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About The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1893)
") t-- ltd " i-t-C, The Alliance-Independent The Alliance-Independent Is the bests I 1 Advertising medium lnthewes,t. It is especi ally valuable as a means of reaching 'he farmers. Its circulation Is as laree In Nebraska as the cir culation of all the "farm Jocrnals" combined. Give The Allianck Independest a trial If you want good results. VOL. IV. Preliminary Hearing in the Great Im peachment trial. Great Display of Legal Learning- CAN EX-OFFIOEBS BE IMPEACHED? Attorneys for Hill nd Benton Argue for a Di&mitsal of Their Cases. Doane and Pound Make Able Replies. liegins In Earnest Next Monday. Last week Hastings, 'Allen and Humphry filed their answers to the Impeachment charges. They are all alike ani, drawn in legal language, cover a good deal of spaco. But the substance can be given in a few words: They first set forth the vast amount of official work devolving upon them In their capacity as state officer, and members of the varisus state boards. IMPEACMMENT CASES Jlnates. They do not deny that there Tyr has been crooked dealing on the part J' of these subordinates, but tav thev never did it themselves, and never knew there was anything wrong! They end up by alleging that the legislature was moved by passion, and acted without evidence or due con sideration. The meeting of the court Monday and Tuesday was to consider the ques tion of jurisdiction in the matter of jwymK ex-eiaie omcers. Attorneys Pound and Doane argued In behalf of the state, and they made a most olear and convincing argument la support of the the right to Impeach ex-state offi cers. Attorneys Greene and Lambert son are busy preparing the evidence for the trial which begins In earnest Mon day. The following is the press report of Monday's and Tueedaj's proceedings: Impeachment Proceedings. Lincoln, April 25. The supremo court of Nebraska con vened yosterday afternuon for tlio se cond time as a court of impeachment to t hear argument on the Question of the court's jurisdiction over ex-state officers. Ex-State Treasurer Hill and ex-Auditor Benton were represented by Judge Broady, John Ii Ames aud R. D. Stearns all of this city, whilo the state was represented by Messrs. Doane, Pound. Lambertson and Greene. Both Messrs Hill and Bonbon had filed pleas to the jurisdiction of the court and this was the question to bo argued orally. The hearing called out many eminent attorneys of the state, some of whom came from a great distance to hear dis cussions on a question which is so un usual and which is governed by few if ny precedents. J 1 - - ), Ai Judge Broady commenced to talk a Judge Broady commenced to talk ew moments after a o'clock. He opened bv a sneeoh on tlio fi.-tum of tin law, relating the history and object of wupcacnnient, snowing How it wus really ottsolote und describing the rare cases wherein it was a form used to ex tend the liability for criminal acts. Going back to English history ho anowea that impeachment fell Into desuetude Irom the time of Kdward IV. to the time of Elizabeth, it was revived .during the reign of James III. 1'rivato wjttiuus could aiwav tie iuipwached in England, a succinct illustration of tlio f f 1 1 1 1 1 1 u .1 Ik ... a ! , . . . . M'l . ....,. ,.v v i niunilirin. him ,soveign could I mud la .arliann-nt in j gvmujK rid of obnonuiim subjecu. When k . ---" nan iirguisKi nl crilfl m4 unusual piinuiiiii,.nt wasmte out. Anysuoj roulU l imM'liH and anything could lw doitt wiih bun. andUiutw wiri out T. bUi kiiuM an, I outlaws mad, but II has Un oio k Vr nenriy lou yn. It U. l.t reuinaut f parUn, ii uH,y d to this country. ' 4ir is a ruN'ulisr i ty In con fining Him,i)iiiiit tw rria hithhtif caltfft htory iimkr this aarun. Closing this brif luti-ncttl review t)ij A rcimimitUm adoUI at rhiUJ-l(ldft in I !'. lUUilllonS M U) .NotifMlft fJAK twll.ird of th imiwat-hmtnl ivuttUntjn :ti k pontics. lut It Ut and )4iuu tf cvirul U tit intu iih. tmwiit, mbf Uurow l Ut ldu iar? anj ttAitv la ev. tamtitt ft C4Hirlt .ii)wva) from alltc h I innl.tnir ti 9 wiin litijbn.u in ILncUol. Utl l UlM MUhtlf ll ku kll la i4, Milk l wtWs iudgiHsnt sf tv.v ilol it fallow tUat U atxuw4 fsiu.t t U fflM at Um t Ui -jviUMut fsita. GifonM MB t. LUIU isninr imner tb onrmary st.itut.