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About The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1893)
THE A I j L I A $ C K -1 AT D E P K N I) E N T. APRIL C. 1303. THAT IHPEACIMEST. THE LEGISLATORS BGN THEIR PROCEEDINGS. THE IifTEUS SUBMIT A REPORT. Bamore That ax-Slate Officers Will b Broasht Into tba Trial The List Vow Includes Humphrey, Allen, llastlnja and JIUI -Motes. Lixcolh, March 81. The proceed ing! at the state house yesterday were not much of a surprise to the members and spectators. . Just as the hand on the big clock bore the speaker's desk pointed to 1 1:40 Captain Barry came in with the pell house eridenoe under tiiat one arm lhat has served him so faithfully. Be hind him were the other members of the committee, Lockner and Van flousoB. As soon as the members saw them Coming in they realized that the report of the impeachment committee that has caused so much inquiry and at the same time been enshrouded in such profound psystery, was about to be made. It art but a few moments until the gallery was crowded with anxious and expectant spectators who were bent upon hearing erery word that was Uttered on either side of the grave and Important subject To the Representatives of the State of Kebraska: We, your committee, ap tolnted by your honorable body to em ley counsel to take such steps as seemed iroper for the purpose of instituting jrooeedings of impeachment against itate and ex-state oftloials, if shewn to e guilty of malfeasanoe or negligence sufficient to warrant impeachment pro eeedings, leg leave to report that we pave submitted to your committee of legal advisor, to-wit: Oeorge W, poane, 8. B. Pound and V. L. Ureeue, all evidence bearing upon the matters above named and herewith present thnir findings and report as a part of this Report We also recommend the pas sage of house roll No. 171, appropriating money to be placed in tlte bauds of the Eovernor of this state to recover state loneys wrongfully obtained; and to prosecute all persons guilty of misap propriating; state funds. We further reoommend the passage of house roll No. 008. We further recommend the adop tion of the accompanying resolution. All of which is resjwotfuily submitted. r. II. Barry, JohnO. Vanuovsen. A. Lockner. After he had flniithed the reading of Pie report and taken a seat close up in front, Ho wo rose and bearing himself Upon bis crutches said in a tone show Ing that he was moved : "Are the find ings of the committee of attorneys sub pitted with the report?" 1 Barry: "I would say to , the gentle man from Nemaha that they are and, would request the clork to read them," The clerk took up the typewritten copies of the reporta and read them while the house preserved almost a dis Agreeble stillness. Following is the joint report of Messrs. Poane and Greene and the separate re port of Judge FouncL To the Honorable tile House of Repre sentatives: We the undersigned, appointed by your honorable body to examine the testimony taken by the several committees ap pointed to examine into the accounts, expenditures and tilier features' of the jetate institutions, and to report whether or not such testimony shows any of the jetate officials or ex-state officials to have been guilty of malfeasanoe or negligence pufficient to warrant impeachment proi paedings against tkem, or any of them, beg leave to report That we have heard read all the tes timony taken by said committee which has been submitted to us, and have carefully considered the same, and that In our opinion there is sumoient testi mony taken and reported by said coin fnitteee to warrant us in instituting of Impeachment proceedings against the following persons, towit: J. C. Allen, Secretary of state; A. R. Ilumphrey, commissioner of public lands and build ings; Geo. II. Hastings, attorney gen-' rai;andJ. D. Hill, ex-treasurer. We' po not understand that it was in the pur View of the resolution under which we were appoint-! thai w eliuuM import any special findings of fact upon which bur conclusion is based, ana therefore we have not done so. But as a matter bt law we have no doubt that tlie facto M testified to before tlie several commit tees of investigation appointed by your honorable body are sufficient to war rant articles of impeachment against she persons aboved named. The testi mony shows a systematic and con tinuous