The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, March 23, 1893, Image 4

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OceolldaUon of the
tuzzn inimSStuiisii Independent
Tvmuxbvj tut Thuxidat BI
Tea Aixiakc Pubusheso Co.
Got. lit ud M 8tt Lincoln. Heb.
4 B. Tioutm, ftes. H. 8. Bowxb. V. Pre.
K. A. Mcbbt. ae". f V MwnUi Tree.
B. 8. Ltttlmtilo.
A. TBuaKTOB-....
Ton F. Mbttikd, ... UuelDees Manager
XueAB A. M DIUT Advertising Hfl
N. L P. A.
Ciroutatlon tor Six Months
Ending Mpt. 29th,
' Publisher Announcement.
Tfca subscription price of the AM.iAiroa-Ia-OBPUDKWT
U l.0U per year, Invariably In ad
nan. Paper will be promptly discontinued
at expiration of time paid for nnleaa we re
ealv orders to continue.
Agixts In aollcitlng subscription should be
wry careful thai all namea are correctly
palled and proper poetofflce given. Blanlta
tor return subscriptions, return enrelopea,
Ite,, can be bad on application to thla office.
Always aluo yur name. No matter bow
ofln you write us do not neglect thl import
aiit matter. Bvery week we receive letter
With incomplete addtessee or without signa
tures and it la sometimes difficult to locate
ClAVoaor address. Subscribers wishing
lo change their poetofflce address mnat always
live their former as well as their present ad
Ireee when change will be promptly made.
Address all letters and make all remittances
aayable to , TUB ALLIANCE PUB. CO.,
Lincoln, Neb.
Wx have our premium list run oil in
circular form. Send for copies of it
Doroan says he doesn't know much
about building stone, and that he thinks
he was imposed upon. He is no doubt
well posted on the subject of "rake-off's"
There are hundreds of good bills be
fore the two houses of the legislature
only a few of which can or will be pass
ed. The main object of all patriotic
members at this stage of the proceed
ings should be to select from the whole
number a few of the best and endeavor
to pass them. .--
; On Tuesday the editor of The Alli-ahce-Independent
constituted him
self a "sifting committee" for a couple
f hours, and begs leave of the honor
able senate and house to ' submit the
following list of meritorious measures
Introduced by independents which
ought by all means to- become laws:
H. R. 33, the railroad rate bill.
Every thing else should stand aside, if
necessary, in order to secure the pass
age through the senate of this great
reform measure. . ,
Senate File, . 29, by Stewart, which
provides that all oon tracts calling for
money shall be payable In gold, silver
' or legal tender notes regardless of any
"gold clause ' which may be in the con
tract. Felton has a similar bill In the
Senate File 229, by Mullen amending
the law regarding deposit of state and
county funds.
Also House Boll 40, by Lynch amend
lng the same law so that state funds in
the hands of county treasurers must be
deposited. r ' l
Senate File 20, by Darner to prevent
voting ol bonds to railroads or other
private enterprises.
Senate File 183, by Young to reduce
interest on tax sales from 20 to 10 per
cent, 4 1 ' .
' ; Senate File 293, by Gray to fix the
number and define the duties of legls
lative employees.
Senate File 103, by Gray to reduce
. passenger fares to 2i cents per mile,
and abolish passes.
Representative Scott's bill providing
for the sale of land sold under fore
closure in parcels has passed the house
and should by all means pass the senate.
H. R. 291, by Dimmiok to make it
lawful for laborers to ' organize, and to
forbid employers to discharge laborers
for belonging to unions.
Senate File 149, by Harris, a "pure
food" bill.
' H. R 15, by Higglas making terms of
township afficers two years.
j ,, H. R. 523, by Dimmick forbidding in-
i human punishment In the penitentiary.
H. R. 291, by Ruggles providing for
for irrigation stations at Culbertsen
- ; and Ogalalla.x'
H. R. by Barry to collect back taxes
from B. & M. R R, a bill in which 22
- counties are interested.
'" H. R. 342, by Lingenfelter to re-ap
portion the state into representative
and senatorial districts.
