The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, June 08, 1893, Page 2, Image 2

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the fbcduct:om or
Ovarcrawdlef mu4 Lack of roluh 1
provamaat of Horaae-Llo I'poa
Shcp Farm Not., and
Hum HtnU.
Hlf h-Color.d Fruit.
Both the quality and market de
mand of fruits are largely dependent
on having them high colored. It is
proven by experience that comparing
with the same varieties, the fruit
that makes tho best appearance is
best in quality also. This coloring
of fruit varies much with seasons,
soil and general management, and in
tome of these respects is largely
within control of the grower. A few
days ago we picked up a paper
which said that apples grown in
grass land were always more highly
colored than those grown in orchards
regularly plowed. The eiperience
of almost any farmer will contradict
such positive assertion as this.
Whether apples shall be poorly
colored or high in colors depends on
many circumstances, and the plowing
or not plowing of the soil around
them has least of all to do with de
termining the result..
It is undoubtedly more difficult
than it used to be to get highly col
ored fruit. The orchards planted
too closely when small become
crowded, and the branches of the
trees shade all the ground,, prevent
ing the best influences of sunlight,
which is the finest of all fruit paint
ers. Besides, as these trees have
grown they have on most soils used
tip supplies of available potash and
phosphate, both of which, tho potash
especially, are needed in producing
the best colored and finest flavored
fruit Thus in early times trees
often overbore, but the fruit was
large, finely colored and broke down
the branches from its excessive
weight Now if too full a crop is set
tho fruit is shrunken and poorly col
ored, while the weight is not great
enough to break the branches. This
Is especially true of troos in orchards.
What mean the lately frequent
complaints of blighted or mildewed
foliage and weed mildew or rot of
fruit before it can fairly mature?
sks the American Cultivator. In a
great majority of cases all these
effects may be summed up under
three causes. Overcrowding of fruit
on trees or vines that have too little
sunlight and whoso roots are poorly
supplied with potash. All the most
successful fruit growers of the
present day uso large quantities of
potash fertilizers. These put their
land into something like the condition
It was in when the forest was newly
Cleared, and usually the bulk of the
wood was burned over the ground on
which it was felled, and its ashes
left to fertilize the soil. Then it
needed no art to grow good fruit
t'lant the trees and nature was ready
to do the rest
Hit is . hard to give the best con
tloas to trees too closely planted in
orchards. Fertilize as we may with
mineral manures, the luxuriant foli
age these will induce help to exclude
the air. It is probably true that the
ery finest apples will always be
grown, not in the closely-planted or
chard, but on trees standing singly
nd kissed by the summer's sun from
early spring until the fruit has
ripened on every side. Much may be
done by Judicious pruning in orch
ards closely planted. Some varieties,
like the Northern Spy, for example,
need yearly thinning In the center of
the tree. Unless this is done, a
large quantity of small, insignificant
and nearly worthless fruit will ex
haust the tree's energies every alter
nate year at least Treated as it
should be, the Northern Spy ought to
produce a moderate crop of the finest
fruit every year. The same is true
of most other apples.
The fact that fruit falls off as soon
as It sets, may be regarded as
nature's strike against being forced
to make a crop without requisite ma
terial. When nature gives up a job
In advance it ought to be a hint that
no fruit grower should neglect
Nature does not strike from wanton
ness. If it refuses to do its part it it
always because the conditions are
ucu that it cannot be done.
The direct relation of overbearing
and lack of potash to mildew in
grapes has long boon notod. Tho
kinds that ovorboar invariably are
the worst to mildow. The Polaware
grape sets often three and four
bunches to each new shoot It Is not
a strong grower and the roots very
rarely Had potash available to per
fect all these clusters. What is the
result! All goes well until Just at
the time the seeds are forming, and
the fruit should begin to color. Then
further progress is arrested. Nature
lias not struck. She is just as ready
as ever to do her part but she has
nothing to do with. In the stagna
tion of arrested growth the mildew
nd rot step in and do their work.
Nature has not failed. Uut she has
made a successful case of mildew b.
eause the fruit grower had not wit
enough to provide the material for a
successful grape crop.
