The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, April 13, 1893, Page 3, Image 3

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    APRIL 13. 1803.
W i
Of LrngtigaticP Committees Kada and
Adopted Duriog the Last Days
of the Session-
Hundred of Pages of Tettimony Ordered
Printed in the Journal for the Infor.
mation of the people.
Work of tbe Closing Days.
On Thursday the committee appoint
ed to investigate the charges of bribery
In connection with the senatorial elec
tion rerjorted. Casper and Stevens
submitted the following report:
Mr. Bnuktr: As member of your
mitt beretoore appointed to inwUtfate
th obarg of improper una of or offers of
money t influence the voU of mwnber of
L laislature ia Uie matter of the election,
of Unuou BttM NUtur we beg leave to,
report an follow :
That o(Tri of money were made to eight
member of the legialatar for the alluded
parpoee of lufluemang their vote In tbe mat
ter above menUaaed, aad whilrt it is true
that th parti ia every caea eave one deny
that they had to offered moeey to member
of tin toKldatare, tbey nevertheless aduiit
all the other statements made by said moiav
bers of tba legislature to be true, and tbi ia
raeu inciiaes us, a members or this commit
tee, to the belief that offer of money were'
Htaoe wiua corrupt intent.
Tbe one party admits that be bad acted
aa a.go-belween for certain Uteres ted par.
tie, who snow! bim tbe noaer and said
the money would be paid when the vote
were delivered, and thai be, a a go-between,,
bad offered to two membra? of this leirtaia.
fore certain tune ef money If eaf 4 wteeabefw
would east their votes aa be night direct.
For further Information ia respect to
these mattera we would respectfully refer
this honorable body to the evidence new in
the hands of the chairman of this eesnmitte.
Zloseeotfully submitted,
L Jam Mttij5B,
C. m. CAaraa,
McKesson the republican member of
the committee submitted a minority re
nort pprniirinf IteDresentatives Krick
and fioderman, and asking that Ser-
geant-at-arms Duogan be discharged.
", This brought Soderman to the front.
lie made one of the roost eloquent
speeches of the session In defense of
his course. Krlck followed in the same
strain, and when tbe motion to adopt
McKesson's report was put to a vote, it
did not receive a solitary vote.
A motion was made and adopted pro
viding that the report of Casper and
Stevens be received and printed with
the evidence.
After the disgraceful row between
Sheridan, Rose water and Roggen, the
house appointed a committee to inquire
into the charges of attempted Doodling
in connection with Fulton's insurance
bill. On Thursday that committee sub
mitted the following report which was
First We have examined twenty-two
witnesses, whose testimony is contained
in the 172 pages of testimony submitted
herewith aad made a part or tne report
Second There was introduced "in
evidence an article published in the
Nebraska State Journal of March 15,
1893, containing an interview in which
was mentioned the name of Representa
tive a. Fulton. We hnd from the evi
dence herain before referred to that
Mr. Fulton is exonerated from any
charges of improper iniluences, and
from any connection with any persons
against whom any suspicion has been
directed as beiDg connected with any
such charge, and that his action as a
member or the house and of th insur
ance committee in reference to insur
ance legislation has been entirely
Third We find that house roll No.
287 was drawn and its introduction
secured by a person not a member of
the legislature, and that afterwards
the same person offered for a considera
tion oT $1,500 to use his influence to
bring about the defeat of said bill, but
that said otter was not accepted by the
parlies, to whom it was made, abd we be
lieve that no member ol the legislature
knew of such offer or was in col
lusion with tbe party making the
same. Your committee cannot condemn
in too strong language the practice of
any person procuriug the introduction
of bill of a character prejudicial or in
jurious to any claws ot bjslnue with
tbe Intent of extorting money from
those interested therein.
