The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, April 27, 1893, Image 8

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    mi. -V Ji Ji 1 A S U to -1 M) K T E N J) E N T.
APEIL 27. 189
noraa lasuraaoa
. iuraatlvand wtn
pny, EDITOR. All
.ra.jnic.uona on Kire. Crciona or Rail
..JT- .J4 a4dreai to Urn at
fjrZ -rWMWrK 9S
One of the
Mcst Btmaikalle
Cases on
A Man Pronounced by Eminent Pbyal
ciana Permanently Disabled Fully
Recovera-Fac-aimile of the Check
For $i,ocoPaid by Royal Tern
laia tf Temperenca for
Total Disability-Hundreds
of Visitors.
Toronto Daily Cloiie, July 25.
This 19 ati age ofuuuut; especially in re
gard to cures by patent medicine, and
not without n acon, for too oft'n have
the alck and their near and dear loved
ones been deceived by h ahly recom
mended nostrums that were swallowed
to be of Jess avail than as much water.
The old, eld fable- of the boy ard the wolf
applies also too frequently to many of
the specific concoctions for curing the
ilia that flet-h la heir to: and when a
real cure ia efleoted by a genuine rnie
dy those who mlcht be benefited fight
any of it, aving, "it waa cure, cure,' so
often before that 1 won t try It,
When such a ft ate of affairs exists it ia
edvlnable that aauranco should be
made doubly sure.
A few daya ago a marvelous and al
moft miraculous cure was made known
to Canadians through the medium oi the
Hamilton newspapers. It was stated
that Mr. John Marshall, a well known
resident of ilamlltc n, by the aid of Dr.
Williams' fink Tills fur Pale People,
bad been snatched frtm tho very jaws
of death, placed upon his feet, and en
abled to mingle with his fellow citizens
with more than renewed health and
strength and even brighter spirits than
be bad experienced for years before.
This remarkable statement excited the
wondrr of almost a continent. Some
people believed, most people doubted,
although the facts were placed so clear
ly as to ward off the slightest supiciou
of fraud. Jo investigate the very ex
truordlnary cure and place before the
people of Canada and the United States
veriucation or otherwise of it was the
special mission of a Globe reporter a few
A closa Inquiry into the clrcumBtan
ces first showed that Mr. John Mar
hall, whose residence is 25 Little Will
lam street, in th northeast portion of
the city, while employed as foreman for
d (jaradian on Company, Ave years
ago, fell upon the edge of an oil vat and
hurt his back, Thinking; little of the
affair Mr. Marshall continued to work
on, but after a few days he became 111,
gradually got worse, and In August,
lou vears ago, became stticken with
the dread dlsoase, locomotor ataxya
disease attacking the nerves and ren
dering that portion of the system help
less, proclaimtd by the physicians to be
Jingurahlc-wbklx left him from the
"wa'tt downwards without feeling, and
utterly unable to move his lower limbs
All be was able to do was to raise him
self by the aid cf sticks and crutches
and drag h imself around the house and
occasionally to the corner of the street
online days. His legs wero without
feeling, pins and even knives were
stuck into them without the 6ick man
experiencing any inconvience. He
could take a walking stick and beat his
legs until the blows rosounded through
the houte and yet he felt nothing.
miring ail tneee years or torture Mr
Marshall consulted every doctor of abil
lty In the city ;tr led every form of treat.
' ment and took almost every kind of
patent medicine, but without recelr-
one tittle of relief. The agony was fre
quently so intense that he waa obliged
to take morphine pills in order to re
ceive a reasonable amount of sleet).
As the months and years passed
though the doctors continued to treat
aim in various way, they plainly told
the suffering man that he could not get
better, the decease was let down
In the works of sptciiit incura
ble. The doomed man was a member
of the United Empire Council, No, 190,
Rnval Temnlara of Temperance, and
under thedlaoouraglog circumstance he
tiougbt tiatlvuauw 10 apply for the
Iayiueotcf the total disability claim of
LOCO allowed by the order on Its In
aurance policy, Application waa ac
cordingly made, but before tha claim
waa granted Use patient had U t rier
coBotuilye proof of bla total dUahllltr
to the chief examiner, and JJr. Mar
shall waa tent to Toronto for a m-ctal
ler!e treatweut. It proved no
Jb V ,Pp!b Jf' J samplca la
suits an4 t'Cusera hava arrlvvU at the
ti . 1 1.1 l. nrvw py. UdUoII
Hotel Wrch. IrUa an aunlahlnirly
w, within the rt a h t all, tum aaj
iat the lattf.t,
VcHitaa ft frr.h frJn a o4 grata
M.ol4 s, M Kvuth KUiv'ntb.
