liiii a u u l :x i uju a ai jujjjl it mj A jl MINE AND THINK. With tltrulsm fine, Ob dsy weed of srr Iotbt: "Pray, what mean mine and tWaaf" And he. touched by her besuty, ad esrelessnrss of ln. Answered with lore and freedom. And made the matter plain. Those eyea." he aid. "my dearest. In one sense, sure, are thine. But to look with love opon them, is mine, and only mire." "Thy Hps so sweet and rosy. With which none can compare. Are thine and so thy cheeks are And thy locks of golden hair. " But lovingly to kiss thy lipa And toy with locks so fine, Are not for any other That r!ht is only mine." Joel Benton. : A VALUABLE VALISE. Returning from New York city by the railroad a few years ago, I bought of the trainboy a copy of a Cincinnati paper, in which I read a long account of the robbery of the City national bank of L , Ky., nd the sudden disappearance of its teller, Harry W. Swope. As usual In such cases, he had been a trusted employe, a member of the church and a society young man. The rob bery was a particularly cool one, the gentleman having quietly slipped 190,000 in notes into a valise on the previous Saturday afternoon, after bank hours, and walked out into the cold world. That was the last seen of him, and it was not until the bank opened on Monday morning that any one suspected anything wrong. The affair created an immense sensation; ! society" was shocked, the church scandalized and the bank directors furious. The newspapers printed long stories of the Dr. Jekyll-and-Mr. Hyde sort of existence the young man had led for a number of years, and numerous friends of the "lately departed" knowingly shook their heads as they told the reporters that they knew something like that was sure to happen soon. , - This sensation so interested me that when I reached Cincinnati I scarcely realized the express was, as usual an hour behind time, and had failed to make connection with the train to L . I should therefore be compelled to take the last train going West that night, which would cause me to stop over night in a one-horse town in Indiana that did not contain a single comfortable hotel. I knew Mr. Swope by sight, having come in contact with him on a num ber of occasions while doing business with the bank of which he was teller. The L papers I bought in the Union depot gave further details of the affair, and contained also the an nouncement that the bank directors had offered a reward of $1,000 for Swope's capture and 10 per cent of the cash returned, which would make a total of $10,000 if the rascal was caught before he got rid of his booty. After eating an unsatisfactory lunch I took a seat, in the general waiting-room of the depot and rueful ly awaited my train. As I did so I noticed a young man approach my seat, and, placing his valise on the floor along side my own, to which it bore a strong resemblance, sit down while he looked cautiously around at the clock on the wall and then at the officials moving about. How long he sat beside me I don't remember, but after a time he slowly arose and walked over to the tele graph office at the further end of the room. Before he came back a strong lunged individual in uniform stepped up to me and bawled out the names of the towns to which the trains about to start were bound for. Hurriedly picking up my valise, I made straight for the eato and was soon aboard my train for the West The journey was made with the usual discomfort and monotony. The depot at N Y , Ind., where I had to stop over from 10 P. M. till 5 the next morning had been rebuilt since my last visit to that town, and, remembering too well my hotel ex perience there a year before, I re solved to spend the night in the depot waiting-room with a few other passengers who shared my misfor tune. All that night the face of the stranger who had occupied a seat beside me in the Cincinnati depot haunted me. There was something about him that romlnded me of Teller Srope he was just his size and btlld; his moustache, to be sure, was wanting, but that he should shave off this appendage was to be considered a matter of course. The gold spectacles