' H. R. 370, by Lingenfelter to provide
t for cities owning and operating water
. works, light plants, street cars, and
H. R. 105. by Scott, submitting a
constitutional amendment' by which
saloon licenses shall be distributed to
all . the schools in counties where the
same are collected. " " -
S F. 287, by McCarthy to provide a
reserve fund for building and loan asso'
. oiations. '',.:... f " V i . k"
There are many other excellent bills
whose passage would greatly benefit
the state, but we will not burden the
the legislators with further suggestions
at present. '
several , important articles have
been crowded out this week for ' want
of space.
The sixty djs term of the legUla
ture will eipire Friday. Ill notllksly,
however, that it will adjourn before
sometime next wek.
There is strong Ulkof a recess, and
a reassembling of the body after a few
months to complete the work of Inves
tigation, and impeach the state officers
who have shon their utter unfitness
to fill such high positions. It is Im
possible to predict what will be done
in this matter.
The Newberry bill came op In the
senate on Tuesday afternoon. The re
publicans, assisted by every democrat
present, made a desperate effort to kill
the MIL It was only sated by a call of
the houfe, and a dead-lock of four
hours' duration. Thompson (dem.) of
Dodge county, was at home to attend
his mother's f unaral. His absence en
abled the Independents to secure a call
of the house, and a compromise to let
the bill lie over till Thursday without
losing its place. ,
Clark and Everett, (rep.) support the
MIL If they stand true, and Thomp
son votes for the bill. It will pass. The
battle will be fought out on Thursday.
Every independent la true as steel.
No traitors this time. If the bill is de
feated, the republican party wLl have
to shoulder the blame.
Next week we will give a general re
port of the work accomplished by the
President Cleveland is evidently dis
couraged with the condition of the pub
lic mind on financial questionr. He
certainly used all his Influence both be
fore and after his election to prevent
the democrats in congress from enact
ing any measure friendly to silver. He
certainly hoped, and sought, to have
the Sherman silver law repealed. But
congress adjourned leaving that meas
ure in foil force.
If Cleveland had any hope of success,
he would certainly call the Fifty-third
congress together to repeal that law.
But he has canvassed the situation. His
friends have sent letters of inquiry to
all the members-elect to find out where
they stand on the silver question. The
replies were such as to cause him to
abandon the extra session idea.
He probably hopes that by the open
ing of the regular session next Decem
ber, the "alluring phrases" of the gold-
bugs, coupled with the power of the
administration, will have brought a
majority of the democratic congress
men into line with his views.
Developments already indicate that
the president's expectations will not be
realized.' .;:':,s - '
, Such a great question as that of the
free coinage of silver, one that has
taken such a deep held on the publlo
mind, i not likely to lose any of its
force by time and calm reflection. Al
ready a spirited protest against the
president's attitude comes from a dem
ocratic convention recently held in
Denver, Colo. It declared for "free
silver coinage as a cardinal principle
of the party, condemned Mr. Cleve
land's antagonism to it, and pronounced
his hostile attitude and encroachments
upon the right of congressman to the
expression of their ' convictions free
from presidential intimidation, as at
war with the sprit of democracy and in
conflict with the platform upon which
he was elected."
Another evidence that the missonary
efforts of the president and his advis
ers are not producing their anticipated
results is the fact that free silver senti
ment prevails as thoroughly as ever in
the senate. The committees are being
formed so as to be under the oontrel of
the silver men. When the time comes
for action on the question, the indica
tions are that - whatever act meets the
approbation of the silver element will
be put through.; ; The president when
appealed to says he is "powerless and
can do nothing."
Indications such as these encourage
the belief that the movement for finan
cial reform is taking a deeper hold on
the minds of the people and that such
reform is bound to. come in the near
The announcement of President
Cleveland's "rotation In office" policy
has aroused a thrill of joy as well
well as pangs of sorrow in democratic
circles. The young democracy who
have never borne the great responsi
bilities of public trusts, are profoundly
Impressed with the wisdom of their
great leader. While the old office
holding brigade are wagging their
heads in doubt and sorrow, and feel
constrained to take up the lamenta
tion, "Surely the former times were
better than these."
