THE A L h I A .N (J K -1 N I) K 1' E X I E X T. AritiL n, isr.i 6 NEBRASKA LAWS. THE LEGISLATURE CAVES TWEN-TY-FOUR BILLS. THE GCTOOR YETCES U ACT. Tt.. Rrniij Bi Far Made. A Nam- ber of Othsr Bills will be Added O the List Before Adjournment. iber kuu News of ', lBUret LntCOLJr, April 3.- Governor Crounse has approved twenty-four bills that have been passed by the legislature and vetoed one. This constitutes the record up to this time, and comprises probably the smallest number of acts var approved in the same length of tlma. The session is almost over and only twenty-five bills have been sent to the governor, out of a total of about 900 introduced in both branches. Govoner Crounso's only veto was given house roll No. ITS. a bill by Repre sentative Ulggins, providing for an ad ditional judge in the Twelfth judicial district, and an interesting suit Is now pending in tbe snprerae court relating to he necessity of executive approval foi eoch a bill Following is the list of mea ares approved by the governor: House roll o. M, by Casper of Butler, appropriating fttf.OUO for the payment r afflun tMnmhera and eievfoves of the twenty-third session of the legisla ture. House roll No. 113. by Jensen of Fill mere, to recount the ballots cast for and gainst the amendments to the constitu tion relating to executive oncers, and Investment of the permanent fund. school House roll No. 188,by Watson ef Otoe, authorising the appointment ef supreme court commissioners ana flenning duties. House roll No. 103. by flows of Ne- Btaba, to appropriate tne matrioulation face of the state normal school for use of the school's library. House rvU No. 188, by Oakley of Ian- aastev, te appropriate tne mamcuiauon aad diploma fees or the stato university, for tas support of the university library. Mouse fell No. 183, by Oakley of Ln caster, to epprottriate tuition fees of the college ef law of the university for the ace ef said college. House roll No. 158, by McKesson of Laaoastor, an aot appropriating one acre el Wyuka cemetery, Lincoln, as a burial ptaoe for deceased union soldiers, sailors, marines and army nurses of the wnr of the rebellion to be selected by the grand army of the repubiio House roll No. 878, by special com- gists on governor's message, to au oriae the office of oommaudAnt of the aoUUers' and sailors' home by amending saottoas M8 and 84H3of the consoli dated statutoj of MM so as to provide for the appointment of a commandant, to provide for reports from the visiting ad esamlntmx board to dispense with Horace el quartermaster, rna to repean aia soctioas. House roll No. 49, by Cornish of Lan - .m. aJaJ A.h,. sassojve the general flea of judgmerfu pending prooaedtngs In error, by per mitting the judgment debtor to deposM In court the fall sum of eUoh Judgment, ntsrest and Costa, thsre to abide till ter Uhtation ef appeal Houss roil No. 179, by Keckley of York, to provide for ditching and draining we( or swamp land. House reil No. 833, by Lockner, togivt A. J. Arnold an honorable discharge and pay for three months' services ren dered In Oie second brigade of Nebraska militia in 1864. House roll No, 123, by Cornish, to amend section 1, chapter 7, compiled statutes, so that no person shall bo admit ted to practice as an attorney in the su preme and district courts unletm such Srson shall have previously sludiud in e oftice of a praoticing attorney for two years, and shall pass exam ination, or is regular