The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, May 11, 1893, Image 1
V .A V 1 r Ad The Alliance-Independent It the best: Advertising medium In the west. It U especi ally valuable as a means of reaching the farmers. Its circulation Is as large la Nebraska as the cir culation of all the "farm Journals" combined. Give The Alliaxce Indefendent a trial if you want good results. VOL. IV. A Eeview of the Evidence Taken in the Oases Against Allen, Humphrey And Eastings- CELL-EATSE CROOKEDNESS AIRED- Witnesses Unwillingly Divulge the Truth. Dorgan's Bad Memory. Working on the Asy lum Matter. A Summary, In ita capacity as a court of Impeach ment the supreme court is certainly J maklnc a record for Indubtrv. It meets promptly at 10 o'clock and usually holds )Ll 6 in the evening. It was in session Avery day last week except Saturday and began again bright and early monday morning. It has also dispatch- business at a rapid rate during its ssions. By Friday evening the evidence of the prosecution in connectiou with the cell-house matter was nearly all in, ' and a start had been made on the 'asylum matter. This week the testi mony on the cell-house matter has been completed, and the testimony Concerning the asylum frauds is well 'under way. The course of the defense ' has been such as to disgust fair minded toeople. As attorney for the state ' officers. John L. Webster has taken If the leading part, and has cross ex j amined the witnesses. He has taken ! ( advantage of every possible technical f ity to prevent the truth from coming out. The impeachment committee has j been obliged to depend on some wit j nesses who are friendly to the state officers. These witnesses have man aged to forget nearly all they knew that was damaging to the state officers. Especially is this true of Bill Dorgan. His memory seems to have been v leaking ever since he was before the ; legislative committee. To questions I which he answered clearly before that I commitee, he now answers "I don't know," or "I cant recollect " On the I A HINT CASES 'T other hand every fact or circumstance IV which could in any way shield the im- ached officials he remembers dis- .' : ..insit.lir A nrl when Mir Wfthatpr reels off a five minute speech in defense of his clients under the pretext of ask ing a question, Mr. Dorgan very cheer fully and positively answeres "yes." The same remarks apply in some de gree to Atwood and several other witnesses. Mr. Lambertson, for the prosecution, has shown the utmost fairness, in his treatment of witnesses. He has in fact been too mild to combat such a man as t4 . -. nil . J f ii -WeDSter. uut ne nas succeeueu in V facts enough to establish all that was claimed In the articles of Impeachment. It has never been claimed or ex pected that the real inside facts of the case would be unearthed. No man can hear and weigh the evidence fairly without feeling morally certain that there has been a well planned system of robbery carried out, that the state officers were privy to it, and in some j wav cot a share of the blunder. Hut 1 the only parties who know such thing j are members of the gang who are very unlikely to tell what they know. The witnesses examined up to Friday evening were: C. U. Caldwell deputy Secretary or Slate, who brought lo vouchers, records reiMrU etc, W. II. Dorgan who testified, a far as his memory would permit regarding tlie whole cell house matter. ln Hopkins, who was warden of the penitentiary during last year, and who succeeded iKirgia as superintended of the cwll-hoiuw work. Mo U also the nan who spent -', with the approval of the board, u pay his expente to a meeting of the prison coogroM at I'ltU burg. H H. Atwood, of Nemaha county, of Vm Morgan bought stono and nd, J. W. ZhjI of Johnson county and K. I). Van Court of Omaha of whom At wood boug hi the ston htoh ho ld V IXirgan. AIwoimI, .o-.k ana Van l otirt ar ownors uf ston usrrt. M. 1, Vlch,mank'ir wf tl Vi'ilirB, Vlouf turtnif ntiutmny, which works the (M)vtu at tha l'n. II ttltu4 MtuprU-v charged for wnvlct UUr, Two stona mania whu worked oa the re tou WUlUw Ura.aa arvhluct who V"U- tied as an expert in regard to prces of stone and cost of cell-house. He said at a liberal estimate the work done ought not to have cost over 132,341. William Randall, formerly employed to receive and unload coil at the asy lum, wko testified as to the amount of coal received at the