THE ALLIAmtTfiOTFlTnrEM" APRIL 20. 1893. BEAR BOTE SIDES. Continued tram page six for six weeks under the startling head I line: MR. BCBKOWS ENDORSES Mr. W. C, Holden and Liberty. And these same issues were literally filled with the vilest and most abusive I tirades ever published in Nebraska. Let me clio a few lines from these issues just to show their character. fhese lines are from his attacks on "Thornton, Wolfe, Pirtle, Blake, Kern, Dech, Greene, and the balance of "the rang:" "S. Edwin Thornton; the arch-traitor and Benedict Arnold." I "Mr. J. V. Wolfe, the patriot (?) and self-sacrificing (?) office seeker." ) "Van Wjck's Henchmsn, Blake." J "J. A. Edgerton, the dead-beat" r-. . . I . ,, "Railroads and banks interested in the Alliance Publishing Company " "Pirtle. a suppliant, crawling and - 'wriggling his snaky length along." . ."Pass Boodlers, Pirtle, Thornton Dech and company." (Speaking of Kern) "What a glorious reformer. Old party methods hide their heads for very shame when your name is mentioned." ''Pirate crew of politicians." "Desperate political free hooters." "S. Edwin Thornton is in his (Jay Gould's) employ as editor of the Mis souri Pacific Sun-shine and Alliance-In- VWependent." I'ITawi 4Va rucfit. ftAimtv Awarf rn not and should not be re-elected." (Referring to W. L. Greene) "The ' carrion crows have started out to ob tain office, or wreck our party." During the six weeks over fifty col umns were filled with articles from -which the above are sample phrases And over it ail reeled use me Diessmg . -a 111 il 1.1 t of a black angel: ,lJay Burrows endorses W. C. If olden and Liberty." Not only this, but Burrows himsetf was a regular contributor to Liberty during those weeks. He not only kept n article on Van Wyck standing, but he wrote two letters one dated June 29, in which he assailed I. D. Chamberlain as a railroad tool; and oue dated July ! . . . t . a x 1 M - y, in wnicn ne assumed w spaa. tor John H. Powers savins: he "would not be a candidate for second place." Besides all this, Holden had sprinkled all over every Issue the following: "Bead J. Burrows on Van Wyck on an inside page of this paper " -, Worse yet, Holden had a six column supplement struck off with Burrows' letters and some of his own matter, and thousands of these were scattered over the state. Each bore the follow ing interesting legend in bold faced type: Anv ttersons wishing copies of this supplement please address J. Barrows, Lincoln, Nebraska. And now I approach a phase of this matter to which I have never adverted. Holden, according to his positive claims, was circulating about 50,000 copies per week. This in six weeks would make 300,000, sayiBg nothing of the thousands of supplements sent out T.mAa Thnon no nAMQ IDA MA onat ffiM. Ujr iJUI I U TV o luooo paoio w kjl t ovuvvvi- -ed broadcast over the state. Thousands of them were sent to republican post masters who distributed them. Thous ands more were scattered on the etreets of Lincoln, Omaha, Kearney and other cities. All this cost money. Holden was not getting any legitimate income to speak of. 1 doubt if he re ceived during those six weeks $100 from subscriptions and advertising. Figuring these 300,000 copies at the low price of half a cent a copy they cost $1,500. Who put up that money? At the time, I heard it whispered that Burrows was .putting up the money, but most people have always believed that the corporations of the state were putting up the money. I have some very good evidence on this point which I reserve for future use. Now I want to put the question to Jay Burrows, and I put it in the name of every honest Independent in Ne braska: Who paid the expense of issuing and scattering 300,000 copies of Burrows' let' Ur of endorsement, and assaults on Van Wyck? I believe, and the honest people of this state believe, that but one of two answers can be truthfully given: Either Burrows paid the expense him self, or the corporations paid it. He can take his choice. Burrows and Holden were confiden tial companion during th summer and fall of last year. They talked and worked together. Burrows was a fre quent vUltor at lloliWs office. I my. selfta thfttn together In the sta'e library working like brothers over the congressional