Fourth Wo find from the evidence
that UtpreenttiUve Ktuso, a chair
man of tne insurance eommitte, prom
ised several times to trlve reiuwnta
tions rn Friday submitted the followii g
Tne total amount or tae jx-rmanont
scnool Iuna invested m rcgisfe-red un
ty bonds is f9.5lJ.S72.3; $1.9:4.75') of
these bonds wtre purchased at their jiar
value ox iiiw iwmis were imr-
chaMHl for $1,407. 50 U-ss than thtir par
wt 11 a
inree nunureu anu seventy six Uious
and, eifcht, hundred and twenty -ft vo
aouar or lhe-e bonus were pur
chased at a premium of $21,594.37.'
lwo hundred and eighty-eigt thous-'
anu, nve Hundred dollars or
of these bonds bearing hiirh raU,
of interest were purchased of hold
ers, who were permitted to detach there-'
from coupons for interest not yet due.
thereby reducing the rate of interest
upon Cue state investment Tbe interest
coupons then detached amounted to
ill, 850. Your committee find all ef
these) bond are in the vault of the state
treasurer, and properly stamped as b-
lomging to the permanent sobool fund
as reqtnri br law.
intwnuiior wmcu a premium wti
pM are as xollows:
I I., k. . .. . . . I . . m
wiuuij uuuiios BO. wo. at a
proem um of SX63.33.
Dakota county bonds 17.000.
premium of 3. 23.
Daksto countr bonds aaD onn
premium of $4,227.63.
Log county bonds $0,000,
premium or i.isf.zs.
juerriek county bonds M0. 000.
premium of $0,100.63.
tfielps county bonds $35,000.
premium of $3,838.84,
Richardson county bonds t0. 000. at a.
premium oi fo.zze.ia
i nwier county oouas BJO.oza. at a
premium of 1433.70.
Iheee bonds bear fronvfl to 8 ner mi
Interest, but the rate of interest upon
the state's investment, by eason of the
payment or a premium for the bends, has
In; protest placed on th minute f
the senat.j by latcockt f Omaha. Sn
ator Tcft' naru-j does nt ut"! ar r -
caue he wa absent, but h aUwd
qu.tre!y with the oth-r tbirtafn:
TT i I ; l , . ' . .
'" uuuenijjnea inemrrs or tne sen
ate of the Hate of Nebraska, hereby eater
our ftoinmn jrott aauirt tbe pa.-age of
hjiuo roll No. S3, and amign tbe toliowiug
reaoons: That said bill lias not been read at
large on three dirTereut dava in the bouse of
repieseutauvas; uor has Mid bill bown read
at largo on three different days in the sea
ate; nor has said bill been read at large in
uie senate as required by article 3. section 1
of the constitution of tbe state of Nebrea.
oaia mu not being paused in aooordanoa
witb tbe requirements of the eonstitutiosi ef
ictiv inn nifim mum t
-WW 3 Hp. I 'Hi K
I (Oouiinoeti from StM-obti Psk". )
tii is itiite,
ana voia.
it bi therefore unooastitationsJ
at a
at a
at a I
at a
been reduced to from 6 to C per cent
l tie bonds from which Interest cou
pons were detached are as follows:
Cheyenne county bonds, $80,090; cou
pons detached, $1,300.
ureeiey county bonds, wat.uw; cou
pons detached, $8,080.
IT . . . a
iiowara county ootids, 9a,QW; cou
pons detached. $1,730.
Kearney county bonds, $11,000; cou
pons detached, $3,000.
Plattee rouistv bunds, $37,994; eou pons
detacliod, $3,186.
f Platte county bonds, $10,000: coupons
detached. fl .SOO.
These bonds bear from 6 to 10 per jection should bold good against tbe
cent interest, but the rate of interest on rate Dill 11 would also hold good
the state's br .n against almost every other long bill
detachinr coupons had bean redun! patted by this a well as previous leg
from S to per cent The bonds pur- Matures.. The filing of such a proton
rJaamd at oar bum, from 44 to 8 ner owit simply shows to what depths the rail
laeerest road tools will stoop in their desperate
The committee was of the opinion effort- to thwart the people,
that the practices of buying bonds at a
LfOrOLB II.1H!?.
J. n. ront,
Cu . W. Lowlxt,
,A. R. Bcott,
1 J. E. North,
. VV. Eoulbstob.
J. P. Mili.r,
JOH! Mattsa, jm.
