The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, April 13, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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    APJRIL 13.188.X.
WESTERN TREES! alliance directory
It Is a Fact that for Prairie Plant
log, Trees grown on Prairies are the
best. You can get them at
The Geneva Nurseries.
All aorta of them and in any quant
ity, from one to a car lead, at Very
IjOw i'rices. Our stock is very com
plete in aT departments.
Also a full line of Fruit. Shade and
Ornamental Stock, Grape Vines, Roses
and JversreeBS. Catalogue Free.
Write for Prices. Address,
Youngers & Co.,
Geneva, Neb.
Nebraska Farmers' Alliance.
J. H. Fowaaa, President, Cornell.
w. a. ForwTsa, VkPres , Albion.
J. M. Thomfsob, 8tat Soo'j, Unoeln.
s. C. Faiechild. Lecturer. Oaklala.
B. r. Axi-ia, Chairman, Ex. Com., Wabash
In the beauty of the tliiea
Cbrlst was bora aeroM the sea,
With a dorr In bis besom
That transnjrures you and me.
As he strove te make mea holy
Let us strive to make them tree,
81noe Ood is marching oa.
Julia ward Hjwe.
We would be triad to get items frcm every
jounty in the state en condition of the AU
anoe work.
Scientifically treated by an aurist of world
wide reputation. beafnexa eradicated and en
tirely cured, of from 20 to 80 yearn' standing,
after all other treatments bave failed. How
the difficulty is reached and tbecauae removed
fully explained in circulars, with affidavit
and testimonials of cures from prominent
people, mailed free.
Dr. A. FONTAINE, Taooma, Wash.
The Paragon Incubator
n Is positively the most practicable and re
liable Incubator now before llie people of the
West. '-Patronize Home I'lUuHtry'' and get
the best. We dare come fas': ore the people at
the great Nebraska State i'alr this year. We
batched 82 chicks from 121 fertile eggs, after
moving the eggs and machine several miles
whes they were within two days of batching.
Tnere being bo premium offered at the fair ws
were granted the hk;hkst award of honor by
the board of examiners. Send for circulars
and price list of the Incubator, which hatched
the chicks at the state Fair. Address
Addressee the Alliance People and
Appeals to Them to Do
Their Duty.
Oakdale, Neb., April 9, 1893.
of the unf rate real fight and be It
ifesoived, That this Alliance dis
courage the conduct of the two papers
aforesaid touching this matter and re
commend to tnem as brethren that they
at once discontinue the controversy,
and that they stand In the future solely
upon their merits as educators of the
people in the line of reform, and re
mind them that by healing the ugly
vrea;u una aireaoy oeen made,
tney will be supported bv the unbiased
judgment of tbe people who, untram-
iucicu soa unaisiurDed by internal
strife, will go forward in the march of
reiorm until labor is enfranchised and
men snail meet and call each other
Resolved. That
tuwons oe lurnlsbed The Polk County
luueueuaent, sirornsourg Headlight,
dent aDd The Alliance Leader for
puoucauon, and that Indt pendent pa
pers throughout the state be requested
te copv. ,
M. L Warner, Goe Michener,
Prest. Pro-tem. Sec'y Pro-tem.
V. L, TAYLCR & Co.,
Box 435, Fairbury, Neb.
I am not financially . able to continue
constantly in the work and pay my own
I haven't yet received from the treas
urer tue amount due me for last year's'
work by about $27. I have visited six
teen counties since my re-election, and
paid out 134 more than I received
from the counties visited. And I have
not received anything from the treas
urer for expenses or salary for this
year. I very much regret that I
am compelled to make the above state
ment, but being unable to respond to
the calls I receive from the dif
ferent .counties to visit them, I am
compelled to give the reasons for my
seeming neglect. Nothing would
give me greater pleasure than to con
tinue constantly in the Alliance work,
the same as last year, if conditions
were suca as to permit me to do so.
