V THE ALLIANCE-INDEPENDENT. 1 t POPULIST US Greeting to the Alliasce-Is de pendent on its Great Victory. THE WEECKERS ABE 1)EI0UI0ED .A Sneaking Effort by Men of the Rule or : Ruin Stripe. Bunows and Thotnp- , v son Held op in Their Tree Light THE SCHEME FAILED Brother Thornton announces in the Alliance-Independent that the at tempt to place that paper in the hands of a receiver proved futile and that he gained a complete victory in the courts. The Alliance Independent will V - I A J - ' eeonuaue as nercwiore. ana we cod Brum late Mr. Thornton on his victory. St Paul Phonograph. v A SNEAKING EFFORT. A short time ago a sneaking effort was made by the enemies of The Alli-ancjp-Independent to br. ak it up by securing some of the stock and asking the company to be pat in the hand of a receiver. It went to court, but the mrt dee'ded that as it was doing a good business there was ao reason for nuttlnc It into the hands of a receiver. Thk a loance Independent has conss out on top with its colors fly ng, and Its would-be wreckers nave simply made fool of themselves. Superior Guide-Times. ' . . - S OF THE EULE OB KUIX STRIPE. The Allia ce-Indkpkni ent, one of the bi'Bt populist papers in the state, has just come out of a very trying Situation, in grand shape. A short time since, a petition fur receivership for the paper was Sled, and upon trial the paper is found all "O. K." It is supposed that J. M. Thompson, and Jay Burrows are at the bott m of tne tight. but they are whipped so far as that is conrerraed and now they have started a vaper in vain nope vi cuviuinir iue in dependents. Their course snows tnem w oa oi tne rule or ruin stripe; and- we would say imllr in hv the naner that has staid by you. Logan County Independent, BE STRUCK AT ITS VITALS. The Farmers' Alliance Leader is the nwneof a new pteplH's party paper (wJiich wa recentlv started in Lincoln JAv Burrows, the founder of the Farm rs' Alliance, but now The ALL'tNCB lvuFPuiNn-RKT Ben tnr.nwn ie il is known that since Mr. Burrows severed h s connection with The Alliance Independknt, he has been striking at the vital of the people's party in an underhanded wav, it is difficult to de terrain as yet the purpose of the new paper. Burchard Times. A GREAT VICTORY. ' The Ali.iance-Independknt. pub lished at LIdcoIb, has lately passed euccesbfulJy through a v ry trying or- C' ai. lnrougn process oi law me paper was compelled to go into court and prove the solvency of the com t any operating it, as a receiver had been applied for. The court, however, hand ed down a decision in which THE All ancb-Independent'S affairs were de clured to be in good condition and a receiver was not appointed. Such a vindication Is a grea victory ior tne Alliance-Independent. We believe it to be staunch and true to the cause of the iBdependunts, and recommend ' that everything the independents can ao to fifive it support do done at onoe. Long may the paper wave for the peo ple's party. ijexingwm uupper-wiu- izen. Collapse of the Coal Conspiracy, The Beading Railroad oompany has been placed in charge of receivers. The bubble it blew se lustily has burss, and the concern which thought to make itself the central support and beneficiary of a gigantic monopoly is worse bankrupt than before. For this result, so far as the managers of the properties concerned are sufferers, there cwill be little public sorrow. These men have been engaged In a law- , . , : i . Ijess ana - criminal . cifnepirnuy against ie people. They have organized ex ertion into a system an practiced it without mercy 'upon a suffering com munity. .Their laii ougnt to nave come sooner and with far less calami tous disturbance to other interests. If we had had an administration out of debt to moiiopoly and an at tor-ney-general alert to do his duty, the tirat conspiracy would have been