ItarWr 4 l uwlsr hav a stock ut ca
raj carrhaaUla U Ijwa, ttow run
f a4 tlrltf blf ca.h bul8;oi4
Mt Ud couatry . Vty w Ubva t nuv
UUacoinaa4 will tak a part elr
FVrl tad r!a.M rah. rWt at
rU, HitktrsN A Vuwtkst.
Be 10, mi U trt s.
more tuccetsful than the others that
had preeodtd it, and a number of city
aoctre ana the ciuef medical examine
of the or jtr signed the medical certlfl
cate of total disability and Mr. Mar
shall reoelvrd from the Dora Dion Conn
clllor of the Iloyal Templars a chec
for II, GOO last Nov. One dv last Feb
came Mr. Marshall's salvation although
he did not awept It at first. A tmall
pamphlet telling of Dr. Williams' l'ink
fills and tho d teases they cured
was thrt wn into tho house, but it wax
placed aside and no notice whs taken of
U for weeks. Ono day the sick man
read the circular ami concluded
to try Dr. Williams' l'ink IM1. al
inougn Mrs. Wareball iried hard to
dissuado.hlm, saying tbey would bo as
inaftictual ai all tho othert: but on
April 1 mmiorable day to him Mr
1 l ilt - . 1 ...
ftiareottH oegan to take ttie mils, one
after cuch meal for a tlnrt. la a fe
daya a change wan noticed and an ho
continued to take the pills he gradually
unproveu anu m a mue over a month
he was able to take the train for Tor
onto ard visit an astonished brother-ln
law. iSow he can wnlk four or five
miiea with any of hla friends.
1 lie (1I0M representative oald a vhlt
10 me douho or the man thus rescued
from a living death. When the r.
porter's mli-s on waa ernlklnnri. Mi-
Marabalrs facs lighted up wit h a smilo,
wiiiumniihtu a responhive ono to rmo
Uxm the features of his wife, and he
expressoii his perfect willingness to
ton an tbat was asked of him.
Wby. I feel a better man nnur ftmn
1 Aid t"n years agi'."sa d he ehm rfnlltr.
"it's four years next Auiruat al ni'.n 1 did
a uay's worlt out I guess I can soon
make a s'art airaln. About mv illnosiV
T -II . .. . . .
it. wn mi causua tnrough falllntf and
hurting my back. I kept getting worse
until I couldn't tret on a chair without
aatlck or cratches. Tho lower nart of
ujv uuuy boh lees were ue oaa. 1 tried
every uoctorjtnd every patent medicine
landing hundreds of doll am. V.verv
thing that was liable to help me I got.
Dut l might as well havo thrown it in
me oay, 1 uppon my wife has hon
you the apparatus I used at one time or
anotner. a dozen city doctors gave
mo HP'w 1 f ot enouf?n electrlo shocks
for half a dozen men, but thev did mo
no good. I lost c ntrol of my bowels
anu water and couldn't sleep without
morphine. During the day my letrs
were com anu i naa to sit by the stove
wrapped in a blanket, suffoi i
agony irom nervous pulas in the legs,
nicicananead. Yes, I received from
tne Jioyai Templars a 81.000 eW.W h
ing declared totallv unahln to full
riuHiuj, incut. yjav aHy m Apru twj
a notion to try Dr. Williams' Pink Fills.
r 1 . 1. i . . .... J
.ciciuujr lunuwiDg me directions ac
compaoying each box. I reoovered my
appetite and regained control of my
bowels and water, and I wenton getting
umicr mm stronger ana now you see
me stronger and more healthy than I
who iur years oeiore i was taken ill
ten you 1 am foeilng first-class," and
i"ir. 'arsnau siaoDed hia loira vlirn.
ousiy anu gave the lower part of his
back a thumping, afterwards
anrl dn.ii . Iwi II... i V. b "
nuu u"u iuu mum a lively gait.
