The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, May 18, 1893, Page 4, Image 4

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31 AY 18, 1893.
! I
I -
CensoUdaUon of th
te-.n JJliincesSe.iasli Independent
Tint Allianob Publishing Co.
Oor.Utt and M St Lincoln. Neb.
noian or Dix-orea.
.l TsoKirToa, Free. H. a Bow-hs, V. Pres.
B. A. Mobrat. . Ms-raao, Tress.
B. 8. Littijwu-.
Subscription Onb Dollab peb Yeab
a Bovta ToMTO..........MpMln Bdttot
tana r. MrrR
EajJI HDUUT AdverUiki Htt
N, L P. A.
WEEKLY Circulation for tho
02 Week, Ending March 30,
33,248 Copies.
Publisher Announcement.
in subscription price of the V''iii?'iS'
hVwdmt is 11.00 per year, Invar ably In ad
JTSST Paper wUlb promptly discontinued
atupUonof time paid for unlaw we re-
Asrs1n SSitofticripitoM i
ry earelul thai all naines are correctly
soe7lrf and proper pontofflce given. Wanks
or return subscriptions, return envelopes,
Ski be had on application to .hm ontce.
ALwTsalKny-ur name. No matter how
f till TouVri U! uii do not neglect this lmport
tat master Bverr week we receive letwrs
tth Incomplete addresses or without elgna
tare wilt toaometlmee difficult to local
Oniroior idomm. Subscriber wishing
to change their postofflc address unit always
tlve their former ae well a their jpreeeut ad
treea when change will be promptly made.
Add raw all letters and make all remittances
Oq page one of thli issue appears
Gladstone's late remarkable utterance
m the currency question. Such an ex
pression from the prime minister of
England Is most significant. It fore
badowa the downfall of the gold-stand
ard la the very seat of the money power,
and the home of the Rothschilds. Well
may the populists of America take
murage when the foremost statesman
of the world endorses their demand for
"cheaper money."
On page six of this issue will be found
an address from the populist national
committee which we commend to the
populists of Nebraska as worthy of care
ful consideration. The necessity for
some general organisation to advance
the Interests of the people's party is
perhaps more evident to the. members
of that) committee than to anybody
lse. They hare learned by experience
how difficult it la to carry on a national
campaign without some such organiza
tion. The Industrial Legion was planned
Mid organized by the national commit
tee to supply the urgent need for such
an organization. It Is well adapted to
the purpose. The work of organizing
It should be taken up and pushed with
the utmost rigor.
The class of persons who purchase
from manufacturers or large distribut
ing stores by "mall orders" is largo and
increasing, still It Is not nearly so large
as it ought to be. There Is no reason
why Intelligent people should not make
a majority ef their purchases in this
way. By means of advertisements,
samples etc., sent out by manufacturers
and general dealers, purchasers are
onabled to select what they want with
ease and certainty. By ordering In
this way the commissions of middle
men are saved. There is scarcely any
danger of loss either in sending money
or getting the goods.
Perhaps the principal reason why so
many do not purchase in this way Is
Imply beoause they never hate done so.
It la something new. It is a tatk to
write a letter. They don't know what
form they should follow in making out
aa order. They over-estimate the
danger of loss and the probability of
being cheated.
We would suggest to all our. readers
"who have not done to, to try the plan of
'purchasing by mall. In our columns
may be found advertisements of a great
variety of articles. Look them over
when you want to make a purchase. If
you find what you want, wiltetothe
manufacturer or dealer tor prloes.f uller
koertpUoa, samples, etc. If satisfied
that you can get what you waatata
reasonable prion, then send la your or
der with the prlos enclosed. Nine
oaanoM la tea you will bo so well satis
Rod with the result that you will kUk
yourself for not having tried It bfor.
We aim to carry only reliable ad vr
UMitwot la this paper. Should any
one) ha mistreated or swindled by oasof
our satvertUvr, we wUh to know Ik Is
writing to our advertiser always men
No sulntlon of the money quesUoa
thai Ua ths Unkln bulaa la the
hands f prlvntscorpomtlo-ta wtltevu
prov alWfoory. Government ew no r
sttlp of baaks Is jul as Important a
fuvarnatsat awaorshlp of railroads,
WttKM you writs to os of our aJvee
tWrt, h ur M ntoaUoa Till ALU
Some recent writers have noted with
pleasure that we are developing con
dilioas that conduce to the establish
ment of a leUure class in America.