graduate from the college of law of the univer sity of Nebraska, and it is shown that such applicant sustains a good moral Ohsrsoter. (Senate file No. 8, by Efrgleston of Lancaster, to amend section 3110 of the consolidated statutes of 1891 and to re peal said section. Creates the ofllce of deputy county attorney in Law n tor county at a salary not to sxceed $1,894 per year, and crst1tr the ia of three deputy county attorneys in the couuty of Douglas at salaries not to ex. coed f 1,000 per year. Senate ale No. 41, by Moore of Lan caster, amending auctions 817 and Sit, known as ohaptvr 8, civil right, consoli dated statutes ef ISO!, by making the avt apply to "pawon' initea J of "citt ens. Senate f te No. 61 bv Lobeck of Dour- las, to amnnd n-ction hhU ( the coai piled itotuUs of IHWl. by making it un lawful to publiah aa aoceaatofanv lottery canimt oa "either out of or' witaia the etatm. ienate file No. 113, by Moore of Ian. ' easter, to amrnd s-tioa 8 of an art en titled "an at to provide for the moor potation i4 univeiettlee under curtain trouMtaoe," hv authorising U truatee. by conut of a majority el stockholder, to secure loans by start- ra filee Na V, 854 an.l 3J7. by liOwley of rwcl. to amiul th rrin taal sU by ImUj out U v.r4 ot aoth" U the wn;ty for l(ltt in ceseewbere Jutite ef the pvnow have pwwr to Uih fine atvl uj tu.i, ta asssudment ttutd to (Sirtwvu4 a no deoM. .f the turrvnie euii rWaato lie K 4, by fa h wood . Aatel., aa art to ooiupel rilrNi It ta put la trtnrr swti.hs where liae tona th same iuii and to If nfr freMm cat toad Ms wiUnut etti Cf rfeaaa (lie N It. hf Moors vt tan astat. m ai t to tiU for the auat at a i4io nnn by tit uft of eiues of or Ul MikabiUii(. SwHate file Na by tiray of r, ta rMti4 Ma SiiT, vtueWr 3 f the eaenu-UM sUtuUe of IMl, by r-viit-lag attwatMM to tor the itNiu uf r- taoatdta made ne'ory tarrth etrvts I rvaur 4 dWts la teM4 ttug ebate ftie N by M r 4 Un fasVAf, to aateud awtton Ml. tU csl etetntM of 11. by rnqairins; no torize public to write tbe dte at which their tejruu of office sipire, oa all certii catee of authentication. BotiaU Hie IK Ij Babcook o Douglas, an act to promote the devel opment of water power for manufactur ing: other industrial purposes bj declaring water power canals to be lr rigatlon canals and all laws relating to Irrigation canals shall be deemed applicable thereto; also repealing e tion 2037 of chapter 21. consolidated statutes of 1891. Met and Both Died. CniDROV, 'eb.. April 3. A Mr. Jeene Wooten shot and killed bis wlff today and ended the tragedy bj taking Jils own life. The deed was committed on one of the principal streets of the city and lasted only a moment, death being Instantaneous la both cases. Wooten's Wife bad left him on account of threats ad abusire conduct and has been living at ber father's place until reoently when she oame to Cbadron, having reladver her. They had been married five yean and had twe children. At the time ol ber marriage Mrs. Woo Urn was only fif teen years old, Iter husband being tea jeare her senior. Since the separation the wife's friends have kept Wootcq from meeting his wife, as he had threat ened to kill her, but today he met her in a crowd and without warning shot her. An offleer seised him by both arms, but he sucoeeded in throwing the re volver upon himself. Rheumatism had made a wreck of the man and caueed him to be moody and vindictive, and ho came here fully prepared to take