"I weigh 100 pounds todav." hn
il. a a . . ' w" "
UOUCU, anU I've Pa ned .in nnnna
since I first took Dr. Wllllam&' Plnli-
uia, 1 naven tsucn a ttilno- rh a tmin
III. T 1 t . . ... -
or ache about me. and another thinr t
pan walk as easily in the dark as in tho
Mr. Marshall offered to mlm nn m.
avlt to the truth of the ahrwn atnv
but the reporter considered that whelly
unnecessary. He carried conviction to
the Inquirer's mind bv everv word and
action, and there was no gain-saying the
mtK iubii iue cure was oxe or tne most
marvelous in the nineteenth century
All the neighbors bore testimony to the
genuineness of the cure. None of them
ever expected to see Mr. Marshall on
tils leet again and regarded his restor
ation to health as nothing short of mar
The headquarters of the Rojal Tem
plars of Temperance for Canada are In
Hamilton. At the publishing houHe of
the order Mr. W. W. Duchanan, gen
eral manager and one of the moat
prorxinrnt temporarce advocate of the
Dominion, was found. In respenae to
the reporter's question, he said: "Oh,
yes I am well acquainted with Mr,
John Marshall. He Is a well known
cltiacn and a reliable temperance n an.
About four years ago h waa taken ser
iously ill and his caae was brought e
fore the order. The provision uider
which the total disability claim Is paid
in our order la very strict. The week
If ick benefit la payable to any person
under the doctor's care who la unable to
follow his usual avoca'lon, but the to
tal Usability claim Is a comparatively
large aura, only paid a ow tuber who Is
d babied for I lie. and declared by medi
cal men to be entirely past all hom of
recovery. In Mr Marshall's ct
there waa some difficulty, It Is truf : ha
wm examines wima numoer or ocv
aUn, wverlrff a wrW of ur-warda of,
Go to GrlawolJ'a for flower, garden
and gra ot-U. HO South Ktuvvath
0rsp Viots-
No farm or vllia lot com pi to mS
out them. Th grt can Wfritwaaa
taally as corn. I will furnUh lbs follow
lotf sorts wpll-riHtd. No, Un k, by
mail put pt I Usjeai h.
iacrtl, Worxtn, Niagara, Urighton
K!vtra, !. A?aar, l tt, or
t'tiM?rd and i uf any if th above, 3 for
Vt, la lar orders 1 will tuak low
Jrto I 'nv lYolifltf Currnat, V a
for iV, Hiai khwrrW. lUprrUs aad
HtrntrrW M. U Ttrr!Sf,
lla Ka Mtb lit , t.lamdn, Nab.
ll )tn.Hk Uncoia, Nab,
v.. .xi . . . sir
two years. 1 ne medical men wbo ex
f ... 1 1 . . 11 i.
aminea mm au fgreu tnai mere wa
little hope of recover), but they would
not elve the definite dtclaration that
our law demands that the clalment
waapermanetly and totally dbabed
until Ian November When this de
duration by two regular phya'clans waa
maieana our Uoinlalon Medical lvfe
ree. we paid Mr. Marsha 1 the total dis
ability temifit cf one thousand dollars
llrt waa paid by a check on the Iliok of
Montreal. There la no donbt what
vr ab ut the remarkable character of
Mr. Marshall acure. A large number
of our members In thl cltv were Intlm
aely wq-iaintl with Mr. Marshall
and called upon him frequently all were
unanim-HB In the bolicf that he waa
iat all hope of recovery. Ills cure is
ooiced upon as next to a miracle. I
bavo conversed with him a numtwr of
times alxiiit it. and l,e trivea tho whole
credit t Dr. Willlumt,' Pink Pilla and
tne application jf cold watr which ia
recommended as a fub-ildlary treat
ment rv itie prottrli tora of th medi
cine, lie drops Into my ftlco every day
or two and Is apparently enjoying; good
'I'l. .. ...
i no L".-iif ri oiiicjn or r hn itviffr urn
in tlie old liauk of Upper Camuli,
uuiiding iustoPDoa te tha rjuhl(hin
iiMiws ir. j. 11. Littnd, tho Dominion
nccretary, wan easily found, and In re-
aponttj to tne questions a-ked simply
wi runumwa mi mat tno gnt ral man
Hger had (,ald. Me T.umI In a m.liTh)r
wi J"r. warsuan. nv nc within n. nk
- n . ., .. . ...- .......
or mm In tho northeastern rmrtnf th
city lie was well acquainted with
him for years before he was taken alnk.
