance and Industrial " Union No. 1364 will hold a picnic on July 4th, 1893, at the residence of Wm. Awkerman's adjoining county farm on the north. W. V. Allen, U. S. senator, has been Invited to ba present as ora tor of the day. Very cotnprehi nslvr arrangements are being made for a great day. By order of Committee. FOR SALE At a bargain, one of the best paying Photograph Galleries in the city of Lincoln, Neb. Will teach purchaser the trade if necessary. Hud a 4.000.00 trade past year. For parti culars address, W. & Clinkenbeard, Lincoln, Neb. Ripans Tabules assist digestion; sweeten a sour stomach; cure .liver tronhles. Use Northwestern line to Chicigo Low rates. Fast trains. Office 1133 OSt, Call on Goo. Natterman & Co. for carriages, wagons, binder, and all farm implemeats. We'll use you right. 213 South Ninth St., Lincoln. Uh North wasters line to Chicago Low rate. 'Fast trains. Qffloa 1133 OSt. 6e the Zehruog Glass and Paint Co for paint, glass and glased sash. 8. K. ooraer of 12 ih a ad M, streets, Llncola Nebr. ST, JOSEPH BUGGY CO. St. Joseph Buggy Co. (Wrtag e anj Buggies at lowed price. Catalogue and prtoa list free, 0th and Mal Sis., SI Jo Mo. Missouri Pstifts Railway. TVIt Oflw si ! Twstri (1 HUM iS. arrives, Aufrwr NS C H E is.. . , " H V "T " M. Im1i , 4i ( I A J ill kif. Kwm'MiI K. L-m KapraM,.,,. H,kH AdtMMm tuvM.... ,,,, ... , fim t.ntm THE SONO THAT DUD. -Tb tang Is dosd Is tuy hrt." sang . -A md( that I txKKNl from the hums rc Glad at lh sua on s trroy Or s morn lag besot on the sailor's lacs." "There srs rounds of darn. In human wrong That press my own In th bonds ot grief. Who have no part In the harvest song. Whose pUlowt are laid with the hnr.ger aheaf." "The whirl goes on neath the midnight moon That hides her face on their sleepless woe. And agony delves in a dying swoon. While the hungry children haunt me so." Toller are bunted with hounds of hell. Their blood scarce stayed with the master's brine, Oh' God teat pen or tongue should tell How surely these slaves are kin of mine." "One pawed me by with his bruised feet. He late had risen from lair-like den; A sti anger sad In the city atreet Whose future friendi be the homeless men." ''My snpg is quenched, and lis soul is fled. There fslls such s cry of human pain;" Its music is bushed," the singer said "With poverty out In the wind and rain." "The song is buried my spirt craves. Drowned with the tears that are on my heart; My voice Is lost 'mid the roar of waves. And I know that song and I must part. MART BAiaD FlHCR. -The National Alliance Aid" As adopted by resolution at the last meeting of the State Alliance is bring rapidly pushed into all the counties of the state. What life insurance is to the Workmen, Woodman, and other fraternal orders, this is and will be to the alliance. It is one of the best methods to reorganize and will do as much ti hold the alliances together. An aid degree Is formed in the "alli ance," and m one except alliance mem bers can become members. Aid in the form of life insurance is given to all members over 18 and under 55 years. Any man r woman over 55 years can become an honorary member of thejde free. A brother can carry a benefit certificate made payable to his wife or another. Or he and his wife can make a joint, cert.flcate payable to t ither at death, This is a new feattre.DOt com mona to other fraternal orders. The cost to carry a benefit with "the Alii ance Aid" in the average of age, will probably amount to from (even to nine dollars per year. The "Alliance Aid" has in addition to the death benefit an accident feature. If a member loses one limb one fourth of the "benefit is paid;" if he loses two limbs, either hands or legs, one-half is paid. For lods of one eye one-fourth is paia. r or loss of bom tyet one-naif i paid. The remainder at death. The "Ailiauce Aid" is now working in all parts of the nation, and the mem bers are learning fast the benefits to themselves, ine order, and its princi pals are those which all are so deeply Interested in seeing made the law of the laud. The scribes and county or ganizers are requested to study care fully the instructions and blanks sent out to guide t'.em in their work. Send in your wants to W. F. Wright state organizer, Box 15, Bethany P. O , Lancaster county Nebraska and you win do attenaea to as quicKiy as possi ble. Bro W. F. Wright State organizer of "National Alliance Aid" wants county organizers in eacn county. County or ganizers appointed to date are: Tbos. H. Marshall, Williamsburg, Phelps, county. O. Hull, Alma, Harlan county. Martin Daniels, Oxford. Furnas county Oscar A. Truman, Franklin, Frank lin county. John S. Saulsbury, Ravenna, Buf falo county. Geo. Lynn, Hastings. Adams countv. W. H. lalcott, Tecumseh, Johnson county. Organizers are appointed for other counties but active work can not be commenced until the state organizer can get the machinery in motion which win oe aone as rapidly as possible. Farmers' Club. On last Thursday the Lancaster County Farmers' club held a very profi rable and enjoyable meeting In J. V, Wolfe '8 grove. The meeting was well attended. 