asylum. Without going into the details of each witness's testimony the following is a suirmnary of the evidence in regard to THE CELL HOUSE. The legislature of 1891, in order to furnish more room and better accomoda tions for convicts voted $40,000 to be used in the construction of an addition to the penitentiary which is now known as the ne w cell house. The act requir ed that the addition should be built bu day's workt. This was a concession to the demands of the laboring classes Most public buildings are put up by contractors who hire laborers at as low wages a possible, and make big profits. The "day s works" provision was in tended to eliminate the contractor anl make the sta'e employ the laborers directly. It thus became the duty of the Board of Public Lands and Build ings to take direct charge of the con struction of this building, to employ superintendents, purer ase material etc. and to disburje funds in payment there for. It may be well to mention in this con nection THE PENITENTIARY CONTRACT. The contract system of handling state's prison convicts was adopted by the 'gislature away back in 1877. The contractor was H. B. Stout, com monly known as '"Boss" Stout, probably the most unscrupulous and successful lobbyist ever In Nebraska, and that is saying a good deal. That contract has been extended from time to time down to the present. The last extension (for ten years) was voted in 1887. By that time Stout had dropped out and C. W. Mosher had taken his place. Also W. H. Dorgan had appeared on the scene as Mosher's first lieutenant. Since that time Mosher and Dorgan have been per sistent and successful lobbyists. As Mosher's time became more and more occupied with gigantic schemes for swindling the people in his capac ity as president of the Capital National, Dorgan gradually took his place at the pen and finally in February 1892, Mosher formally assigned the con tract to Dorgan as his successor. The terms of the contract at pre lent ara briefly: The state furnishes the prison building and pays the contractor 40 cent per day for each convict. The con tractor must clothe, feed and keep the convicts, and paythe guards and ofheers of the prison. He can put in machin ery and set the convicts to work man ufacturing such articles as be sees fit, or he can let out the servlc3S of con victs toothers, thecontractor of course getting all the income from their labor. DORGAN FOR SUPERINTENDENT. Coming bick now to the cell house, the board of public lands and buildings on May 4th, 1891 met and hired W. H. D3rgan to superintend the construction of the cell house, Dorgan was at that time in the employ of Mosher, and in full control as Mosher's lieutenant at the penitentiary. The board gave Dor gan full power to adopt plans, purchase material, and hire labor to build the cell-house. Toe board voted him a salary of $.",0 per month. This salary is most suspiciously small. J f Dorgan were competent to take full charge of such a work, his services ought to have been worth four times as much to say the least. It fact It looks as thoutrh the salary of $."0 per month were voted as a mere blind to cover up the real consideration in the case Dorgan It seems took the whole mat ter into his hands, adopted plans for the building, purchased material etc , without any oversight on the part of board. They simply furnished him the money, and he spent it, and to this day he has never made any full and final report. Th only thing in the shape of reports were somo ncraps of paper pinned together that John L. Webster himself declared were un signed, never had been acted on, and were not entitled to consideration. The board paid out money to Dorgan in advance in sums as high as tS,0O0at a time. CONVICT LABOR EMI LOYKD. la direct violation of the spirit of the legUlatlve act, Dorgan acting for the board, employed the convicts to do nearly a'.l the work. For their labor h charged the slate tl. Mr day. The loiuiony of Dorgan himself, and of several other wltnesw. howe4 that ouUide parties have repeatedly hired convicU of tht) contractor at 40 cent per day, M, D, Welkin, manager of Western Manufacturing aadoetalton tadlfted that he lined about half of all the convicts in h'.t factory and paid only l' cent lr day and only for tlm actually ant played. AIm many of the tut a ho urd wr highly skilled. Th time ot ius convict was kept by tha (uarU In charga of them. Aecoru