-S if tho accused w out of office. Nearlv all eminent jurist twko this stand, 'it i hold that nn oflia r oubject to inipcach-mt-nt, suffers frmi imliot mcnt. A ministerial offlcVr is nt indict able for malfeasance in oihcc. You can't take an official from his dirties in that way, Tubilo policy would not stand it. It muiit be by impeachment. Tho wheels of government cannot Iw stopped by the ordinary indictment for crime. Judge Tound commenced to speak for tho statoat 4 M0. 119 alluded to evils under the law of impeachment, but desired to remind his friend that there had been advancement in all branches of law. Because han-.ii and cruel pun ishment was inflicted in impeachment in Liigiand wns no reason why there there should not le any law for im peachment now. Butifsomo of these re-spomienls are not anienablo to im peachment it would le well to have tho question determined before entering into trial. John II. Ames arose at this juncture and stated that he appeared for Thomas H. Benton, but that he had intended presenting argument entirely diirerent from what had been given in behalf of his client. He desired a hearing even if another sitting of court was necessary. II. D. Stearns alxo made a few re marks on behalf of Mr. Benton. Chief Justice Maxwell said tlio court had a rush of business and tho regu lar docket ?all must bo gone throngh the following day. The court desired to give all a fair hearine. and in order to do so wouM hear further argu ment today, beginniir at 4 o'clock, each side to have one hour's time. Judge Pound continued bv reading sections 8 and 9, statutes of 187!), relat ing to impeachment. Tho words "shall be tried, he construed in their broadest sense. Interpreting tho two together and granting that the act is valid, ho declared they meant that an officer could be tried notwithstanding Ins resignation or expiration of office. That is the legis lative construction of the constitution. At any rate if tho constitutional provi sion has no restrictions - the degisktive act will be observed by the courts. It will not be construed to be unconstitu tional unless it is clearly so. Judgo Pound closed his argument by summing up the different authorities and interpreting them to mean that the constitution admitted of the impeach ment of ex-state officers. He closed at of Judge Doane had intended to closo for the state but owing to the late ness of tho hour he declined to speak, and the court of impeachment adjourned to convene again at 4 o'clock today. The state yesterday filed a replication to ex-auditor Benton's plea to the juris diction of the court. It is identically the san as was filed in the cale of ex-Treasurer Hill Tuesday's Session Lincoln, Neb., April 26 The supreme court was !n session from 4 o'clock to 0 yesterday afternoon to give the counsel on both sides in the impeachment cases opportunity to ar gue the special appearances entered by ex-Auditor Benton and ex-Treasurer Hill challenging the jurisdiction o,f the court. The court convened promptly at 4 I OciocK, and Judge Doane argued at length for the prosecution. He said that ho appeared to uphold the right of the court to exercise its jurisdiction in the cases; that if the supreme court of the state was not within that jurisdio Hon there was no other place to go under the constitution, j, He had hoped that the defendants would make an open fight and seek vindication at tho hands ef the court. They had thrown thtui.lves upon the sympathies of tho court when they asked that the house should not hear their case and tl... . E.... .1... . . ' !ttr..mut liihtaiK m were cited where Impeachment proceedings had been in stituted nMiiml different ex officials and convictions had. The case of Istie Warren, one year after he retired from office, ( 'ount Melville, treasurer of the rtaty after lie had bten retired from office for seventeen Tears, Jtidg Hiibhel, of Wisconsin, Judge lUrmird aud other similar cuws. 11a alto uuintaiitwJ thi impeachment of Governor Mutitr. Ho rend