rJ v AND LABOR. 11 Land, Labor, ud Frprty Dib1 and i Diaean4 Ercrj Mmbr of iht Eofflu Family kti ii H1LU3ABLE EI3IT TO LAID- The Land Question Very Fotcibly Pre. eemed by rx-Reprattiy Steadwell ef Buffalo. Land, Labar, aad Praparty Are conceived to be the thraa great praalens of tha age, upoa which haf the eestinv of tha human race. A clear understanding-, and right aolutiaa of them would bring humaaity up ta tha alghatt poMlble point of physical, ia tellectual, social and moral perfeotioa and enjoyment Oa tha other hand, to misunderstand misapp'y, ignore or to Tiolata, either wilfully, or ignorant! y tha fundamental priaeiples that underlie them inevit ably leads -to social inequality, iajustiee want, crime and suffering. These thraa factors eocur ia regmlar eqeaee as I have named them; and ia disoussiag them I shall take them p ia tha same order, and endeavor first, ta raake a clear statement of tha eternal principles of natural justice which un derlie them, thus showing their equit able status; next to show haw, and wherein these prinolples hare been 4riolated, overridden, trampled upon, viand set aside, thus showing their pres-J-ent legal and traditional status, and . lastly, to point out tha way by which I think wa may (with the least resistance) return to those neglected patbs of equity, and thus gradually undo the wronrs from which society now suffers. LAND i In discussing such weighty problems v J (or Indeed any problem) it is well first Av to ret a clear idea of the terms to be used. LAND Includes the eafth and all there is in it, or upon it, everything conceivable 'which has been made, and provided without man's labor for the use, oom r fort, and sustenance of the human race. ' LABOB u man's agency, by the use of brain or if uscle in transforming, modifying, i adapting, combining, manipulating and utilizing the bounties of nature for the satisfaction of his wants and desires. PROPERTY. OR WEALTH is the result, the output of man's labor aid (kill, exercised upon the na tural resources Ged has provided. The co-operative products of God and man, God furnishing the material, and man the laor. In other words it is the con crete combination of land and labor. LASD, OB THE EARTH. "with all the fullness thereof" was created for man's abode, and adapted to his Of mfort. No human being separated from the earth and cut off from all its products, could exist, much less enjoy life; there fore it is stlf evident that every . indi vidual has a life interest in it, in a double sense, i. e. an interest in it dur ing life, and an interest in it involving life. It is a joint interest held ia common with the whole race, and cne of the first functions of an organized governmnt, or social compact, is to hold these rights and interests in trust for all the individuals entering into the compact, and it is the duty of all governments to so hold and manage this common heri tage, that every .individual may have his equitable usufruct of it, and keep the principal intact, and unimpaired for the use of future generations. If "the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," is an inherent and inalienable right, surely the right o the only means of supporting life, cold securing happiness is just as in- torrent and Inalienable; and every hu , Soan being by virtue of his humanity ltnut have an equitable right to this aurce of all life. One man cannot uitably deprive another of this right, otoe men cannot dispossess the tenth, nor can ninety-nine the cne hundreth. "Woltrir1 nln tVuk ma-irifitw a4altliati fl . the right to dispossess the minoritv bv foroe of numbers, by the lapse of time, nor by the accumulation of precedents. itf ii one iiinB KiauHrs w acquire, ana 1 hold, twice his equitable 6hareofthis n y 'life-source,",: he robs one other man; V 'if ten timet his share, he rebs nine t others; and if one hundred times, he 'iroba ninety-nine others, all of whose .equitable rights were equal to his own. .rsuisays an oDjector: A man may ,-cjOrfelt his liberty, or evea his life. True, but only for the safety of society (Yet, even when, by preying open soci- ty, he has made it necessary to