plundering of the state by some of the contractors for furnishing sup plies to the hospital for the insane and in the aeoonn wrendered the board of public lands and buildings for mate rial furnished and labor applied lu the construction of the addition to tlie pen itentiary known as tlie new yll house" and we recommend that suit be i inti tuled at once Kint u h o fthe fraud ulent contractor a are financially re', to recover tack the amount waWh they have so fraudulently b talaed from tlie Ut. Alao suit I com nenced against such of the parties a the twt'tiitiy show were implicated in the fraud as ai.tara and alwttors thereof, jrfciie in the m o( the state and the (Urtiwi ujh.u their Umi.U in Cttsee where toada wf given. All of which is rentwH-tfullv sutxititUsL I WttJJAM t. lrtINE. I J1 tauitVa Wvpori, 'To the lioui4Me tiwe Uoune of shr-pra-tentative; As one t tlte thrve counsal ailnUi ty a ?vJutwm of ;our htfCHathl U4? la eismine Die rpotts 4 M severiU rejmailttr of the houar an. I the It t sjsodf aiMiaii) lug the sante in tH I fc e'Wgiid ttit'ttnhi4 1 and tialtVMic la oitwe of slate aiul t state gftWrs an4 m give a U1 4iiu wtwrtM awh lt Ikv U surtWiewt to warviuit tmjw h Vta&t r-t(M:4nis fciHt eaid utiu-t-ts or soiv tt that have the Utuot to t,vr Js 4law That said testimony if accepted a ac curate and tni the eame not having been subjected to the tt of cross ex amination, in the absence of a full hear ing on tlx ir part explaining their mo tives and the circumstances u&derwhirh they acted, sterns to justify, in my opin ion, impeachment proceedings flK:nt the board of public lands and buildings. For employing one William II. Dorgan in the spring of 1891 and retaining him to act as the agent of the board in the erection of a certain cell house at the state penitentiary knowing that said Dorgan was at the same time tlie agent of C. W. Mosher, the contractor of the state penitentiary, whose interest were adverse to those of the 6tate, thereby enabling said Dorgan and Moeher successfully to defraud the state out of many thousand dollars, and for an apparently inexcusable and repre hensible carelessness and indifference in, the examination and approval of vouch ers, account and reports of Dorgan and of his disposition of the public moneys, placed in their hands for disbursment knowing the temptation and opportun ity afforded him to defraud bv reason of his dual relation to the board and to the contractor, and also against cer tain members of said board men tioned in said testimony and the reports of said committees for using and ex pending without authority of law publio moneys in travelling to examine prisons in other states in the fall of 1811. I fur ther roport that in my opinion said testimony fails to show that the mem bers of said board or any of them were directed by corrupt motives or that they or any of them were guilty of any will ful breach of duty. All which is respect fully submitted. Stephen B. Pound. Howe was up ready to address the speaker as soon as the clerk concluded the reading of the re porta and said: "Mr. Speaker: This is a very serious matter and I would suggest that it be laid over until 2:30 this afternoon." ; Barry. "I realize the force of the gentleman's remarks and would not ob jeot to its being laid over until that lime." Keck ley: "Mr. Speaker, I desire to pfTer a motion to have a committee of three appointed to notify the senate that the house is ready to act upon a resolu tion to impeach. Barry: "1 move you, Mr. Speaker, that this house entertain the following resolution: When the house was called to ordei gain at 1 :30 by the speaker seventy seven members answered to roll call. The gallery and lobby were crowded with spectators who maintained the best of order while the impeachment resolu tion was undor consideration. Barry revived his favorite theme by laying: "Mr. Speaker, the special order for 2 o'clock this afternoon was the general appropriation bill, but by general con sent tho order has been reversed and we have agreed to take up the resolution. I will therefore renew my motion to en tortain tlie resolution." The Motion Carrlea. After considerable discussion as to the proper manner to proooed, Keck ley moved to reconsider the motion by which the general appropriation was made a special order and advance the consideration of the resolution