t THE ALLIANCE -INDEPENDENT. MAY 25, 1893 It . t ,! t ill THE PRESBYTERIANS UNALTERABLY OPPOSED TO SUNDAY FAIR OPENING. STRONG RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED. Cbarrha Urged to Do All la Their Power to Prevent It The Brlfgs Caso Re ferred to the Judiciary Commute Baptlitts Gatheriog to Con vention nt Denver In Very Large Numbers. Washington, May 23. The ReT. Thomas liraker of Wakeeny, Kan., conducted the half hour'i devotional exercises with which the second week of the session of the Presbyterian gen eral assembly was ushered in this morning. The special committee on Habbath observance, of which the late Colonel Elliot F. Bhepard was chairman from ' 1U Inception, submitting its fifth an nual report, which was read by Elder W. B. Worrell of the New York pres bytery, Colonel Hhepard's private sec retary. The effort to secure the open ing' of the world's fair on Sunday was recited, closing with a statement of the vote in congress against it Th report then proceeded: Your committee recommends tbi pilot I the followliw resolution: Pint, The rnwmbljr wolves with aeepre. Sret tbe liiUillltPiice of tbe death, An March I, of t'olonul Klilott K. Khnpurd, chairman of tbe committee on habliatli observance, anil desire to ex press Its hlfe-h appreciation of the valuable services be fans rondornd to the Habbatb rouse by bis liberal efforts sud bis lame contributions hecond, The assembly exprM"" Its pro found ratitude to Almlvhty God for .he sud or theellort to secure in our national lotrlilature s prohibition of Hunday opening at Wis Columbian exposition and lis appreciation of the action of conxress In orderlnir by so larse s majority to continue the time honored custom of the American people in doing- rev erence to the Lord's day. It Joins tbe whole church In hearty thariUnttlvIng that we have been spared the bumlllatlon as s Chlritttun nation of s public sanction of the Hunday opening of tbe world's fair, and U bureby voices what It believes to be well the nlirb unani mous Judu merit of tbe church It represents in declaring any attempt after this public and official expression of the nation's will to open tbe nates of the exhibition on tbe Kabbatb would be a crone affront to the Christian con science and s nag-rant breach of faith. ' And liMtsmucb as tbe local managers hsvs decided to oiien tbe sates of the exposition in defiance of the authority of congress and In elear violation of tbe prlnclp en of common honesty, us well si of God's command, there fore. Resolved, Third That we urge upon our people tbe importance of standing by their consciences at whatever sacrifice of personal profit or pleasure. If tbe trial of their Integ rity Is come, let them not detlle themselves with tbe king's meat Dan. I: S. Forth Ws call attention of our churches to the efforts now in progress for the formation of associations, lbs design of which Is to pro tect the weekly day of rest. We believe that the widespread Interest now taken in this question furnishes s favorable opportunity for tbe affiliation of the friends of the Lord's day Into associations that can render most efficient services In protecting the Sabbath against all Invasions After the report of the committee on world's fair Hunday clotting had been read, the liriggs question came to the front at a bound. Dr. Young, chair man of the overtures from the presby teries, twelve of them relating to the Briggs case, moved that they be re ferred to the committee of judiciary, when Dr. Uerrick Johnson of Chicago, naked what had become of the over ture from his presbytery on the llrlggs ease which overture besought the as sembly