1 wiau to say to all Ailiaace people
throughout the state, keep up your lo
cal Alliances aud remit vour duus
to the state alliance and let it oe known
inaioucan maintain your organiza
tion, whicu is tke foundation of the
great reiorm movement, and has Jur
bieUtd the education that is causing
tne great political revolution through
out our country today. When we look
at the results of our labors in our own
state they ought to be sufficient to
ei courage and strengthen every de
spouuent and doubting reformer, and
nil uim with renewed energy and zeal
to continue ms iaoors. JNo true sol
diet falters in time of battle. Let us
all stand by our organization and our
principles with trie loyalty and unity
4QCI Dmc UMrir Dinnr Vn, d.,a .""V uur reprseniawvessiooa dv tnelrs
uv uuii; isyw, nun ncauj. in tne organization of the legislature.
1 . -I. .. 1 tT t A 1 W . .
hue election oi tne united states sena
tor and the pasilng of the freight
rate bill. Let us emulate the
We have the highest resoect for nur
Editor Alliance-Independent 1 ollc county brethren. Tfiey have bad
agooaaeajoi experience in the mat
ter of factional rights, and we sincerely
hope tney may escape that curse in the
future. But we cannot helo disagree
ing with them as to the methods by
which they may avoid factional divis
ions. "Is ability as an educator in the
I wish through the aid of your valua
ble paper, to inform the Alliances
throughout the state that I am com
pelled to cease my labors as lecturer
for the present, owing to the fact that
line of reform" the only standard by
which men who seek the confidence
and support of the people should be
measured Is past treachery to ba
covered up merely to secure tempo
rary harmony? Shall men who have
betrayed trusts, be allowed, uncritl-
clsed, to regain power and position
which they may use to wreck and ruin
our organization?
Without further comment we refer
our Polk county brethren and all oth
ers of like mind to our review in next
week's issue.
Men of America, look where you aland ;
The curse of the aatirer covers your land !
In the North, the South, the East and the West,
Behold the dread march of this terrible pwt,
From the great vital centers of finance and
Monopolies swarm of every grade:
With their net word of Iron and gold at eo m
They are crushing tbe life from your beautiful
They are fast gaining power ne'er dream 't of
Transcending the proud feudal baron of yore,
And all their great wealth deny it who canr
Is wrung from the toil of tne poor working
Men of America, look where you standi
A darkness of Egypt now covers your land.
A cormorant swarm, from all points they flyl
Like carrion crews they darken tbe sky.
Soon tbe soul of your feeedom and laws wit
will be fled
Men of America, rise in your might.
Cry out for Jumtre, and striks for tbe right.
By ballot -not bullet-the work may be dots.
And shams to the slave who his duty would
shun. i
Let us all to our cause be honest and true,
And fling to the breeze our red, white aui blue
Red for the vu lures who feed on tbe poer,
Blue for tbe faith In our fathers of yore,
And v. bite for the pure, tbe honest and good.
Emblem most fit for our great brotherhood.
ine number of islands lanre and
small in all the oceans of the world
amount to lUU, 000. The smallest in.
habited island is that on which Eddy.'
stone ngnmouse stands. At low
water it is thirty feet in diameter.
The new sprintr stvles and aamnlna In
suits and trousers have arrived at the
Wannamaker ABrown agency, Llndell
Hotel block. Prices are astonishintrlv
ow, within the reach of all. Come and
nspect the latest.
III Kinds of Galvanized Iron
Wire work, poultry netting, yard and
garden fencing, window guards, office
railieg, etc. send for catalogue.
J. W. D. H Ml, St. huVMi,
(1st Edition of 8,000 all sold.)
Price, paper 25e; cletb tl 00.
Address ThsoAixiascb Pub. Co., Lincoln, Veh.
"Money Monopoly, by B. R. Baker, is or
xtouRced by representative leaden In the reform
cause to be the most comprehensive work ever
published on the money question. Every asser
tion backed up by undeniable proefs. Truly th
Galling gun of wage slavery against plutocrats
oppression." Iowa Trlbunr, Gen. Weaver's r '
Nebraska Savings Bank
13 and O St., Lincoln. $250,000.
Write Ug and We will Prove
Five per cent interest on savings account
Special rates on time deposits.
Write ns or call for neat vest pocket memo
andum book.
