The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, April 13, 1893, Page 7, Image 7

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    APRIL 1H.18W.
THE A h L 1 A N (J K -1 N I ) K P E N 1 1 11 N T.
A Former Uebraskan Telli of Mitten
and Things ia the New
How The Money Loaners Work Their
Scheme to Get Tie Homei of
The Settlers.
Wonderful Statesmanship.
The following interesting; letter
front T. B. McBride, well known
Lancaster County alliance men as their
former county lecturer. When he left
for Oklahoma' a few weeks ago he prom
ised to write to his many friends
through ourcolumns. Here ia the first
letter: f"
Oklahoma City, O. T. April 2, '33.
Fkientj Thorntox: I will now fulfill
toy promise to you and my many friends
-and give my impression of this country.
This is a nice country and everything
in the way of crops looks fine. The
farmers are about done planting core.
Land is seady as high here as in Ne
braska. Times are hard here as they
are everywhere. The sme system pre
vails ohere as there with all of the
restrictions taken oft. They did have
a law exempting half of the homestead
from mortgage thanks to some good old
populist. But at the session of the
territorial legislature just closed, the
snylocks got in their w.irk and repealed
that, so now there is nothing to "ke9p
-out the eaHurn capital," and the old
party papers are making a grand blov
-out over the fact of eastern capital
oming in to developing the territory.
Blind leaders of the bhad cutting their
own tbroatsl The system they are
advocating will bring prosperity to
them for a while, but rotrlutlon will
I think the Cherokee strip will be
opened this spring. In the opening of
this new country, and in the provisions
Tor opening Jles ascneme. iou remem
ber that congress changed the agree
ment as entered into bsttveen the com
missioners and Cherokees, doterrlag
the payment and glvlnir 4 percent In
terest. Now the bmkers have their
agents in Talequah offering to buy the
claim or extend the loans, and take
the claim) for security. So yo.t see
they have a "sinch" on the nation and
they will get it now.
We sent members to congress to get
f ma horn for th naonlo. Now thev
have divide J the s1 rip into three divi
sions. The eastern side is to be sold
for $2.50 per acre; the middle for $1 50;
Jhe western for $100, all to draw 4 per
cent, the Bottlers to pay it. They are
most of them very pwr. I have been
-among them and know this. People
will go onto the land and live out their
time. When they must prove up, they
haven't th3 money, in steps Mr. bny
lock and gives a loan at usurious Inter
est and finally forecloses and gets the
land. Then the home builders will
have to move on. Wonderful state
tnanship! In my next letter I propose
to tell you what the people's party Is
doing here. Yours fraternally,
T. B. McBridb.
Electrical Hath for Cuts.
If the San Francisco Call speaks
the truth, the introduction of elec
trical roads into New Orleans is like
ly to be followed by a plague of mon.
etroua cats. It says that since the
trolley was' established in that city
the eats of that city have grown so
big and so numerous as to constitute
a nuisance and a menace. It is said
that daily, about the time the cars
top running for the night, cats from
very where begin to congregate along
the tracks for electric food or baths,
one cannot tell which. Carefully se
lecting a suitable spot on the rail, the
at in search f refreshment will lick
the rail, and then lie down upon it a
few minutes. Pretty soon he will
roll over on the rail, and will stand
with all four feet upon it, and with
wild eyes, arched back and distended
tail, will yowl and dance and amuse
himself for an hour at a time. An ex
pert electrician, who was consulted
on the subject, said that he could not
imagine what effects the cats could
get out of the rails; but whatever it
may be, tbe cats of the city are said
to be attaining an enormous size, un
heard of before, and keep themselves
Wemen lruic"gUU In Franca.
The subject of woraou druggists is
being discusst'd in Franco. The So
'iety for the Amelioration of the Po
sition of Women has decided to grant
a scholarship annually to a young
woman student of slender means, to
nabl her to take the examination
which must bo passd in order to
qualify persons todlsponse medicines.
Healthy and Mappy.
A farmer who lives near Angle, N.
C, has Ihou marrlod for nearly tmen-ty-five
yours and has a wife and eljjhl
chlKlrt . ll claim that ,hre has
never U on a death la his family nor
the nHU of a physician lor any inem
War of his family.