to refer the case back to the synod of New York. Dr. Thomas C. ' llall of Chicago, in sympathy with Dr. Briggs, made a brief speech in favor of sending all resolutions on the Kriggs case to the judiciary committee first After a sharp discussion the motion to refer the overtures to the judiciary committee was carried. THE INFANTA PHOTOGRAPHED Ealalla Spends an Uour Before n Wash lugtou Camera. Washington, May 23. After her morning chocolate and roll this morn ing Infanta Eulalia attired herself In a wonderful evening gown of fluffy stuff, the neck cut V shape and about her shoulders threw a wide scarf of China silk of varied colors, then accompanied by Commander Davis aud the Mar chioness of Arco llermo.su went to a photograph gallery In a closed car riage, while Prince Antonio and the duke of Tomames went walking. Commander Davis did not wear his uniform. The prince wore a light spring suit with russet shoes and straw hat The Infanta reached the photog rapher's Bhortly after 10 o'clock and spent nearly an hour there. Several negatives were taken aud the prio ress took the liveliest Interest in the process. (n their return to the Arlington the royal party hud breakfast and spent a quiet two hours until 1 o'clock, when they wsre driven to the treasury department Secretary Carlisle re ceived theut and aoUnl as vacurt through the money vaults. In connection with the Infanta's aUeudaui-e on low mass yesterday, the following is told: The Infanta Kulalia came in contact with a Tery deuu-ratie priest ymU'r day, tihe sent word to 1 sitter Ue of St Matthew's ehurea, asking him to cause a special tuaa to lo performed fur her and her suite. He sent Nek word that the Catliolio church did not recognise royalty as Wlug entitled V such a privilege. Then the Infant requested that the use of the church be given her that a uiaaa might be privately performed for her by noma other priest father responded that th church was at her service at any time not in conflict w ith the reg ular services, but that the building was for th tf the I'athulW puMlo and that the do. in eould not be t-UM. daring the ceremony atfaluat any one wh chose to tout, 't he upshot of the matter wa thai I ha IafsaU at tended on of the regular services of tae fhurvn. Hlil Ki.era Au) a Teas, Cl mil Art, t:Ui My 11 The Ohfe rlr U rUn rapidly, haviug ratted over tea fvvt siau NttwMay. It is no about thirty at ft aud Wnf nearly three) hulas an Hoar, the KluW liver is atfit rajlng at twenty Sve feet, ttivrflowing the wuU tMWu lands aud still furluor dei 14 tt evra trvi WORKMEN AROUSED. They Talk About Tearing; Dowa the World's Fair Uatea. Chicago, May 23. The world's fair Sunday opening question was vigor ously discussed at the meeting at the trade and labor assembly yesterday. It was brought up by the intrduc tion of a resolution by Delegate McUulre which declared the sympathies of the labor union in favor of Sunday opening. In the discussion that followed President Lineman took the floor and said: 'When efforts were being made to raise money for the fair promises were made the workingmen of Chicago that the fair would be open on Sunday; hundreds of workingmen In Chicago have contributed to the fair stock sub scriptions according to their means and their wishes should be as much consulted as those of any other sub scriber. I propose that we say to the world's fair authorities that we are willing to pay fifty cents each to get into the exposition on Sundays and If you do not let us in on those terms we shall go in anyhow. Let us name a day and go in and tear down tbe fen co if our demands are not granted." Vice) President I'omeroy