The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, April 27, 1893, Page 7, Image 7

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AMIL 27.1813.
200 to 212 FIRST AVE. NORTH,
MnnmAPOLis, imsnr
1 (i fc M
pao-aiBTO0Trie BRANCHES)
Winneapoli. ST yj)
Sheepskin w vh&l
xportr$ of
Tannery. HELENA, MONT.
Saeuamr Baas e Minn.. Mmaaaeoua. Mim.
Ft. Daaaaoa n.t. B, Cwmo, In.
Moarut National Bn, H.l.h. Mont.
Fimt National Bank, Gaaav Fana. Mont.
Finot National Bank, 8oan.F'L.Wam.
Nat. Bank q Comm.aoi, St. Louis. Mo.
Liberal Advances Made on Shipments against
Original Bill of Lading.
Shipments Solicited. Write for Clrtular.
Shipper, from thU State Correxind with and Con
cilia to Muueapull Huune.
Cambridge, Furnas County, Nebraska.
Shire, Tlvde, Tercheron, Itelglan,
Ger nan. and Oldenberg Ceacb, French Coach.
&ZaZIZI iwMBirewacB, anavMjTewnu uaj
a. a a
Tift Handle More Horses Than Any Finn in KeMaska.
We Import onr own horses thus saving the customer the middle man'i profit. Buyer'
have the advantage of comparing all breeds side by side at our stables.
e Have 40 Good Young Acclimated Horses on Hand.
An Importation of 40 arrived October 1. We tfiarantee all 0'ir hone, to be sound l
every respect. We make farmers companies a specialty, havnn a syataia whereby
can organize companies and insure eosoiuiesaccesa.
e Will Send a Man te Any Part of the State,
On application to assist In erganlzlnfr companies. We rive lou tlms nu eaabllng 9
chasbers to pay for born from services. Correspondence promptly answered. Hen
tlon this papeT. Address,
W. J. WROUGHTON & CO., Cambridge, Neb
GUELPH 2:164
Champion of Nebraska Tracks.
Winner of the fastest heat and the fastest three heats ever trotted by 4 ta"lon In the Stat
6lr of MD.ti, 3 year-old record 2:24; Anxiety, 3-year-old record 2:-S; Oueipli Jr , 4-year
ld record HiiWi; Judge Greabam, 3-year-old rcord iM. n.. v.i...
"u ;v! "r.r wll.z " " "r ....... u... V.. imrv m dam Bonnie Lassie by HambleUra-
nis aire M s-imceiw. um i -" --
10 GuelDh has been a consistent campaigner, aim mm u Baiui!. - ---- - --
d He has sle style, color and speed, all of which Th.B h Tlnlte
lph will trot a mile In 2: 10 or bettor this season. barring accident. He has ti roue daw lie
r hVshow nY hat his rord la no me
Lincoln, Neb.. 24th and O Sts. Service fee W,
. i. .k. ....i .i ni.l Klrerf
Sr WllkT dm Ii3y y; p. il W..n of Karly Jay Wrt :. U swey
Sv. dam of Galileo Ki8:li.'. McUreRor WllUes 2:27(4). by Mambrlno Star -! 2d dam
Xady Franklin ?:H (dam of CottaKe oirt
Monte Carlo. Is the sire or uan nenuee, x - year
th Kn
AA(rtuu all ritiirnuhlpatioiiH to
Cor. 24th and 0 8f . A T- TURNEY & SONS, Lincoln. Neb.
Lansing Theatre Building, Lincoln, Nebraska.
State Agent quotes prices
A good common flour at 90 cts. per 100.
White Rotte flour at 11,50 per 100.
Silver Leaf " " 1.75 " "
Prime Brow Sugar $4.00 per 100.
Best Granulated Sugar $5.65 per 100.
Fine Uncolored Japan Tea 25c per lb.
ii ! ii i2ic
Good Coffee 20c per lb.
A full lino of Spices, Pepper, Cinna
mon, Cloves, Ginger, Mustard, Al
eplce, etc., at 20c per lb.