' W. N. kUscocK,
c. o. lobkcc,
Alh Aha u ah,
H. V. McUoNALn,
K.E. Moors,
TVere annonncing tlie vote Lieuten
ant Governor Major said :
While the chair is somswkat ambarrawd
by the ecplaaatioas of senators as to the
fact that neuse roll Mo. S3 was aet read a
Urn ea three different dava vet the chain
la uetlAamUen ef bis ubrebWaa of the uaual,
formula wklcti oemrehen4s ealy she eoaeaU
tntieaaJ requlreuiouU ef ail briU leaaUr ea-.
seteo. t is not ror tae oaair to onsiiessie
Us reasuas; of any bill be nut twins; a mam
of this body but must acoeDt the readier aa
oy tne secretary,!! tae same Is unchallenged.'
lieutenant Oovernor Majors an
nounced the vote, It) ayee and 14 nays,
aad declared the bill pasted by a yonejji'
vsvivoiu majority.
On Tbuisday when tbe minutes
were read ke of Douglass moved to
have the above protest expunged from
ttie records bocaiise it reflected on the
senate and conflicted with the record
of the body which show that the bill
was read three times. Majors mad
one of hi-: o Jtrat t h s and unprcedentt d
rulings t tbe eflect that nothing of the
kind could be expunged, and ruli-d the
motion out of order
The claim that the bill bad not been
read three times a the law requires, is
a merely technical objection. When
bills, C6jxclally long ones, are read tbe
first and second times, they are nearly
always read only In part. II this ou-
The Convention Meets.
premium, and of allowing interest cou
pons to be detached were of very doubt
ful propriety, and might be made a
cover for extensive frauds, but made
no charges of actual frauds.
Tbe above report is not that of the
committee which investigated the
reasons for the non-investment of the
Mgr. Satolli Will Visit Lincoln Next Sat
urday in All Probability,
Mgr. Satolli, the pupal ambassador In
this country at tbe present time, will be
permanent school fund during the past 'n Lincoln on Saturdsy of next week to
two years. take up several interesting cases in con
contest fees. nection with Bishop Bonacum's manage
nn Thnranav the fith Irwin of Platte mem oi me Lincoln aiocete. itooras
j .
nffpred the following resolution which for himself and two secretaries have been
was supported ny, o.i memoers, .ana
therefore adopted: ,
Resolved, That the chief olerk be
and is hereby instructed te issue
Touchers for trie amounts aad to the
aersons named below, te pay the ex
senses in the several contests and eleo-
non cases of members of this housei
paw Toncners te oe drawn aeainst the
appropriation u pay tne laoiuental ex
peases of the twenty-third session ef
nae legislature, to-wit:
w. a. Kasea, ror attorney fees f 1W SC
uwu. a. uoaa, lor sitoraey raes,,,, Its
100 0
let 04
its e
108 SO
let of
ioo et
lw ee
tlvi s of life insurance companies a hear
ing before that com mil too for the pur
ioe of statlnir thulr pjboftlon t
house roil No. 27, but that aald bill
was rvrM ha'k to the lumo with
the it'CjiinuviulttUon that H Im iwi.iI
without any orportunlty Mug allorded
said rfpnintatlve u he heard.
Kifth From th vvldine of on
w ltn. . aU Ho artktUv in some of the
mi.avrs publUhul within the stato,
wtiU'li arttuh-s wurw irtr.d til el luncw
Niforw Iti coiumUlre, lU'prnnth't
J,(i Kruaeand 1. A, utridatt vt
rhargvd with Uiinf lmpiUd in
tifturu to avl tiuim y from Vym lu-!
Uritrd la Insurant! tglUUi:.U ht !
we tii a1 t at the fvul. ih'v. ta iiot aufll !
cI.miJ 1 1 , 'Uu iU i:;iai r. j
hltVh-VV farther rvina r( that i
llio iuHt r ol IhWri purl u informally
ftitut r d by ll a hhUI roiniullU ts
a!t ( Ut nit.l- re b inr pr. ni, al
th. I'.iiUiiig-t s.ilMtuttuMy ahovo
r a . nv. J h IU,r. nuvUo it
i Hmth, tlu Ium' iniwr f tt
itiuiuvUUo who U how litwiit, and
boM Pati' dos iot thrrrfor a r
aUaobvd u iMs r-!. AW b( btcU
rtspmiMli uhkltt.l
( iiuim A, Ot ,
if. t.sHiUM
1MB ' HUSI.fT mn. rNii,
The hHtt t'tni)iolU- .iU'4 (
!avtlgU the UU o.tls aut ioiutti-
Thos. t. Ones, for sttoruey faes ,
Ajirnetus loclmer, far atterney fees..