proposed that a public meeting be called to discuss the question. This suggestion was adopted and it was de cided to hold a meeting Wednesday evening near Jackson park, at which a plan of action will be decided upon. The management decided to open the fair Sunday in all its departments, but on Friday decided to wait the action of the national commission which votes on the matter this week. Attorney-general Olney says the gov ernment will not permit Sunday open ing., WITHDREW FROM THE TRUST. The Great Whisky Combine Practically a Thing of the Past Pkoria, I1L, May 23. Five of the largest distilleries in this city have withdrawn from the Cattle Feeding distilling company. A reporter called upon Samuel Woolner of the Woollier distilling company and asked him if it was true that his company tuui withdrawn. Mr. Woolner said: "Yes, it is true. Not only our two bouses, but the Manhattan, the Northern and Poor la Distilling companies have also with drawn. We served notice Saturday afternoon on the company that the lease was cancelled and we immedi ately took possession of the distilleries and will hereafter operate tnetn in our own name and independent of the whisky trust We will paddle our own canoe and supply the trade. We believe the result of the litiga tion pending and instituted by the attorney general will result in the forfeiture of the charter of the Dis tilling and Cattle-Feeding company. In short, we think the trust is 'busted,' and that wide open." Sunday Hsieball (lasses. At Cincinnati St Louis, , Cincinnati t At OhlcaKO-Loulsvlllo 6, VhUm 8. At Kansas Clty-Topeka, , Kansas City 7. .' t ht, Joseph St. Joseph, It, Lawrence & STANDING or THB LBAOOS OMJSS. w. . .It .10 i, p.o. w. u r.a I .m Cincinnati. .10 II ,47 7 All WaNhinirton. 10 .471 7 ,W Baltimore ,. 8 11 .i 7 ,fHH New York ..7 13 .m 7 .m Chicago 7 lit .HAH AM Louisville... I t .') Cleveland. St. Louis . Hrooklyn , Pittsburg. 10 Philadelphia.!!! Dostoa 10 8s pro me Only In Time at War. Bebiin, May 23. Tbe government has denied the truth of the recent statement that Em 'or William, in his capacity of supri..o commander of the federated armies, would issue a manifesto concerning the army bill. To the denial is added the explanation that the Emperor is supreme com mander only in war; in peaoe the fed erated princes command their respec tive armies. Thieves llald Dresden, Missouri. Skpaua, Ma, May S3. Thieves gutted the town of Dresden, seven miles west of here, last night They burglarized the only three stores in the town and carried oil' several hun dred dollars' worth of goods. THE MARKETS. Kansas City drain. Prices were quoted as follows: No. 8 hard wheat, ftKiitVl'ic; No. Shard wheat, OlGtffie; No, 4 hard wheat, MktMo: rejected hard wheat, W tiMc; No. S red wheat, (VXntWo; No. 3 red wheat CUitiMc; No. 4 red wheat, MfcOOc. Sales on change, f. a b., tutsls of Mississippi river: Hakd YVhkatNo. 8 hard, t cars (WVtO, 80 curs tVc; No. a, 2 curs (Hc, curs 6Hc, 2 cars 67o: No, 4, 1 cur ftlc, i cars Me. Horr Wusat No. 8 red, nominally 1WTie No. 8 red, nominally M(u.7Uc; No. 4 red, I car line. Sesisa Wukat-No. 8 spring, 1 car un',0, car 6c; No. 3, I car choice 7c, 8 cars Sac, I cur Uo; No. 8 white spring, I cur Mc; rejected white spring, I cur good Ale. Ofterlngs of corn wero large ami the market Wan very weak. Prices in all position went Hide lower. The t reat (Iodine was on corn without good river hilling. The feeliug at the ,c!ie was weak aud many car lot offeriint at the lowest prices of the day, Keooipl were 80S cars: s week ago 8 cars; s year ago IV) cars. No. 8 mixed corn Sold st M','(t.Mo; No. 1 mixed. !U.t.i.U,o; Nu 