One gallon best coal oil with glass caa
Dr. McClellan & Co.,
inerlal attention Riven to the treatment of Pilvat and Chroule Diseases of th mouth,
throat and lung. We also have a radical cure for catarrh in all Its forms. Our own
Wery IMIea or Heiiu.rrhoiiU llmire ami all diseases of the rectum Positively cured with-
out the use of knife canst In or litfature.
All forms
are iKmllively and satlHtetrlly riired.
Opjfc i-t Jamos Hotel, Hi Temple lllock
and all other Dlesasea of the Reoturoeured br Dra. Thornton & Minor, Kaneaa
City. Mo without knife, nature or rintl-no money to be p.O.I nnilt put lent Is cured. We
aiw SukaieeUilty f ltw.-ol tt .muii ami UiHeaws of the skiu. Ilewsre of all
ho want any part of their ! In a Ivau.n, ev,-n a n-.t lu the eu.l you wilt and them swii
slve luvurie Heil ..r lr. uir iftvu.rf iiiiin- nl huiulre.i who h:v bwn i-iirml by K, uti
b tiavuldharirsaiitliiu k ti ll S . I .Veil Ninth street. It minsl -t,' At Hunker II UU
JDootov l-a.iiois & Co.,
Successor to DR. SPIMNtY A. Cj.
Nerv.Mi. rbronle ami rlleln-ol mn aud mhbu m' e.fuliy lr!d. Young iiisx
uffHiliig (rum ilsrangefn-Ml of kldaev or who are troubled with eSiiM. aervoas il.WUIjf,
iHMt-iry, Ur.p iii Umy m any pntais 41 ssw.eau ber Hud a .jnwnly earn.
Mladic Aged Men. ate tn.Mjr Irmiblml by l-w rivnu,.ii ,ve
slisbi .w.hiu? biiinies a-l
.t'u'iet fr l"hs rtif w b rniea piirju
. Kit.! ui.Kir rut. .utli. an.inl
tl,.l fcf lii wet 'il ( .kllf'il n. I iitiitg
et.l wKh. Mil (r un fc i.i t.. fa'tietiltr
1i...Uiiuj J.... .M -l !. t nil sn l m a. s'l'l
n"l f . I' t k4 twiuti.ia i u.uwtl'H (m. .Vlo.nlm this psr Al4 llr fraa
is A i' . ksn-as n, Bm-iiM injm 1.4
Makis sale, lit N.I it sa l t)t sialaa Na
pi t'iui Mifa f si tiil.u'a
'rle ivamoiati. t'MrHil ntauUal sa
SattlafavlMMi nswMenJ
Green Salted HIDES,
Calfskins, Drj Hides,
Pelts, Furs, Wool,
Tallow, Grease, Deerskin,
GiNSNa A Siwca Root.
a. a. 11 I . U ak111 jvaa .
-.-- ' .,, h,,,. ihat.vr
of Ms sd, tiuelph will make the season at
with the usual return privilege
he Hnnta flrlsto (brother to Lumps 2:21)
7 nth.,r. that
- uiu t.i ulni,f.
cor. 24th and O streets. Send catalogue,
Tne finest Una of wheels In the west. A
lare line of all grades and prices,
both new and second hand,, always
in stock. HeMt repair shop west of
Chicago in connection.
Good Agens Wanted. Apply Early
on the following goods.
Soda i and Butter cracker 6c per lb. U
40 Grain vinegar in lugs, 25c per gal
Lemon extract 2 oz. bottles 50c per doi
Vanilla " " " 55c "
Finest full cream Y A cheese 12Jc lb
A good Overall for only 50c.
An extra good overall for 65,
Rockford half hose 75c per doz.
' " best made tl.05 a dot
Write for anything you eat or wear
Stae Agt., 28 8. 11th St., Lincoln. Net
of Diseases of Men In all conditions of life
For further information call on or address,
J. P.McCLELLAei, M D Kansas City. Mo.
itit of Ibo his! lr. e'wn Bfeompsnlsd br
us in iii in mniMt tu fsH.iil 'm
4t Ml a l ew i im-Het is !! a. !"((
Ihm ! lliifiu.'blr u-nlrliult V-' if . al
tu4iiu ut iin tst l!l all null Sir J
! wmisr-es l a'.i i'Hrf, ii . I an I i
il faint I yi ) lt fiau.iy Ull iu
Jertmhiitt Corn, Yellow as I WMtsjj
M'ta M.'eo, III And WMU. Utiles.
lUrlry, Ilrowtt !)Hour, Oalor HeW-Uj
1 1.,,.. 1 1 1 1 . .1 1
f VLV" l'1 I INMMIN, Ciaslea tty,j, j
We travel In lands that never were known
L'mler the tjr.