. G. Soutbtwick,
S. R. TnioLBT
in -
. days.
photographer. Fir.
udlo 1214 O st. Open 10 a m to 4
A rlmo Cabinets
at 3.00 per doz
en. consecu
tive First nre-
miums at the
Nebraska State
I p m, Sun-
The Land of Big Red Annies Is the title at n
Uracil v and highly lnleres ing boo r cenHy
omiA . .urn uuui in uH'Misumeiy luustrsiea
Wl h views of south Missouri scenery including
she famous Olden fruit (arm of S.noO res In
Awmi cunty. it pertains ent rely to fiult
Sji'oingln th t great fruit belt of America, tbe
'HiUierii slope of tne marks, and will prove of
fssai va u . nol nuly o fruit g overs, but to
yv ry farrne and hous k-ver in oihr sutrs
l.ioktug for a larm and a home. This boo will
be mailed free. Address. J. R ockwoou,
Kansas city. wo.
the Ca
moihK tit
BM pby
sl.'Uu of
h uvi
1U o U('
siatef ul
pii ms
h have
Iea a Rtval sulTt rf sinre a sia l rhll with
rlpi.tHl wi b i bvow.tLm ) ,j lr4 Mall.
- ,. . " : mi ii mii itui tit,
mikitiu I li.r. i ,
C M.e . Uk a. I rest e.t s.,.
vlMMff Ity , H.aan.t klia fur be hw
tm4 iua awl wal a a in, ut mm
ra, 4, 0m ba
T bratxeky b dtt Uurso,
Pr-co Pntchen.
SP4 l I (( ,' rv ka wa uf M.,tt,
ff. r- M (.! m' l t tf
courage they exhibited in unmasking
mo irauus ana steals oi tne Capitol
ring and arraigning them for trial.
All honor is due this loyal, true and
brave band of reformers who have thus
labored in defense of the people acd
their rights, and part of the time
without pay, and paying their own ex
penses. Indeed we point with pride to the
work accomplished by the reformers
who were members of the legislature,
and would say to the people of other
states and of the nation, go follow the
example of Nebraska; turn on the blaz
ing light of Truth and let tbe people
see how they are being robbed by the
old political parties who are but the
pliant tools of corporate power. The
reform will rapidly follow and we will
enjoy a system in which honesty jus
tice and truth will prevail.
I he reform press is doing a grand
work for the cause in this state. I am
pleased to find Thb Alliance-Independent,
which is foremost, strongest
aud ablest in our state, every wheie ta
ken by our people. It has faithfully
and ably defended our leaders and our
oaueeatall and in all Dlacea
and without fear or favor. It is wor
thy of all confidence as true to our
cause a id a liberal support as an in
dispensable he p in the battle; for hu
man liberty. Knowing the justice of
our cause and believing in the honest
motives of the people ntnd the over
ruling power of a jus God, we must
and will succeed.
K Suite Lecturer.
Polk County Alliance Resolutions.
a he following resolutions were ad
opted by the Polk County Farmers'
Alllaccs and Industrial Union at a regu
lar meeting held in Osoeola, April 1,
Whereas, A controversy having been
os for several wn-ks betwesa TliK ALLI
ANCE Independent and The Alliance
Lesdrrof Lincoln, and
Whereas, Various Sub and County
Alliances throughout the s a'e hare
taken aid a and pasted resolutions of
sucft belligerent character a to place
them to bitter opposition toeiuhutber,
Whet a. It 'mftabcrlng that every
iaoh of f round that bss Nmq glnt l y
by lu oummiiii ntmt, plutocracy, and
b U-ting bvyond a douhi from pt !
eUfl a ad K-rsiia, a well a
fra a hBowUdtf of human nature,
' aKh an(arifUi win, if Miuri
dad lu lb r larnifld, ullliuaWdr
rwlU)i imrmanrat divt.iu a, wbern-a
stk i k a. inMi , ... . k a, . . i .
1 04 and 106 N 1 oth St., Lincoln, Neb.
Have enough New Choice Clothing to dress up the
men folks of nearly all Nebraska.
Jood S'rong business suits at 3 90 and $5.00.
StylUh and dresy suiu at $7.50.
