The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, May 18, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    v MAYa 1893.
j Printisg Combine After the Bute
A Flein Statement of the Facts at Re
vealed by the Investigatbtg: Committee--A
Monster Steal.
Onoe upon a time in a moment of
urtd thought a genius hit upon the fact
at figures will not lie. But Were is
one thing that they will do, and that is,
show up one of the most impudent and
brazen-faced attempts to hold up the
state of Nebraska upon a printing con
tract that was ever conceived. When
properly and correctly added, sub
tracted and multiplied these innocent
little figures proclaim the proof more
strong than holy writ that the state
treasury is about to be looted by a
horde of hungry pap-suckers who have
had hold of tbe public teat so long that
the "stripping" point is not far hence.
But for the shrewdness of a few gentle
men, who have the faculty of detecting
a rottenness before the aroma has stir
red up the entire community, tbe state
to-day would be under contract with a
certain printing establishment to fur
pish books and blanks for the next two
years at prices ranging from 50 to 5000
Mr cent oyer the last contract, or
amounting In the aggregate w w
or $30,000 more than was paid for the
same supplies the two preceding years
These gentlemen entered a protest
against the awarding of the contract
and the state printing board have thus
far heeded their admonition. Figures
ha- been presented them showing the
outlandish increases and it is to be
honed that they will investigate the
matter most thoroughly before binding.
the state to pay such exorbitant prices
in many instances one and two thous
and per cent more than the commercial
price would be to individuals. Below
we append a comparative statement on
a great many items, sufficient to show
the enormous Increases proposea:
1MT I891J 1893
S y 150
10 75
10 000 375 937
c. 000 ui US
6 000 503 1308
I oo3 36 iart
5x 15 5
34 occ 46 117
to 0 0 iy 80
m 000 15 50
15 000 8 6
', 000
S 135
a ono 44 70
44 7o
3 000 8 18
30 000 7 60
a 000 4 10
a 000 j g
3 o.)0 a 10
a 000 3 9
10 000 10 jj
jo chm 16 135
lo ono 7 16
20000 j j 30
'5 10 27
a ooa 12 21
a 000 6 15
a 000 6 i
c, 000 2 25
IO OOO j) 4j
5 OOO J 2-
IO OOO ' a 48
3 ooo 3 8
ftoo -l9 175 s
1 000 jjo i57So I
Teacher d grade certif
School laws
Course oi atudv
Institute manual
Educational directory ...
Institute directory ......
Annual Report director .
Census report ... ....
Notice, school
c,uo tav rrtincates....
" - w ,
Tmrhni term renort and...
Co SupU annual report
Institute report, per looo.
Petition change in b nd ry.
Notice for petition
Notice to taxable inhabt nt.
County trea certificate
"clerk "
Cert of director to Co trea.
Treasurer' bond
Teacher" contract ,
Report of tandinjr . . . .
Institute enrolling blank.
School tax receipts.
Sale certificate
Lease statement
Bale statement
Application to purchase .. . .
. ' lease ....
Abstract of sale...
Ind school lease
Copies Sup court calendar.
Neb Sup court reports
The Items upon which the biggest
hauls were contemplated are the as
sessment books and schedule blanks.
Last year the successful bidder bid one
flfth of a cent per page ou 1,500 2
quire, and 225 5-quire assessment
books, and $1.06 per 1,000 for 400,000
schedule blanks. These cost the state,
presuming that the bill corresponded
with the bid, as follows:
1 500 2-quire assessment books. . . .. I 4f 00
225 5-quire assessment books 1' OJJ
400,000 schedule blanks. . . 00
Total ,moo
The bids this year call for 1,500 2, 4
and 6-quire assessment books, and the
Journal's bi4 1" I cnt 2 cents, 1 cent,
and 2i cents per page, respectively.