de prive hini of his liberty or his life, we reeogn'ze this principle by keening him at the public expense bo long as he does live. Man's right to the bounties God has provided to the whole human family commences with his birth into that family, and can only end with his death. And they do end with his death, for Jefferson has well said:, "The earth ngs to the living, and not to the rom what has been said it logically jws that no government, not even i'a jovrraaeat of the !?, for the peopl, the rp:e, has any Wtur right to iUom the Individual of tbis heritage taao it has to roamit robbery, or evea homicide, in any other way. 1 go even farther, and assert, that this heritage Is so sacred and so vital that evea the Individual has no better right to barter away or alienate It than he has to commit suicide ia aay other manner. But snppoee eae man might by his act, dispossess himself, he ceuld not equitably dispossess aaether, aot evea is son. Or, suppose one generation might by unanimous consent dispeseesa iteelf of afi right to tha earth; hew ceuld it eaultaVy dispossess the next, er future generations, who weald derive their right te It, net from tat m, hut from God who formed it far tha abode of all men, and all geaeratloas for all Hire? But It may kwosjeeted that although these theories maybe abstractly cer reot, yet ia praetioa they are wrong aad do net in fact produce the resulu attributed to them. But, says an objector "your theory may ho all right, but in practice it is wrong The man who is dispossessed of his right to the land does net die the death of the suicide." Passing over the manifest absurdity of this proposltiea I. e. that 'It Is wrong to do right," I remark, the coaneotlon of cause and effect, is sometimes so re mote, and the affect so leag delayed that the logical connection is lost sight of, and, as Shakspearo says: "The end forgets the beginning " The old soag says: " "Wo never miss the water, till the well goes dry " And the fact of one man . selling his right to the laid would have about the same immediate effect, as if he had sold his share of the air we all must breath, to some friend who had the impossible rlht to bottle . it up, and abstract it from the general supply. The air around would flow ia and fill the vacuumn, and the man who has sold out would breathe as freely as ever! Even if one-half of mankind should sell their share of the vital fluid, there might still be enough left to support life; but should this process of abstrac tion still go on, there would come a time when men would fight like tigers for a breath of fresh air, as they did in "the black hole ia Calcutta;" and it would only be a question of time when the last human being would be asphyx iated. Who dare say this would not be wholesale suicide? And who shall say the first to sell was not quite as much a factor as the ast? ' In order to illustrate the action of tbis law, and to show how absolutely man is dependent upon the' land,1 let us in imagination place him in a semi primitive condition. Smith and Jones are ship-wrecked near a barren and uninhabited island, and they are the only survivors. Smith being a muscular bully and a good swimer soon makes a landing upon the island, while Jones who is physically weak, aud no swimmer manages to get upon a spar, and Is tossed about at the mercy of the waves for a long time. Meantime Smith has been exploring the island, and finds it a barren rock, but having pools of fresh water which have been oaught in the hollows of the rocks during recent rains. He also sees fish swimming along the shore aad these so far as he can see are the only means of supporting life. At last Jomes' spar is washed so near the shore that he leaves it aad tries to get to land. But Smith meets him at the waters edge aud says: "Avast there Jones! Yeu can't land here, this is my island." "Your island?" Says Jones, "How do you make that out?" "Why I've got the two fundamental rights to new territory that are recog nised the world over, the right of first discovery and occupation, and the power to hold it." That's a pretty stroDg case Smith, but I'm not a fish, I can't live