THE ALLlASUK-mKrENJENT. APRIL 13. 18P& mo x llkj Cases of the Ann Arbor Engineers Pis cussed at Washington. "WHAT EUPEEME CODET WILL DO It it Thought the Finding of Judges Rtcka and Taft Will Be Sustained-Or-ganiiei Labor's Oaly Recourse is Ar bitration if The Other Fellow Will Arbitrate. There has been much comment in Washington upon the decisions of Judges Taft and Ricks of the United Btatea courts In the locomotive engineers' cases at To ledo Involving the handling of freight on the Ann Arbor railroad. The sharped possible interest is always taken here in such Issues as that one, and It Is natural. The decisions which are regarded the most Important ever rendered in the labor line were bawd upon laws passed by congress, and there Is ever agitation upon the question of amending these laws; be tide, it is conceded that the questions in volved will came here to the supreme court of the United States. Senator Culloru of Illinois, the author of the interstate c romorce laws, or tke principal one who obstructed them, will not enter luto a criticism Of the views takeu by Judges Taft and Kicks, but in prlyate conversation he Is quoted as say Jog that the decUions will, lu his Judg ment, be sustained by the highest court In tna land. It is the belief ot the friends of the engineers here that it would be better not to'carry the rate up here, as the decision below will be promptly sus tained, and it will add but another blow to organized labor. In the adoption of amendments to the Interstate commerce law it seems there has been given no roepect to the labor questions involved. Yet the third sec tion of the interstate commerce act, which provldos against "undue prefer nee" or "discrimination," which formed the principal bat Is for the decisions against labor, set up what may prove the death tlow to the boycott and the pro blbltlon of Individual action upon the part of laborers In times of strikes w hich are ordered by the brotherhood. When congress put Into law the "unreason able preference" or "advantage" clause In section 8 It had In mind small shippers and weak transportation companies; it desired only to place every blpper and carrier upon an equal foot ing. This was really the object the farm era had in view when they mide their original demand for the Interstate com meres act. The framers of the law builded stronger than they knew. They made It not only .' possible, but the duty, of the federal courts to decide, as they have, that it Is a misdemeanor, punisha ble by $5,000 fine or Imprlbonment, for employes to carry freight to a ceitain point and then refuse to handle It, as they have glvenjone road an "undue" or "unreasonable preference". In acting for one line and refusing to act for another. It has been Insinuated that this clause was placed in the law by shrewd railroad attorneys who had in view Just such emer gencies as have arisen at Toledo; but I am assured by Senator Cullum that this Is untrue. The phraseology of the clause was the result of a compromise, and was practically dictated by the small shippers who knew and cared nothing for the labor questions which might arise under the law as a whole. In fact, the labor ques tion never entered the minds of those who really drew the act which Is now law. It seems an accident that in apply ing a remedy against monopoly a law should be.framed which would tend to strike down the interests of organized labor. In congressional and the highest court rtmlea hern, It is foolievei that the boycott Is practically a thing -f the past, and that arbitration of all disputes la the only solution of the situation. An arbitra tion bill will come forward again wlicn congress meets