That such condition are developing
can not be disputed. But to what sort
of a leisure clasi will such conditions
give rise?
It is questionable if any kind of a
leisure class Is a benefit to the nation.
But let us suppose for the sake of argu
ment that ttiere is one kind or a leisure
class that would be a benefit to the
country a class of persons endowed
with strong Intellectual powers, and
moral natures, men and women who
will employ their leisure In researches
after truth, In making discoveries and
inventions, in writing great books and
creating noble works of art. in produc
ing all those things that tend to uplift
and ennoble mankind.
What prospect is there that the con
ditions now developing in America
will ever produce such a class? What
class of persons are amassing the for
tunes which make leisure possible
Are they persons of great intellectual
power, and strong moral natures? On
the contrary they are men having a
laree faculty for money-maklng.selflsh,
grasping schemers whose moral facul
ties, small to begin with, are dwarfed
and destroyed by the unjust methods
they employ; men whose sympathies
are weak and narrow, whose sensibili
ties are coarse, whose pleasures are
sordid. A leisure class of this kind
tends only to lower intellectual and
moral standards, to debauch and de
grade society.
Under the conditions we are develop
ing, the men and women who would
employ leisure for the up-lifting of
their fellowmen can not achieve the
material independence which Is the
bails of leisure. They can not compete
successfully with our modern wealth
getters. Ia such competition their in
tellectual and moral powers are a posi
tive hindrance.
There is but one way in which talent
ed men and women can ever become
persons of leisure under the conditions
we are developing, and that is as pen
sioners of the rich. Some of our multi
millionaires are moving In that direc
tion today. They are building palatial
churches, founding great universities,
institutes, academies of science and art.
In these, gifted men and women find
employment either as virtual or actual
pensioners of their founders.
But what great benefit can society
expect to receive from a class of pauper
artists, llterateurs, scientists, philoso
phers and preachers? They are but the
intellectual slaves of sordid masters.
Can great minds produce great works
for the up-lifting of the race without
independence? Can the fountain rise
above Its source?.
Will such pauper preachers ever de
nounce the crimes of the rich? Will
they ever proclaim the rights of the
poor? Will such pauper historians
ever write true histories of the age In
which tbey live?
In such a leisure class the plutocratic
benefactor will be done In marble by
the pensioned sculptor; his praises will
be sung by the pensioned orator; his
achievements will be recorded by the
pensioned historian; he will be a lead
ing character In the story of the pen
sioned novelist; he will be held up as a
model of moral excellence by the pen
sioned preacher. All will unite in
lauding the age in which they live,
praising and defending the system of
which they are the products. Intellect,
skill, inspiration and eloquence will be
prostituted' to the service and defense
of that which is selfish, crafty, coarse
and immoral. Under such conditions
the sophist takes the place of the
philosopher, the charlatan crowds
aside the scientist. The intellectual
prostitute alone can ever rise (or sink)
Into such a leisure claes,
Of all things on earth, the most utter
ly contemptible Is the Intellectual pros
titute. Already just such a leisure class as
we have described la In procesr-of estab
lishment In America. Already hun
dreds of pulplU, andjuudowed professor
ships are filled with talented intellec
tual prostitutes.
How indeed can a leisure clan that
will labor for the elevation of ths nu ses
be established when the very condi
tions which give rise to it rest on the
robbery and degradation of tho masses?
Even If such a leisure class should
atteupt to uplift the masses by ths
cultivation of ths moral and Intellec
tual sensibilities, of what use would
their efforts be while the people are
degraded Into a stats of helpless pover
ty, their mora) senses blunted and des
troyed, by a sent of monstrous injustice,
their Intellect stunted by perpetual
We want ao leisure clans to America
Ws wait jsatle. Ws want just laws,
justly administered. V want an la
d astral system under which all m
enjoy all ths fruits of their labor. With
such condition, avery Individual who
is ho set and Industrious will to per-
son uf leUura,
SVswtll have our writer, artists,
uUatlsU, and philosophers Hut they
ill b limply laborers, prvdaoer
rbsr fellow laborer who work laths
lda and mints and shot sill havs
ths mesa to reward thorn, sand ths
leisure to sejoy and "root by t!u bculj ,
the wutuutu, ths isiipir&tlos cf their
works. Under such conditions civiliz
ation can go on till mankind reaches
ths highest possible development.