he wore very much resembled those I had associated with the face of the intellectual-looking teller, aud I had observed on his fingers a number cf rings, jewelry that Mr. Swope was said to do very partial to. As I turned the matter over in my mind, the more convinced I felt that I had lost a splendid chance of capturing thj thief and securing a $lu.000 reward. When o o'clock at last came round I boarded tho train for L , not In the best of humor, and two hours later arrived at home feeling very blue. After taking a slight break fust, ! went down to the oftioe, where the big robbery was still tho talk of th clerk, ioh of thorn had theory of his own as to whore th thief had (on, and whea they ao lasted to m for my opinion I doltv fully rwH'unti-d my eierinoif tho previous owning, Of roursa they unanimously agrvod with tnt that I had very foolishly allowed th fugi tive tllr to slip out of my floors. Just heforo glnf tmt tn lunch, a niesaonfor Ky Unuldty enteral the omoj and haml.'d me a nolo frm my wtfv Thlnkta- It was th usual oiititUslo to t a yard or two tf "ffiHHls like the au'te ln U'ssd." I thrust It Into my ptx kel and started out to dkacr. I h4 nut gone Ur Us for I sul4tly sloped n4 took out the fuvli' the ly bad five fee, opened it and read it At first I could not understand what it all meant; then I turned it over and went through It again. It ran as follows; fc"Iear George: Come home at once. In opening your valise to get your soiled linen to send it to the laundry, I discovered it packed with bank notes! What does it mean? Is any thing wrong? Come home at once." My fir6t thought was to hasten home, but upon reflection I resolved to step around to the bank and acquaint the officials of my dis covery. I found the president of the bank in his private office, engaged with several lynx-eyed individuals whom I suspected from their ap pearance to be, as it turned out they were, detectives. When I was granted an interview and explained my discovery, it created, very naturally, a sensation. At first the old gentleman was in clined to regard me as a crank, but when I asked him to allow a clerk to accompany me home, he seemed to be satisfied I was in earnest. He con sented to my proposal, but after a moment's thought he said an escort was unnecessary, thinking, doubtless, that the handsome reward would be a sufficient inducement to insure the safe delivery of the precious valise. As I left the bank and turned up the street In the direction of home I was joined by a youog man who came running out of the bank after me, hat in hand. He said "the old man" had reconsidered the matter, and sent him to accompany me back with the money. This seemed to me to be quite satisfactory, as the fellow was a very genial young man and im mediately fell to discussing the rob bery of the bank. He congratulated me on my good fortune, and know ingly hinted that "the old gentleman" would treat mo cleverly in tho way of reward. I said this young man was a very genial fellow, but somehow I soon began to feel an instinctive distrust in him. I plied him with questions concerning the habits and business methods of the missing teller, but he returned evasive answers. In one or two little things he contradicted him self, and finally, when I unexpectedly asked him how long he had been em ployed in the bank, ha replied, after looking at me in a dazed sort of way: "Oh, about a year or two." At once the thought came to me: What if my "escort" was one of the young men I had seen outside the president's of fice; perhaps he had overheard our conversation, and had planned this neat scheme of playing the role of a clerk of the bank sent me for "pro tection," as he insinuatingly put it If so, I readily saw that he intended to make an effort to get his hands on the valise and then seize the first op portunity to bid me good-by. This theory was strengthened when I noted that my "protector" seemed gradually to become very uncommu nicative, and the conversation during the rest of the journey referred to passing objects and sights. Try . as hard as I could, I failed to get any thing