The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, June 08, 1893, Image 4

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OoaolMaUoc of Ut
firceB UiianctsSetirasU Independent
FnusHiD Etckt Thttbsdat bt
Th Alliancx Publishing Co.
Oor. 11th end U 8-, Lincoln, Neb.
B. Taoawrow, tnt. H. 8. Bower. T. Pre.
B, Jl M DBB4T. ay. ;. F. MlFFlMO, T
B. s. uminiij.
a Ibwm Tnoawroi,.... ....... Manaflnf W
Ton F. Mimas la-nI'
Kiwa.1 A. MCftKAT . Advrtlia Mfr
N. L P. A.
WEEKLY Circulation for the
02 Week, Ending March 30,
93,948 Copies.
Pabltebei Asmoanoemeiit.
Th labucriptlon prlo of th AUJAc-IiJ'
OWUDMT U 1 OOper year, Invariably In ad
ri Paper will be promptly dlaooatlnued
SMlraUonof Um paid for unlet w ra
aalv eorder to ooailauB.
Aobmm In ollclUn ubcriBtlon should ba
arr careful that all name art correctly
nailed and proper pontofflc glvn. Blank
lo return auSaVrtpUona, return envelop,
am., c. be bad on application to thl emoe,
AxwATt ilKn your name. No matur how
oAm roa write ua do not neglect thla Import
ant matter. Brerr week wo recolw letter
with tnoompleu eddreaae or without algna
Mro and It U eometlme difficult to local
flSuLvoiorADDhMM. Subecrlber wtahlag
10 change their poatofflco addreea must always
giro their former aa well ai their present ad
Irea when change will be promptly mad.
Andrew all letter and make all remittance
Lincoln, o.
These la to be a great sliver paper
started In Chicago.
One of the asylum coal thlerea la
safe (or the "pea" at least.
Don't fall to read the artlole headed
"Progressive West" on page 7.
The populists are making things
warmer than ever before down In old
Honest or dishonest government,
which? That is the Issue in the com
ing campaign.
IN every orlsls In this country's his
tory the farmers have saved it. They
must do so now.
Populists can make as a refrain for
their campaign songs this fall: "Up"
with Nebraska, down with the thieves.
Indiana republicans are preparing to
push Ex-President Harrison's name lor
the republican nomination for president
la 1896.
Da. Briogs has been fired from the
Presbyterian ministry but the cause of
religions liberty haa Buffered nothing
from his trial.
The populist exchanges oyer the
state are all looking first rate. They
appear to be In good -fighting trim for
the coming campaign.
Now Is the time to get up clubs for
The Alliance-Independent. Push
the fight. The populist outlook was
never so bright as now.
The Alliance-ImdepedenT Invites
correspondence from all parts of the
state. Let us know how the work is
progressing in your locality .
- The Sunday opening of the World's
fair Is a distinct victory for the work
lng people of Chicago who could attend
the exposition on no other day.
Thi railroad attorneys are now pre-
paring to uUolmy the freight rate law
passed by the last legislature. It seems
opportune to ask here, "who really are
the law breakers?"
Thk populists of Nebraska are now
standing upon the threshold of victory
The days of the ring are over. Let no
mlatakes be made, no ill advised steps
taken, and Nebraska la ours.
THiOrary law saya that "Chinese
cheap labor mast go." The moneyed
concerns which employ that labor say
that "Chinese cheap labor must stay.'
Great observer of law bt plutocracy.
We don't hear the pint talking so
Much lately about "the best financial
system the world ever saw, and
the "honest dollar," etc. The whole
business U Wo near the ragged eJyo.
Till World-Herald had a number of
Its reporter dreaeed a tramps, visit a
number of Ueoola churches last (Sun
day. All but two were treaWd well.
Two vers turned awav from the doors.
PtOTLl should turnout very gsat
rally to hear Senator AtUs ta hi tout
ever the state. Ty should see what a
populist sesetorlooisUke, 1 A4, store
Uaa that, thv sliuuld aar what he
talks Uka.