AM I VltMl t'oa.
Judge What baa this child
ti ii, .. . . - . a a
rciiicoman ii'ur nooor, be is a
little tough.
Infant- Of entire, I'm al It tie tough.
If I was a big tough 1Mb oath
olio furv.-Tta Mttlnga.
The sun's last jroidra beam has k :!
Ihecwjnr's topmost buugh rooii-athL
t. . .
On the gry soi-caie ia it flight.
The vesper wallow sweetly calls
From uplands where he wjuJ.m-s late.
And as the shroud of darkness fails
Hits nearer to his nested mate.
The turtle dole's enamored note
The evon s hallowed stillness fills,
And sounds from out his tender throat
Soft as a hautboy o'er the hills.
The shadows purplo and grow deep
Fast fades the lands -ajw to the siht;
Tbe sweet-voiced sinjfers siak to sl.x-p
And twilight robe itself in night.
Walter Bruce Wight
- i . . . .
i&piain prowi tnrew nis bat on
the bed and sat down in his easy
cnair in tne cabin to light bis pipe.
I p curled tbe smoke, and through it
the captain looked rueiully at the
neat package that lay on the table.
What a fool 1 was to buy that
he thought. 'Old sextant was plenty
good enough, though I've had it nioe
years. Bought it in Liverpool when
I was second mate in the Julia A.
Smith. And now I've put out
utuniue earnings tor a new one.
What possessed roe I don't know."
And so tbe captain went on.
. i . .
xuw npiaiu fprowi was not, as
you might think from tbe name.
bald-beaded old man with bushy
wijieuers. .
No, names are very misleading. In
stead, he was tall and slender, with a
sandy mustache, and had not a gray
imir in ms nuau.
He came from Maine, and, although
but tnsrty years old, he had beon for
six years captain of the bark Kdna
Dunn, which was now lyinar at Const!
tution wharf in Koston, dischanrlncr
ner cargo or sugar.
"Well." puiTod the captain, "no
thing to do now but to get rid of the
old sextant I should go ashore next
trip if I had two sextants to navigate
by. Must work ths old one off on
some landlubber or somebody."
1'be package was lying on an old
newspaper a Globe which he had
read through and through on his last
trip out
Ihe very thing!" said be. "I'll
put a n6tlce in the paper: 'Sextant
for sale cheap,' and if somebody
doesn t bite at it I miss my guess. "
Ihe next morning the only thing
the captain could see in the paper was
extant for sale by a ship captain, no ir
ana In pence:, order; will bo
Address O 41, Globo ofllee.
k.. ly new
sold c'ho,
And now my story's begun.
81 J.wpU H tggy Co. IWt btyl
and wr n Hon J f.r salaUgu and
PrtWilUt W and fill) H, life 81 tit
Jo, Mo,
1 1 iwa lmttirli
Fat enttirt wan tod at th AllUrto
aitvbet, 3.T H HtH HI, l.lnmda fteb,
1ttfan Ttbult-t e rrt a b4 Waih
and improva th twroploitaii. Order
l yor dtuijUt
Ktta Bourne had been at work in a
millinery store in Itoston for nearly
two years. She and her older sister
Annie hud learned the trade with th
village milliner down in Kennebunk.
. lint Annie, who hud long been the
belle of the village, got married and
Ktta concluded to try her fortune in
She was full of ambition.
So it fell that, in ber two years in
the millinery store, she studied short
hand and typewriting, with the inten
tion of fitting herself to be a confiden
tial clerk. '
One Sunday she saw in the Globe
this advertisement:
17ob Kale Jout'8' Premier typewriter at
. half price : been used less than a month j
in perfect order. Address O 47, Globe
Etta Bourne being a Maine Yan
kee, knew a bargain when she saw it
She wanted to own her own type
writer, and so she wrote a brief, note
addressed to ') 47, Globe office."
asking whore the machine could be
seen, and dropped it into the letter
box as she went to work Monday
The clerk was sorting the replies
and patting them in their appropriate
boxes. When he came to Ftta
Bourne's letter to "O 47" he read it
J 41." and put it in the pigeon bole
as such.
