d V THE ALLIANCE -INDEPENDENT. may if?, mux n i it MILK IN THE COCOANUT Dw't Worknun Vota m Thej Talk? SILUP 3HDT30F A SH1BP SHOOTER A Deserved Roasting for Working Peo ple Who Organize an Don't Know Enough to Act Right at Election Tim. KothchlUs and the bank of England hava owner on fold, "There's the milk in the cocoanut. There' the true inwardness to the Trhole question. That's the spur to Carnegie, Murat Ilitntesd, Cleveland, the whole horde of gold bugs. They have they hold the control of gold. feo, of course,, everything must be brought to a gold basts. Friends, , Americans, . . Countrymen, Can you not see'thUT Can you set the "point V You htvo baen feeling It for a good while; It Is time that you should soe It. Djq'C run recklessly, blindly against It anylmgor. Open your eyes. "Wrtntdalunan?" Why look here, I mean all you fel low, roa.men of muscle: ' Am trlcan Federation of Lib3r, Faroaer Alliance. Knight of Ltbor. Barbjr' Interaatlooal Union. Boo'cbtnders Protective Unloa, Bre ers' Union. . Brotherhood of Pointers and Daoora tors. Hrlcklaborers' Protective Union. Brick moulders' and Setters' Union. Bricklayers' International Ualoa. J Broonmaker' Union, Cigarmakers Union. Carpenters' and Joiners, Union, Carpenters' Union.' ' Single Tai Association. Street Car-Employes' Union. International Association of Mwhlntsta. ' Expressmens' Union. Granite Cutters' Natlonal.Unlon. Hoddarrlerg' Union. International oBrothorhood of Black, smiths. Jouraeymen Bakers and Confectioners' Ualoa. , Journeyman llorseshoers' Union. Machine Woodworkers' Union. Clobkmtkers' Union. National Aisoclation of Machinists. Order of Railway Telegraphers, Plasterers' Union. Plumbers', Gis and SteamQtters' Union. Retail Clerks' Union. Stoneoutters' Union. Stone tyasooV International Union, , Tinners Union. Saddlers' Union. Typjgnphlcal Union. Jouraeymen Cooks' Union. Etai. All the above will please take notice. I mean them those men of muscle. You band together 804 days in the year and spout and resolve, and resolute and protest, and kick and strike, and then on the 885th day you go to the polh and kick over your bucket of milk. Aye you do worsethan that. You feed your oow all the year through and then drive her majestic illy up to the polls and let your enemies milk her. Worse still. You milk her yourself and give them the cream and the milk. Still worse: ou kill your 'cow, make a barbecue for your oppressors and give them hair, boms, hide, hoofs'andall. Next day, after eleotlon, you go out on a strike to buy another cow. But me n while tyour babies go without milk. Now isn't that foolishness with big FT Pittsburg Kansan. aaamr In the Far North, Astonishing to the stranger Is the sudden development of the far north ern summer. Snow covers the ground la the Aleutian islands until well Into Juno, but by that time the day lasts nearly all night, aud in a few weeks rank vegetation has taken the ftaoe of snow. The hills beootue ovrpeU4 with brilliant flowers and the grass is waist high. This vege tation, dying winter after winter, covers the ground to a great depth aad makes It dlffleuU to walk, and adds Mxu-Ully to the task of mount' ala climbing. It simplifies the d cant, however, for a person wearing tout truar may slide for a quarter el a mile dowa the mountain on this loose deposit. Tk t.rats f IIUwsibs. Teople who have ukn the Uke Snrertor steamers at Port Arthur eve aotioed the high long dike of basalt Hut pushfts lato the wate Ire the northern limit of Thunder bay. The luJUm UlUve that this