XL 0. JCickeUs, far aHorney (aas
Jaaiea H. Kyaar, for attarnay fees....
Heary M Marrow, for attarnay fee.,,
w. 8. Fefcer, far attorney feat ,
Nordwall. for attorney fees
Say kora, for atlarosy fuaa ,
Osear J. rlekard. far attorso feas
i?S 3 fr atterney fees
W. S. Wittaa, far aMorney faes ,
- notry puUlc fans .. 800 M
WSliam F. Wappleh, notary public fees. . S00 00
HeuMta L. Day, netary puelia fees S00 00
T" momae, aoUry publlo fees.... 800 09
w.H. Fareuhar, constable fees MM
u. ai. nannf, ror rpurwnf and traas
cribing tesMmany la lrrtltJn-n.
test for centaeteeii flM 80
", iorreporiuiraii(l trsuacrtblng
testkmoay ia lermlauve coatast fr
couteateas 205 80
8. M. Ktder, for attorary fees 900 1
a. m. r.iuer, ir court costs at ezsanses M 00
A Xc7ty ,or ltoey free SM M
, 5cV"'r ,or oour oaU and expenses 60 00
J- J Turnr, for avtorney teas 9U0
Yf.J. Tujner ,for court costs aad expeases 600
V ?, b"""-tr,T aMoraey fcas i0 00
J. U. Krune, for oeurt ooau sad exaanses N 00
Jr morion, lor attorney faes M 00
unaator A. Norton, for court eosts aud
axpaiisM MOO
Fred aw berry, for atKiraey feaa MM
Trad Nawbarry, for witiiei and sbsrut'
fees , S4 09
John A. Waltaorsj, witness, sheriff's sod
u"Jr S0
rarauel Spj,iN1M aoUrjr puaiio feea .... Vosu
J, M, Pay, notary iu bliu fwa Ti 00
w,j. ira in, attorney fees aad eipetuwi.. KuU
Ktevens attracted the attention ot tae
ohair and otlered the fullowing report,
after tits house had allowed thu svnntavt
Uteir stamp and newsjutperi aud were
feelint; duwnhenrtod over their defeakt
Ki'oitouiy hi Printing
Ueprt'M ntalivo t"it-pr who Is a prac
tical prlufe-r, on Thursday carried hie
ffonoink'itl Itlei luw a now Ui UL by
oittirlng tito folio win if resolution in the
hotiite whtch was adopted:
rtOMiiveo, itiai in is uouae lu-tru.t the
axvatary -f stato to have laa) t4 ilW
oat bous, iir, two inniuda per saaia. Tbat
the typa ui shall N staadard hraviar.
laadad with sl( l l'. t Iwsds, aHt luat lae
fa;i snail l tKtHilTHrit oa eta In Whit.
1 aat Uirv atukll be Ik U
.rt I4ak,s
a4 brusstt J- or rrapb. i a bittk
space ttoaa the trv4uig of wck 'U
end ditfittant awaiuut uf t Aiv, sal
Wea h4 aud i bU stil w
eaa4 fcia'tar tine l aa aitt4u aaait b
(UtMu styM a tbe Uaai i.( M
baMwiaaU 4 ml. lV4a4 Ut taal
tb aw -rotary of aUtie be aWtrt4 h
b " tatail oao tfeMal vwotaa ot tba kw
KU aat Ual oa4l atataW be Imimmi4
e et-M ut ta aaw at artaM
e4 ri f r dtrtiMu,
1IIK rifitt.K tr u, K, 31.
Tu f nl vot tin t!( freight ra
l!l waNk.-n aUmt 4 o'cioik Wt-dn.s-dy,
Ai-ru :,U. lh,, tj vawd for
lh hill t-r m follow:
lvt Ue, ijart.Cam-
lirajf, J ihn4in, '. lio l, Ma
t'rv, lUrir, Hint'h, M.i-fi, iVmug,
Harris, nn.l.ft, VtilWa-ll
utt - llotitiua UU - 2
IU i' tu h sn Kvnrttt an t Uarke
i tntau j )1 to alt ttr the mt.