1 he basket dinner was simp ly immense. The exercises were hiiih ly interesting and profitable. We in tended to give a full report of the meet ing, but the publication of Judge Max well's decision has made our space too limited. Mid-Summer Rallies. The state central committee have made arrangements f sr Senator Allen and other prominent speakers to speak at the following places. Tecumseh, .June 12. Beatrice, " 13. Geneva, " 14. Ked Cloud, " 15. Franklin, " 16. Alma, " 17. Indlanola, " 19. Holdredge, 20. Hastings," " 21. Clay Canter, " 23. Nelson, ' " 23. Lincoln, " 24. All ot the meetings will be held at 2 o'clock p. m. Local committees wild make necessary arrange moots. (i. W. BLAKE. C. II. PlRTL. Chairman. Secretary. A Correct Dedaltlua. Anything thai will by law or cus tom pay a dollar of debt Is aa honest dollar, a hundred cent dollar. No law nor custom, nor other power ran make a dollar a lgal aad sufficient tender for any purpus but the disoharra of a debt alrvady contracted. Had in sli ver dollar not been dlvsstod ot this powsr la 1973 It would today command a higher bullion pric than ful 4. Lin coln Uerald I'sa Northwester Una to Chicago. Low rate, last tmlna. Gc llU USk The cheapest plain for muaumenU is atlUi-v Nai term so'. 313 South Math tit, Unooia. WING SHOTS. ar 4. a. aiwiKBTos. amlrhty stride toward human liberty. The end of the nineteenth century will not be an exception to that rule. ing banks are the fellows who insist that the present financial system is tne best the world ever saw. It is for them. The lefson of the French revolution ought not to have been in vain. The oppressors of labor ought to take warn ing. 13 ut tyranny is ever needless oi a day of reckoning. The next revolution in the way ot progress will be industrial revolution . It will be the consummation of all the struggles of the past, the acme of the efforts toward human liberty. Mossbacke, old fogies and hypocrites have always tried to bleck the advance of reform. They have always stood in the way of the car of progress. And they always finally got run over too. ss The love of human liberty if left to take its own course Is harmless. But if tampered with it ia dangerous. If con fined it becomes an explosive that will "raise Cain" when the pressure grows too strong. Plutocracy should get off the safety valve. The Almighty endowed every man with reason. A great many men don't show any very alarming symptoms of it, but he did just the same. He in tended every man to use that reason, to think for himself. Think,. act, vote as you please. Do not let anyone else dictate to you. The minds of the great plain people keep pretty close to the primary stand ard of right. When the minds of the leaders, through lust ot power or of gold, get too far away from that pri mary standard, then it is that the masses assert themselves and place new men at the front. Labor has beautified this planet. Labor has covered the earth with tem ples and happy homes. Labor has car ried the race forward on the road of progress. Labor has been the great lever for the advancement of mankind And yet labor is clothed in homespun and rags, w&ue idler dress in oroaa cloth and roll in ease. Is this right? There are mutterings of discontent throughout the world. Even the Orient Is feeling it. The masses are preparing for one supreme effort to throw off class rule. A social cataclysm is coming Af ler that is over the tollers will be lifted to their proper sphere as the true nobility of this world. Then justice and liberty will come to dwell among men. The average man kicks about mon opoly and hard times for three hundred and sixty-four days in the year and on the three hundred and sixty-fifth day goes to the polls and puts in bis ballot in favor of both oi tbem. Yes, every man Is a sovereign iu America, and a majority of the "sovereigns" are bandied like putty by tne party doss. Men, who have brains to think for themselves and eyes to see into the future, know that there is an invisible power that stands on the side of right and carries it anally forward to success, The enemies of human liberty may seem to succeed for a time but when they meet this power they are swept aside as autumn leaves before a storm. One of the rulers of ancient Greece was confronted by exactly such a situa tion as the American people are con fronted by today. Everybody was in debt ahd trade was