The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, March 23, 1893, Page 6, Image 6

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Its Real SesttoBit of tie Ml
" afliffctBcffliEiprssi
The Conspiracy of the
Money Loaning and
States and the Rothschilds to
Rob and Plunder the Pro
ducing States Exposed.
The Clergy Asked to Join In
Denouncing the Crime The
Property of This
Cental Fait rauiig lte lb Hub
oftke FIitocriej-The Prhecj
af Llneola belsr Fslfllled.
L Dissolution of the Union Threat-ned--Alliance
with the South,
Mexloo and the Central
iMriM Baaualla Hiatad atThe Iaa
liiitMH of Clevalaa DamaaaaO.
Tfc Gwateet Arralranaaat
tt l 614 CaMftraton tm Mais.
mm of re. A. C Flak, of Daaver. Colo ,
Treeldeataf'tse rao-Aaaenaaa Bl-Metatlo
tnr-'-"- l?"Jra the American til -Metal -&Jay,
WaaaUarioa, D. C fbruarj
(Ooo tinned frea laat week.)
i nan mis country discarded aiivee
India received a larger supply of it than
ever before, and notwithstanding the
alleged debasement of silver, its flow
Into India increased, and tbe prosperity
which was wont to pervade this country,
was transferred to the Helds and facto
ries of India Prior to that time, Indie
was not a factor in the wheat trade, but
as auver ouinon aeoimeo, ine iraae or.
India increased, until it has now reaohed
more thun sixty million bushels for ex
port eaob year. Had it not been for the
demonetization of silver, the wheat
trade with Iudla would never have be
gun, and Europe would have purchased
of us in the last ten years, four hundred
end fifty million bushels more of wheat
than it did, and cotton and oorn propor
tionately, and would praotioally have
paid tbe debt we owe them.
We exported in 18021128,009,000 worth
of bread stuffs, and had it not been for
the demonetization of silver, this would
have netted the farmer about f 190,000,.
000 and would have given us a market
tor the sixty million bushels whbu Eu
rope purchased from India, which would
have amounted to $90,000,000 more, ag
gregating 1280,000,000 and in ten years
would aggregate 12.800,000,000, more
tuau euuuif u w puj we puuiiu utiuv,
Before tbe debasement of silver, In
dia was not a factor in the cotton trade,
but now she praotioally controls , the
China market and enough ootton goes
to London to force down the price of
our ootton. India now supplies more
than f 100,000,000 worth of ootton annu
ally.' Silver has reaohed the. lowest
point ever known and as silver decreases,
the price ot every product decreases in
8 Iver purchased in London at 83
cents and coined into rupeas receives a
purchasing power ot S1.37 with which
they buy wheat, cotton and oorn in In
dia, and to that extent the prioe ot ail
American products is decreased. An
ounce of silver will buy just as much
cotton, wheht. . orn and other farm pro
ducts now as it ever did. and would buy
just as much at 40 cents per ounce, as it
would at 11.29 per ounce; and were sil
ver demonetized and its bullion value
go to 40 cents on the dollar, wheat
'.. would not be worth more than 30 cents
' per bushel in this oountry, nor ootton
more than 3 cents per pound.
Thone who are seeking to destroy tbe
liberties of the Amerioan people, at
tempt to mislead them by every possible
device. Sherman says that we ought to
matte money as dear as possible, so that
the pension to the old soldier will lose
none of its value, and that the deposits
in the New Eogland Savings Banks will
lone none of its purchasing power.