The great trial 1 over. The thtivlng
republican state i. Ulcers are declared
innocent. The cae will now be appeal
ed from the supremo rourt to a higher
courtthe great court of public oyin-
in that court, if I mistake not, these
men have already been declared guilty
The decision Is the culminating dis
grace of our highest judicial tribunal
But in the light of past events, what
elss could be expected of the two rail
road judges? Have they ever once
decided a question other than as their
masters bid them? Have tbey not a'
ways prostituted their high offices to
partisan ends? In their decision man
damusing the legislature two years
ago, in their decision on the Boyd case,
afterwards reversed by the federal
court, in their decision in the Kruse-
Norton contest case, lave they not
tbrpwn aside their judicial character
and decided solely and alone as politi
In the light of these events could
anyone expect these railroad judges to
decide otherwise than for their politi
cal friends in the great impeachment
Over two months ago. In my letters
to the state press, I predicted that Post
and Norval would decide to acquit these
men and that Judge Maxwell would
decide to convict. In doing so I did
not pretend to know anything from the
inside, I did not claim any superior
knowledge, I simply judged from the
character of the men.
But out of this whole decision, which
Influenced as it was by the railroads, Is
a disgrace to the state of Nebraska,
shines one glorious fact: We have one
incorruptible judge. On the supreme
bench is one honest man. He led the
people to believe as much by his decis
ions in the Boyd case and the Kruse-
Norton case. He has blazoned It in
letters of light on the history cf his
state by his decision in the impeach
ment cases. He is a man whom money
cai not buy, whom power can not
frighten, whom party can not swerve.
In every case where he could sea bis
duty be has fearlessly performed that
duty. He is the venerable chief Justice
and his name is Samuel Maxwell.
do not pretend to say what the
populisti of this state should or should
not do. That is for them to decide In
their convention. But I do say that
the people of this state will decide and
will decide by a tremendous majority
that that grand old man will stay where
he Is.
I ray farther that right here Is the
turning point in the politics of this
state. Henceforth is honest government.
The people have been fooled and rob
bed as Idng as they will. The hour has
struck. The seeming acquittal of these
corrupt officials will be turned back by
the strong current of popular opinion
Into one overwhelming verdict of
Populists of Nebraska, up and Into
line again. Carry this fight forward
and win. There is a brighter day
dawning for Nebraska. See that the
the promise Is realized. The plain path
to victory is before you. You cannot
miss it. J. A. E.
By our news column it will be teen
that one of the gang of Lincoln asy
lum th'eves, Gorham Betts, has been
found guilty and sentenced to the peni
tentiary. It only took oe ballot for
the jury to unanimously declare him
The "ring" Is slowly being broken
up. The others under indictment are
J. Dan Lauer, Bill Dorgan, Frank Hub
bard, Sewell and one or two others.
This Is one more vlotory for the peo
ple and one more black eye forthlovlng
of public money. Let the good work
go on.
The questions now confronting the
American people must be Bolved by so
ber reflection. We do not need hot
headed passion so muck as intelligent
We want to win people by reason, not
prejudice. Hence all talk of any labor
war Is ill-advised. It bloodshed un
fortunately should come in the course
of the Industrial revolution, let it be
brought about by the plutocracy.
Education is the "open sesame" of
our movement-ths magical word which
will throw back the gates upon the road
to th new era.
The ballot la the most powerful weap
on ever put Into the hands of the peo
pie. It la mors powerful than the sword.
It Is more powerful than the torch. It
Is more powerful than the dynamite
bomb. And by tta Intelligent ue we
must solve tbs problems which now con
front u
Ws mutt draw men to th new Ideas,
not trlghtsa them by wild utterances.
The way to get oit of our difficulties is
to "vote out."
( A. J.Waknbk, of Ohio, ttpreal
dat of the M metallic league of
America, a thorough going populUt
and a mas whoaa it would b well to
kwp your eye oa. tie was at one time
toe of the beat kaowa tna ta the
United SWWs cosgve. The writer
uaodUkeow htm at MsrUtu. Ohio,
aad few aaa are pertuaally nor popu
lar aiaovg their owa people thaa A. J.
The claim of a fewrallrotd "Fridays"
and small-bore republican weeklies over
the state that the freight rate law pass
ed by the last legislature will in certain
Instances rsiso present local rate, is
the silliest twaddle.
The bill specifically provider that in
"no care shall rates be higher than
those in force on January 1, 1893."
Besides this is a "maximum rate bill.
It fixes a point above which rates can
not go. It does not say that rates must
go up to that limit, but that they shall
not go over it.