log ui t,irf an's owb aOmtulon, when a ganirof mea wm aligned to work on tha cwlt h"Ut,thMm of tha whula gang wa uhareud up to tha stal whether thay worked or not. Tha tentliiumy (how that time wa frequently charged and paid for by Vh slato whsa L --JS LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1693. Address to American Monopolists. You boast of Independence, Of equal rights of birth, And name yourselves descendants Of men of noble worth. They leaped with sword and rille Their manhood to maintain, Nor deemed the tax a trifle That tyrants sought to gain. Your fathers faced oppression, And bled on freedom's soil, They fought to hold possession Of all the fruits of toll. Yet you, who should be hatars Of every tyrant's band, Are numbered with the traitors Who've cursed their native land! You're false to all your teaching To what is right and just; You've gained by over-reaching, By interest and trust; You've pulled the land from under The equal heirs of earth; And sun and rain and thunder You hold, for all they're worth. You sit, as money lenders. And suck the blood of toll; You loll amid the splendors Heaped up by those who moil; You hold tbe robber stations And all commercial gates, And gatt er princely rations By simply fixing freights - convicts were not at work. On one occasion the time of the whole gang was charged up for ten days during which they did not worK. CHARGED IT ALL TO THE STATE. On one occasion Dsrgan purchased brick and fire clay costing $232 and used them In resetting the boilers used in heating the prison. He also had the convicts do the work, and paid for it all out of the cell house fund, and re ported the same to the board. These repairs (should properly have baen paid by the contractor, and there was no shadow of excuse for spending the cell house fund for such a purpose. The testimony also shows that in a number of other instances the cell house fund was used to pay expenses which could not properly be charged to the state. THE STONE PURCHASED. In the purchase of materia! Dorgan's methods were shown to be even more crooked than in the employment of labor. Shortly after his appointment he bigan looking around for material. He struck up a deal with one S. H. At wood the owner of a stono quarry in Johnson county to furnish the stone. Dorgan did not make any effort to In form himself as to prices of' stone, or to secure competition among quarry men. He agreed to pay Atwood prices that were from two to four times the actual cost. The stone from Atwood's quarry was too hard to work easily, and At wood bought most of the stone furnish ed from other men. He r-ought mostly of J. W. Zook and E. D. Van Court. These men were all before the court. The substance of their testimony was as follows: Atwood bought of Zook stone "plug ged to size" at 10 cents per cuMc foot, and turned It in to Dorgan at 35 cents He bought of Van Court dimension stone at 4 k cents per foot, and turned it in to Dorgan at Ml cents per foot. On all stone Atwood furnished from his own quarry ho charged Dorgan twice- the market price. Zxk testified that ho wrote a letter to Dorgan In which he quoted him the same prices he was getting from Atwood, but Dorgan "couldn't remember" having received such a letter. Van Court testified as to prices of stone. He thought tha prices paid by Atwood were low, hut were market prices at the time. The defuoito under took to shield Dorgan by showing that he nude the deal with Atwood In May when prices of stone were high, and Atwood bought the stone In January when prices were low. Van Court, ,ook and other testified oa this point that there was a difference. l'er hai tha ttoue for which Atwood rmldlOeenUln January would have been worth hi cent in May cm account of Increased demand. Thto was tha stone which Dorgan paid Atwood .'15 cent for, Van Court Untitled that he had never known that kind of stone to l worth over H rent. A number of other wttaec htv bea oten'.loncd lu regard lo price but they alt 4tv substantially. Tha (oU proven ara that th 'ate m charged eight and tn eeut for Vne which a worth from 3 to 4 1 rents; lo for slo worth r, and & to cenu for sUuva worth 19 oeaU. friomwbera between tb quarry cner and tha stat, uie body got the rate-off. tT er THS CM.!, II HU As mitMl tha lilt a wt up by tha duftM, they tried lo show that would tw Bough to BnUh h -ai t.l. g -a-. ' . .. Your youngest babes inherit