The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, May 25, 1893, Image 1
V , .1 I. .Ml- I , J J t The Alliance-Independent The Alliance-Independent Asvecalss:' i 3 U lbs bet- Adverttslng medium In the west It is especi ally valuable as a means of reaching: the farmers. Its circulation is as large In Nebraska as the cir culation of all the "farm Jocrnals" combined. Give The AllianCk iNDEPENDKNT a trial If you want good results. VOL. IV. THE TRIAL The Impeachment of Allen, Humphrey and Hastings Given to the Court for Decision- EXTRACTS FBOM DOAHE'S SPEECH. A Review of the Testimony Given in Defense of the Sute Officer. Noth ing but Flimsy Pretexts. Predictions as to the Result. The trial of Allen Humphrey and Hastings unier articles of impeachment - adopted by the legislature ended Wed nesday afternoon. There was scarcely anything new in the developments of the last week, and very little popular interest has been shown. , DEFENDING THE WHOLE GANG. In defending the impeached state . officers, their attorneys have also under taken the stupendous task of defending the whole gang of boodlors who are now under indictment for robbing the state. They have tried to show that there has been nothing crooked in Bill Dorgan's methods in connection with the cell house, that Betts and Weaver. John Dorgan, - Sewell & Co., have all acted honestly, and never robbed the . .. state in coal uad flour deals. No doubt if the cattle steals had been brought into the case they would be defending Hubbard, and very likely if the Capital National Bank failure had been brought in (as it should have been) they would . have offered satisfactory explanations for everything Mosher did. FLIMSY EXCUSES. The impeached officers and their deputies have gone on the stand and done their best to show that Allen, Humphrey and Hastings had so much to do as members of the various boards that they could not possibly have time to investigate such things as vouchers for coal, flour etc. But the following facts brought cat in evidence knock all the force out of this defense: 1. There are from twenty-five to thirty deputies and clerks employed all the time to assist these officers, who in fact do nearly all the actual work of the offices In fact they have had more assistance in proportion to the amount of work than any of their predecessors. 2. Their office hours are from 9 to 12 in the forenoon, and from 1 to 4 in the afternoon or six hours per pay while the farmers, laborers and business men of tbe state who pay the taxes which hw -e been squandered work from ten to sixi n hours per day. 3. These officers have found time to do a great deal of private business, and often been away from the state house for days at a time. In view of such facts the plea of over work falls to the ground as absolutely worthless. They have also tried to show that thoy have only followed the precedents . set by other siato officers who served , before them. This plea is worthies, because tho fact that their predecessors failed to do their duty is no for the present state officers. They also clai-n that just before they went into their offices Governor Thajer in bis measaee highly commended the men who had been ooodling tbe vtate at the- asylum, and they took his word (or it that the members of lhe "Lincoln g" were all models of honesty and uiclency. riatmss OP EXPKRTS. The defense put on the stand four expert architects named It ilndorf, Grant, I'iaher and Coot who gave tl mates of the eot of the cell-house that were alronwt IdentUal the htgheat Wing i:w.5il and tbe lowvi $3.'.$W. " Their testimony showed that in making thcie eatlmataa they had alt worked on the aaro theory atd Bgurvd front the same laaia. 'I hey flg ur4 th coat of tone an t other material at two or three lime what It actually nut. u! a Ittwral allowance for olan and sproid ration which coat iWgan almost nolo log au4 lov4 a big salary for Uo svitritendnt, whit Ikwgaa in fact oely o K) per niontV Ttwy floured ) thing at th top-aoU-h, ana tok th claims if IKirgaa a4 other la UtiUd la tb defie tr a b-wl. )Vr example: 1 hey 8gur4 dlmen Uhi iIom at 3 and 3u hiU mSU h only cot Hit vrau; ru'bU Vat It) to 11 et tthtt-h only oot 1 to II coat-, Uur at .'ti itnu aa hour wbkh only eot II tJ ivr dj; aad rjtlsg l la i rtua. TkM Uou ra brvigKt out ta th en eiamtrat oa and maU thlr kill Bjony raulkUy won !: tATR PriK-rKA OH THR TA IIajihry. At!a and Hstlags west a th itaad U ttielroM'ffM. T at far auhataattatly