That was a very, very little mis
take, of course; but you who have no
ticed how things go in this world of
ours have discovered that tbe most
serious changes in the course of our
livos como about from just such iittle
J? or it was that very day that Caut.
Sprowl advertisod his sextant for
sate. And Captain Sprowl was
"0 41."
Now. the tall captain was a verv
busy man, and it was late that after
noon before he went to the olico to
gather in the replies from peoplo
who were anxious to buy a sexluut.
But the sextant market w;u appar
ently rather dull fur all tho clock
could give him was one solitary let
ter. Tho captain tore the envelope
open and toed it upon the table.
"I saw your advertisement in the
Globe " read the captain. ! wish to
buy a good second band machine of
standard make and If the one you
offer Is in perfect repair and the price
satisfactory, perhaps we en trade.
Kut I cannot give more than fifty
dollars; and If you ask more you net'd
not reply to thU Send address
latlug where machine can he i"U, to
IL P. I ourne, 4,U Winter street."
"Well. " soliloijuUed the captain,
I've got on amsrer anyhow. Cut
what does a woman want of a nxtant
fur this isea tamly a woman's writ
log! Sh seems to bo In earnetl
though. And tli'ty dullsr' Con.
oitino! I iimvc exported l KCt Oiora
than tWDiity-iiva dollars. Well, shall
bar to iHtmu on buard, 1 suppo so
I'll aud hoi" my aUdrat. And stand
leg al the publio de.k h wrota;
It ti aim, li -Vwuia la rwy to a.tTrtla-
mmt m tint I ( I .1 luiul Pta
wi oin t inMU-d Ota Ui 14 a Ijhh.
stUuUdnal whrf. Uwa ton I tt.
t.iU hr.iaK t'si-'ata.
Th Mtt aftaraoott atxiut four a
trim Mute flgur walked rapldd over
h rou piasks of Coniliiullo
' It's a tr plta lo Bad awid.
kaal triurM thw-nht Km
UHta vit 1 sjfpoi th ti.a
ot tired of it or ooul !n't u It b.
cause the vetl pitched so or tutus
thing tike th:tu"
She saw tho gilt letters "Kdna
Dunn." A fat bald headed man with
a little gingham aprun on lo ikcd out
at the door of a box-like house in the
middle of the vessel
A broad plank extended from the
wharf acro-s the bulwarks. The
man in th apron came forward.
I wish to see C'apt. Sprowl' said
res. mim. Come right aboard,
mim, on that there plank, mim. The
captain's down in his cabin, ulira."
Ktta Bourn stepped hastily along
the plan t, and tbe stout cook, putting
his broad palms under her elbows,
lifted her HjrhMy to the deck.
"This way. mim." and he led her
around to the after companion way.
They went down the brass railed
stairs, and. as tbe cook knocked at
the door. Ktta noticed how sp:ck and
span everything looked. As a matter
of fact, the captain, in view of a
lady's visit, had kept the cook scour
ing tho wood and brass work all the
forenoon. '
"Captain, sir, a lady wishes to sea
Tbe captain, with half an hour'
. I fit a
worn in nit lour-in-nano. bowed re
i am Miss Bourne, " began Ktta;
"I came in response to your adver
tisement in th Globe about a"
"Yea ma'am." said the captain;
vjis is in place, win you talc a
As Ktta sank into an easy chair she
glanced about ber ia astonishment
She had no idea that those little low
houses on ship's deck were so com
fortable as this.
Here was a dainty Tittle sitting-
room, wun a ricn. sou carpet, a
hanging lamp of elaborate design.
huge, plush easy chairs and sofa, a
pretty rattan rocker and a tabla
strewn with tbe latest maarazines.
" "I beg your pardon." said the tall
captain, who had been looking
curiously at her; "but are you not
related to Miss Annie Bourn of"
Why. yes, indeed; she is my own
sister," answered Ktta, with anima
I used to go to school with her in
the old Brunswick academy years
ago; but I dldn t know she had a
On, yes! I went to the academy
myself, but it was after sh gradu
And was old Brown prlnoipal
when you were there?"