rtUge Is the grave of Hiawatha or, as ha Is vatle4 there, MtQtWsho, at lew r4 uton pass the spot without trepplag a Nt beads or a pipeful of lebwa U the water as an oblatlea to bis spirit Take the ALUaNCfr 1 XPKf KMOtuiT ERRANT THOUGHTS. This I tbo rontle. tir Hebt nl-jht: And dreaming oft bcfom, on night as fair. My hopes and thoubta hava taken flight And gone I know not where. , Tta hop and thoughts wre youthful dreaa Of high Ideas of better tran -s to do Thir wtnfs were like the sunset beams When they took flight from me. I would not call them back s -alti I do not know the haven wh-re they rest They my have soothed some bitter pain Or brightened some sad breast. For much there U not understood. Our life is moulded by the little things. Love rives to us a thought that s good And Ood may give it wings Jf. V. Journal REVENGED. It was about half an hcjr after sunset, but an orange light still burned above the lonely .Southern valley. The trembling eveninir star was hanging over the green alienee of the fragrant Tennooe woods. Vapor wreathed phantoms from the river course, and from the dense thickets that skirted the camp ground came ever and anon tho mournful -sound of whippoorwilln, sounding fulnt and low, like tho re mombered echoes of a dreurn. Yet Wallace Ket-iij would have given well nigh all lie was worth to exchange its luxuriant verdure one moment only, for the pine clad heights and salt winds of Malno, with nwet winged robins chirping their familiar madri gals in the apple orchards b ' low. "Two years ago I left home," rour mured Wallace Keeno as he gazed thoughtfully out where the purple sky seemed to touch the waving a . .rfv t wooas. "iwo years since young Harney told me ho never would give Marlon to a 'common mechanic,' yet the wound rankles sharply still" Captain" 'Is that you Splcer P What nowP" Captain Keene turned its face to ward the opening of the tent, where Privato Jpieer'a bead was just visi ble. "Why, sir, our fellows have Just Drougnt in mat lot o men that was hurt in that scrim mage across the river this morning, and some on 'era is wounded bad." "I will be there directly, Splcer." There was a little crowd of men gathered on the river shore in the warm glow of the spring, but they silently parted right and left for iupiain necne s tan ngure to pass inrougn tneir midst O I . t a a oix or seven ausiy, (Heeding men were sitting and lying around in var ious pOHtures, their ghastly brows made still paler by the faint, uncer tain glimmer of the young moon. Keene glanced quickly around, tak i i . i i . ... injr m me wnoio scene ;n that one brief Burvey. He stopped short as his eye fell on a new face, half shadowed by the green sweep of drooping alders a pale, blood streaked face with a gap ing cut on the forehead. "Ihia Is not one of our men!" he exclaimed sharply. "How came ha herer" "No, sir," explained Splcer, step ping forward. "I think he belonged to the Eighth. I'm sure I don't know how he ever got mixed up with our fellows, but there he was, and I thought we'd better not wait for their ambulance, but bring him straight here. " Right," briefly pronounced Keene, stooping over the insensible figure. "Let them carry him to my tent, Splcer." "I beg your pardon, captain to your tentP" 'Didn't you hear what I saidP" sharply Interrogated the superior officer. "Bruce, make the others comfortable in Lieutenant Ordway's quarter There will be plenty of room for thorn thore." "Well, I'm beat!" ejaculated Splcer five or ten minutes afterward as he came out