i Al'ItILC,lC03. T 11 K A L MAIN UK -1 iN 1) K 1J K N 1) K iN T. IP. 1 ) WESTERN TREES! if It Is a Fact that for Prairie Piant sring, Trees prown on Prairies are the I beet, i ou eaa i?et them at L' A The Geneva Nurseries. All sorts of them and in any quant ity, from one to a car load, at Very LiOw trices. Our stock is very com pleteiaaT departments. ' OSAGE PUNTS AND FOREST TREES Alan o (nil lino n "EVutf CViorla nrA Ornamental Stock, Grape Vines, Roses ana .Lverereeias. Catalogue tree write for f rices. Address, Youngers & Co-, Geneva, Neb. DEAFNESS, ITS CAUSES AND CURE, Scientifically treated by an aurist of world' "Wide reputation. Deafness eradicated and n tlrely cured, of from 30 to 80 years' standing, fter all other treatments have failed. How the difficulty Is reached and the cause removed iully explained In circulars, with affidavits and testimonials of cures from prominent jeopie, manea tree. Dr. A. FONTAINE, Tacoma, Wash. The Paragon Incnbator 3L Is positively the most practicable and re '1!able Incubator now before the people of the West. "Patronize Home Indastry'r and get ; b best. We dare come before the people at vj l fthe (treat Nebraska State 'air this year. We p , U-'atMi vz chicks from 121 fertile eggs, after 1 1 Moving the eggs and machine several miles wnen tney were witnin two days or hatching. There being bo premium offered at the fair we were granted the bighkht award of honor by the board of examiners. Send for circulars ana price list of the Incubator, which batched the chicks at the state Fair. Address V. L. TAYLOR & Co., Box 435, Falrbarr, Neb. -MAHUFACTtraBBS OF of Galvanized Iron Cornices v work. Doultrv nettlnc. vard and xfarden fencing, window guards, office railing, ftc. Send for catalogue. ik W M V W- V V A V w a m , j. vv. u. haul, at. josepn, mo, MONEY M OJNOPOLY (lit Edition of 5,000 all sold.) X&W BDITION-ENLAUGED. 190 Pages Heavy Paper, Sow Read?. Price, paper 25c; cloth tl 00. Address ThsoAluascb Pub. Co., Lincoln. Ueh. "Money Monopoly, by B. R. Baker, Is pro tiouBced by representative leaders In the reform canse to be the most comprehensive work ever published on the money question. Every asser tion backed up by undeniable proefs. Truly the ORtllng gun of wage-slavery against plutocratin oppression." Iowa Tribunr, Gen. Wesver's r per. Nebraska Savings Bank 13 and O St., Lincoln. Oa.pital $250,000. V GIVES ABSOLUTE SECURITY rite Us &nd We will Prove It Five Der cent Interest nn uvtno annnnnt. L Special rates ou time deposits. i Write us or call for neat vest pocket memo land urn book. J. G. Sodthwick, President. , B. Tinolet Cashier. Is making fine ArlstoCabinets at $3.00 per doz en P lrat pre - miu m at tbe Nebraska State Pair. V "AMONG THE OZAUKS." t The Land of Big Red Applns Is the title of an I attractive and highly interesting boo recently IIIbbu d. This book is handsomely illustrated iwiin views or Mouth Missouri scenery including Jthe fainoua Ulden fruit farm of 8,KK) acres In iiuwnti county, it pertains em rely to fruit raising in h t great fruit belt of America, the ouyient slope of tbe Uzarks. and will prove of gruW va u. not only -o fruit g owers, but to ew I farmer and hous-hw i.er in other sutrs I vv Ti for a (arm and a borne. This boot will iw'uAi.cii frev. Auureaa, J. K tx swoon, KunuMB . Itv Mi, r PH. C OKK H O, i n e i a niiiusCki' Iim liliy siclitu of Omaha hss over lu lat m n t s from trtntef u I tlvtlt who have been eur . il b v aim. Ainh r,,fli1. IWI-hrr tie IV o: I ha lt ncrer asmll child Uh 6tit"llnhiM4 we . liletie. ami -rtjipilM wi h rliDUiuatlimi. I bad lri.il malty li Mr anl .it a !! tlwat of unmev. but nu url. -txHii wvaii uiiUmsko Itieanlut tr rv nn v,nnaHni man in-at rm ana 'ran elMwrMIr