4niled,3l.v. Nu. 8 whito.8 Vo: No. 3 white. ,tt; No. 4 white, Ski Hilpper paid 37t tase MuuliMlppI river, aud W'Hl t Memphis fur Na 8 rorn: No. 8 white was sold si river and 44 ttue Memphis Oat Hold slowly and were about 4 a lower. The elti'rliigs wrr lllwrat Kev relpta, 81 cars, a year ago. It cars. Cash price: No. 8 inurd, No A, tMtD. Nd 4. Tos 8 white, W I kfe 1 white, 3l3IS MVS - m aai Is fair demand So. 8 was suoled al Sla s4 No. i st W.lt r't-si-VJH tiMj tr bu upon the twsu f pure; small lot 3w ItSAS Mlra.lv, , in Nt la sack hulk ate v'oms t'Mw -Lowvr, tl-Ui. la I'O in Mat- It rliU, W ear. BtArkvt Srnv WmUIIuu are: Ttwulhf . s4m to fan,'V, It gwt a. clur aiUrU, tt M prt liMt; f,f pratrte.ai ixM to csol, V : rwtuutuai, 1 i HX UtK ITIHa, Kt nvv. Wo, Wf L-twtil.K elp. ! Haiur-l.n. k l,t4 hipt4 attirUv. I , 1 a surk a tUe and trw4 to auk ewriiy. siusla tn4 wl 4 Hite if, It lAlA ud !), H -tt Tvi u, 1414 Start, St SVlt M 1 4 lad) , BiKhitat. ttkof a4 ldr, M.tt. kltliuui, at kSithA H Kl4 i lutairdty. HSt. Ik'flW , M Tte Sfirkct ledt U hf, lutu4 jk a 4 sa Wf eHMI k-w tvvm ra4 IttH MM t) S WM ts IH -. I tf to ,.4kt Mbi M'il ,m, thtt,f4f (l Sippt air.r, 114 Ik swsl ati l trw4. T M.4 sr tH,ttvi . Ht Na Wt f'a Sl V B) . M IS I Praetlclly CJIoawd. Lnrcour, N'ib., May 23. The trial of tha Impeachment which has occupied the attention of the tu preaae court for three weeks practically closed last eveaing as far aa the intro duction of testimony is concerned. The defense will introduce no more impor tant testimony and with the presenta tion of records and papers will close this forenoon. The state may be permitted to introduce testimony, but it will not be of great length. Providing the re buttal is brief, argument will be com menced this afternoon and continued until the allotted four hours on each side are consumed. The argument is expected to draw out many spectators and if the senate chamber is crowded the attorneys will be encouraged to give tha court speeches which will go down in the history of tbe state aa the final closing of the first impeachment case ever tried before a supreme court m the United flutes. Yesterday Secretary Allen and At torney Oeneral Hastings were on tha stand and each is credited with making what attorneys call an excellent wit ness. Both were frank and little diffi culty was experienced in cross exam ination. If the argument is not commenced this afternoon attorneys on both sides will ask the court to hear two speeches tomorrow and two Thursday. Struck by Lightning, FKKK0N.V Neb., May 23. The splendid rain which set In shortly after midnight continued until late this afternoon, and plenty of rain fell to meet the needs of growing crops and make the farmers good-natured. It started in with thunder and lightning accompaniment, which proved disas trous to August Kihn, whose residence in South Fremont near . tha packing house was struck by lightning and burned to tha ground. The electee bolt struck the building on the north end and a blase started up at once. A heavy wind was blowing from the north at tbe time, which spread the Are so rap idly that the family barelr had time to eecape, and saved none of their effects exctpt their clothing and some bedding. The nous was insured for 1,000. (Several attachment suits have been brought in the Douglas county district court against Osorga W. E. Doraey, and the papers in Om cases have been filed in the county slerk't office of Dodge county, and Sheriff Milliken is serving notices of attachment against the real estate recently conveyed to various par ties oy Mr. uorsey. un tnese new sum tbe South Omaha National bank claims $8,000, John Diffley tO.OUOk and the Na tional bank of New England $8,000. The annual picnic ana Mar Dartv of the Fremont turnverein was held at Hollers grove on South Broad street yesterday afternoon, and was attended of a very large csunpany of German oitisens, who enjoyed themselves im mense!, The athletio games and exer cises commenced about S o'clock and were very spirited and interesting. Found Dying, Talmaoc, Neb., May 25. Mr. John Wiener, a German wagon maker, who bad until recently been employed in the wagon and blacksmith shop of Win, Keck here, committed suicide some time during the night about ten miles northwest of this place. He was found by a couple of carpenters about 6 o'olock this morning' as they were f otng into tne country to ao some wonc. ie was lvtng by the roadside with a small revolver clasped in his hand and was not yet doad, aitnoufjn there was a bullet hole in his head just below the temple. Deceased was probably fifty-four years of age and was unmarried. He was a hard drinking man and probably ended his life because he was out of work and out of money. He has a brother living on a farm near where he killed himself, and another in Nebraska City, lie has been about this town for some time since he quit work and was last seen here about 8 o'clock yesterday evening. He probably started to walk to his brother's and becoming despondent concluded to end his existence. The coroner was summoned and rendered a verdiot ac cording to the above facta. Hall and Wind. Hastings, Neb., May 23. This eity was visited by an fnueually heavy hail storm this morning. At a quarter to 5 there was a sharp, loud thunder clap that frightened people out of their sloop, and which was followed instantly by such a rush and war of hail stones, that many took refuge in their cellars, thinking a cyclone was coining. For five or six minutes the bail fell, and it was impossible to see more than a short distance in any direction. Build ings rocked and tall trees bent to the ground, nearly, from the force of the wind. When the storm passed the ground was perfectly white. Trees were stripped of their foliage, and tbe small fruit crop almost totally de stroyed. The telephone and electric light systems suffered from broken wires and poles blown down, lite Hastings roofing factory, a large frame structure, was moved some seven or eight feet off Its foundation. The factory was intending to start up this morning, but will be delayed several dare. - Child Killed. Dan, Nebraska, May 23 Dur ing the heavy rain which fell here yen terdsy the ami house of John Fog hi,' who lives a few miles above here, fell In, ktUrog hi little girl and injuring several other members of the family, The liUle daughWt of Mr- Anderson was acridoaUy akot ywforday by one of the ttetghWs hof , whi was fooling wtva a rwulm which he supm4 to be empty The girl will Noibly dss as the ball entered the forehead aad lodged (a the back part of the head. . , . . , l. ad in a Unite, Faus rjtt, Neb., May 13, A young md by the name of Ueorge re was fvHnl J4 la ttogvt's grove, a few miWe smith if this city, where he was la the ssnntov of a Umwr ntnd U i HuutwaU The cause f fete Jnlh remains a jtry. He la a sUeiu rer aad ottty known teUUv Is a Ufthr In tAiteastef. O , wh we noli. IWL A eofiatet tiut is talW4 fol touiotfow tuutalug, ... Take a Course la tbe w a w m s epsAGur I A 1A Canviptedescs mmrA WW SthaalrfLsw. AT J. CoTxe. Ja., Ste'v, DETROIT, MICH. lio.7 Tulaj-uokh UiMb d WHV PAY DEALER'S PROFIT S aM'l 7CTeWWtoaSsSrCarHw,trawat fsW l3 K'M. m I Orsf trul. Ugs Lmm MkW lllWII mm m ..'' ISAlut mm taM a m , mtmm mmmm mmtt r. mmt