Tbe -a no of htM wlot tnMM4 the
hill tu lh ia! are it-sd u tun Warn-
secured at tbe Lincoln hotel, and tbe
evidence in the matters will be heard
Nothlsg is known definitely of the
charges thatjwlll be heard against the
bishop, but it Is pretty definitely known
that his removnl to tbe diccese of Chey
enne is asked for on the ground of his
autocrxtic treatment of several of
his pne6ts. The Instances cited
are In the cases of Father Walsb, whom
he suspended for Ave years for what the
priest's friends claim was without just
provocation and done in a fit of temper,
and Fathers Crowley and Corbett, to
whom hlsibearing and manner has been
harsh and -autocratic, as the priests al
lege. Tbe bishop is something of a
fighter hiaiBeli snd his friends have been
busy for severaljdsys senrching newspa
per liles and interviewing prominent
Catholics after evidence. Fsther Walsh
is equally active and'the hearing prom
ises to be a very breezy one. The ruse
will he partially heard on documentary
evidence and both sides have been noti
fied to prepare as much of their case as
it is pi ssible in that manner for submis
Whtin tbe devil can't have bin wav
alwit who the pastor of the church shall
be, bo gonorally manages to have a hund
in picking out the jauitor Ram's Horn.
'Just km that trombone player. Ills
faj-o is red ax a leat from blowing hard."
'Yes, he certainly ought to knw what Is
meant by ut ruins of music. " Botou Her-
' Mi. Hrown and I avr iitamld but
nn-i.' "Wlintf I heard von two weeks
K", and I board you aaiu to-day." "it
wan the aauut ijiiarril. sir." Now York
'Yoii intitt cotne orer and play with th
J'ltlrV soiiiv tiioi'," said tho vlilar. 'Mav
tw S will," niKvterod the litt'e clil "U it
waltitiK bal.v or tnt a wacoti I.sI.t)" -
lii'iuiittHli Journal
IVlre Jutict---What is your resl-
h'ltte, piUoiierf" t'ul rit- "VVsll. tf
jour "oitor l.'ta m Amn Uy it'll I hi aonte-
beienn the bowerv Hi lava it t tit
4dniiut av ttt ' I'ui ls.
lie "hu you Kiuiwlv wt'.t ltl Kl
atewuekiaal Aui 1 l,a. a flu iiih
om "UMf that you would" hits '-I
ss .irry far yon. I .tt I kaa a Ut with
UH ef a bus of Dial I would ii
Ialiiii.u Jaurn tL
"r Ya.ith tat iiU4 tatl.tai
Tr!4 fir" Vith "iSoi
i, bit I " t. Uf.oa j tt lata
' l" ek tttr f-otttue " 't,.l
aih ' I J .t got laul u, a
lliae, .t !' Ii.hiI ,S,a,
t V"l!t'. "If
I 4,1 i.-i-.
hist la It
:i i t
t'rt i,t ,,
! I -
'1 h?o cit it tit a i ,'e t it,
on lui i i.n (.'... .i r sit tiiii
ailrfbt tti,l 4 uui . boltuw ll,lt.
tbitttt ihra lh. ut iM i ,i,, r'!Kf
It I !!, ttdiy bnotT (.ikhIwu if thv
ktud u I t ,t .i.. fit (, )!, Uftt It,"
ludiaui to htt a p-tl.'al lr t
ll 'ii !. tu tial t rui thu
alnral foetid tin uppap IlihUoit
at4 a howl U'a tiotrk'e wi tliti t9r
! lUkkoit dver Uifi4.
It as nearly 8 o'clock Friday even
ing when the joint convention got to
gether I he resolution of Impeach
inent against Iicntt n was read. Jcrsen
of Fillmore wanted to have the whole
matter dropped, lie thought this non
sense hadg. ne about f ir t-nough. Wat
son was afraid it was unconstitutional
to imttcach an otllcer after h s tme bad
expired. Several reimblicans wantd
the evidence read. This was exactly
. ..- a w
wnai ne muepenuents were wait ns
for. Porter sueiresU'd that the evi
dence of A. M. Warlnir b5 read. It
was read, and when it wasdono Ron
ton 's fool friend' wished they had kept
their mouths shut. Waring testified
that he witsone of .the nolarlts who
took the evidence in the l'owers-Boyd
contest two years ago.' Som-thing
like$j,000 had been appropriated by tho
legislature to pay him and his alsi-
8Bts for that work, Tbe act was passed
without an emenrcLcv clause, and
hmce they could not got their money
till August 1st. Tbey needed the
money badly aud decided ti discount
tne claim at tbe Commercial Hunk of
Utnaha. Uut before tho bank would
accept the vouchers, the notaries had
to see Auditor Benton, and ascertain if
he would issue tho warrant when the
time cam. He said that he suspected
tout tne appropriation was unoonstltu
tional, and be wanted 1700 of the monev.