lyken up at the beginning, it would iOKhave had opportunity to involve oraer properties and other Interests as it has done to the ruin of thousands of more or less innocent people. As it is, the end comes impressively. It should long serve as a warning against sim ilar attempts to evade law and defy fiublic opinion. "The publio be damned" s not a safe business principle for even the shrewdest manipulators to adopt j New York Woi Id. This Illustration was fur- nished us by D. Hill, the ever green specialist of Dundee, 111., A whose advertisement appears In mMs paper. Mr. Hill is on of the luVrgest growers of hardy ever JVVMB IU DUO XJUIWM, OWm. A UU jwlng and cultivation of the ..rieus species of evergreens is an uterestlng process. Mr. Hill's bees are all grown with a view to the needs and wants of the various States. Millions are packed and shipped annually to all parts of the states. For wind breaks and other purposes, the bootch Austran and white pines thrive as well in North and South Dukota as In the Mludle states. With Mr. Hill's improved method of packing-, ever greens can be sent two thousand milt just as snfo as twenty. Nothing will enhance the value or add to tha beauty and comfort of your farm more than a bwatlful wind break, shelter bolt, screen or , hedge with some of tha various va- rteties aaaptea ior id is purnoee. . a - k 1 . 1 1 mrwu rajeiyefccoiumoapremumiree, JSxpoilUoa. Address, D, Hill, Evergreen . TUP I1JU , ) Send I BRIEF MOWS NOTES. Interfering Iierua Glranrd from People' Party Exchanges. There are said to be 31,(00 idle work ing men in Chicago. Sixteen per cent of the- population, of Loadon live oa charity. Denmark pensions all working peo ple oyer sixty years of age. Arizona pins Kansas in giving to women the right of ouffrage. The Denver (Col.) board of trade de mands that the state should operate coal mines. One facory In Frederick county, Md., put up 4,000,000 cans of corn and beans this season. Dr. MdGlynn, the ' deposed aad re stored iriet, is mmfully ohampiooing the cause of the poor. The man who strikes for higher wages and votes to lower theat, is very properly reckoned a tool. ' Ministers in Bingbampton, N. T. have ft rmed a coinbi ie to hold up the price ior marrying people The ('a ifomia legisla'ure has passed a bill making it a erime to discharge a man ior Deioaglng to a unl.a , ' The Minnesota senate has passed memorial calling on congress to take possession of the anthracite coal mlues The trades Australia, has favor of state mines council of Mel'iourne adop ed res lutloss in ownership of ail coal The business numbered 230. bt-r of failures than 600. failures for last week In 1866 the whole num for tne year as less A number of state legislatures are considering measures taxing inherit ances. Minnesota has paused a law of nat kind. Of the $265,0 0,000 raised for the Panama canal, aol 180,000,000 were spent for actual werk, the balance be' ing stolen. Norvin Green, the president of the Western Union Telegraph company, is dead; out that monopoly is aa healthy ana vigorous as ever. North Dakota isn't anything if it is not impartial, It gave one electoral vote to each of the three leadiij candi dates ior president. A western editor has hen convicted oi Digamy, we aiau't know there ws an editor in the c untry foolish enough tj marry two wt men The labor comraUs'on of the English parliament has been inves iating co operative industries, and reports them as oeing mgniy successtui. Germany has at present t-ixty-flve national trade unions with nearly 280 000 members; aa JncreasH of more thaa ia.vw during the preceding year. What a farce the appointment of J. fjterling Morton as fecretarv of airri culture is. Come to think oi it, wbat a larce that department la any way. The credentials of Senntor elect Martin of Kansas, were accepted and the