For the 400,000 schedule blanks the
lowest bid, which is the State .tour
t.tis ft!". iwAi.t.hlnff in the book and
UCU Of U ve j "
blank line is $2 50 per thousand . ow,
let us see what the difference would be
between this year's bids and those of
two years ago, presuming the books
would be ordered In the same ratio as
before, that Is 1,500 2 quire and 225
I fc S quire aemsnt books t2,4,
'fc B-iulre ' " WW
400,tJ0 schedule blank .
)rlu! undr 11 contract..
I lid 0)
Dtnrenre WW
But suppose ths trd should not want
any two or fire quire books this year, but
would detlds to has the 1,500 dltldsd
up (Miually bvtwaon ths four and si J qulrs
hooks, let us ea how the (tat would corns
out. Uy the l0t contract 130 books of
at h at a coat of 1-3 of a rent pag
would amount to lustk In hS3 lh cost
would t -j 1 II 1.6V), a ditfvrsnce tl
110,670, a mera bagatella. To ka tha
nutter a Hle I'lalner t- thwa who nny
m undeMtand hat is mesut l quire, we
will Y lhl lHilt tiulr is coinrxisea ol
40 les or W ps, therefore 3 ulr
tHM.k would tonula ItWpigM 4- ptlre
diubU that, and m ob. It ctt let In
nn.i.vtbm to the snV'UUt if t to
Unl 4 quire b tha it d a t qulrs
book, sad let tie W4 Is l's ios
4 qulra h..k. wklla H U only I Bt m
tulrss Agsln, oa e-qul" iH k hU h
Is twe nd a half time lrgs M a
quire book, their bid is the same (1 cent)
per page, while on a -quire book,
cheaper ajeln la proportion to bind,
the bid is 2i cenU. Surely consistency
vu not present when this bid was
made. The fact i that the books this
year will probably run very much to
large s.zes and the bidders arranged
their figures accordingly. If tbey
should order nn equal amount of each
the avt'ratre price per page would be
1 11-16 u against 15 of a cent last
year aou ine do us wouia
cobt ?,437 50. while under last
yean figures, an even $1000.00. The
plain figures 1, 21 or 2 cents per page
look very unalgnlficant, but when tbe
totals are footed up tbe result is aston
ishing, and the contrast with last year
more startling stilL
Over Eighty Thousand Dollar Pat
on tbe Plate in a New York
New York, May7.-St. Bartholomew's
Episcopal church broke tbe record Ihis
morning by taking up a collection that
footed $81,000. Some of the vestrymen
could hardly carry the plates to the
altars so loaded were tbey with gold
and silver and greenbacks.
The rector, Mr. Greer, asked for ISO,-
000 to refurnish and refit the church,
and the congregation, which is a
wealthy one, raised the limit f 1,000.
This is the church attended by the
Astors and Vanderbilts. and in the last
four years it has expended in charities
and regular church expenditures $1,-
W. E. Ananias, the B. & M. Journal
Washington correspondent, goes out of
his wav in almost every letter to say
something mean of Congressman Bryan.
This Ananias is a bigger liar than the
one we read about and is fast becoming
a stench In the nostrils of all lovers of
fair flay, tencityand honesty. Crete
J Doable Chloride of Gold Tablets
win nnrlAtj.ivriati-rrvt.hidfMira for
less; cause no sicanesH, anu may on Kirtfu
cage 01 ine paueni, wuo wm voiuuutruy
the patient, by tbe nse of our SPECIAL
During- treatment patients are allowed
pbine until such time as tbey shall voluntarily give mem up.
We send particulars and pamphlet of testimonials free, and shall
De (CJaa to place sunerers irom any oi
Uou wltn persons wuo nave oeeu curou
HILL'S TABLETS are for sale
drnag&ts at f .OO.per package.
II your aruKKls
your druKKist dot-s not keep them,
1 w.
111 seuu you, OJ return wan,
f ahlfta
Write your name and address plainly, and state
whether TableU are for Tobacco, Morphine or
14quor Habit.