The result was that the notaries finally
had to give Uenton $700 in order to got
mm to proralce to Issue the warrant.
Waring's testimony was supported by
that of the bank cashier who brought
copies of all the papers in the cae
showing that Uenton had drawn the
After thli evidence had been read,
Watson wanted the question of consti
tutionality submitted to tho three at
torneys employed in the case. An in
dependent called attention to the fact
that already these lawyers bad drawn
artlc'es against one ex-oHlcer, Mr. Hill,
and suggested that they wouldn't bo
fools enough to do such a thing if it
were unconstitutional.
The resolution of impeachment was
then adopted by a vote of 82 to 5
Knowing how near the end of the
session it was, the committee had arti
cles cf impeachment against Denton
already drafted. Tbey were read and
Leese's Case.
Although it was nearly ten o'clock
when Benton's case was finally disposed
of, the case against Win. Lei so was
taken up. None of tbe stock objec
tions urged by republicans in other
cases were heard in this, Tbe inde
pendents declared that they were as
ready to impeach Leeso as anybody
else if there was any evidence against
him. rorter wanted to know what
charges and what proof tbey tad. Ben-,
ator I'ope, a railroad lawyer from
Crete, got up and made a speech in
which he made a good many assertion
against Mr, Leese, and said he could
bring men who would swear they were
true. .
It appeared that no evidence what
ever bad been taken, it looked very
mucn as if the resolution against Mr,
Leese had been trumped up as a bluff
to stave off action against Benton.
1'orter replied to Tope, saying that
when tho house bad asked the senate
to come over to impeach the state of'
fleers, they had sworn testimony. Now
the senate asked the house to help im
peach a man merely on their verbal
Pope then sent up a resolution asking
that a committee of three bo appointed
by the chair to take evidence in Lecse's
case and present it to the joint conven
at 10 o'clock Saturday. It also provided
that the three attorneys, Boane, Pound
and Greene, draft articles of impeach
ment upon the evidence, if it in their
pinion was stinlclent, and report the
same to the house. Tbe resolution
was adopted and the chair appointed
Pope, McKesson and Porter as such
Then the joint convention adjourned
over to iu o'clock buturuay.
Saturday's Convention.
When the two houses got together
on Saturday the committee appointed
to take testimony reported that they
had examined several witnesses, tho
evidence had been submitted to the at
torneys and theyhad decided that there
were grounds for impeachment.
The report was auoptod. At 11:30
the articles of impeachment were read
and adopted.
The charges against Lcene are that
whllo he was a member of the board of
public lunus and buildings there were
fraudulent voucher approved for coal
for use at tho asylum similar to those
of the past two years; that he collect
ed money from the state ostensibly for
expenses In prosecuting cases in the
United StaUr supremo court, while
such money was never iont for that
I'urimeo, aiid thpt ho worVcd for a fee
against thu stato in a certain bond in
junction case.
Thu same committee and the same
attorneys were appointed to lake
charge of tho cases against Benton and
Let no.
John C. Watson, In brhalf of the re
publicans kd that JutU'e 1'ol.nd m
aultalituted In place of IjtmUirtaon, a
that gentleman wuld not gvt back
fruui VVahlngton in tim to take
ctargo f thu t e. Th I vta d- lie.