The law makes an average cut of 20
per cent, on all rates In force in the
state at the time of its passage. The
only instances where it fixes a limit
higher than rates now charged are
1. The local rates fixed by the law
are of course higher than through rates
charged on interstate traffic. Over this
traffic a state law can have no possible
effect. This is solely governed by the
interstate commission, and the New
berry bill will bave no more to do with
it than the Iowa rate bill had to do
with rates in Nebraska.
2. The maximum rates are in some
cages higher than the special rates
heretofore allowed to certain pet manu
facturing concerns and wholesale deal
ers. Over these rates the law can
possibly have no effect as they are fixed
by agreement between the railroad com
panies and the private concerns and
have nothing to do with the public. If
they are raised the railroads must do it
on their own motion.
Outside of these two classes the law
reduces all rates in effect in the state
of Nebraska. If snyone tells you any
thing to the contrary, set him down as
either a tool of the railroads who is
talking for effect, or an ignoramus who
does not know what he says.
If it were really a fact that the law
raises rates as claimed by these two-by-four
"Fridays" wou'd all tho railroads
of the west prepare to make a strenu
ous fight against It as they have done?
The claim of the railroad companies is
that it will break them up. It certainly
would not do so, if it raises rates, would
Altogether the question is too silly a
one to raise among men who understand
the facts. I have however received a
number of letters and seen a number of
newspaper clippings concerning the
matter and, as I had something to do
with getting up the bill, I take this
method of answering.
Below is a sample clipping from a
Valentine paper. The advices tpoken
of here are going to every town In the
"Several Omaha firms have written
to the merchants stating that when the
Newberry bill takes effect in July It
will make a difference in freight rates
from Omaha to Valentine as follows:
The freight charges on first class freight
will be 21 cents perhundred cheaper, on
second class It will be 18 cents per
hundred cheaper, on third class it will
be 13 cents cheaper and on fourth class
It will te 8 cents cheaper." J. A. E.
On Monday morning before the sup
reme court handed In its decision in
the afternoon, the following appeared
in the Bee as part of aleadingedltorial:
"The future of the republican party
of Nebraska is in the hands of the
supreme court. The impeached state
officers were elected as representative
republicans and If their conduct Is con
doued by a republican court the party
will rightfully be chargeable with the
responsibility for the aeta of the Im
peached officials and the verdict of the
court. In the high court of public
opinion, to which all public men and
fartles are accountable, the supreme
udges will be judged by the standard
of public morals which they shall set
up In this case for the political agents
of the state.
There can be no middle ground for
the court to stand upon. There is no
place in the verdict for a reprimand or
a whitewash, lhe court must either
declare by iti verdict that these offi
cials are unfit to be reinstated as custo
dians of nublic oronertv and managers
of the affairs of state, or they must
aecree mat in ineir judgment,' in the
face of all the evidence of criminal
recklessness and indefensible negll
f ence the affairs of our state have been
a trusty hands and the impeached offi
cials will by thoir finding of no1 guilty
brt MoquiUt-ii of all blame and resume
their lunction with the seal of approval
from the highest tribunal in the com
monwealth. Such a verdict will be hailed by the
gang of eorruptlonlsts that has looted
th state treasury as a new dispensation
but It will be the death knell of the re
publican party In Nebraska.
Th party haa already Buffered Incal
culable injury by the infamou botrayal
of trust of the Impeached officUls le
refusing to discharge their sworn duty
aa members of the Hoard of Transpor
tation and their retention In power
after the soaidalous exhibit of mis
management UI leave the party where
the trump of Gabriel will carciy re
surrect It."
Tbs above strong language cook
from the member of the republican
national committee for Nebraska, ard
editor of the leading republican dally
la the weat. It moans something. It
mean a great deal. The ataterueat
made by Mr. Rose water are true. TVy
are alao owlaou. Thty Indicate tftat
there baa Irrecoaetlab's dlvlsloa la
the rtHtb uaa tHy of the tut, a
factional tight that will do Vat aad
tivy the parly aa ssattsr a hlch factUm
wins. "Whta thiov fall out, hoot
at a got Ulr Cww The heol pen
ale of Nbraa will have at Using Is
the tr fultirv,
y I1 111 1 m
tubairtbs Thi Aluance Inp
Under the above heading la the June
iesse of tho Arena is one of the finest
articles on the money question we ever
remember to have read.
