The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, May 18, 1893, Page 7, Image 7

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    MAY 18. 8itt
The representative American and English Wheels.
Agents Wanted Throughout the State.
E. R. Guthrie,
200 to 212 FIRST AVE. NORTH,
Minneapolis Creen Sfjled HIDES
Sheepskin 1A,aagbaLaL . Calfskins, Dry Hides, ,
Tannery. - ucicut
8ouitv Bum op Mimm.. MiNNiAPOlie, Minn.
Ft. Oaarsosn Not. Bank, Chisaso, III
Mohtani National Bamk, Hilsna. Most.
hair National Ban. Falls. Mont.
First National Bank, SrOKANtF'io.WAOM.
Nat. Bank or Comm.noi. St. Louie, Mo.
Liberal Advances Made on Shipments against
Original Bill of Lading.
Shipments Solicited. Write for Circulate.
Shipper, from this State Cornwpond wlUi and Con
sign to Mluncopuiia ilotue.
xxt nnA fni oaia in Ariama Rn
Furnas, Greely, Gosper, Garfield. Hitchcock. Harlan, Hall, Hayes, Kearney,
Lioup, Lancaster, rerkins, onerman,
These lands belong to us, and we
$4.50 Per
Call and see us or write us for list
to invest In.
Room I I. But Block,
State Agent quotes prices
A good common flour at 90 cts. per 100.
White Rose firur at $1,50 per 100.
Silver Leaf " " 1.75 . "
Prime Brow Sugar $4.00 per 100.
Best Granulated Sugar $5.65 per 100.
Pine Uncolored Japan Tea 25c per lb.
" " " ..",12ie "
Good Coffee 20c per lb.
A full line of Spices, Pepper, Cinna
mon, Cloves, Ginger, Mustard, Al
spice, etc., at 20o per lb.
One gallon best coal oil ' with glass can
40 cents. , .
i ra; Tfirjr ox c to
Muni) iisre
GUELPH 2:16i
Champion of Nebraska Tracks.
Winner of the fastest heat and the fastest three
Sir oi Mitnnrtia 3-year-old record 8:24: nx!iy, 3-year-old record 8:23; Uueiph Jr., 4-year
Old rncora l.-io1', .iuuk rennm, a-year-om recora :w.
His sire Is Prlncens: dam Mary by Messenger Duroc; Sid dam Bonnie Lassie bv Hambleton
fan 10, Ouelph has been a conolHlent campatKncr, and one of the gamest race horses that ever
Lived. He it as size, style, color and speed, all of which are essential In a horse to breed to.
Ouelph will trot a mile In t: 10 or Iwtusr this season, barring accident. He htut trolled a mile
In U.bvi. showing that his record Is no tueuMure of his speed. Ouelph will make the season at
Lincoln, Neb., S4U and U Sis. service u wiin tne usual return privilege,
ltrothor In Wlook to the reat Jay lllrd.
bv Sieo. U llkos: dam l.ailr Fri.k. P. t 8
Kve. damofUallleo Kes:'S. MoUreitor Wilkes t;87H. by Kambrlno Star It:; sm dam
Ltdy Franklin :t iam of otiatte (itrl by Bstv'a BUck Hawk
Mmt t arlu In U.e sirs of Dan Heudee, t year-old record t.ii, his II ml colt and other that
re showing early pd. He is destined to make as reat a aire as Jay HUM. lie will make
taa seaaim at l.lucoln. Neb., at aaou.
ThM horsm can Im ma at the Uncut noH&ru,
Address all rmtuuuU'iuua U
Cor. 24th and o at A- T. TURNEY t 10Ntt Incoln, Neb.
an4 U thr Dlaas Mh Xtum ur4 bf Htm. Thornton A Mtaor, Xna
City, Ma., knife. lltfAtnre or ratMiltw-iui money to be pid nttl paiteol is cured. W
atao ha tk ltliy ui l.t i Wont and Ihma of tfce aklQ. IWwsr of all dwtr
wim wttt any yn f itMtr ttm in !, rm
luiurw. twit.) ir rlrvuur wmita am
gwwiTtti4MAfn ttaUAua Mmrn, tw
Mat msm In tfefta 4 U summ. fci
tafH, u.!Le f a iH M ti4MtWt
ltsiLr, ty MaJ L,ttMNl, m
ri af irt h. 4t ky ttt ta any 4
AtwMt ft, m, 4i J H .i f, lu'iut,
buggy bargains advertised by Eastern
will be duplicated In goods and prices.