lh a tll sooay. They said tay Riplvy4 lKf ENDED trn because they koew him to be a good business mm, and because he understood how to work the oooviots thus confessing that they endorsed tbe violation of the spirit of the law which required the employment of free labor. They acknowledged that tbey approved of Dorgaa paving $1.00 for convicts while other employers only paid 40 cents. They took Dorgan's word for almost everything and advanced m jDey to him long before it was needed for actual expenditure. They acknowledg ed that each of them used 1125.00 out of the cell-house fund on a trip to inspect prisons, notwithstanding the fact that there is a regular appropriation for traveling expenditures for state officers; that they kept no account of their ex penses on tbe trip; that tbey gave the warden $200 to pay bis expenses to a prison congress; that they bad approved all the voucners for coal and Hour for the asylum without ever making any investigation or hating their suspicions aroused. For all thete things and a great many others they tried to justify their conduct on a variety of pretexts. They even went so far as to claim credit for having order sd an investigation last fall after Rewick's exposure and having called for the grand jury Investigation, when it is a well known fact that tbey were virtually forced to do bjth by Governor Boyd. . ARUGMKNTS. Finally on Thursday at 3 p. ro. the testimony was all in. The court had already announced that tho lawyers on each side would be allowed four hours. The time alloted to the prosecution was divided between Judge Doane and Mr. Laubertson. Attorney Greene filed a brief of thirty pages which is a very able and exhaustive review of the case. Doane made the opening speeob, and it wai a very able presentation of tbe case,. He handled the impeached offlr oers without gloves. The following is a partial report of his speech: At 8 o'clock Judge Doane opened the argument for the state. He divided the aharges into four bundles. First, want of diligence in disbursing the cell bouse fund: second, wilful appropria tion of $500 of that fund by respondents to their own use ;third, appropriating $200 of the same fund to the use of the warden and chaplain ; fourth, want of care in disbursing asylum funds. An officer taking the oath of office cannot plead pressure of business, but he must perform duties prescribed by the constitution. The duties of the board of publio lands and buildings as defined in the statutes were read in full to show that members thereof are responsible for proper disbursement of funds, and that If accounts are exorbitant or incorrect they shall not be approved. The board is created for the specific purpose of examining and auditing ac counts, and if it neglects its duty, and the responsibility is thrown on some one else, there is no other body or person who can be made to answer. If respon dents can throw themselves back on their good faith then the state can bo defrauded with impunity and all appro priations diverted. ' If they neglect their duty they aro liable to impeachment Judge Doane proceeded to touch on the sacredness of the public treasury, and declared the American people were becoming entirely too lax, and the fail ing that one can steal from the ttate and go unpunished was too common. What have the respondents done! They have depended on some one else lu vi ry instance, they have depended on tho superintendent, the superintendent de pended on others and so on dgwn the line. They hare not ferformed their duties and in evry can they say, "oh, we intended it all in good fjuth. ' It is not plvasant to spuak of their acta and is not a duty one would volun tarily perform, but what Is l f t but to condemn them in unmuwuml te rut Dorgan's very first act was to write to Zoolt and receive price on stone, 14 cents being tbe largvst, although tha other side may deny this and aay it ha not been proven. 1 hen w Iiorgan iMgotiating tai tlie K & M ofilc at Omaha with Mr. At wood. Thtn At woott furnishes Um at 3A tnts whivU ha was srUltig at 19 e.