It opens by quoting the famous sen
tence from the American Monetary
"A shrinkage in the volume of the
currency has canted more misery than
war, famine, or pestilence, and more In
justice than ail the bad laws ever en
acted." It shows thatin England from 1320 to
1340 under a contraction of the cur
rency that the actual number of land
owners decreased rrom lou.Uw to
It shows that In the United States
from 1880 to 1900 under a similar
contraction of the currency the de
crease will be fully as rapid. To prove
this the writer quotes liberally frooj
the census report of 1890. Here is one
of the quotations from Hon. Robert P.
porter, chief of the census bureau.
Tbb is for the state of Massachusetts
"The mortgage movement of the ten
years, (1880 to 1890) which has been an one without interruption,
began with an incurred debt of 128,
176,133 in 1880. and ended with 175,-
626,344 In 1889, an increase of 168.05
per cent, while the population in
creased but 26.57 per cent in the same
As with Massachusetts, bo with the
rest of the Union.
The writer then goes on to speak of
the men who hold these mortgages,
who have charged f rem 10 to 144 per
cent, interest per annum. He says:
"These inhuman vultures are the
ones to tell you that there is plenty of
money in the country u you nave any
thlog to get it with; yet one of them
(while boasting that he had entered
692 chattel mortgages in the last four
months) told me that he never maorsea
a note unless he bad collateral on it
which would sell for double the amount
under the sheriff's hammer."
He goes on to show the enormous
accruing power of money at compound
interest. He shows that one ef the
financial brigands, shaving notes at 18
per cent, which 1 is not uncommon,
could in one hundred years only, make
one dollar bring him 115,145,007. Then
he shows how this effect is still more
heightened by the contraction of the
currency, which he proceeds to de
nounce as follows:
"lhe shrinkage of the volume of cur
rency since 1870 throughout ths civil
ized world, has caused more business
failures, more misery, more heartache,
more suicides, more ruined homes, and
made more drunkards, than all other
caueg combined.
"It has filled our country with rented
farms, our cities with tramps and mil
lionaires, both Inimical to the best in
terests of the people.
"The continual strain of trying to
keep up under adverse circumstances
has filled our insane asylums with bank
rupts, our poor houses with paupers and
our prisons with criminals
"Legislation for a quarter of a century
bas discriminated in favor of unem
ployed idle capital, and against tbe
wealth producers of our country."
He then cites the case of a farmer
who bought a farm for $15,000 in 1872.
Paid $500.00 down. He is industrious
and the first year be pays 12000 to
wards the debt. Then silver 1b demon
etized in '73, the panic comes and from
that on he gets farther and farther be
In 1893 he has paid $24,500 in interest
and principal on that debt and still
owes over $5,000, for which a mortgage
covers the entire farm. The mortgage
is foreclosed he loses all the improve
ments he has put on tbe land and $24,-
500 besides.
But the writer sees one ray of hope.
This ir'quitous state of things has
called together some of tbe greatest
minds In the nation who are attempting
He says:
"This movement has inspired the
farmer with new courage and the me
chanic with renewed hope. Four mill
ions of men are today members of orga
nizations who are demanding some or
all of the following laws:
"An Increase of the volume of full
legal tender money to $50 per capita.
"The unlimited free coinage of silver.
"The sub-treasury and farm-loan plan.
"Tbe graduated income tax.
"Postal savings banks.
"These men are fast getting together
and then we shall bave prosperity for
tbe producer. Over a million voted at
the election of 1892 for these avowed
obi ects; and were the election to be
held again today, four times that num
ber would be recorded for these princi
ples." This is rather a hopeful picture to
populists, coming as it does from an
eastern writer in an eastern magazine.
Truly, "the world ds move."
The article goes on to show that in
every instance in the world's history,
contraction of ths currency has been
followed by misery, bankruptcy and
want, and that almost every liberal
Issue of money has been followed by a
blaie of unprecedented prosperly.
The great awakening oomee on apace.
The light of that doctrine taught aw
long by ths detpUed greenbackers and
Weavertte is spreading throughout
ths land. It Is beginning ti penetrate
even into ths hide-bound east. Ths
people are being aroused for the fiaal
struggle- tt Is coming. Th mutter
lags of the, sorm are growing louder
throughout the weat- Monty sharks,
thbves aad gamblers mutt aot aad
shall not rale America.