from Butler's si'nwer to the artictt of impeachment w h re h also had challenged th jun du tie n of the senate to try car hvivt the a ti alleged to have been com nnttid rvhtied back lo a previous trrut ut otlit e W call the attention of our readers b tho advertisement t tho Omaha Optical ( v., tit South Kit Uh nth strvet which S ars In this Issue, The tvm- any t thoroughly fvliatde and carries first class stcck of optical good. J, I. Imler. tlx manmrvr. was for av rsl vrars Hh Mai Mrver Hrt.. A t'o, in rhargst tf thlr t'l-llrsl U parttnvnt and i well known Uirourfh out thai west. Il Is an tUisti of many yras e imtL'Bwi and ft g id a Irom (wo oithihaiiaia institution. Wstwold advl any ta aevdles? that serv of an optlolan to call na tho Cniahft OptUal company, WuWrtbe for n.jiT, LINCOLN. NEB., THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1893. la tfie dtjrt of old Tho irate bold C Inns; to the rolling teas. On the tut eipanse Where the biilowi dance . He felt him most at hit ef. When he tcuttlcd a boat cut throat 'Twai quitn Convenient then To be up in the "Roarfny Fortiea" Or down on the Spanish Main. At li at it was no in the daya of old , When roguei were timid andhomat men bold, Or if ever the land A pirate band To pillnge and plunder rain If t' raanck a town Or to born it down The devil had made it thi ir game- They'd at hast hideaway Until close of day With their rxklsti croft in the still lagoon, Shrltrrd from view by a tropical growth Like a bird of prey 'neath the Southern moon. ' But that was all in the daya of old, Wht n rcgites were timid and honest men bold. The tea is swept clean From the robbers spleen; The black flag flutu rs down. One may Sail away By inlet and hay, For the pirate haa rome to town. He has doffed his hoots And'outlandih lulls; He is dressed like the upper ten: Dlsguise'and weapon he needs no more For filching the r urse of the citizen: For those arc not the days of eld; The good man is timid, 'and the rogues have grown bold. Instead of the sea, The city must be The fount whence fortune Hows; He will pocket street ! Ins fashion neat "Without ever coming to blows. '"" N r In a big combine He will interwine Himself with resolute few Who are keen and strong for work ahead, And can go with a rush straight through: Since they know that gone are the daya ' of old When rogues were timid and honest meS bold. Marketing Farm Products. We take It for granted that none c f our readers are working for fun; but that they dcslro to rap as much bene Itas possible from their toil and la bor and the question: ' How to do this" should be an important ono to them If you are fortuDatoenought to raise good crops and have a surplus to fell you should endeavor to sell It in such a way as to bring you the most meney possible. The Dearer the farmer can be brought in contact with the cod sinner when disposing of his products the more money he is likely to realize. It should therefore be his aim to reach the consumer' as direct as possible. The great consuming and distributing points are cur large markets. Ship ments made direct to these points will doubtlebs net the shippers more than if they disposed of It at borre or throusrh the middlemen. The first and principal rcQuliite In order to tlo your own shipping is to have some good responsible bouse to whom you ran ship with safety.and you should not be deterred from shipping by those who may be interested ln bavirg you not do so, that they may ferd and fhtton off ofyourlabtr. Home of the let or.d most progress ivefarroeia In the country are now shipping all their surplus stjck uir ut to market for they recognize the fact that this Is the only way -to get the true market value of what they have to tell. We think; U at the question of coitftdt nce Is now the only one that stands in the way of all farmers' dolrg their own shlpplDff and It I the only utie that prevent a complete rendu- tit n lo the distribution of au farm pro duct, It is just as much the bua pcM t f the farmer to put his prod e In to market as It to rats) It and if he ("tuts not do so ha Is not atU ndlng to nU bultim, but allowing tho intddlw uma or hoiiio on vm I j attend to