' A Southern Exchange says:
At a recent annual sale of state con
victs at Jackson, Miss., white men in
seperate squads brought So, and col
ored men brought $9 a month.
We do things quite differently in Ne
braska? We pay an organized gang
of boodlers $12 per month to work each
convict, and we furnish the building in
which to keep the convict and the
factory In which to work him. We
also give the organized boodlers every
opportunity te steal the state blind.
Nebraska is a progressive state you
see, and far above such fogy methods
as prevail In Mississippi and Tennessee.
The New York Sun which tried so
hard to make the ''force bill the prin
cipal issue In the late national cam
paign, and partially succeeded, now
prints the following results of its work:
Every senator from the south is a
democrat. Out of 126 congressmen from
the south 120 are democrats and 6 re
publicans. The populist movement
which grew out of the Farmers' AM
anoe started out even more strongly in
the south than in the west, and the
economic conditions which favored Its
growth were mere marked in the south
than lo the west. Yet in spite of these
facts the democratic victory In the
south was complete. The Sun attrib
utes this result to the injection of the
"Force Bill' Into the campaign.
In this conclusion the Sun is no doubt
correct, be it said to the everlasting
shame of the democratic party. For
years the leaders' of that party plead
with the people of the north to forget
the war, to bury sectional strife and
prejudice, and tight out national cam
paigns on real issues. They denounced
the republicans for waving the bloody
shirt, and fanning the flames of sec
tional hatred. Their appeals to a great
extent fell on deaf ears. But finally
the farmers of the country became tired
of fighting the war ovtr. They pro
posed to bury the bloody shirt in earn
est. Then it was that the democratic
leaders showed their insincerity, and
hypocrisy. With a cry of "Force Bill"
they sought to keep alive sectional
hatred, and prevent any real reconcilia
tion between the north and south.' To
a certain extent they succeeded. But
it is impossible to believe that their
success will be permanent. The people
of the south are too intelligent, too sin
cerely patriotic to be long frightened
by the bugaboo of "force bill." The
gold-bug leaders of the democratic
party can not long hood-wink the mass
es of the south. They can never carry
another election on the "force-bill"
issue. The people of the south are de
manding real reforms. These the deme
cratio party will never give them. The
republican party is virtually dead.' The
contest of the future is between the
democrats and the populiBts. In that
contest the masses of the south will be
ranged on the side, of the populists.
The Flaming Sword, published at
Chicago, quotes the following from a
speech delivered by the great after
dinner orator, Chauncey M. Depew:
"Fifty men in these United States
have it within their power, by reason
of the wealth which they control," to
come together within twenty-four hours
and arrive at an understanding by
which every wheel of trade and com
merce may be stopped from revolving,
every avenue of trade blocked, and ev
ery electric ke struck dumb. These
fifty men can paralyze the whole coun
try, for they control the circulation of
currency, and create a panic whenever
they will."
If some ' alliance lecturer hsd
made this statement it would have
been branded as the "calamity howl"
of afanatio.
What do our republican friends
think of it, coming from the man who
nominated Harrison at Minnetpjlis?
Is Depew an "alliance crank"?
Isn't Depew's statement the literal
Isn't it a truth that should arrest the
attention of every patriotic citizen?
Doesn't he state a fact that menaces
our free institutions?
i Are liberty, prosperity and content
ment possible to the masses while fifty
men have it in their power to control
the business of the country?
. Isn't it high time all patriotio citi
zens were aroused to the danger that
threatens the republic?
What are you going to do about it?
Will you listen to the siren voice of
"prosperity Bhriekers," and political
quacks till It is too late to everwhelm
plutocracy except by a bloody revolu
tion? .
Or will you join the ranks of the or
ganized reformers, and help redeem the
notion by peaceful means at the ballot
box? J--,.;.: -
The revolution is coming. It is for
the people to say whether it shall be
peaceful or sanguinary.
The house committee which invest!
gated the asylum steals found that of
fifty-seven vouchers approved and paid
by the state officers for cattle and grain
for use at the asylum,
Twenty were absolute forgeries. '
Thirty-four were raised, and only
three were just and correct.