mm MM, mm m,il. i mm j; fjmmtm imifFMH mt I. tmr mm mrr '- OXFORD Sire, tu., ssu waoasa ., vnwssw, m Bt HAPPY WHILE YOU LIVE, FOR fOU WILL BE A LONG TIME DEAD. To bo Happy buy a DANDY STEEL r.'ILL wiid iirspaite Mies, never aeeds (Ml. TbeUasar Hleel Tower His 4 l eraeres Tower, aud tne strongest and best hi tbe market. Will be sent on 30 Dars Teat Trial, and If Dot entirely Mttsfwrtorv can to returned to os, and WK VV1XI, FAY r-KKIMHTBOTH XVAYH. We alao mamifacture Ui old Reliable Challenge, O. K. feerleas and Imlay Wind Mill, Pomp, (Hndm Tauks, reed Mm, Corn Bbellera, ilorat lowers, Aa Chalhng$ Wind Mill 4 rWf CoH Batavla, Nana Co., IU. FURNAS : COUNTY : HERD. or digCjhs SD Holstein : Cattle! A few Extra Good September Pigs, and a No. 1 butter bred bull, yearling, registered for sale. Prices right. H. S. Williamson, Beaveh City, Neb. W.C.T. U. DINING HALL, 138 S 12th St, Lincoln. First class table and attendance Lunches at all hours. 80tf "DONT TOBACO 8PIT OR SMOKE YOUR LIFE AWAY" Is tbe title of a book just received, which all n vn.nvi.iiin . w . . a harmless, susrsnteed tobsco-babltcure, sold by H. T. Clark Drug Co., Lincoln, Neb., agents. NO-TO-BAC costs but a trifle, and a man who wants to quit snd can't bad better call round, set a box ol it, and start bis cure today: it it sold under sn absolute guarantee to cure. Get copy of little book snd read it; it will be sens iree oy man, u you address tbe manufacturers ' in! DTKRI.lnO KtMEDY COMPANY, No. 46 Randolph St., Chicago, 111. We Sell Direct to the Consumer AT WHOLESALE PRICES. House Paints, Barn, Roof and Bridge Paints. Buy direct from the factory. Guaranteed. Russell Paint Co., NWCor Paulina & Klnssie St., Chicago, IU. MABUrACTURERS or All Kinds of Galvanized Iron Cornices AUD Wire work, poultry netting, yard and garden fencing, window guards, office railing, etc. Sena for catalogue. J. W. D. HALL, St. Joseph, Mo. THE BOSS SPRAYER For spraying fruit trees and vines. Bend for catalogue and price list to CURTIS & HUDDELL, 1505 Bo. aetk St., Lincoln, Neb, EAGLE BRAND THE BEST ROOFING I uneauatal lor House, IUrn. Factory or Out Huilduifs ao4 eoiiU half the pint of hirglrs, tie or irna. U m ready lor im, awl vatilv sitllu lV anyone SVml stamp Its' samples, and slate le ol root. tXCalAIUU f AI.NT S) KUOriXU to. 1 80 Ouan at.. New York, N . Y. CHAUSCKV M. DKI'KW. The other day, ia speaking of the Im proved faolUtU dr luxurious travel ta this country says: "We are abandoning the old system of lighting the ears with kerosene lamps, and more tnaa half the coaches hare already been equipped with the most improved and the safest system of lighting known in this country or Kurope. Wllb the new ilnUch lamp there can be ao pswalbiUty of danger front eiploaion or otherwise, as tbe apparatus is all out side and under the ear, and ia the event of mishap, the fliturve broome detached and t&e gas tai apve Into the air," Th hrtlllsat I'laUch light, the finest car lUurutaant la eilsietuw, auw In ua on the Union IVtrio Mjstera fulfllls all the rvuUil conditions au hspplly noted hy Mr, IWimw, lUrher A wlr have eema nf the rheapest property In Uaeoia for sale, if y hate a gd, clear farm and waat Wt get Usetdn prrty, rrlie, nd Ihry w'll gnd vu n Drtt-vWs deal. tUnitsn a luwt.aM, lU'ftt 10, m O tSirvet- Yum will tt fresh and pure seeds at GrUwoU s, llOtkiHtft Klttveath ilrttl, cTimv a. 1 KM PATEIT JL - SOLICITORS. IIFS A m Bee Bids dUCS a bU., nyiHS. NEB. Four year's experience as examiner ia the U. 8. Patent office Advice free, bo fee nobl the patent tsostawed. Tne Paragon Incubator Is positively the most practicable and re liable Incubator now