nest fall or winter. It lsdilU')ultWp"B any arbitration luw which will be effective, as voluntary ac quiescence Is ntxesnary upon slJec, and the one getting the wont end ot the bargain in each specific can would be In clined t re if I the law anil kick back ward. The action of the courts lu the ll oiliest-ml case; the decisions of J udge Baker at Indlanapulis lu the Ltvke Krie and Western strike cam at MumUt r cently, and finally the decisions at To ledo, leaves open but one recourse short of revolution, it U believed bertand thtt is abltra'Uut, for th comblne-l dvM o of th federal courts amount to tills; That It Wat rluia to force union men or ValV t. ipxit work under any jrtiit;l; to li wji rUf" I property rcfu to hand freight or ths mail, or to injure the ! t it)lrnl or tUt rpry by either rf using to work w hen . in the ewplr f tutrrut fott4 or prac ity permit other t aura., The boycott tits Un detSsred unlawful, Wbm emigres and ko tu rin court Of tt l'ltd htt Wk tip th de t!ks tt Wtb! ak SVlM recouti t there t the Ut'ff but rlitraUr an aroltMlUa Uw will be attempt J with ir at tas tU sewloa coagreM, sad sine the sitr ft It U bow rel it will jn.barJy Ha4o(ted, VIa arMtra'loa m at trtnpiej la and hut years ago ia ( r ihju of these dtastie dft'Uluni bad LATE LABOR ULII01U been rend-rwl. Only the superficial por tlons ot the lntfrctat" totiimerce law were tested. The whole question has n-w ben lifted out of politic Into the high hands of the federal judiciary under a permanent law, and It Is cold-blooded bu-iness and not sentiment. There Is not the least question &s to what the supreme court or the Lnitea States will do with these proponitions, these decisions, when they come hare from the district and circuit courts, lney wl be affirmed, with pot-sibly one or two dissenting or modified opinions, then there will be quiet submission to the will of the law, for labor 1 always submissive when it sees the will of the people and stands in the face of law and order. I got it ludirectlv from a member of the supreme court that thould this ques tion at Toledo come before the court here a decision will be rendered which w ill cover quite all of the questions heretofore decided by the lower courts unlor the Interstate act; that it will be a blanket decision and will put at rest affirmatively the accepted fact that the interstate act is constitutional. It Is suggested, In the Interest of labor, that for this reason it will be better that the decisions at Toledo Bre accepted as sufllclent and attention be turned to arbi tration as the most successful means of reaching conclusions In labor disputes. There is no objection to the present or ganization of labor, so far as the court here is concerned. It Is simply regarded as unfortunate for labor that the exigen ces of times bavo driven the organiza tions of labor into such straits as to re quire the extreme steps which have been taken. All demonstrations of force, either upon the part of the corporations or labor, are here looked upon as most unfortunate, both for labor and capital. AMONG OUR EXCHANGES. Some of our republican exchanges are speculating upon Sunator Mander son's probable successor. It is some time In advance, but we want to ay right now that Senator Mandersmrs successor will be a populist. Holt Co. Independent. Senator Allen of Nebraska, wears his honors gracefully and is already be coming a favorite. His frank open manner and evident desire to do right seem to impress everyone who comes In contact with him favorably. Nation al Watchman. J. Sterling Mortou's political biography Born 1832; graduated at law echool 1852; defeated for Nebraska legislature 1850; defeated