Prom this they went on for ten
minute; and each knew so many that
the other did that they soon became
old acquaintance
The captain at once noticed that
she was a remarkably neat and pleas
ant little woman, and Ktta Bourn
thought the captain a fin looking
man, tall and strong.
WelL Captain Sprowl, " said she.
finally. "I mustn't forgot what I cam
for. I believe you have a maohin
that you wish to sell?"
Why, yea ' said th captain.
wondering - what on earth this at
tractive young woman could want of
a sextant.
And how did you como to want to
ell it?" pursued she. wondering what
use the sea captain had for a typewriter.
Well the fact is." said the cap-
tala reddening a little, "I bought a
new one the other day, when I didn't
really need It, and of course I haven't
use for two. "And,'' continued ha
since turn aoout is lair play, 1 am
going to ask you what you want of
To earn a living with." said she.
The captain looked puzzled, as he
went into his stateroom to get the
sextant Ho had heard that women
were becoming the rivals of men in
almost every trade and profession,
and he vaguely wondered if Miss
Bourne was intending some time to
become CapL Bourne.
"WelL" said ha coming back and
holding the sextant out toward her,
here it is. The ivory on th scale is
little yellow, and the vernier plass
as a little crack across tbe outer
edge, but"
He stopped. Miss Bourne was hold
ing up her hands with ama'.ement
Whywhy what is thlsP" she
Why, It's a sextant" Bald the cap.
tain. "I thought you knew what
they looked like."
But there s some misunderstand.
ing here. I don't huve any use for a
sextant. It was a typewriter that I
undomtood you had to sell."
"A typewriter." said the captain.
astonished In turn. "Why. no.
Here's tho advertisement" and ha
ut tho paper In her hands.
ftow. as I have said. Ktta Bourn
as a Main Yankee; and In less than
ten seconds she had guessed how th
mistake w?i tunde.
Well, cow u said the captain, "I
thought It was awful funny, that a
woman should want to buy a sextant
Now you have disappointed ma I
don't sto how ( l;u going to cell it
unless I leave it at tho Instrument
maker's and let him get what he caa
for It"
Oiiily ono.igh. from title point this
iory runs along to naturally that yon
can tell It yourself.
The I .ill coptaln oeortd Mis
Bourn up tow called oo her two or
ihraa Utiia while he was l port cor
rviiifd w,m her whan he was
aed In thtq a year this
nu t apprd lo tao marriage col.
uua of tin l.louo;
. .U t Mu ti l ) f tfcsbrtUo't
1- r-H . t'.pt r;it It hirww tad
li t K li ur .
A.i mi my t"fj I dsn.Kdgtr
a's la llitM tu b
- T - - ,
- - ST i . : i & . k. 1 .
L tf
ft (
Blue Valley Feed Mill.
FoMltively th bet mill in ttrn market. Has
the luritmrt rapacity, the llhtt ruunlnK,
most durable, aud yet the mom Dimple In rou-
oirui nun. or cauiioKiie sua nrtces writ
Manhattan, Kaaiiaa.
riease ittpnt ion THS Al.!.! anc IfibUPiKniw-r
vara anxwertng aoove.
HATARRH have you
it in m nwin i uir
1l It Hut be iotivuK'-J. Voo
win nevrr re n ret It. Nntbyniall to
art-HH, rrit-e One Dollar. JOHN J
t lark fctrroi. Chicago, Illinois.
trf O ft ever description. Newfound-
IV VV3 W lnil, Mutiff. St. Hernarti,
mcviiutiiiu, uuu, rox, nyna Arotca lernrra,
Collies. Pup Snit-U, lkalr, Foxhound, Set
tcrs and Pointer: aiM Prrreta. IfaLeu f.i..
animala, feincy piiracMa, poultry. Send tump for
price liit. Live l-oxea wanted.
Herman Koaech, tlS Market lit., Ht. Lanla.