of the captain's tent scratching his shock of coarse red curls. Meanwhile the dim light of a lamp swinging from the center of the little tent shone full ou the singular group wnnin its circling lolds the wounded private lying like a corpse, still and pale, on the narrow iron bedstead. the young officer leaning over him ana supporting his head and the brisk, gray eyed little surgeon keenly surveying both as he unfolded his case of phials and powders. "lie is not dead, doctor?" "No; but he would have been in another half hour. Your prompt remodles have saved his life, Captain Keene." Thank God! oh, thank Cod!" The surgeon looked at Keene In amazement He doesn't belong to your regi ment Why are you to interested in the case?" Because, doctor." said Kecno. with a strange, bright smile, "when I saw him lying under the alders, dead, a I thought, I rejolewl in inv secret heart At first only at first The next moment I remembered that I was a man and a Christian. For years I have carried the spirit of Cain In my breast toward that man; now it Is washed out In his blood." It wa hlirh noon of the next dav before tho wound! man started from a Kvorvd Uiue Into the faint dawn of " Hons am IP" be faltend.Kwkln wildly around hlra,wlth an Ineffectual elort to raise bl diss head from the pillow, Now, be eai.H laid Private Spleer, who was t teanlng bis gun br the tKkWUU "You're all right, my boy. Whore are youP Whv lr- the capiak's teut, to bo sure, and that's preUi got! quarter for the rank and ltl, I should think, The capulu'e tntP How came I here?' That's Just what ! can't toll you you'll have 10 ask himself, I guess. You ain't any relation to Csi-uia keeae, be yoVM "Keeae Keen. r posted the Because." pursued Snicer, you'd been his own brother born, he couldn't have taken better care yox His cousin, maybe!" Of "No! God forgive me, no!" faltered tho wounded man with a low, bitter groan. Here he is now," said Spicer, the familiar accents of his voice falling to a more respectfully modulated tone as he rose and saluted his officer. "He s all right, captain as clear headed as a boll!" "Very well, Spicer: you can go." The private obeyed with alacrity unen tney were alone together in the tent, Wallace Keene came to the low bedside. "So you're all right, Mr. Harney?" he askeil kindly. "Captain Keene," murmured Har ney, shrinking from the soothing tone as if it had been a dagger's point, "I have no right to expect this treatment at your hands." "Oh, never mind," said the young man lightly. "What can I do to make you more comfortable?" . .... jiarney was sneni, Dut Ms eyes were full of the tears ho fain would drive back tears of remorseful shame and be turned his flushed iae jest me man no had once so grossly insulted should Bee them fall iiie next day he again alluded to the same subject captain jveene, you asked me yesterday what you could do forme?" "Yes." "I want you to ask leave for May io come ana nurse me when 1 am transferred to the hospital. Captain Keene turned toward the bu;k man a tace wnite and hat a as marble and said in a strangely altered I i . . ... voice: "Do you mean your sister?" "My sinter yes." "Of course, if you wish it I can ob tain permission, Harney. But" "weiir- Keeno's cheek colored, and h bit his lip. "1 should not suppose she would be willing to leave her husband for the very uncertain comforts of hos pital life." Harney smiled, looklnar 'into his companion's face with keen, search ing eyes. May Is not married. Cantain Keene. She has no such appendage as a i) us