OO NOT BE DECEIVED Into purchasing
any or tbe various uottirums umi are
ouerta lor shir, abk ior xixi ti-t
T Tr. F M ana taae tut oiuer.
Manufactured only by
SI, 63 a 65 Opera Block,
T have
tin writinir nlnivie
Chicago (spends $6,000,000 annually
on ita schools.
The longest beard is seven and one
quarter feet in length, and growing
on a French sculptor's chin.
Monaco, with its territory of eight
square miles and its standing army of
126 men, purposes to have a universal
exposition next year.
A little girl who lives in Lincoln
county, Tenn., is said to have found
a ptftui nearly as large as a marble
wTtt j playing in the gravel on her
fathers Walk.
The city 0 lloston lays claim to the
oldest postal clerk in Uncle Sams
servk-e. His name is Charles, llinghatn
and he has betn employed In the pott
office lor forty-four years.
Police Matlstles show that the ar
rests for drunkenness in London are
at the annual rate of one to every 173
Inhabitants, In lUrmlngham one to
every 133, iu Manchester one to seven
ty-one, und In Liverpool one to niiy.
Tho states of Virk-utU ana "lennesee
have for years been engaged In a legal
controversy over the town of UrtatoL
Ths state line has Wen supposed to
run along the main street of the town.
There are two city council, two
mayors, and two set f polio. A set
tlement of the dUpute appears U be a
far off as r.
William J. Cole, a real estate dealer,
aked to I excused from Jury aervl.e
In a New York vurU d. after
inaMnir an liimilrs. Truax thu
indorsed his summons: "This man U
mused from jury duly lauti hie
nineteenth little h..v U IU of croup
anil I.I. twtity-Brt child la unwell'
Mr, Cole himself la an only d. show thflr pre la
tla of an actor's playing In more
rUatlal utauuer than by freely ai
plaudiuf. Tbey tirw various p"i"
Hons. t their dies on the aUf. aud
at the end of the prf-rui ike
fatored prn elalm the money that
the dutiora rrpurvba ilicm wit, ine
prWea for the tarla s attk'lea bstUig at
a Hied rat.
If the credit of the United Suites i
good enough to Issue bonds 00, why is it
not go3d enough for the issue or green
backs as legal tender paper money?
IVople's Rights, Seward.
If all the investigating committees
had a Donnelly to lead them, the trulls
would not fiad it such smooth sailing,
lie got after the Minnesota coal com
bine and that institution do-s know
"where it is at" Cherry County Inde
pendent. Too much credit caa not be given the
independent members of the1 legislature
for the passage against the strongest
opposition of republican members, of
the railroad bill reducing freight rates
in Nebraska 20 per cent. Independent
Press, Franklin.
Reports from all over the county con
cerning tbe alliance work are very en
couraging indeed. Many new members
are being added and the interest is re
viving ail along the line. The good
work of the past year is bpginn'ng to
bear fruit. Holt County Independent.
The feeling in California is dally
growing more hostile toward President
Cleveland. Tbey seem to feel that his
methods of dealing with Hawaiian
affairs are proving him to be decidedly
behind the times in the treatment of1
foreign affairs. St. Paul Phonograph.
That Nicaragua canal can be built,
but if it is built with government cash
it must bs owned and controlled as well
as protected by tbe government. The
lessons of the subsidized transcontinen
tal railroads and the Credit Moblller
s re fresh in the minds of tbe American
people. Boeky Mountain News.
He was a blight preacher who prayed
that the indelicate might be made deli
cate, the intemperate temperate and
the industrious dustrious. No wonder
DFiiriiDrn wk uuabahtke
ntrVltft1Dtn anu invite
cardial lavestiKstlon ss to our responsibil
ity aud tbe merits of our Tablets.