This is a special plea. Sherman cares
nothing for the depositors in the Bavinga
bank, nor is he oonoerned for the old
soldiers. He is not their agent. He is
simply pleading toeir cause in the in
terest of the gold kings of the Old
World, whose agent be is. The de
positors in the .New England savings
banks have been able to make these
accumulations largely by reason of
tbe faot that they purchased the
products ot the Western farmer
for 60 per cent of its value. Why
should we, therefore, be any more con
cerned for this class of 'our people than
for the producers who by reason of tbe
price or all , their products being de
creased 40 per cent, have no bank ac
counts, and whose stockings are also
empty. The old soldiers have not for
gotten that it waa John Sherman who
pressed the passage of tbe act repealing
their arrearage of pensions, after July,
1380. The old soldier is a patriot, aud
those of us who followed that nag from
18G1 to 1865, and upheld its authority
until it is respected by every nation un
der the sun, arid effaced from its
escutcheon the foul blot ot African sla
very, have not become so debased that
for a few paltry dollars they are willing
to re-entiUve the blacks and aUo enslave
fifty million whites.
The bounty is a mere pittance, and is
not one-tenth part enough to support
tbe veterans, and the demonetization of
silver taxt-s them in tbe interests of
thoae whom Sherman represents, un
justly every year, five times as much as
ali tbe bounty they receive. Give us
free coinage of silver, and not only will
the earnings of tbe depositors in the
Eastern savings banks increase, but the
value of the products ot tbe labor of the
old soldier, and the producing millions
ot this country, will so multiply, that
they too will hare something to deposit
to the bank, '
By reason ot tbe demonetization ot
silver there are two million, two hun
dred and fifty thousand unemployed in
this oountry, tbe aggregate wealth ot
u.uu, uouta Uiej at intl empioy awni,
would satouct to I.DOU.OUO.O'.W yearly.
This would swell the deposits in tbe
Uuika, aud stso add to the comforts ot
many an old soldiwr. If we ware to in
creaae the price of our farm product
SI ,250,000.0.0 which the demonetization
of eilver baa decreased their value, and
which compels tbe producers of this
country to pay an enforced tax to tbe
creditor classes, that would also add to
the deposits in our banka
They also tell us that to recto re silver
would cause aa outflow of our gold. If
that is true, bow does it happen tfcat
from 1878 to 1890, the time we are coin
ing 12.000.000 a month under the Blwid
law, that gold increased in this country
nearly three hundred per cent? These
gold standard fiends know very well
that tbe less money we bave in this
country, the greater will be the outflow
of gold. Suppose silver was remone
tized, the value of the crops of this
country would increase tU&O.OOO.OuO
yearly; our exports would largely in
crease in quantity, and tbe value of our
products would correspondingly Increase
until tbe balance of trsde in our favor
would double, treble and quadruple,
and the inflow of gold into this country
would be a natural consequence. Gold
would flow into this country with free
ooinage in tbe same proportion as our
exports increased and prices advanced,
and it would take only a few years until
the balanoe of trade would be so great
in our favor that we could eaaily liqui
date all our foreign debt, the very thing
Rothschilds is endeavoring to prevent.
It is or far greater importance that we
should preserve the equity of . the con
tract between the producing and debtor
millions of our own people, who import
no foreign goods, than that we should
retain gold for the benefit of the few
importers. With free coinage and
Treasury notes receivable for custom
dues, no damage could possibly result
from any attempt to corner gold. The
concern of the Shy locks of Wall street is
not that gold will leave tbe country,
but that it will not leave the country, is
their concern.
Tbe Southern and Western States will
appreciate the blessing that the Eastern
or manufacturing States bave been to
them when we consider that it was
through their sinister manipulation of
the money volume which forced down tbe
products of the producers of this coun
try more than forty per oent, and whioh
transferred about one-third of all the
profits ot tbe Southern and Western
States to the Eastern or manufacturing
States, and that they bave selfishly en
tered into a conspiracy with tbe plutoc
racy of the old world, to rob the farmers
of the West and the planter of the
South of every dollar of their profits,
receiving themselves one third as a re-
w or tjetr treachery, and transfers
log two-thirds to the plutocracy of tbe
old world. -
The blessings of high tariff and the
single standard are emphasized when we
consider thattbs little State ot Massa
chusetts of 8,300 square miles, with a
population in 1890 of 1,783,000, and an
assessed valuation of 11,584,750,802, in
creased in wealth 1569,377,824; while the
States in North Carolina, Georgia, Ala
bama, Louisiana, Nebraska, Iowa, Illi
nois and Indiana, with a total area of
486,000 square miles of land, a popula
tion or id,ouwuuu, icureosed in value
BD09.441.U74. The great factors in Dro-
ductton are capital, land and labor. The
producing States possess these factors
over Massachusetts, in land fifty to one,
labor seven to one, capital two to one:
yet, under the systems which have grown
up under the money power or .Europe
and Wall street. In ten years the State ot
Massachusetts increased in wealth more
by ten millions ot dollars than all the
great producing States I bave named.