ia the water, I must land." "You'll not land, Jones, until yeu acknowledge my right to this island." "Well Siuith, I acknowledge that according to all established precedents your title to the island is good. But it lo' kstome as if it was only a good place te starve. What will yon live up on? "Oh! there's fresh water en the rocks and fish along the shore." But can you catch them? "I don't know". If I only had a fish hook. I'd be all right " "Ah Smith there's where I've the dead wood on vou. I've got the coveted fish hook You'll let me land now won't you? "All right, yeu can land; but don't youforgetlt, this is land belongs tome " ' Oa yes, I acknowledge that, but en't you forget that I own the Ish hook. You can't eat yeu iilaad. and without me aad my fish heek yeu would starve to death." So thev catch fish together, and by striking fire with a lint aad aslag dried moss aad Jones' spar for fwel, manage- to cook them and appease their hunger. But Smith soon begins te get indolent, and concludes It Is easier and more in accordance with his dignity as landlord, to lie in the sbade of a rook, and let Jones do the fishing, and orders Jones to go and catch the fish alone. Jones protests and sars to Smith: "Look bere Smith, I own tha ish-hook and the fish in the ocean are aa much mine as yours." "All very true, Mr. Jones, but I own the land, and you must stand on my land to fish in the ooean and you can't iei'i tiiiwxii mow mm, mum L . v -. 1 ' . . l-ee mom to iwusge around day ft d aif at, ri!fM trm rate fth for me and oo k them W. You e 1 keow my rhU aad have the power I eaferee them. S you eaa either pay me my reat or get off my laad " lf course Jones having admitted Smith's right to the islaai. can sot re sist the eouclueioa, backed aa It is by Smith's physical superiority and haste submit. But Smith's tyranny, and Jones' deg radation do aot ead here. Smtth keepe demanding more aad more rent, apart of which be lays up ia store, which enables him to stop Jones from fishing at all, natil he li'eraly starves him late Millar the preetone Ish-hook. After which Joaee bceemee Smith's abaci ute aad abject Have, wholly de pendent upon him for hie very life. A. STBA DWELL. BRUV XasWS NOTBS. late resting Itcaae Gleaaed from reople's Party Exchangee. If yon wish to sustain tha Republic la its purity you must organise the Alliaaoe, a no other foroe Ta so potent for good, and in s curing justice from political parties. The Representative is the name of a new paper to be nnder the control of the executive committee of the Minne sota State Alliaaoe, with Ignatius Don nelly aa editor-in-chief. Tha mayor of Detroit, Mich., after eareful investigation declares tiat cities which own and operate their on electrio lights do so at one-half the cost of plants operated by private com panies. On last Saturday a week the preposi tion to move the capital from Topeka eamc up before the senate and passed by a vote of 28 to 14 several Republi cans voting for it, and last week the resolution passed the house. 8rely the citisens of Topeka should not be surprised at the movement to move the state capital from there, not through a spirit of revenge, but on ac count of the position it took against the state authorities and the tendency to anarchy displayed by many of its prominent citizens. The senator from New Y)rk, Calvin I Brlce, while a cMzen of Ohio, hood winked the assessor. The tax inquisi tor got him for 117.000 back taxes and tbis last week a compromise was affect ed whereby Calvin axMed 111,780 to the funds in the county treasurer of Allen county. Such is Democracy, "the worKiogman's friend." The attempt ef the Republican lead ers at Topeka to secure the assistance of the tallroads in their attempt to over turn the state government was only partially successful, as only a portion of the employees turned out to obey th orders of the bosses. Many said the corporations could not get tht m to fight for them. All honor to their in dependence and sense of iustice. Whatever may be sa!d for or against nationalUm, the fact is very evident that it is rapidly gaining ground every where. Government ownership of rail