for congress 1800; defeated for governor 1806; defeated for governor 1880:sdefeated for governor 1884; de feated for concress 1888; defeated for governor 1892: picked up by Cleveland 1803 Mlndon Workman. The people's party stands forth today as the only champion of the rights of the poor. Wall Street democracy and Wall Street republicanism are synono mouB terms and beth mean goldbuglsm. All the millionaires are in the other Dartlos. The people's party is com posed of the poor. They represent the interests of labor. The others labor for the establishment of an imperialism of capital and have joined hands with the ment ot labor. Free Press, Winlield, Kansaa. People mav say what they please but the populists of the present legislature have done more real eoou tor tne state of Nebraska than any party or parties have done for the past ten years, iney have fought stubbornly for principle and right, against booulers and corpo ration caoDers have irot a black: eye every time. The Newberry bill fight was enough elorv in itself for ono term The selection of Senator Allen was also a irreat victory for them; In I ict victory has been oerched upon their banner from betrlnnine to end. Long1 live the new movement of reform, and may it crow end expand and reach to the Nat innal Capital four years hence. The Express, Crtte. PtrASANTRtES. "And the colonel shot him on sight?" He did." "What was the trouble?" 'NoUiiu'; Just makin' a reoordl" Itr.m'giant Inspector Yon." nation ality, ploase. ' Immigrant Oirish. Im migrant Inspector What is your occu pation? Iuiinlgraut O'lni Frlnoh nurse. Clergyman, examining a Sunday school clans Now, can any ot you UU sne what are ains of omission. Small 6cholar 1'lease, air, they're alns yo ought to have committed and haven 1 Tenant Our houae la la a frightful condition, Mr. Quarterday. Ousofthe walla has bulged out tureo or four baches. Landlord -Ual Then the houae ia larger, and 1 shall have to rabe your rent UutUndLt t me have I J, roy dean I aiu going to Mueller's funeral Wife-Ail right, but I don't see why you need speud so much tuoney la grieving for a man whom you kasw only very allMlr. First Lilt; (iirl-Oh. I've got just the lkel t doll you ever saw, aud I'm eo hapny with It' I doa't kauw What to da ttevwud Utt!e lUrl- lsit big? l irst Little lib I It sM big It tuuat breaks any bee it to carry Ik Cob Jalsp Thai bird deg- eoat ma WW, m 1 ve got to g rid of Ilia. I'nvU KMWai' de tttsr M del yer Wf IWnol Juttp-ll kll flghUir a s ku kens and Wiugs thsw bome. I '! MvWal yw' t Wwa y" Uke ftr dat yr pura, M Colonel? Ll'tla ltobWI oaa f al my kat aad ta father, ruUlng. I raa'l fad mtn, eitksr, I doa t whsl jroar toothir does with thiaa kl roue out, atl there i aetUUg for e U do b-it hunt Ull s tlad'eit, ec stay la. Utile ItobVf, after Ung Uaugkt ll a l'k n Xb M ra. miiKF ni;vm on:.s. Interesting Items Gleaned from People's Party Kxchangea. The number of locomotive s in use on American railways Is 32, 1 U.'i. The Unitdd States contain more than 1,700 distinct and sepante railways. The government of Colorado favors compulsory arbitration in labor troub les. The Georgia Populitt is the name of new reform paper lately issued at Jug Town, Georgia. It ia ettimated thatof the entire human race, 250,0uO,000, or about oue-fifth, go entirely without clothing. The convict miners at Coal Creek, Tenn., have been found by the Legis lative Committee to be disea-sed and starving. From Anril to December. 