This is true of all the Eastern or man
ufacturing States. Instead of being a part
of this great nation interested in our com
mon prosperty and glory, they have se
ceded, so far as common interest or
common decency is concerned, from
every tie that should bind them to the
producing States or tbe West and South;
there is nothing in common between
them. Like a set of cormorants, they have
joined the gold kings ot the Old World,
to rob and pillage all tne great Western
and Southern States, whioh produce the
wealth of this nation, and which is ab
sorbed by the Eastern or manufacturing
States and the Old World. It is a base
conspiracy and ought to be denounced
by the civilized world.
I could take every Eastern or manu
facturing State with the same result,
but I will give just one more, the great
State in whioh Wall street is situated,
and which G rover Cleveland claims as
bis home. Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Illi
nois, Indiana, Kentucky, Virginia, West
Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee,
Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisi
ana and Florida, fifteen of the most pro
ductive States in the. Union, with an.
area of 776,480 square miles. Let us
compare them with the State of New
York, with an area ct 49,170 square
miles, about sixteen to one. These fif
teen States, in 1880, had a population of
about 20,000,000. New York 5,000,000.
Four to one. The assessed valuation of
these fifteen States, in 1880, was $4,000,
000.000. New York $2,650,000,000. The
fifteen States gained in wealth in ten
years, from 1880 to 1890, $1,117,188,213.
New York gained, in the same time,
$1,123,386,932. One State, one-sixteenth
the size, tar less productive in soil,
gained $6,000,000 more than the fifteen.
The asses led valuation ot real estate
in 1890 in Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Kan
sas and Nebraska aggregated $2,465,000,
000 and the recorded mortgages aggre
gated $1,200,000,000. The chattel mort
gages in these five states amount to
$800,000,000 making a total debt of
nearly the entire assessed valuation ot
the real estate. During 1890 there was
was foreclosed in Nebraska 2,100 mort
gages on real estate, and these foreclos
ures are increa ing yearly.
The Bankers Monthly states that the
amount of mortgage indebtedness on
Indiana homes is $050,000,000. The an
nual interest on this amounts to about
$60,000,OUO. In 1892 there were placed
on Indiana farms, $50,000,000, the inter
est ot which amounts to more than the
earnings of a thousand fare: era
The wheat crop of Indiana for 1891
waa fifty million bushels and in 1892 less
than forty millions. The tax gatherers
of Indiana will colleot in taxes, tees, and
salaries do less than forty-five million
dollars. Tbe value of tbe wheat crop at
60 cents per bushel would amount to
24,000,000. $21,000,000 in taxes and sal
eries more than the value ot the wheat
The value of real estate in Ohio in
1890, shows an average value per acre
in 1880 of $27, In 1890 ot $22.08, a de
crease of $4.92. Tbe aggregate value ot
real estate in 1890 is equalized by tbe
board $1,140,135,496. In 1880 1,09. 600,
8.30. Iuoreaae over 1880 ot $42,625,600,
Value ct farm lands in 1890 $500301.009.
decrease from lbSO $115,416,607. Value
or real estate in towns and cities in IS O,
$570,773 5n7. Value in ls0, $4 1283,31 4.
An increase over ltwO of $158,UR273.