1540 0 Street,
Lincoln, Nebraska.
uniir . Pelts, Furs, Wool,
Tallow, Grease, Deerskins,
Ginsins A Seneca Root,
tlpr Thfl flviMtr. Dundv. Frontier.
vaney auu vveueier cumiu m
will sell them from
Acre Up
naming the county or counties you wish
on the following goods.
Soda 1 and Butter cracker 6c per lb. li
40 Grain vinegar in lugs, 25c per gal
Lemon extract 2 oz. bottles 50c per dot
Vanilla " " " 55c "
Finest full cream Y A cheese 12,c lb
A good Overall for only 50c.
An extra good overall for 65, ,
Bockford half hose 75c per doz.
" " best made $1.06 a do
Write for anything you eat or wear.
Stae Agt., 25 . Ilth SI., Lincoln. Wet
heats ever trotted bv stallion in the State.
rred by Monte CrUto (brother to Luraps t:SI)
S4 (dmn of Karlv Dawn S:!!l. Jar lllrd 2:21 IVwt
cor, Sttk and O street. Send toratalogue.
a nut m tks snd y will sud tki ta-
at hua.lriMj kv sm curvj by Ms. and
mismi mutia atrevv Huunaai tt a amt u Ms
Marea, !,
Tke Wi if tit fruits, orwenwttul and
n.rr.a. Ill M ptr mI the IiUai K ILL
MKlt"M, Iks bt nxniiwn vl. It will rt
! iKHhtDd tuiet tu .tk yuur ttoU. :a.
wiluwNiAl t'slkxt at t k(s( MMl tltur
,H .' . m kiwi, VW
I wut auy hkJlv . tke .. 44 s,tt
l,l.IIWNilll WHM tM
. kmm 'AM fc HMii. ftiM
rkiMMA tffiw4 Villi fmmtt si klrnl 4,
fSMW. foil lMHly 4 (,tUMS lut M
Uev, In
fM Ale,
Bogus white lead
sale did it not
afford makers a larger profit than
Strictly Pure White Lead.
The wise man is never persuaded to
buy paint that is said to be "just as
good " or " better " than
Strictly Pure
White Lead
The market is flooded with spurious
white leads. The following analyses,
made by eminent chemists, of two of
these misleading brands show the
exact proportion of genuine white lead
they contain :
Misleading Brand
"Standard Lead Co. Strictly Pure White
Lead St. Louis."
Materials Proportions Analyzed by
Barnes 69.36 per cent. Keels Chauvenet
Oxide of Zino 84.18 per cent, & Bra.,
wmtenau o. per cent. m. louis.
Less than 7 per cent, white lead.
Misleading Brand
" Pacific Warranted Pure A White Lead."
Materials Proportions Analyzed by
Sulphate of Lead 4. 1H percent, Li'doux A Co..
Oxide of Zinc 4.5.04 per cent New York,
liaryte 90. IW per cent.
No white lead in it.
You can avoid borus lead bv nurw
chasing any of the following brands.
They are manufactured by the "Old
Dutch'' process, and are the standards:
"Southern" "Collier"
"Red Seal"
For sale by the most reliable dealers tS
paints everywhere.
If vou are eoin to paint. It will pay yon
to send to us Tor a book containing- Informs
tion that may save you many dollar; it will
only cost you postal card to do so.
1 Broadway, New Torlb
St. Louis Branch,
Clarf Avenue snd.Tenth Street.
Nebraska Savings Bank
13 and O St., Lincoln.
Capital $250)000.
Write Us and We will Prove It.
five per cent Interest on sarins! accounts
8peclal rates on time deposits.
Write us or call for nest vest pocket memo
aodum book.
J. O. Bouthwice, B. R. TmonT
Preside nt, Cashier.
