The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, June 08, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    JUNE 8, 189'
Would It Be ft Mora In the Bight
Some Plaia Facts Teisely Suted That
Should Cause a Laboring Man
to Think More and
Talk Less.
The Magazine propounds this question:
Would a worklngman's congress be s
move in the right direction? If not, why
not? What can be said In favor of such a
movement? Is the time ripe for it? What
could it do If convened?
Just now what would be a move iu the
right direction f r worklngmen to make?
We refer to organized worklngmen, for
they are the worklngmen who think, who
want to accomplish something for their
own benefit and for the toilers who shall
Inherit their tasks.
We do not now discuss the federation
of organizations, but rather the unifica
tion of the mind forces or organizations,
deliberation rather than federation .
True, all organizations have their an
nual or biennial conventions for delibera
tion and for the enactment of laws for
their government, and It occurs In these
conventions that those whose expressions
are made public are taking even broader
views of labor problems, and it would be
difficult to chronicle a fact more credita
ble to the heads and hearts of men who
have advanced to the responsible posi
tion of leaders.
It is worthy of remark that in all the
labor organizations of the country are to
be found men of broad and liberal views,
students of Industrial affairs, profoundly
interested in the welfare of worklngmen,
but, forever confined to their particular
organization, they are handicapped! they
never advance to their full measure; in a
sense, fenced in. They discuss measures
which relate to their particular organi
zation, when, in fact, labor questions in
their legitimate scope touch the wage,
workers of the nation, and In a labor con
gress there would be opportunities to
bring Into commanding and merited
prominence labor questions in which all
are vitally interested.
We are profoundly Impressed with the
idea that the country cannot know the
wealth of mind iorces which labor pos
sesses until a labor congress Is convened,
and we are quite as much persuaded that
such a congress would prove a revelation
to those who regard labor organizations
with a species of contempt and lofty disr
dain, as composed of men who are small
intellectually.and whose minds are chief
ly occupied In accomplishing small chiefly desirous of promoting
organized jealousies, or feathering their
own nests, to be wiped out of existence
whenever organized capital deems It pru
dent to squelch them.
We do not state the position of affairs
too narrowly. It is enly required to read
the monopolistic press to verify our dec
larations. In It you will find no compli
mentary declarations relating to organ
ized labor, and the question arises, is or
ganized labor doing these things which
ought to be done, and which can be done,
to change the estimate which a subsidized
press carefully puts forth?
We are not opposed to what organized
labor Is dointt. On the contrary, we have
only words of commendation for what we
see and hear. Labor day gives opportun
ities for parades, for many and valuable
recreations, splendid addresses, etc., but
we advocate something different, better,
higher, more important. We should like
to see a stately parade of labor's mind
forces, free from badges, gewgaws, brass
bands and all things spectacular; a labor
congress of labor's Intellectual men, de
bating questions which day by day, are
becoming the vital questions of the times
In which we live; questions that are up
for debates in the parliaments of the
world, and In which labor, more than any
other Interest, Is concerned. Such a con
gress, composed of labor's representative
men. would arouse continental Interest.
The press would not and could not ignore
It. The plutocratic class would stand
mnziwl at lu nrmwneo. It woul4 be a
proclamation that worklngmen know
their ritrhts and are not ready to be en
slaved. What says the labor res of the
country? The labor congms U up for
debate. May we hope to have the view
father. Kucen V. lb. In L'nouio-
live rirmns Magajln.
The eotuUnt demand of the traveling
publlo to the far west for a comfortable
a4 at the same timeaa economical
mini of traveling, ha led t the Ub
lUhatvat of what is know a as Pullman
CVtonUt HUieprr.
ThM cars art built on the same r'0
eral pUa M (be regular nrav-Iai ltil
man HlMr, the only differ ooe (Ming
that they are not UhultUrd,
They ar furaUiivU cotnfUte with
t m1 comfortable hair maltru, warn
blanket, snow whit 1 1 no a curt a! us,
plraty ( WV4 otrab. brushes, ete.,
whtb ure ta the urouvant l a twrta
a much prlvav m U tu be I. a. I ta 8rV
eta tlrir. l"hr are a! so Kprate
Voilet naxus for la4W ao4 gealtciu,
ao4 tHiuklaf U aUoluVKly nblttwi
r'or full Infurwattoft u4 Kr I'uHtoaa
(Waist litiwiwr leaflet.