satisfactory out of him con cerning the robbery. When I reached home I politely asked the young man to take a seat in the hall while I stepped upstairs to get a glimpse of the treasure. I found my wife at the head of the stairs, very excited. " In an adjoining room we examined the valise, and, at a rough estimate, we placed the amount at about the figure the news papers said Swope had carried off with himsomewhere about $90,000. I did not tell my wife of my suspi cions of the young man downstairs. but I resolved at once to arm myself in order to be prepared for the worst. It is a well-known fact that in Ken tucky the sixth commandment has long ago been declared unconstitu tional, and I quickly made up my mind that if my bodyguard showed any signs of playing ma false I would let him have a dose of cold lead. Contrary to my expectations, the young fellow made no offer to carry the valiso as we started on our jour ney back to the bank. At the end of the short street on which I lived wo stopped to take a car. My friend had again become very affable, and as we stood on the corner he offered me a cigar. I took it, thanked him, j and, placing my valise carefully on the ground between my feet. I struck a match to light it. Just as I was in the act of doing so, I received a blow from the loft that sent mo stag gering into tho middle of the street At the same moment my "protector" disappeared in the other direction. "Look here, young man," said a gruff-voiced follow In uniform at my side, as he shook mo violently', "I thought you told me you were going to take the train Went to-night has just pulled out, and you're left" Opening my eyos, I looked around the waiting-room in a confused way, and then reached for my valine. It was nowhere to be found! My brusque arouser instantly took in the situation, and, with a look of Intense disgust .on hi face, said, as he tiyntnl awayt "I guess that sludont-lika sport who was sitting beslda you ha taken rare of your baggage. lie eol me a few moments aga on hi way to the train with a couple of valUe. Nent time you go traveling, young man, you had butter take tome on along with yt'4 to car for you while you sleep. "N, Y. World, A Shaw le Its OpeeeA, It is aiinouruu'd that the alabaster quarries of King Tot toiuue of r-hoUU hald at Cairo watch are Bow being oti-avatcd by IVrvy New berry and a survey party sent out by the t'y I'tUct (rt low cuiamtttse, will Ui (( lu the publ.'o ttt wla tor. The lloverl already made range front .' It t". ta l,tl It, II, aud levied oe eolaUe tea-ieUeU ted IrmrtjUvaa BItlKF NKWS NOTES. Interesting I leans Gleaned from People Party Exchangee. The public debt increased nearly four million dollars during the month of April. Some one has appropriately named G rover Cleveland "The-old-man-alraid- of-his-congress. C Wood Davis says "the man does not live who will ever again see 3 cent hogs or 20 cent corn in Kansas. There is not an old soldier in the country that will refuse to take the silver dollar in payment of his pension, Our sister republic, Mexico, has a law of recent enactment placing ran roads rates under government control We haven't beard of any laboring men whom Cleveland has appointed to office. Guess laboring men are not "ic it." The Standard Oil octopus reached out its tentacles recently and took in its only rival, the Manhattan uu compsny and absorbed It Jerry Simpson baa given up his trip to Europe this season. He has been ai Medicine Lodge for several weeks look ing after bis farm. The Minnesota legislature adopted Ignatius Donnelly's resolution favoring government ownership oi railways, un, it is coming, sure. The South Carolina Farmers' Alliance saved Ha members nearly $1,000,000 during the last year in the purchase oi fertilizers for their crops. TVin MaaaBrtiiiBAtta Wlalature comes TittarAri vrirn a mdmiri n I in rnmrreHM asking for government ownership of telegraphs and telephones. Pat F.cftn intends to leave Chili be fore bis successor reaches Ihere. Mr. Kgan is considerate.