The amount paid by the state on
these vouchers was $5,603.40.
The amount received by the farmers
who Bold the cattle and grain was $!
The amount stolen by asylum offi
cials was $3,454.95.
Those officials evidently believed in
in the old proverb that exhorts people
to seize opportunities.
In this case boodling certainly reach
ed a climax.
" St. Joseph Bogey Co. Carriages and
Buggies at lowest prices. Catalogue
and price list free. 6th and Mesianle
Sts. St Joe. Mo.
Mr. Thompson ba just sent us the
following statement of alliance finan
ces for last year.
We invite the careful attention of all
alliance members, to this report, also
to the comments which follow:
Cah on hand as per last anuual re
port S2.75S SS
Fees and does received Jan. 7th, when
last report waa made, np to and in
cluding Dec. lOtk. when books were
examined by the committee 13.278 80
Received on share of stock in live
fa stock Commlmdon Co. returned by
Alien wm Jan. ivw .uu
Books sold by lecturers and applied
on their account S361.00
Collections made by lecturers and re-
, ported by placing receipts on ale in
my office ,
U.K. A. badges sold
Receipt books sold to Alliances
Received of J. Burrows. Treasurer
.1160 J7
State Buslnesa Association 177.69
Being the balance left In its treasnry
after the expenses of incorporating
and printing two years ago, with ac
crued interest of same applied on
bis account and nottd in expendi
Executive Committee
Of this amount 177.60 was paid to
members of the committee for 1891
and the remainder i23 00 drawn by
the committee for VMS.
Clerk hire . .
.838 SO
Freight and express on books receiv
ed ana Dooks ana supplies sent out. . ,
Contest fnnd. ...
This amount paid out of the 11,500.09
appropnatea lor to is purpose at tne
lost State Meeting.
Rent and fuel
Total amount paid for office rent, fuel,
- Hunt and telephone for the year.
Printing, Stationary and office sup-
.,.395 40
Including all supplies printed and fur-
nlihea Alliances, ana nit omce sta
tionary, beoks etc, during the year.
Annual meetlns Jan. aoth. Vm
Of this amount 05.00 was paid for rent
of ball, ana the Damnce as expenses
of reception committee.
Paid for trimming badges for last
meeting. 6.75; ribbon for omcers
badges this meeting 00.
Exchange and telegrams
i. H. Powers, President State Alliance
for lecture work in the field and ex
penses.... .....
.611 9b
.43 25
This includes stamps bought and re
mitted ana usea.
Bnslness association. 5 00
Paid on redeemed certificate of stock.
O. Hull account of amount appropri
ated at laxt annual meeting lor Dai
anceof salary...,. 11410
J. Burrows account of appro
priation or ouu uu voted mm
for services as Sec-Treas, for
the years 1 887 and '88 210 15
Miss Dolly McMullen. 35 00
Amount voted at last annual meeting.
W. F. Wright 537.79
Paid as follows : By collections made
and reported to me vm. 74. By books
sold and charged to his account 1 1 1,
75. By cash from Treasury 353 30.
In addition to this Brother Wright Y
received 80.10 in collections not re
ported to me, making total received
by hini 667.89.
Books 235.65
Books furnished lecturers and charg
ed to their account when sold.
W. H. Dech 708.63
Paid by collections made when lecur
lng 6.50, books told and oharged to
his account 132 35. By cash 569 88.
S. C. Fairclild .". ..S78 33
Paid by books 17.00, by cash 361.33, In
addition to the above Brother Pair
child received 27.90, by collections,
making total received by him to
date 406.23.
W. H. Talcott, collections made and
reported 26.53
D. R. Carpenter, collections made and
reported. ........... ; 1.12
A. C. Daniels, collections made and
reported 3 53
Fees and dues returned where Alli
ances had made overpayment 18.00
State Secy-Iteas. salary 858 35
Total 6,563.08
Cash balance en hand 6c
The report of the auditing committee on the
above accounts was as fol ows:
Lindell Hotel, Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 14, '92.
To the Executive Committee of the Nebraska
Farmers' Alliance.