bis wife's life and was only seeking the op portunity. His excited manner was ob served during the day by his acquaint ances, but they did not anticipate the terrible deed he rw'ooliUiL Miraculous Escape. Harvard, Nebraska, April 8. A Mrs. H. R. Wheeler met with an accl eat today wbleh came very near re suiting fatally. She was going aloaj the F. E.A M. Y. railroad. seemingly un- enscious of where she was or tbe near approach of the train, until she was eaufhtbythe eewcatcher ftud threw a to eas mi o nw tree, nit 4ilm"i as seen as he saw her. eave toe warn lag aad whistled OtoWa brakes. It seems a&rMtfjous $st she wal hot in stasnfr ku1d. She sustAned soine Mmri brutes and two had cuts on her head, the pnyaiel.ns leered intern! injuries, but as yet it is aacsriaia avw M-ieua. She is sifto-sirfnt rears old and a nersen of mnarkable riger and vitality for one of her ysars. ' Mhootlng Affray. Alma, Neb., April 3 A shooting affray occurred at Alma late Saturday night, in which a number of parsons might have been hurt, but fortunately only one man was injured. The fracas occurred at a house of ill-fame. Dave R, Tift, a young son of Traiaer Tift, seemed to bold tbe fort at this place against all comers. A crowd anally fathered cutslde the door and became 1 nnav hon Tift began snooting throurh tn8 dooPt which Dtim 'oponod front without Into the crowd. 1 "K v . . , tn. . . m One shot out of five took effect In the left arm of Leo Kennedy, dangerous wound, Tift dlatoly arrested. It is not a was imnoo An Kmbeirler. Rush villi, Nob., April 3 The dis trict court and the grand jury have been ia session here all the present week The jury found half a dosen indict meets that will be tried in equrt next week. Yesterday the court heard thi case acainut Fred Nbvotoy, soho treasurer in a country dietrkt, charged with annrooriatfns: the diatrwt mow) to his owa use. The Jury found a verdict of Kuilty of embeuleinent. Ilia fine will be about 8840 and his se sea tRt tenoe from one to twetitr years ia penitentiary. Judge KinKiid has yet passed soatence. uo4 riuuder Itecovered. AtnORA, Neb., April 3 Some time since the post-office at this Some time since tW pcwtofRce ' at this place was burglarised, and one day this week Fostmaater Tweedy received notics from County Clerk Aekerman of Or and Inland that a package of papors belong ius to MY. TVbedy bad bn pleked u by fujoie h1i buy a the Br& b&Bk ci the Platte river, outheat of Uraud Island. They had no deubt beea dropped by the burglars. flullty of Assault. Gfneva, Neh., April 3 The Jury was out just twenty-fiTo hours The jury was out ju"t twenty-five hours aud lahorud hard all tltat timo to form au afivement in the CostUo shoeting trial The trial we watched with wocrt interest. THo venllot finally dlld upen tv the jury was " uuly of as taull aad hHev,' It M-euis to give general stkfaoUon. Three Tl kete. Al'KOK. N'uh, April 5. Our City politic are jvltin niui latrv Uitf. The aatl llon i-v'le ftrt neiti. lnatei a ticket lr tbe lu-eae pea pie M-t sua noiutiiiei antitiier, hnslly Urge nmwl er vt luusl n, h.i wete diwttW Ul the aiTsits have been onvlm tJ fx the aai yr er la, rut am4hr trt la field bv UUwa lb rvUt will aa dotth I W a trfvtts stuUiswa untv 4iu ib etkiMts at Ike KrvekiM 111 f!r U.I f U m fit the! ki k ia fr tu rs aa4 aiMttue fiMv (t a Veerl ut fmat a Ute U( M4 yr ttai, . Ike l.e A mttttty, CalirW!s MxM .t ie kr a a tte Ca4 l tee ftut ef a istwd Uil tur a