Ppeclal World's Fair tSults 8 75.
Fine Worsted dress suiu 0 110 sod 113.
Boy's knee pant suits g(d wearers $1.00, $1.25 1
and $160.
Finer suits at $2.95 and $1 00.
Boy's long pant suits good ones at $3, $3 90 and
Men's $3.00 pants, $1.95; $5.00 pant, $3R0.
Sampli-s of goods and cotnnMe Hnrlng Ca'alogue free on nLiil r.nuht i
it nie your name ans aauress piaiuiy ana ena in at once.
This ststenwnt is now repcatod by thousands who have purchased
This Bit, by an automatlo dovioo, closes the horse's nostrils..
atrrrv rartsa aiiMauiavat s i
A nv horse la liable to run. and should be driven
With it. liy Us tue ladles and children drive horses
men could not bold with the old style bits.
Bend for Illustrated pamphlet containing tcstl- ,
monlals from all parts of the world, and earnest J
- . a - a a SIMM A If MlJk
and randloexnresHlons about tne llltl l i' AU 1
W kTIf ClfPTT HIT anil Its. rpulid liuui liutlwirmliwunnil Immune nower
in sulmulng the most vicious horses and controlling the most siuoDora puiiers ana
chronic runaways. . . ... . a ,
The only bit in tbe world that is endorsed, advocated, used and sold by the Society
fortho Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, (g7tc Jlighe$t Authority,
giM SM'
liMllia toiHt IB
jJVA sis li
I 9.
Bii Tie and
Representative Krlck Jast Friday
received a letter from a number of his
coa-tituents enclosing money to pay
uis peases, ana urging mm to Stay
right here in Lincoln as long as he was
Platte county has been well represent
ed by Scbelp aud Irwin ia the house,
but sadly misrepresented by Jim North
In the senile. Schelp and Irwin are
plain conservative men whose highest
amomon nas Deen to serve tneir con
stituents faithfully. Their records ar
without blot or stain.
There is no brighter, shrewder, bra
ver, truer, manlier man in the whole
legislature than Senator Harris of
Nemaba county. He is one of the men
ho has shown himself worthy of
higher honors at the band 4 of the peo
ple. He is the right man to succeed
Tom Majors two years from now.
Representative Beat of Custer has
been honort-d with the abuse of the
Fubxidlztjd monopoly press rather more
than any other member because he
championed tne cause of the striking
primers. llhaben a faithful and I
able representative and returns home
n 1th a record that u its own defease.
srK.tit.i-f IIS m.M In I: tl .f, j lO'Cflill'M bV S t long foitgfcjt
f .' k. l .'H I s V 4u Ire f i'd'1 ural tali u uf .!.
lie .tUtli . S. i
l It l hi kn fui 1 . p.
rJr ' '. ni n4 nvf kii si
' last a S a il. aitl
' I kit
t klsMeir Hm tit t
IHtt w mi ,
t)ur d arts lWd riariull h. i.irm
Waving th lorw. (irlold, ltd Nuth
.Itvtath Strvtt,
trthttir fur a ilnv. If ant tri, ids
"r,s' t u th ats
imi aa and if t4i(lt ta
ttwa aaj imta thr. U4hiut this fair
Stair, IbnltilurM fa..
UwM4tvd, lit th .lk IViat AUJ.
ws and ltlti?a IJaiua that wht.
MHta ttiw la. grity and rd
lawaUHi l lh b-vtbrw N.m m.,
t"y Bloat auahatatiy disapprvv
Chairman Rhodes, of the house com
mittee on enrolUd and engrod bills
aagienaremlnd-rof tne fixni will
la which ha is hld by tbe clerk
to nis department by blng prcnted
on itiursday evening with an e'egant
surer n.K.tana. Mr. Itrjotti-s 1 a
o'uedly a fayoriui with all who have
formed his acquaintance).
Itrprsentatlva O. O LtnirnnfMltMP n
Ch.vtono oountry rrtret-tiUfd the larg.
eat district in tho iai coaitlog of
oououa uui ne iH-rforiuri
tbe task with an ability and Mtbful.