Dana: "Not married!" "l know what you thought She was engaged and almost married. We had nearly induced her to become Lisle Spencer's wife, but she refused on the very eve of her wedding day." neone naa risen and was pacing ud and down the narrow limits of the tent with feverish haste. "Because," went on Harnev. "she loved a certain youn? volunteer who left S about two vears acta t,nn well to become any other man's wife. " "Harney you do not t mean to say" I do, though, old fellow, and. wnat is more, I mean to sav that since I've been lying in this tent my eyes have been pretty thoroughly. openea to my own absurd folly and Impertinence." Captain Keene wrung his oompan ons hand and hurried awav. to mis take tho bootjack for the inkstand and to commit several other no less inexcusable absurdities. I see you'll get nothlnar written to-day," sighed Harney as he lav watching Wallace Keene . tear up sheet after sheet of note paper. 'i snail, though." smiled Wallace. Only I can't toll exactly whioh end of my letter to begin at." Captain Keene did write and if he Inserted a little foreign matter into the epistle it didn't matter, for Har ney, considerate fellow, never asked to see it. Marion came, and when her brother was promoted into the convalescent ward, she went home again, it was only to lose herself in bowers of orange blossoms, forests of white satin ribbon and acres of pearly, shimmering silk, shot with frosty gleams of silvery brocade, for the oourse of true love, after all its turn and intricacies, had at length found its ay into the sunshine and was running smoothly over sands of cold, i XT V 1 T New York News. Stue's : Great : Pi DESTROYER. Never Fslllng to destroy the worst ease of Worms in Horses A Sure ILnnody for Worms In Horses, Hogs, Docs, CaU, and a Sptondtd Humotly lor Sick Fowls, or lloup, and is bettor known M BTEIETEE'8 H0O CHOLERA CUM. ask your DitrouisT ron 8TEIETEE BOG CHOLESA CURL 'rt- Weenwi; br mall Ss eeats for nns t.t $ . II VI, iprl pM, t, MM sh. tr otiruw etprria. L". M. Mlius) Uk lU iMijrtuont. A4JrtMs, GEO. U. STKKETKK. t2HM UAIMItM, MICH. Mntto Tut Au.usk S Istisrssosst. Sn JOSEPH BUGGY CO. K. Jt)i)h Uuuiry I'a. CrrlT'saad HuijUsat 1awvs tof. CauUatfu and jrU- ttsi fiv, 6th aid dstat Sl4. tit. Jt, 110. wamt:i. Wblwt Wans, hooey, turgham olas butter and eggs to s!l n "M'mmtuma. J, V. If ANTt rr, but Agonk Blood Tonic Builder fmA tor Dr. V.lLUAyS' REDIOXE CP. Schenectady, K.Y. andBrockvillc.Cnt j&fi2L!& jf" f7h zt . . . IV I rH BUSINESS COLtEGE.i Y. M. C. A. Buxi., Kansas Citt, Mo. t"3 Most Practical Business College in the West. Shorthand. Typewriting, Book-! Keeping ana iiieirapny. bnortnand ' vibvMall. Three 'eison free Send fori j? our SPECIAL SDMMBK OFFKK. 35 WTO BUT DIRECT FROM FACTORY" BEST JVllXED POINTS At WHOLKHAI.E PRICES. Delivered Free For Houm-s, ISarnn. Roofs, sll colors. & SAVH Middlemen s profits. In use 61 years. En darned by Urni'Ke & Farmers' Alliitnce. Iow iirlcen will KiirpriMe you. write for samples O. W. INUKKSOLL, 3 Plymouth St.. Broolfr lyu, m. x. PRAISE FROM THE PACIFIC COAST. Ra Francihco. Cav.Nov. 11. 1K92. The Howard Medicine Co., Lincoln, Net). Gentlemen Re plying to yours of the oth. would say that, for several yesrs, I have been afflicted with Blackheads and a Shiny Skin, and have used all the F reparations that hear.! of but none of them re' .rfflleved me until ti' used two bottles of your FackUi. bach which has remov- eu an ui me uvna wornfti and left my face clean and smooth, so that 1 do not even use powder any mre, and I must say that I think it Is the best face preparation a person can use. mas. j. w. ruivn, 617 post htreet. 