The increase in real property in Ohio
f:w tbe ten years is It-se than four per
sent. Un farms the lose is seventeen
oer cent, while the mortgagee increase.
xe value or me rarms oecreasea
A sad commentary on tbe average in
telligence of tbe members of the Ohio
'stfislature, with a knowledge of these
.'acts, to re-elect to tbe senate of tbe
United btates. tbe man who is resnonsi
ble for this condition of affairs, unless
his election is more profitable to tbe
members or tne legislature than the
farm crops of the State. As the arold
dollar increases in value, real estate and
airier commodity values, corresoondicir
ty decrease. These mortesires bave now
become so burdensome that the farmer
tan no longer pay the interest, and un
less relief comes speedily, the farms of
this oountry will all pass under fore
closure from tne present ownera
' There are about 150,000,000 people liv
ing under governments that make gold
the only legal tender. About 210,000,000
wno use silver aione, and 875,000,000 who
use both gold and silver. There is a
trifle lees than $4,000,000,000 silver money
in the world, and probably $3,500,000,000
of gold. If silver is demonetized one
balf of the weights cjr which we value
ali property will be wiped out, and the
result will be that those whose wealth
is in houses, lands and merchandise, will
find it decreased one half, and those who
owe debts wi'l owe dooble the amount
they now owe, and those who bold our
obligations will have double the value of
their wealth. No one will be benefited
excepting- those who already have too
much. -
The creditors talk of a 60 cent dollar:
but they never mention a two hundred
cent dollar, which the gold dollar will
be worth when silver is demonetized.
Two dollars worth of property on a bi
metal Ho basis will be sold to obtain a
gold dollar on a single standard and we
must come to a gold basis if we do not
return to free ooipage ot silver.
They talk of good times. Yes, good
times for the money lenders, but how
about the dollar that tbe farmer buya
with bis corn, wheat and cotton, whioh
costs bim two and a half times as much
as it did, and should.
The great loan companies of the East
whioh represent foreign capital, and
many whioh do not, demand that the
mortgages they receive shall bs paid
principal and interest in gold. Every
Western and Southern State should at
once enact a law prohibiting this out
rage, and making it a penal offense.
They should also enact a law that the
rate of interest should not exceed two
per cent, and make it a crime for ant!
one to lend or borrow for a bigber rate.
The business of the country does not
justify a higher rate, and money loaning
at that rate would be the most profita
ble business In any of tbe Southern or
Western States to-day. They ought
also to enact a law regulating the com
mission of money brokers, restricting
them to one-half of one per cent on
loana The money brokers ot course
would tell us that we would get no more
money. Suppose we don't. We don't
want it, if we have to borrow it at a loss;
aa we are now doing. 1 am opposed to
paying ten per oent or any other per
cent for the money they have robbed us
of. If we had free coinage, we would
ourselves have money to loan and in a
few years would own our own breweries,
our own mortgagee, our own farms, our
own homes, and our own mines.
Notwithstanding, the wealth ot the
producing States is to a large extent
transferred unjustly to the Eastern
States and the money centers, it doe;
not enrich the many, but goes to swell
the bank accounts of tbe few. ' In New
York with Us two million
inhabitants, only thirteen thousand own
their own homes. In Chicago, with a
population ot one and a half millions,
less than 24 per cent own all tbe real
estate. Tbe producers increased the
wealth ot the oountry 50 per cent, from
1880 to 1890, from $44,000,000,000 to $66.
000,000,000. Of this $06,000,000,000,
thirty thousand people possess $40,000,
000,000, leaving the $26,000,000,000 for the
remaining sixty -five million people. The
farmers and toilers produce the wealth
which Rothschilds, Sherman & Company
transfer by vicious legislation into the
pockets of the few.
The mortgaged debts of the country
are $40,000,000,000. The wealth, $66,000,
000,000. Increase of values yearly,
$2,100,000,000. Interest on the debt
yearly at 10 per cent, $4,000,000,000; leav
ing the oountry worse off every year by
$1,900,000,000. And still the gold trust
says we are a prosperous people. At
this rate, how long will it take the ooun
try to go into absolute insolvency? It is
prosperous for the manufacturing States
that absorb tbe wealth of the toilers of
the produoing States. But the indus
trious, honest American citizen who
toils early and late in a oountry marvel
ously rich in resources and blessed by
nature, is leaving the heritage of billions
in mortgaged debts every year, the ben
stitaof which are unjustly and unlaw
fully transferred to the bank accounts
of tbe parasites of civilization.