record, digging up am munition to fira at the head of the people's ticket. They wore boon com panions and alUot, In as villainous piece of treachery as was ever eoa-couW-d. rifih. In ! W paragraph Harrows proves hlr.lf Uf of la full sympathy with II Men's awtsultt on use. If h wants to fs'hrr Uul ilea's slanders, he U wetonme to all thi glory he can get out of it. Sixth. ! tli ink for oatdulUrsttH) hypocrisy, I have never ern anything etual to the claim set up in the sixth paragraph of Barrows' statement. Hs says: When Holden came here and began his attack on Thornton, I saw that in jury to the independent party would result, and I intervened as a peace maker. Mr. Burrows would have the people believe that he intervened as a peace maker out of pure and unselfish love for the independent party. What were the facts? He did come to me and beg me not to pay any attention to Holdea's attacks. This was just a few days be fore he entered into the deal to buy a half interest In Liberty. At the time he talked to me, he bad "fully deter mined to become associated with Holden" according to his own admis sion. His object in "intervening as a peace-maker" was most selfish and base. He and Holden at that very time had their plans laid to join hands in the vil laniouswork which they afterwards attempted to carry out. No wonder he wanted to shield the "notor ious booaler" from exposure! Seventh. And now we come to the most aston ishiog statement of all: "I do not hate to either approve or dis approve of the course of Mr. Holden since the above letter was written." And this is Burrows, the bold aggres sive writer the fearless exposer of of traitors! And as such he is appealing to the people for renewal of support and confidence! I do not believe there are a hundred independents in Nebraska who will hesitate to pronounce Uo'dea an enemy to our cause. Yet Burrows in his ap peal to these people for support utterly refuses even to "disapprove of his course." ' I fancy the true and loyal lndepen dents of the state will reply about as follows: "Certainly Mr. Burrows, you don't have to either approve or disap prove of Holden; but we don't have to give you our confidence and support, and never will while you play the cow ard in this manner.' ' Do you remember the assaults which Burrows made on ex-Governor Butler? Do you remember how he hounded the old man to his death with the cry o traitor?" Now I never took much stock in those charges. But admitting for the sake of argument, tbat every charge Burrows ever' made against Butler was true,' still Butler's record and character would be as snow to pitch compared with Holden's! But we haven't reached the bottom of this matter yet. The depths of cow ardice have not yet been fathomed. It is a fact that since the date of Senator Allen's election, Mr. Burrows has been very anxious to make the people be lieve that he does not approve of Hol den's course. He went about the Lin dell hotel and called members of the legislature and other independents into dark corners to tell them confiden tially that he had found Holden out. He even called his former boon companion names that wouldn't look well in print, for while Burrows frequently "swears by all that's holy," he sometimes swears by things that are unholy. He chased around after the Lincoln corres pondent for the reform papers of the state for three weeks trying to get him to tell the people in his letters that "Burrows was denouncing Holden." He even wrote out in his own hand-writing an interview denouncing Holden, and tried to get this correspondent to in elude it in his letters. By this means he hoped to "sneak" an advertisement into a lot of papers over the state. I am willing to give Mr. Burrows this advertisement and will not charge him anything for it. Now we come to the interesting point. Why did Mr. Burrows do all this sneaking and dodging? Why didn't he come out openly in the col umns of his Alliance Leader and de nounce Holden? The answer is near at hand. Holden found out what Bur rows was doing, and he came out in Liberty with a few eavage remarks that scared the wits out of Burrows. Burrows will not disapprove Holden's course in his columns because he dare not. Holden knows too much. Holden is the one man in