TOBACCO in from StoSdavs. Perfeetlv harm
m a cup ui murcuu im wuuuui win
stop sluukuib vuewiug iu mw uj
tbe free nse or uquor or stor-
mesa oauiw iu uuiuuiumva-
uy mo use vi our susn,
by all VIBST-clibs
enclose us .OO
a pnuaage vi vui
and Irom
of your Tablets
Thb Ohio CncmCAL
fnr aim worth f vmir
thm niiriirhtiind.aithoiiiirh
they did tbe work in less than three days, lam cured.
' Truly yours, MATUfiW JOHNSON, P.O. Box 44.
Pittsburgh. Pa.
th nam nmyini Hr fivKTiwrni It sives me DlcBHuro to sneak a
wnnt nf iral fur vonr Tablets. Mv
Uauor.and throuKh a friend, 1 was led
constant drinker, but alter usinir your
and will not touch liouor of any kind. 1
you, in order to know tbe cure was permanent. Yours truly nnmanw
nom ruirif c.n 'avti-rt vuvn Your Tahtnts have performed a miracle in mv case.
uaed mornhine. h VDoderuiically. for seven
two packages of your Tablets, and without any effort on
j(l(lr(H all Order to
SI. 63 and 53 Opera Block. LIMA. OHIO.
mention this paper.)
the average minister wastes his life on
finefcpun theological theories and an
cient dogmas rather than tackle the
common every day problem of life.
Columbus Argus.
Gold needs nothing behind It they say,
but since its stampede for Europe there
is a clamoring people at its back wish
ing it would either stay at home or stop
assuming to be the basis of our cur
rency, and then we would not be on the
verge of a financial crash at every
move of its manipulators. When will
tho people's eyes bo opened? People's
Panner, David City.
More circulating currency is needed
to Htop so much mortgaging and debt
paying Interest. Nebraska is a rich pro
ductive state and the interest the people
pay to the east would supjiort one el
the New England states the size of New
Hampshire. How many thousand dol-
lais has tiariieiu county sent ess as in
terest in the past live ycarsr Joup
Valley, Alliance.
There lift petition pending U this
state to relieve Moshor, the naoK
wreckir, from going leblnd ine
Iron liars by his friends pay ins; the
tlUO.OW) d licit. If he geU out on this
we mav Main exoect to bear of him get
ting wme fat government X sltloo. as
It wouia appear that tbe tnivioi atiuar-
ler of a million l eomiru to consuiera
tlon, Home ltule, Alnswurth.
The Mlanenota IcgUlature Investigat
ing rt iutiilttfe baa unearthed rUantlo
ft ami In the manner of tr alloy state
aed M'hool latuts and evading taxation
by tatlrvUaiidothercoriHiiate thlevt-s
la wbicn iue ppiei me state nave
hwt tnlllluas. This U not anarchy. O.
an! Thl U just the prvsrnt beautiful
stteiuof doing julU by bribery and
lrjury wreo one has enough money to
slandlnelth the ruling potter. If a
t4Mr buia'ty man or wvinuu U als I tal
f bil they are hurl led to piUn, but
the tlih-ebat u lltei care lor laws
.awa are just t kei the poof da
eoatu down, ni are living umier a
rtiunercisl anarehi. The ery rich
have t laea t ulwy They are higher
than law.-O'lv.tnt.ue Affus.
Yoit will Pt Iresh and pure seed at
OrlteWd s, liUDKHtlst tueivaui street
Shrewd Iulate.
It has ben shrewdly said that whea mm
atDM OS W sbould soaJMSrt nnraalv gj.
when tier praise us. them. It Is a rare
io-ihor of Tirtua tndt-) ise cecimre which
wedouot tlr-rve; and mill mora to de
spite raie ttltt-h we do.
"I resolve.' says Bishop B-Vf.ri(l,
"never lo aaii of a man's virtues before
bin face, or of bis faults behind bis bark;'
a golden rule, the observance of which
would at one blow banish flattery and
defamation from tbe earth.