We your committee appointed to examine
te books, vouchers and exhibits of the Sec
Treas. of the Farmers' Alliance beg leave to
report that we have made a careful examina
tion and find receipts with balance from last
year amount to 6,583 72
Expenditures for vouchers on file aggregate a
total of.... 6,563.0
Balance on hand ..64c
Signed, Aixe Root.
. - Auditing Committee.
A supplementary report was added to
the above at the annual meeting on
the 20th of December, showing re-.
eelpts from fees and dues Dec. 12th,
to Dec. 20th, of 158.85
Badges sold 1,20
Expenditures to Ass't. Lecturer Fair
child 100 06
Postage, including stamps remitted 3.40
Clerk hire 8.00
These amounts in connection with
above report left unexpended bal
ance on hand Deo 20.... 48.99
This supplementary report was not
approved by the Executive Commit
tee, but was simply given at the
meeting to indicated theD exact
financial condition of the Alliance
at that time The items of receipt
. and expenditure noted to same are
included in ihe financial report ef
the term beginning Dec. 12, 1892 and
ending March 1, 1893.
On Dec. 10th, the following accounts
were unpaid.
S C. FalrchiM on salary as
Assitant Lecturer 273. 1 2
W. F. Wright, on salary as Assistant
Lecturer ... 23 96
Members of the Executive Committee 66.96
Total " 364,93
The above does not include the 200 00
that the State All' ance voted should
be paid to Brother A. d'Allemand
account of expenses as Secretary, of
the Natl nal Alliance, provided the
dues this year would warrant it.
We had the following resources at that
N. v A. bad ires on hand for sale 150.00
Books 25 00
Total 175.00
Financial report for the quarter be
ginning December 12 189a and clos
ing March 1, 1893.
Balance on hand Dec. 10, 1892 64c
Fees and dues 502 5
Badges sold 2JW
Books sold.... "....60q
Special fund 42.65
Collections at Grand Island 25.65. 2.00
assessment from eight Alliances, -and
1.00 from one alliance, 17.00, .
Manuals sold . 235
Total.. 651.49
Fairchild. S C. .. ....845.65
Wright, w F... .10 00
Postage ..56.05
Clerk hire . .........80.00
Telegrams . . . t 50c
Expenses annual meeting ...10.65
Hotel at Grand Island for Pres Loucks
Pres f? a I U, and Pres and Sec'y of
Powers, J H ....10 00
Office supplies 8 80
Printing .... , 38.60
There is still 78 00 due on account of
printing, besides 72 60 due the Na
tional Alllanc and Industrial Union
for rituals.
Expenses and freight '. 3 80
7 50 of this item is express on supplies
from Washington
Rent .0
Alliance Publishing Co. Dee. 20, '92 to .
Feb. 1893 .
National Alliance ..10.00
Fee for state charter ,
Thompson, JM ....21.15
Total expenditure 535.10
Unexpended bal. Mar 1, 1893. . 16.30
Lincoln, Feb , Mar. 4, 1893.
I hereby certify that the Executive
Committee have carefully examined
the books, vouchers and exhibits of
the bee-Treasurer and find that the
receipts from Dec It. lfl to Murrh
I. ItwJtrom all aourcea. including
balance from but year, amount to 551 .40
Expenditure per vouchers on tile 636.10
Unexpended balance March 1. 1(3 16.30
Chairman Ex.. Com.
It will strike alliance people as very
peculiar that this report should be pub
lished at this time. It has always been
customary to publish the financial state
ment just after the annaul meeting.
But this year it was not done for some
reason. If that reason was good in
December, why not now? Evidently
there is fear of criticism somewhere.
Readers will observe a very innocent
looking Itme In the above report to the
effect that Jay Burrows was paid 1210.15
as salary for services as secretary-treasurer
for the years 1887 acd 1888. Very
few alliance people know that there
was any alliance organization in this
state in 1887 or 1888. The present re
form movement came into existence in
the fall and winter of 1889 and 1896.