4.T. marts, LT. A. IMItt St.,
E. H, uom, Ua. Alt.
Uaoola, Jfeb,
Gleaning Culled From Yareui Industrial
What does equal rights mean, if not
equal opportunities? Whtt use or benefit
Is the cripple' equal right to compete for
a prize on the race track with a profes
sional sp lntr?
No principle can be in harmony with
right which makes a man's physical or
mental endowments a criterion for c
tice; yet this is what the law lays down as
right. We only have by law the right to
try but what good Is it to the man who
is born today and finds the resources of
human prosperity farmed out and mo
nop.lized by the politicians and their
pet..? No doctrine of equality can be
true that makes the time of a person's
birth an important factor in his suit for
Equal rights, if it means anything equal
or right, must mean equal chances to ob
tain; if not, our standard of Justice is no
better than the brute's the rule of might
And our equal chances cao only be deter
mined by present circumstances, not by
cases of the past. Willis Hudspeth In
Western Laborer.
It Is a cause of keen regret that the
laboring people do not take more interest
In their own affairs. Even those who
Join the brotherhood frequently lose In
terest in labor movements, and (Imply be
long as a matter of course, and take It for
granted that whoever "pays his dues has
done his duty; but he has not Money
alone cannot make a good labor organiza
tion any mere than money can make a
nation. If a country's defenders were
acting for money it would be a sorry de-
fonse. It takes patriotism to make a
brotherhood as well as a nation, and no
great degree of success can be attained
without it Ever toiler should belong to
some labor organization because it ex
tends an influence that elevates the con
dition of the worklngmen. It is not
enough either, to be in good standing;
lng; every member should help. Track
man's Journal.
fhe artisan and laborer
have really greater cause for apprehen
sion in these United States than In any
other so-called liberally governed coun
try. There Is an all-prevailing feeling
that any wrong can be righted when the
time comes that will make it necessary
a feeling that the crisis will provide the
remedy. That is a slip-shod faith and
sure to win defeat. The time to right a
wrong is when it appearand not to wait
until another is piled on top of It to hold
it in place. The ballot is supposed to be
all potential for protection, but it needs
no argument to show that hope to be only
baseless fabric of a dream.
Co-operation provides the only reason
able promise of emancipation for what are
known as the industrial classes, and na
tionalism is only general co-operation.
Under its beneficent tutelage and control
there would be no strikes, no dictators,
no landlords, no wasteful competitions.
no offensive monopolies. Is it not strange
that they who ought to be most deeply
interested In adopting and spreading the
principles of nationalism should really
seem to be the most Indifferent to their
success. The Nationalist.
Ia 18G4 the printers struck on the Dem
ocrat and St. Louis Republican. That was
m war times. General Uosecrans was in
command at St. Louis. He detailed a
number of soldiers who were printers to
take the strikers' places.
M. H. Madden and Thomas Gauley,
printers, sent in a report of the same to
President Lincoln. The answer returned
was as follows:
'Ordur those soldiers back to duty in
the ranks. The servants of the federal
government shall not Interfere with the
legitimate demands of labor eo long an I
am president." Abe Lincoln. Des
Moines Artisan.
Pennsylvania has fallen in line with
New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts
and other states which have establithed
boards of arbitration for the amicable set
tlement of labor disputes. The Philadel
phia Ledger and other leading papers re
fer in terms of the highest praise to the
new law and Its object. Arbitration has
come to stay. Patterson Labor Standard.
The trades unions in Belgium went
into politics and wen the day. Perhaps
free, independent Americans "u tatae
a hint alter a while. Arapahoe Pio
neer. The man who thinks for bims-lf, is
independent and a success: the man who
permits others to think for him is a
slave and a failure. Polk County Independent
"Whoever controls the currency of
a nation rules the people," said James
A. Garfield. Then if the people con
trolled the currency they would rule
themselves. Independent Herald.
Landlordism has driven 3 418,383
frishmea out of Ireland since the year
18ol. The land which these
millions baa been put Into cattle and
sheep pastures ana game preservers.