stagnant. This ancient Greek doubled or trebled the volume of currency. tAnd the result was unbounded prosperity and happi ness for a century. This is one more lesson those wonderful Greeks have taught us. In the old days the thief did not show his face openly. He haunted the high ways and byways on the borders of civilization or prowled in unfrequented parts of the seat He fellon his victims by night and fled from the pajesty of the law. Now the thief lives in houses with brown stone fronts. He is at the "top of the heap" in society. He haunts the stock exchange, and the halls of congress. He is even elected by the people to hold office. Times have changed, you see. Did you ever watch the coming of a storm? First the faint mutterings and distant flashes ot light; the marshalling of the hosts ia the air on the far west ern horizon; then the rising of the blue trembling masses through the sky, acenmpained by gleams and rumblings while the earth holds its breath; then the clashing of the elements, the as sault of the rain, the wind and the hail; and finally the peace and beauty of the earth after It has all passed over. Such li the coming of tho great industrial revolution. TUB MARKETS. ' Chicago Orala and Live itock Ciioaoo. Juns T, 1SSS. CarrkS-KecelpU l.VO head; market steady; good to choice steers, Uu& so- others, U l(i I 0; Toaan. J dud 4u; cows and heifers, n M n. Hoes Ksostpts. 1,000 head s market jO cents hla-heri ttUaed aa packets. A) ) a rw; srita hnary and sutrher's weights,! to OS T; prints light, t HtS sa. MMasr, KervltMs, I.ujm ho4.iurkM slgker Prime native, U to mtKrui, t US O nam- W kest, TV; uri, 0, ou, ft. Omaha Live Ntoca. OwSnA. June f. ISM. Cims-fl-wl to shale cum, u ): ether iJt S3. Otw-j stuchers had fSMters, t T M-ws-SS tM . kasae-J tuj . Missouri fadfio am offering ths very lowest rate (or round trip Uckeuto the World's Fair. ttud tor return until November 14 1I. Also hat i!al oasal summer tourist UcksW at ths usual low rata a can hi verltUnl by caning at ami iwiu sir, uncolii. Nh. j. K it Ml li. sr. C T. A. or II. UTuwNsaNct, (1. V, A f. A, St Louis, MO. INSDBAKGE JEPABTMHT. i. T. U. SWIOABT. Beerstarr f th fbreaka Mutual Cyclone. Tornado end Wind Mom Insurssos Company, KUlTUtt. AU DDattlUttUUU Ml Pin. vn,nn nf H&ll jrsuraoo should b addressed to bin at Uneola. Nebraska. riBB AND LIGHTNING. Some time ago we submitted a propo sition to help start a state fire company for those who had no local mutual com pany. Wo have had some response al ready and perhaps if those who are now wanting to organize would oome In and help to start a state company, they would help to put a strong company on its feet, and when any county has mem b?rs enough in the state company they could withdraw and rgaalze a county company of their own. If any one desires to help along a good cause and put a company on its feet that will be purely mutual and not a money making scheme for a few offi cers, you should write the editor of this department stating the amount you would like to insure in such a company with the conditions that the articles of incorporation and bylaws cover the above idea. In case any one does not approve of the plan at the time wo have fifty thousand dollars promised, he need not sign the application. CYCLONE. We hear of cyclones in all directions Whose turn it will be next no one can tell. Henoe the necessity of seeing to it once that your pproperty la in sured in a good company. HAIL. The Hail company is getting to the front in good shspe. One loss re ported. There are other Hall Insurance Companies in this state but all of them that I know anything about have paid agents In the field and well paid home officers Now if you are desirous to pay out your money to mat class of men you will have to wait but a little while and one of them will surely call on you. be cause they are looking for suckers But on the other hand if you are in favor of paying for ot ly that which you need, you wi I surely let them alone and help yourself and your neighbor to do your own business. By writing as at once if you are at all interested in insurance ot any kind, write us, whether it be fire, ightenlng, cyclone, hail or life. WHAT THEY THINK OF IT. Reform Press Comments on the Great Impeachment Trial. There Is an old aavtnirand a true nnn that If you give a calf enengh rope it will hang itself. This seems to apply to political parties as wen. i ne g, o. p. has had the rope in this state, and .4 1- - J . L ... 1 . . 