roads, telegraph and telephones, the municipal ownership of light and water woi ks and street railways, is becoming a common doetrine. The drift it un mistakably in the direction of national ism and the greedy corperatious are re sponsible. The republicans have said, five us the offices or we will turn the corpora tion employes loose and drench your state in blood. We accept the gauntlet thus thrown down and will march into the campaign of '94 fearlessly before the people and confident they will sus tain us. The issue is thus mde pla n. It is, the people versus the corporations, and he who is not on the side of the people is recreant to his duty as a citi zen. There is no middle ground. Where do you stand? The east throws down the gauntlet to thft WVufc u.ni Snnlh In ita riunlnroH nn. I position to more nw states, and both Democratic and Republican goldbug organs unite in protest against more free silver senators and congressmen. By all means let the issue be openly ac cepted by the friends of free co nage. Better have an open fight upon these lines than to depot d for Success upon party lines. An Eastern Democratic goldbug Is not a friend to the West and South, and it will be a fatal mistake to depend upon his aid. The new states must be admitted and the same votes which will be cast for free coinage wi'l be sufficient to admit Arizona, Utah, New Mexico and Oklahoma Stte's : Great : Piiirm DESTROYER. Never Failing to dstroy the worst case of Worms in Horses A Sure Remedy for Worms in Horses, Hogs, Dors, Cats, and a Splendid Remedy for Sick Fowls, or Roup, , and ia better known as STEIETEE'S 100 OUOLERA. 0T7SE- ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR STEIETEE'S HOG CHOLERA CURE Price 80 cents; by mail M cents for one lb.; 3 Sis $1.50, express paid; 8 9s., JMIO and pay your own express. U. S. Stamps taken In payment. Address, GEO. 0. STEKETEE, GRAND RAPIDS,. MICH. Mention T Au.iTcn-IifDCPBNnatiT. 2XtL INCUBATOR fertile- cogs less eant asd trrable than any snaohane in tee n&rfeet. Uroalars tree. Address G. VT. I9URPHY & CO. Quiacy, III. Snd t On. for CXakf M. PIGS ARE VALUABLE HIHtKS PAT. A PHIL 1, 1890. Farmers sheuld SEND AT ONCK for circu lars of my mew Ptg Forceps; with those In struments yon saasaye many fine sows and pigs Trr year. Warranted te slTeeatlsfae tlon. If your dealer does aot keep them, send direct to m: snVAeeaM wanted. J. N. Rir XKBaWlOi Kick St . Davenport, la. AUiance A Gravda S32. Haw nH your vlri Pprtn Barry for IS month iuwJ find II apvrinr la trrrj miwrt. Thm Fhirtuii feu also gifrn xccUot ttUMfft(ttfn. LUWARn fiTKVKWHO. Ifcx-Oovf 4 Idaaa.) ' A" Grade tafiw K-no, Ilu , Jn., IMS. In th Ianre number ot vehicle piirrbiwed by our anion from yon daring nmt year are hare keen en tirely ptoanod, and yoa may count on our order during 1M. and o long aa work t kept ay to Ita prevent uieh tndnrd. M. K. HlKJMIRB-, Boa. Mgr. Consumera'Cnml Colon. aaviug- nun ALLIANCE CARRIAGE CO.sAcrst,CirJCirjrJATI-0. , THE ' Blue Valley Feed Hill. Positively the best mill In tha market. Has the larfteHt capacity, the llKhtest running, most durable, and yet the mont nlmple Id con atructlou. For catalogue and prices write BLUE VALLEY FOUNDRY CO., Manhattan, Kanraa. Please mention Tns Alxiancb-Indepfndint when answering above. IS IT NOT- jOOD common sense argument That we, as manufacturer, can Rive BEST VALUED YOUR CONEY hzAJ MACHINE V) J $15.18 DUALITY AND PRICE BOTH RIGHT I Quality at the Top, Trice at the llottom. tmni for catalnirnn, llluotriitlnd onr Chicago No. 1 iiniier, only S)8.78, and tlia highest Krade rooden Kyle machine in the world for S)1.8B. Jft dlffcrrnf itylcs -at Intarmadlnte price. KKItlKMBKKI 1VK save you from ona to three proflta. WK stv en day free trial. WK warrant every machine II rear. WK furnish the latest attachment. Wl iffr an opportunity to secure a sewlna machtm FKEK. Mention this paper. Address Chicago Hewing Machine Co., Mnfrs. la-aa H. llalsted St. Dept.A51, Chicago, 111 WICLT 8V8 SHE CANNOT SEE NOW flirt YOU DO IT FOR THE MONcY. J O Sort 14.00 iBprm Oifhr Sluftr Clrnt ftM nr AiutSrr. v-4 tan Mttm .W AJtaM f r. .v. ..fci.. u ftM ...... i. proa- r... i.i.lim rnuuiuuaul, OXFORD MFQ. CO., DEPT. 274 Chicago, III KUS1S : BOU RURSERT. Choice Frail and Ornamental Trees. Tried Standard aad New Mnall Fruits The Kansas Raspberry a blackcap for the million. Write for reduced price. A H. GRIKSA, Bnx J, Lawrence, KaS. QEEHQ ALFALFA SEED, CAM OCCJJO Militt, Spring Wheat, KafHr, Rico and Jerusalem Corn, Yel low and White Milo Maiz, Black and White Hulless Barley, Brown Dhoura, Onion Sets all grown In 1892. For prices address, McBetn St Kinnisen, Garden (My. Kansas., FURNAS : COUNTY : HERD. n h HOgS cattle. My breeders are first class. All guaranteed as represented. Prices reasonable. A few choice fall pigs left Orders booked for early spring pigs. H. S. Williamson, Beaver Citt, - .. . Neb ft every description, Newfound LJwVSlO lands, Mastiffs. St. Bernards, Grevhounds, Bull, Fox, Skye nd Scotch Terrier, Collies. Pug-s Spaniel. Beagle, Foxhounds, Set ten ana Pointer ; also Ferrets, Mtl.ese Cat, .ri animals, fancy pigeons, poultry. Scad stamp fot price list, lav Foxes wanted. Herman Roesch, 915 Market St., St. Lent. AUCTIONEEBS. Z. S. BRANSON, WAVERLY, NEB. LIVE STOCK AUCTIONEER. Makes sales In Nebraska aad of references. Fourtesa y Prloes reasonable, correspond satisfaction suaranteed ther states. Besi ars ezperlsnc ocesollctted aai laJVM o-- ALLIANCE SEED HOUSE The Seed House for t he People . Pkt to cent each. Other seeds cheap in lro portion. We warrant our seed to be fresh and of first quality. Send for catalogue. To anyone sending stamp te pav pastage and packing we will end a ampl packet of our seed FREE. Anyone needing seed should correspond with us before buvmg. ALLIANCE SBXD CO., Qove, Kaa. Carnage Company. SPECIAL NOTICE. Members of the Alliance, Grange, League, Union, Patrons and F. M. B. A. ehould order no BUOGIaVI, CARRIAGES, WAGONS or EAR NE88 from any one untU you have seen our New Grand Cata logue for 1893, which ia aa ailed free to any addresa. It chows over one hundred new etylee, representing- the most popular vehicles, with prices ranging- from $30 upward, and Harness from 15 upward. Our g-oods are atricUy hand-made and fully warranted for two years, aad our Spiral Bpiing are warranted for 13 year. We are, and have been for three yeere the reoog-nlaed manu facturers for the above organlsatlona. We made and cold 8067 vehicles in 1803, and will make and aeU over 10,000 this year. Bee and examine our mam moth display at the World'o Fair te Chlcaco. Write tor our cateJog-ue and book of teetlmonlala at once. Our oatalog-ne la a work of art and the finest ever published. When you aee our atylec and examine the prices, yon will not buy from any other factory, because our g-ocda are the beet and cheapest. Remember that we are the only manufacturers In the world that aeU their entire out-put direct to the consumer, thereby vno pronta usually paid the Dealer Percheron and French Coach horses, MapiaBl Grovr Farm. Champion First Premium and Sweepstakes Herd . Fw tie States it lusts ui lebraskt ' The Nebraska State Fair Herd Premium, for best show, all Draft breed ooa petlng, was again awarded to my horses, making the fifth year la saeoeadon that my herd nas been the recipient of this much ooretad prise. . A Nebraska bred horse, raised on Maple Grove Farm, was this year awarded the First Premium and Sweepxtakee at the Kansas State Fair, in competition with twenty-five head of horses from five different states, 1(0 head of ref kctered, imported and home bred Peroheron horses aad mares. A large portion of my present stock on hand, has been raised on my Farm and Will be Sole at prices below the reacn of any importer in America. I am in a position to give my patrons the benefit of not having paid any fixed sum, or expensive buying and transportation charges in order to own my horsea, I cordially invite a careful inspection of my horses, and will guarantee tha buyer that my stock cannot be equaled in America, either in the quality or tht prices that I am asking. , - .- Write for catalogue, and don't fail to Inspect my stock before buying. CREST CITY FARM L. OANKO Y7IL0ON. Brtsdingina Importing Eitsbliihmtnl, Oat Mil Irom Dsss Craston, Itwa. . . 