1892, the Paris Labor Exchange provided situa tions for 10,389 workmen in twenty- four trades. The United Mine-workers of North America propose to make a general de mand for an advance in the price of mining on'Mayl. It is aid that when a bank fails In China it is the custom to cut off the heads of theoffendintr bank omcer as an example to others not to do likewise Performances at theatres of ancient Greece sometimes lasted twelve hours. Seven o'clock In the morning was the time for the rising of the curtain, so to speak. Franceville, one of the now Bebridei slands, is fakl to be the smallefcl re- nubile in the world. Its population comprises forty whites and about five undred negroes. Th mavor of Detroit. Mich- after a caretul in vestiga' ion declares that cities which own and operate tnelr own elec tric lights do so at one half the cost of plants operated by private companies. One million and a half men work in the coal mines of the world. Of these, Eng'and has 635,000; United Hiates, 100,000; Germany, 235,100; Uelglum, 100.000: - Hubs! a. 44,000- The worlds miners of metals number 4,000,000. The mines in the northern portion of Michigan producing liosfcemer iron ore have entered Into a comDinanfn ior keeping up the prices of ore. The com bine is said to be strong enough to dic tate terms to the furnace owners. Durinr the last compalgn Tom Yoe, of the Independence (Kas) Tribune was very bitter In his denunciation oi Mrs. Leate. Now he is a member of the same state board and Mrs- Lease is the chairman. This is adding inBUlt to in jury. The legislature of the young state of Washington has passed a bill making It unlawful for anyone to manufacture, buv. sell, .eive away, or have in his possession cigarettes of cigarette pa pers. 1DJ8 is sumptuary legis-auou with a vengence. The art of making needles was kept secret until about 1650. when it was taught to the English by Christopher Greening. Now English needles are sold all over the world. At ltedditcb alone 20 000 people make more than 100,000.000 a year. When a California girl goes east peo ple are sure to hear about her. One stopped in Chicago recently and in the mere etrort to curl ner nair eneciuauy set the blggeBt hotel in the place on fire. This is a little expensive, dui keeps the record good. The few Populists in the Texas legis lature are making a noble fight, a first class record. They are positively lly lmr uo to the state platform, and thus will it be remonstrated to Texans that when in the future the Teople's party promulgates a platform they will be understooa to mean juoi wnai mey.say It isn't true that Chicago Is thinking of accepting an opening day exposition ode beginning: la fourtf en hundred and alnty-two I'lilnmbiiH railed the ocean blue. Else we wouldn't be hpre, and neither would you. Too-roo-1 a- loo-ra-loo-ra-I oo. Tom Watson says in his paper of Mar. 31: 1 think it only fair to notify the people that I will make no speeches till summer. My private business demands my attention, because it nas oeen neg looted for two vears. I also need rest and recuperation. When summer comes I will taka the field and cauvass the state. Until then I shall beg my friends to excuse mo. The Minnesota Bureau of Labor Sta tlstlcs Is noted as one of the best con duotcd and most impartial governmen tal Institutions I Us kind in tins country. L. G rowcrs,its director, has just lwued an annual report. 