And gather oreain howers that aever have
My pen and L
We Bad our friend who are absent and dear.
Ah. me! an. mv:
And we m!n -If the Ink with many a tear,
My pen aim I.
Now, one must will, and the other obey,
Ana inn is way
We tell the story of years In a day,
My pen and I.
Some of you smile at a story of Jent,
And others su;h.
But together we do our nuiuble best,
My pen ana I.
And after awhile we shall both be laid
yuletly by
When the lust journey together we've made,
My pen and l.
Tfce HouseUi eper.
'No. I have never seen in any
EuroiHan drawing-room u folleetlon
of fttiter women," said Walter hunger
to a young brother lawyer who stood
with him in tho doorway.
Shall I Introduce you to Miss
Lcland, who, amid all this array of
loveliness, still holds indisputably tho
position of Iwlle? You see horat tho
head of the room, just replying to
the pretty speech Sturgis has been
making to her. Will you come,
No; I believe not, thank you,
Gray. Somehow I don t care for
belles; they're monstrous in their
ring. Hut can you tell me the name
of that young lady sitting alone by
the jardiniere and trifling with its
flowers? I should like an introduction
to her, if you have the ability and
inclination to give it me."
Mr. (iray glanced at the spot des
ignated, where sat a slender, grace
ful girl, clad simply in white muslin.
and with a wreath of delii-at-j (lowers
placed lightly upon her classically
moulded head, which was also
adorned with a vant amount of soft,
silkv. eolden brown hair: her com
plexion was pale and clear, and 'her
la'-ge hazel eyes had a liquid, dreamy
look, like one whose mind hmil con
tinually sweet converse with itself
independently of the small amount of
intellect iieceixary to carry on a ball
room conversation.
Why, that's my cousin, Lucy Lee.
She is a sweet girl; but I rather
wonder at your preferring her to
Miss Iceland.
Whv. mv mind is somewhat
fatigued with going over my argu
ment for to-morrow that villain l ay,
you know and 1 fancy that queenly
Juno would demand a man's whole
attention and wit directed to malting
her the compliments and pretty
speeches to which she has been ac
customed. Now, yon sweet maiden,
with a name as sweet, carries repose
in her everv look and attitude she
ooks refreshing.1'
Charles (iray laughed a little, but
ho was accustomed to what he called
his friend's little oddities, and so,
taking his arm, led him up and in
troduced him to Miss Ixjo. Tho
youn lady bowed her graceful head,
smiled faintly, and by a half look in
timated to the young gentleman that
he might place himself on the sofa on
which she sat. Charles (iray, having
thus disposed of his friend, hastened
to mingle his tribute of admiration
with those already offered before the
goddess of the evening tho queenly,
imperious Maria Leland.
As a cotillon was just forming, Mr,
Sano-er invited Miss Lee to join it,
and was delighted to find that her
slender form was as graceful in mo
tion as in repose. At tho end of the
dance they seated themselves in
small recess where stood a marble
table covered with beautiful engrav
ings. Miss Leo, without interrupting
the conversation, began to turn them
over carelessly. One in particular
seeming to attract her attention, she
turned to the young lawyer, who had
been meantime inwardly admiring
her straight and delicate eyebrows,
and said, gayly:
What an interesting creature that
culprit Fay is."
The culprit Fay! Is it possible
Miss Lee, that I understand you to
speak admiringly of him?"