Tha increase of interest over that ot
wealth m the producing States is much
larger in proportion than for the whole
country. In fact, so large, that in a few
years more practically all the property
of the producing States will have
changed ownership by mortgage
foreclosurea In 1840 the farmers
owned ninety per cent, of the
wealth of this country. In 1S90 they
owned lees than twenty per cent., and
unless relief comes by restoring silver,
in three years more they will be home
less and like those of other gold standard
countries, will flee to lands less oppress
The immigration from the gold and
silver standard countries is an object
lesson, and I refer to them as showing
the prosperity and contentment in the
single and double standard countries.
Great Britain, single standard, popula
tion 31,000,000, had an immigration to
the United States from 1885 to 1891 of
964,000. Germany, single standard, popu
lation 46,000,000, ths immigration to this
country was, in the same period, 730,000.
France, double standard, t opulatiou 38,
000,000, immigration to this country in
the same poriod was only 37,000. Bel
gium, double standard, population 5,800,
000, immigration in this oountry in the
ssme period was 17,000. Ireland, single
standard, population 5,175,000, immigra
tion to this oountry in the ssme period
was 617,000. It nothing else was ever
said or written on thia subject, this
would be a sufficient answer to all pleas
made in the interest of tbe gold stand
ard by the hire! minions of Kothohilds.
The population ot Prussia is 30,000,000,
and less than two and a half millions
possess an income equalling $223 in our
la 1890, when the present law waa
enacted, vicious as it taand given U
tbe oountry to prevent free coin
age, the price of surer wnt
rapidly from 91 cents to tl-l.
wheat from 85 cents to $110
and cotton from 9 cents to 13 centa
To defeat these results, England is
sued paper rupees redeemable in sil
ver, and paid them out to buy wheat
and cotton in India, and through these
expedients, she succeeded in again forc
ing down tbe price of silver, wheat, cot
ton, corn and other farm products, having
an agreement with her agents in this
country that tbe Sherman law should be
repealed, thereby forcing down tbe
price of silver to forty or nfty centa
Tbe proposition of Rothschilds at
Brussels was to make the Sherman law
international. That was, no doubt, the
object ot the conference. This throws
back a flood ot reflected light upon the
anti-silver crusade in this country, and
ro unprejudiced mind can longer doubt,
that Sherman, the recognized governor
of gold trust legislation in this oountry,
received all his inspirations at the hands
of these London Jews. Tbe authentic
ity of the Hazzard circular is now fully
established. J. be proposed buying and
storing ef silver to cheapen commodi
ties, and render a resumption of its use
as money impossible, is now apparent;
squally so is tne fact that tbe Sherman
law and ell the monetary legislation of
this oountry, and of tbe world, is in
spired by the Bothscbilda
if thie uongress does not give tbe peo
ple relief by restoring silver, tbe Trans
Mississippi Congress, which will be cam-
posed of representatives from all the
Trans-Mississippi States, convenes in
Ogden, Utah on the 24th of April next,
and in all probabilities, if we are unable
to get any relief from the general govern
ment, some measures will be introduced
into that Congress, looking to an alliance
with old Mexico and the silver using
countries of South and Central America;
and although these Congresses bave
heretofore been composed ot delegates
only from the Trans-Mississippi States,
it silver is not restored, all of tbe South
ern States and the corn and wheat
growing states of tbe West will be in
vited to participate in Its deliberations.
Rothschilds is welcome to the Eastern
States so far as we are concerned;
it they want to live under his do
minion, they can; but we do not,
and will not This President ot tbe
Qod of mammon, wields more
power than every monarch ot Europe.