oath of office administered to him without dissent or notice of contest. The daily papers are devoting more pace to tne pn spectlve Dght between Corbettand Mitchell thaa they are to a discussion of ihe public questions of tne hour. There are more that 50.000 persons in Paris who earn a living by picking up and making use of wbat other people throw away rays, bones, metal and such refuse. Warner Holt of Missouri, a third- class clerk in the pen-ion office, has been dismissed for havinsr stated to a member of congress that pensions were ueiig granted ior "Daldness." The Boston Advertiser, a republican newspaper, says: "The republicans in Kmsas in the past few das. have been acting in a manner that reflects no credit upon the party in general," It is ooing to be pretty hard on the republicans in having to crawl out of their warm nests and hustle for a liv ing, but they will have to do it to make room for the hungry, shivering demo crats. The slowest railroad in the world is the Arizona & New Mexico. From Benson to Nosrales is eiehtv-eis-bt miles, and the schelu e time is eteht hours. The fare is $8.80, or ten cents a mile. Those who voted for the sinele ffe'd standard candidates are about to reap the reward of their folly. A period of unheardof low prices and financial stringency is awaiting us in the near future. A Jay county find..) breeder namei his favorite jack after the attorney general who made a democratic speech in his settlement last fall. Whether to compliment the party or the animal is not stated. Andrew Carnegie presented a Brad dock church with a $10,000 organ and on the same day reduced the wages of his employes in a ml in the same town 1" -JU 7 K v(' PLAN OF i f s r raLL's Msflra U!EE2SZ1 Worlds riiB D. HILL ggSsK STerrrwa Bpecisllst VWrS23Z7 T-f, I ;,PTT mJLX i y i2Mrf i"r'" 7 tiL II 9 vmmm umh9 m www mm Til i r r i iim hiiwT Ovar fifty varieties of hardy Evarvreana will b In thle axhlblt. an evergreen gantonlr to bi planted la Specialist, Dundoe, HI. ten pero nt. What a contemptible hypocrite Carnegie is. The rensus fisrur s ahow tha". West Virginia has more square miles of coal tnaa Great Britain, derraany and France oorabiDed, though it stands fifth in point of annua' coal production in the United states. I'resident Harrison has accepted a profess rship in the Lelaa 1 Stanford university oi California. Se wlllchttose for his topic in the series ot leetires, ''Constitutional Law." The course will begin October next. The men who took the places of the Homestead striker complain bitterly of the miserable pay ihey are receiving a d of the treatment that is me tea out to them. The-'e won't be much sym pathy wasted upon thaa. The Hickory Mrcury says: Since McKinley has lost $100,000 by endorsing tne notes of bis meads, he caa bow sympathize with millions who hav- en dorsed the views of their enemies; for instai ce, the high protectionists. Miehael Flurschetrn a millionaire manu acturer of Switcerlaad, has be come iateres ed in tbe socialistic col ony at Topolobampo Bay It is is said that he will devote a large sun of mosey to make the scheme a success. The democratic house of tbe North Carolina legislature passed a bill re cently taking away the charter of the Farmers' Alliance. If the bill becomes a law, its only effect will b 'o wipe out the democratic party in North Caro lina. When Harrison places a state rights democrat en the supreme beneb, and Cleveland elect a republican as pre mier of his cabinet, the lineo'demark- atioa betweea republicanism aod dem ocraey may said t be almost obllter Hted. According to statistic by the di rector of the Unite Sta'es aint, the metailio stocks of the principal bank and tr asurles of the United states and Europe for 1892, w- re in th aggregate as follows: Gold, $1,529,173,005: s'lver $961 180,597. Total ge.d and silver, $2,490,353,603. " Tbe Australian government has an nounced its intention of spending nearly a million dollars in publio works arid f building several rai roads for the Brtke of Kivins work to the unemployed In Tasmania the unemployed workmen have been hired by tbe government at nve shilling! a day. Governor Shortridre of North Da kota, when asked to I ecome a candi date for senator said: ''No, gentleman. was elected by the pfple to be tov- rnor of North Dakota for two years. 