Why Is very wet weather favorable
ti the development of the finest
atraw berries r I'artty, of course, Uv
ea um a goo4 strawberry, like all
other good fruit, U largely composed
of water. Hut we suspect that It It
also partly because wet weather put
taorw potash In the sell la evallabU
condition. That gives the needed
raw material. Then a few brlgnt.
hot days a the fruit Is ripening addt
the color sad fragrance that make
the strawberry a dvlight whe eaten,
and a pleasant memory tcrevsr there
AH kinds ot parasites way be 4e
itroyed by treating the sheep with
the kerosene emulsion. This may be
poured along the backfof the sheep
by parting the wool and guiding it
down the sides by the hand until ail
parts of the animal are reached. If
this be done carefully no more need
be applied than will saturate the
fleece and cover the skin, and waste
will be prevented. Some shepherds
do the same by using buttermilk
which has the same result of covering
the insect with a film of the adhesive
milk that suffocates the insects. As
insects breathe through openings in
their sides called spiracles, which are
very small, and oily or adhesive fluid
will close these openings and stop
the breathing. Either oil or butter
milk will do this.
While sheep will thrive on almost
any kind of grass that grows on high,
rolling land they prefer short, sweet
herbage, like blue grass, and will do
best on it Coleman's Rural World.
Improvement of Hones.
The sooner tho farmers in the
United States realize the fact that
the ordinary and commonly bred
horse is likely to deteriorate in value
year by year, the better it will be for
them. The use of cables to drag
street cars has already reduced the
service performed by horses in the
cities, and the extension of the
trolley system in the suburbs and the
perfection of electric meters will re
lieve many other thousands of horses
from such service. It has not been
so very long since nearly all the
threshing was done by horses; now
only a very small percentage of even
the threshing-machines are worked
by horse power. Practically all the
plowing is now done by horses; but a
cheap and practical steam plow is
shown to visitors at the . world's
fair, and it is not improbable that in
ten years from now quite a large per
centage of plowing will be done with
out the aid of horses.
The need in the cities and on the
farms for fewer horses will tend more
and more to reduce their market
value. Commonly bred horses will
be the first to deteriorate In price;
indeed, it is doubtful whether finely
bred horses will suffer at all. There
is no reason why they should. The
purpose for which they are used will
not bo affected by any inventions
revolutionizing methods of transpor
tation or tillage.
Even though we could fly in the
air with a balloon entirely under con
trol, a spin in the road behind a pair
of trotters or ,a gallop 'across the
country would give just at much
pleasure as it gave.
The horses that get the blue rib
bons in the horse shows will continue
to be as valuable as ever, while hum,
bier animals those that drag street
cars and plows will bo loss valuable
year by year. Harper's Weekly.
Farm Not en.
Fowls that get no milk need more
The black-pepsin fraud is still
hunting victims.
-The demand for pure-bred poultry
is on the Increase.
The poultry house should be kept
clean as practicable.
Keep salt where the cows can get
at it whenever they want it
Everything in good cropping de
pends on giving the crop a vigorous
In summer sixty degrees is about
the right temperature at which to
Buckwheat is a gool crop to grow
and plow under to Increase the fer
tility of the soil.
The cream when taken from the
milk should be put in a cool place
till realy to churn.
The experiment stations agree with
the farmers that no commercial fer
tilizer surpasses the manure of farm
animals. The manure of the farm
should all be utilized.
A successful Eastern farmer says
he harrows his ground in the spring
before breaking. He claims that It
so mellows and lightens the soil that
It soon becomes dry and pliable.
Potato soil should be made deep by
underdrainlng and subsoillng. One
of the principal things in potato cul
ture is to hold the moisture. By
having the soil deep and keeping the
surface soil loose It takes a long
drouth to materially injure the po
tato crop.
lloina Hints.
The best chicken croquets are made
half chicken and half veal sweet
breads. The skins of new pototoes can bo
removed more quickly with a stiff
vegetable brush than by scraping:
Sheets ahould be two and one fourth
yards wide and two and three-fourths
yards long after they are hemmed.
To revive and brighten leather
wash It with a little warm water and
a very soft cloth, and afterward!
brush it over with the whites of eggs
whipped to a light froth.
When nauoopan. pots and kettlos
are put away after they have been
washed, they should not be tightly
covered. The air keeps them fresh
and swtwl If covered they have e
heavy odor about them.