ahead of the special order. Thie was agreed to and the motion to entertain prevailed. Barry did not appear to be content with one resolution and offered the fol lowing and moved its adoption: Resolved, that the oonimilUe to tm ploy counsel in the matter of im peachment of state and ex-stat officials is hereby authorised t take testimony and oner the same in im peach ment proceeds tigs. To this Kaup interposed a point of order stating as a basis that tlie house could not entertain the resolution in dependent of the senate and that it should be considered in joint conven tion. ttenatore and Representatives Meet to Deliberate Upon the Resolution. FrompUy at 4 o'clock Sergeant Alley, of the senate came walking down the center aisle a few feet in advance of Lieutenant-Governor Majors and in stenatorian tones announced: "Mr. Speaker : The honorable, tho Nebraska state senate." Governor Majors walked up to tho speaker's desk and in that quaint dis tinct voice said: "The joint convention will be in order. Secretary of the senate will call the roll of the senate." The roll call showed every member of the senate present "Clerk of the house will call the roll of the house," was the next order, which was obeyed by Clerk Johnson with his accustomed celerity In Pursuance of the Resolution. After the roll call the president, Gov ernor Majors, rose and with tlie statute in his left hand said: "This convention has met in pursu anoo of the entertainment of the resolu tion of impeachment by this house. The chair will read section fourteen of the constitution, or a portion of it 'The senate and house of representatives, in joint convention, shall have the sole power of Itnpeaohment, but a majority of the members elected mnst concur therein. Upon the entertainment of a renoiution to impeach by either bonne, tho other house shall at onoe be notified thereof, and the two houses shall meet la joint convention for the purpose of acting upon such resolution within throe Lty of such notification, This joint convenlkHt, therefore, has teo asMeiuhliKl for the purpose of act ing upon such resolution of impeach Hu nt that has been entertained by the, tuiusu. The quentton therefore, will be Uxn this rreohition. The chair will ask that it l fad by the ik-crvUrv. rnatr Mattes:' " would move that the (urtlwr prm woNnirs under th call of of the hotu be dtiiifled vuli 1 w ish to state tiul we hate an-ed not 14 blot kaU thta mattor; It U agrwable to us that this Joint cotiieuliun tali a re- re until toitnm titruiiig at 11 oVUn k, and unl' r tUn conditions e withdraw." lVrs uhjWt to any su h prom- Is-," iUrryt "Mr . fhairman, on Ulrnh vt t't rvmmltM f On lno oh iii;j h M'tl privMVIMS I WlU mit tint if 0l iMjvtr til in k it 4 i) i U. k itiouvrow ,i n.4'-n, '. t j l t I'fvvKi. . " t 'f b are (ft f .. .f t 4 m H..a ld sUtid and re inii uttif.Ui i!t ji tn nmuUsl, t (. tp; .! iii aro. )othin la tie i ifv , ri i l tttt.uui I' il i,v hvint ratvn. i , i ii'w n'.' I 4 o ! k I ttlttf i . . . !i i :,. . u lvd an t vor F'Itll.Y'M bKKSIOX. Tlie Aet uiM-d OfltclaU I'stOn a llold Front The ItenHtlution Adoiifetl. Liscoi-x, April 1. The joint con vention to consider the impeachment esolution heretofore entertained by the bouse, met in representative ball U 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, with Lieutenant Governor Majors in the chair. A roll call showed all present ex cept Itepresentatives Carpenter and Harmon, who had been excused. Senator Pope sent up the following communication, which, on motion. was made a part of the record: To the Members of the Twenty-third Leg Hlative Assembly: Tbe board (of publio lands and buildings have been charged be- tors your honorable Ixxlv with certain offi cial wglect and tnisfuaxance in otlice, and lteps have been taken looking to the im peachment of tbe olticers comprising that voard. We are anxious to have a full, fair and Impartial investigation of any and all rhajgf which have been or may be brought (rnint uu; where the star chamber method if Investigation will not prevail, but where ws will be permitted to know tbe accusation and face our accusers, knowing as we do ucb a trial can only result in our vindication. We therefore resnectfullvaitk that the reso lution looking to our impeachment may be saopteo, ana sucn measures may tie taken as will result in a speed V trial