before the people of the West. "Patronize Home Industry'' and get the best. We dare come before the people at the great Nebraska State fair this year. We hatched n chicks from 121 fertile eggs, sftor moving the eggs and machine several miles vrhea they were within two days of hatching. There being bo premium offered at the fair we were granted the big b est award of honor by tbe board ot examiners. Send for circulars and price list of the incubator, which batched the chicks at the state Fair. Address O. G. COLLIER, Box 435, Falrbnry, Neb. DEAFNESS, ITS CAUSES AND CURE, Scientifically treated by an aurist of world wide reputation. Deafness eradicated and en tirely cured, of from a) to ao years' standing, after all other treatments have failed. How the difficulty is reached and thecanss removed fully explained In circulars, with affidavits and testimonials of cures from prominent people, mailed free. Dr. A. FONTAINE, Tacoma, Wash. "AMONG THE OZARKS." The Land of Big Red Apples la the title of an attractive snd highly interesting book recently issued. This book is handsomely Illustrated with views of South Missouri scenery Including the famous Olden fruit fsrm of ,(J0 seres In Howell county. It pertains ent rely to fruit raising In thtt great fruit belt of America, the southern slope of the Ozark s. and will prove of great value, not only o fruit g owers, but to every farmer and houikeo.er in other states looking for s fsrm snd s home. This book will be msiled free. Address. J. K. t ockwood, Kansas City, Mo. Your Buildings WITH Black Seal Roofl ng TOUOH and DURABLE as leather, FIREPROOP aa asbestos, WATER PROOF as rubber, and at prices with. In the reach of every one. Put on by anybody and good la any climate mm Toor Roofs and Buildings with ROYAL ROOF PAINT la Red or Brownf or with oar glossy Jet black, IMPERIAL ASPHALT PAINT, all fall guaranteed. Cheapest and best paint for metal aad wood la use. Send for Pamphlet, Catalogue Sod Color Card to tho manafsetorers w. k. camps Boora Mr a co., City, M MONEY MOM OPOL Y (1st Edition of 6,000 all sold.) NEW EDITION-ENLARGED. 190 Pages Heavy Paper, low Ready, Price, paper a; cleth f 100. Address Thb Ailusob Pub. Co., Lincoln. Ksb. "Money Monopoly, by B. R. Bsker, Is pro nounced by representative leaders in tbe reform esnse to be the most comprehensive work ever published on tbe money question. Every asser tion backed up by undeniable proofs. Truly the Galling gun of wage-slavery against plutocrat! oppression," lows Tribune, uen. wesvers pa per. CHEAP FARM LAUDS 100,000 Acres Just Fat Upon the Market ! SOLD OM Small Cash Payments 5 to 20 Years Time. For map of Nebraska and further particulars, call on or address, STAPLET0N LAND COMPANY, 444 BEE BUILDING, OMAHA, JiEB. Farmers and threshermb Cntnlogao it AH the Latest Improve ll.t . meats, t uhUnel (.cur Blest lira, Jtoturn Um -Uuilu, ys Fuel Sun (I 3,000 IN HUBCR ENCINE8. It will cot you s 1 rent postal rard to obtain full Information about the bestTr ctloii KiikIiis snd Separator on earth. Adt'rrss, A. M, Mo MULL1N, lios 1874, Lincoln, Neb, ncors r.EPAi?r.3 outfit, taIMln of Irea Land a4ulu r I.k.Ib u HMfa aLVuiHt ami S.'. SM..a,sn.l ht sasa vlruig r ! h M It THMB4a a.' ja w.ishi. s it.. Mtr-aQLra,ii.u.i. ifrnmiC araAna tnV MM( tr MtrlMlnfl VUUR UWHAaMISa, au) i. i.is r tr..i, 4 a4 lsd, Sif Haul ihtIcm. Hiasats "mf f.iuil, IS ..i,w, r,MIl, sn4lu.. sus.fiosii IS. i .,, !. mi, imA a km. i Si mmtH f.M4 l..Mt'll,S V-tMaiisssX-aaf 6ei mtl, f AsfvMta mm e-t i,tkft' MKOINm.. OHiO, HOC CHOLERA OURED : FREE. VVt M twfSh swtlklss M stum ONI NIID Of aiCat wnna , - fHMfi vnnt .. tufs liMU'S Sk4 Sua, vi aut, A lnJ H'n imi, t-H las !