Nebraska who knows the length, and breadth and depth ot Burrows' damnable treachery during the pat year, and he is cot a man to be trifled with. And now it seems to be all fixed up. Harmony and peace reigns between them. Holden akes two columns to publish Burrows' defence, including "private letters" from prominent Alli ance men. And Burrows gives out as his ultimatum to the independents of the state: 7 do not hate to either appro or die approve of Holdtn'i course. That Burrows lias ever sincerely con demned Ilulden I do not believe. His sneaking confidential dwnu tela' Ion were made with a view to enlisting the sympathy of member of the legisla ture, but In this he signally failed. Eighth. The farther Mr. Burrows goes the farther be gets from the truth. His eighth paragraph Is aim ty a bare faced falhood d he knows It better than anybody vine. The truth is that h knew about "that out matter brought up ealnsl Hold" a long whll before Liberty was started. He evidently rvfer to tloideu's sellout to the UuIom Peciao He talked a out it with Mr. Pirtle a month before Lib J erty was started. He discussed It with Thompson long before he wrote that letter. Holden himself say that Burewe' denial on this point is abso lutely false. Burrows says: "It was something that occurred before I came to the s'ate." Yet in his private letter to Holden he ssys: "I have known you for the past twelve years." One of these statements is false. Mr. Burrows can take bis choice. That "old matter" occurred less than twelve years before that letter was written. Ninth. Who ever accused Mr. Burrows of having "any financial interest in Holden's psper?" I never heard' of anybody making such an accusation. Yet he keeps denying it vigorously. He simply sets up a straw man and pounds it to make the people think he is brave. No, Mr. Burrows, that denial is not "sufficiently broad;'' neither is it suffi ciently thick. You have altogether forgotten one point You have forgotten the darkest ehapter of your villainy. You have said nothing of your effort to betray the Farmers' Alliance into Holden's hands. That occurred before any of these other things. It was more than a vear ago, before you sold out to Mr. Pirtle. You secretly bargained with Holden to take your half interest in this paper for $2,500, and did all in your power to consummate the deal, and you would have succeeded had not some good independents gone to Mr. Thompson and earnestly besought him to save our movement from such a dire calamity. He vetoed your deal. You never intended that this should be known, but I know it and I dare you to deny a word of it. Tenth. Thompson and Rigby were the prin cipal active agents in tho attempt to wreck the Alliance Ism pendent. I am well convinced, however, that Burrows and Holden were the arch plotters. The facts already shown are sufficient to prove this. There is plenty of other evidence, but I will not dilate upon that point. As to Mr. Burrows admiration, I care nothing whatever. I am not striv ing to win admiral on but rather the confidence and friendship of honest men and women. If by loyalty and faithful service in our grand move ment, I can do this, I am satisfied. As to the closing sentence of para graph 10, 1 cannot discuss it, but I ask the people to re-read it and consider it in the light of the facts I have gien, and see how much of manhood its con tinued repetition ohows. Eleventh. When Mr. Burrows asserts that this company watered its stock, he again shows how fully he sympathized in Holden's dastardly efljrt to ruin the reputation of the Alliance Publishing Company. There was never a cent's wort a of watered stock issued by this company and Burrows knows it as well as I do. The price paid Burrows by Pirtle for his half interest was taken as a basis and the stock was issued on that valuation. Further, I will leave it to any Inde pendent reader in Nebraska if 1 have not during the past three years made as vigorous and persistent a fight aga'nst the railroads as any man in Nebraska. I have published ten times as much matter on this question as Bur rows has published in the same time. I have never hedged nor halted for an instant, I have never ridden a mile on a free pass. And yet Burrows vents his spleen by