1100 will be uald for an Incurable case of blackhaads or Dimples. For sale at all drug Kin i or at HOWARD'S, Corner 12th andO Liincoin. neo The crne" POTATO - PLilTER WORKS PEKKECTLT IN CLAY, GRAVEL or SANDY SOIL SOD or NEW GEO UND. Plants at any and uniform Moist Soil. depth in Makes holes, drops and covers at one operation. NO STOOPING, "NO BACKACHE One Man" PLANTS TWO ACRES A DAY. The Potato Planter Co., Traverse City, Mich. GOLD, SILVER & NICKLB ! Useful Trade, Easily Learned, Which Costs Little to Start and UNPAKALLELED INDUCEMENTS to all who wish to engage in this work, and Lucrative Employment to all In their own homes. Oi the manv ways of making a Hvinir. eerhao there is none more pleasant and profitab e than Gold, Silver and Nickel I'lating it is only witnin tne last few years that tbi trade has b en brought with in the the reach of perrons of moderate means. The cot 1 sn outfit which was very hih has been ereatlv reduced bv improved progress of sci entific manufactories. The trade is one of those essilv comprehended, bcii.5 to a ureal extent purely mechanical. St requires no amount f technical learning; and what i reuuired Is supplied bv the instructions sent with tne outfit. 1 lis I'lttilug U done by a chemical process. Th articles are clianed, placed in the bath connected with th battery, and It everything is all right the thickness of the 1 Isle will dei end upon the length of time the article is in the bath, and the strength of the battery. It is here you hive control of the whole thing, So you Can always guarantee your wnk. Now for the length of time the solution will last. If car is taken louse an anode equal to work, It will lit 1 e Ions; tints, fur vsws wan ordinary use snd after bring used always works better than a new solution The work that will be done will be equal to the b.st that can lie don in the la the ftn et equipped ptatiitv esUMUhmctits. 1 he uutlit not being very hravy or of a bulky nature, can be errid from one town to another, or aasonte parlies are .loli g, take tbe ouirit te the place wheie im vet the wtvk. Het the aparstita on lh. UM and plate the article before the parties ll would take but a short tune and three job of this kind would make you live dollar pee day' or mot. Till DEMAND FOR H-ATfcD WAHK, There is really demaad for plated ware lit every well tu-dabHii, '1 he worn-oil plating oa the la ble ia Ihe n ml sign i "wear fMtr'anmit the place. No tidy and rarelui bead el h f.mily will allow "woen-orj" Dialed ware to git brlrw s l-ws. when a f in he matured at once at a very si ln es pause. 1 he w kul s4liiwhmit ia sound II lb i v m lb labt la new. II thai la woi and offensive II sugnaala awnerly evvtyvbere. Inn II Irut Irueal niiKKi y wkwh cne.ply preserve use Its! things tnled el sUowlng inens In gu W waste and lhn Hading tt bard 1st get nmnss to bay new. I be compkle uuttit loatwll el the Mktwinf MM; I Kqua-e t'lallng Val (lilsnt . 1 . nl kwp.4g Hod with Wire Ceaiaectiaini I tkg Save 11 ti tUit I " I leamug is sw"d. 1 khlntt's IVnhing rwW. I Silver AmbI wt'h i nxiweling Www, (VM ltalM I iwf k ft tinted Halitsy barges, I tn -Mro f auog Val. t!iglig W Ilea, H.w4 i f Imtrwllanw. lb Me rkd neslly M kk rovetsj bo fed seal prepaid r 4 tt sex, An. sdditimi I.wsmms regoldtng iUIf U! nv en upon asp It all , W tp . ar-d Una nl lU' elis .ad wilHi aid east naw auhig epwa rpl id e ita-KB, uim nkialvasMi to Sgent W1U, f inula fe TM .ltM A "Mai I C , 0re A weaka, MwS.w ft, W ssasn, tm Nerve 11 u ALUAIICE CARRIAGE J7F UO" v m 4a 1 ii f oTF .r Jl - Oar EQ tmmolh diaplajr at Aes,. torfrt ,n lhworld that srtl ln"''7o., rinPinnAJi ft ALLIANCE CARRIAGE C0.!