"Why, certainly. I am quite in
love with him myself, and do not
wonder in tho least that tho maiden
whom he loved permittod his
"ISeally, Miss Lee, I must bog leave
to wonder e jually at your tasto and
your morality. If I comprehend you
meaning, you consider that neither
the culprit, nor Hie young person
who admitted his attentions, was to
blame. "
Miss I.00 glanced with a half smile
at the Hushed faeo of the speaker,
hut lh look of sui prise and contempt
which she encountered aroused her
pride, and she merely replied In a
cold and somewhat haughty manner:
May I ivquc!.t you to conduct mo
to my mother, who is in the next
room ?"
Walter Sanger presented h's arm,
without a woni, and when I.uey had
seated ltetelf by the kldo of a hand
some and elegant womun, w lioiu she
called iiiunimu. tho Venn:.' couple
parted with merely u formal lw.
Who U thai, my loto?" asked
.Mrs. .i. "Il! is very huii'Uoiue. "
"Alt ea.itjied hilittt'C, I Mlrl,"
aii.rtei.i I her daughter iuieily; hut
at thU moment t hai li (iray liroiiiii
up his friend MurjjU. ht triumph
antly led away il' f.r ulii to )lti a
ta'.U ijiittiirille.
As tho gay company wei- hitting
the c no tl their le.tlvlti, t ha!x
Ufay put his arm htt that of hi
friend hit, and said;
tVine .(ui.'et', wVU walk homo to-
j-ether, and )im may tinWl. n )tr
wM. e.lWr l U U.v i.r
',n,U-'U, Wr Hi ,M!4"
. kl .
I uhappi tl to enbi'cH a 1-0
r.'a.uH.t,4 for ili- of
(fl(,( , lm ,ltry rjS,.tv atpiul
m( u.Muled. Ury, hut h. 1 it
posslblf) for so molet and sweet
looking a girl as your cousin to have
such loo e views of morality?"
What do you .ueun, Sanger 1 ou
did well to be-speak" my patience, for
this is an insult both to my cousin
and mvself. I am sure that you can
not find, among all the women you
ever saw, one more pure In feeding.
or more rigid in moral sense, than
Lucy Lee."
So I could have sworn, from her
face; but what do you think of her
calling Dick Fay an interesting crea
ture, and saying that nhe did not
wonder at Susan Marsh accepting his
addresses, and that she was half in
love with him herself?"
"I give you my word as a gentle
man, (iray, that she said those very
words. 1 never was so shocked in
all my life as to hear that sweet voice
and those classic lips defend so vile
a wretch."
"There Is some mistake here, my
friend, which I will unravel, for I
cannot allow such charges to be
made against my almost sister, with
out either demanding an apology or
being satisfied of their truth,
They had now: reached tho
hotel, and with a somewhat formal
"good night" they parted. The next
day Walter Sanger made a brilliant
and able plea before tho supreme
court, in a divorce case then pending
between one Kichard, or more com
monly called Dick Fay, who had
crowned a life of debauchery and
wickedness by deceiving and running
off with a young girl named Susan
Marsh. Sanger was rotained for the
plaintiff, a much-abused and ex
cellent woman. It was his first im
portant case, and was regarded by
all who heard him speak as a triumph
of which the oldest lawyer at
the bar might well be proud.
In tho evening tho young lawyer
sat alone in his ofllco, his head lean
ing upon his hand and his thoughts
dwelling not on his late brilliant suc
cess, but upon the deep hazel eyes
and rose-tinted cheek of the fair Lucy
1x50. His reverie was interrupted by
tho entrance of Charles Gray, who
greeted him with an expression be
tween vexation and merriment
"Do you know, Sanger," said he,
that you have made a precious
laughing-stock of yourself? Why,
man, don't attempt again to go into
company without a little pugo to In
cessantly troad upon your to?s and
remind you that you are not in a
court of justice, and that young
ladies are not usually thinking of di
vorce canes, or at least do not make
them subjects of conversation. "
"What do you moan, Gray?"
"Why, my dear epitome of lilack
etono, did you ever hear of an Ameri
can poet, Drake's beautiful ballad of
the culprit fay, who lovod an earthly
maiden, and was tried beforo the fairy
king, and"
"Oh, what a fool 1 have made of my
self and how insulted Miss Leo must
feel." And poor Sanger jumped up
and began striding up and down his
"To bo sure you have," my dear
fellow, chuckled Charley Gray; "and
as for Lucy, when I explained the
case to her as well as I could (for she
had never heard of Dick Fay, and I
didn't like to say much about him to
her), she didn't know whether to
laugh or cry, and so she did both."