His diotum enslaved the laborers of the
old world, and bio purpose is that the
producers of this repubiio shall share a
like fate, by compelling them to pay a
bounty of forty or fifty per cent on
everything they produce.
Early last spring a bararain was made
between Depew and the Rothsohiids on
oebalt of tbe Republicans, and Whitney
and Belmont on behalf ef the Demo
crats; so that no matter what Congress
might do silver would receive lm death
blow at the hands of the executive; it
therefore made no difference to Roths
childs which side succeeded. Harrison
was repudiated at the polls, and Cleve
land elected, not because any great num
ber wanted him, but like tbe man fleeing
from danger knoweth not what be does,
they blindly voted the Democratic
give them relief. ,
Cleveland was repudiated by his own
State at the Chicago contention, but
Rothschilds' agent was there and the
magic wand of gold in the hands of
Whitney was more powerful than the
revolt of his own State and the honest
sentiment of his party; and the millions
which were poured out, nominated bim.
The Dress of the Aountrv is subsi
dized, all the great trusts and combines,
the telegraphs and railroads, Congress
is debauched and the President is hyp
notized by tbe magio wand of gold, and
like a bird under the charm of a serpent
droops its wings and walks tnto the
poisonous jaws of the insatiable mon
ster. The New York Sun and the National
Democratio committee are authority
for the statement that Whitney paid
$300,000 for Cleveland's nomination,
while Depew raid a like amount for
Harrison's. There was more than $2,
000,000 paid out by the Dem
ocratio committee in the States
of New York, Indiana, Con
necticut, Alabama and Delaware.
Elections are more profitable in these
btates than the wheat crops of the
West and cotton crops of the South.
Cleveland has practically never been be
yond the confines of his own State,
knows absolutely nothing about the
wants of this great Republic, and is as
ignorant of them as a child. He has
one idea, and that is to pay his obliga
tions to the Rothschilds for nominating
and electing him President of the
United States. That appears to be his
governing motive. But if he persists in
carrying his bargain into execution, he
will not serve his time out as President
of this Republic; the western and
southern half of this great Repubiio
would not and could not remain a part
ot the United States for four years un
der a single standard. A pretty specta
cle, tbe President, supposed to be a ser
vant of the people, using all his patron
age and power to enslave the people of
the nation. The gold trust furnishes
money to nominate Presidents, to make
platforms, to elect candidates, o binet
officers and all tbe appointees of the
government; and all the official patron
age is dictated from Wall street and the
national treasury is used to convince
the consciences and understandings of
I rode in the Republican chaript for
more than thirty years; I am walking
now. I served for more than four year
in the Union army, and assisted in up
holding the dignity ot our flag so that it
shall be respected and honored wherever
unfurled, but I am now engaged in a
holier causa I have enlisted during the
war or until the enslavement of fifty
millions ot white and blaok, Jew ami
Gentile, in this land shall be averted,
and tbe rule of the gold kings de
The last battle between the Demo,
cratio and Republican parties has been
fought. Ther is now crystallizing into
existence with lightning rapidity, a purl)
of freedom and a party ot greeu. A
party bent on enslaving the toiling
millions of this country in the internet
of the crowned heads of ths ol I world,
and a party struggling to throw off th
shackles ot financial bondagnand penal
servitude. Think of iu A govrnrant
speculating directly off the bard earn
ings of the producer of preehus mU!,
compelling the n inerto pay a direct tx
to the government ot forty per cent, of
his earnings, while the privileged cIhss.
those with incomes of millions yearly,
are protected by law and do not pay oo
dollar ot Uia Free country md-ed.
Humans and just government. No woo
der the Americans love the Amerioan
ITa he eanaaeaS la aeit week's lata 1
TTT r Why is Strictly Pure
W hVf White Lead the best
f xx J paint ? Because it
wilt outlast all other paints, give a
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If Barytes and other adulterants of
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Strictly Pure White Lead, why are all
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branded Pure, or
" Strictly Pure
White Lead?"