The strength of a nation is not in
the number of its inhabitants, nor the
richness ef its soil, but in the number
of its free home owners, and the great
er division of lta property. Southern
The Democrats have got the
"chance" they were howling for, and
now they think it'll take them at
least four years to get "used to the
chance," and then they'll begin to
think of the people. Watchman.
Governor McKln'.ey doesn't credit
this talk of bard times. "This country
has too many resources and too much
money." Nevertheless the governor
was caught in a crash a few weeks ago
and was helped out by the charity of
his friends. But leaving this go, if
times are not hard and money is easy,
how does he account for the hundred
or two bank failures of the past two
months, involving thousands of deposi
tors and millions of money? Our re
sources are not worth a cent so
long as old Bhylock has got bis grip
upon them. lie will get all the benefit.
Holt County Independent.
A Sioux City firm made a demand on
a banking firm in that town for the sum
of 835,000 which was due; the bank was
not able to pay it and made a sight draft
on a Chicago bank for the amount
The Chicago bank could not meet it at
once and the parties growing anxious
commenced suit for the recovery of
same, and the result was the failure of
both banks also tho failure oi twenty-
eight other banks connected with these
nstitutlons let we frequently nave
men stop us on the streets to tell us
that our banking system is the best in
the world. If that be true then the
rest of the world must have a pretty
rocky system. People's Rights. ,
Wendell Phillips said: "The main
spring of e-ur proems Is high wages
wages at such a level that the worklng
men ran preside over a home, caa coin
maad leisure, go to lectures, take a news.
apr and lift himself from the deaden
eg level of mere toll " Shelby Sun,
I'ikj Northwestern Una to Chicago
Low rates. Fast trains. Office 11X1
Take Tut Auuxct-Ut'ir.Nii.jiT,
I'se North western line to Chicago
Xjow ratva. last Ira! a. UiUee iU3
O St. mmmmmmmmmmmmm
to Chicago
Offlje u;u
Use Northwettera line
Low rates iat train.
"Whosoever eats up. robs and
steals the nourishment of another com
mits as great a murder as far as in
him lies, as he who starves a
man or utterly undoes him. Such
be does a usurer, and sits the while
safe on his stool when he ought rather
be hanging from the gallows. Little
thieves are put in the stocks, great
thieves go flaunting in gold and silk.
Therefore is there on earth no
greater enemy of man, after the devil,
than a grip-money and usurer."
So spake Martin Luther, and for
speaking it would, in this age of
plutocracy, be styled a "crank," "an
anarchist" and "a calamity howler."
We are simply fighting again over the
old battle fields of toe past. Liberty
survived the greed and avarice of feu
dal kings. Liberty will survive the
firosent onslaught now being made up
t by the plutocratio followers of
Sheeney Rothschilds. Road.
Never Falling to destroy the wont ease of
Worms in Horses
A Sure Remedy for Worms in Horses,
Hogs, Dogs, uats, and a splendid
Remedy for Sick Fowls, or Roup,
and is better known as
Price HO cents; by mall CO rents for one It.: 3
Bs. $l.W, express paid; S ., t.VH and pay
your own ex pr1- U. b. btanifs taken lu
payment. Auuress,
Mention Tna Aujancb Ihdipendrht.
Wot Ma ran Rats
TUla line now qoute rate a M!ow;
Maiola toOtk'aga... lU-IS
' " ami rslura..,,
,k ht. Uh.u una
Hates Um a the lowest, and time
fat a the faswtt by this rwW.
Tor full particulars and sleeping car
wmiutaues wppiy at city uie,
W, M. Hlllf MAM,
tie a. Aft
A. 8 I'lttt ixi.
C ity Ut Agt
114't CuriMr H an4 ) !hta street,
tl. 1 &ioc, TkU Afat.
Missouri racltlc.
The Missouri Paclfilo railway seems
to be up with the times to the very
latest moment in giving low rates to
the World's fair alao to St Louis and all
eastern points as well as to the south.
Any information desired can be had at
I Jol II tH Lincoln Neb J. K. It. MilXEH
C. T. A , or St. lunula Mo, of U, C.
TowNsaNOli. P. A T. A.
Ilutloeae man, merchant, bankers
aaJ aaioamen are leaving their ordure
at Lino pant Co., lia O trgt
V Northwestern llee to Chicago.