Command of many a slave; And, forced by legal merit, A holt their service crave. One infant of the Astors Each month a million draws! We bow to babbling masters, Enthroned by evil laws. Monopolize subsistence, The tools, exchange or land, And "freedom" means, existence, To serve as kings command. Whoever then engages To meet his pressing need Must take the proffered wages 'And be a slave of greed. But, hear us now, oppressors, We've traced your crafty work: You can't remain possessors, And hone? t labor shirk; You shall not deed to others Tbe gifts of God to all, And rule for aye your brothers ' On whom the burdens fall. The paltry tax our neighbor Old England sought to raise, A burden light on labor, Set all the land ablaze. Then think not that the toilers, Deceived and patient long, Will always serve the spoilers And suffer legal wrong. Chicago, 111. CfiorHowARD Gibson. cell-house. They claimed that the wall of the old prison on the side where the cell-house joins had to be torn down and repaied which cost about $2500. If it hadn't been for that the fund would have been sufficient to complete the work. Inasmuch as neither tbe legis lature nor the board had ever laid out any plan for the building, leaving every thing to Dorgan, it can be seen how much that plea is worth. In fact it ap pears that Dorgan deliberately set out to spend $40,000 in putting up a cell house worth about 120,000, and now he comes in with the plea that if he hadn't had to repair the old wall, the funds would ha, a held out! Several experienced architects who have carefully examined the cell -house as it stands today testified before the court as to what they thought It ought to cost: Wm. Gray placed his estimate at $32,341. He allowed liberal prices for material and high wages for citi zen labor. Gray's estimate has since been carefully gone over by two Omaha architects who claim that he made er rors and miscalculations amounting to $6,000 which would reduce the estimate to about $20,000. n (J. Itnllnck of Linooln cave a com plete detailed estimate of the work done, showing that the whole building as it stands ought not to have cost over $18,827.40. , George Jensen, a building contrac tor of extended experience made a de tailed estimate showing that the cost of cell house as It stands should not have been over $20,147.20. These witnesses and several others examined on Monday testified regard ing market values ol the various kinds of stone ustd fully confirming the claim of the prosecution. Architect Flske of Lincoln, one of the be it in the slate, made an estimate of the cost of the building completed. He based his estlmrte on material used and work actually done, and gave all detail. He said the entire cost should not be over $21,270.50. Inasmuch as Dorgan claims that it will take $200 to finish the building, this would make Fluke's estimate of the work already done less than $19,000 THAT JUNKETimJ TRIP. Dorgan and Hopkins testified regard" Ing tho trip taken by Allen, Humphrey and Hastings at theexpense of the cell house fund. Dorgan supplied the $T00, from funds which the hoard had already paid over to him. Warden Hopkins went with the board and they paid hi espens. They vltltrd and inspected trUon In Kansas, at St. Louis and at hieago. When they caina back no re port of expense wa ever tnde out, nor did they aver tell Ikirgan what they hd learned regarding prlwn. and ccll-houa. In short It doe not appear that tb state ever got anything for tha to hi. which tha hoard spent on this trip ia direct violation of the U they wera elected to administer. .IK) MOKK. Ikiriraft aU pld out of tha cetl houw fund .tiO which w u.l by Warden Hot'kin and Chaplain Howe on a trip to 1'ituhurg to attend a prison con gee. Th only excitae glvta for itch a umi of tho cell-hooi fund wa that I'retUtefct Have wa treoiJe lit of ot tha coogrvM, norms aivcfctp ifiuiAN. In tha spring of Ift'C' oin Urn a'ter Ikirgan had succeeded Mtwher a con tractor of tha Ten, tha boaH appoluted Dan Mopkio tu take hi placo auper intendent of the cell-houso. . He was instructed to settle with Dorgan and continue the work. He never made sny settlement. Dorgan turned over what money be had on hand, a little over $0,000 and Hopkins took the ma terial off his hand without checking it up. Hj continued to buy material, at the same prices paid by Dorgan, and followed the same plan generally, Djrgan has never made a final set tlement with the board. He says he was getting ready to make a settlement when tho grand jury got after him lant fall, but that prevented. The above is a very brief and Incom plete summary of the testimony taken 1 1 regard to the cell-house. The prosecution demand tho convic tion of Allen, Humphrey and Hastings: 1. Because they employed Dorgan who was already in the employ of the penitentiary contractor. 