Jr auiwtre. tie m utlti4 ta i 10, M put la a M H KIIU A UttXy Utt4 at Atte, He, ks witi U.e eree, wkta tk ksusr tkr t K tee elk Mlvi-UilttKiirM Uf ift akete sad a titl e la aJu vt tke ijkii:f nkwh otkh. IntereKtiniC Item Cleaned from renple'e Party Kxt-hangf. The df mccrallc party wi!! change tb office bolder, but they will ccaoge ine laws? The Indianapolis Journal baa proven that Judge Grtbbam never was a repub lics n Accord irg to the centus American farm-rr have an average iccome of e'Z cebts a day. Few men will fight frr a government wbce laws rob them of the just reward of their labor. Give us tariff reform and free silver, and give tbcm to us quick. We need them in cur business. In 1806 there will be a grand smasb- trjr of old parties, boftes, ideas, super stitions, rings and trunt. j If Cleveland's election raised tbe price of totton and hogs, what raised tbe price of sugar and coal? While a dollar will buy t ice a much s it did a few vesrsago, it takes double tbe t mount of sweat to produce it. Tbe Brooklyn Tabernacle, tbe place where the Rev. Talmage does business s about to be sold by the sheriff on a debt of 820,000, It is said that the "Denvcratlc sim plicities" indulged at Washington to in duct Cleveland into the presidential cbair cost in tbe aggregate L'iO.COO. Katberine E. Conway, of tbe Boston Pilot, is now one of the police commis sioners of Massachusetts, and has great Itfluetce with her coDengneB. Tbe Oregon 1 gislature memorallzed congress to issue 850,000,000 legal tender rote. wall btrc-frt is aswrg lor .jU,- OO0.0CO in lends. Watch at d see which side wins. It Is wonderful that Jefferson, Jark- on, Clay, Webster, Denton, Douglas, Lircoln, Chase ano otter erf at states men never discovered that silver was a dishonest money! If President Cleveland has baited his book with Gresham to catch Populist votes, be wilJ scon, or pet baps baa earned by this time, that he is wrong n bis choice ot bait. Turkish mobs have been terrorizing Arn enlars, breaking up their meetings fcr worship ar d robbing their churches' scd Armenians have no redress unless foreign nations interfere. Iv a vote of twenty three to seven tbe Michigan senate passid ft loint res olution urglrg concTi'SB to submit a constitutional amendment providing for tte election of United btaus senators ty direct vote of tbe people. It Is laid that the electric l'gbtlng of the inaugural ball room during the cer errooiesof sealing Ch velar d, cost $12,- COO. And vet democracy Is wont to boast of JcfTetEenlan sfmpllcily and Jackeooian frugality. "Hog Me to Death, Darling," is the title of a new song. It is said to te in tended for a duet and no audier ee. If it Is successful it will be a tight squeeze. It is certainly a ticklish production and might hold a fellow lor nie. tux.. The Jewish bankers of Europe aro about to ccmhlne te boycott Russian securities. This will virtual'y drive those securities from the European market, and will crestlv cripple Rus sian enterprises of every kind. This is a retaliatory measure. Reports from far away China indicate thst war la imminent between mat country and Russia, The bone of con tention is a region of country claimed by China, but for some time claimed by Russia. RusMa is Herding additional troops to the disputed territory. The leaders of the Hawaiian revolu -tion are very much surprised at the turn things have taken at Washington. They supposed that Hawaii was already i a part