-iU, anl It ma? Stft lx aMuming too taurh to say that Dorgan dot not Wt all tha rrufll go into Atwood's pot ket And th board a'kv4 Ik tiling to gn on la violativu of lb out prvtW4 tgr law. Not cudr dt Urra dofraud In the matter of lab, but ! i.W l ir $300 In u (Miring two butUr for IM banrfit of tit triaoq coairat-fc. If al wa ue44 fruot tan butWrs UuJftvr m eotni414 uu4ar hi cvutiavt to furntsti it. For th purpuM of alhn h aiHuuat of tunnay t (waded In tba ) ova very wllhag Him kf WAe4Ual $1.0UU rotUf umUrial wwl4 ruiii after tKa toiUiaf U (Instead. Why was lKra aiWwa4 to aU um oaMrtal la Urn tai(aUry y y4 wKka waa aavat kt t u4t m U Wvaaaa tkgan a swlUug a "tat T" ot a lU Ho4t front (HtKaaaat Hut the atoat serious arg la rgar4 l Um tU kouaa frtn.l was lH apiwutw of J ftir v on a )oa4 If. Hi staUt waat4 that to 4 Ua ta Uautator wnaUI ha apprvpristad It W tba LasvaUklui M MU, lla LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY. MAY 25, 1893. law officer advised them to do ft, antf had the effrontery to say on to stand that he eanctioned the taking of money appropriated for a specific purpose. . This larceny, for it can b called noth ing else, was perpetrated, it u, to bs presumed, on that fund because they bad a pliant tool in Durgan ; that they could give the wink and he would shell oat THE LAST DAY. On Wednesday morning attorney Hay ward of Nebraska City spoke for two hours in defense of tbe state officers, making an able effort from his stand point. He laid especial stress on two points: (1) That the legislative pro ceedings in regard to impeachment were incomplete and irregular; (2) That the state officers were over -worked John L. Webster followed him. He referred to tho state officers a great noble-hearted honest fellows, and to the men who have unearthed the ay lum and cell house steals as dealers In "ehime." He ridiculed and be-littled the articles of impeachment and the testimony. At noon he had not finish ed. He will be followed by Mr. Lam bertson in a two hour's closing speech. ' The court will probably decide the question of jurisdiction in the case of Benton and Hill tomorrow, The final decision in tbe case of Allen, Hastings and Humphrey will probably not be handed down for a week or more. , Many persons who have watched the trial predict that the court will be divi ded in its iudgment. They think Max well will be for conviction and Post for acquittal. This will leave tho matter for JSorval to decide. OFFENSIVE PARTISANSHIP. Threa MUtourl Toatmaitteri Removed on That Charge. TVaskingtOs, May 24 Congressmen are beginning to urge offensive parti sanship charges very freely to escape the operation of Postmaster General Bisseira rule in relation to fourth class poRtorliccs. Of the fivo appoint ments made to-day for Missouri, those for Dawitt, Kenny and Winston were to fill vacancies occasioned by remov als. The appointments were: For Missouri At Bacon, Moniteau county, C. llnton at Halt Kouk, Mercer county, Cbarlcs Evans- at Pewit t, Carroll county, J. T. Dewey, vice A. D. Klchards . removed: at Kearney, Cloy county, John P. Dykes, vice Gcor e H. Smith removed; at Winston, Daviess county, W. F. ' ftiuhardxon, vice W. Maleny, removed. For Kansas At Andalc, Sedprwink county, M. H. Holler, vice Georae E. Sharp removed. . JOE JEFFERSON. The Comedian's Ailtneut Causing Hli Family Alarm Hot Progressing Well. Buzzard's Bay, Mass., May 24. The family of Joseph Jefferson, the veteran actor, are becoming some what alarmed over his condition. Dis patches from New York are not en couraging. Thomas Jefferson, the comedian's second son, said: "The abscess on father's neck is not very serious in itself. A younger man would recover right away, but he is getting aged and does not seem to rally. I have no doubt he will come out all right, . but slowly." r Clerks In a Conspiracy. Kansas Citt, Mo., May 24. Edward Caro and Cal Mathis, elorks for the IVuce clothing company, W)5 Main strft, were arrested .Sunday morning ou warrants charging llu-m with grand larceny. They arc said to have been parties to a big conspiracy on the part of the clerks of the house, who, during tho past few years, it la al leged, have stolen goods to the amount of SI 3,m, NEWS NOTES. The twenty-first nu:nlrennil con vention of the United Brethren In Chrtftt In in fcesftlon at llmlon, Ind. Congressman ViW of West Vir ginia tlenlea positively that he Is pre paring a tart bill to be submitted to vongreaa, Bernard Goode of IMroit, SlU-h., h l'-n appointed superintendent of the dead letur oil toe. vU-e 11 I. 1 .rib hard i, re tinned. Over 4o delegate to the annual convention of the grand roiirt of Ilia wie and dati.'htrr of eolottut Matter NUvius of Atuerk-a ar In avuMott la ht. l.oul. It U reported that lreltlfttt ( I r ve in ti.l haa lntrii t the itn titlw rs tf the t al'iuet not u make any rviui iadaiUu tot vat-aiv until he shall