2. Because ot tho uttetly loose and Irregular way in which they did busi ness with Dorgnn. 3. Decause, Dorgan being merely an agent of the board, the members of the board are directly responsible for the squandering of the state's money In paying for convict labor and building stone more than twice what other parties had to pay at the same time. 4. Because t ney ued and permitted to be used in all $700 of this fund, con trary to law, in paying traveling expen ses for themselves aad others. THE SECOND WEEK. Monday morning the trial proceeded with all the attorneys for the prosecu tion present. Lawyer Green who had been reported "sick" lat week was on hand to take in active part. On Monday a number of witnesses testified regarding cell-house matters, but tielr evidence was substantially the same as that already given. Most of the time has been occupied in taking testimony regarding asylum coal. The impeach ir cot committee is attempting to show that a great many car-lo-ids of coal were charged to the state the? were never delivered at the asylum. The first important witness was Wm. Randall who lives in Valley county. He was employed by the coal firm of Betts and Weaver at the asylum switch to unload coal from the cars. Ha was afterward employed ia the same capa city by the Wbttebreast Coal Co. lie kept a record of the cars In a little book. In spite of many objections from Webster, Randall gave some very valu able testimony, lie said he had enter ed cars in his book that wore never delivered. He did this under the orders of the firm he was working for. He kept a record of cars by numbers on the cars. On one occasion the firm gave him a slip containing a large list of car number, and instructed him to enter them on his book. He did so although the cars were not delivered. Several pages were torn out of his book. He explained that after he had moved to Valley county John Dorgan (brother of W. H. who is connected with the Whitebreast Coal Co.) visited him one night last November, and tried to get this book from htm. He refused to give up the book, but tore out five pages containing a summary of all car numbers and gave them to Djrgan. He also testified that cars were hauled to the asylum, and hauled away again without unloading, th same being charged to the state. A large number of B." & M. freight agents, book-keepers and other em ployes have been examined regarding the methods ot handling freight and the records of the coal delivered at the asylum. HOOKS LOST. The first Important fact developed was that the principal record books which were examined by the legislative committee have since mysteriously dis appeared. The railway men say they have searched diligently but can not find them. It afterward camo out that copies of these records had been made, and preserved. The prosecution has proven the correctness ot these copies by the men who made them, and olTer ed them in the place of tho originals. The testimony of these witnesses is of such a character a not to be easily understoou by person who are not familiar with railroad book-keeping. It is sufficient to say that, while It may take a good deal ot Urns and labor, the prosecution will sift tho record com pletely and without doubt will fully establish tho fao. that a great many car of coal were paid for by the state which were never delivered. KKWICK TOtt Tlir.M. tl C. Ho wick, tha man who made the xpoure testified that in February 1 ",:', he told Hasting and Humphrey that fraud were being practiced at the ay!uru. Thl 1 very important testi mony a it establishes tha fact that ortU-laU hail nottca of tha fraud. Fred llaeo, book-keeper at the aflura during Im2 went on tha stead Tuesday evening, and will prohobty be on tha Itand several hourot Vetneta. He U one of tho slat' mot valuable wltoev, TUB APPHOI'KIATIOX VAUB, Oa luenday the supreme court eom mission haiulid down It decUlon re garding the appropriation. It hold that tr appropriation I valid for K UU. The