This Barytes is a heavy white powder
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costing only about a cent a pound, ana
is only nsed to cheapen the mixture.
What shoddy is to doth, Barytes is
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and standard brands of white lead,
"Southern" " Collier "
"Red Seal"
are strictly pore, M Old Dutch " process
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For colors use National Lead Co.'s
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For aale by the' most reliable dealers in
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If you are going- to paint, it will pay yon
to tend to ua for a book containing informa
tion that may aave yon many a dollar; it will
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est. Patjlss Chicago
Fast Trains to Chicago and St. Fanl.
A. 8. FlKLDIHQ, W. M. Shipmak,
City T'kt Agt. - Gen'l. A.
Office 1133 O Ht-Depot Cor. 8 aud 8th St,
100,000 Acres Jnst Put Upon the Market !
Small Cash Payments
5 to 20 Years Time. .
For map of Nebraska and further
particulars, call on or address,
. Marcus, Iowa.
The best of tbe new fruits, ornamental and
evergreens. Big Bupply of the BLACK ILLS
SPRUCE, the best evergreen yet. It will co-t
you nothing to let me price your needs. Ex
perimental station at the State Horticultural
Society In connection with the nursery. Cor
respond. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Work on either Stndln Timber or Rtnmoo. Poll
aa ordinary ttrab Id one and a null minute. Mum t
linn sweep of twa acres st a suudbt. a uimu. buy and a in rs
a operate it. No heavy chaioi or rod to handle. TbearopoBt
few acres tbe tint year will par for the Machine. Yon 015 not
looter afford to pay taxes on unproductive limber land. Clear It,
raise bountiful crop with lea labor nod recuperate roar old,
worn out Hod bv pasturing. Send iKmaloardrorilluatratedCata.
lofne. girinir or ice. terrai. teetlraoniaU mid 1 information eon.
cerninc oar New IX L drabber. Ad4m the Manufacturers,,
Conslstingof Iron La?
trtl, enables one to r: .
b laown HALr-soL:?;rj ai
Boot, Shok, and Hibbi
repairiuir. Anylxiy o:.
uo It Thoiawlt. ri.
In use. Weight, u V
a Miri,8.6ctm ittrn.e",.
by mall. STRAP? inr
tnr making in'i'
anylentftli or iiuu. butt
ed and c-masMi, bmf vi
prices. Haujmmia; n. c
ntftt. Hl A.nt. ..4...
Other (trtoilj in tiicn.
tlon.mifolY nn-i h.i
by maii. r.tot'n nr..-;
complete .prftC'io.'l,
f at-r1ifi KIT Ol' (!..!
ihitk j mw.-. ;iiii ti
mail. 7b c. Airi-put-.
rvt.ln...... ....
SMITH Toom. i:(Hll j
ROOT BROS.. ME:tlf .
riant aa cmnrrma iron my naraarr in
fniamnrr of lf anna occasion, (irait
FRCElooachof myeuMoman, U.r
J . 10 million traoa for wlni-braaiu and
arnamantauon. Ilardiact
t" .,..!t? loeal aala Wanted.
rD. HILL, Evargraan Soaclailit!
r cuwcasB, xjcoJSrois.
Fhyslclaa : md : Medical : Elec'rlclaa.
Rhrnmatlsm of in tear ataudlnc lia lxxn
txwIilTi IT rnrrtl Nanr lirta. HI Vltiia Dane.
Spinal Irritation trtattil with Ilka raatiita
Women and Children
Prra!a11a of mala awl f-mala r.
amlnatum ti& It will ci jrou nuthluii
tnmnntilt with him Writ at ones aud set
qumtton blank, A"(lrma.