rwMmniii. aim fur he has ' vural mm al nm-i. a a nu ol mm f raa ti .intL, Oia ha FOR SALE. T. Koiiliif if b'tl Cich liar., . Prhce Patchen. JWaiuinil lU h brova hot., IS hao.U, . C,"i '. !, for.. Ml fall anj kl. Ilia air. ta rr4 rauhaa, sa ( Ham. f PaU'sea M lair, ul s .si tlia aJ BWWil .w i run. a in I: U vl atHr j na fNtf iiiituaqiufMiwi, lurattir. I l.i ai ! alt -t am awt la is. hut. bitta II. la lasautli an or t lr. l la an 4l-i t fault II. I loans. ... " ir? aaananw. .. I nf ntt i a iff & that ill l't rtt. wui I Ua Hf .. blma.il tan nsm it aI SMttuauf lb. rouairi, Wr(. m: i ft.ttHkasii.. larMa. (! are t.wd rarvfull twfor i; photographer ' . J studio ill O st. Open 10 a m to p p m, Sun-it' T iftf th tur. ()UiU. 1 Id VkMtxk ALLIANCE DIRECTORY Nebraska Farmers' Alliance. J. R. Power. President, CornelL W. a. Povtr, Vlce-Pres , Aibioo, J. M. THOMPftos, State Seo'r, Lincoln. . C. Faibcbilo. Lecturer. Oaklale. ft. F. Xlus, Chairman, Ex. Cora ., Wabash. In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across tbe sea. With a glory la his besom That transfigures you and At he strove to make mea holy Let us arrive to make them tree. Since God Is marching oa. Julia Ward Hjwe. We would be glad to get Items from every anoe work. Program. SUBJECTS FOB DISCUSSIOW. 1. Should counties, cities and pre cincts have the right to vote bonds to assist in building railroads? 2. Resolved, That the contract sys tern of working convicts should be abolished. SUBJECTS FOB ESSATS. Toe flower garden The sweating system. 1. 2, 3. 4. What I would do if I were a man. Good roads. SUBJECTS FOB SPEECHES. 1. 2. The "Billion Dollar Congresses." Which of the old parties must die? 3. 4. Irrigation. Every man's right to land. Alliance Notes. in another column will be found a well written article from Brother Geo. L. Hammond of Wilber, in which he suggests a reform in the matter of holding county alliances. He thinks they are held two often. His idea is worthy of consideration. The alliance farmers in the legisla ture are showing true grit, and plenty of it. The corporation lawyers, are tryiog to freeze them out. Although they (the farmers) know they are need ed at home to attend to their spring work, they are determined to stay till the railroad bill Is disposed of It it takes all summer. After all the farmers as a whole are to blame for the political evils under which they suffer. They are in a ma jority in state and nation. If they would only enanclpate themselves from party prejudices ana act together, they could accomplish any reform they wish in a very short time. Alliance men can't you make your old party neighbors see t.hrt rmint. unn noma In nut. of t.h rnlnV Burrows and Thompson have issued a circular attack on The Alliance- Independent in which they charge tnit the editor of this paper said "the alliance was dead and will never hi Id another state meeting." The only answer necessary for us to make is that the charge is false and a malicious slander. Again we urge alliance men not to abandon their sub alliances because of the abuses of power practiced by anv of their state officers. Nsthiner would please the selfish men who want to use the alliance organization to advance their own interests, more than to have the true patriotic members of the order abandon It. That would leave nobody in the sub-alliances but those who neeze when Harrows and Thompson I take snuff. Then they will have no trouble controlling the next state alli ance, stand by the order, and In due time, the selfish riders may be un horsed. The editor of this paper took charge Of the jnebraska independent two years ago, because be foresaw, the de cay of the order which must come if burrows and Thompson were allowed to