Bias in ti nus-bl tomake his ronalitu
ent pniua or blin Mr. (.log nfulmr
squtteatoung man aud is likely to
w ii.-BM or again
j. w van ii 'Mwn oi u lt county
has eali;i blitiacif dfmwrat for utany
)ar. aud stilt in.Uu oa so calf.
"J no has atiuwa bitlf In b
iru sUi'Bdiit la hbIm. Tnere
is b miiM boBora ! or faithful mttt
h.t la tit a hotiMt tils wrk m fea
wmmu'rSBs nam uMjmny aaalol
iwuw is wot my in staclal etidoran.
I irlaf ha latter twtrt o lh aia,
CaplaLi Harris ablityssa bailer
b indeiwnilMqt stJw lif tht houM has
bwa fun r.0al.d Whlb be a. vr
lriruts hint If fwrd, ba ba th
lUbni a rwnutalUHi f r gaal idrfaieal,
and ats.di.i l.iktrrlty Ibat given Mm
a r at iad '. afiMiatf t" aotioa
d that b .y Ma Una f tha w
bu shmild h l( innans In rlurad
iir'Vtntup Mglr , I
n . - .
ivu(jreeni,ttiive uuggies, wno was
called home to tbe bedside of Isick w.fe
on Monday of last week, returned to
bis post oi duty on Wedoeday, trav
eung over nve nundred miles at his
own ex pens. He ays the neighbors
came in tor miles around to ask him
aooui affairs at Unco n. When they
heard how matters stood at the capltol,
they advised him to return and agreed
to look after his affairs at home. Evea
his sick wife insisted on his returning
v Mjiuwiu. t? no was it said patriotism
is wauiugr
itepresontatlve Woods of Sheridan
countv nas Deen a general favorite with
everyooay during the session. HI
quaint aa original humor has raised
many a hearty laugb in ihe house.
Tne following is a good example of his
mm expressions: a lew days before
tbe close of the session be addressed
the chair snd opened up' with these
words: 'Mr. Speaker, inasmuch 0.4 wa
are all talking at our own expense now,
I want to mike a fw remarks on this
question." Mr. Woods is a rflHH of AT.
celient judgement; he is cool and cour
ageous under all circumstances. He
has made an excellent record, and i.
serves the thanks and praise of his constituents.
World's Fair Rates
will soon be officially announced. In
connection with this subject the follow
ing Information briefly stated will in.
terest readers of this paper.
Assuming that you will take adrant
age of the induuienw offered World's
Fair visitor and others fruu Lincoln
and vicinity by the un.urpa.wd North
wrsu-rn lin, lotus fell yi.u what this
grvat sy.u m oi n it badona for you:
iiii..ciiriiuiu lis va.iaum i i ai
OOO.wsi 00 tor your wtd'aw, I. in d
opting a a iaiaht.hing on i's lme in
V loaguand vlcltlty lh most ittirfretfy
dvwd bUmk sii al st mforrunolnf
trains with Ihe uutioalaafutw
i i ...... . .;--
B' "i mursasiBif u icriniiial fiut,l lia
of ail kind that Vim mil
....... i -.. : : . '
.i r wu i iHiiu'Krian v Mii.h.rk.,.
rotnnsira'nstiiKtn nr arrival: an.l
II furnKh ou anif Hfi fast tram
orvlwii ai d rqutpuiuiit from Llaeuln to
" irlhnIaH tin Bilvantai ..f
...... . r . . .
our irains i.auntf l.lnmila at ft : i, u ,
and a I Ing in i:Me k. at ni r., i
Hfirolag I'artU b to l.lo in or out of
t.ln.'tiit.. would d't wil tit Mil t
aIUrra ib' i.riW fur any lrd nf r
tt iua a rt'irard la Mils pointlar rouhs
rtts and v inflict Inn '
A. H Firi.t HD,
WM. HMl-AV, I'ttvTUkitAft
tftnral Ait. II HO hi
H pans tabulea a-slst dtjeail.tni
Wfla a Sour SlOHiaokl Sun Us.