Low rate. c!r'at train. Ofto 1 1:13
Follow the crowd to the furniture a ad
hwusvttttld gitthi mnorhun of Meiaier A
fina at 137 lit North rWtuU
trwt, hr you will fiixl evervthtng la
thlr line &f the tt quality atxl c ap
price; etpwially bed rxu suits.
Trltt Itateelu future!,
The I'aloa IVlno lUlUay (mrtaa4
route) wU now aelt runt trip ticket
tu leaver, llirlo Hprlaj, Manltott
aad I'usblo, at the low rale it lit IJ
gcod returning until (Hnotwr JLt.
Htopover aUe4 between Cheyvaae
and I'vwWiv f ull irtU'ular glv at
J, T Maanv, fc.ll 8laiX,
City Ticket Ag Goneral Agsat
careful lu von ligation u i
aul tnnu the motrt
m mm to oar rMrwtn.thll.
ll y and tne menu of our Tablet.
Double Chloride of Gold Tablets
Will completelydertroythedeetraforTOBACCX) In from ttoStfayt. Perfectly barm
iw; cnHW aicanna, auu may n KiTt-n m a cup or MtorcuaM wiiQOul toe Knowl
edge of tne pauenv, wuowuj voiuniaruy atop amoaing or cue wing in a few days.
TlDTTVrrVlirW ITii MnDPTITP niBTf can be enrd at home, and with-
UUUUU.U1U1UUU 01U1 muiHUlHU uaUl ouvany enor oa tne part of
During treatment patient are allowed the free use of liquor or Ator-
pblne unvil eucn time aa tney snail voinniaruy give tnem up.
Weaend partloalaraand pamphlet of teetlmontala fre,aud thai)
Da giaa topiaoe aunererairora any oi mese naoiu in onramnnicf
nou wiia person wno nave oeca curea cy 101 ue 01 our i ailiti.
HILL'S TABLETS are for sale by ail iust-clam
ozuaguu ai 1 .00 per pacaage.
If your druggiatdoee not keep them, enclose na f ,00
and we will acua you. by return mail, a package of our
Write your name and address plainly, and state
whether Tablet are for Tobacco, Morphine or
wquur uaoib
DO NOT BB DECEIVED Into pnrcbaatnff
any or uie various uoairuuis ira pring
offered for aale. Ask for KIXIL'H
7Ailixs ana uu no ouivr.
Manufactured only by
from persons
who have been
cured by the use of
Hill's Tablets.
Ihb Onto Chebical O0.1
Daaa 81 a: I have been uitaa- foo
cure for tobacco habit, and found It would
aas you claim tor 11 1 uaea tea eents
do w
IL Bit IS Osra elect.
worth of the strongest chewing tobacco a day.
and Irom one to Ave cigars: or I would smoke
from tan to forty plpea of tobacco. Have chawed
and amoked for twenty Ore Tears, and two
of your Tablet cured me so I have no desire for It.
B. M. JAtLOUD, Leslie, Mich.
Dob as Pbht, M. T.
Tub Ohio CniviCiL Oo. j Gbittlbwbb j 4ome time ago I seat
or Sl.ou worth of your Tablet for Tobacco Habit. 1 received
them all rlghtand, although 1 was both a heavy smoker and chew eg,
they did the work tn lea than three day, lam cured.
Truly yours, MATH W JOHNSO. P.O. Box
Tbb Ohio Orbhical Co. : Girti bmbm It give me pleasure to speak a
ord of t raise for your Tablet. My eon was strongly addicted to the use of
r Honor, and thrwuirh a friend. I was led to try your Tablets. He was a heavy and
constant drinker, but after using your Tablet but three days be quit drinking,
and will not touch Uauor of any kind
too, la order to know the cure waa nunnaaeufc.
f Tbb Ohio Cbbmioil Co: Obmtlbmbn iTour Tablet haw performed a miracle in my
I have used morphine, bypudermioally, for eeven years, and have been cured by the n
two packages of your TableU, and without any effort oa nay Dark W. 1 UltQi
I have waited four month before writing
CmcrrRATi, Oaio.
use of
Addreaw mil Order to
fin writing pla msnUon tmspapsr j
SI, S3 and 6S Opera Block. LKAA, OHIO.