.. . - ... -1
im reifuros nis recverv aa on or
mnst remarkable thlnga la all hi ex
"l nave xot much faith in patent
nostrums." said Mr. Land "but. Mr.
Marshall's caoe proves beyond a doubt
iuut t. wuiiama' t'lnn pills are a
wonderful medicine. lie seems to havo
exhausted all other means and methods
of treatment during his long Illness
ana all without any benefit, but his ro
covery was rapid and wonderful in
mediately arter he commenced using
li unlit i.i. i ..
Irnulries amotiir tho oitv drutfirUta
aisciohea tne fact mat an extraord
ai ,- ... . " .. . -
nary demand had arisen for Dr. Will
lams' Pink pills, and that the claims
made for thera by tho proprietors are
borne out bv numerous cures.
John A. Barr a well known and non-
ular dispenser of drugs here, told the
reporter that be knew of no Patent
medicine that had su'-h a demand upon
It, or r ne that had dono all that was
promised for It. Ho told of several cases
of great relief and cure that had come
under his notice. Mr. Wm. Webster
after suffering from ataxy for a good
many yearn, from tho first bad found
certain relief from taking the pills, and
ne is now a new man. Mr. George
Lot's, after years of illness of a similar
nature, bad taken tho vllls. and waa
ab'e to walk out greatly Improved in
health. Another case Mr Barr vouch
ed for was a city patlen', who had been
cured by the pills of the e fleets of la
grippe, after having beeiTglven up by
the doctors. Many others had spoken
highly of tho Pink pills as a fine reme-
dy for nervous and blood disorders.
Other druggists told the same story.
A further investigation revealed tho
fact that Dr. Williams' Piok pills are
not a patent medici e In the s nso in
which that term is understood, but are
fCtemino preparation successfully
uaed in general practice for many years
before being offered to the oubllo gen
erally. 1 hey contain in a condensed
form all the e lements necessary to give
Dew life and richness to tha blood
and ret tore shattered nerves. They
are an unfailing tpecliio for such dis
eases as locomotor ataxy, partial par
alyse, st Vitus 1 ance. sciatica, neu
ralgia, rheumatism, Lervous headache,
the after effects of la grippe, palpita
tion of the heart, pale an t sallow com
plexions, trat tired feeling resulting
rom nervous prostration: All diseases
depending upon vitiated humors in tho
blood, such as scrofula, chronic eryslp-
las, etc Thy are a sneollilo for trou-
Dies peculiar to females, such as bud-
pressions, irregularities, and all forms
of weakness. Tkey brlld up the blood
and restore the glow of health to t ale
or sallow cheeks. In the case of
mon they effect a radical cure In all
cases arlflcg fioiu tuouUi worry, over-
wore or exceaes or wnatever nature.
Un further Inquiry the writer found
that the pills are manufactured by
the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company.
Schenectady, N. Y. and lirockvltle,
Ontario, and are soKl U boxes (never In
ihws lorra tty tne doxn or hundred) at
Wcen'saboxorBboaseafor li"0, and
may bo had at all druggists or dlrtotby
mail from Dr. Wlliia-tia' Medicine Com-
any, from either ddrvsi. The unoa
al which llu nil's aro sold makes a
vourao of treatment comparatively In-
Hnlve as compared with otber rem-
r - ilUor nittlra) tratmrnt.
Light llramah I'uwla ami Km a,
I will t rff Irnm U t hi l'.rm.h
fowlea 13 for $1 t Dnly br bandlrd
Sattaf action yuranki. ilood a the
beat Urdcr atontss AJvlrt-,
Ui 1). itAN'tv
Wahus NU.
81. J.rph Hus-y fv CnrrUg'saad
llif!-a at I.tral prl, l"talajf
and prliM lUt frr. tith and Mval
Ht4 ht J, Wo
UiMlnas mtn, atvrvrtaaK 'Unlitrs
aad aalvantva ar laviair thalr orders
at IJacixa I'aat Cs U atrk
Iut tow every one should be inter-et-ted
in cyclone insuraije owing to the
fact that tre text two mouths will no
doubt lie freighted with eye'ote dis
turbance i.