Arrangements are now made to members to suddIv HARD FIBER BIND
ING TWINE-Fully Warranted Sl-al or Manilla in large or small quantitlei
at Wholesale Prices: also Lumber. Send me a bill of i us t what vou aant. In-
By return mail. Will send you just what It will cost laid down at vour station.
There Is nothing saved on ies than car load lots of 20,000 h. Lire bill goes
direct from the mills on tbe Mississippi river points.
A.! leu Hoot.
ID :: 0
JS NOW nsed by all the principal feeders
1 of Mtock, and is better appreciated as its
merits become known. Jt is used for stock
of all kinds and you cannot afford to feed
stock for ruarket without it. Thr in
nothing that assists so much in fattnintr as
thio a a I i i i
THIS MEAL, and you have i nly to use",
it to be convinced. ONE POITNTFi TsM
EQUAL 10 3-lbs. OF CORN. Put ur
m uags oi iuu los. eacn. rnce, 151.40 per
I AA 11 A ,1 m . . .
iuu j os. . or fo.uu per ton
a. IWW laL-7
uvszzo OH WW
It ...... .B -"ssssaBataajSjiWsBjajjsiiiiBBBwW--
oVdr I,.rt K0t kee'' IL r""1 u,,,Jr"" ' wr
Woodman Unseed Oil Works, Omaha.
Chicago Grain and Livestock
CHICAGO April II, 1883.
Cattls - Receipts I6.K beu : market stmiulr t
good loeholi e Mverm, K6 16- oih- r. tl 004
wv, mi.n ..n, loust a: cows sun iiMirMi.
nu Kecetnia IT0O he id: msrlint ml
and mm h blulier; mixed ana nankers 7 i.kwt
tK tiritnr Iteavr aii'i tunc m 1 nuhu r in
VI in; irilll lljfDI, tO limi iO.
hHssr.Keo. ipis. !,ow a-a"! nxtrltet act
ive anil atroug: na Iv . ft mLt IS; weiuiL
im a; . xan, H en; lam a, m tuS eo.
Omaha Live Niock,
DM AM A, April II, ISbS
f :TTI.a-(iixnt totshoH steer. l,Va jj;
others at UUt4 uu. '
tmi 46; ttotkers ana f4ers, I su
il -tS ,
aasar-s 1 as
A 1 a Trn? at
rrr business collcqk.
? Y. M. a A. Bluo., Kansas Cut, Mo.
M Most Practical Butlnmsi lege In the fi
keeplnit and iletrapby bhortband C
hy Mall. Three smrnn . tree hrna lor Ea
Do You Know
Shbttft : Great ; Piawara
Nsver rsllluf tu4trur 1U asm nm of
Worms in Horses
A Hurw Itmttily fur Worms a llurs,
H"g. Utt. fau, aad a Hilibilld
IUrdy fur Hmb Fowls, or Ifciuj,
aud i b-'tUif knuatt as
AK VtHJH liHlfKilT rMt
tti- Wmaauii by raall Hi Blja f.ftV uu & i a
1 SIM t.i. t44 i 14 s'll tty
! illifm U 1. laaia uw 1.1
iium it Mttit, Mini.
Mtnttna fas AM.usca Istisrsshssv
Poke Root
P wdcrt
WIH rurs your h..g.f And 4-t ou
koiiw that ib in a if ctuvrs i It i Ulna
in hn id ua'f flrin dol g b .smu- lly
lhal will Ural 'U brd and If tiy 'all
nisse no rliarnef Mil ia irnw Hmd
fr cltruUra and llim til U t.
The Iowa Remedy Co
at antic, iva.
VVbiut bt-ana, honey, rgliam utoiawseti
nuitctr and eggs to so I on onuouiMioa.
J w Hakh.i:i,
IVi ent tail lo tlall br Cl Uwi Id 4ed
CJ llu H-hi K V h v-l
, 1 j t .,.-. it. k.iii n
IM rlf a
1,' IMI...I. all.iilt4 e tin.
y i Hi .1 .ii. . iMnrt le I dS.
i, ' l . . 'i M 1- '' lut
' . . ..... A t .. ... 1 m
J ... -.
Rt'.r ul vv.i warn
uts "in.Nu,