it f r hi in, and a long as ho ounllnur to d this, be should not oomntaln if be dx rot gel what belong to him There Is no nH.ety of selling otiUld- ft the great Rtatkets If yon havo rtnkhle parties to wh in yeu ran ship la con Udrecw and this ttueattcn of oonndenee Is Ucomtf tvor fully rstahJUbcd very day. by? lice iu tbrt rn 1,'ood rvHaaHUt) tixi in rg tn i set i whom hlw ran shin It confide ne an.t rw falrlv . Justly dett wlih V MWva thai all t' l rtire ary to hrt ue readers avail theitiwlvt s f thrt advantatrv ol ahifpiog tlirrt'l U ki aiiusiai tteiu as tvr sxth thsao houaoi I I'm muj uur rwslr who doslr lo bis kk! ...--u.i., At a figure high l awyers they'll buy Gifted o make it appear That tututet Hfti cl Fi r the pirate Und And not for the ptople dear. With whispers low To councils they go Willi stock and with contiacts srd cah; They make them a ttrange majotity The thing is done in a n"ah Fr today the people are out in the co'di To the rkh who purchase, the laws are sold In a major key With wiiked glee Loud lings the pirate's !augh. "The pi.ople free, I have chained I" quoth he; "I have siftidthe clly likechafT. Ita streets are mine. A harvest fine They will bring to my palace door." Ha stands in the sun and cries: "I itx rty lives no more. Dead and got e are the days of old, W hen rogurs were timid and honest men bold." A moment hold, Cood pirate bold, Be not so sure I pray. All black is Tin west With storm oppreit That may bunt ere the close of day; The smiling wave May prove a grave And the seaman's merry sung May die,fas the livid tempi st wrack Sweeps the quivering sea along Fortheugh we are not in the davsof old, Rf gues may turn timid and honest men bold. The people asleep Poor count may keep Of tricks that arc played by your crew, Hut Tit a riopi.s awakk, A turn may take, Sternly to reckon with you, 1 To wrong and greed, right at last may succeed, And of outraged Justice the sword May be lifted at length To smite and slay 1 The enemies of the Lord . Then our day shall be as the days of old, With rogues grown timid and he nest men bold. - -Harier's Weekly. ship to Chicago we desire to call at tention to the well and favorably known commission house of summers, Morrison & Co., No., 174 So , Water Street. This firm is responsible and makes a specialty of receiving shipments di rect from the farmers and producers, and they have a reputation of making quick sa'ta and prompt re turns. They handle butter, eggs, veal, hay, grain and all other liDes of pro duce. They also handle wool exten sively and should you desire to place your wool in the best market you can find, we would advise that you corre spond with them In regard to it before selling. They wid cheerfully give , you prices on anything that you may want in regard to then business ineir aavertisaent may be ound on page 3. " THE "PKItCHEItON BEAUTY. A Horse With a Mane Nine Feet In Length, with the Hlngling Bros ! "Prince Chaldean, the percheron Deauty" is the name that has been ap propriately bestowed npon one of the most beautiful specimens of the equine that nature bas ever produced, and which through the enterprise of the fa mous Hlngling Hrothere, has now for tho first time has been plaood upon ex hlbition. Tht wonderful horio is worth & cay's travel to behold. Ono cannot conceive anything more bcautl ful In horsrflesh. i'leturo the finest and heaviest percheron ever Imported, give him a lordly mien and ft noble carriage, I no pint him with the pride of an Irreproachable pedigree, ana crown Ing all, imagine suco a horse with a mane so long that despite his great height it sweeps the ground, and that will be mlnd-drawlng of this marvel among cquints, Trine Chaldean's mane by actual rsauremcnl Is nine feet two Inches in length, and his tail is correspondingly long. Ill weight Is over INK! pounds, lie was sired IQ Kurort l.oir. Normandy, and Is regis tered ss No t.V and (M. Nothing like this noble animal ha hitherto tmen seen la America, ftd Mio of the njv el fraturr of the Hlngling Urothef ' World's (rcatol Shows ho ha crvaUrd ft This famous animal I the lea tins feature of the wonderful bor fair, riven In r.n motion with It ;ng !tn? limther' World's (irvatest Hfiow. 