continue their dictatorship. He has worked with all his power at all times and under all circumstances to preserve and maintain the al.iance. buch a charge comes with poor grace from men who have ridden the order regardless of its welfare ever since it was organized. PERSONALS. Congressman Kem is now at home. He proml88 to favor our readers with a contribution soon. Alessers liiaice ana 1'irtie nave re turned from their visit to Washington. They report a very interdstingr time at thd nation s capltol. Conirreswman McKolghan has gone to tho Hot Springs, Arkansas, (or his health. A host of warm friends in No-bra- ka are hoping that his quest will not do irumcss. Mr. J. W. Dorland of Council ftluffs, was in Lincoln vl-iilng bis father-in-law Mr. M. S Drenmn. Saturday and Sunday. Uusays he is well pleased wlthhts new location. On Tuewlay J. A Thoraton, brother of ye editor, passed through Llneoln accompanied with his wtfo and Unit girl, ruruute for Ohio, where they I vet to make an extended vl.lt, Kpnseritaale Itugglesof Chase Co was called hum Monday evening by a telegram announcing thd writni ill Ufa of bis wllo. Ho led word that he would return whenever nwded. Or. W. V. ItnH.ks, ol Cook, one of the old guards, u in LtntHila on Tuvinlay llacameiu a'Und the uioetlng of the lWp.'t Siau CommltUni. He thinks popullt iwit'ii ar oa the brighten. Mr. O 8. Haskell, formerly edlUirof the Ord lttliiard made us a call un Twaday. He kaa tea la Tviae for t months, and ha decided Ui ItM-ate at I rl Lavaca ia thatsuie. lie tars be baa had ehimgh of the aewspi-r bualee, and wtli h.altjr be a farmer i'uf Male! ll-'O acree of food, laouth; farm land, (partly aipiovel) from twa to 8ve ml l.i. of Al!taa. Ne. I'rkw. i U0 to 1400 per acre, if sold simn. Addre, THE .UIUX OF ''For Ways That are Dark nd Finn of Burrows and How The Alliance You see that advertising contract be low? What is there in it that can interest the public? Read and see. In that advertising contract you will find an exposure t tat ought to drive the last nail In the coffla-lid of tbat traitorous conspiracy against the life and reputation of Ibis paper. Was the Alliance Leader started as an honorable enterprise? Was it the pur pose of Its founders to build up a worthy paper on their own merits? Or was it their Intention to prey like pirates on the reputation and patron age of an honorable competitor. This Is a question for every honorable independent to answer? Remember the time and circumstan ces of the tew paper's birth. Remem ber the effort to rob thi company of the name "Farmers' Alliance" and use it to deceive the advertising public. Remember the efforts of Thompson and his co-wreckers to have this company put in the hands of a receiver. Remem ber tbe bogus suit brought against this company. Now read the following account, and find in that advertising contract, the cumax oi dishonest and dishonorable methods. On Thursday. March 31 Mr. Genrca Currie, oneof the advertising solicitors ior tne Alliance ruDiisning company, called on Mr. Frank Parks to solicit an advertisement Mr. Parks informed him that be had just closed a contract ior an advertisement with an agent of the Alliance Publishing Company. Mr. Currie expressed some surprise, and Mr. Parks showed him the contract, a copy of which is printed herewith. Mr. Parks informed Mr. Currie that one F. W. Ferris had called on him and solicited an advertisement representing himself as an agent of the Alliance Publishing Co., and that be had given the advertisement with that under- standing, Mr. Kdgar A. Murray, secretary of this company then called on Mr Pnrira and received the same information. Mr. Mefferd also called on Mr. Parks and made an exact copy of the