Not less than 172 crimes were commit
ted on t pa nihil railway cars last year, and
in conketuenre tbe government has de
cided to aUilihh the closed coupes and in
troduce more of the American style cars,
many of which are now in use.
The German emperor, when a boy,
was not noted for any unusual proficiency
in bis studies. He was very democratic
iu his manner as a youth, and during the
three years be spent at school at the Cas
ael gymnasium be met the other boys on
terms of equality.
Who are the happiest! Tbe earl of
Derby answered this question recently in
an address to the scientific and technolog
ical school of Liverpool, an institution of
which be la one of tbe founders. He
said: "Having known men of many pro
fessions, I sbould say that tbe happiest
are those which have been devoted to
science. Every step is interesting, and
the success of those who succeed is last
Luff." Farms for Bale.
160 acres 4 miles north of Alliance
Box Butte county Neb. 70 acres in
cultivation, 80 acres fenced, sod bouse
and barn, two wells, will give posses
sion at once. Price $8 00 per acre.
160 acres 6 miles north of Alliance.
40 acres in cultivation, all tillable.
Price $7.00 per acre. There can be
other land bought adjoining these if
desired, tor further particulars ad
dress, F. D. Kline,
Alliance, JNeb.
St. Joseph Boggy Co. Carriages and
Buggies at lowest prices. Catalogue,
and pries list free. 6th and Messanle
Sts. Bt. Joe. Mo.
a cube
ine mewt 1
from persons
who have been
cured by the use of
Hill's Tablets.
Tbb Ohio Chemical Oo.
Dm ft 1 it: I have been naincr fout
cure ror tobacco name, ana louna it wouia
do wbat you claim for it. I ubm! ten cents
of the stronireta chewinit tobacco a day.
one to Ave cigars: or I would smoke
from ten to lorty pipes of tobacco. Have chewed
and sinokndfor twenty five years, and two packages
cured me so I have no desire for it.
li.M. JAYLOUO, Leslie, Mich.
Dobbs Fbbrt. N. T.
Co.: Gektlembm: 8ometimeaKo I sent
Tablets for Tobacco Habit. 1 received
1 wasbothalieavysmokerandcbewer.
son wos stronirlv addicted totheusoof
to try your Tablets. He was a heavy and
Tablet but three days ae qintariiiKlnK,
have waited four month beiore writing
JU a7 A Mid
Cincinnati, Ohio.
years, and have been cured by the use of
my part. W. JU JUJ'J.'JUA,x.
A Wagon Load
Of Money
does not necessarily imply content
and happiness on the part of its
possessor. It is not money that
gives us pleasure, but the things
that money will buy.
Some people spend money fool
ishly, and fancy they find enjoy
ment in doing it, but the pleasure
is more fancied than real. No man
who buys
The McCormlck
No. 4 Steel Mower
can ever I accused of spending
money foolishly, and he'll lind a
hundred reasons to convince him of
his wisdom.
We are building the No. 4 to
meet the demand for a really su
perior mower, one that embodies the
prime requisiie f durability, con
venience and light draft.
You'll like this mower; not merely
because thousands of other fanners
i like it, but because it is a really
j likeable machine. If you are going
I to buy a mower you ought to see
; the No. 4.
I'm ths MCttnks C'!"tt sr r-
! All sttuu furau it ua sppiaatiua.
: CMicaao, 111.
iR. BISFORD, Agent, Lincoln, Hen.
Call oa . Nttrmaa A to for
rarrlaifss. wairons. hinders, and all
farm Implemeate We'll use you rigat
213 Houlh Moth St., UotHiln.
lUrbvrA lVlef have some of tbe
rhiatvst tmuvrlr la Muwln Kr sale.
If yuu bare a khmi, cioar term anu
want to fet uncoja property, wriw,
and they wt'.l 84 uu a Rrst-vlaas deal.
lUitmit A ItiWMH,
litawu 10, lull U hireet.