A new and Oompleta Treatment, onnilntlnt of Sni
pialhirUa, Olnteimt la Oaaaulm. aim la Box and Pill
reniiTe uure ror axumiai. Internal, liliart or Bleat
Harc4itory rila.anS
M la
ia itonine. ( amnio. Haunt er
niar.t at air dlnaw and (uuiale wm.Ii,mm. M la al
wT a Krmt bntwdt to the Rennral hoaltn. The Sm
iiHuma-y oi a BUKttoal oura rnnitartng an oaxratloii
with the knife nnnaonmrj heraHfuw. Thin remMly bar
never been known to fall. SI nor box t for av
bjmail. Whfanffor from thl terrll.U dianexe vhas
a writtrn tuu-antea Ut jNtaltlmlr jrlven with t boxaa,
ii noi eureo,
to refund themnnnf If
i. U uarHBt
IM. mA Mrant, 1 Ith and I nreeu. t,lnaln. Nan.
MM atnn I...
ira aamuia. uuaraaiee lamim DJ J. n. UarkiT. drua
That we, as manufacturer, can give
Quality at tliaTon, I'rtea at the Bottom.
lend for catalogue, llluatratlnff oor Chicago No,
linger, only t).7K, and the bluhttut (trade modun
tyle machine In the world forlHO.KA. if, dlirereni
vli.a mt InUrrnMllHlil nrlM. 1 .K M Ii: M It It: Ml
tVK aave you from one to three proflta. WK glvi
an aays tree trial, n K warrant erery maclilne II
leara. WM fsrnlnn tbe Inteat attaohmenu. WI
MTr ait opportunity to sucure atewlnn machlni
rilKK. Mention this paper. Addrem
Chleairo Hewlnor Machine Co,. Mnfn.
tS-M N. UaUteU Ht. Dept. AA1, Cbloa.o.m
Champion of Nebraska Tracks.
" tnner nf the IWwt beat and the faMet three Beau ever
fclre el Manaetia. 3 year old rword t; anxteiy. 3 rear
old rerard Z Jul. iire.heitt, lv-ar old record i j
trotted br etallioa in the Ci.i.
ear-old record t X3. Caeiph Jr , 4-vear
"te .lr Tlnc"l'"'- am ry br Menter Uur.: id dam Rrw,-!- r, v.- o v,
tan 10. liuelph baa bwn a cMitUtent r
nvmi ri nan size, at
it TV- i. " ,n "' ,u bur - barring accWenl
Llarolo, Neb., Uih aud O Sta.
n a cainpalfc-ner. and one of the game race iotim thL V-
--- " "i oeim win make the saaaoa aa
rvk-e fee fi. wlib tbe uaual return prlvlWe.
j:ve. dam of tiallleti Ke t.l. Mctiregor Wilkl'wU? by S.mbriL Su. .mT'
ldy Franklin (dam ,,f totta.tJlrt ai f nv V.! Jf.S5!lni '
a.... . . i . . - . . ... . m tiava aawi
. "L'"LZ.r"m.: " L"i lau M0"". ytr.ld record S:4a. bu. Hrnt colt and other, that
are enowlng erly eed. He te daeilxted loTuake as Kreat nk. uJ. h-T
t be aeaeon at Lincoln. Neb., at ft.un K J' hM- 1
Adcorrmuu.,,. V, lh" UnCOln"narn' enr- Dd 0 r caulogaa.
Cor. 24th and O Sts. A. T. TURMFY H inui iu i ajt.
-.- - - ttiv.mii, neo.
Lansing Theatre Building, Lincoln, Nebraska. v
a!C ' u. I. . 13- '
The flneatlloa of wheels In the west. A
large line of all xrad.-a and prices,
both new aud second hand, always
in stock liwt repair sbop weat of
Lblcago In cttuneciluu.
Good Agern Wanod. A"ply Ewly.
Frorn tbe Oaw to theDulfdlpg Direct.
Farmer Alliance Men Please take Notice.
Complete Bills for Houses and Barns a Specialty.
write us ror Delivered Prices.
H. 0. Ml SO
JOHneOff UUMMft CBOIWirANTi -oWO!OII.,llels, Ik
Good Horses tiring-Big Money. Poor Horses Bring No
Money. If Yeu Cannot Afford to Breed to
. Oood StalJiont, Don't Breed at All.
Wlib t. I I , ,i mm
wi-nce. nvrr an aran Dreeua; aweepaiaae price over aJure bread; S
h Tr lrt and I a eecou pnM m their claaaea,
in ahow yard, with aliare comnetition, beiiur
horc uiuat be auld within the next aixty day at term lo euit tn purchaaer.