I am in receipt of a line from the
secretary of the Iowa Tornado Asaccia-
at rvi
uuu. jney nave 1 9, 500,000.00 worth
of property Insured in 97 counties, and
cave had 11.000 losses so far this year,
u mm w.wu.w cash on hand with
which to pay losses. That company
over nine years old and is in a flourish
ing condition. The total cost to mem
1 .
oersiortne first ten years has been
7.00 per J1.000, or "0 cents per annum
ir you want to insure it woulc be ad
vi8ablo to seethatyourmcmbershfn fe
uoes not exceed the amount needed for
.1 . . -
Un years when you are only writing for
ve years, lha Iowa company onlv
cnargo ' uu ror memberseipaad aurvey
and an advance assessment of 10 cent's
per hundred dollars. Our Nebraska
cyclone company has the same fee.
Vlf -
we are now read v to send out nnnii.
catlona and instruction for the Alliance
Mutual Hall Insurance Compajy. Send
for as many a you need.
we are at work making the apportion
ment or --bout $2100, that we have or.
hand. We havo so many nrnmiio
delinquents to pay that we are at a loss
juoi uuw w proceed. We do not want
jo uur any one wbo wants to bo honest
but is hard pushed fnr
wui pioiect an wno aeem to be honest,
On May 20th I will
uuuiy larmers to organize a mutual
1110 vuiuubuv, U6 uea CJ oud. rfnn r
bco iniuy nitre.
inereroay be other counties in that
rfc u me state tbat would like some
iif v 1 Pa'o let me know ec
ju. u proper notice may bo given.
1 am uinu UOKea to CO to Vn)
the north part of th ii.u t
other counties need help I would )
imo mi uear irom ttiem soon.
If any company haa a r ni,lua
r , Uiu lbut we may cal1 the atten
To the secretaries of th Mil tun 1 n.
suranco companies of tho state of Ne.
the Htate Alliance at Grand Island last
'c.;muor, iviumai insurance was given
much attention. More so probably
than any other one subject. It wi
IhAn.L. ....! II . " ' "
nuuui!uv auviaan n ro bavn a ilita
sodatlon for mutual Ad vfinfufrn
i ivum insurance is comparatively a
sw venture in this at At.n anil y, n . .. ..n 1
l "
I. tu- i.-j" 7. "kuioi-
ij mo momoas or lnsurannn ar tw,.ri
anffl and more or less crude.
l he object of the state association is
to arrive at some uniformity of sys-
order that this object may bo accom
plished it is very important that every
mutual company In the state should
oecome a member at once. Please let
us hear from you at once, and if there
Is any subject vou would tiro
wiTcnuK nie pnrirn atotn r
ment ion it Ur Btat6 meetln Ple88
Address the undflrattrnod tti.i
rcge. Phelps Co., Nebraska.
ft. r. Montgomery,
Heo'y Btate Association.
The cheapest place for monuments 1
at (eo. NattermanV, 213 South Ninth
on., unco n.
tuuiix or WAUTriAAl
tt,VOK.FOU$ 2l75
B 1 " fitnwvr Ml fOlU BIK4
rvV "nw w U,tw' " bunlhisj or otn-
i .7 Ok. Mam Wlml Bfl M.. k I ua.ii.
ufmva by bsviwl, ftttwl w.Ib jrnu.o.
full atclnl, ipaiuioa rwlancw, qutek
wm, turanaa or v alt bam movtmml.
train, swijuatvrt, warrantad an t&vurau
tinrkrpf. A win ten uanuBt war
rannni tu eta te wear M yean a&rl
tO mnVtHMOl lltvtlDM, foM Wllh
swh waliB. This Ii far bwtiar wweb
than was rttr sdrinM btfvr, titny
hart nly bea aold bi th btl rUil
Btotes and never for lew tha 'JA.
b&Sb HUH ADVT. touiuMl
nnd th wntrb to yon by wprMn 0. O.
frrtort, mi our sot wl aU nrirs.
lit 1ft ami iprNa tbastM. ltd U
yours, ftiurwiM ooot pwy a oast.
iii.iumua, INil.
llTHnjstenil( Walch r Cbalst Ovttkgm
j aim nssj wpusi iji)unuen
Macon, Mo., April 1, 1892.
yuttn lity surer aod Auktl Plating Co.,
audi oi. iAuis, iii.