Leisure will not then be confined to a
class; it will be universal.
The decay of the republican party has
never been more 'emphatically shown
forth than It was by the convention of
republican clubs at Louisville last
The time and the occasion were such
as to demand important and decisive
action. But the action of this conven
tion wa weak and trifling in the ex
treme. In th adoption of its platform the
convention showed weakness, timidity
and cowardice. None of the old time
brilliancy of resource, and audacity of
action showed themselves.
The republican party has been bank
ing on Its gall for many years. When
that fails there Is nothing left There
has not been a time in twenty-five
years when such important issues were
pressing for solution. The democratic
party Is showing signal incapacity In
meeting these issues. The people's
party is in the field as a new radical
organization, and boldly claiming to be
the natural successor of the republican
party. Evidences that tho country is
ripe for a great political revolution are
soen on every hand. What an opportu
nity was here for the republican party
to confess its errors, to discard the falla
cies and follies of the past, to face about
and b gain become what it once was
the great party of the, common people!
But the men assembled in that con
vention did not show by a slngls act
that tbey realized the gravity of the
situation. In their platform, they
1. Endorse the last national platform
of tho party.
2. Point with pride to the passage of
the car-coupler bill;
3. Demand a system of arbitration.
4. Declare for genuine secret ballot
5. Condemn the Pinkertons.
6. Condemn board of trade gambling
and lotteries.
7. Favor the election of president for
a single term.
8. Commend woman suffrage as a
subject for discussion and education,
9. Laud the foreign pjlicy of Harri
son and, Blaine.
10. Ask that the democratic
party give the people a fair trial of the
policy proposed in their platform.
11. Mourn the death of Hayes and
12. Provide for a committee of nine
to investigate southern affairs. '
13. Condemn the Union League of
New York for black-balling a Jew.
That is the platform in brief.
Not a word about pensions or old
No condemnation for trusts.
Nothing to say about national banks.
Silent as the grave on the silver ques
tion. Absolutely dumb on the tariff ques
tion, r
We believe It is safe to assort that
never before in the history of this
country did a great representative poli
tical body adopt such a trifling platform
under such circumstances.
The people can expect nothing from
the republican party.
It will never reform itself.
It will never attempt to reform the
It will not even recognize the need of
The republican party is afflicted with
the dry rot Its decay is well-nigh
completed Its end is near.
Many Nebraska populists, and among
them two or three editors, are making
a serious mistake in dealing with the
A. P. A. question. Nothing pleases the
A. P. A. ac Itator so well as a discussion
f what he Is pleastd to call "the
merits of the question " As a ma'ter
af fact It hasn't any merits. Nothing
pleases the antlotthollo agitator ao
much as to find some one who will take
the side of tho Catholic church In a
public debate, or nowspajwr discussion.
They are out fishing for suckers and
are happy when they have caught one
The notorious Holden even succeeded
In landing a large specimen from north
ern Nebraska some time ago, and has
been using him ever since to build up
the circulation of hi foul sheet.
Ia order to condemn the A. I. A. it
is not Dccc&Mtry to reply to their assault
on the catholics. It should bo rtimem-
be red at all time that the A. l A. was
not organised to preserve American
liberty, but to destroy It by creating
religious strife among the common poo
pi. Its auoces mean ths over-throw
of ths pvople't movement. It mean
ths wrecking of every grvat labor organ
isation la ths land- It iuant the
triumph cf plutocracy and ths destruo
tloa of liberty.
If shown up talis true light, it cn
never suvcesl. To show It up Is ths
duty of every populist speaker aud
edivo. Hut la so dolnf they should
bessrs of discussion which will help
t) buildup ths very orgaaUattoa they
ar trying to destroy,
i - i"
A TRi at I simply a giant corpora
tloa made up of lr corporation.