I GENTS WANTED Male and female
A old and young, $15.00 to $25.00 per
day easily made, selllnfir our Queen
Plating Outfits, and doine Gold. Silver.
Copper and Brass Platting, that is
warranted to wear for years, on every
class of Metal, Tableware and Jewelery
&o. Light and easily handled, no ex
perience required to operate them.
Can be carried by hand with ease from
house to house, same as a grip sack or
satchel. Agents are making money
rapidly. They sell to almost every
business house and famllv. work shon
Cheap,durable,simple and within reach
of every one. Plates almost instantly, -
equal to the finest new work. Send for
circulars &c.
Queen City Silver & Nickel Paling Co,
East St. Louis, 111,
, Notice to Grading Contractors.
OrFics or Couktv Ccirk, Saukdbbh Co.
WAHOO. Nbh. Mara 18K.1 Sealed nrnnnn-
als will be received at this office until t o'clock
1. M. of Friday the 28th day of May 1893. for
the conntructlon of the "Carlson Ditch."
Tb work will be lot In seven i7 worklna
sections a record of which can be seen at this
me construction of ditch will reaulre the
removal of 20I4 cubic yards of eaith.
Each bid must be accompanied bv a certi
fied check of 100 conditioned that the bidder
shall enter In o cod tract within fl ve(5) days after
opening of bids and slve such bonds as se
curity for the faltnful performance thereof
as may be required If hu bid be accented:
checks to be returned t the unsuccessful bid
ders after the award of the contraot and to
the successful bidder, after hU contract and
bond for the faithful performance of the
terms thereof shall be annroved bv the Board
of County Commissioner of Saunders Cousty.
Map tipeclttcatlona, pronle, contract and
bond can be seen at this offi-.
ah proposals must be addressed to Countv
Clerk of Saunders County, Wahoo, Neb., and
endorsed "Proposal for the construction of
the Carlson Ditch."
The rleht to reject anr or all bids, or to
waive defects, if deemed for the Interest of
the County, Is reserved.
oj oraer or uoara or county commissioners .
W. B. Kamd
SBAii County Cierk
Notice to Bridge Builder.
Notice 'la herehr aivert ths sntMrrlsnrs of
Harlan County will receive sealed bids for the
erection of three Iron bridges as follows:
One iron bridge at Claypool's crossing be
tween Alma and Orleans consisting of one span
of 60 fet length and to be 16 feet wide In the
clear and to be to feet above low water mark.
One iron Bridge across t-rairie uog ureeK at
Parish's crosttltig, to consist of one span of 70
feet, and to be It! fe it wide in the clear, and
tha road bed to be not less than IS feet above
low watr mark.
Also one irus bridge acros the Prairie Doe;
Creek at Cobutdlck's crossing toconUt of onS
span of 50 feet, and to be 18 feet wtd In the
clear, and the road bed to be not less than le
feel above water mark. ll of the above
bridues to rest or. Iron tubings and to be floor
ed with 84 lfh oak flooring.
Ulils lor ine aov nruiges must oe niea witn
the undersigned not later than at noon on Mar
gtHh, 1WA, aud niit be accompalned by a gmxl
and miflii U'lit bond In case contract ts awanind.
The board however reserves the right to i eject
any or ail o ws. jni st.
hial.) iuniy uiera.
Want 10
Farmer Items la Nebraska
ror nn.
Tk niMI to filcta line
mni ami ul twin wo an J
gtwed il gwn J wild fp,
kuwry in sa. I'rtcM i
luAf and aa-Kiimm lk Inst st"?" ,3
tiii sad Jtii is m. 1
4 in km I ke rKi
fci li vum m any , z:tir
Mtafcbor .t aj.1 AlnJi'l' ,'.,'. M ',Y-
uutiwMs this VT. wt.ts.
WW k4 WLHtS Ik lH . t
i in-
kttjlllA tM4t t.k Ml
IfiJ 4, Mf Jk f , , (4 ,-
Lia. ima, sl... ."J!" .
lilt t XMS .1 I IbSU
tl AUAJ Mt UMf Kt .l A Mittl 4 .u.
t. M , a4 Wt. ( mi it M iks
kAi lktg tMy t t4 WAf IM sw th
1 axt .
r'sAM WlNt
Qoodhuo Go.