- Some time is needed for the disinfection of the lega tion. Powderlv savs the Homestead work men lost the fight because a dollar can stand burger better than a stomach, which Is ahemely but expressive way of stating the truth. The total number of men employed on the railways of the United States at present is sbout 760,000, of whom hard ly 150,000 are members in good standing of labor organizations. Genersl Weaver will go east again in a few days, snd expects to be In Pb lede nn a about me imn. tie is doing a grand wcrk in arousing public t entiment down there, I Tbeslfdse-bammerufed by George L. Docfflas in battering down those dcors is in the bands of the Kansas populists, and is branded on one side "No. 177, A. T. & 8. F." Governor Lt welling and wife attend ed the opening ceremonies at the World's rair. ins governor says: -no Kantan need feel atbamtd of our dis play or building at the World's Fair." Boston's monumental liar, Edward Atkiueor, declares that western farm mortgages are to a large extent polit ical bugaboos, and that farmers are to a greater extent creditors tban debtors. The Cominff Nation Is the name of J. A. Wayland'a new paper lately started at Greecsburg, Indiana. Mr. Waylacd was connected with the Com ing CrUis at Pueblo, Colorado, for a tine, Farmers of the west who have been robbed by -the great binding twine monopoly called the cordage trust will be pleased to hear that the great octo pus has passed into the nands of a receiver. The slate committee appointed to in vestigate fenator Martin's election and Ady's claims to a contest have con cluded it is not necessary to eome to Kansas, but will dispose of the case at Washington. . Mr. Powderly e&yr: 'Quarreling among labor organizations should end. If it does not end, the labor organiza tions should end, acd quickly, lor there Is no earthly use in organizations wast ing effort on eaeh other." The Omabs World-Herald in grum bling over thehcggjsh World's Fair rates of railroads, says: "The people might take a notion to run the rail roads themselves, and they will if they take a notion." The world is moving. The Colorado Sun very tersely says: "The election of Carter Harrison to be mayor of Chicago carried to the pro spective visitor to the World's fair the asf urance tbat if the exposition grounds are closed on Sue day, other places will not be." Mr. Bisfell the new Post-Master-General has given it out that applicants for postil honors tbat do not intend to give the office their undivided attention need not apply. Getting a fat office and then appointing deputies to do the work is not business. The Trades and Labor Assembly of St. Paul, Minn., has adopted resolutions approving the cowrie of the Minne sota legislature in investigating the coal com bine. Congress will alto bo urged to take steps toward the govern mat ownership of the great coal fields In this country. A cloak which sella for 120 la London hop Is sewed by women who receive 2 cents rer cloak for their labor. The (acts came out in a police court where s woman who had sewed 127 cloaks sued the oUutkmaker (or her wages, amount log to l.ti. The clrakmaker wanted a reduction In the price, to which she refused to consent. Use Northwestern Una to Chlcsgo Low rates. last trains. CBlca HU Obi. Call n (iv N'atWrtuan & to. for carriage, wsgons, binders, and ll farm lutitlcmente. We'll us you right :t3 South Math L, Untxila. I'ariua rr Mala. Irk) acres 4 roll north of Alliance (lot tlutw rouaty Nu M acre in eultlrattoR, fcOacrv feruwd, tod houMS and barn, tw well. V III gt I sltwi at owe. I Mr It 11 U arrw, )M) SAirv t inlU north til Alllancex 10 m r la cultivation, all tlllaWe. rlc II. 0u iei acre. There) can W other land Wig;ht adjoining- tb it Utr4, lor further rtUsiare. aJ tiiee., r. U Kuan, i Alliance, Nvb. READ OUR TESTIMONIALS Will completel T destroy thsdiwirs for TOBACCO In from StoSdara. Perfect! T harm less; euiMno sick new, and may b given lit a cup of U-a or coffee without tae knowl- eugeoi loepmueni, toviui Toiunuuiiy stopauMMUngor cue wing la slew day. nHTTsnrrvRm m MnRPOTirp imu it iixiii unit juuui ixiii u the patient, by the use of our SPECIAL lmrlna; treatment patients are allowed pnine until