1 am in honor bound to keep my c n act with ths people. I am not a sen atorial possibility." The E gllsh miners' convention voted in favor of abolition of overtime, piece-work and child labor: the estab lishment of forty-euht hours as a legal week s work; the mak ng of provision for tbe sick a d distbled, and for orph an h and widows; the collective owner ship of land; a mlt suffrage, and the ab olition of the house of lords. - It is said that Governor Le welling of Kancas, before the supreme court de cision, was almost daily in receipt of letters threatening him with assa-sin- ation if he did not rec goizo the Doug las house. There is no dount there is an element in tbe republ caa party which would stoop to any means to gain their ends. , Mitt : Great : Piiwra DESTROYER. Nevw EilliBf to dsitroy ths wonteace of Worms in Horses A Sure Remedy for Worms in Horses, Hogs, Dogs, Jau, an a bpiendid Remedy for Sick Fowls, er Reup, and is better known ae BTEIETIE'B 104 OlOLSKi 0UEE- ASK TOUR DRUGGIST FOR STEKETEE'S HOG CHOLERA. CUBE Prlc 60 crati; b mall 6S mM for oae 3 Sl.ftS, xprM paid; M.oe and pay fourowm zprett. U. S. btaap taka in payment. ASdraM, GfEO. G. STEKETEE, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. Ifsntloa Taa ALLiASoa-lMDipiironiT. Fish Farm for Sale. ' 86 acres of splendid farm land, all under fence, good dwelling: house and out buildings. 3 acres of bearing orchard fine variety of fruit, a fine stream of swing water upon which is located a fish pond at a cost of 800 00, Including stock of fish. The pond contains about wo acres and Is now full of the best varieties weighingr as high as 8 pounds. 1500.00 worth of fih caa be sold from the pond eah year PlrtA At farm Id SL1A aukM n it.... A . , Ul SO VIV VUl BVI U , bUlCQ fourths cash, balance fire years at 6 per cent, w rite or Bee tue editor or this paper. 38 3t w mimiry of the World's Col urn ban WM. HENRY MATJLE, stamps for mora postage (m than vnihirj xu co,.) Write Unlay, mention this paperaod addrW 1711 Filbert St, Philadelpbl! THE Blue Valley Feed Mill. Positively tie best mill In the market. Has ine lartnwt capacity, tne MghtHt running moHt durable, and yet the moi simple in con struction. For catalogue and prices write BLUK VALLEY FOUNDRY CO., Manhattan, Kanuta. Please mention Th s Aluamci Ihdkphidint when anHwerlng above. KA1SAS : HOME : IDRSERT. Cboice Frnit and Ornamental Trees. Tried Sundird ud New nmtll Knit The Kanra KaxpbeiTv a blackcap fur the million. Write far reduced prices. A H. GHIKSA, Box J, Lawrence, Kas. ennne ALFALFA SEED, CASK Millet, Spring Wheat, Kaffir, Rica and Jerusalem Corn. Yel low and White Milo Maiz, Black and White HuUVss Barley. Brown Dhoura. Onl-m Sets alt grown In 1892. For prices aaaress, wicuetn s Klnntnm, Uardea tMy. ft f"N r t every description, Newfound tmiiua, muiLitia, "I. uoiwrai, Oieiiounij, Hull, Fox, Sltye and Crotch I crrieit, (.ollien, Puir Spaniel. Bcairlei, Foxhoundu, Set LVVSI SJ landi, M tiff , St. Heraards, tertand fomtert ; alto KerreU, Mal.ee Cat, t t animan fancy pigeon, poultry. Sind lUmp for price li in, ue roi vintaii, Herman Koeeh, 815 Market 8t , St. Lenta. AUCTIONEERS. JAPANESE TP ILE CURE A dp ana Oomnlet Trasimeni. oorndxtlnii of Sat pnatrw, oimauwi in waxum. alw ta Hn and nil a PnlrivaCar for Kxlornal. Interaal. Bliad or Blewt la Itching. Chrome. Roovat or Hirrlitary Files, aor mat yethat dwnwaii aid InuiaM wattnnM It li al wayi a great baeftt te tk general health. The Si dimerwr erf awlteal ear rannerloi an oaeratlot with the knlfc iiniilmr) kereHftar. Thin remedy hat ww keaa knewa te fail. (I par kex ( for tft: pt ay nail, war traaai. Mm Die diiteaee irhei a wntuaa ! I ataitleF Htm with boar. a reread aaaiaMy Ifaet eandT Snui atamp tot Maple. 