M. CearK III.
T- a o'
fV . II, M . k t a, le! l t
i.,.liui... ins thiyi
4kJ e"i H '.."J
k H,l4.iai.w4 . . hZl-l U4
tj o KM, -iat3 ,j tiiit ,.
-nk t SMiiIMm V ,'7i , i'u Y4
m tt k4 twg i I u i ;.
r'li '1 ".ws
Intcn-stlnic Items Gleaned from
Prople' Party Kzchangea.
The Second National Bank of Colum
bia, Tenn , has suspended.
Ignatius IXmne lly is a thorn in the
fltra of the Minnesota plutocrat.
An extra 6esion of congress, it is
said, will be called about Sept. 11.
The Ingham County Savings Bank, at
Lansing, Mich., closed its doors.
Last year 108,820 immigrants left
German ports for the United States.
The saddest words of tongue or pen
are: "uroyer is just as bad as lien."
1 nree-flf ths of the shoes worn in the
United Mates are made in Massachu'
Those wily DODullst theorists in North
Dakota are going to build a government
rTl v
iuire om ocen an arrest or a man
whose evident intent on was to kill Mr.
It Is stated that the Chinese govern
ment, urn decided to lay a telegraph
uue irum mo i am rs to 1 ckln.
They sent a Ddchess to prison In Eng
land recently. We send our criminal
aristocracy to congress ovar here
The 71st anniversary of Gen. Grant's
oirin whs ooieDratea at Ualnna, 111.
Uov. McKlniey delivered the oration
The spring elections In Ohio Indicate
a great Increase In populUt strength in
small towns, h w me same
The populists in Ohio will hold their
state convention at Columbus. Julv
and 5. Mo better way to celebrate the
An electrician in Nashville. Tenn..
says it would be dangerous for women
weariog crinoline to cross the electric
car tracks.
Undertakers are unknown In Janan
When a person dies there, the body is
euuoiuuea ana ouriea Dy a member of
tne lamliy.
"Cleveland, Belmont and Rothschilds
bankers and owners of gold, Washing
ton, D. CV'ls the style of the demo
Cratic card.
The Russian scepter is of solid gold
three feet long, and contains among its
ornaments ztis diamonds, Sou rubles and
five emeralds.
Carlisle has shown himself to be
larger man than Cleveland in declining
to be bluffed by Wall street into an
Issue of bonds.
Now it would be in order for congress"
to pass a bin to increase tne salaries of
the farmers $100 per month for clerk
hire you know.
Senator Stewart is a larara man and
Is growing greater in publio estimttlon
every day. He mty be the biggest man
in tne country in low.
The 74th anniversary of the I. O. O,
F. was celebrated In Chicago? Charles
Vv. Raymond, of Watseka, 111., deliver
ed an eloquent address.
"Thirty thousand men'says the Rev.
iiosepa uook recently, "now own over
half of the United States; 50,0u0 will
soon own the Republic."
France had 207 strikes last year in
volvlng 108,000 working people. The
giant, Labor, is beginning to feel his
strength the world over.
w. '
. "Benjamin Harrison, lawyer. Indian
apoli Indiana," Is tne way his card now
reaas. uou t ieei o&a uenjitmio, yieve
land will join vou In four years.
The ballet girls of Chicago have dem-
onstiatea tneir ability to kick in more
w38 than one. They receutly won
strike for an increase In wages.
What bas become of the tariff issue?
Don't let it get lost or mislaid, for it
will bo wanted by the old parties as an
issue to fight over in the next campaign.
The national banks, the millionaires
and tramps were introduced into this
country about the same time. The
latter is the product of the other two.
It now turns out that the Sioux City
speculator J were leauing toward Mosher
Ism, and they fall for about six million.