It seems however that there was a state
organization, or a skeleton of one, in
'87 and '88 and that Jay Burrows was
its. secretary. After a lapse of four
years be comes in with a claim for
salary for his services. Isn't it strange
that , this cla'm was not allowed and
paid sooner if it was a just claim? Dur
ing the years 1890, and 91 the treasury
wa full, and there was money to give
away by the thousand. Why didn't
Mr. Burrows secure the payment of this
old claim tnem? Echo answer "why."
On the 9th, and 10th of last Decem
ber, the executive committee held
meeting to examine the books of the
Secretary-treasurer, tf the inside his
tory of that meeting had been laid be
fore the state meeting at Grand Island,
Mr. Thompson would not have receiv-1
ed twenty votes for re-election. But
for the sake of "h-rmony at any price"
the matter was neatly smoothed over
as usual.
When the committee met, it found
the treasury empty. It found that Mr.
Thompson had drawn his own salary In
full and wages for a clerk during the
entire time covered by his report It
found that the other officers had been
paid in full or nearly so with one excep
tion: There was due Lecturer Fairchild
9273-12 on his year't salary.
(See report above.)
There Is no truer alliance man and
no more faithful worker, in Ntbraska
than S. C. Fairchild. He traveled
farther, and delivered . more lectures
during ?he year than any other man in
the field. He Is a poor man. "In order
to leave his farm and devote his time
to alliance work he was compelled to
borrow money at 2 -per cent a month.
Although, he repeatedly called on the
Secretary-treasurer for money due him,
he secured less than half his salary.
Wby? We have but to look at that In
nocent looking item to see the reason.
D Jay Burrows had betrayed and desert
ed the people's movement. , He had at
tempted to turn over the state organ of
the alliance to W. C. Holden, a man
whom he knew to be a boodling villain.
He had deserted the friends and lead
ers of the movement and allied himself
with the same Holden to defeat and
break down the' reform movement.
Mr. Fairchild had a claim for work
he was then doing to uphold our noble
cause. Jay Burrows had a claim for
something he is supposed to have done
five years ago. Mr. Thompson delib
erately chose to pay Burrows' claim
and. leave Fairchilds' unpaid.
When the committee become aware
of these facts, there was a warm time,
Mr. Thompson got the severest ''round
ing up" he ever had. He could say
nothing in self defense. He was simply
The members of the committee were
emphatic in their disapproval. But
ten days elapsed between that meeting
and the state meeting, and during that
time their indignation cooled down,
the old spirit of "harmony at any
price" reasserted itself, and none of
them made any effort to show Mr.
Thompson up. This is simply an in
stance of the manner in which State
Alliance affairs are managed. Here is
another: "
At the Grand Island meeting it was
the general sentiment of the State
Alliance that no more money should be
paid for clerk hire for the secretary.
The executive committee was instruct
ed not to allow any clerk hire unless
the work should be greatly augmented.
Now the above report shows that
Thompson has been drawing $8 00 per
week for clerk hire right along since
that meeting. Why is this? The re
port of dues received shows no increase
of work.
The real truth is that at no time dur
ing the last three years should Thomp
son have ever received a cent of clerk
hire. His salary has always been am
ple to pay for all the work. $60 per
month is a good salary for a man of his
ability. Yet for most of the time dur
ing the last three years he has receiev
pd $83 per month besides clerk hire.
During all that time he has devoted a
large part of his time and energy to the
management of a newspaper while his
'clerk has attended to the alliance work.
There are plenty of good all'ance men
in Nebraka who have more ability than
J. M. Thompson who would be glad to
devote their whole time this work for
$700.00 a year.
The state executive committee met
a few days ago. jThe course Mr. Thomp
son is pursuing at present was discuss
ed. It was the unanimous opinion of
the members that Thom
either to resign the secretaryship or
dissolve his partnership with Jay Bur-
OTtVM A n f At
aeJ "ere not slow in ex
pressing that opinion. But nothing
ThomP 1b in the
saddle and he Is determined to ride as
anything left to ride.
His present course simply means
ruin to the alliance; cause. He has
shown himself unworthy of the place
he occupies. The alliance people will
never rally under such leadership as
that of Burrows, Thompson, and Hol
den. it Mr, Thompsen really has any
patriotic love for the alliance organiza
tion he will accede to the expressed
wishes of the exAnM .
no longer be stumbling block in the
nvnf Mnt.t ...