8uanM aned St 1. H. Uarlei. drot t. mu k lit amS tra. Uaaata Neb IS IT NOT- 300D COMMON SENSE ARGUMENT That we, aa manufacturers, can give BEST VALUED YOUR r.0.1EY THIS MACHINE h7imiii"Q(lir DUALITY AND PRICE BOTH RIGHT! yuauiy hi me iop, j rn;e ai. me iuilciiii. iend for cstukmue, Illustrating our Chicago No. 1 ilnner. only S)M.?H, and the bltrhent (trade ninderr itrle mavblne In the world for 1.HH. 2.") dlffiTem ttylnii at Intermediate price. KKMKMIIKW IV K lave you from one to three profit. VK Klvt on day free trial. WE warrant every machine U rear. WK furnlnh the latest attachroenU. Wl tfr an opportunity to uire a eewtfg macblm CKKK. Mention thl puper. AddreM hloBB;o Hewins; Machine Co., Mntra. N. Ualsted St. lept.A51, Chicago, 111 SEEID CORN. HOGUE'S YELLOW DENT has won more Premiums at Stat and National Shows than any othr CORN in Nrbrsnks $t.oo per bit. 8iM'ks 20 cts. each. Write for circulars. Address: R. HOGUE Crete, Ne. Z S. BRANSON, WAVERLY, NEB. LIVE STOCK AUCTIONEER. Mates sale la It ebraaka tad of refaraace. Fonrwea j Prleae raaeeaabla, aorreaaooS aattafaeuan taaranteH ther tutea. Beat are parlance tcatollelled aa ALLIAUGE SEED HOUSE The Beed Bents for I be Feepla Fkt I to 3 rente mu k. Other cheep in umportum. W warrant ear Med I be freaa and el ant ana'ity. AmS lr rautaa. la anyiHM adm ataies pa P ' aJ parMne; w will mS a aainpl faickM al oar aved PMRa. Aatnn aeadtn wed hnnlt rnrnwraMid with u hrftire byug. AtXIAMOB IIIDCO., uova, &aa. PQ3 ARB VALUABLE Hilt HT.f'i 1, lS4 raraara theaiS eaNn AT ONPH fr eimt- Itre of cay sew fig ferret, wuh ihow tn traiaa y a aaaay Ina enwa aad ittga eves? year w erraaaed M gtva aatuf ae a. If ear Sealer fUaaa aa heea Ibeaa wn dlrtaaaie WT Ageaie attwi I, M BI HIB. Iita.allhtt .UaveaparUla, Percheron and French Coach HORSES. Maple Grove Farm. Champion First Premium and Sweepstakes Herd For tbe States of Emsas and The Nebraska State Fair Herd Premium, for best show, all Draft breeds com peting, was again awarded to my horses, making the fifth year la succession that my herd has been the recipient of this muon core W prize. A Nebraska bred horse, ral-ted n M tple Grore Farm, wa this year awarded the First Premium an i 8weepUke- at the Kansas State Fair, In citnpeUtloa with twenty-five head of horses from (We different states, 150 head of registered, imported and home bred Percneroi horses an i mares. A large portion of my present stock on haid, has been raised on my Farm and Will be Sole at prices beiow the reaoi of any importer In America. I am In a p sltlon to give my patrons the benefit of not harlng paid any fixed sum, or expensive buying nd transportation charges in order to own my horses. I cordially invite a carefnl inspection of my horses, and will guarantee the buyer that my stock cannot be equaled In America, either in the quality or the prices that I am asking. . , ' ' Write for catalogue, and don't fall to inspect my stock before buying. 