It Is a small sum for this kind of peo
ple. An island has been discovered in the
Atlantlo in latitude 29 degrees two
minutes nurth latitude, 137 degrees 59
minutes west, which is only nine feet
C. Wood Davis shows in the Aren
that the pubilo would save $350,000,000
a year, basides creatiojr a si .kini? fund
of ro,00(),00i) annually, by nationalizing
Some of the great dally papf rs are
howlint about the type trust. As l ima
of them have never baen able to see any
othr trusts, the prospect Is really en
Iowa republi sans hare determined to
in row prohibition out of their next
state oooventlon. There will be musla
in the air while they are doing the
throwing out.
The presence of an ex-greenback
congressman presiding over the delib
erations of the United States senile is
not a very ataooumgUg signt for the
silver advocate.
Aa old law ha txwn found that
authorize tha Ualtod Hut treasury
to buy gold. It ought ti be poatblo to
find any sort of law amoug our km
ut statute books.
The Itllnols legislator became tear
ing ma4 btfcauM tbv ha I not meived
their pa to the r air orniof. t'or a
robu.t, ncrifetio UvaUbuaJ, Ijok to a
TBer4 Utoma.
The rtiub!lcas organ which are
aro Uy urging Ulrlad.an4 Carlisle
to Imlm Umv ti!l b tha rt to Jul a
In a hue and orv agaiaai th aduitaUtra-
tioa for tha iiit.La tf ia.
The rttraeu of Mveatt'f II. I
lUwsa, affcr thirty-l yrar of ur
ret.i vBtratiU"ri! ia the Ualt4
siat t.oata taay shuu UrwU aa
"wraa," la fr fromags virtlca.
It ts aU io be a aetuai fawt that the
Oslo coal mliMr tie twt warn na U4Ur
a day, Think of a maehiKkt and wt m,a
eHi. B) steal a4 moral evlad la
fauilly rrv4 ia m dutur a day!
tgrvi vou4 li&0txi)cy t t4vir
ba I-Uwlars ei.a aSaaUay clilkg rg
viao. It will be lotertio.r tooWirv
now ine worm jair manager will hold
on to tne cash and ignore their obliga
narles FrancH Adams told the
Massachusetts legislative committeaon
laxation a ?ew days aeo that the single
tax plan Is the best, in his opinion, that
oouia oe auoptea tor toe tax system of
tnat state.
James W'hitoomb Rile? in not a whit
superstitious, but when a Baltimore
note! clerk called a cross-eyed "front'
tj snow mm to room no. 13 the Doet
uei-uneu to taae tne risK, mougn tne
J . . . , 7
room was one of the best in the house.
I he Irish soend $11 ter canltv tWn
ocotcb fits. 14 per caul ta and the KnciiR
$ 9 18 per capita for liquors "annually
1 hese statistics are glvm by It jv. Dr.
Dawson liurns. of London, who is
standard authority on temperance ques'
The people who are bursting up I
business on Wall street are the "busl
ness men" who presume to send 'am
basnadors" to Washington to orescribi
in" nnancial twllcv :f the trovernmen
and dictate legislation to the lobbies of
Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, of lows, sends
congratulations to tao republican wo
men of Kaosa. and declares thy will
redeem the ttate. Let J. E len wait until
she hears from the rural sisters in Kan
sas, and sue will nave no occasion to
slop over,
A sitiricnl editorial noto In the
KnlghUof Labor Journal says: "What
a dreadful thing it would have been if,
wnen Adam and fcve were commanded
to earn their bread by the sweat of their
face, mere been no capltaitste ready to
employ inemr
At Milwaukee a jury awarded $500
damages to a woman against a butcher
woo bad falsely accused her of eteallug
change from bis till. The court re
uuueu tne damages to $100 on the
ground that tne complainant was "only
a scrub woman."
Henry M. Stanley, the ex-African
plorer Is now engaged in the prepara
tion of .a series of short stories for
young people, consisting of legends and
tales communicated to tne explorer by
his native followers during his jmirney
tnrouirn tne great iorest or tne dark
'FIia Ta n mno mA rt fV trta rtr hhiiaii trtik
people to remain away from Chicago fur
a month, and give as a reason therefor
that the buildings, are not yet complet
ed, and every thing generally is in I
very unsettled condition. It will take
two or three weeks yet for the man
agers to get things in ship-shape.