Articles of food, that are damp ot
Iulcy ahould never be l-lt In paper
'aper Is merely a compound of rags,
glue, lime and similar substances
with adds and chemical Intermixed,
and when damp Is unfit to touch
things that are to be eaten.
Table-cloths should be folded once
only for Ironing, and that length
wise. They should he Ironed with I
very hot Iron until perfectly dry, aaJ
there U then no danger ot a rumpled
appearance afterward. They should
be quite damp and free Iron starch
lotd thftn Uoely crosswise, wlthoal
Iroutog, aad thee Md will be easily
smoothed out wUU the hand, Uavla
bo crease but the middle one.
North Dakota Independent: Gold
is getting higher priced every day.
Wheat is s"m !nwT priced in
proportion. What we in North
Dakota want is higher priced wheat
We prcduce no gold and therefore
have no interest in a high price for
that metaL
Locomotive Firemen's Magazine:
There are 10,000 people in the city of
New York, every night, with only
such shelter as the skies afford, not
withstanding there are dens called
"spot lodgings," where a human being
can sprawl out on the floor for the
sum of three cents or obtain a chair
all night for a nickeL
Topeka Advocate and Tribune: The
late census reports show that for
over 200 years prior to 1873 the two
metals were maintained at a parity as
money metals regardless ot the varied
proportions of their production; and
that not until the laws made a dis
crimination against silver was there
any difficulty about the parity of the
two metals.
Journal of the Knights of Labor:
Senator Hoar would probably resent
it were any one to call him a Tory,
yet his speech in opposition to the
election of senators by direct vote of
the people was a Tory speech and his
argument Tory argument The prop
osition would upset a number
of past traditions and might lead
to a desire to elect the president in
the same way. That would be terri
ble, wouldn't it?
Tacoma Ledger: Seattle owns her
own water works. They are a profit
of (5,000 a month to her. They are
run economically. The rates are
reasonable and complaints are un
usual. It is a non-political machine
in the fact that three-fourths of the
employes under the former adminis
tration are still at work although
the present ministration has been
in power ov.- lx months.
Farmers Tribune: The "money
changers" have full possession. of the
temple of our liberties. If they had
wit enough they would get out, but
they haven't and like those of old
will only go when they feel the
'scourge of cords." "Pour out the
money," into the lap of industry, and
"overturn the tables." Let not the
most vitalizing force of industry flow
to the people through a den of thieves.
Grange Homes: In most farming
communities the idea seems to pre
vail that compensation for the farm
er's time, either for public or private
service, must be at starvation prices.
People seem to think that it is all
right for the lawyer or tho minister
or the doctor to charge from $10 to
$25 a day but it would bo an unpar
donable sin for a farmer to ask any
such prices, no matter how valuable
his time might be to himself. About
$1.50 a day they think would bo the
right price for the farmer.
People's Voice: AH over the land
thousands trudge through slush part
of the year, dust the rest, to and
from unrequited tasks, while in
New Yotk a sky terrier has a $5,000
carriage, a footman and a coachman
at "his command" when he wishes
to take an airing. But that is all
right, for times "were never so pros
perous as now," and does it not give
two lackeys work? Don't ask that
silly question. Out of whose pockets
comes their wages? Not out of the
terrier's, surely. Perhaps out of the
The New Nation Why is it, let us
ask again, that the trade union and
the trade without a union and de
pendent on custom so generally has a
standard wage Ignoring personal dif
ferences among workers? It is the
same reason wherefore the nation in
its relation to its citizens is no re
specter of persons, namely, that a
simple formula is the only practica
ble way of dealing with a large prob
lem. It Is because any sort of organ
ization of human beings is only pos
sible on the basis of the law of av
erages. Augustus Jacobson in the
Vanguard: The question be
before us is not, shall the
government now begin to Inter
fere with the railroads? Norallror.d
has ever been able to draw tho breath
of life In any other way than through
government favor. No railroad has
ever been able to get its right of way
in any other way than by means of
the right of eminent domain be
stowed moii It by the govct nmeut of
the sovereign people. Ever since
railroads have existed there has been
nothing hut government Interference
with railroads and railroad Inter
lervnce with government But nothing
that we can now do can Increase
either. Both are now at their maxi
mum. With every public official in
the land bribed with railroad lavors
to be the hireling ot the railroad
magnets the question Is, how shall
we put an end to railroad interference
with the government? The question
Is. shall the railroad rule the peo
ple, or shall the people rule the rail
roads? The I'wmIU mm Ike tktU.