1 We Handle More Borses Than Any Firm in Sehriska. ; We Import onr own borne tbiu aln the cimtemer ths middle man's pront Bayers nave the adyBtaK of eomiwring all bredi side by side at our stables. We flare 40 Good Yonng Acclimated Horses oo Hand. ' An Importation of 40 arrlye d October 1. We marantee all our borne to be aonnd la very repec;t. We make farmer coinpanlea a tueclalty, Haying a system whereof wt can organize oompanle and lnaur abxelute laecew. We Will Send a M to Any Part of tne On application to aaitit In atvanlzlng cuaanor 10 pay ior Dome irom aervioei. lion thl paper. AdSrew, W. J. WROUGHTON in (how yard, with aharo horaea must be void within the next aixty day at terms A. I, SULLIVAN, Branch Barna, Lincoln, Neb. Well Improved Nebraska Farm For Sale! One of tbe very best Improved Nebraska home farm in the state for sale For particulars address, ROOT. W. FURNAS, Brownvlll Nebraska. From the Gaw to theDu1d1pg Direct. Jr' I Farmers Alliance Men Please take Notice. wholesale Complete Bills for Houses and Barns a Specialty. retail Write us for Delivered PrirA a, aOHrlSOK UUtVIBEB COMPANY, Biles 1001 0 81 , LlnoalnNs ALLIANCE STATE BUSINESS AGENCY. State Agent quotes prices on the following goods. A good common flour at 00 cts. per 100. White Rose flcur at 11,50 per 100. Silver Leaf " " 1.75 " Prime Brow Sugar 14.00 per 100. Best Granulated Sugar 35.65 per 100. Fine Uncolored Japan Tea 25c per lb. i2ic " " Good Coffee 20o per lb. A full line of Spices, Pepper, Cinna mon, Cloves, Ginger, MuBtard, Al spico, etc., at 20o per lb. One gallon best coal oil with glass caa 40 cents. J. W. HARTLEY, TOBACCO U HABIT Par aale br all Smwian era a late, or aant by aaiptoi ai.wo. Aasur l aklrta, and tokeaeeiMt , Partlevlar freet TIIK OHIO CIIKIICAL W aiaU. adtlnaa St, &3, aa4 M Opera Uleek, IXUa,0. J1.-J.J PILES, FISTULA, and all othar Disease, of tha Beetaaeur4 Cllr, Ko.,wlthnut hnir. Dsattira or raoatka-nit nvHier W ralt until patienl l tired. W alw make a m'Uilir of )04 uf U iiinad at llM of ll nam. Ueware ( alt ilft'tort who w t anjr jwrt oi tair fea in a-lraii.-e. ra aire luinrtre Hrnl (ir rlrfiilar llnif Bain loavolilhriraidqu k tnn,Niv I'M Dr. McClellan & Co., STAR MEDICAL AND Mrwlal sttmiUott ! to lbs treat uvea noae. tbruat ao4 lmi-. We aim bare a r)b'al rure f r ratarrb la a,l l fitrwa. CNtrowa Uiviry ilea r llemorrhoi.u 0ut ana ail .'! of tha rwtaat ftwitivalv runni wiih out the ue of kuiferauatkt or ila?atur. All fnrtn. 4 luaeaora of Ma la all xklivku 4 Ufa are l-IUrljr atttl ailfrtirlT earwl, 'r further Informalb'tt vail la o a.l.lnwa, 0'p. fc Jania. ttutal, fcl ftwil UbKb. J. ,MoOt,f CLAM. M. O.. Kiimm CHy, Mo. rFtcpioMTi W. J. WROUGHTON & CO.. Cambndge, Pumas County, Nebraska. IMPOKTEBS OF Shire, Clyde, Percheron, Belgian, German, and Oldenburg Oar a, French Caach, rerkshlre Coach, and Clerelaad Bar MtalUejaa. State, compaolea. We irtre Ions time thn eaabUni Correnpondeace promptly aawer4. 1 pat & COM Cambridge, Neb. ENGLISH SHIRE STALLIONS. Good Hoi ses Bring Big Money. Poor Horses Bring No - Money If You Cannot Afford to Breed to Oood Stallions, Don't Breed at AH, With the animal now on hand we liavr won S Uraod weptaka Prince over all draft breed !,; 8 hweepaiake print over thire breed; 84 Firatand IS eeo,d pmm in thrir clasitea. The above record waa ada coititietition. beinir lunrelv at State Fair. Theae to uit tie purchaser. JOSEPH WATSON Sl CO., . Beatrice, Nab. Soda i and Butter cracker 6c per lb. in cases. 40 Grain vinegar injugs, 25o per gal Lemon extract 2 oz. bottles 50o par dot. Vanilla " " 55c ' Finest full cream Y A cheese 12,0 lb. A good Overall for only 50c. An extra good overall for 65, ltockford halt hose 15c per dot. . " " " best made 11.05 a dea write for anything you eat or wear. Stae Agt., li t. till It, Ll-vcal. Nt. I1ILI. mi4R IOR OP CJI.ITahef III cuui lrlly Onriroy tbe Onita (or TotMxsoe) In anr torn In from Iwi Saya, JVrlwtlf haraaleee, cause no sk-kima, and aoajr he (iven In a cup ef tva or cvOjM, wlibout lb , nwleVreif ItM paimitwbtt will votunlaMlf atvp tuaukluf ur t'tHwInc In a few aajr. CAniLY nail aa ra URE X bp Dra, Taoratoa Xlaor, Xaaaaa a uta In lh etw jrmi will nnj ihm eian of aumtrwd ao bare ben erJ s an4 Weal Nlotb bijww. Mutinu II S3 Hunker M Ut SURGICAL IMITITUTE. l V Irate an4 Cbnmle Irtaeawe of Ue taaata.