The most noted Chinese doctor in
the country has just died in San Fran
Cisco, lie was LI ro ial. lie came
from Canton about 1850 and built up a
large practice, having wnlie people as
well as bis own countrymen for patients,
The emparor, a fe years ago, sent him
the highest Chinese mod torn aipiom
The millennium must by oretty close.
A Cnicago city treasurer actually went
out of office and did not steal the inter
est on the -public money. While the
lamp of life holds out to burn, the vilest
sinner msy return, remaps tne uni
oago man's example mty toucn tne
conscience of some other treasurer
throughout the country. '
The total amount of sllvar purchased
under the Sherman act is now 149,215,
000 ounces. Htd the secretary of the
tr- asury complied with the. law and
coined sufficient of the purchased silver
to redeem the certificates issued in pay'
ment for it, the treasury would be in t
much healthier and s'able condition to
meet the fast approaching financial
Novel Entertainment.
Pay son Tucker, the general mans
ger of tne Maine Central railroad.
recently adopted the novel social
expedient of entertaining his friends
at the station in Portland, having a
reception in the office and a dinner
in the station dining-room.
"Honored In His Own Country,
Two jokes are being told by Method
lsts on the Rev. Dr. J. M. Buckley,
editor of the Christian Advocate. The
other day the agent of the Methodist
book depository of Boston received a
letter reading, "Would you please send
me the price of your cough medicine
called, 'J. M. Buckley ' Hereditary
Consumptive's Suooessful Battle for
Life, as I would like to try a bottle."
And news comes from Denver that a
volume of lectures to young men, en
titled "Oats or Wild Oats, which Dr.
Buckley published some years ago, Is
clarified among "Cereals" in the pub
lio library in that city.
A North fsroliii Affidavit.
The following is a true copy of an
affidavit to obtain a warrant before a
justice of the peace iu a certain county
in Western North Carolina. The
name alone are changed: John Smith
being only sworn deposes and say
that at and in said county and in
township Tom Jones and Will Urown
t!ld feloniously and willfully fether
my Kund Jack and totd him to the
river and thrixlo hint In aud cursed
him and U4 him data him to wail
contrary to law and against the peso
tn4 dignity of tha State, Sworn to &
aabaortbad before me, Ac, 0. W, H ,
J. !
II Prayed fur f heat.
The tier. ir. iitack, of the Barony
vaureh, Oiasgow, and enothrr minister
one sprn a vacation in Cumberlsad,
ao4 on the Sabbath aUrnd4 a little
HmuIi kirk, kitting in a remote tor.
ir, u that tha tutaltr ahoul.1 not
ttutloa theiu. Hut tha gl y of the
tnlitiaiar 4ttt thrie, ant ia the ia
UrvKsaory piayrr h m prt4
hlmsotf a niak iialla atirs ut acnM
t4 front theto. Th gl man'
wre tht "Ir4, bar mvrvt os
thy luinlsleriug rrnl wha hare
pi'ppml la on e a iiuji,-x t'tlirt on
of thHt will prtrach le the afwrsooe,
ant th othar in tha treutng '
i'aUlotf u fur thOtahk C4te t
Shtln.i ana tyMirlUsg rai b nh
tsla4 of li, H. CutrK ALl UNCK-le-I'tftytucsim
Hae a4' o Hio
' I' . Ml.lll I
Msnagsrs soUa Cpoa a Technicality
tha Law. and to All Intant
Parposes the ColambUa Kxpost
tloa Will Be Open Seven Day
Admission bandars
WU1 He S5 Cent.
Chicago, May 15. On and after May
81 the world's fair grounds will be
opened every Sunday. This decision
was reached at a meeting of the
directors of the exposition yesterday
afternoon. President Iliginbotham
had called upon Edwin Walker, who
is chairman of the committee on
legislation, to submit an opinion
whether or not the exposition can be
opened on the seventh day in spite of
the restriction placed upon this
feature by congress when the ap
propriation of $2,500,000 was granted.