, "Oh, what a blundering idiot she
must think mo poor girl to be so in
sulted! Will you can you, Gray,
get her consent for me to come and
make my apology?"
"Why." taid Charley, with a gleam
of fun In his eye, "I asked her to let
you come, and at first she said no,
very flatly, but then I told her you
were a vory innocent, quiet sort of
man, very little used to ladies' so
ciety, and probably did not know
that such matters wore not common
topics of conversation at evening
"Why, you made me out a porfect
"Well, you called yourself one a
minute ago; but Lucy said finally
that if you were such a modest, harm
less sort of person why, I might
come to-night and bring you to make
a call upon Mrs. l-ee; so come along
to your hotel and change your coat,
and then I will take you to expiate
your offense by being as agreeable as
you know how."
"Lucy, dear, said Mr. Sanger to
his wife ono evening, when their
marriage was some three months old,
will you go to the theater, or shall
I read you 'The Newcomer?'"
We'll stay at homo, love," said
I.ucy, with the archest and most be
witching of smiles, "and vou shall
read me. not 'The Newcouies,' but
The Culprit luy.'"-N. Y. Journal
Old r HitlUii MIHTM .irr.
(lid 1 ngllsh silverware Is much in
deiDtiud jtistiiow, and genuine pieces.
esieciaUy those ef M'turlo Interest,
fetch high prices. There Is welal
int. rest in tableware of the seven
teeiith. et'htivnth and earlv nlne-
teenlli cenlurle. As both tea and
coffee came Into iho in llnglnnd near
the middle of the n'Velit'e!ith cen
tuiy, some if thewi coffee pots and
teapots are among the curliest of
t ut'lMi iiitiko. hu n then tho device
of the vio.n handle, tle.lgned loin-
t'l po a ttiiiicotiituctor Itelneeli the
hand and the hot m-t.l. had coino
iltto !. The W ii? ht coffee pot
ai lfi;e, stai'ie !, with htlie
ei iunii- nt and li t striking crto o of
toim, hut rather a lok of sUdity
and a u ge.tioii of colii and cuu
ft.i t 'I ln. !! in.' the ha t marks
of th oid atlver.tu tit are U.uttil to
W accepted a genuine,
ttbrf eiia Ira Ms-tat
At Ih-dditch. Jin' Ian. I, ;H h peo
ple n,i!e nmre than oMi'KvH'i)
Bi'.d a jeai', and II. cy are made
and i spirted cheaply tht I I'g
land has tut 1 Wat In this country aud
f radically iuouplUc the t.atti),
"And why, Jennie, did yoit tell
Willie you wouldn't tie hia little wife?
"Tause he didn't ast till he Unowed I
had a new sixpence."
Doctor I reallv. Mteve you have
some kind of poison in your system.
rat tent, gloomily I shouldn't wonler;
what was that last stuff you gave me.
First New Yorker I rode down on
the elevated this morning. Second
New Yorker Very crowded? First
New Yorker Not in the least; I had a
strap a . to m -self.
"Call that a bunk?" sal i he, as he
gazed ruefully at the only sleeping
place he could get "Certainly; what
do you call it?" "I call it bunko;
that's what I call it"
"Who makes the laws, father?"
"Our legislators, my son." "Well,
then, what are lawyers for?" "They
are created, my boy, to explain to leg'
islators the meaning of their laws,"
Kindly Old Gent Well, my little
man, what would you like to ba when
you grow tip? Little Man I'd like to
be a nice old gentleman like you,
with nothin' to do but run around and
ask qut-btion.
At a Swiss Hotel Landlord Go and
wake the gentleman at No. 7. Hoots
Hut he told me to wake him In a
couple of hours. Landlord Nonsense;
wake him now. He neither eats nor
drinks anything so long as he is
"How uo you sell your eggs,
mifrter? said a lad to a grocer. . "HeV'
en for sixpence, my lad." "Seven for
sixpence? ' said the lad; "that's six for
flvepence, five for fourpence, four for
threepence, three for twopence, two
for a penny and one for nowt Aw
think I'll tak' one."