asserting that th s paper "gave up its principles for railroad transportation!" Mr. Burrows knows very well the pusillanimous character of this charge, yet like the "whited sepulchers" of Christ's day he folds bis hands and ssys "I have neyer lifted a finger to injure Thornton." Twelfth. In this paragraph Burrows make a slanderous attack on our old friend Romine. He is one of the old-line green-backers who was in this work long before Burrows got out of the old party. Mr. Romine may have his faults. He may not be perfect. Who is? But I want to say that Burrows charges against him are a tissue of false-hoods. Rmite has done a large amouat of work for our cause, and his speeches have generally given good satisfaction. The most contemptlole thing in this attack is the charge that Romine wan dlcharged from his plnc- in the sena'e for disreputable practice It is a slander set In motion by Sonator Lowley, one of the rankest railroad tool In the state. The following do -u-ment signed by seven Independent sena tor will explain itself and show jus how much rilnce Is to be placed la Burrows' statements: March 13. 181)3. Wh'reae a report has been elrcuiawd over t e state througn th paper ami In other ta)a to h effect that J II. Kornlne was dlchsrge Crura ib senate fot tieglrcl of 4uiy and disreputable praetlws," hr forw we the ui dT signed senator j tify tht th charge U f ale. Mr. Romine was dtcbrrd because it wm cheaper for the i to buv a fo for th k epltirf ol the ro or' than to employ eoawitllan t take ehvg wHhem J R lUmtit Wm. DyiAKT. I. VV. Yt'Uu J II lAMfcIN. W. A. HANHKU4 W.M.liRAY. dM N uMirtl. in Conclusion. I have said only tithe of what I i Ne rardener AWB PLAKT Book. IT IS A WOSDEH. A few of Ita apeelal feature. 700 I Hunt ration; K.TH) In Crh XXTM XXTmtyr TUT A TTT v Prizes; beautiful colored Plat; everything (rood, old or new. It la mailed free to all eneloalmr c In . , MAUliUt stamp for retain pontage (Itm lAaa en4Atrf iu comL) Write to-day, mention ibka paperand address 1711 Filbert Bt, Philadelphia might say en this subject. But I have surely said enough to prove all I set out to prove. To regain the confidence of the people whom he has bssely betrayed, Burrows sets up a tissue of falsehoods, slanders others, and plays the hypocrite in every sentence. True he has ability, (though much over-estimated) but Intellectual ability without moral rectitude is a curse. If our movement is to succeed, it must be through the leadership of men who love truth, and despise hypocrisy. To reward treachery is to invite it in others. Te say we will forget the past is to ignore both wisdom and justice, There is a price at which even har mony is too dear. The gospel of "justice and equal rights to all men" can only be taught effectually by men who love justice, and deal fairly with others. Yours for truth and justice, S. Eowin Thornton. A ZOOLOGICAL MONSTER. Largest Living Hippotamua, with, the Ringiing Brother' Clrou. The Ringiing Brothers, whose World's Greatest Shows exhibit at Lincoln Neb. May 9 have unquestionable the largest menagerie e ver gathered into a single aggregation. No student of zo ology, however extensive his knowledge of the animal kingdi m, can fail to dis cover in this magnificent collection of rare and vluab e wild beasts, t-ome new species worthy of his inspection and study. Particularly worthy of attention is the mammourti olood-exuding htppc- po'amus tbat the Kingling lirotners exhibit as one ot their menHgerial features. This giant amphibian is without question ihe largest hippopot amus ever captured and brought to this country. Numerous tmll hippopota mi have bltberto been exnltmed, but never before has so magnificent a specimen of this strange ible-recorded b ast been placed on exhibition, it is exhibited In its natural e ement with all the surroundings suggestive of life in its native jungles, ai.d. attended by one of its bo d and intrepid captors, es- pec ally imported from darkest Amca by the most enterprising of circus man ngements Among the many other rare and curious beasts in this marve lous zoolog cal collection is a mam moth giraffe, eighteen feet in height; two berds of gig ntio elephants, with a pair of baby pachyderms; a hl-norned gnu, the only specmen of this