Finally at about !2u.dtk the joint
coimtitkn adjoururd n 4it.
w.mmm"?1'" tt,h'P your Butter' Poultry, Errs, Veal. Hay, Craln,
. !' De,,r,8 troom Corn Cfeen and Dri Frulta, Vegetables, or
aw, thin you have to us. The fat t that you may hatre been sellinf these srtTcle at bom
ror year is no reason that yon ihou.d continue to do so If you can find a better market. W
make specialty of reoelvtnf hlmienu direct from FARMERS AND PRODUCERS
ud probably have the lariritst trad In this wy of any hou.a In this market. Whilst yea
are looking around for the cheapest market In which ta bur vmtr wwi th.,. ...
lB tnt way, It will certainly psy trou to s-lve some attention in th. h.t
able way of disposing- or your produce. We Invite oorreepor denoe from INDIVIDUALS
ALLIANCES. CLUBS, and all era-anixationa hn iiiim tn itin th.i. n.t,.u .J
thl market If requested, we will send you free of obarge oar daily market report, sfclp-
...vwou. BUU .oca inionuunon a win be or Service to you. If yen contemplate Shb
ping-. When o requested proceed for shlDmeaU will be deBosltad ia the anuift nf th. .ht.
per wtth any wholesale bouse In Chicayo. Lot a bear from you. sT-St
Summers Morrison & Co.,
COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 174 South Water Street, Chicago.
rteictence: Metropolitan National Bank, Chicago.
J. P. ROOF. Vlje-Prm
W. h. LfNcC, Seer.
ARMERS, we Invite your attention to the) Farmers' Mutual Insurant
fJompany of Nebraska, If you are la want 0 Insurance you can not
afford to Insure In any other company, and If you do not want Insurance
now, write and get a copy of our By-laws and Constitutien and learn what w
are doing anyway, '
ltemembor we are for Farmers only.
Koom 407 Brae Untliling.
Trees, Plants, Ornamental Trees, Shrubs R Evergreens.
Large Stock of Best Old and New sorts of Strawberry Plants.
Porest Tree for Claim at Low Price. Write for
tahllshed In ISSil. Bend for price list to NUKTU RBN U NH HHKatlKH.
Hortb Bead. Dods tosstr, Vsbraeka.
Eureka W a!
The Best In tho World Just reoeived by
G, M. Loomis. 908 O Street.
11 and See them. Also Tanks, Pumps, Pipe, eto. Tin RooflDcr, and anything
in tbe hardware line.
Telephone 371. C M. LOOUIS,
For Sale, Cheap.
My Noted 8talllon, LORD MORGAN.
Will sell him for what he can earn this season, or trade him for cattle or
clear land. He is sound, sure, and all rig-ht. One of the best horses ever
brought from Illinois. J W. MCALLISTER, Ages, Neb.
$1 1.76
WiU buy a
Hume littluairlra,
r at rattle wsnti d at th Ailiam
markrl, 35 ft, lllh ht , IJnt tdn .Sti.
St, Jtmfpt Uu'ity I ''. t'arrlstrt and
liiki"V hiwt'st pricts. t'aU.fcMi
ami j rl J t fm. tab. and M...uht
lUiU r.V kf lau t He t f tho
ie.t pript rly la I Ist oia fr al,
Ifytitihattt a kAd, vUtr farm and
want U fctil ItivniH pri-prir, ru
d U. y iU fit4 tu a " '.) Ual,
llAKIlsM A t tW IM,
I't lKei I Vt'l.TMV. WML- i'iym.
with lUt k WbHtt t rarlr;.!.'v
t'ta hloa. Ti!liH. tira Whiltt !(!'
UndTarhv), WhlUi tiulmas, IV kit
IK-, f k-f la MtniKM. ('iu Uia.
Wt A. lUtrn, Ja,
3H Irviuuel, Nb.
In the New Spring Shades of
Cafe an Lait,
Mlitaiy Black,
Enierald. Tabac.
and, Violet.
Cord iu Change.
4 inch All Wmi1 Suiting. Spring Styles . .
28 inch SuUino Silk Warp, all colors, ....
3S inch A:i Woc.l Whip
ttblo Ctilura
4 inch All Wm1 S.-tt'm Finish (nrman Hen-ru-ttn
in all colors. ,
4 inch KnglNh Scrgv, ChangfuMo colon..
S.'Unph-st chct'i fully wnt to out of tt)HU cuatoincrs.
OMAHA, mi.
Thra bl k frtmt Csplkd WUJIb,, I.'eovlaa teV vaWel aad Wet
uvUJa hat-L klKhty t. triHHb Jt thipUbd, liHKuliaf Urre iwaA.llt
rtawa, tuakisf lw rwau U all U A. L UUUVKtl A ttON, Vxvf'n