1'h alwv record waa
ahow yard, with ahare competition, being largely at Bute Kiln. Tbeae
Branch Barns, Lincoln, Neb.
Beatrloe. Neb.
Cambridge, Furnas County, Nebraska.
8hlrc,'Cljde, TercberoD, Itelglan,
tjrrman, and Oldenberff Ceack, French Coach
rrkshlre Coach , and Clereland Baj Htallloxa
We Handle More Horses Than Any Firm in Nebraska.
We import onr own bone tbui earing the ctintomor tbe middle man's profit. Barer
have the tdrtntaiie of otmparlaf til breeds side by side tt oar stable.
We Have 40 Good Toting Acclimated Horses on Hand.
a o Importation of 40 arrived October 1, We ruartnlee til oar hone to be sound la
every rnapect. We make farmers com panto t specialty, hating a system whereby we
can organize companies tud Insure absolute snoot.
We Will Send a Man to Any Part of the State,
On application to tailst In enttnlsing oomptolet. Wt give long Bra that tntbllog nor
chaahert to pay for hones fnim survlcet. Correspoodenoe promptly answered. Men
(ion this paper. Adtrets,
W. J. WROUGHTON & 00., Cambridge, Nob.
-H- HA
I J'nWonlrtsrSlAla
: "V pull an ordinarA
F- in nil i wj- fiy M.kM.
'twe Aereaat a alttlec. a o. a dor aad kwMMa.p.r-
i memwj vim, or rwtm 10 nmsai.. i n .rop oa a f.w
nrtui po.i u ,.r for
Mr., ui. am ;w will .T ft tlM MmbIm,
IllatUaMd CUfawat. nrtM. torn,..
luformuloa toaMtalni .ur 1XL drabber. AddreM Uasorr,,
Makes sales la Nebreika tad ther states. Best
or rerersnces. rourteea y ars eiperlenc.
Ftine resaeuable, correspond cctsoilclleU to(i
wunraoiioa Kuaraateea
Irv malt.
arat.rinae ilruaeUt. or wmt bv mall en
I Tubli-ta, and tiikonentbers.
II f l,l.f Ml tAn I U V it V UO I. ft 1 amete
Mill iMiiiiplcli'ly diDtniy Hi iimm- lor I utiacx
In any I'orm in from S to ilaya ferlwjilr
hnrinleHH, caune no alckiirMi, and may be
given In a cup ut tea or (MnV, without tne
fiowlw)Knf tbe naiimtl.ik'OM aill vuluntartlf
Stop Wmoklng or ('IumvIhk In a Itw Ueya,
A.UIor llll.lH
ftt.A.'l. end S5 Opera llloi k. LIMA,
lBrtloulara free) THE OHIO ll KMK'AL f'O.
Feed &d Hay Dealers.
Corn In car lots for feeders a sneRlslty,
turns. Kefer to Mlseourl National Bank.
12 th $ Hickory Sis,, Kan tat Citu, .Vo,
Contlgnmentt solicited. Oood sales. Prompt rt-
J. E. JOIINSOV, Mtntger.
State Agent quotes prices on the following goods.
Jerusalem Corn, Yellow and Whit
Mllo Maizo, lilaclc and Wtiito Hulled
IJarley, Urown Dhoura, Onion Sets all
prown in ISiC tor prices addiess, Mc
IjKTlI & KINNISON, Garden City,
H rile to
Hrt. nvllU, Nob.
M 1 1 - Van. ,
lh a;i4 ti'tiftl r-l !)
i Von laa arii- ti 4l it In ru oi
" t (liuhltt l.,t r4 rtee Ui
Ittji if i l,t i' bat la t"M on
4 . it is a m e t ( aaetoi,"
VSt Your Buildings
J plac 9n Boeflna
TOldll 4 Dt'KAULti Kslhcr.
likl l'R(H)' a abfatas, WATI R
rW(H)l' n rubber, nj at prktt with.
In the rcath tl every one. I Sit oa by
anybody and good In any climate.