1 10 pages of which are given to a review oi tne financial system and standing, tno mode of organization, the achievement and the conditions of every Important National and International TraUo Union o! the country. OURIOU3 PICKINGS. A Ssw York cltjr shoemaker dUolaya a sign whlvli reads aa follows: "Squeaks taken out ot a hoe a." Of 11-1,391 raeruita reeetved Into th Oermun army an. ,nay rooentljr onlj 124 eouUl not read or writ. Horeu American president ha v died la tha month of Jut and la that month Uartlald recehtd hla fatal wound. A snow white cpoajiiita, rara al wen of ths'poaamu tt tl, hat U-en prs sented to the Cst'al mi k (New Yk) ntenaerla. A new shot for men which will h rW ly 1m tutrviduced baa a ttp 11U aa "ar ti.', and fastens with tn alnjfia instjt l-u Vie New saiaal streams were atv V1 with trtiat and aal tioa twealjr jrer Sk Now o day rditnarjr wo.W vl an any Ire I I h (H-unds vf txanl, last. t vf I Neaiaa ai, lat lt at -'M aa ttvad luMt thai ia at ) Viaj H u ii-i-n la a aallMkita Ilea a a Mtwtlaf ltn. Ot rallal aiai las r4 aa tarai feiir Uit uaJiitin4 lsl M aa4 HUH itaitus iUm ttat aaf aa iNniliMtoian t- VU Haia fcU aai reaaa ths la sMhta H tha a vesa. 4 WHY FT PIXLtrt iFurnr i &-xeft 7C ! kUrawtfHUfvrMOT.SvlrM E I J ,ri. .im Hl M' L wm.. . torMt. mbtbtt au4 Pf t'.mf Wl ib. IM MrlM 4 wJ mftmtM I .1 Vl L J I tKA . fa. Ma m fa.. 7 A f-J. aa4 wn wijmm m4 yww mis OXFORD MFG. CO.. 340 Wabath A., Chicago, Ml. i -Al SOUVENIR or WORLD'S FAIR. THE IT j . 1 lUUJlUll f Y rname JF' iu tn ? D. H smvDtatuja. ilardiat nriMf. r tKxi lioeal Atlanta Vtmitcd. tD. HILL, Evrgren Specialist. AMERICAN ROOFING CO. Largest Manufacturer in tne U. 8. Sheet Iron Building flaterial RlillMK. ( liin(r, KooDnira. Miutti-m. Itiiltntloo Untk nr W.-mlierNnlliiK.(iuiti r. Iiowihikhiii. eic for prr cent. dlx:uuiit, mem tlon lkl iMrr. 8t. Louis. Cincinnati. THE B0SS5PRAYER For spraying fruit trees and vines. Send for catalogue and price list to CURTIS & HUBBELL. 1SOA Ho seth Ht., I lucolK, eb. "OUR RELIABLE INCUBATOR" Will lie In constant oneratlon at the World's Columbian Exposition, llio most practical machine ever oIK-ri-d the poultry fraternity. Hi-ikI 4: Htanips for descriptive catalogue. IT WIIX PAY YOU. "40" Yardsof liiKh Class Poultry, "40" Illustrated poultry cataloKue fms: lleliabl locubafop & Brooder Co., QUINCY, ILLINOIS. DUEBER SILVERINE FREE- M IuLiulMiallrtriri -y rir or ihw tiiih oi t ; M wltb your lull ; svidrrM, ftud mil vua ciu tt UiCnt rltbijr 1, man Hi u chm by i pra tw tssWil In. It al Hit ana ir yuq thlttli U Lar- U any 16.UQ rvr MWtfay prfr,i,aii4 irea and It to ours, Willi lh tub we wad ywiiunuit til cM and lit yarff fur tiw mo ui( aiMtour until mrftiitvt thaty tura th aU;h at atlaatrWrv. and It vmi win riH .no mt In: WrinlimctMiribililmitiimpl'fi l or uaua n aai. ot tts wa irinle rH ceo. tlUT!0NAlPFB.A.IIWP0f 334 Darbornt.t Cmcasot 1 r i-,1Vi' Vrr rrtz?i 12th and Farnam ats. Waut 100 Farmer Agents Iq Nebraska For 1M)3. The inOkt CO plete line o wooti ami nwi mimpiHK Kt-airil ills uiiil tti-arc.l mill tairil (lis anil aeiire.l mm Psr f,fi-- mcl.,..rrv 11. m" V" IfV f LY iw mill muchiiiim thu iimi U"J' A-.ttif I B itmt Itiw Auritta 'inl who h brt-ii 1 eimmit-iit rrii'-ni mill 111 kii.iwn U I t tilt Me, If vu or any ot mi - -Tr. a I'.i , M lurlr. Ill: t .11 IfruuliHC '"' I"' h i Aiiu u hril if f .tttiw mHl t 1 hc i, ll t4inl il. aiiw ? " - n' . 1 i, m-l ll I Kt M tt tHtt I - t iiwy I i n S""l " '''"Jlt, s bdfaK.t. tilt htHir l n nine-1 h viii.iil 11 lor a. wrung . UlhU WtiHl, Mr. IliU.i liku h iitii MA lsi talc. h Iim 11 t ii 1 4Mfl, fclMW IHl.l, oil t V , ':f Ill k I'tVK I fHh I H llt i MmMmih ll- -n Ml 0C I 'I t I lift I,,. Hi 1 ,t ,,.!, . . , M,- ' nh t. Mr. t't4 ,,l,i vtv it tili iit llnn Hf ' lui. J 'iv nor r, iu vi U. I'M., t ..u.l. 11 r, I ! 11 ,., Qootlhuo Englno Co. M Chat! ,111. Farmers anoThreshePiMB tl-ini r I 111 lh I !! iMprao r H t .. , V W hM-a t. mfmm' 1 4 .4 1", " I . 0.000 X . ' "'iF-V ,mM.m'4 ; M M iCINI It t-l ra I ta I l Sfd ; full ibl un-tu n ..l Ik Im. f I uM l tuh , ik m Z'm S lj riant ma terifrioB from bit nurar? in 1 a 4 niemorr of IBs great occaxion, sJlv FREEtotwchuf luycuMuaien. Omi P f ."y lu mulum trees or unnd-Uraulu nl i- tiia".c -r 4k. ti4-3W j SOLID VJ O (S3 I I HI n U 1 ifSit - u W W ii . 