1 hi nirnirMral iuln exhtliitln t niVraee 3uj head of the fines! Impor ted and dottiest o ttovk, gathered front tnsny lands a! an outlay of bundrUsuf thousand td dolUr ll will bo noon to all who, vttttl lUngtttiir I Iridiums' hhnw at l.lsoulu, WtdtHttLiy May , ST, JOSEPH BUGGY CO. M, J'MMpph It' krf ( ArrUtfv and Ui'ifdh s at Uwt I'fliva. ( 4tU gum and prie i'st free, tUft and Mrsttio PlJi. Mow Weekly Crop Bulletin. Bos well Objebvatory, Doane College, Chete, April 26. Weather report! have been received from ninety eight observers in fifty-seven counties. The weather has continued cold, dry and windy except in the northeast cor ner of the staU where a normal amount of rain and snow have fallen. The temperature has been about six da grees below tho normal throughout the state. There have been severe frosts several nights injuring fruit buds gener ally. The rainfall has been about normal in th northeast section of the State; about nail the normal in tho southeast, de creasing westward to none along the western border and southwestern corner, 1 hero lias been little or no improve ment in the condition of props during ma weeK. mo grcuml ts generally in good condition for farm work, but in the southwest section it is beginning to be too dry to plow. CcKiDWIN D. SWF.ZEY-, - . , Hirvctor. Welcome Italn. ALMA, Neb., April 26. At last The first rain of the season is pourin, down its humble blcsttings on tho soil of Harlan county to lay. For sovcta1 weeks the weather lias been hot, with almost constant wind and tho posxibility of another drouth this season wis an occasional exniession or regret. However there is ... .. a vast acreage of small grain in this seo tion and tho farmers are all feeling jubilant over tho prospect for a big crop again this season, now that a ram nas put tho ground in cood condition Tho small train h looklne vcrr cood ana Marian county s production of corn til- ..ii iii l. r . .,, turn mu wjii do Birnpiv immense' wiwi anvthinsr liko a favorable season. Struck by Lightning. Table Kock, Neb., April 26 During the thunder storm yesterday morning the depot hero was struck by lightning and took Are. Mr. Staniford, the night man, got up to extinguish the fire and touched ono of tho wires which nearly knocked him sonsoless. Ho had a narrow escape, but is again around. ino damage to the building was slight , Train Ditched. Nebraska City, Nebraska, April 26. The Kansas City passenger train, diie at this city at 4:30 p."m., was ditched about two miles this sido of Moisquito junction this afternoon. No one was injured and beyond several hours' delay but Httlo damage resulted. Omaha Brief. The thousand Union Pacifio shopmen who have bean on a strike for a week, returned to work today. C. W. Mosher remains at the Millard hotel. He said today that he did not in tend to give bond, but would remain at the hotel iu charge of tho deputy mar shal until his trial in May. Brothers of the lata Albert Martin, who committed suicide Wunday, arrived in this city this morning: to take charge of the remains. They left for Lanaik, III, this afternoon with the remains, i May Miller, tho absconding young lady bookkeeper, haa rtturned to the city. Hhe w as in the custody of tho police matron during tho day, but her foster porsnti would not allow her to be interviewed. Tho cote will probably bo setiica without prosecution uniet ot Leiectives uuo is af tr a msn named Fletcher, who advertised for girls to go on tho stage, A young lady calietl yesterday and applied tor position and hhe was taken down to house of assignation by the surposed employer. Fletcher is charged by the detective with selling her valise and is said to huve left for iart unknown. Karly Heed Corn. Farmers wanting early and prolltltj varieties of seed corn that will mature In !) daya, should write. J. It. Kutekln, obenandoah, Iowa, enclosing 11.25 per bushel, sack Included, for early VYolto llent, or I .old Dust, Yellow Dnut. Ha will send It the day the order Is received. Fol!ow the crowd to the furnltur and household g"od eturM-rlem of Meiner A Hweariiiiten at UM'.'D North Fourteenth street, whero you will find everything in their tlu of the bt quality and cheap at ptli epctHy led r"m suits. TIIK MA It HUT. t'hivstiirU and l.ltto a Chivauo. Afil sv I. rrri.S-HwlpU , fc.t; srkl i4.l, . r )). steers Si V u vt A. .. 