Mr. Walker presented his official
and legal interpretation before the di
rectors, which la to the effect that the
law passed by congress stipulating
that the exposition should be closed
on Kund ay applies only to the build
ings containing exhibits. Mr, Walk
er's construction of the act further
says that the buildings erected for
other uses, the grounds, the Midway
Plaisance, with its varied human pan
orama, and things pertaining thereto
may be thrown open to publio inspec
tion. Thus npon the technicality named
the Columbian fair will be to all la
tents and purposes open, leaving the
publio to visit throughout the grounds,
to ride on the electric, launches, to en
joy the novelties of the Venetian gon
dolas, to patronise any of the booths,
the varied attractions of the Plaisance
and to have a good time generally.
The price of admission on Sunday will
be reduced to twenty-live cents.
Outlook Not Nearly Bo
Bad AS
Might IS Expected.
New York, May 15. R. O. Dunn A
Co.'s weekly review of trade sayst
The smash in the industrial stocks a
week ago, the failure of some firms
and of the National Cordage company,
and the largest decline in stocks
known in any wee'i since 1873, have
been followed by surprisingly little
disturbance. Business has shown re
markable soundness and strength un
der such a strain, Bank failures at Chi
cago and Indianapolis, and rumors of
others, reflect large losses through
Chicago speculations in real estate
and grain, and at Indianapolis through
the failure of the Premier steel com
pany, bnt commercial credits are not
yet materially affected, interior
money markets are growing tighter
and more caution, but no such
strfnarency is yet seen as to check
freneral trade, which appears to have
mproved. ". -: . , ; i,-"
w bile failures for the week were
S80 in number, atrainst 175 last Tear.
and in the United (States 257, against
150, there were only eleven with rating
over $100,000. From 200,000 to $300,000
there were five, from $.100,000 to $500,-
000 only two, one from $"00,000 to
$750,000 and two with rating over
$1,000,000. Considering the extraor
dinary pressure in stock and money
markets, the renort indicatea m-Anta
soundness than could ' have been ex
pected. - :
John Carlisle and Charles Lattrell
Launched Into Eternity Tog-ether.
Dknibon, Texas, May 15. John Car
lisle and Charles Luttrell were hanged
at Sherman yesterday for the murder
of W. T. Sharman in this city on the
nhrht of April 23, 1892. The hanging
was private and no one was admitted
until the hour of execution. Press rep
resentatives, for the first time in the
history of Texas, were not accorded
interviews with the doomed men be
fore , execution. Sharman was the
latt victim of a gang of which Car
lisle and Luttrell were members and
James Brown, a turfman, was leader.
Brown was killed In the raid made on
Garfield park in Chicago. Both men
died game, neither confessing hit
Another lllg Ticket f orrery.
Chicago, May 15. The counterfeit.
era and forgers who recently foisted
on American railroads a large number
of tickets purporting to have been is
sued by the Sibley, Lake Bristinean and
Southern, have let loose another batch
of tickets bearing the name of
hypothecated" road, the Porter Creek
and Rich Valley, The method of op
eration was the same as in the other
case. There may have been thousands
of these tickets sold during the last
month, the road wli) take vigorous
methods to punish the gang If caught.
A PopulUt Paper.
Eldorado, Kan,, May 15. The Bat
ter County CUIavq made iU first an
peareance in this city this week with
K IV htratford, one of the regents of
tha state agricultural eolletra, a Its
editor. It U an rUrht-culumu folio an4
will U published wk!y, I ha editor
announce that it la middle of the
road PopuiWt pr. U i the aeeond
Populist paper la lhl county, and this
city is li!e4 with both of them.
Mwy I (let Mag Warlike
CirmitriAXA. Mar IS.A a sbrn ef
oVtUnca to King Oscar sad to those
ho are adrUIng htm to
otwrYa tha Norwegian by furee ef
a rata, tha radical ia the N !
torthlpf bar Introduced a bill in
that body provldiujr that tha ttuhlsni
of la uaUa tif Mda and Norwav
hat) tliwiuatrd front the Korwe
f tan fttt,f. -
Job t a 1MtMMtrtn
WAsHikeTUJi, Mat IS. (I I.ylMS
ef Tsa euuaty, has bs. efpotet4
ehWf rirk le th burvae of animal la-
4etry la the depaftttiaet ( agrkab
tev iia wa prvssad for Ute pievo ef
bnaUir CeehreU, . '