The storta must com ths sooasr
the bettor, for after It Is evr the tan-
Itfht ef prosperity will aalae upon all
tVt people eaoe agala.
The following i clipped from last
week's latue of tbe Grand Island Demo
crat: "We have received another letter
from the !'", ei'or who wrote
the vindicatw lr A m P at during
the campaign two yeat ago. Hh mya
his bill for tbe contract ku never yet
b;ea paid and wauts to know it thr9 is
any way to force the collection. We
don't know of any. Tne Leon editor
might get even by publishing to
tbe wor'a that he lied when he wrote
tbe viod cation ami that the charges
made againsi. Pon "ere true, and state
the facts in regard to the matter as he
knoviff them to tw. Men who will write
vindicating articles for political office
seekers for mon-y are not entitled to
much sympathy if the vindicated
gentleman refuses to pay after he has
had tho hon.fitnf tha vindication. Of
course it does out reflect much credit
on the vindicated gentleman to refuse
vnt tha vindicator daces him
self on tbe level with him and should
take his medicine."
The above Is cited to throw a little
light upon the character of the man
who wrote tbe opinion acquitting the
Infamous state house ring in the late
impediment trial.
A man who would deliberately ruin
the fifteen-year-old daughter of a friend
and then refuse to make reparation, a
man who when charged with this
offense in a political campaign, would
hire a Jim Crow editor to "vindicate"
him from the charge and then refuse to
pay this editor the amount on which he
had agieed, it about such a man as
would be capable of standing in with
the gang who have been robbing the
people of Nebraska for years.
A man. farther, who as a lawyer and as
a district judge,' has always stood by
the railroads and against the people
whom those railroads have injured; a
man who, as supreme judge, at least on
two occasions, has sunk his high judi
cial position into the mire of partisan
politics, a man who brought on h maelf
the deserved rebuke from the venerable
chief justice that he had "interpolated
and interlined a decision after court
hours," such a man would bs fully ca
pable of attempting to uphold the rot
ten ring that Infests Nebraska's state
Even when a uan like Norval hesi
tated to take such a step, this man Post
dragged the judicial ermine through
the mire of dishonesty and corruption
to save his political friends.
People of Nebraska, behold your
judge a disgrace to the judiciary, to bis
party and to bis state! O, that Ne
braska, though her capital has long
been a "den of thieves," might haye
been spared this crowning shame!
Well, there Is one consolation. The
laws of God and man may be overridden
bv t is gang. And they may be de
clared free by the act of this railroad
hireling called a judge. But in return
for the sense of justice which he has
outraged, the name of ' Post" will go
down to posterity as an anathema, a by
word and a term of reproach.
The week's delay in giving out the
decision in the impeachment cases has
caused quite a good deal of conjecture.
The Omaha Bee in its Sunday edition
explains it something in this wise: It
88 vs that when the court met on May
29, Judge Norval was still undecided,
Maxwell was then for conviction and
Post for acquittal. Up to that time
the impeached officers had confidently
expected a unanimous acquittal. After
the week's adjournment they became
frightened. Something had to be done.
The Bee goes on to say:
'Tt. ta ulloffpd that the railroads were
asked to use their influence to induce
Judge Norval to look at the evidence
in the impeachment cases in the same
Horht on .TurtiTA Post and were narticu-
larly alarmed over lhe outlook as Judge
JNorvai had snown a oisposmon to agree
with Chief Justice Maxwell. The rail-
nala irA fi'oAHjnA with hAvintr rosnon-
ded nobly to this call from Macedonia,
. . . . 1 1 I ! f
and It is now tne general impression in
Lincoln, and the accused officials share
it, that when the supreme court meets
on Monday there will be a majority
and minority report in the impeachment
It is needless to say that the majority
decislon'was as predicted: Postjand Nor
val for acquittal.
On the seventh page of this paper
will be found a long article written by
Prof. C. Vincent of Indianapolis.
This Is one of the ablest and most
scholarly articles we have ever pub
lished. We hope not one of our
readers will skip it.
AT latest writing it appears that free
sliver democrats are not in it in the
appointment line. This administra
tion seems to be carrying out the Wall
street program fully as well as did th
Harrison regime.