4 fcfci t 1. e n4 lwltr. ti ai.ll iw,tttil, II kJ Mirk4 s . .! n I kikjr, ltiltl a4 H'f 91 kb4 ri biib h v sn4 h"t-r ikwK it 41 f . l.rmt II PM a ami klhr. ! . tl lA M eti.n H , lii . V t $1 l.41-W wl. U, t'wr, tt, D4l, fit,, (luiahft I.U kiuti, (wa. A.rl. l f v l -) l Ittfkutt w iwi 1 1 ( . tlr N l V - w4 IS. Storksr s4 fMr. I U Him fr Tnfl " lMssr-1 IXAi so. The government own ership of railroads and telegraphs. That freight rates in NebrssVa be reduced to a level with tbote la force In Iowa. The building by the national government of a (treat trunk line from North Dakota to the Gulf of Mexico. NO. 48 OUR PBEMIUM LIST. We now have our premium list struck off in circular form and; will be glad to furnish copies to anyone who will drop us ft postal card request. The following is our great pre mium OFFEK IN BRIEF: GRAND PREMIUM, for the largest list sent in by June 1st. A Goodbue windmill and feed grinder ' worth 1140.; DISTRICT PREMIUMS, r For the largest list sent In from each congressional district In Nebraska (sot less than seventy yearly subscribers re quired) a first-class sewing machine, tho "Columbian," worth $20, COUNTY PREMIUMS. " For largest list from any county In Nebmks (not less than fifty required) s family library of twenty cloth-bound books, worth nearly $20. For second largest list (not less than twenty required) a useful ' library of twenty paper-bound books. Premiums for other slates are the ' tame as the above. , FOR A CLUB OF TWO We will send three of our sheet muslo songs of the people; or one package of Hall's Acme Horn Preventer for cattle raisers. FOR A CLUB OF THREE We will tend a handsome pearl-handled ' lady's knife, or a cood stronc two hlad- ed boy's knife, or a half dozen nickel . silver teaspoors. , FOR A CLUB OF FIVE We will send a strong two bladed farm er's knife guaranteed to be first class. , worth This knife is one of A. Field & Co. "Progress" brand and Is ' wArrantcd4c. ... ... C FOR A CLUB OF SIX We will send an elegant first class razor ' worth $1.40. Warranted. FOR A CLUB OF SEVEN We will send one-half dozen silver plated teaspoons, heavy silver plate on . nickel silver base not on brass worth $150. FOR A CLUB OF TEN We will send a Potato olanter worth 2.00. Still other premiums will be added ' to this list. Remember that each subscriber In ' these clubs pays $1.00 and gets a pre- , mium book work 25 cents. KNEW! EEKEW!! We urge all our old subscribers to re new promptly as fast as time ex pires. You can't afford to miss an Issue. Nfdbaska is not alone in the im peachment business. The legislature of Texas bas impeached land commis sioner Mr. Gaughey of that state for crookedness in dealing with the state land. The State Journal, as the old lady said about the devil, has' some good points. It is showlrg a great deal of spirit and vigor In showing up the Powell murder at the penitentiary. There is, however, a strong Bustiiulon that the Journal Is actuated solely by partisan motives. If Powell was murd-i ered the guilty parties aae democrats. She can't find time to make any ex posures that will fix quilt on repub llcons. ' Woild's Fair Rates. The Northwestern line Is now sell ing round trip tickets, Lincoln to Chicago, account of World's Fair, good to return until November 15th, for $23 05, By our bust at ss men's train leaving Llrooln at 5:25 p. m. Passen gers reaoti Chicago at t:'M the next morning, ! further particulars at city me, UXIO street. . M. JSItlPMAK, lien , fJgt. A. 8 FitLPivo. Clly Ikl Agl Depot Corner S and Klghth streets, K.T. MoRii, TkU Agent. Lost ei Itraytd. One Ulack Colt, thrsxs years old, 13 hand blsh. Four whin feet. A ward will bat tnsld for t retura lo ll, Aukertnan, Normal, Nb. White beans, honey, sorgham mola tHtitr and e ,' tu soil on wimmianlon, J. W. IIAKTCKT, Utah Agst Oar seed ftrw ted cawfulty bfor leaving the stor. tiriswold, ltd rwith Flovnth strofl, Htiians TahuW aUI d)aetlo wUft ft 4iur stoinsA'Iti cure lltr tronhl. "N, 0 t