sucn uine as vney snail Toinniaruy gi e in em up. We sand particulars end pamphlet of testimonials free, and shall e glad to place sunerrrs irom any or uou wiut persons wnonsve oeen cured HILL'S TABLETS are for drnsKiMLa at $ .OO per package. Tour druKKialdoea net keep them, na wa win eeou you, vj rvwiru uu, lw Tablet. TVUr U.l'IO V RUUinHIMIll.WIIWIV wDetoer is Diets are lor looasco, uquor naDit. DO NOT BE DECEIVED Into purchasing eny or ine Tenous uoniruuie mat are onerea ior phi, ask lor " ' ' 'i"Aiixiii i t3 ana uae no outer. Manufactured only by THE OHIO CHEMICAL CO, Ula ISOesrsBleck, LIMA, OHIO. PABTICUULE3 r Taa I have (Tn writing The Pleasures Of Toil are unknown to many thousands in the world's grand army of toilers. It's because so few of them labor with their heads as well as with their bands. Thinking pays; ideas are so much capital. What are your ideas about grass cutters? You've heard about The McCormick No. 4 Steel Mower , It's an ideal machine. There are more good ideas about Its construc tion than can be found in any other mower. Probably that's why its sales are so enormous. It has the best foot-lift to be found on any mower; is fitted with the McCormick cold rolled finger bar, and will stand the severest tests possible to a grass, cutter, Guarantetd to work wheri elheri fail. It's a light draft mower, and it's durable. It's an easy winner of field trials. It's a really valuable mower in more ways than can be enumerated here and it costs but little more than a " cheap " machine. The Illustrated McCormick Cataloftie shows lh special merits of this mower, Ws I uraith it so do our agents. McCormick Harvesting machine Co. CHICAGO, ILL. R.B15F0RD, Agent, Lincoln, leb. THE Blue Valley Feed Mill. Positively the bent mill in the market. Has the larufHt, capacity, the UKbteitt running, most durable, and yet the moot simple in con struction. For catalogue and prices write BLUB VALLEY FOUNDRY CO., Manhattan, Kansas. Pleaae mention Thb Aujancb-Indepihdim when answering above. Notice to Contractors. Sealed bid will be received at the office of the County Clerk of Sherman County, at Loup City. Neb. until noon of the 12th day of June, IHVafor the count ruct ion of the unuroaches at tho McAli!ne bride and the protection to natd approaches. The approaches will probably by 400 or more feet In lenmb and rutin t be sufli efently wide tor safe public travel. Bidders to furnlnh plans and speclllcatlons and gurantes their work to stand a reasonable length of time. The County reserves the right to reject any r all bid. Dated this day of April lOOS. (SKA I.) K. 11. KittslL, County Clerk. AN ENTERPRISINQ MAN. MACOX, Mo., April 1, 1892, Quttn City SUt$r aod Xicitl Mating Co., AastSt. Louii.UL I rtad Mrs. Valley's experience sell Inr earns, and I am tempted to five my experience plating. 1 paid IV 00 for one of tjuettn I'latrs, for plating gold, silver Ar nickel. 1 had no trouble to gel all the knives, forks, spoons, castor and Jewelry I could plate. The first wevk I made 7 clear profit; the second, $Xj 40, and am now averaging tl3 per week. I have advised a number of my frlonds u try tm nusines, ana they are alt doing well. The machine I complete and doe the wiwk rapidly. 1 can wake aa much tolling t'iafcre a iiUting. Hoping my experience will benefit other, I am Vour truly. It. U. STOoasT. I ynu want to make more cU ar tuoaey than yoa ever made la your life, nd f.r circular and price of the Queen llawri for gold, silver, altkel, copr. and bras nUMor! can b uad by any on. I'late bt aulifut, and t)ual W the filerst new wurk. Kvery claM of good or metal. Twenty dollar a day c easily niatle. A J -, o.nt ctti sitftr t8 iicui riitiii cj H N Mala Si. CAST ST. IA)VI, ILL ) Dp 54. fJll .Tl t , Matloa thl i4r. DCrrr 'HCD i eritAHTH iikiiikl.iUkU ana Inn la carviiu invcauicafioa aa to our responsibil ity Md Ue menu of Our Tablet. Double Chloride of Gold Tablets nipiip emicur!thom,aBwith. xxuui i ouiany enorc on we part or FORMULA OOLO CURB TABLETS. the free nse of Liquor or Mot- tneee nablta in comniunlca- Dy tne use or our taslbt. sale by ail hut-class enelose as I .OA m pecasge ui our jsorpuae or iH-ing , ,'-f- from ten and smoked Of your Tablets TBI Oa io Chbmical Co. s-Gbwtlbnbb Home time ago I sent for SI. SO worth of your Tablets for Tobacco Habit. 