of Uncle Sum's dominions, and ! could hardly believe the report that the treaty was not confirmed by the Senate. Lieut. Col. Streator, of lams noto riety, is apain before the public for special cr nslderation. He attended the inaugural ceremonies at Washington, got drutk, assaulted an officer and trie d to kick up a riot, and is nt w to be court martialed for ' conduct unbecom ing a soldier and a gentleman." A young lady school teacher not a thousand miles from here,'' says an ex change, "was teaching a class in spell ii g when the word ' husband" was put on the 1 lnck board. None of the child ren could pronounce it, and in order to help them out the teacher atked: What would I have if I should get married. Tbe responte was rompt but it was not what sho expected, nnd she blushed such a brilliant red that the sunlight paled." Tyranny in South Carolina. Adjutaut General lluch&nan of South Carolina bai made a detailed report to the governor of his findings in the iu vestljatlon of the trtatmontof luborers la tho phospbata Klncs t tho atat?. His rvport couilrtas alt that was said In the complaint of the French and Itallau comuls. Tho Italian complatnt had uot befo received when he left here there fore ho had only tho French complaint to investigate. Ho says la hi revntrt that ho found U Frt'Bchtnon Imprlf oned tn the ntiaei under guatd. Tho only alleged reaon for their detention was that itiey were in debt to the sUu kepr. Invest Ration showsd that th y were forvvd U buy their supplies irvtn tho lt!ln t rekeeirs, aad at ia h prl a tHy p! d t eoarm ttem; ttiat Ihty am worked who ly by lU'.ittO lvr, !vl ii a ltj'ri as tluHinh tiuy ). I eo Ut guat aU to lutkd tln '.r e. kit Ui lint world. The rvprl farther slates tht at vao time these n , r aiul!y hot intj by one of (he ! wUU a gMn hUod with tiuU shot bd Kuril i f theru wouh44. Trie u!!n wao did th UAli n4 ht tn the !ne tm ta N York. Tae wtidHUm a dvteritvd (. the lepvM-l I ,t (if lho!,h aud cuiplete lary. Th lrtwnelJ with .tho tplUn U al the tvteedy is h ftt:4 ttie Her vf k tUte rd should find lt perwsttkal rMf In the eta t!im of tae ne l oi U o latailgritioa. -aeUeh men's Journal, rt WHV DEALER'S PROMT lt V, ba.4 iU bM m atrial 4 an nrrtsb4 far aud spinet a IfcAkJO. aC m sk th SMaurVMiavMaf ftwiiaess T 1 ai t-n uwl a rrl'aJ afed ' saaaa aid " V i M7ritM Iliiwavass'Wewia'srr'tiss . - ejAjf- m am- 'A tbe am efeH4v av iC'Hf4. OXFORD MFG. CO.. 340 Wabash Ave.. Chicago. Hi. COLUMBUSaEVERGBEEH! 151 ife souvenir ,7. WORLD'S FAIR. Evtrf?Txsn from mr nurmrj in Z FREE toescfa of my ctwumr, Oe r luiuuiton nm lor miaa-inmua ana vi ornamentation. linrfitrntt vatrvntw. 4u l i'A LocaX Atfimu WoztUsd. rOe HILL, Evtrgreen Specialist i rY' DVNDEE, TTTITOXS. AMERICAN ROOFING CO. Largest Manufacturers in the U. 6. Sheet Iron Building rtaterlal Sltltnm. oiMnim. tUMiftugn, i-hii(ien. Iinltmlun i(rlck"rWftli.Tl.mrjljj.(, ull.-rn. ll.wnK,uli. vie, t'mr m frr cent. dleonnt, MtR- St. Louis. Cincinnati. SEE :; CORN. HOOUE'S YELLOW DENT has won more rremlums at Mate ana isauonai Hhows than any other CORN In Nebraska $i.eo per bti. Sacks 20 cts. each. Write tr circulars. Address: K. houuc Crete. Neb. THE BOSS SPRAYER For spraylnir fruit trees and vines. Bend for catalogue and price list to CURTIS &HUBBELL. IflOi Ho. 20th St., Mucoln.JSeh. cf SOLID GOLD 0tt A FILLED WATCH 4 6iirantied 20 YearH. rnri tenuiae g ld Hi ted Mh W vrery HtC reader ff tbistief, CtM)toul aid Sid U