I read Mrs. Bailey's experience sell
lag games, and 1 am tempted to give
my experience plating. I paid $.,t)0
for ono of Queen l'laters. for plating
gold, silver or nickel. I had no trouble
to gel all the knives, forks, poons,
casters aod jewelry I could plate. The
first wwlt I made t21 clear profit; the
second, 32 40. and am now averaging
4.1 per week. I have advised a number
or my friends to try this busineaa, and
they are all doing well. The machine
Is complete and does the work rapidly.
1 can make as much felling I'laUrs as
Kting. iioptng my experience will
netli others. I am
Yours truly.
U. U. Stoohky.
! you waat to make mora cli ar monry
than you evtr made In your lif, svnd
fr circulars and prkn of the Queen
hater; for gold, atlver, nlikol. copper,
and bras plating; can rw iimhJ (.y any
one. I'latus U-autiful. and equal to tha
filnest aaw work. Kvery claa f gottda
or meuls Twenty dollars a day can
taally b mad, AdlreM,
Qaiu Citf Jllm ill Kickil Plitlit (i
13 N Main Si. KAT ST. I.Ul ts, ILL
MnlUn thla vjvr
III mm AKoimnn.
l .-.., ! 14 1IM
K' "rrf lM t.a.
Hill, liaw ttM4M,
i :smt-Kit
ii in ava.'.vv.'tmi
r i
i . iwi.H'ir,'jg.!i)m mint .sjav .it
Second Lamest Norma
rrMTtQ urtirun i
, . n., . i.iiDwiii mil onerailon In all
wllliiB !( fr.rn tMirntn im ..L.TJl;...
wltblu .ho next ISaiomh.. B, i U. A,U m
ia eltmitcil on hlirh rnlll.-i
. "..IB, , nun tnv i'iiy py eiecins cara
..n.....iA A in. .. . .... . n . . .
... wi ftjuii.-iiiii inn ih me
tat. If voh are thit,kin..iZur;XZ
Um tiliMl.ili.n.1.
of It-It will r,v i 7.7;." .
ii.ik. u iiJ... ..
lotsandlafld.ator nM;niin
ROCM 10-104I-.Q St, - . UnToh. Neb.
J. F. Ponder, Mgr. ClCpX1XIC Opticians.
V "r(n or mux Mnyer fill C
A Uro. Co. 's Optical Department.
EYES TESTED FftKR l',n S,c.ta!!,M' Ee Clasaeaand all
c all op u!D wsnL J?,?- Pt,!' 0o" at Lowest Prices
tiM ,CALL OB write for circular and home test.
Demands Your Attention !
V nhow MOKE extensive
lty. Our faculties for buvinsr
Millinery at about Avhat others
We do a Strictly
Hence we have no bad
Black Sailors 16 cts. each
Cold Sailors 22 cts. each.
We show more flowers than any two houses in the city.
Qunnfw gwpe deft.
New Dinner Ware Arriving Daily.
Get Our Prices,
Lamps, Glassware, dv.t Arc, fec., &c
1124 0 Street, - - Lincoln. Neb.
Tho representative American and English Wheels. ' SwirT"
Agents Wanted Throughout tho State.
VsMrcrCIMUCO. houanttwlilbndopllcntlngoodnnrdpricn
Ern CjrUthl ICa lla.ela, . SebJaaU.
hav and or a' In Adams. IlutUr, Chaae, Custer, DuRjT. V
rvrna. t.rwly, t,r, Uarfiald. llUcbcotk. lUrlaa. HaSI, llay, K
'X . . rV. "'" auermart. aiy a4 Vbatr couatl in
- - m iii ait to em from
Room 1 1, Durr Block,
, Sfl r r -.v
Foot Front.
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Ri.Mi.iji .ivori.iiBinK met opiioi rity-a rlty offBOno pfop!c an1 ta
ectrle ears. UawiLnri K mm ..rt i. n. nL .!.. .!.. ... . .u" ...... .-.""..V"-': l'"'M" nivnnn mo
eny .mo hiiihh with .niury
V'"""'."':" '' otima'id rent a part
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aasr m a . '
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1 OlQ 01., ,
styles than any house in thp
are such that
pay for it.
Cash Business.
accounts to make up.
just the thing for school.
- Lincoln, rien.