TtU tb AULl.kNCB'tX lVriPKHT
Among the many meetings of national
importance to be held in the World's
Fair city this season, perhaps there is
none of greater importance to the peo
ple, or whose object is more to be com
mended than the convention called to
meet In Musi-j Hall the first Monday
and Tu-tday In June.
The object is to devise ways and
means for mushing the great coal com
bine. The Minnesota legislature set 'the
ball rolling. Under instructions from
the legislature of that state Gov. Nel
son issued a call for the convection.
The cull was Issued to the governors of
other states.
The States and Territories which
have promised to send delegates are
Maine, Massachurctts, Pennsylvania,
Maryland, North and South Carolina,
West Virginia, Florida, Alabama, Iowa
Tennessee, Illinois, Arkansas, Kansas,
Nebraska, North and South Dakota,
Nevada, Montana, Idaho, Colorado,
Arizona, New Mexico, and California
In Michigan and Rhode Island the
matter Is under consideration, and some
others may decide to fall into line now
that a majority have resolved to be
represented in ths convention.
The work laid out for the convention
Is to discuss the situation, formulate
remedial measures, and submit the
same to the legislatures of the various
states and to congress; also to take
steps for the prosecution of tho mem
bers of the combine.
Such a convention can not fail to re
sult in great good. It may not result
in breaking up the coal combine. In
fact it is very likely to fall in that
object. It may embarrass the combine,
and frustrate its present plans. It may
force the combine to form a new and
stronger organization, adopt different
and be ter methols. But this great
combine like others of its kind, has
been formed because the opportunity
existed for its successful formation and
operation. The proposed convention
can permanently crush the combine
only by removing the opportunity for
Its existence. Private ownership of
things which should be owned by the
public Is the foundation on which this
cmb.e stands.
Government ownership of railroads
and coal mines is the remedy.
Of course it is not to be expected that
this anti-combine convention will seri
ously consider such a remedy. Popular
faith in the efficacy of restrictive laws
is still very strong.
The chief good that will come from
such a convention is its effect in arous
ing andi educating the people. It will
focus public attention on the evil. It will
set the people thinking. It will set
legislators to work enacting restrictive
laws. Then when these laws fall to
accomplish their purpose (as they
surely will) the people will be ready to
accept the true remedy, government
Within the past three years the people
have devoted a great deal of time and
energy to the study and discussion of
the money question. Money has been
explained, compared, illustrated and
defined in a great many ways until It
may seem rash for any one to propose
a new definition. But we have a new
one to give the populists of Nebraska.
We ask them to think over It, work
over It, paste it in their hats, learn it
by heart, and finally make practical use
It if they ever hope to make their ef
forts count in practical politics. Here
goes then for a new definition:
Mmey is a necessary factor in a politi
cal campaign.
If the populists of Nebraska will learn
the full force and effect of this defini
tion and then act upon It, we guarantee
that It will be worth more to their
cause than all other definitions put to
gether. '
But just so long as they pinch the
life out of a dime, or a quarter before
they rcgrotfully drop It Into tho cam
paign fund, so long will People's party
campaigns be a drag. Just so long as
populists state committees are left to
run campaigns on wind, so long will
the party reap the whirlwind.
A cause that is worthy of suojess is
worthy of support.
Reforms that cost nothing are worth
about what they cost.
No great cause ever triumphed til)
the people rallied to It support with
their money as well a their mouths.
A People's party oomlttee can accom
plish as much with one dollar a aa old
party committee can with twenty it it
can only get the dollar.
If the people bad raised a campaign
fund of t 000 In m they would have
carried ths state by majorities too large
to count out. A couplet victory la 1W
would hnvs meant another ia 'VI
and still another la D3 These v Id or
is would have saved ths Ui payer 10U
times W.OiXK
To t'sopis'a party should asver
counts enc ths us of money for cor.
rupt purpifc. Ha: fun 1 ae sWe7
ty af' rsrff s l reI $f saVs
fwss4fslraf4. Eiperhno I a dear teacher but
stun peotd will War of soother."