hwoM-lf ll f,r tUauw Trunk lretoa w drowae4 l th Can oliao ri r at l'orvII. Ii4 Ter,, auniUv myht whltn balking Ilia 0mU t eit r- orer4 h4 khip(4 to hi tuu0 at l'rt, '!. Aunt Nancy fa.'ra. ajwl W tear JUd In ta aaalrra portWitt of tba thotlaw nation. bh via a liaeat di-s.vtulant uf th royal vUm of llH I'ah IwW KaU famoti la (UiW hUtory, Jam i liwltflit a aiwmWr of th awi v'a In a, I itil.i' arseat tor iKall au4 haa oaf.L It would hava graduate! In Jmh kta hou m. II i tho . of 'rofeMf !i(ht tf Vaar iHiUetr, an4 a fieuuii ot I'rvaMvat lWht of Yaltv WINQ SHOTS, Times have changed. Men used to feel that a vote for a third party was thrown tm Knar than tViinlr ontjutnr either old party is worse than thrown away. .... . The Wymore Arbor State speaks of Judge Buih as "one of tbe most emi nent jurists in the state." Quite right, We need a few such men on tbe su preme bench. . I The protective tariff is a great sys tem of 'paternalism' Yet the very men who have lauded that system to the skies try to howl the People's party out of existence with the cry of "pa ternalism." Col. Holden was observed coming out of the office of Burrows & Thompson a few days ago after an extended cull. Whether the trio were mourning to gether over their failure to down THE Alliance-Ihdepedknt, or fixing up some new deal doth not yet appear. It cettalnly is about time tbe repub lican ' machine men" of Nebraska got together and made "a little medicine." The party needs medicine badly. If It doesn't get something soon to build uj Its tissues and quiet it scattered nervo , it won't bdable t) stand up before tho People's champion next fall. An exchange suggests that when the committees of the next congress are made up Marion Cannon of California should be put on the committee on Pacific railwayi. Good suggestion, Cannofi4s the man who electrified "the Omaba - convention by declaring that "we're going to own the Pacific rail roads one of these days. . i Delegate Rawlins of Utah flew into a passion not long since and offered o the governor his resignation with a string to it. Now he has concluded that hw is not so mad as he thought he was, and is pulling the string to get the resigna tion bick. Ue will probably get it, for (be democrats are afraid they cau't elect a man to fill his place in congress a The appointment of J. Sterling Mor ton to Cleveland's cabinet was an Insult to tre farmers of the west. If he had raked New York with a fine-toothed comb he could not have found a more faithful friend of Waif street, the grain gamblers and the railroads than is J. Sterling Morton. And yet he Is sup posed to be in the cabinet as the repre sentative of western faimers! Mortimer Whitehead, lecturer of the national Grange bad an appointment in the agricultural departraeut under Un cle Jerry Iiusk, but it wasn't hard for our own J. Sterlingtofindan excuse for discharging him. Whitehead is a free coinage man, a greenbacker, and an enemy of board of trade gambling and trusts. Morton wants no populist cranks in his department, The other day Senator Vest of Mis souri asked 1'. M. G. Bissell to knock a republican postmaster out of a job of siamp'icklng, and give the aforesaid job to a democratic frk-nd of his. "Can't do it. 'I here are no charges against him" replied Itissell. "What were the charges apalnst Wanamaker that let you into his shot's?" retorted the senator. And the papers try that thereupon Uie 1. M ( fell Into his chair utterly para ljcd while the senator went went out a m id as a wet hen. Allrt Walk in, ex-postmaster ol Lincoln, baa at lmt "bet-n taken caro i f." Ul course he dwrvtd something. Isn't h a staunch Kold-bug? And didn't he go to Omat a about a ) ear ago, and hi lp down Unao and his free ooinige resolution? Ihdn't bo compare Hryan to a llttltt dog trotting al og behind the wagon of public opinion? And didn't he do g o d s-rvloe in helping Morton to dot q Van Wck lt fall? Of rouro h did. J Starling im't the man to fvrgei such herulo service o A Ibt rt I (o rv l r of th l lrsl National Bank of 1W, a On Sunday May II. at the Ca'umet ao4 IUrlaet Kr mlneat ar Milwaukee, a rage aaa bring drawn up a abaft con taining wa minor. They arm com sag up to eat ttu lr l nor. Tho rouptlag pin brv and th rag Ml three thou ai4 U tnstauily kl llsf th men. Woulda't It o a t'i'lii idea for th got it iH-op'rt who ai o antiou U bav itrt World a la'r vlod on S outlay to Uk lato Ula ntaVWi? It It la wrong for lahorlag toplw to at-joy th great hu