contract which is here re-produced. lno words printed in bold-face type are the words written in by the Bffent. The words ''accented ALLIANCE1. PUBLISHING CO.." were printed ADVERTISING CONTRACT OF THE FARMERS' ALLIANCE, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Neb , March 20, 1803 I hereby authorize the Publishers of the above-named paper to In. sort my Advertisement of Agricultural Implements to occupy the space of 4 inches, Single column, and -- lines local reading matter, said adver tising to run 4 times in the regular weekly edition of said paper, begin ning with the issue of March 30, 1893. for which I agree to pay the sum of Five Dollars, payable Monthly. Accepted, ALLIANCE PUBLISHING CO., By F. W. FERRIS. Signed, It Is expressly agreed that no verbal agreement, condltlens or statements whatsoever are to affect this contract. No advertisement ol a questionable charao ter Inserted at any price. Irresponsible firms need not apply. Advertisers unknown to us must furnish reference to satisfy us that they will deal honorably with our pat rons No preferred space given. Do not ask It. GOOD-BY. We say it for an hour or for years We say It smiling, Bay It choked with tears; We say It coldly, say it with a kiss; And yet we have no other word than this uooa-ny." We have no dearer word for our heart'e friend For blin who journeys to tbe world's far end, And sears our soul with going; thus we aaj, As unto him who steps but oer the way "Good-by." Alike U) those we love and those we bate, We say no more at parting. At life's gate, To him who passes out beyond earth's sight We cry as to the wanderer for a night "Oood-by." Home Industries. Fat cattle wanted at tho Alliance mark et, 37 So. 11th St.. Lincoln, Neb Do r.ot tall to visit the Griswold Seed Co. HO South Eleventh street S:x hundred forty acres unimproved land to exchange. Ono hundred s xty we!l improved lots toexchange for well- Improved farms. A good stock of sta-1 tionory, notions, etc. for a good farm. V, M. LKIUHTOM. 115 South Tenth street. The firratrst OflVr. An tilifhWMn dollar cart and an li?ht dollar harness of our own make lot twenty no dollars cash HTt'PkiiAKKH Hum, Mixi. Co.. KantasCity, Mo. The new spring styles and samples la sulu and trouacr. have arrived at the Wannamaker Atliroea agency, Ltn lotl Hotoi block. l'riesar a.unlshlngly ow, wtlbia the rt-aca of alL Coute and losptict the laloat. IV) low tbe cr4 ti the furniture aid household gHU nif lra. of M.ini.t A Sevanna-ra at 11? M North 1'uurtr.eth ttrtvi, hr. you will find everything la their liae of tae bt qialny and cn.ap. . pfUi pully ti t m suit. WAXTt;i. White beaue, honey, torgham molaewee butter and eg ge to sell oa ettmrntaaioa, J. W, llAKTlir, ttUVe AgeaW lit nana lW tronelee. Tabul al.t a sour tloniecai tllrfv.tlon; cure (Uter DISHONEST METHODS. Tricks That are Vain. Thompson are Peculiar. Tl ie Leader Secures -'Ads. in tbe contract blank, and just below them appeared Mr. Ferris' signature. Further investigation leads us to be lieve that all the advertising contracts made by tbe new firm have been made on these blanks. When Mr. Thompson moved out of the Alliance building, it appears tbat ne carried away a quantity of these blank contracts, without tbe know! edge or consent of any officer of this company. This blank is identical with tbose used in tnis tftice during the first nan oi last year. As convincing evidence that this ad vertisement wbs secured under positive misrepresentation, observe tbat this advertisement was to begin with the issue of March 30, 1893. This was the uate of issue of the ALLIANCE-1 NDE PfcNDENT, but not of the Alliunce Leader. Since the discovery of this contemp tible fraud, both Thompson and Ferris have