inUtas of an enrolling clerk van not invalidate a legislative act. The Alliance-Independent Advocates J The government own ership of railroads and telegraphs. That freight rater it Nebraska be reduced tr a level with thoee la force in Iowa. The building by the national government of a great trunk line from North Dakota te the Gulf of Mexico. NO. 48 DESPERATE BATTLE. TEN THOUSAND BRAZILIANS IN DEADLY COM DAT. . rj THE SLAUGHTER WAS TERRIBLE. Four Thousand Government 'Troops and Bis Tliotimntl InfturgentiCietTog-etherQ ud Bill It I'p in Klo Grande do 6ul Great Determination Ex hibited on Ilotu KldeaTb j , JU-tult in Doubt. Valtab Also, May 10 A battle which lasted six hours was fought latt Sat urday near Uruguayna, Kio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in wqich 4,000 govern ment troops and G,000 Jnsurgents were engaged. Conflicting reporta' have been sent out concerning the re sult of tho engagement The contest began about noon and lasted until nightfall. Great deter mination was displayed by the soldiers in each army. Charge after char go ordered by Generals llipolyte and Slum, who commanded the two wng of the government forces! Were repelled by the insure gents. The slaughter was terrible. Men on each side fought with tho knowledge that the result of the com bat would probably settle the fate of the revolution, the insurgents being; the more desperate bceause they realized that ahould they win. the 'victory "housand of secret sympathizers would openly Join their ranks and fight for their cause. With out decisive result for either army the battle raged until near nightfall Al though the insurgents far exceeded the government forces in number they were not so well equipped or well dis ciplined. As the night approached tho revolu tionists attempted to withdraw to a better position, but the movement had been foreseen by the commander of the government army, who threw all their forces against the retreating revolutionists, and turned the defeat into a complete disaster. The attack in the rear, according to the report tele graphed from JJuenos Ayres, demoral ized the revolutionary forces, and they ran before the advancing govern ment anny as fast as possible. ABSOLUTISM FOR CERM ANY. The Younff Kalier Declares That H Will Have III Way. Bep.lix, May 10. While reviewing the troops at Tempclhof the German emperor directed the imperial guard to gather around him and ad dressed them as follows: "I have been seriously disappointed in the patriotism of the late reichstag. I Hope the coming reichstag will adopt the military bill, but if it refuses to adopt it I atn determined to carry the bill into effect despite the unpatriotic opposition. 1 know myself that I am alone with the federated princes and the people." The emperor's concluding words ia , Uhe-sinjr his otlieers were: "I felt necesnity to tell you candidly my decision, as I told you mv hopes when b." bill was first proposed." s T .to oflicer who heard the emperor's words maintained absolute silence, although evidently In deep sympathy vith tlie kaiser'a views. The speech m causing enormous excitement among l!ie people. There is a profound and - Uk-spread impression that the em ror would not hesitate to risk a con .1 it with the new reichstag should it rove hostile to the bilL UtW LEADERS IN THE FIELD. lii Itennbllran National Ltag-aa Meeting l.ltu-ly to He a Lively Una. Ijot'iHViM.K, Ky., May JO. -Hualne&a .,.w and publlu buildings are dec orated with liug and bunting and tha ity ia assuming a holiday attire while he hotel are taut filling with ineom iog Kepubllean from every part of ;he vttuntry, gathere I for tha meeting f tlie national league of Uepubliean e'ulw here to-morrow. Tho prlneipal evt-nta of the week will tw tho election of ofileer f r the enlg year of tho Uepubliean national eotuMittee; of tho national UepubiU-a league and of tha American Ucimlillcan college league. In the national KepublU-an league there will be a lively contest for tha presidency. The candidate now la the Held are VV. W. Tracy of prlof Held. 111., president of tha llllnola tte Iraguei W, I, Niuire of Toledo and J. Moat r'actl of New York. U UUikttll that J. H ilurk will not le a candidate tr re election, but tht ha not leru formally announced. K Senator uHiiir of VlMsm;u will ahwi ntak bid forth oflloe of prl dttl V0 Korlbwwtero llr.e to Chicago Uw rate. Jt train. Office 11M U at. ir