M ut With f-'ur Daiaeaiid ad dre,ei'l out) I and youihlaeleritaalf)i by eipvM for saiuiuaiioa, and if It q tt let apiaranuc to atiy MhAJ gold traieb, tm? Mir saniile prtoa, T t. attd tt M -ift. VVeaend wtih tt our Knarani that t ad rrturn It as anyltne nhi osm year If not sati-f-u-tMr. and if joH sell or ratiM the eale I x e ejill ftvey.m Una Mtr.e. Write at Mae, ball s-wd out Mnyle: fnv (ft dirvs file. Af!,trrrt THE NATIONAL M'F'C ifSZ&e&i&i-',C- IMPORTING CO.. E. F, TEPHEMS Prop.. Crelr, Neb. Sellable Trees and Plants SatUfac- tlon Kiini'HiHeed I8.IMKI biiM)ii-ln o unples and WHibUHtela of cberiivs grown In 1SIU shows that fruit run be grown ifsiiUftbie trees are tiluntril, Th exirlenoe nl advice of the proprietor, prptldt-nt of the State Horticultu ral Society will be found sale and utwlul to all plauterH, Frrt Trneat nr Timnar claims- CortTMi.diid at oik e befuie the exlitm rush of Mnrlnir orders. choice Yellow cent seed corn. lODUusneis per acre. Pearl Steel Mill and Tower. I2&wf SIMPLE. STRONG. DURABLE. Will run 20 years without oil. Will send them on 30 days' test trial, and If not satisfactory to the pur chaser It fun bn returned to us and w pay freight both ways. Wewlve the tlrimficttwarrantyot any company In tho butdnetts, there by protectiriK you and your cus tomer ftKuliint loss In cage of an accident. Write for full particulars and printed matter. AODRCSS BATAVIA WIND MILL CO., Batavli, Kane Co., III. "OUR RELIABLE INCUBATOR" Win be In constant operation at the World s Columbian Exposition. Tho most practical machine ever oliered thfi poultry fraternity. Send 4c stamp for descriptive catalogue. IT WILL PAY OU. "40" tardsof IHBh Class Poultry, "40" Illustrated poultry catalogue ISd"': Rcliabli Incubator & Brooder to., QUINCY, ILLINOIS. Want 100 Farmer Agents la Nebraska For The most CO ' pltte line 01 wood and tttrl nuitipinK and geart-d ills mid kjvurvd null f-- Uiw nnd nwchinc the niDiil i..-Rt n.-Uullo aiid duraltlc in uc. AirciH NMird who lunv Iwtrii fcunuHfiit rt'hii i-ni-f -Hrid art known to be n lu - ? hie if vou or ny ol votir i nri'htwi wittit anv kind of ft " WtlUiUIIIta Ihll now and wi. ute, writi 'r. - ' i. 1 f th)i'iH.-v. - , Y U in J Ki n ,': Co., Si e iiarlr. 111! I mn yrtmlin ftol tor M h wm , p. ..... , , x -. , , ,i and m ht () t rtlil anil n-j i f -' . i h-i, It KtAiiUi ulteayiVHl v y , i ) " i ' !! Hi til lllW, I llilHll . - jyi . Vt , he immI it !! Uiikk -r?" -' ' f v V rrr I c -n khihI . tll):U an hmir i.h II in vl " v ' 'l iml. Mi i g!,i., ' Mr, iukt, uv K . mil 3 -tj ml 1 ( 4 It I H I IJiy ' oufht. ajli.M II .....1 lKi,lt. Ikm . nulS,i.( i, 11 f. ,tmm,,,, "' S 1' It. Mil !(,. t .llt.1 iu.., I i. im "' " '- M, ,Vr, I Kt it m liw Ihittf l' f vtl4 i,h tv inH lit -'H, I4 till . QootUiuo Engino Co. M. Chart ,111. FARM RS and THRESHEK.ME) .it mT- 4 " ' A B a s 0,000 I r H 'HAM istCINla tt sill m t tm iloti Mt tM 1 1 (. si. t .- r h Mtt A M, ak Lit, ; i, U4. mi 1 "T r- r il : JM.TintJAI HVMSfcSS MHXH,h. rtrt I IUIIML rrilaol iminiiis-'e' hool fr yiiuwc wen and om-n who ilemre to follow cutnmen-ial pumilta, or ba to learn tbortliaua.tyiwitint. wri:raiuj, KU:. t orresimndfUi solleiwd. e'ata!iKUe free. Three l"n In horthand bv mail free. NATIlSiA! BrMKESS t't!-LU.S. Y. M. C. A- U iiig.. Kana-v lty. Mo. Send for I erial spring ami nuuiwer iller. 