(. s sa mm M lit MrS l f l a., tnlmm A n't I Ilk VI j. HiHvtasi(aini. ST. JOSEPH BUGGY CO. lit, Jthwutt Itugf CU farrlasff an ! Hkiar.'teS at kiwvsl frtoes. Calaloeuav amt tros list tee, tita aa4 Msaale bU rw Jue, Mo. OM w ii a a v l ktt. t. .-. am use mmoi?m TZ SSTwlls n rari 11 m AUERICAN roofing CO. Larasat Manufacturers in trie U. a. Sheet Iroa Building rtaterlal EWltnm, Cefllnra. RonUnx. Shoitrs, Imftatloa Urlckor;etli?rboardli.Gntpr, Imwasfwuls, eie. For tr K.k dlacout, sacai Umm tats -. 8t. Louis. " Cincinnati. a : CT RI PANS TABULES REGULATE THE STOMACH, UVER AND BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. BIPAXS TABULES are the beat HeSfc tea fcaewa for laalf tlsa, BUIeaaaess, HaaSaeae, CaaaUmtiM, Draacasta, Careato Uver Traablea, PUslacM, Ba4 Ceaaalextoa, Braealcrv, wScaalte Bmak, aad all Sla. rdsrs mt the Blestaek, Liver aad Bewela. Ripans Tmboles eootata aothlnc Intarloas to tbe matt delicate rooMitutloa. Are pkaaaat to take, mle, nfm-uial, and rin lin run) late relief. rrlr-Bax i I1K), 7S okIm i faokaaw boia, St. Mar be ordered tbrouB Darwi druionat. or tr BiaU. Sample rras by mail. Adaraa THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., IS SPRCCS STREET, HT 10RK CTTT. a KIX3SLAK3 ft CSSSLAS UFO. C3i T. avovia. Mo Ti:nEsi:Ens. .Vsrivalsi fbr fast Trssb lav,gesarstlsf aaa Clsaalss. Kscsls la an relate ttat sste s.aks sT'erfasi fsUiaf as4 Werllaf ajilss. WiCsrCstasfse PATRONIZE Tbe Only Line Under One Management raos Lincoln te Points Belew. OAK PS ' FREMONT ABKKDEEN OMsllA HKKKiS 11..8TINOS HUKOV HUPKKIOK ylTpKUHf' LINCOLN PIOUX CITY HIIKMMIN DBH MONIES MAHHHLTWN BOONR CLINTON DULUTH MINNE'P'LS MILWAUKEE OiKOSH E AU CI. A IRK MADISON Chicago WINONA &T. 1'AULI MARSHALL "Ur'trHrTTii FRBRPORT K A HOT A 1L-IU1ILA AURORA K SCAN ABA "lOMLNODXON Fast Trains to Chicago and ht. Paul. Clois Cokmsctioms roa All Points. BEST EQUIPMENTS LOWEST RATES A. B. FiiLnise, W. M. Hhitsas, City T'kt. AgL Geu'l. ArL Office 1183 O 8t--Dpot Cor, aad 8th Bt, LJNC0LN. NEB. ifrHMjHj i Iff' HVV av.,anrar- 12th and Farnamsta. UCQUMNTEOWITHTHt BEOOMPHy Of WC0USTlfi-tKlBtrt muus M.uuiE mrutuui ius tsusi a siudt w this hv 0F' i 'X WBBBBBmsI BSkBaaBr r I WSJ l'5S itrS&.?tfm I il Sllcaio, Boct Island & Pacific fiyj Tbs Direct Roots to and from CHICAGO, SOCK ISLAND, DAVENPORT, DBA MOINES, COCNClS BI-rrFS. OMAHA, I.THOOLN, watertowh.' E10CX FALLS. UIKKEArOUS, ST. PAUL SA. a. J Ti I . K II. mm v -sib iptin, SiriH E.nmrMBV scat Mai mm fron CHICAGO, CALDWELL, HUTCHINSON SB4 noiKlE CITY, sad Palace Bletplof Cars betwesa CHICA00, .WICHITA sod BCKHIN80N. nt Thmurh CeactMS, Slwpers, (an snd lHnlns (an Ssihr r i un as. iuuNctL iu.ifrn 'l.s. sna Mint. CIMCAftO sirA l.KNVKB. lalu!wa,J, n'Ml-5 Sv aaoaM 1 11 snd 1 mk -, i .. 2 - Tw v . . a, II A ana I.IM. t bain of hi i. ...! k . . i . "J . .. . ' liantoas aallr7Ma I Use. rwilauA, US i lnwl Uaa leas4 . Ira at las ids, Iss) Aanlaandau nu i..- nr.. ris.s Ink ai.mi.MS, Owln a( las Ih Saattailaaia, aud Status Utaadsais I tMwado, Via Tho Albert Lea Route. Past listaas TralM dailf tolwsta Chlrsr aud I asir ( s th !o MtHr lhrouga 1 " Jl ' " - ,WB WIB HU, I mmmm S..1pIi I ... .hJ k. . . , i via km k lu r r tiw Vs..iM Lias Mra., Iw,, tiwi Vm lkklU Mua - - A . . A. -r"" vm mm Sams. a. M tfCats, at sadlesi S JOHN tllASTtAI.' ssimihain,, a. sir, joriM, OkBll!, M.t A al at t t ., wastMias) ra. mmn gas and qasouni cnqin " 4aasld. m It, rmii:mt fl 7 ?r.r :m "JWrVf fin P'..t1Uv CITY, TOPEKA, DENVER, COLORADO SI'RlVcjXy and f UEBLO. Frae Rscllnlof Chair Cars ta snY ' w s S S B . k Skl tit.w, hM.. 1 ar ' vy- sr j i m i Kn-tatirtlif