Mr VlrWU's pet podle wears
s ,15 collar. But don't by any
mean dUturb the doir or the woman
W hile ten thousand little children die
ever sear In the anle eltv ot New
York for want ot proper and sufficient
food, o.nly a crank would talk slight.
In ty vl a do H5Ui dollar. No!
No! doa't ruth!vi!y rob the pool
doiftf hU ; r. n'r doat da nv
thing to prevent the woman fro:u
hia;ng a rnn or nereif, t'niy
crssfce .'!,! ::.uke an) ,145 lance
over the matter. total Urge.
Rend for
Schenectady, If.Y.
eed Brockvllk. OnU
f. Rational ... &
Y. M. c. A. Bldo., Kansas citt, Mo.
i Most Practical Business Collets in the 3l
ttfwest. Shot thand. Type wrttlnic, Book-M'
keeping and Telegraphy. Shorthand.
i by Mail. Three Imnoo free. Send for li
MIXED Paints.
At WHOLESALE PRICES, Delivered Free.
For Hourn-s, Barna. Koofx, all colors, A SAVE
Middlemen's profit. In urn 61 years. En
darned by Grantee A Farmers' Alliance. Low
prices will surprlxe you. Write for samples.
O. W. INGEHSOLL, 253 Plymouth St., Brook
lyn, N. V.
Plants at any and uniform depth in
Moist Soil.
Makes bole, drops and covers at one
One Man"
The Potato Planter Co.,
Traverse City, Mich
t0 7CboynIUs(Ubyfwi,lVf4(rht
f 3 BrvpftM, sblppwl on 10 ' triad. Uteri
notntnf ma in mr naurui mm ana warrmaiM ror
YKAtuT W bar bwa is tt nuuiufaturiaf buiiMM
many years, and arc reliable and retponeihie : saake ao4
ill Botninf Ml lost v eu m nprvaajassMiawwi
faHory mm, wru$ fevay rat out targe Jrm
i, wblch ! otte of the aaott eutnpUts eve puMbtbw
OXFORD MFG. CO., 340 Wabash v., Chicago, III.
Is the title of a book Just received, which
tells all about NO-TO-BAC. the wonderful,
harmless, guaranteed tobsco-hablt cure, sold by
H. T. t'lHrk Drug Co., Lincoln, Neb., agents.
NO-TO-BAC costs but a trifle, and a iran who
wants to quit and can't had better call round,
get a box ol It, and start his cure today; it It
sold under an absolute guarantee to cure. Get
copy of little book and read It; It will be sens
free by mall, If you address the mannfacturers
"Thb Stbrlino Hembdy Compant,"
No. 45 Kandolph St., Chicago, 111.
San Frakcisco, Ca.Nov. 11, 1892,
The Howard Medic ine Co., Lincoln, Neb.
Gentlemen Re
plying to yours of
the 6th, would say
that, for several
years, I have been
afflicted with
Blackheads and a
Shiny Skin, and
have used all the
F reparations that
heard of but
none of them re
lieved me until I
used two bottles of
your FaceBlb ach
which has remov
ed all of the flesh
worms and left
my face clean and
smooth, so that 1
do not even use powder any mere, and I must
say that I think it is the best face preparation
a person can use. Mrs. J. W. Phicb,
oi7 i-osi street.
tUX) will be paid for an incurable case of
blackheads or pimples. For sale at all drug
gists or at
TT"TTT A "D TV Q Corner t2th and O
XI U W JxriU 0, Lincoln. Neb.
3 And Upward
4 -TO-
5 n
Fit like wax.
Wear like iron.
Never rip.
Sfod for t tuples and rut, for self nua.