of the ckarens. and that ws may be given an opportunity to refute the same, and be heard iu our own defense, an opportunity which has beeu wbelly deaied us up to tnis time, we aak thoee members of the legislature who hare conscientiously opposed tbe methods that have obtained in the partial investigation thus far carried on, to withdraw such oppo sition and let the resolation pass, ana we only ask that judgment upon the case be withheld until we can produce our proof and be beard in our own defense. A. R. IIvitraaxT. President of the Board of Publio Lands aatt MuiUlings. J ohm C. Atuir. Secretary of the Board ef Public Lands and Buildings. After some discussion, the word "malfeasance" in the resolution, was changed to "misdemeanor," and the roll was then called on the adoption of the resolution. A number of republicans explained their votes They said in substance that tbe proceedings were unjust and unwarranted, but voted "aye" In order to give tbe accuncd officers a chance to vindicate themselves. Ktder also made tho same explanation. Only four member? voted "no," three republicans, and Senator North demo crat. President: OYe' hundred and twenty-seven members of the joint conven tion having voted in the affirmative and four in the negative tbe resolu tions are agreed to . McKesson: I move you, sir, that a committee of five be appointed to draft articles of Impeachment and report the same to this joint convention to morrow. President: The chair hears no sec ond. "Seconded." The gentleman will submit his motion in writing. Lowley: "The motion the gentleman from Lancaster made is to appoint a committee ef five to draft and report to this body the articles of impeachment. Now that is a distinct thing. The sub stitute is to appoint certain gentlemen to prosecute that case after it has been referred and adopted by this assembly. No if the gentleman will take the record he will and in the impeachment of Andrew Johnson that a committee of seven was appointed to draft the articles of impeachment, and that afterwards, the managors were appointed to prose cute and to run the prosecution. Ii would ask this assembly now they can' appoint managers to conduct a prosecu tion when the articles for the prosecu tion are not adopted. I say therofore,' that they are a separate and distinct thing, the appointing of a committee to draft articles of impeachment is one thing, the appointment of a board of managers to conduct that prosecution is another." Wstson: I would call the attention, of the assembly to this fact, that in all. of these proceedings that have been! conducted in tlie house, the speaker of the house in appointing a committee none of us objected. These gentlemen! Unow that. The members of the house) did object to any one member naming the committee, and still they persisted, in doing that Let them insist upon; this substitute. No one is here to raise, any fuss over this matter. We want to' receive it as we have all along in the ordinary and regular manner . I hope thH substitute will not he inflated ivw President: Gentleman will send up his motion in writing. Howe: "I offer the following as an, amendment to the amendment of the; peuUvman from Lancaster, and ask to, have it read." I President: "Tlie chair recognises the gentleman from Greeley." ' Barry : "I move that this joint con vention select a committee of iivo." ! Howe: "Now I offer mine as a substi tute for the two, and wish to have it read. I move that tlie committee just olected by this joint convention be em powered to obtain tho assistance of the attornvys, ritevn li Pound, George W, Doaae and W. L. Greene to assist them In drawlug articles of impeachment to be presented by said committee to this joint convention," Barry: 1 accept thai KiwWy: I rlso to a point of order. No articles of impeachment can be pre sented only by this body or members of ita appointment No ouUid parties who are uot members of this body caa j.rewnl articles. l'ri Ji iit: Tlie puint of order is well kkn . flows: Mr. President, 1 un.trtUal that you ilecidea the point of order I rawHl py i ix L-i-niii-maii irom wi out of or4i-. I apical f rou the uWieion of the rttair, t'asnrr: I call fr tW ave and nay ' The roll' waa called and the pnitnt anaoumed tha vmI as follows: rVventy ruemlwr of the joint convention having vtd in the emrmaUva, and fifty an in