11 He4 Ittaoai
a wtlk fUaarjet , ISflMUI.
4isrtl I.T l4tIT,alt faltf fauraatee4.
bwi a4 tteal wlat taalat ta4
Mltaak mh4 lae l aaaatilet. Cetera
4 Ola iattt la tuaaufaoterer.-.
w. k. vaiirH Muwrts urn in,
laaaaae lll M
A good common flour at 00 eta. per 100.
White Rose flour at 11,50 per 100.
Stiver Leaf " " 1.75 " "
Prime Brow Sugar M.00 per 100.
Best Granulated Sugar 15.65 per 100.
Fine Uncolored Japan Tea 25o per lb.
ii ii i i j2Jo " "
Good Coffee 20o per lb.
A full line of Spices, Peppor, Cinna
mon, Cloves, Ginger, Mustard, Al
spice, etc., at 20o wr lb.
One gallon best coal oil with glass cai
40 cents.
Soda i and Butter cracker 6c per lb. la
40 Grain vinegar in lugs, 25c per gal.
Lemoa extract 2 oz. bottles 60a pr dot
Vanilla " 65o M
Finest full cream Y A cheese 12ic lb,
A good Overall for only 60o.
An extra good overall for 65,
Rockford half hose 75o per dos.
" " " best made 11.06 a dot
Writ for anything you eat or wear.
J. W. HARTLEY, 8tae ArI.. 241 1. fltb 81., Line). Nab
and all ether Sla.ates f tbe R.ctam cured by Dre. Thorntoa eV Minor, Kane
City, Mo., without knife, llirature or rutira-nn monejr w be pad! until patient I eureJ. We
Iq tbe end you wtll dnt them eipa
inr rin'mr r r iiiaT oamea m niimirwia ami nave awen rtirvu o ua ana
tlau tuse t 'UillT of lilMaaea of Wmiteu an4 Ulneaeea of th. kiu. lleware of all Uitetnre
bo want any tMri of ibetr fee in t
vaiue, eu t nla
alve luxuries. Semt
bow t avolil abaritr aul Ui'k o.n.a
Dr. McClellan & Co.,
Stwlat (ienili Kltren ta lb. treatment of f ! aa4 ttiriHite iteaaa of the aiMiik.
Dim. ihn. ami liuiut We ! hae a rll al cure urrb lu all lurtaa Ihtfuwa
ai.eiy I'llee r luinorrtiol'ta rlaure suit tk tlwj of the re'uiii ISwItUeir rur4 lib.
nut the ue ul kutfarau! HSOure. All toriiiauf ii.4eul M la) til of )U
re Httit voly ami ai ii. i.i . i ure4 'ir fiiriiior IiiIih u,ii.iu vi ua or M-iiaea,
M Jamea H.Kel. ti rmtie 11 t J. f MoOlCvL , M O . Kae t It, Ho,
Doct or .Pra nois & Co.,
ftuccttora to Oft, IPINNKY A C
Kersatt. hle an I ivttale 4iaaetut ataa tn4 ute efuil trt4. Tons. a
ultwriut Ifuia -li'tiMi at . I (! bi are , it,4 ana telfw JuiUi)', a
4 aiaMf, aeWHlw; at ut pritaie Hii4 bate Sa4 ata4y tart.
Mlddlo Aged Mon.
There tuae iit'tt .m n il ttertviaiuet f tb kla4ilr. aa t tf a
'ibt Kuattib ki katkt' t eua'lMa a4 aaaiealits ta ! la a Mtaaae ia aaiieal e taet
aiunt tur i a 4wiu, e ii t-m e . 4 in ( 'tl.a H a4 loas
te.wiMNi aN4 a aull Jleet re . ital be tberwal a4ieaW M 4
tbl t b 4 taiiftti au I i-i" ttaatwat taa ani n ,tetr
oitieit itMt tiet-a ft'ai b io i farvt ue lion lM tm t4 uawur, M. h.i ii1
HiiiS ' u tmn, I e l a I -I It uattM ente I e ail f.awaty ti ,v4
4f . Kmi .i .aMtiia Ilea. Maiaa uaM 444 lit riata.
tltllawMtHl), Ma. Sm ue ttia fr nif