Il iw many mors de'eat will It take
W teach Nhrtin popultsU ths awes,
elty of supporting tatlr enuss with
their money,
tivWrlb fot Tua Aaitnci lNPra.
"All men are born free and equal" is
a mighty fine-bounding phrase, but how
much does It mean to the children oi
the poor of the present generation?
What does their freedom amount tot
Is a man free who has no legal right to
a foot of the earth's surface? Is a man
free who must seek from his fellowmen
permission to labor? In what respect
are the children of the poor equal to
the children of the rich? Have they
an f qual r-pportusity to secure an ed
ucation, to found a bomr. to surround
themieive with the comforts and
luxuries tf life? Of course there are
a few eveu in this age who will rise
from poverty and obscurity to wealth
and eminence, but they are rare excep
tions. The great n:os of th"&e who
are born poor, are doomed to lives of
hopeless poverty, while the children of
the rich inherit fortunes which enable
them to spend their lives in ease and
luxury without doing a day's labor.
They are born with the legal right to
reap the rewards of others' toil. The
children of the rich are born masters.
The children of the poor, born slaves.
These are the facts as they exist today
In America, "the land of ths free and
the home of the brave."
Brother Allen Root is now out over
the stale lecturing the alliances. The
St. Paui Phonograph says Bro. Root,
when at that place, Indulged In some
"ill-timed witticisms," an Instance of
which he cites as follows:
- in the course of bis speech he made
the statement that newspapers have
ceased to be the moulders of public
opinion and that they print mere lies
The Phonograph says thiB was intend'
ed as "a joke," and deplores the fact
that a man of Bro. Root's standing
should Indulge in such jokes.
We feel like saying a word on this
point. Bro. Root was certainly not
joking when be said that. We have a
letter from him for publication in which
he positively asserts the same thing
and applies it directly to the leading re
form papers of the country. Ho also de
nounces the editors of these papers as
"traitors." Out of respect for Bro,
Root, we have not published the letter,
but If be is going about flaunting these
ideas before the public from the ros
trum we shall certainly feel justified in
publishing his letter.
The trouble with Bro. Root seems to
be that he is deeply impressed with the
fact that "there are only a few of us
left." He no doubt believes alliance
opinion is moulded chiefly by a few
persons who invariably have dull axes
concealed about their persons which
they are very anxious to have the dear
people help them grind.
Bro. Root should be broader and
more philosophic in his views, and take
a little more of "the milk of human
kindness" in his diet.
On Tuesday we received the little
poem appearing in another colum under
the title "A Minor Strain" from Adelia
Allen of Woodyllle, Neb. with the mod
est request that we examine it and re
turn it if not worthy of publication.
We didn't return it. We are not in the
habit of returning such real poetic
gems. On the contrary we would be
glad to have more like it.
One peg and then another
And the largest 8b oe Is cobbled;
One mortgage on another
And the people's homes are gobbled.
One fashion then another
Until every thing's new-fangled;
One trust aod then another
Till free competition's strangled,
One twan and then another
And the longest piece Is played;
One steal upon another
And the greatest fortune's made.
One tick and then another
Till your ticker tells a minute ;
One ring and then another
Till the people are not In It.
one vote and then another
For the men with Wall street collars;
One band and then another
And old Shy lock takes the dollars.
One crust and then another
Makes up our dally hash;
On (allure then another
Till the o.uutry goes toatuaU.
They are Not IMeasetl.
Organized labor of Omaha has noth
ing to thank Governor Crounse tor In
hi appointments. Central Labor Un
ion asked for recognition la two cases,
via., Frank lleacock for deputy labor
commissioner and l. C. Dearer as po
lios commissioner. In both cases ths
wishes of org an I led tabor have been
bruhed aside and roa appointed who
ar much out of harmony with the alms
and hope of labor as could rt dlecov.
ered In1 long day marc ii. V,U.
p trickier t the new police commission
er, Western laborer, Omaha
Orsps Viass.
No farm or vtltag lot complete with
out them, Th grains can b grows a
easily as corn, t will furnish ths follow
ing sort wwll-routed, No. 1 stock, by
mall ptUU lOo each.