-CmmaK' U SPRING Worsted dress irrods from 10 cent to$i u) per yard. Ten thousand dollar stock to fcelect from Straw hats from 5c to II each. DRY BOOTS HATS Our stock of groceries and queensware is give you the test 921 0 Street. OppoKite roKt-OfHce. N EBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY. Lansing Theatre Building, Lincoln, Nebraska.. CHAS. TRAPPER & CO., WHOLESALED Feed. & Hay Dealers. Corn In car lots for feeders a specialty. Consignments solicited. turns. Refer to Missouri National Bank. 1 2th f Hickory 8ls Kansas City, Mo. v ,1 II i I II II I (10 Interest and a very small commission. Privilige given borrower to pay in installments and stop Write or call on us. Qpu 11TH AND N 8ts WHOLESALE LUB WYATT-BULLABD LUQBER CO., Omaba, leb. OHN B. WRIGHT, Pres. T. B. SANDERS, V. Pres. T H B, Columbia National Bank - OF LalNCOLvN. CAPITAL Fropi the Saw to theBuiTdipg Direct. J. T. JOHNSON. H. 0. KE'SQ. WHOLESALE Farmer Alliance Men Please take Notice. Complete Bills for Houses and Barns A Specialty. tar. rri r ' AND RETAIL Write us for Delivered Prices. dOHfiSOTI UUMBER GOMPANYi Offlca 1001 081.. Lincaln.'.Ntk WHEN I DOIT "Try The Burlington." J. FRANCIS, Central Passenger Agent, Omaba. t i And Upward TO $10 Kit like was. 'l-.i PANTS War liaeiran. Never rip. tWn4 for wple an4 rulos fur solf meas. uretvenl. LIIiCOLII PAIiTS CO., 1223 O Etreot CO.. CINCINNATI, f31"? r?s should order no BUGGIES. X-lradei. CARRIAGES, fJ WAGONS or HAKfttM Iftt? a nv one untd jma have 00rNewGraadCaloBforl!!,wh:h Is mailed free to y " ' r . " ... vr.Arl ee. !. w.ih P"c ol venicies nmg "T" .T. ::.Tle and fully warranted for ... r sr-srt ..MBssn ina a - r . ... cooosare sin'i . . ,., u'e are the worm -s r.. to tbe cn.umer. .... GOODS. GOODS and SHOES and CAPS. Our stock of wool dress goods U jnst beautiful. A lares variety of gent's, ladle's and children's shoes. . Gent's wool and fur hat from 50c to 3 uO each. always complete. Our constant aim IB to gooas ai dohoih prices. BYed Solimidt. .............ea The finest line of wheels In the west. A large Una of all grades and prices, both new :tnd second-hand, always in stock. lfBt .epair shop west of Chicago in cnnectlun. Good Agents Wanted. Apply Early. Goad sales. Prstnpt rv J. E. JOHNSON, Manager. TO LOAN ON FARMS interest. Money always on hand. L 33 RO S . IaINOO . ' B RA8KA. J. H. M'CLAY, Cashier WHOLESALE BICYCLE ... V NRDRA8KA. S25o.ooo.oo. A. C. ZIBMER, City Paenr,er AftnL Lincoln. Notice to Cantrsctora. Kealed bl.la will be reoelyeU a the rme of the tliuuiy 1'U.rk ol Slir.imn County, at Loud S.'. U"UI .n""n. ol ,h lSlh dv ' Jn k cimlruptkia of ths a'ira.b at the lt.A!.ln bl.1 ana Inn .rui im iu saUl tyt.r Hiorstwt in lm.am ami mum Iw snf. rijt!y ui. tt sals mhlc iral lll.l.lsra to tiriilB plan ai)4 ih ltd ailiHi and iturautM iitr .ra to stana a ia.mi.u Wngia ct 1 . Vuo,7 rrya tas rtgat to rsjact iy sir all bi.1. 0H tbia M day of Arirll v. (KAI.i K. II Kins u County CUtra tJAPANESB CURE Msw, SMtaMiaai ut a. a a aw a4 (Wr tWms, , ' ' "" a am iMta a a t ft.- a fUi wvfcat Usal hl aj Ma4 luw,t at iiwl m,t filaav a4 iu4 ; " a a rwi'is K t Sat as1 IMt. I kanK stilmMsawt aw way, asm, kaasl talks fhara Tk tras " i Mawasry IwamlVaT iirtll.,s!! as"ras. SSI SB tmm SJStUtSl al.s. as.. . - ) v. as sn- s