4 FRUIT TREES AND PLANTS! Forest Tree feedlinc a'l va rieUe lied fedar. eU'. Before ordemiK tlsewhere, write for my Prlee Llt-u aud Mntj, Adiirem. ceo. C. rtanfora, Makanda, Jatkeon Co., Ill, EXCELSIOR HOME BAKER AND ROASTER none Kenulne wit hout braw BttlnRH) our latent Improved myle, la a aolld make, hasaeepnanKe oiik ut nix n srate.ana eioneii iwrieci iy ijum- Haven 83 per cent nutrltlouN elements. Full de scriptive circular on application. AGENTS WANTED In every enmity In the (J. S. Ad dress, CHARLES SCHULTHEISS, 10 N. Main bt., Council UlufTa, Iowa. 8TKKL WONDEIt Fence Machine. Powerful, durable, eiy, rapid. Weaven 80 to 80 rodn fier day, MtroiiK. Btotk-prHif fence, from ulata, poleH, wllloWN. Slc. j , ' n ' c o a . ,i v , . tTJ freiKht paid direct " from factory. For clrcularM addreHD, Gohhen Fencb Machiks to , (JoHhen, ind. PATRONIZE The Only Line Under One Management FROM Lincoln to 1'oinlg Uelew. OAKRS FREMONT BIOUXCITY AHKKDECN OMAHA HIEUNW rlKHKB HAHTINOS DKS MONIES IH'KON Bll'KUIOK MARHIILTWN MITCHELL T TVYYU IV B( in K YANK ION li'viuii CLINTON Dt LUTII ,0? MILWAUKEE MINNK'P'LS ff J3ftFV OXKOSll OWATO'NA trirWSit EAU CLAIRE WINONA im$&5r MADISON St. Vaitt P-i..-, Chicago n inns nil i mi MARSHALL lifVHiTTH FREPPe)IlT K 4K(JTA iL KillLLs AURORA MAKQ-ITE WvnMTTirri KI.IM E MOAN ABA V TOMINO uixON Fast Trains to tlilcaeo and St. Taul. C'lomi Connections for Au, Points. BEST FejUll'MENTS LOWEST KATES A. B. FiM.niNO, W. M. Shifhah, City T'kt. Agt. Uen'l. At. Olllce 1133 e) bt--Iepot Cor. Sand 8th Ht, LJNC0LN. NEB. CHEAP FAR?,! LANDS 100,000 Acres Just Put Upon the Market ! SOLD ON Small Cash Payments AND 5 to 20 Years Time. For map of Nebraska and further particulars, call on or address, STAPLET0N LAND COMPANY 444 BEE BUILDING, OMAHA, JiEB. M. E. II1NKLEY, m CENERAL NURSERYMAN, MarciM, Iowa, The best of the new fruits, ornamental and evtri:reenn. B1k Htiimly of the BLACK hlLLS SPRUCK, the best evergreen yet. It will cost vou nothintr to let nie price your needs. Ex pprituental station af the State Horticultural respond. Satisfaction guaranteed. lifirr SAYS SHE CANNOT SEE HOW II II L YOU DO IT FOR THE MONEY, CIO Brjya $6ft.00lRprMlOtror4Hlnirer Wlst(4lnff Maeulnai MffVet worklnr. rtltabU. flnsly inlshsit, adapted to light and bsst? work, wtia aootDDloW Mt of tbo latest lmbTOTdattabmnta dlroi't from our factory, and aava dealers and H PRES. Kaoh inanhlno U cuarantsad forftttara. Buf prons. rivno iniAksna rnat Ainiiuuia. OXFORD MF3 CO., DEPT. 274 Chicago, III root's wmmm outfit I Conslntlnguf Iron Lsti U rinU, enublt'ii une to (tu li'Du wn hah -sul.ivn anil H.'ot, Simti.tiuil Kl iiiitK Ti-pairiuir. AiiyiMiyrHii 11M lb 1 nilUMIlHlH III- in t. . VV. Mi II. Vrit-d.nnTvl? On IIimmI HALF-SOLEi,i.H.Ii- H iAiri t'L vvlrii.tH-iit riv null. STRAPS l iiirr nitMittf r iiii-nliiii miy li-'iuth ur k t.uii . tiitt. k nt unit cri'ftnt-il, hiiif tiuttl lirturii. II ohwthav. vm- iii-fe,t. a-li i ilnx. , vi m rm tlliu-1- ir.iotl HI Infill rsvTJi ti".it.w m..i;ii.-.;i.' Tj JS IKOlH-WOBRtR, SL r rini.iil It ,iri4 ii,'il.aHi I iF - --in-iKir ln-i -'! imirM Timi.. hiM'ia nt.iM.I'.-.MirV t. JL J. .,,,)! IH,,.. AiT Hi- A -Clnaii fiw Hi oor n.?OS,. M0tNA. OHIO. 1 EATING STOVE DEAL II. J. Hall & Bro. . tfl. Uiuvln. NVU Monarch Staves, Fanner Ranges, Thatcher Furnaces. t . VI 1' il ,'a Ti-rrifJ !' rs if ' '-BSBaBSBW' Twaiatl si til kisth. i(s ls f avr cb ur h Pli mm is--'--Mji Hastings Importing Co. roBTKB ASD BBKBIJtBS Or Percheron and French Coac. fines 1UUC19 vt If npon a Tihlt to our baralj yon do not nnd our hon-es. strictly nrst oiass in every.