Concord, Wordvn, Niagara, Brighton
F.lvlra. Ives. Avs, t'atasba. or t
Concord and 3 of ay of th above, 3 for
k. la larg order I will make low
pries, ray I'rolino Currant, 10?, 3
for V, MitfA thvrrl, KaptwrrtiMi aa4
UlrawWrrU. M. 0. Tlr5f,
II lVlh Hi, M soul a. Neb.
I'e North era lleo to Chlcato
U raw r'Mt train. UAc U
Mora Favorable Terms for A Hi
pendent Chab "Kaisers- -Our
Friends Should
And Then Set t Work With Renewed
a T 1 . . . i
cu.igjr to E-aru our ureal rremiums, .
And Swell our List of Subscribers.
Important Charges.
Having secured some of our premi
urns at more favorable prices than we
expected we have decided to give club-
raisers the benefit of the reductions.
Hence we have reduced the number of
subscribers required to secure all our
principal premiums.
Every reader of The Alliance
Independent should read over the
following list and see if it does not
contain something he needs, which he
con get with a little work, and at the
same time help on our glorious cause.
Notice that the limit for district
premiums is reduced from 70 to 60; f or
county first premiums from 60 to 40:
for county second premiums from 20 to
Remember that the grand premium
goes June 1st. For the district and
county premiums, club-raisers may
continue if they desire till some one
reaches the required number.
for the largest list sent in by June 1st.
A Goodhue windmill cand feed grinder
worth $140.
For the largest list sent in from each
congressional district in Nebraska (aot
less than sixty yearly subscribers re
quired) a first-class sewing machine,
the "Columbian," worth $20.
For largest list from any county In
Nebraska (not less than forty required)
a family library of twenty cloth-bound
books, worth nearly $20.
For second largest list (not less than
fifteen required) a useful library of
twenty paper-bound books.
Premiums for other 1 states are the
same as the above.
We will send three of our sheet music
songs of the people; or one package of
Hall's Acme Horn Preventer for cattle
We will send a handsome pearl-handled
lady's knife, or a good strong two blad
ed boy's knife, or a half dozen nickel
silver teaspoons. .
We will send a strong two bladed farm
er's knife guaranteed to be first class,
worth $1.00. This knife is one of A.
Field fc Co. 's "Progress" brand and is
We will send an elegant first class razor
worth $1.40. Warranted.
We will send one-half dozen silver
plated teaspoons, heavy silver plate on
nickel silver base not on brass worth
We will send a potato planter worth
Use Northwestern line to Chicago.
Low rates. Fast trains. Office 1133
The cheapest place for monuments Is
at Geo. Natterman's.i 213 South Ninth
St., Lincoln.
Go to Grlswold's for flower, garden
and grass seeds. 140 South Eleventh
Use Northwestern line to Chicago.
Low rates. Fast trains. Office 1133
Business men, merchants, bankers
aad saiusmun are leaving their orders
at Lincoln Pant Co- 1223 O street.
Use Northwestern lino to Chicago.
Low rates. Fast trains. Office 1133
Do you want to build a house, do you
want to build a barn, do you want to
save money? If you do why not write
tntheJOMNSON Lumber Co., Lincoln
Neb., for prices delivered?
You can get fresh garden and grass
a iw.woid's, ltU South Eleventh. ,
Light .Iranian Fowl and Kffga.
I will sell k'g Iron Light Bramth
fowle 13 for i tV Only breed haadUd
Satisfaction guaranteei!. Good as th
best. Order at one. Address,
lion D. ltANn,
Wahoo, Neb.
Follow th crowd to th furniture and
aousefcdd gd empoeien. of Metnm A
wanaca at Ntxth I'ourt-onlh
tret where you will find everything la
their line of lis best quality and cheap
est pi We j especial b4 room tutts.
Ttrttt Uaieelu Colorado.
Th Union l'aclito Railway (overland
route) will now t yond-trlp ticket
bt leaver, t t.iorsdo Wj rlu., Manium
and I'uehlct, at th low rats of t.'t )
food r turning until (jior-r Slit.
nUtpitvar allowed btw i'heyeno
"d hwkk Full lurtlcutart gives at
J. T Mas n, lilt, Hliohsn,
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