The German government spends
f40, UK), 000 every year for the creation
and preservation of forests.
An owl and a hawk engaged in a
furious battle at Scranton, Pa , last
week, which proved fatal to the latter.
A gamecock and a fox had a battle
near Scranton, l'a., the other day,
which resulted in an easy victory for
the former.
The bones of the whales the German
kaiser slaughtered in the North sea
last summer are to be turned into fur
niture for the Norwegian boat-house
at Totsdam.
A good imitation of maple sugar enn
be made by flavoring ordinary brown
sugar with an extract of hickory bark.
It is said to be almost indistinguish
able from the genuine.
The editor of a Georgia paper says
that paper money is full of bacteria
and disease germs. At latest accounts
the editor himself was in fine health.
He says it is unnecessary for him to
quarantine his office sgalnst pape
money. His subscribers protect him
amply in that respect. I
Swans are not hard to raise; they
sell at 110 to 875 per pair. A Yankee
farmer at Hlddeford, Ma., is making
quite a success at swan breeding, am;
his profits must bo quite large each
season. The average hatch yields
from three to six young swans, They
hatch usually about June, and mature
in fourteen months from birth. They
are very cross when with a brood,
and need watching constantly unless
penned up closely,
When we destroy an old prejudice
we have need of a new virtue. Mme.
de Stael.
A goose flies by a chart which the
Royal geographical society could not
mend. Dr. O. W. Holmes. ,
An idea, like a ghost, according to
the common notion of ghosts, must be
spo'jn to a little before it will explain
itself. Dickens.
There are but few proverbial say
ings that are not true, for they are all
drawn from experience itself, which is
the mother of all sciences. Cervantes.
The monument of the greatest man
should be only a bust and a name. If
the name alone Is insufficient to illus
trate the bust, let them both perish.
Happiness in this world, when it
comes, comes accidentally. Make it
the object of pursuit, and it leads us a
wild goose chase and is never attained.
No one sees the wallet on his own
back, thongh everyone carries two
packs one before, stuffed with tho
faults of his neighiMirs, the other be
hind tilled with his own. Old Proverb.
In Finland and East Turkestan
thunder storms are wholly unknown.
The I'nited States runk seventh us
a naval aiwer.
An alkaloid prepared from an tropin
(n active p'inciple of lietladonnai,
which la used by ophthalmic aurgcou
to cxf.uel the pupil of the eye. Is said
to sell for toii a pound.
During the reign of Eltiatx'th, Keg
lUh dudes wore shoes three feet in
length, the toe pointed and fastened
iiptothe garter with golden chain,
to which little be!U were attached.
The ineiliculco nuiilteeof the l ancer
hijUit of l.oiohn declare that to
iHHtot neither j.i.-l;M..e t nor rv
elUi cancer f ino itioa, and that they
are n t Injurious to the auffei'hur
from thU ducaw, but, on the contrary,
are a wholesome artie'e .f tilt-1, partis
ularly If enoWrd.
Alexander the Great, tha conqueror
nf the world, died when he was thirty
to years old M uoi.e e-f hasoey.lhe
f rrati t captain and iir-iin of his j
tune, tlied at the same atfe, 'I he duke j
of Weimar, one of A h! hu gcueril, j
die t at the ge if thirty sis, while
thii'ava ,Vhlhi died w holt hew as j
thirl, eight. INmaLlha great Frviifti
writer, an I llaphavi, the geat lUlUu j
artist, both died at th rty-aewit. I
Splinter pulling bees, at which the
boys employed in the kindling wood
mills extract the splinters aecumTdated
daring the day out of each other'
hands, la the latest form of amusement
down East
An observant sporting man of New
York notes that of the two doctors
Austin Flint the younger Is now offer
ing the heavier odds. The sign of one
reads, "Dr. Austin Flint; 10 to 1," that
of the other, "Dr. Austin Flint, jr., 11
A unique theft st as lately committed
by Louis Dourgard of Paris. While he
was riding in a cab, he ripped open
the cushions, tied the horse hair into
a parcel and left the vehicle. When
arrested he was in the act of pawning
the horse hair.