rare ani mal ever placed on exhibition; horned horses, sacred cattle, llamas; great dens of loidlv 11 'ns, royal Bengal tig' eis, and man devouring leopards, and enough other cnrioui wild creatures to illustrate a volu ne of natural history. AUCTIONEERS. Z S. BRANSON, WAVERLY, NEB. LIVE STOCK AUCTIONEER. Make sale tn Nebraska and ther itatei. Baal of references. Fourteea j am experieuc Prices reasonable, correspond nreaoUclted anfl satlsfaetion guaranteed CATARRH HVE YOU COT IT' it is a aure cure, x ly it uu uo tuuviucou. i uu will never regret it Sent by mall to any ad dress. Price One Dollar. J"H.N P. HOKR, US Clark Street, talcago Illinois. SEEDS: ALKALFA, CLOVER, CANE. MILLET, SPRING WHEAT, KAFFIR, RICE ana Jerusalem Corn, Yellow and White Milo Ma'ze, Black and White Hulless Barley, Bmwn Dhoura, Onion Sets all g'own in 1892. For prices address, Mc- BETH & KINNISON, Garden City, Kansas 4 forest IT rc seedlings Write to ROBT.W. FURNAS, Browrnville, Neb. Your Buildings WITH Black Seal Roofing TOUOH and DURABLE as leather, FIREPROOP as asbestos, WATER PROOF as rubber, and at prices with. In the reach of every one. Put on by anybody and good la any climate. fFirrl Toe Roof and I I II Moll.liiiga with la) K4 or tirWB with nor tlr Je blaek, lurr.KIAI. Asm ALT FAIxr,a4irrilrtTraUl. t haapeat and swal pains f ntctal aatl WHMttn, aviMt I at I'amphlet, Catalog; ! foloe Cart ! Ihe naaraarra- vr. k. c Alt 1-8 ltooro tiro m, kM I Mr, M JAPANEBB TP) 1 aUES CURB S am. t !' Tnwnait anataMtan f a tawturt. iliMwml a . aw. H flu. -v C- kitx!, U m ikl'M a KM ItokiMi Hrwa. Hat M. twt thim. aa auw i abn 4 awas mm a w at ottmiiwi M w a . tn 4wwvf .4 a ak.a4 m fwtrfctg aa ttaM .! sum -! M,m,mjy wln n nwt a mmmm kw Si. .!. bm kt t S H vat ata.l, M wt .!. wife! 4 a wt-w m jNitw4 ant W, a tn a.t aw n( aat M wait Uwwaita m m4 ki J H H'V, iat ua4 wt m or n-clt rrower nn mrt to ha wlthont nnr GUELPH 2:164 ' Champion of Nebraska Tracks. Winner of tha tautest heat and the fawt three heau ever trotted by a stallion In the State, fclr of Mannvtta. S yrar old record 2:24: Aozlaty, a-year-old record Z:3; Uuaiph. it.. 4-year Old record t:26U: J ad (a Umbasi. S-rear-old record 4:40. Hla sire la Prlncepa: dam Mary by MeaaenKer Liuroc; Sd dam Bonnie Lassie by Eambleton Ian 10. tiuelpb baa been a eoDsiatent canipalg-ner, and one o( tbe gamest race boraea tbaterar lived. He baa size, style, color and speed, all of which are essential in a horse to breed to. Quelph wUl trot a mile in 8.10 or better this seaaon, barritiR accident. He haa trotted a mil iti 1-, ahowlna; tbat bis record Is no measure of hla speed. Uuelph will make tbe season at Lincoln, Neb., 24ih and O Sts. Service fee 160, with tbe usual return privilege. MONTE CARLOS 9947. Brother la ttlook to tha treat Jay Bird. Sired by Moot Crist (brother to Lumps Ml) by Geo. Wilkes; dam Lady rrauk, p. t. f:24 (dam of Karly Dawn t:t. Jay Bird Dewey Eve, dam of Oallleo Kex2 li!. McUregor Wilkes .-.27), by Hambrino Star 2d dam Lady Franklin (dam of (Joitave Girl :,) by Katy's Btaok Hawk. Moute Carlo is tbe sire of Dan Hendee, year-old record 2:U, bis Drat coit and others that are showing early aperd. He Is destined to make aa great a sire aa Jay Bird. He will make tbe neason at Lincoln, Neb., at M.Y00. These burses can be seen at tbe LlncolnoBara, cor. 24th and O streets. Send (orlcatalogae. Address all communications to Cor. 24th and O sts. A- T- TURNEY & SONS. Lincoln. Neb. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY. Lansing Theatre Building, Lincoln, Nebraska. FrTT the Oaw to theDulfdlpg Direct. S omwl?' frarr"e, Alliance Men Please take Notice. wholesale Complete Bills for Houses and Barns a Specialty. RETAIL Writ ne (nr riaUuaraA Prions. JOHrsOOM UUMBEP (COM PAN Ti Offlos 1001 0 81 . Llsctln.'Use a ...... i . v rmk-- fWivr'wtnd ,8TOOPrwM'neircl'u l1" bove recwd wss horse tnui j toty within Die next sixty days at terms to suit the purchaser, rumMJIXit'tmr in .how vards. with aharn A. 1 . 