11 a 2 MKLUa, 1;. U-a, aK yaIi()Mt HUlt-i ' ttl.i.r.t.r.. iiaiiuittL ivlUilirainiinin bMl lor Tounir men aid women wbodriire to I.liow e-imuii-rfUI purxuita. or lhto I learu ttrioiiiianil.iym-w iimtr. tru-tfrapnj. fie. i rrcuuTUi:c euiicll-J. CaUtivtftt T drew lesutons in unortnana y wau ireo. KATIOV4L. Bl!MKKS8 ('' I.fcGB. V. M. A. H'.dr.. KaiihMB Icy. Mo. Send for k wiiil Tiug ana uiumer ner. FRUIT TREES AND PLANTS! Korest Tre PeedliriRB all va rletlw Kel f car elc. Before orUi-r.iig tlxwherp. wriie for my Pri e LUim and Hve iM.-uejr. .-ddren ceo. u. Maniora, MiikaiKJa, Ja.kuii Co., 111. BXCELRIOB H(iMK BAKER AVT) ROASTEB rif-ne Ken nine without brass iittlnira) our latest Improved style, Is a aolld rnaUe, has deep Hantre stronKhut hlKh Krate.and closes perfectly tlht saves 33 per cent nutritions elements. Full ite-tu-rtpMve circular on application. A'JENTS WAN I EI) in every comity in ths V. S. Ad dress. CHARGES SCHULTUCISS, 40 N. Main St., Council bluffs, Iowa. BTEfX WONOEK Fence Mitt-Mild. Powerful, durable, cany, rapid. Weava ftu ft rodpor day, t troop:, MUick-prtxif fenf from ulatu, n o 1 e b u i a p r 1 c p, fri-iKht paid dimit from factory For olroulan addretiH, Gohhkit Fkncm Machisb Co , jHhu( Jud. PATRONIZE The Only Line Under One Management -FKOM Lincoln to 1'olutg OAKKS FHRMONT AHKKDREX OMAlU 1 I K l K K HAHTINOS IMKOV HlPKKIOIt LINCOLN Helaw. BIOOXCTTY HHKl.lMtN IEH MONIRS MAKSIILT'WN HOONB CMNTOW MILWAUKEE O-KO-SH KAU CI, A IKE MISNE'P'LS OWaTO'NA w IfiUMA M madjhon feT. i'AUJ. Cjiicaoo MARSHALL lit'irllrfTu FHE"H)KT K A SOT A JJli K HILLO AL'KOKA MAKQ'ITE Wvntim K 1.0 IN tscANABA V YOMING DixoN Fast Trains to Chicago and St. Paul. Clous Conn kctions roa Aix Foikts. BEST EQUIPMENTS -LOW KWT KATK8 A. B. Fif.iiao, W. M, Hhipmah, City T ht. Agt. Gen'l. At. Ufllee 1133 O 8t-I)-pot ( or. 8 d Sth 8t, LINCOLN. NEB. imijm 11 j.. j,.ni,x-.uijJ.JHJ-U.JlJ-iii--Ji-i I CHEAP FARM LANDS 100,000 Acrei Just Put Upon the Market ! 1 SOLD OH Small Cash Payments AND 5 to 20 Years Time. For map of Nebraska and further particulars, call on or address, TAPLET0N LAND COMPANY, 444 BEE 111 ILDIMi, OMAHA, NEB. M. 13. IIINKLKV, GENERAL NURSERYMAN, aiarcoH, Iowa. The bent of the new fruits, ornamental and everKreetiH. nij mipply of the 11 L, AUK 1LL PKUCK. the best evergreen yet. It win con vim notlilnir to let me tirlce vour needH. Kx jienmi-ntai atation at tne state uorvicuuuriti society in connection witn tne nursery, vor reHpond, SatlMlactlou guaranteed. UICC SAYS SHE CANNOT SEE HOW IIITL YOU DO IT FOR THE MONEY f 10 Hay it S6.UUlBpr.T0irsr4Hln.r y I Ito.lai k..Uin.: (.tlM wotkmi. mi.bM, ftMlv inUkad, wltpwd ! lick fcnd b..r .ork. wild ohii.u Ml af U. Uimi Narv,d .tuchmciitl FRKIC. Hwb BMukln la ruArmntMd lof ft ,wfa, lluf ril frw iir f,-u,rf, .i d .. il.ftl.ra tn. tcmla iiMb run. iii.ufl rutf AlAluutjl, OXFORD MFQ. CO., OEPT. 'Z,i Chicago, III ROOT'S REPAIRING OUTFIT, Conatatlnx uf I ron Ll ami iiiuvr iihii. anu nm-t-rliUi,tina)ilvii 11110 toilu lilHUWIIllAlJr-WM.IVOKIiil ll HIT, SlIIlM, mill HlINUKH riairiuir. Any Imy rail BMP It In iua. 1 mi v.v.rfi.t, 11... Ili-allilH IV ft Miri .a,6 tn. fVtm.avr.t py mail. HFRAHHfor t tnrr in a?; lu if r iiicinttntc pilj ur W .11111 , LMStt IV lirtor. II a stunt ha 111 villi 1 : r . o. atii-h 1 tit . 