been doing some very vigorous squirming. Lac a seems Inclined to lay the Maine on the other. Mr. Thompson tries to make it appear that he was in the habit of scratching out the words "accepted Al lance Publlshln? Co.." and writing in the name of the new firm. No doubt such a change will be found In all the contracts on file in their office. But when wa tbat scratching done? Why was it not done before the contracts were made out and signed? No trick of changing these contracts after the exposure was made will lessen the infamy of the proceed ing. We feel like saying this much for Ferris: He certainly is less to blame than bis emp oyers. They furnished him the blank contracts, accepted the same when filled uu and expect to col lect the money for advertisements thus fraudulently obtained. Ferris is noth ing more than an agent, and his em ployers are responsible for his acts. What is more, we challenge Thompson hlmsel! to deny that he has secured ad vertisements on the same contract blanks. We have consulted good legal authorities who inform us that Burrows and Thompson can bo arrested and convicted for obtaining money under false pre tenses if they collect pay for thes ad vertisements. We have not yet taken any steps to prosceute them. We are waiting further developments. N. B: The advertisement obtained under this contract appeared in the Alliance Leader last week. A Iteliable Incubator. The Reliable Incubator and Brooder Co., of Qulncy, has built up a large and successful business. They hive original pawn is ana one oi tne pioneer lneuba tors. Tbty are extensive advertisers and the merits of their incubator in producing such good results in the hHnds of the inexperienced, Its simpli city of construction &od its self-regulating of the heat is giving a large per cent, of chickens to amateures. We have seen the moat enthusiastic reports of its success from several different states. This is a reliable incubator in its practical work us well as In name. THK MAKKI2TS. Chicago Grain and Live Ki.k- Chicago, April 5, 18V3. CATTLB-lteceinls 4.C00 head: market hetlxr: good to choice su-era. 15 prs a5; oilnn, tl 4 W; i-xa, ti ii4 i; stockers,WT.V(A 4 ;; cow. ami heifer, :) (( '.'o Moua-lCecelpiH, S.ttu h.d; market weak and much lower; mixed aid packer, trt WA 4 M; prune heavy suit timcter s WmIkIiU J tu fi ?A; prime lltfht. Id urtH Ml fHKr.H. Ke,i)i. s.umi heart; market act ive and slroug; uailv . at h, weHieina, 5 Iftit 85; I exans. H 65; lulii'.a, N S"K 60. I Ukak- Wheat, 71Vi; corn. J; oau, W , Omaha Live Nlm k, Omaha, April 5. ls.J CATTI.a(iMd to rbok-. sieera, 50; olh. ra I.) UK t to. i'"-J tkHlA Siwkrrs and fadrr. &A 3 M n. M .va .i Mlnf- il J ..,(4 ui t : Pinworm DESTROYER. N rlllD4 ttidsalruy lb. vurta. of Worms in IIoists A Hure lUmedy fr Worms In llurers, Hogs, U'lf, t'aU, and a Splnndld i;.mdy for Hlcn r'oels, or lloup, and is bolter known ae BTEinCCB BOO CbOLCKi OUKC aik vouw tmtntuiHT BTEKCTFC8 UOO CHOLERA OUtC Pttr. efMM; bf Mali 0llMIit Mt. ) , Si Mi at iiw Mat4, t , W" at-l r (ur. .4V" if' . lAie UMI l raj aavu. add (JKCK (i. OTKKKTKK. tut a mi iitni. Mini. MatitMiTea Ai4JAavelataratef. HARD-MOUTHED HORSES AND PULLERS CONTROLLED WITH ABSOLUTE EASE. RUNAWAYS IMPOSSIBLE. This statement la rnw repeated bf tVawnda who BRITT'S AUTOMATIC SAFETY BIT. CA7XTT ri lhisBit,ly an automatic HE CAXKOT BREATHE, AND MUST STO?. SArrry FROM m it mm ,1 fi HSMtMlM.fe4r It ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED WITH THIS BIT' Any horse Is lublo With it. l!y lis use men coula cot monials from all parts of the world, and earnest i and candid expressions about the I1IIITT AUTO-" Fails, 133. MATIr, SAFETY BIT and its resistless in suiKluing the most vicious horses