Paul Van dkbvoort says that the
only changs that ths new administration
has brought about Is a chants la the
avoirdupois of the president. Kven the
proverbial change of postmaster is
lacking this time.
kaowledfts the rectipt f the snrrsnt
Iowa Tribune Quarterly, containing
the great Quadrangular debate. Ga.
Weaver's speech therein It oa of the
greatest of hi Ufa,
Ve North wettora Mae to Cslcao.
fx rate, last trains. Office tlU
U 61
Senator Clarke, the brainy youag re
publican who aided the populist sena
tors in passing the freight rate bill last
win'er, is dead.
His death was caused by aa attack cf
pneumonia and occurred last Thursday
at the Hotel Ideal in this city.
He was a republican in name would
to God we had more such republicans
but he was a populist in principle. In
every Important fight he .was true to
the people. ,
He was the youngest member that
ever held a seat in the Nebraska state
senate, yet proved himself a match for
the oldest parliamentarians In that
"Whom the gods love die young."
We know not how the gods regarded
him, but the people who knew him
loved Senator Clarke.
The executive committee of the
State Alliance held a very im
portant meeting this week for
purposes of investigation. On account
of the importance of the matters
brought before the committee, The
Alliance-Independent was request
ed to give no report of its proceedings
to the public until its labors are com
pleted whkh will not be earlier than
July 7.
The shlnment of onA t i
w Avrreigu
countries is growing heavy again
ut",rer ever oeiore. On June 3
the amount.o' gold in the treasury was
only 89,939,217, the smallest amount
ever known since .the resumption of
specie payments in 179. It seems to be
the general oululon in a
circles that the gold bugs will force an
Isbue of bond? or bankrupt the treasury.
The tone of our exchanges shows
that the populisms aie gaining all over
the nation. Even ia the extreme
eastern states,, the very home ef plu
tocracy, the cause is marching on. In
the south, Cleveland's attituda.,n th
silver question is alienating thousands
Sl vl .1 A. t
ui om time aemoorats. The only place
to which these people can go is the
people's party.
General Weaver and other lead
ers of the people's party are at work all
the time campainging. Bank failures,
mortgaged homes, railroad extortion
and i'bunco steering" in Wall street
are also doing some very effectual wnrlr
in opening the people's eyes. We will
have more than a million votes In 1896.
Cleveland seems to be attempting
to build a new democratic party out of
the monopoly wings of the two old
parties. The plutocrats are getting bo
afraid of that populist host which is
marching on from the west that it will
do longer attempt to carry on the fight
with divided forces.
The Oakdale Guard and the Holt
County Independent t-have been con
solidated with Ham tKautzman. that
old-time hard-hitter as editor. If the
good qualities of both sheets are com
bined in one, It will have few equals
and no superiors among the reform
papers of Nebraska.
People of the coast are charging the
president with collusion with the in
famous six companies of the Chinese in
evading the Geary law. They claim to
have indisputable proof of the fact that
Cleveland agreed with the Chinese
minister that he would not attempt to
enforce the law.
The attempt of the plutocrats to raise
a religious war and so blind the people's
eyes to the real issues does not seem to
be meeting with very pronounced suc
cess. America is the land of religious
liberty. It will remain bo. What the
people now demand la honest govern
ment. The exorbitant rate charged by the
railroads to the World's fair is an out
rage. It makes lit almost impossible
for a poor man to see this crowning
achievement ef the century. 3 The peo
ple paid for this fair and should have
the opportunity ot attending it.
HONEST Judge Maxwell, whose in
tegrity during twenty years service on
ths bench has never been questioned,
never stood so high with the people as
now. Every patrlotlo Nebraskan, what
ever hi party, is proud of this fearless,
honest man.
A considerable portion of the edi
torial work on this week's issue has
been done by Mr. J. A. Kdgerton well
known to our reader as our legislative
correspondent. We need not say any
thing of his work la this line. It speaks
tor itself.
Thi state house gang Is now try lug
to read ti. M. Lambsrta out of the
republican party. Let the ring have
tbe whip hand a little longtr aad theie
won't be any rvpubltcaa party to
rad anybody out of,
a... I,.., mzmsnmmm
W hne a new lUvis harvester for
aale at one third ott, part ceh ha! awe
oa tiuuv a bargain for ae one
W, A. Howard, IU No 11th St.