1l c. (Hlu.r iftitMU In Mtim-r (vmsiti. H"i H fMt IfeiAki ai itaua-Si . U kir o 1U. 11 MITM TiMtLA- !ltt't V i.tKtnur-nrr w-m ROOT BROS., MEDINA. OHIO. 1 EABItt STOVE DEUEPj II. J. Hall & Bro. 3t OH. t.lm-oln.Nrb. Monarch Stoves, Banner Ranges. Thatcher Furraces. ft ..I I I, . . I .J l"lf I ..,! I ., y J J f 0fff,m ia--- '-unr'iLiii f 1 liawwl alt tiMt, tiltttsr JaHl mm j Hastings Importing Co. IBPOBTKll A SO BBEEDBBS OF Percheron and French Coach HOpSES. Prize Winners of 'gi-'ga If nnn a visit to our bora too do not find our corse strictly first class In every particular, we will pay ttio expense of the trip. Every horse iruaranteed a Bret class- foal Keller, vv 111 (rive punhawrn as liberal, terms as any other linn In the business. BEKG & Mc LELLAN, Hastings, Neb. FURNAS : COUNTY : HERO. BiiBtrk HOgS ',.1 Cattle. My breeders are first class. All' giihranteed as represented. Prloea reasonable. A few choice fall pigs left, Orders booked for early spring pigs. H. S. Williamson, Beaver City, ... Nib. KINGSUND & DOUGLAS MFG. CO . - ST. IAtUlM, MO. THRESHERS. CbHtiIm) for rant Tmk lag, Koparatiag aaa 4 l.mulnc. Traction Engines Eif els ia all Polat that fo to make ap a farfcer falllas aaU Worfclaf Kaglaa. tmiforCoXaloiif a : RIPANS TABULUS REGULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. KIPANS TAUl I.KH Sra th bt M.dl. clna known fur lHdl(tluu, ltllluuHie, llvadai lie, CuBallpatluu, Uyaaraa, taranla 1lverTrvublM, Wlaalnaui, Katf L'aaipl.xlaa, U) arnterjr, Wttriulia llri-atk, and all Sla. rdera al' ilia fclwaiut-S, I.lvvr and ltawala. ltipan. Tnlmlca cnntAin uotblnir Injurlini to thn muni di-lMiMin roiiMtii iitlnn. Are ilitMtut to take, wifi, i-irm-tiuil. uml iflve Irnmi-dml. rutlf. I'ri? lit m -ft vial-). ?rn-i.nti 1'ai-knv. it Imix-), $2. May tie nrili-n-fl throiikrh ncariwt iIi-ukkIw, ur by mall. Suuiple friu by mall. Addru. THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., ID BMU't R STREET. KKW tOHK CITY. SOUTHWESTERN STAMP WORKS; 1326 Grand ave.,KaHnnCltr, Mo. BE HAPPY WHILE YOU LIVE, FOR fOU WILL BE A LONG TIME DEAD. T b Happy buy HANDY STEEL MILL With Graphite Boxea. Never need Oil. 1 tin lliimlv hteel Tower toa-t (ornrrt-il Tower, and the Htninmut and tx-Ht In tbe mark'-t. Will tie aeriton 30 ln a Tent Ti-iul, and If not entirely wiiislni tory can lie riturtil to on, ami VV K W ll.l, I A KKI' lt.llTIMITIl WAYS. We alao manufacture tbe old ltcllable ChallviiKH, U. K. l'eerltna and DiUfty Wind Mills, I'umiw, fyllndera Tauaa, f vui wma, corn htiellera, 110m 1'uwern, sc 1 Challenge Wind Mill & Feed Mill Co, Batavia, Kane go., III. W. C. T. U. DINING HALL, 138 S 12th St., Lincoln. MBALS25C First class table and attendance. Lunches all hours. 80tf ""iV'rC-fxii ir ' ' iiji erC- . IWCU.tWTtOWITHTHPOrOtWtCMyOtTMItCOWITK,;,-., ". 1 1 MUCH VLUBLE INFORMATION f R0H h STUDY Of THIS W OF w ait 3lU!ttiM&FaEili5ll,v Ttwrt Rout and from miraM UfH e 11 la mi, i-avrxtvar. pia jioisls, tuiMiu tilltS, UMAIU. MMtiLX, WAJEUtoWy, ;i't s rii. MiNMK4tfiua. sr. ran, r jm h. nuiDi, it tuxiti mil. ka.a aw, t nraa, i ..vnt, (uLtuuiMj iu:it. 4 ll I Ml a Ir Kwllni4 t'hi t r tt tbi ili Ai.(X t At l'W tl.l. Ill 1tU13.y 4 : l.S HIT, o.l fU. !mii t U.mb tuttAtiii, jviatu i uuiuii. v $3L!3 YISTIS'JLE UfTlZt TTJU25V 'f TttwH tv, Wa, ttf. I'wa ! ( .i .-..- tu.i.. I . M t.t W' 1 Hit r4lvl. ! Ik i-n tiitsia fcii'ri. I'U.t i v s t . J i "IS1 ... n.i t 1'H i.' M ' 1 . . al t'i..-Bvm taiais a-t it M- .ns W 4 11. I a. t - ' I Imw t Siial. t ant bwM I. t-i t, 1 4 .,.l. ... I . I l.H, m a. t ' l.-i.l E h -m tia.a ti ,!.-, f-tw i . 4 aat.-iaiiiaA aa4 awaai. tt.a4i,wt .4 v . it VlaTho Albert Loan n : tw laat Ttaiaa it i, , UiMl. St. I'l, ' Itlll-'. . , 'I: i(,f I u-i i an f a a, W .4 fc-i lifc m r-.... -la, .-.. f Mil 1 lUi. lk,i IW . I ,.. I- I t i. -it a. a i . I ... f IM - iM V ( M-n --.- IW-.I4 a4 ktaauui a4 i k 1I....U. M.BA t a nr4 k.Rii- . I. ST. JOHN, JOHN tt:iA3T" (iMt tt Na At,