Brooders only IB. Best and Chenpett
(or raising Chicks. 40 First Premiums.
1200 Testimonials. Isnd lor Cstsl'c
ti. M. MiauKH, Cardlngtw. O.
H-' :.
Wa have land lor aale in Adams. Butler. Chase. Custer. Dundy. Frontier.
Furnas, Greely, Gosper, Garfield, Hitchcock. Harlan, Hall, Hajes, Kearney,
Loup. Lancaster, Perkins, Sherman, Valley and Webster counties in Nebraska.
These lands 001000; to us, and we will sell tnem from
$4.5 O Per A.ere XJp,
Call and tea us or write us for list naming the county or counties you wish
to Invest in. '
C. C. BURR & son;
Room I I.DurrDlock, - LlflCOLH, NED.
Holstein : Cattle!
A few Extra Good September Pics,
and a No. 1 butter bred bull, yearling,
registered for sale. Prices right.
H. S. Williamson,
Beaver City. Neb.
For Hpraylng trees, waBhlng windows. Has
two brass nonius, Hprayer, brans piunKer, cros
handle and brass valves. Price $2.60. Works
just as good and lastn as long ax a pump for
elKhl dollars or ten dollars. Writ for circu
lars. Agents wanted. We can supply agents
with a variety of quick-selling household arti
cles. Address,
Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Farmers of the West!
1AI'KK st Rom!) ami Wbolenslo Prices. Pa
per 4c and uf). Borders lr and up. Seed 5c for
samnles of the most beautiful deoiRns ever olf-
erml In the west. Hide walls, rellliiir and bor
der 10 wiu h. our snipping fiii'lllites are nn
eqtitlled. Ue. simply save you the freight
(rum luicago.
Ed, Monroe;
618 gm-ond Birt, Hastings Neb.
Macon, Mo., April 1, 1802.
QuttH Ctty Silrer aod Xkttl J'latinf Co.,
b.v a ra 1 1
I read Mrs. Hal ley's experience aell
lnr Eamea, and 1 am tempted to rive
mi csperienoe plating. I paid l'i 00
for one of Cjuia l laUri. for plating
gold, silver or nickel. 1 bad no trouble
to L'fl all ttie knives, forks, sixains.
casters and jewelry I could plate. The
firvt wek l maUa l-t clear proOt; tho
HHnd. 1.1- 10, and am now averatrtok
14.1 jHr wff k. 1 hava a4vsd a numbor
of my menu to try inia tuiucs, ana
they are all doing well. The machina
is comilt and dues the wtwk rapidly
I caa make a much Killing IMawrs as
plating, Hoping my wxperienco will
Iwntfil otnera. I am
Yours truly,
H, O, S too a icy.
1 you waat to make morn cU ar money
than you ever ma4 la your llf, send
fur clrvuUr and pritw of tkQut!a
I'lau-r; ft r gold, silver, nUkcl, eopiwr,
and hraa oiaUag; caa bn uw4 by any
tm, I'lalra ra autlfal. and eual to tha
Blnsst aw work. Kvary 1m of got ait
or miu: Twenty Uollara a I'ay caa
rally b raaJe. AJlrw.
Ouiiicittsiim uiRiciii mm C)
IS N Mala nw. KAST T. WVl III
MvBtioa this Npr.
kuWrtba hif Tmi ALUamck Indi
J. W. CA8T0R,,'rea. w. B. LINCa.,JBer.
"TARMERS, we invite your attention to the Farmers' Mutual Insuranca
I Company of Nebraska, If you are in want of Insurance you can not
1 afford to Insure In any other company, and If you do not want lnauranoa
now, write and get a copy of our By-lawa and Constitutian and learn what wa
are doing anyway,
Remember we are for Farmer only,
Boom 401 Braes Building.
$1 1.76
-Will buy a-
, In the New Spring Shades of
Cafe au Lait, .
Military, Black,
Emerald, Tabac,
and Violet
S int h Subline Silk Warp, all colors, .... C4
40 inch All Wool Suiting. Sjning Styles..
SS inch All Wool Whip Cortl in Chang
able Colore,
H inch AU Wool Satia Finish German Hen
rk'tta in all color
40 inch Knglwh Serges Changeable colors..
Saniplea cheerfully cnt to out-of-town customer.