and controlling the most stab horn pullers ana chronic runaways. The only bit in the world that Is endorsed, advocated, used and sold by the SocJetj for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, The Highest JLutlwrity. DR. L- P. BRITTt 37 College Place, New York Il EBRASICA CYCLE COMPANY. Lansing Theatre Building, Lincoln, Nebraska. NEW. SPRING Worsted dress Roods from 10 cents toll OU per yard. DRY Ten thousand dollar to select from -toe BOOTS and Straw hats from 5c to II each. 25 HATS and Our stock of groceries and queensware is give you me pest 921 0 street Opposite I'oHt-Offlce. For Sale, Cheap. My Noted Stallion, Will sell him for what ho can earn clear land. He is sound, acre, and brought ftom Illinois. Hi Twi Arrangements are now made to members to supply HARD FIBER BIND IN'O TWIN K Fully Warranted Sisul or Manilla In large or small quantities at Wholesale Prices; also Lumber. Send me a bill of just what you want, Including TTim tt i TirvnT 1,1 Mil H I K 1 1 U A JUAUAJUl UilliJ fl AlklMJi ililllll By return mall. Will send you just what it will cost laid down at your station. There is nothing saved on loss than car load lota of 20,000 lbs. Large bill goes direct from the mills on the Mississippi river points. SOUTH OMAHA, NEB A CAR LOAD OF Eureka ind Ills! The Best in the World just received by G, M. LOoixiis. Call and See them. Also Tanks, Pumps, in the hardware line. Telephone 371. ID ;: Is NOW used by all the principal GRO of tock, and is better appreciated as its merits Income known. It is used of nil kinds and yon cannot afford to fed utock for market without it There is nothing that-assits so much iu fattening as lIUbMhAlj, ami you have only to usev it tn 1 convinced. ONK POUND IS: CiVUAl 1W iVlDS. Of VA7i,. in baof 100 lbs, each. Price, lOOlllH Or (t"3 00 tKT ton VW.Jevil.iaj. not k It .u4u4r.n of aioray Woodmnn Llnsocd I vour Bulldlnga WITH Black leal Roofing TOldll aed DLRAliLll as leather, rikl I'ROOI' as aabcetoa, WATIIR PK00P aa rvt-Vr, an J at prkes Ith. In the rea.h of every one. Ihitoaby anybody and good la any climate. float A) a.4 iiniMi).. la Ie IU4 alre wutt ewe twyj. tWaah, I WfRRIAk Asrtt ALT rAtxr.eUfially tANl4. aMM hwl pmtm fe s.U4 e4 ROOF atallMMa) a4 1 reaapabsS, (allil I ! t4 le Ike lUMfwiMfc. W, VAMI-H MOOSlt 41 Mra b. tM lur, at device, closes the torso's nostrila.. RUNAWAYS ttn nT to ran. and should bo drives ladiea and children dr'.ve bones hold with the old style bits. , as 1 Ml I Bond for illustrated pamphlet containing testi but harmless and humane power WHOLESALE BICYCLES! The finest line of wheels In the west. A large Una of all Trades and prices, both new and second-hand, always In stock Uest repair shop west of Chicago la cuuUou. Good Agens Waned. Apply Ewly. GOODS. GOODS Our stock of wool dress goods is Just beautiful. A large variety of Rent's, ladle's and children s shoe. Oent's wool and fur bit from toe to a 00 each. SHOES CAPS. always complete. ur constant aim It to gooas at oonnm puces. TTred Schmidt. LORD MORGAN. this season, or trade him for cattle or all right. One of the best horses ever J W. MCALLISTER, Ages, NB Li AT WHOLESALE PRICES. inr ititu rw K H H A I K Allen Root. t 905 O Street. Pipe, etc. Tin Roofing, and anything C M. LOOMIS. 0 i i feeders for stock M JasJ 1 WW IV. "TT T M fev iM ILa 'mem:, i WnnnitrAK'i wfsitscawcw; i Ut UII SMAHA 11.40 per Oil Works, Omaha, iforcst Hrlls te ROBT. W.FURNAS, llrownvlllo. Neb. yvcain qas AND QASOUNC CNQINt Sia,iM4 al ohm i ftiuw Mi ania tally (aar..l.A A awf ai M, nMiamai mt t aj.aoiu.' ai4ti a tiaSt lIM4MM at IVWlMlb. I m A II K, n. Aw Mtattaj A44im ' CAKE. V Ml . r ...... Mm 6s www Wires; vsaUi itrtwL Altlaavai, Nee, HAXataitTV.Mtt, TiT a ... M 'r