N J raftMHSM, M D
OrrVst3 10 Shaal, Bile, ISA Ha ward
Tlthgt 14, OMaUA. NCU
ii fin n
if, jAfiu, mi.-
Us, aparalia( saa
Traction Enffinis.
eietU la all raf att that aa ta aiaka a a a Parfe
ralLat aaa Hortiaa aaglae. Stint for Cat alof
KIP1.XS TABl'LES mrm Ua boat Medl.
tat kaawa Car ladlceaUa. BUtoaaacaa,
Meadarna, O a UaaO . lyaei, Caii Trsaklaa, IHaalaraa, Bad Caaialr llaa,
VyaaaMrr, S'eaal.a Breath,, aad all dia.
araera af tka Stataseb, Utmr aad Baa
RlDana Tabaloa contain aotblnr injnrioo to
tbe moat delicate eonatitutien. Are pleaaant to
take, exfe, etrtxtoal, and aire Immediate relief. -
ric-Box TiaJ). 75 centa ; Packaf ( boiea),
$1 May be ordered through nenreet druggiet,
or by mail. Sample free by mail. Addreat
Hastings Importing Co,
Percheron and French Coach
Prize Winners of 'gi-'ga
If a pan a visit to our bam
yon do not find our horses
atrictly first class In eTery
partlcular, we will pay tha
expenses of the trip. Every
horse guaranteed a first class-
foal iteiter. v ill rive purchasers as liberal
terms as any other firm in the business. - .
, Hailing,, Web.
Big Btft IHti-Mii
Hoes W Cattle
. ..."
My breeders are first class. All
guaranteed as represented. Prices
reasonable. A few choice fall pigs left.
Orders booked lor early sprlnir Pies.
svbkv . m. m av am
uorri tuu need a
Cream Separato
If too bare At or more cown. a "BABY cannot bn
JWova a most profitable and pleasing inventing nt, 1
rs means mora ana better mi tit r, warm njcinwnlJk rr
feedimr Duroow. ravin? of ! limt. labor and iWanr..
and better Btttisfactlon with dairying irene rally
Bend for new " BABY " ratfllotruv. trivfnir snrnl
tiencea of well-known OReroand endorsement of hiftheffc
aairy aacnoritiea in every flection, fay lea, capacities
tiripram. suut namnlAt In farm Arisen
inc ui. LHifiL oLnaimii iu.,i
GenIlRai ftFFir.F:' -
74 Cortlanc"- Ct., VrrN
Has wrlten under tbe above title
He Book of the Century,!
The grandest reform book now ini
print. Every tbinklag voter should
reaa it. f rice, 1.50. Dor sale at tail
oftiee. 47tf
Sendfor our complete book list.
Tha Direct Boote to and from CHICAGO, BOCK
DLLrfB. t f .M A II A I -Vf 1 1 1 I
oiuua. u, MiaaEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL.
ana ribULO. m Reclining Chair Car a
DODGE CITY, and Palara aiin.
of Through Cmrhca, S1j
or inmugh marhca, tlaarara, Fra Rarllnlnt '
Cart anil lilnint ( an aally Mam t HICAtiO,
Fr Rarllnlnt Ch
or Kama. Clt and loMke. f nui.nai. dall. m
IUI.IIKA1H) HI'lllNliS and 1'1'EIILO ialH.Joatit
t hole of Hmilaa to and from Salt !.. I'oMl.n,! 14
AnialoaandMaii rrancweo. Tha litract Lin.
fnm 'l. lrt, Manltnu, fiardtn nl Iba tiodf, I
Miuuuiuaa, mw ecawic unwwwi ui mtorauu.
xlaThe Albert Lea Rout
Fad Kinraaa Train dally Mm ,
J! and 01 I'awi, un iiiKtH UU KkHJ
Caalr latl r'llKK. U nd bnra Uxaa roint and I
lllr IhroMvn Cnair Car anl 6lMir
l-mw.Mrll Uk ami ritmia Kill via Wk H
II. l.tna In Wwartuwn, Dmhii K.U
V'tmmcr Rn ajid BuoUu and t'latttng Oruuu
t. SfMltinnd. .
rur Tltkau. Wp, Fold, at daatrftt taftKat
amrtaanr Coui TVAM Offlca, M .uraai & ,J
CeT kltaamt.
lfliaf iu.