KinT furtret to T ALU
A Nt K lP:rilNT. erbuo jm write
to vae our aUrertlwrs.
Tbe ar te do tbis is te thi jour Butter. Poultry, Eggs, Veal. May, Craln,
Wool, Hides,! Beans, t room Corn, Croon and Dried Fruits, Vegetables, or
anjthlof you bave te us. Tbe fact tbat you may bave been selUnc tbese articles at bona
for years is no reason that yon sbould continue to de so If you eaa And a better market,
make a specialty of rert Ivlnsshliinenis direct from FARMERS AND PRODUCERS,
and prtbably bave tbe largest trade is tbts wav of aay bouse In tbls market. Whilst yea
sre Icckisf around for tbe cheapest market in wblcb to buy your roods, and tbus eeoueasls.
lDj la tbat way, it will certainly pay ou to five some sttention to tbe beet and most profit
sble way of dispalnv of your produce. W invite eorrespei denoe from INDIVIDUALS,
ALLIANCES, CLUBS, sad all ergsnliaUoas wbo desire to skip tbelr produce direct to
tbls msrkct. If will send you free ef charge ear dally market report, sale
piof directions snd sucb Infoimstloe as will be of senriee to you. If yea contemplate sals
ping-. When so requested proceeds for shipments will be deposited to the credit of the ship
per with any wholesale bouse la Ihicaso. Let es hear fromyou, 47-t
Summers LIobrison & Co.,
COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 174 South Water Street Chlc&p.
Reference: Metropolitan National Bank, Chicago.
J. W. CASTOR, rea.
J. P. ROUSE Vfee-rres.
f . f . M0TT,
PARMERS, we Invite your attention to the Farmers' Mutual Insurant)
Company of Nebraska, If you are in want of Insuranoe you can not
afford to Insure in any other company, and if you do not want insuranoa
now, write and get a copy of our By-laws
are doing anyway,
Remember we are for Farmers only.
Boom 401 Brace Building-.
Far sale by sJTslneTasa ilrHcalsls, or sent by
viim or asa ior 111 L.L.'n jaains, ana tuae do outers.
. Particulars fresl TUB OHIO ClIKMICAI. CO
hruaU. address st, S3, u4 Opera Black, UMA.O,
The Best in the World just received by ,
G. M. Loomis.
Call and See them. Also Tanks, Pumps,
in the hardware line,
Telephone 371.
$1 1.76
Will buy a ,
Fa e
In the New Spring Shades of v
Cafe au Lait.
Military Black,
Emerald, Tabac,
and Violet
38 inch Subline Silk Warp, all colors, .... QQ
38 inch AU Wool Whip Cord in Change. OfJ
able Colors 0U
40 inch All Wool Suitings, Spring Styles . . ()0
46 inch All Wool Satin Finish German Hen- 00
rietta in all colors "N)
40 inch English Serge, Changeable colore..
Samples chetirf ully sent to outrof town customers.
Thrre hlocks from Capitol buUdlnf, Lincoln's aewest, aeaWst aad heel
up-tow a hoi-U Klghty new rwwns Just oompteted, Includlaf larre sxinmltte
rooms, enahief 1?.0 rwtne U aJl tf A. l llOOV KK 4 ttOK, itniv
Advertise in
The Alliance-Independent.
w. 0. LlfJCK, Seey.
A. GKXENAllTEX,.Trcss.
and Constitution and learm what wr
II I I.TH r niX) R I D E OF GOI.D Tshtetc
will ooiijplHHy dmlrox IU itmUu lor Totwoco
In any foroi In Irom to t days. Perietal?
harmless, cause ne skknms, and rosy be
Ei vim In a cup of tea or wf&w, without tbe
nowledtt of tlw pallxnt, who will voluutarlly
Mop Bwoklug or Cliewlng In a few days,
malt on re.
908 O Street.
Pipe, etc. Tin Roofing, and anything