1 A in uu uuuo tun nor,, vuawr vuumy Beacon. That "murder will out" is no truer than that if one keep on robbing the same people in the same wav lonir enough he will at last be caught. He Is not always punished as he deserves t Vim 1 ir h aa bhnwn h anrnA et nim dta. honest officials. Hartiogton Leader. All the evidence is now in the im peachment trial. If we we were to judge of the guilt or innocence of the impeached officers by the tone of the press, irrespective of party, they are a most corrupt set of officials, and are guilty as charged. Alliance-Herald, Nelson. . , 4 -ii in ii The impeachment trial of the state officials is drawing to a close. It will not be many days before the court will decide how the impeached officers stand before the Nebraska courts. The evi dence has shown incompetency, care lessness and dishonesty on the part of these men. They should not escape a just punishment for their shortcomings, Lexington Clipper. Nebraska's boodlers are to escape with a reprimand from the supreme court instead of impeachment and punishment- This will not satisfy the people, who have been robbed of vast sums of money by the republican ring of that state. If the indicted officials are guilty let them be properly punish ed and not whitewashed by a reprimand. The independents of Nebraska must prepare for another sweeping campaign Keform is needed in the judiciary. Rocky Mountain News. The great impeachment trial ended on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Hon. G M. Lambertson closing the case with an able and eloquent argu ment on behalf of the state That the verdict should be one of conviction there is no doubt That it will be is quite doubtful. But a divided verdict with Judge Maxwell lor conviction and the others against, would ba quite sat isfactory. Judge Maxwell constitutes a majority of ttiat court by a long odds. Home Ilule. The impeachment trial is nearlog the end, so tar aa the court are con cerned. The testimony ha shown a flagrant violation on the part oi the Im peached officials ot all rules which govern a man in important or even ordinary business matter. Nine men out ot ten have a right to believe, from the general appearance ot things in thr fffloial circle of these state tfflcrs, hat evea after all th testimony la be fore the court, half of the tale will not have I wen told. Coluunu Argus Th machinery ot the impuachmeai frooetdlng grinds slowly because) ol he numerous objection and technical Itlrs eooslantly thrown in the wav by th dfnts. lUt nevertheless a ter ribly corrupt condition ot affair I bo lag slowly and continually uaco tared Kn now thr are but taw peoot la th slat who a re not already satisfied that th capital officials hav for y ar been robbing lb sum of larg sums, and th RMtaods of an doing rang al th way Iforn stealing thsir yearly sup (ly ot coal, to tolling on falind tWwr th state aa l then raising ths vouch er la ral aad and a!ao th prU (m piMtBd, It wauid not m ry sur prising it this lawsllf atlea should yet reach lalu th Moahr baa dtfttoully. av l aui raoaogrepa. S2.49 SPECIAL Cut This Add Out and Present at Our Studio Two FINE CABINETS ii One Large CRAYON PflfifM For $2.49 Finest Finish 02.49 IBIS O Bt., iLinooln, Neb. 0240 OUR Spring and Summer Catalogue is now ready and if you have not received one we invite you to send us your name and ( address, and mention that you saw the ad- advertisement in this paper, and one will be mailed you free. MILLER ONE PRICE CASH LINCOLN, NEB. The Addition to our stock is composed of the most durable, handsomest and newest styles in clothing and Gents Furnishing goods we have ever nad in tock and our Prices are lower than ever. The fact is evident that You Should Invest Now While the stock is new and complete and not wait un til summer is on and then take tne pick of what is left. Call and Pee Us Anyway. We will use you right We have some exceptional bargains in Spring aod Summer Overcoats and (lusters. Strictly One Price, and All Goods marked in Plain Figures. MaWcW BAKER CLOTHING HOUOE. MILLINERY. Mi Dptat Store, I 1 24 0 St., Next week we begin ourw Grand Clearing Sale! We have too many Hats and Flowers and they will go at such prices as 3 ou never heard of. Big lot of ladies' untrimmed straws '.19c Another lot at Another lot at White Leghorns worth 65c Fancy Braids worth $1. 18 FLO W Jfittol 9c buvs a lot ot nowers wortn up to .400 House Furnishing Department. $8.68 buys a 100 piece decorated Dinner Set 2. 19 buys a 10 pieca decorated Toilet Set 1. 65 buys a 2-qt Gem ice cream freezer. 3. 95 buy s a lawn mower best made. .75 buys a nice large hammock. Ohas. A.. Broad. mail orders rnnnTm 1 CASH : IS KING. ALLIANCE MEN Gooi ii lat Els (li! AT VERY MODERATE PRICE0 Fisher & Warfeis, fjaoo at, uipcoip. It Ml UMi hi Too to Eiiim Oar M, OFFER !-S2.49 Within th sieit 03 Oays Civs You & PAINE DRY GOODS HOUSE Our Spring andiSnmmer PURCHASES OF CLOTHING . Now Complete. Lincoln, Neb. before July Inventory. .89c ,.69c for 27c for. 53c cas aw -At- J 1 7