- partlcuiar, we will pay tr.ia extjeuM-sof the trio, fcveri horse guaranteed a Brut cla.ii foal Keiu-r. ill trive purchars as liberal terms as any other Bnn in the business. BEIIU & .Mt I.ELLA, llsftiinnsi lSisih URNAS : COUNTY : HER I Big Ml & Cattle. Hogs My breeders arn first cAasta. guaranteed as represented. Priced reasonable. A few choice fall pigs left.V I Orders booked for early spring pies. J H. S. Williamson, Beaver City, - - Neb. KINGSLAND & DOUGLAS MFG. CO. T. lAJL'ia, Ml). THRPCIIPR5 rTT-k WBIBBllWB rarlTaled for taut Trsh J IBB, Ke da rating aad V (Itanlnr, I- Traction Enelnts, ere1ilaaH Point thst rotomikeap a I'trfec fulliosaad Worklm inglne. 8tnd for Catalogs RIPANS TABULES REGULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. .' HII'AXH TAIil t.VA are tha bt Mfdl- i kmitin Tor ludiiervlliin, lllllutiaai Headache, Cwumltiatluii, Ujmpvpulu, 4'hronla 1.1 vr Trouble, lir.lii-., Had Ciimulr lon, llyf iiU-ry, OltV-nlie llri-ulk, a Bit all dl order ol' Die Moinin h, Liver aud Ituwrli, Hlpani Tn Ini ! a cimtnin llotlilnir injiiHuua to tlip iiiiirft di-llciU4; coiinMiutiiiii. Am I'lcanuut Ut tako, Mfifi. elfiH-iiiiL). and ttlvtt ttriiiM-dliit? n-.!l(-f. I'rira f.nXiC vial-). 76i-nnti I'nrkitKeit liox-1, S2. Mav lie uriliiriMi throiiifh ni-aiimi. rimtrtflit, or liv mail. Kaiuplw fri-a liy mall. AildrKw THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 Sr-ItCCE STUEKT, NEW y OHK CI' SOUTHWESTERN STAMP WORKS; 1326 Grand ave.,KBiiaii City, Mo. BERRY BOXES AHD BASKETS ArLLR UIRMAM fn . MICHIGAN BASMT FACTOHV er inerou mnu atNO FOR ILtUSTRATED PRICE irr. PEACH no GRAPE PACKAGES. VELLS HIGMANCO., ST. JOStPMf MICHIGAN.' W. C. T. U. DINING HALLJ 138 12th St., Lincoln. First class table and Lunches s all horg. attendanc 80tl' Ir-JfliV. 4. USUCQUAINTEOWITH THE CtaQDWHtO' THIS COUMTi, . WUCrt YAlUmi WFORMmIOS rROU . JTUBt OF Tii.S ' !( ' ;Jt-awl aJit; If ,H : r.-wi 1 lSk..-. . li.Ti . fill Idcap, Eocl Maul & PacifiG I!r A iina n"i im ami imw . jni Al'. ' latJtXIK lAVP,NiKr, I'M (iSr 1 1 " SJ vi.trrs. outu, iiit.v, MAiiiri. l ux iAi.t, iixjfcii.ui. r. ni l. Ju'rl lt. Alt'llfHiX, 1 1 tu;NtVi:m. t' v tin, twrsita. M jivrn, ttiui v t. ! l t rttLfl, ffM KrliHi,a I'M tr, 4 lt AitX iLU lit U, - !!. K t'ltV, ant rW !r.ri, i . v . 4 t MivAUo, jaivuitA aU iitum;. t v ., souov:$ti3ule KPnEs: in f fcf trtH IWM iJvn. '- V'lVfe Vl t. b IN, . n t i tv - " t tj-i s-l h Hta M v It t . list' I A w4 s mjv I- ' -- " 1 " - Via Tho Albert te. Rc V StM VnWM .o-ii.t w .! I It . i II I, I I I nt la,. I . M 4 Mi II. w i ,.r . . l I lu -,- ' . ,.a ai'ittt a4 . vaiiia I ii-a fc sa-u fci, , swaw tbamti am-4 HaM a III..- . -lu,iha, rw , v---w ww mvtmitv M- I kluuM. !L.aa iOuA. U I I. ST. JOHN, JOHN IIUAITI1 awaJa Ut. 5v y4 9 el urn limit n fur lndicriMin. IIIIIuuancMas llettdat'h)CtiUiitItiiJiit OyHplii 4 hroiil 0 Uver Trouble, IMrxli (, Hud Complexion Sfe HvaaHla.a ltrt'..H.I t. aa It a... ..I la . aa ..II atIM- J order of Moiniwh, 1,1 tr uud Huwrlsi. i Tflprtni TftbiiUn vontnm liotlilnjf Jnjui-iom to tlie immt dil)(!iU4i coimMiutKin. Are i-Uwiut to f tuko, wi ft.'. elfwtUiLl, and k!v Itnim-dljito rcilff. I l'rir-flX(C viaN), T6c)'Mli l'nckfiK(? t4 hojn. f t2. Alav h onU-.rtMi through nraiiMi. frmrlHtt I or hf inail. Havi.iplH n i.y mall. Aiidrr-wa I THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO.. l in RPTirulE fiTUEKT. NKV f OHK CITY. ' X si - ' - -. JijXVrt a. " 1 m W i S C.