200 Full-Blooded Percheron, English Shire, English Htckifay Belgian French Coach, Cleveland Bays and Standard Brad Hones. lil lii" mm m W. J. WROUGHTON & CO.. Cambridge, Furnae County, Nebraska. IMPORTERS OF ; 8hire,'ClTde, Ferckeron, Belgian, tterman, and Oldenberf Caach, French Caach, ferkshire Coach , and Clereland Bay Htalllaaia. Mssstsssssi I c Handle More Horses Thaa Any Firm Wa Import oar own horsea thus saying the have the advantage of comparing all breed We Have 40 Good Young Acclimated Horses on Hand. An Importation of 40 arrived October 1. We ruarantee all onr horse" to be sonnd la every respect. We make farmers companies a specialty, having a syateoa whereoy we can organize companies and insure absolute aaocess. . We Will Send a Man te Any Part of the On application to assist In arganlslng companies. We give long time thus enabling pox. chashers to pay for horses from services. Correspendeaee promptly answered. Men , lion mis paper. Aaaress, W. J. WROUGHTON t& SALZER'S norir Oat are nuL aa alike. Tins wm aimi ruin? umii bIl wmmmt l-r-nj u .iru'-n-,,-- -r-r U. - aasasassBBji eaisrs Monansn uat tooK Ino prise ottered ov trie Amaru-an jiyntv turist S.moo in Guldl for the heaTlrst. vh ldlnir oats in America a M atiickland. of Albion. N. Y..won this every reaneoCI It Is a remarkable frrowrr, (rrmt stooler, 2,0-0 kern!,-Xrf VTf -r: v? V having I mrndouscroDuer. stronir. heallhr Dtei arowarrom one. itlstne 1M bit. per aare, on all soils and in 0 The ereauist potato since the days of "4 Hew Yorker, an antnoi-lty on potatoes, tenting eamo, reporu tn as-' tonishlng yield of ft bu. percerel How inthatfor new bloodi Over WXOW Butbel (Jhoios Seed Potatoes SPROUT, Onr sUiaViH nr arroitn In tht Kreavt cauXhej are full ot Ufe.Tit4a.ity TA t We would like yoar ilo l71ore Hard Times.pi That Is the unlveraal verdict if you nuuit Salxer-s Seed aethey alwayuf'sVA ii $ f-?t,1 a7 j iv farm uram namiMns, v, v.-ia .vnu l---- am jb mm n GrawB and Fonuco Hunt Samples. 10ct with cata.lSo.ga UATil S Field Corn Samples. 13c; with catalogue Jo " For 1 4C Postpaid (With Catalogue 22e)i 11 I PIS! ThS Raoish.' iool,nul lKgS .0iderX 1 Pkg. Sliver 8tat Lettuce, 16o Our price ,14o, less than ikg. Uwio howar Sawis, Ha When Writing tosalzer be Sure and Mention THE AuLIANCE-INOE-PENDENT. A" Grade S67.M Wajihi!.tox, U.C., IeaM,!. My Carnage le Mrfee iaU f actloa aad I retard it aa a faperlot venieia for the price charged. i. B. MERRILL, Aatt P. J. A" Grade t40. Lairo Uium, V.. Dee.ll, fL My Bony h lo Try way eant- Plata aad (ire perfect aMtfacMea. I aball adTlne ay friend to atga yoa the! ranters. and Jobber, rbt.bamx i. nruncB. I hare the largest assortment of ta ropean Breeds of any man in Amenrai 1 handle none but recorded stock ; 1 it not perrnlt a mouthful of hot feed to be givep' " y horses are uot pampered and are V--Ny exerciHed, and fnd cool food, which I think are the main reas ons why my horses have always beea succesafol breeders. Come and visit my establishment. , I am always glid to show my stock. A FEW GOOD DRAFT MARES FOR 8ALB When a Hiring at Creston vltore will please telephone to the Crest City Farm and I win drlre In after them. I am prepared to give long time ta responsible parties. Erery Horse guaranteed a breeder ana must be as represented. in Hebraska. customer the middle man's profit. Buyers side by side at onr stables. . State, .. ; . CO., Cambridge, Neb. aino - r urosi aits. moro tiian uroveti. wiieu in tS! 011 htii Id ot ISt ba. urracre. V. uat lor eeryoiuT. a jr 1 " ail climes. It never faiia. f.S. !if: f. Moeen. Tlie editor ol the Rurat, , C' !' '. for sale. and vigor aad must product order for any of the foUovrtEjf ' duoe Biluri everywhere. Our Catalogue Aniita nvar S50.000 to Dubli'h and mm distribnto. It is a mammoth work of 1 large pages, beautifully il lustrated, 6 colored plates, eae.h at to frame-Treat" fully of Flanks i v. . CROW AND PRODUCE. tf-VKKflliliUiA eitremi, fibrth iuse 6.000 acres 1 wituA'1'' Hf& -JrA'.' W a mm I . noses, loois, eBevMxm lM07l and Farm 8eede, Etc.i , audi, mulled you upon . receipt o( So postage. if J -V aT ' r ITT nn e