A gentleman of Downderry, Corn
wall who thrashed a man for annoy
ing some lady bathers, was fined ! 0
by the local court but the ladies
the neighborhood at once collected
money among themselves and pre
sented him a gold scarf pin set with
diamonds and a check for $150.
A New York book lover devised a
scheme to protect himself from book
borrowers. His plan was to mark the
price in plain figures in all his books.
and when any hotly asked to borrow a
volume he cheerfully answered, 'Yea,
with pleasure." Then he would add,
looking at the fly-leaf, "I see the price
of this work is so and so you may
take it at this figure, which will of
course bo refunded when the volume
is returned." Those who really
wanted the books made no objection
to leaving the deposit, while those
who lazily wanted to avoid a journey
to tlu nearest library generally failed
to take the loan. The old gentleman'
library was in this way preserved in
An earthquake wave once crossed
the 1'aciflc in twelve hours, or over
six miles a minute.
Some Oregon farmers are going to
experiment with semi-tropical crops.
They will try cotton, tobacco, broom
corn and sorghum.
Iloston, with its cutting east wind,
would seem to be the last place fof
consumptives. But a Iloston man de
clares its rigorous climate will certain
ly cure all who can be cured, while ii
will only hasten the death of those
who can not be cured.
A mound situated near Fort Gaines,
Ga., is reputed to be the largest in this
country, and is believed to be un
doubtedly the work of the mound
builders of olden times. Its base is
said to cover nearly two and one-half
acres, and running up at an angle of
about forty-five degrees, it protrudes
to a height of about 100 feet
The Colorado Midland railroad at
Hagerraan pass is 11,528 feet above
sea level. The elevation of the rail
road station at Leadville Is 10,103 feet
Denver and Rio Grande trains go
through Marshall pass at an elevation
of 10,853 feet The highest point of
Hayden pass is 9,198 feet, and of Bath
9,528 feet, both measurements being
from the track of the Colorado Mid
land railroad. ,
Sable Island, Which is about a hun
dred miles nearly east of Halifax, has
lately changed its position. Sailors
never know whether last year's chart
is a safe guido for navigation in the
adjacent waters. Many a ship has
been wrecked upon Its treacherous
coast It has been called the cemetery
of tho ocean, and it deserves the
name. It would have no population
if the Canadian government did not
find it necessary to support a score or
so of people there to look after the
lighthouses and care for castaways
who are thrown upon the island.
Silver scissors for cutting bunches of
grapes are a table novelty.
The latest Philadelphia fad is to fill
the fingers with rings to the knnckles.
An American flag made entirely of
acorns is a curiosity exhibited by t
Baltimore man.
After mourning the death of his wife
for only five days a Brooklyn man took
to himself a second wife.
Three brothers named Carr were
married by a fourth brother, who is a
clergyman in Newark, N. J.
A safety envelope just patented is
so folded and pasted together that It
cannot possibly be opened without be
ing entirely destroyed.
The late Charles T. Bradley of Mil
waukee who left an estate valued at
$1,350,000 gave it all to his wife and
made her sole executrix of hb wllL '
Mrs. Rose Tonquay of Blddeford,'
Maine, died tho other day from the ef
fit ts of a surgical operation performed
In an attempt to remove a pin which
had been in her ear for eight years.
Sometimes insane people are Con
scious of their pwn condition. At an
entertainment lately given la an aj
itint one of the patients laid to an
other; "Let's stay here by the door
and ee the eray people come la."
"Why. we're the cray people," re
plied the other.
The Uonutn matron Cornell was
all and commanding.
iki nte'a Beatrice was nobly planned
and of commanding presence,
cnohia, the w ife of (Menatu, Wat
' tall and extremely handsome.
tire. Un Helen, according to report.
! wa- . Ir.-M w.i.iir.Ei .if frrMt tu-jailte.
Diait tie IVIiier. the beauty e
I' rami 'a time, wan remarkably talk
Mine, Uehsnt deriU Marl An
toinette aa large aui auperhly Mod
eled." The poet Arioaia loved Alexandra
St IM I, who was a beautiful worn
on "targe u4 magulnceut aval.