iaMuaJy, (aUu th aly euaLcw tavy b a n v ) bow ataut mla owner weiklsg tht Ir hand on Suaday It Is a w la ord fof U.a ylpr a4 holr of th tnoavy f nwr t eat I tiiaJsttut a 'rvpaJlaWir" and a ' draa gi'go Ut tajlng; tutUea w arw bma4 to tat lno our roiilraUoa aolaaty tho titulu-4 via of ?r4iur tor wbotu aa apprvcl lift 'liniiiiiftm ating standard of value has' naturally a strong and irresistible attraction; but we must acknowledge it as the duty of a democratic legislature to supply the much larger class of people who re quire money for the payment of their debts with a currency to which they may haye access on easier terms. ' - ' i - i - . . Kansas against the world for politic al complications. . The legislature last winter enacted a law requiring candi dates for ofllce,and campaign commit tees to file sworn statements of their campaign expecses within thirty days after election. . The penalty for neg lecting to do this is that the election shall be void. ' Now in a large number of towns the successful candidates at the late spring elections have failed to oomply with the law and ; the thirty days are gone. Under the law it ap pears that they must step down, and special elections must be held to fill their places. ' - .i . i Tho republican machine men of Ne braska seem to have fallen into a state of "innocuous desuetude." They have almost ceased to make medicine. The party never needed medicine worse. Its blood is exceedingly bad.' Its sys tem is filled with corruption which it is unable to expel. . Its breath smells like the mouth of a sewer. Even its all is giving out. Something should aoae before it is too late. The old- time machine men should get together at once, and concoct, or' decoct some new medicine of some ort before it is everlastingly and eternally too late. An item of news is circulating through the reform papers of the oountry to the effect thatJ 'Llnooln, Nebraska, now has a populist dally paper." This may be very encouraging news to populists in other states, and we are really sorry to undeceive them. But since tbe item has made the rounds and got back home to Nebraska we feel like it is high time to call it in. Tbe truth is that the fifth populist dally started in Lincoln came to an untimely end more than a month ago. It was deoently burled and the violets are now blooming on its grave. Like all its predecessors, it died of starvation. There is "mighty poor pick in'" for a populist daily in Ne braska. ,'' ; The revisers of the bible have bean very careless iu their work. There are a great many passages in the bible that are obsolete. They are out of tune with the times, and are only read and believed in by a few cranks and fanat ics. The following is an example: "If thou lend money to any of my peo ple that are poor, thou shalt not be to him as a usurer; thou shalt not lay up on him usury. Exodus XXII 25." That passage should either have been left out altogether or revised so as to read as follows: "If thou lend money to the poor, skin 'em in proportion to their urgent needs. Make a great profit out of their adversity. ' Take everything but the clothes on their backs which as a rule aro not worth taking." f i John M. Thurston is another one of theg o. p. deathbed reformers. In a letter to the Louisville conventioa he says: - "The republican party must once more put itself in touch with the common puopie. i aero can oe no question but what the republican party has been too largely dominated by the views, the demand and tbe wishes of the groat commercial and moneyed interest of the country. Government, to be a blessing, should devote itself to pro tecting the interests of the tollers." This is refreshing. Thurston en dorses the principal charge made by the popuiisU against the republican party, namely: that it has been con trolled by the money power. Is It like ly tho etien who have been tho princi pal agents of tho money power In con trolling tbe republican party aro realy io earnest In iropotog to put the party 'in touca who to common poopicr- Th national bankers have been howl ing at a lively rats because Cleveland clioao a lawyer to fill the very respon sible portion of comptroller of th our reuey,Ktket,of Illinois, it lath prin cipal i uatn'a of this officer to adminls Wr th onal ba'ikiug law. The banker claimed that nobody butanes iwrUaoed ban It r was 8 1 fur lit pomittoa. Hut ih poop' who do pot i a la na tional bank (and soou-llme never so It agala) hat great reason ta rjoUw. Mr, rkla Is a reformer, tiovsa't Manly ) why so many bank bar been r'kr4 by sptimlatlBg and iwlndllag haaioitiovrala spit of the hank exatnlaet l 1 looking IsUt th matter with a flew to stopping Ik II propowe that national baak shall bqttiHHl I!.