Lincoln pacts co.,
1223 O Ctreet
Uwt Northwestern linn to Chicago
Low raw. Tast trains. Offle Hi!
fit. Jtrh lUtti t o. CarrUir m4
Ilurgtat Ut prU. faulaua
aad vrc lUt ft, h aad MsswaaU
iUrtwr A l'otor tta svm of th
fhtapvat ftvjrly la Uacoia tor talc,
U jwt ho a c.d. cUar fan and
waatIO $ UBCvUT pr'rY rti
and tfcy tU Bad ou a 8rVt l.ka dal.
lUom UK l UUtUrW
erkex. X.
go 1 1
"X'GradeiJr '
mammoth di.plar at
twrrs In th world that
This atstement is now repeated by thousands who have purchased
8AT1TT 1 ills D Y u auwniauo
Ilk UUlilUI Wllkniilt- rum mvvi oivis
a rr rasaa DIIMlUflVa aCILwp,
Wiuaallulntaw II
m tiAM. la imhia
wKa it. By lis 03e ladies and children drive horses
Ben ooald not bold with the old etyle bits.
ran less
nii Ann. nf AmnMcmnaiim r.i p iik i I ai lip
W a tvn 1 1 T1 ffUTT T1T11 1 f !. 1.;)
in subduing the most vicious horses and controlling the most stubborn-pullers apa
chronic runaways. ' . , . .. a .
The only b't in the world that Is endorsed, advocated, used and sold by the society
for tho Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, The Highest Authority.
Tlia'ailll'JIUII'lll.'.sl.Mil.'lll VilHSHITSaTAM
1 1 te;
lli fit -ttmvt &jmz
iBliawsaisssw .is
For Barns, Bridges, Roofs, Fences,
Ytr T Tr I rn Tary H PallftiQ
the world. Protects iron from rust, wood from decay. Sold ready for the brusb
in five gallon cans at 60 cents per gallon. In barrels 50 cents per gallon.
Manufactured by National Oil Paint CO., Omaba, Neb.
ror aaie by a
celpt of 81.00.
flrac-clan. druasiata. or sent by
Ask for IIILlH Tablets, and
Particulars free!
by mail. Address 51, 53 and 53 Opera Block.
The Best In the World just received by ,
G. M. Loomis.
Call and See them. Also Tanks, Pumps,
in the hardware line.
Telephone 371.
Feed &c Hay Dealers.
rnm in pat lots for feeders a anecialtv. Consignments solicited. Good sales. Prempt re
turns. Refer to Missouri National Bank.
12th 4 Hickory Sts Kansas City, Xo.
si im
Villi! I II II HII I
interest and a verj small commission. Privilige given borrower
to pay in installments and stop interest. Money always on hand.
Write or call on us. StULIj. BROS,,
JOHN B. WRIQHT, Pres. T. E. SANDERS, V. Pres. J. H. M'CLAY, Cashier
Columbia National Bank
OwMta) FaasMC Afsat,
MtjJvtf3J-M3f-- tWd order
aV -Arrte4f tf. CARRIAGES.
Tin O from aV one aatil you haw ee
1 ,"ou ear T'evCncd Catalogue for ltttS,whtch
is mailed free to ny addre. It how oer
t j J WM wit k nrirM a vehicles
cJZfLZTTZ raofjiU $ upward, and Haroru from J5 upward.
O r:? O -Jc . rirtl hand made and fullr warranted for two
tee gusuicu i w 37. j i
yean, aad our Spiral Springs are warranted for 12 years. We are
A ...t.firturers f t the aboTe reanuatioBS. Eaamioe our
thr - World's Fair. lnChicaso. Th only mannfac-
sell tbfir entire output direct w im co"aI"-
umiuiiciu, u.
oeviot ciuaea me uoreo a llultua.
ts. mn mnt annum na on Ten
a. I
Send for Illustrated pamphlet containing hw
monials from all parts of the world, and earnest J
.! 1.0mil(a and VllimonP TUVL'OT
I IMII J 1 1. 1 J.W.
7i oj 'la
jm imaiJ44iw mil." no
aaai . i nr
Etc. 85 PER CENT. IRON. Adopted
will cumpletely destroy ttie desire lor Tobacco
In any form In from 3 to i days, Perfectly, cause no sickness, and may be
given in a cup of ta or coffee, without tna
nowledgeof the patlent.who will voluntarily
top ttiuokiug or ( hewing In a few days,
mall on re
905 O Street.
Pipe, etc. Tin Roofing, and anything-
C, fa. LOOMIS.
J. E. johxbon. Manager.
ninTPn irrrnniOlTI IT A nrn TPVT
y 1 v u w knh an :b 11 a Bwaa. va n . n.
IjlJlLill uuuujijaa ai J a uu vuui .
City rMaf Ai!,