negative, the devUion. f the thatr bsue- i' I dsire ta offf the Mowing as a suUtitute; t move as substitute to tint whttt subj t Hiattrr tin lr (tut uVtsttoM. lint tvutmlti of three tuun the Une and two from the senate ho p4utvt to draft atli. of lioprat bhu"it t4int Jhe v. Aden, ttvrrvMry of iai, A. It ILtiuphrvy, (vntflittuttf of p'lblio UtuU and build in i UtM?A lUtttig, altera i J, il III. I, t lixaserer i pnwat tiwui ti t)o jviint vuvasi tion tomorrow, the members of the senat to bo named by the senate, and tbe members of the house by the spea ker. After swie wrangling this tac tion carried. Majors named Senator Lowley whom he knew to be oprosed to the impeachment, and Senator North one of those who voted "no'' ron the im peachment resolution. He entirely ig nored tbe independents. Speaker Gaff in named Colton'.(rep) Barry (ind) and Van llouwm (dem) The convention then took a recess till 10:30 Saturday. SATURDAY'S SESSION. Saturday morning The Aluakce Indepkndent i8uned an extra warn ing tho legislature that there was immi nent danger of the whole proceedings becoming a farce. The following is a copy of the extra: THE IMPEACHMENT, Scheme Exposed Tbe Plan Outlied, Correct GENTLEMEN OP THE LEGISLATURE. Do you want your impeachment proceedings to bo a farce? The scheme is already "cut and dried" to make them so. A HOLD BLUFF. The request made by the accused officers yesterday was simply a shrewd move on their part to gain popular sympathy, and throw those who are pushing this matter off their guard. These men have never courted In vestigation. On tho contrary, they and their) friends have continually thrown obstacles in the way of such investigation. The charge of "star chamber" methods, which they made against tbe house, was an insult to the majority of that honorable body. A MISTAKE. You made a serious mistake yester day when you gave Majors ftny voice in tbe appointment of the committee to draft articles of Impeachment. The constitution says that "the two houses in joint session shall have the sole power of Impeachment." Majors is not a member of cither house, and hence hat no legal riqht to take anu part inlhi proceeding, except to preside. Besides, he is one of the state officers elected on the same ticket with the ofllcers to be impeached. He is not in sympathy with your proceed ings, but is in full sympathy with tho accused officials. This was shown by Mb arbitrary rulings yesterday, and particularly by the appointment of two men to draft articles of impeach ment, both of whom are opposed to im peachment and one of whom noted against the resolution to impeach. Majors also showed his unfairness by ignoring tbe independents, who have H senators, TlR PLAK OF TIIE STATE OFFICERS and their friends to make tho impeach ment a farce is as follows: 1. To adopt articles of impeachment which aro weak and cover as little ground as possible. 2. To appoint on the committee which will conduct the impeaihment men who are in sympathy with the ac cused officers. , If they succeed in this plan, the men who have been instrumental in having those proceedings instituted will be the laughing Btock of the country. THE CORRECT PLAN and the one which should be adopted is 1. To nake the articles broad so as to cover every charge which can possibly be proven. They should cover The asylum frauds, The penitentiary frauds, Tho non-Investment of the perma nent school fund, The Capital National bank frauds, and every other fraud that has been, or is likely to be unearthed. 2. To appoint a committee of good men to have charge of the impeachment pro ceedings, all of whom are in favor of im peachment. To appoint any man to prosecute this case who is in sympathy with tbe state officers would be monumental folly. Yet this Is exactly what will i be done If Ma jors l$ permitted to name the commit tee, or part of it. It is tho duty of all mombers.regard less of party, who believe those pro ceedings are justified by the facts al ready known, to get together and act together to make it a success. Gentlemen, will you do it, or will you let it bo a farce and a whitewash? The matter U in your hands. Today's ac tions will decide the matter ono way or the other. Lincoln, Neb,, April 1st, !. Tint Alliance-Independent, These extra were distributed Satur day morning and had the ctTect of put ting the Independents on their guard. The coven tleti met at i0;30, The committee rvnrU'd that they had em .i(')d lawyers Doatic, tiroene aud Pound and that they avWatwork on the articles and would no be able to complete thrm h.