- a jar II a'ao pro po bt uhsng th rssminers aroun4 and glv them i'itTeAat territory. Th vtgoiou kickls of In baokwre la a sue al.a that Mr, tlckol t4oa th right liavk. Tin p old Htau Joursa) ts agala ' la th soup." It stat prlsttag mkb lis wa potaplvfety kHH'liv4 out. New hi t, will bw rtttfl. The government own ership of railroads and telegraphs. , , r That freight rates it. NebrsVa bereduceau a level with 4 those la force in Iowa. The bulldinsr by the 'national government of a great trunk line fmm North UHltoia ie ue Onlf of Mexico. T NO. DO BANKS FAIL How Assets Melt Away at fllota Oitj. Bank Boodlert Arrested. ' WHAT . A ' BEAUTIFlIIi .' BTBTE2I A Partial List of Tbe KaUures Occurring la The Past Ten Days. Stdl s There is More to Follow, i i ' Indianapolis, May 13.-Bank Hxarn lnor Hugh Young took charge of the suspended Capitol National , bink thU morning. '-j . -; , ,, , Little Rock.i Ark., , May 13.The grand Jury today , returned five indict ments against the officials of the First National bank of this city which re cently failed. Among those indicted ia H. G. Allls, late president cf the bank: Cadar Falls. Ia., May 15.-Flrst Ns tlonal bank of Cedar Falls suspended. Liabilities 11R0.000. The failure wat caused by the failure of Fild Bros. is porters and dealers in fine horse. Creditors of the bank are mostly farm ers, : :.'.., t. t ; , . : ; MlnnWpolls, May 16 Tbe directors of the Farmers' and Merchant's, Stat bank, which suspended yesterday, held a meetiog this morning and decided to , resume business as soon as collateral can bs realized, whlob will be In a few vrinnaamiiia. Minn.. Mar 10. The Northwestern Guaranty Loan company has not yet suspended, though the offi cers admit that the financial stringency will probably compel them to do so. It Is announced that investors win pivvr bly be paid in full. ninntnlnirton. 111.. May 16-The Ex change bank of Normal, a suburb of this city, ciosea ltsaoors oay. a private bank conducted by W, H. Shuremah. The cause of the failure was doing business without capital. It has been expected for some time. The deposits have averaged $90,000. The capital stock was supposed to be 25, 000. An effort is being made to reor ganize and if successful, an assignment will be made. Many Normal student are among the losing depositors. , SiouxCity, la.. May 18. The assignee of the defunct Union Loan and Trust Co. states that the company's liabilities are about $6,000,000. , , ' v The assignee of E. Hankinson, the great pork-packer, says that his liabili ties are $877,504. When the failure occurred Hankinson claimed to have assets amounting to $1,887,778. The assignee has figured the actual assets down to $24,200. i The asslgaee of the Sioux City Dressed Boef and Canning company has filed astitement showing the assets of that company to be $38,257 instead of $83(1,198 as claimed by tho company. The Labilities are 4W,17 1. May 17. The Citizens' bank of Min neapolis, susendod payment. Direc tors say the bank is perfectly solvent and will be reopened Monday next at the latest. May 17 The bank ol Zumbrata, Minn, hai suspended. The capital stock was $i0O0. It had $:,000 In cash on hand but could not realUa on J0,C00 worth of paper which It carried. Nabraaka Crop Outlooks, Cans, Nb.. May St. The weatiier erop bulletin from the Ultd 9Ute departmsat of agriculture, lasued ts day, says: Th wk as a whole vet dry and hot, with a high soulharly wind. A god rain began quite gener ally ever the UU Sunday night and eoBtluusd through Monday, hwlag es pecially heavy la Kray and AdaitS rHtstl and empaal4 by hall, dolag sum Uamag. t he temperature of the wk avrag4 about four de. gr ahov the aormal hut tsraad eulte cold with th rala etMvsday. tVa ts about all plaat4. aad the early plaaWd l vomlaf p atoely. Bye aad wlstar what ar hgtstff te head out, aad reports Ia4iat alt the wai front thr taeh te a foot high prf grata eoattaiie vary fm aad hah ward although hlpd hy the late ri ' ;.,...., lt...,M A ro4o it.-aih rajMirt that Lawta Moribbaa b ommiaki4 te writ Ih loarrUf ihI of th das of York aa4 lria May aad that It I h!4 by many that h will U Ue nt pot laa -. Xothlag b said, howvr, ol Joha liuakia'a daoliaatUaa ef th plave reatly te4r4 te htsa, HOKE z