1 reeelTei them all rlsh t and. although 1 waa both a boarTsmoker and ehewer. the did the work In less than three days. I am cured. Truly yours, MATUJB W JOHNSON, P. O. Box 46. Pitts BRaaif. Pa. Trb Ohio Chimical Oo. : CrtBTLBHlSt It sires me pleasure to sneak a Word of nraise for your Tablets. liquor, and through a friend, 1 was led constant drinker, but after sins' your soul will not touch liauor of any kind. 1 yotaoIuMtetoowth.curewMPert. HIto Mcmm CiirciinuTi, Ohio. Obio Chbmical Co t Grntlemem s-Tonr Tablets have performed a miracle in bit ease. uad mornhine. hrnudennicallv. for seven two packages of your Tablets, and without any effort Address U Order RESPONSIBLE I Till? OHIO ourniOAL laeEMta waaTrnl m m 'vwwvv -w 51, SS and 09 OBTAIN CHICAGO PEICES FOR ALL Y0UB PRODUCE. The way te do this is te ship year Butter, Poultry, Igss, Vl, Hay, Oralis, Wool, HldM.IBeanc, Broom Corn, Croon and Drlod Fruits, Vogotobloo, o aaythlnf you have to u. The fact that you may have been Belli ng these artwles at aoase for years is no reason that yon should continue to de se If yon oan find a better market, make a specialty of receiving shiBents direct from FARM IRS AND PRODUCERS, and prebably have the largest trade In this war of any bouse in this market Whilst vol are looking around for the cheapest market lowhieh to huy your goods, and thus eoaessitv log ia that way, It will oertalnly pay vou toaTe some attention to the best and most prat able way of disposing of your produce. We Invite eorrespetdenoe from INDIVIDUALS, ALLIANCES. CLUBS, and all organisations who denre to ship their prednee direst to this market. If requested, we will send you free ef charge ear dally market report, tn! ping directions and such information as will be of service to yon, If yea contemplate shtp ping. When so requested proceeds for shipments will be deposited to the credit of the ship , per with any wholesale bouse la Chioago. Let hear fromou, IT-K SuiniEBD LIOREIDON & Go., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 174 South Wtttr Street Chle:;3. Reference: Metropolitan National Bank, Chicago. j. w. CASTOR,' re. 1. P. EOUelV Vloe-rrss. , , M0TT, THE FARMS IIUTOAL niSORAUCE GO NEBRASKA. INSURES ONIaY FARM PROPERTY TT ARM EES, we invito your attention to tho Farmers' Mutual Inauraaoo I q Company of Nebraska, If you are in want of Insuranoe you oaa not JL afford to Insure In any other company, and If you do not want insuranoo now, write and get a copy of our By-laws and Constitution and lean swhat wo are doing- anyway, Remember we are for Famm only. PBINCIPAI. OFFICB, ttoom 407 Brace Building. $1 1.76 Will buy a TWELVE YARD PATTERN -OF Faille raeaise In the New Spring Shades of Cafe au Lait, Mffitary Black, Emerald,, and Violet ORDER . 3S inch Subline SUk 3S inch All Wool Whip Cord in Change able Colors, 40 inch AU Wool Suitings, Spring Styles, , 40 inch All Wool Satin Finish German Hen rietta io all color- 40 inch KnglUh Sergt Changvable colon.. - Saraplt cheerfull irnt to HAYDEN BROS.. a ecu tb snort 1FE7 Testily from persons who have been cured by the use of i s Tablets. Tna Ohio Chbmical Oo.t DBA Bib: I have been natna- van cure for tobacco habit, and found It won lit do what you claim for It. I used tea cents worth of tbestrona-et chewtnv lohuMikdiT. nd from one to Ave cia-ars: or I won Id nnnka to tortv olwm of tobacco. Have ehl for twentv-flYe veara.and tssnukuM cored meaoIhaTenodesireforttT B. M. J A YLOKl, Leslie, Mich. Dobbs Ybbbt. sj. T. Mr son was strongly addicted to the use of to try your Tablets. He was a beery and Tablets but three darsheoultdrinkln. hare waited four saonth before writing years, and have been cured bv the on my part. W. I UyiJCQAT. nse og to www m v- Opera Block. LISJl, OHIO. W. B. LWCfc, ieef. STATS AGENT, OWtlUAatTMTreee. LINCOLN, NEB. SAMPLES. Warp, all colon, .... j QQ .85 .50 .88 ,60 m out of town customer. ir4fOMf lr OMAHA Rt3