-hrw Tueday, In punuano of the republican scheme SherlOan (iud! was on hi Kel to uiovo that a i rman!0t contntitteo of live bo appointed to ihiDUWI tno tmtaunineni. IU evidently thought the speaker I would follow the had prvedont of t'rl Uav when be appointed tVltoii, the n o'cr of thetuotion a nirmher of the 'cointulttt'O. i It. it th was ruled out of order and tho HnetitUa a.l).-ur d till llMW oViovIt Tu.-dj I'l ita Uuicn tvtxiitv. White Phm H.ih bk Whito i;nn. Partrivltf IWhina, TKIUik (;t-MH Whit H4 land Tuiki-ya, White Uuloe, IVkt Put-a a, IVUveluw. W.A tUTeO. 3xh f Irvmont, Neb. ALLIANCE CAIiniAGE CO., CINCIMKATI, OHIO. Voa thould order ro BUGGIES. A-'iradei-tO- CARRIAGES. r.iss u.'r.ns nr harness .P5 A Bc' Vfltraf o9 from any one uoiU yo have ieea iTljrS24' & ; vSfelr "ned Vree to ey ddie. Il .how. over .r jj our joolk arc Hnciry nu-iui ."..7 year., od our Spiral Spring, are warranted for 12 year. We are reeoenired manufacturer. fr the above organiiationfc Exaaune our 'viiTll im.mmih at thr World's Fair. inf'hicaKO. Tbe only mannlac- Aurile 5 6t0 . . ... ,. h., -11 ,hir ntir ootnut direct to tba consumer. ALLIANCE CARRIAGE CO. .,1: Cincinnati, 0. ATiXvO.&&;nM k.. eA-'"V -": r. i i out f z; . v i r t.- z r a a - - a. t - - ve.aa -v jr arasLiSHSD tS77. JAS.McMILLAH&CO. MAIN HOUSE, 200 to 212 F.R8T AVE. NORTH, jmoncAPOLis, mmi rHONISTOSS Of THB Minneapolis Sheepskin BRANCHISl dbalsss mo axsosTssa, COUNTRY AND PACKER CHICAGO, ILL ST. LOUIS, MO. Gr"" S!!led m A 139 Klnik St. Vi Fin 8L tiporfnof Tannei7. HELENA, MONT. FINE NORTHERN FURS. Pelts, Furs, Wool, Tallow, Grease, Deerskins, GiNSiNd A SsNsca Root, REFERENCES BV PERMISSION. B.euxiTv Bms or Minn.. MiMHsavoua. Miu, Ft. DaaasoHM Mar., Chio. In. Montam Natiom.l Bank, HeLSNa, MonT Fiaar NTiot Bank. Qsiat Pail. Mot, Fiasr National Bams. Bmm.F'L.,Wm. Nat. Bams op CoMeaea, Br. Louis, Mo. Liberal Advances Mads on Shipments against Original Bill of Lading. Shlpmnnti Solicited. Write for Circular. Shippers from thi. stale CorrinHind with sud Con sign to MluneapullA iloune. JAMES SCHULZ. Yutan, Nebraska, 1- IMPORTER AND BREEDER OP mm French Draf Ikes , Every one Registered and a Guaranteed Breeder. No Worn Out Stallions, no Culls. Prifps lnwprthkn the lowest whpn o utility is considered. All select animals to make a clink from. Ome and be convinced that 1 mean busloess; Long time, small profits and good horses may be expected. FRANK 1AMS, IMPORTER AND BREEDER. - i. .ysawj i jJa,-WA.w. imrwwfip ti -.! J!-hWBBniBffBfo'fr" JTTT'iT,c,J,pt 100 100 BLACK PERGHERONS, FRENCH DRAFT GLYDES& SHIRES. lams' Horses ware "Iu It" at the great Bt Lou., lair, and Kansas and Nebraska state fairs of 1891 aud thejr , Were Wlppcrs of f 41 Pres- lams' World's Fair Horses are "Out of Sight." Isms li the only iinnorter In Nebraska that tmporte bin Pereheronn '91 and'02, and the largest Importer of Clydus and Hhires In iwjfi. They arrlred Sop. '93 All Blacks and Bays. Grey Worses 0300 Uess tbap DJacks, G FUASMT l.m.rnnrsntftnslo show tou ths larROnt collection or nrst-ciaw Bl WAFT HOIe.t of U.e various tireerts. or uBe$l ,'noiv aua mer.i f VmT' reodlns. to oyt-ars okihhsi w vsw weiuiu ' run. . " - i r tliKu any live Iinnorter or fcay your rare to see mem. tarns pays me ireiBui,. . D H cbea al or TEFTflSi. l,2apd 3 Years Tlrnc at S per cept fptercst. "AA 8VED by buying of lams. He does not want tne earm unaii J.0"""1' l"r ;ruul" uuuu JhtlUU giisrantees, every horse recorUfd. , i"1 i. u i' m.k..w. Write lams- Bt. Paul Neb., Is on the B. & M. and U. P. railroad. 8t. Paul. Nebraska. ram mm oo WVJJJJJ i TO LOAN ON FARMS wv n i nTnn trnnnioiri IT nnn PPWT I U U LiJlLK aLDtidai Al o ul tCi.U . interest and a very small commission. Privilige given borrower to pay in installments and stop interest. Money always on hand. Write or call on us. TULvIa BROS., 11TH AND N Stb.. IaINGOIaN. NEBRASKA. 7 WHOLESALE LUMBER WYATT-BDLLARD LUMBER CO., Omaha, Heb. JOHN B. WRIG HT. Fr. T. C. SANDERS, V. Pres. J. H. M CLAY, Cashi.r rn Columbia National Bank . OP LINC50UN. NKHUABKA- GAPITAL S200iOQO'OQ. ) m mi 1 "Try The Burlington." j fKNC, fjj.,,.,,., A.CXIKMKK, Ct Iinl A Ml, Uina'tt, I V