8ULLIVAN, Branch Barns, Lincoln, Neb. W. J. WROUGHTON & CO.. Cambridge, Furnaa County, Nebraska. IMPORTERS OF 8hIre,'CIjde, rercberon, Belgian, German, and Oldenberg Ceach. French Coaeh, ferkshlre Ceach , and Clerelaad Bay 8taUIM a i i i.. lit ' We Handle 'More Horses Than Any Firm We Import onr own horses thus saving the enstnmer the middle man's pro lit Bayers have the advantage ot comparing all breeds side by side at our stables. We Have 40 Good Young Acclimated Horses on Hand. An importation of 40 arrived October 1. We rnarantee all oar hones to be sound Is every respect. We make fanners companies a specialty, having a system whereby we can organise companies and Insure absolute success. We Will Send a Man to Any Part of tbe On application to assist In organising chasbers to pay for horses from services lion this paper. Address, W. J. WROUGHTON ALLIANCE STATE BUSINESS AGENCY. State Agent quotes prices on the following goods. A good common flour at 90 cts. per 100. White Rose flour at 11,50 per 100. Silver Leaf " " 1.75 ' " Prime Brow Sugar M.00 per 100. Best Granulated Sugar $5.65 per 100. Fine Uncolored Japan Tea 25c per lb. i t 12j0 h . Good Coffee 20c per lb. A full line of Spices, Pepper, Cinna mon, Cloves, Ginger, Mustard, Al spice, etc., at 20o per lb. One gallon best coal oil with glass can 40 cents. J. W. HARTLEY, Dr. McClellan & Co., STAR MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE. Special attention given to the treatment or P lvau and Chronic Dlaeaaea ot the month, nnee. throat, and lutiKa. W. almi have a radical cure for catarrh in all lis forma Our own discovery I Una or lieiuorrholtla flxure and all diaeawis of th. rwiara FoalUvely cured with out the uiw of knife ruilc or ilu-ature. All forms of iiaaas of Men in all renditions of life are ptMtlivvly and aatiofaruirtly cured. For further Inloraunlun call oa or addreaa, Opp. bk Jama. Homi, t:i Tf tuple Uluck J. P.McOCCk.LAr4, M. O., Kansas city, Mo. PILES, FISTULA, and all ether orthe Rectum cured by Dre. Thornton A Minor, Xaasaa City, Ko,.wlia"ut knlfrt. tluature orrau.tlt-.-nii mniivy to be paid until patient la eared. We aix, in aaiwl tiliy of IMmjmm of Woinaaand Uiiwajtwi of the Main, Itowara of all doctors tin t any in of tttnu t In attvn. eva a nt la the eud yott will ttiut tain eii alva lusurtM wai tr cirmUr irtvitttC 4tna of hunlr1 !! hare kwa curd by oa, aa4 bo tuavitdar)MraH4t)ua aa(im. u i w A eat itutbitrtt, Huoina it ti Ai Uiutaer tf Ws ' ' . " '-"! !" 11 KIJLM Doctor Francis & Co., ftuecessere te OR. 8PINNIY A Co. Nr'MM. rkhHtle aa prtte diaaa ol ma aad oiua atttvewifulty treated. Tta( WM M rin I runt triin-ul wt i... nt wk are Wnibta4 with vakasva. air was dtlin, UaS t4 atMt, .eattdd f mt t ttvate .1 kar Sad a aed .are. Middle Aged Mon. There are hi ImiI)n Vv tt frtHal avanilia of th. bU.Il. aWa eaaled ky aliiiki .iiu.. i" turut g . aKH lit la a uuim tu pailaait e aao4 a..oont ff k '(. m ii t ; - wfta cara i all au a tin m la Hrrsor an-t Many era a uft"ti gtaraat that he UttfnuMhif .tdamaM an4 that tr kw hm t4 i t :ifil ! paU.isliie Matua.tit ywis eaa a. priia aty aa I eutaa.J rv.ea-t aitri t 4 'taHia fr.M a.i.lii.. I'atUttui f atta Uulea wi all iMw.ra, .11 Ijii.l a lliigaiiai ihwmkI .ia. t a-l and amp a .d ll aa aa4 aura ui wtl f.-eas; tail fat aa 4 U ui ti.'H HMwut'ilt i'.tUal.4 ftae, MaaUiie l pai.'. AS4 0 rraa MSlilaaaOlftf fcckwtaa Nfiy nnw Rim WHOLESALE BICYCLES The finest line of wheels ia the west. A larre line of all grades and prices, both new and second-band, always in stock Heat repair shop west of Chicago In connection. Good Agens Wanted. Apply Early ENGLISH SHIRE STALLIONS. Good Horses Bring Big Money. Poor Horses Bring No Money. If You Cannot Afford to Breed to Good Stallion.. Don't Breed at All. wun uw snimai. now on nana ws nave won u ui.uu Prlr.ea over all draft breeds; Sweepstake prize, over .hire breeds; 84 , i t m 'i .1 a ine aDove recora was " aa. largely at Stat. Fairs. These romtieutlon, Dcinir tars JOSEPH WATSON A CO., Beatrloe, Neb. in Nebraska. State, companies. We give long time thus enabling pot Correspondence promptly answsred. Mas & 00., Cambridge, Hob. Soda i and Butter cracker oo per lb. ia cases. 40 Grain vinegar In lugs, 25c per gal Lemon extract 2 os. bottles 50oper dos. Vanilla ' " 55o Finest full cream Y A cheese 12fo lb. A good Overall for only 50o. An extra good overall for 65, Rockford half hose 75c per dos. 11 " " best made f 1.05 a dei Write for any thing you eat or wear. 8tae Agt., 248 $ Ills II.. Lincoln. Neb ir