..xnuK me aiuance.
These poor fellows Alin ttm
and Humphrey, who have been trying
to fill state offices for two years past
should be relieved at once. The strain
b too great for, their feeble intellects
oear. Tney don't understand their
duties, and they have neith tim
- a- wiuw AAV A,
ability to learn. Their education was
saaiy neglected in their youth. They
haven't the first idea of sound business
methods. Their ignorance of the law
is painful to contemplate. They doiil
know any better than to take $500 out
of a fund appropriated for building a
cell-house and use it to pay their ex
penses on a junketing trip to St. Louis
and Chicago. . Their confidence in hu
man nature Is child-like and bland.
They have no idea that any orthodox
republican would do a dishonest act if
he had a chance. They had -Implicit
confidence in Bill Dorgan, Dan Lauer,
Frank Hubbard, Charley Mosher and
all the rest of. that gang. Hence they
paid out state money to these men with
a lavish hand.and asked no questions as "
to how it was spent or what for. They
were otoo busy "standing up for Ne
braska" to pay any attention to such
minor details. They thought every
body else as honest as themselves.
Even now they can hardly bring their
minds to believe that Dorgan, Mosher,
Lauer, and the rest of the gang are
really boodlers. Such an idea shocks
their sensibilities and , completely
breaks them up. They, can't make up
their minds to help expose and prose
cute these fellows, or to recover back
the money stolen from the state.
Members of the legislature, let your
hard hearts be melted to pity for these
pojr unfortunates." Come to their re
lief at once. Relieve them of the
places they were never fitted to occupy
Send them out in the world to become
organizers for the Young Men's Chris
tian Association. Put in their places
men who know something of the ways
of this wicked world, men who have
the rudiments of legal and business
education, men who have the time and
ability to look after the state's inter
ests. v
Act, gentlemen, act at once. It would
be a crying shame to leave these poor
imbeciles groaning under the bnrdens
they are unable to bear for two years
more, If you don't relieve them soon,
they may have to be taken care of in
some one of the institutions which they
have utterly failed to.manage properly.
Mr. Rosewater is making a most per
sistent fight for the impeachment of
Humphrey, Allen and Hastings, the
men through whose actual conivance or
criminal negligence several state in
stitutions have been so corruptly man
aged. The following are sample para
graphs from the Bee on this subject:
"The legislature should not adjourn
before it has stamped out corruption
and placed the state institutions under
the care and supervision of officers who
do not wink at corrupt practices and
have the integrity and the backbone to
stop thieves and plunderers from rob
bing the state and looting the treasury.
A vote of censure by the legislature
will have no more effect upon the Board
of Public Lands and Buildings than
pouring water on a duck's bank. Turn
the rascals out and place the manage
ment of our state institutions into the
hands of men who will not stand by
and let the state treasury be pillaged
by thieves and swindlers.
Toe conduct of these officials is Inde
fensible. Republicans must complete
the work so courageously and conscien
tiously begun by the members of the
Investigating committee. They must
purge the state house and set an ex
ample that will partially if not wholly
wipe out the stain of corruption and
restore confidence in the party's in
tegrity. If buying stone for building the
penitentiary cell-house, Dorgan got in
some of the finest boodling on record.
"His man Friday," S. H. Atwood,
bought stone at 10 cents per foot, actual
weight 165 pounds. Dorgan took it off
his hands at 35 ceats per foot, counting
100 pounds to the foot, and estimating
each car-load at 40,000 pounds whether
it was a full car or not. Thus somebody
got a rake off of $50 of the $70 paid for
each car load. Who got the rake off?
Well, it wasn't Dorean of course. It
would be cruel to suspect him. Poor
Innocent fellow, he was simply imposed
upon. '"
The Daily Citizen flourished for a few .
days and then died of a broken treas- ,,
lira Tho TDaHn TTninnlaf .111 It- 1
j 9 . j w v i a v a hu uvea xn
spite of the efforts of the Journal ganir -
to down It.