The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, March 09, 1893, Page 8, Image 8

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    TILE AhhlXS 0 h -INDEP K X J ) K X T.
mm mam. &
J. T. M. BWI04KT, hwttrj mt tta
lbraka Mutual CToinoa, lurkd4 Wins'
Mora UlurkKO Company, Ki'llOK. U
emnmontvauon on fins Croons or Hall
Injur nee tbould bs addreMe4 to Bias
Linooia, N.riraska.
We iubmlt the following for the con
sideration of all who may want to in
sure. If anj one baa a critlcUm please
.notify ui at ono that the board may
take action on same,
We want pledwet to the ameent of
100,000 acres before any insurance will
take effect Let us hear from you now.
First. This association shall be known
as the Nebraska Alliance Mutual Hail
Insurance Association.
Second. Its object shall be to insure
arrowing crops against loss or damage
by haiL
Third. The officers shall be president
vloe president, secretary and treasurer
who shall attend to the duties custom
assigns to suoh officers, and shall also
act as the executive committee or board
and shall be elected at each annual
Fourth. The secretary and treasurer
shall each give bonds for double the
mount that is likely to coma into his
hands the same to be approved and held
by the president.
Fifth. All who desire to become mem
bers of this company can do so by list
ing their planted crops with the secre-
, tary under such rules as the executive
' board may prescribe, and by giing
turn pledge or valid obligation as will
be demanded by said board.
Sixth.' No assessments to pay losses
shall exceed fifteen cents per acre ia
any year and shall not be higher than
Is needed to pay all louses and expenses
submittal to three rrons as arbifra-
on of whom ball m se cta ry
Rant one br the company and the
tuiri by tbfM two persons all of whom
st all b- swurn to make a fair and Im-
nartial inmtlk'atioo and award. Said
ad ij.tors shall have authority to ex
amine witnoMivs and determine ali mat
ter in dl-rut. and hali make their
award in writing to the were tary of
the com nan? and such award shall be
Rule 12. In eo case will the company
be liable for loss or damage on any
small Grain after it baa be-n cut, nor
when it Is over ripe unless it bo proven
to the executive board that the failure
to have such crop harvested in season
wa unavoidable. The liability of this
company for loss or damage on corn
shall cease on September 13th, of each
year. .
Kuie 14. Alter an assessment nas
been made the secretary shall draw
orders on the treasury to pay losses as
soon as there is money enough in the
treasury to par (25) twenty-five percent
of all the losses, bam orders snail oe
drawn in favor of all losers In propor
tion to the amount of his loss.
Rule 15. The treasurer shall give a
bond for t10.Ott0.OO and the secretary
fer $5,000.00 both of which shall be ap
proved by the president and held by
Our travelling representative M
George S. Currie Is taking in Kansas
and Missouri He is now in Kansas
City whore he will remain this week,
leaving Monday for Leavenworth where
he will stop a short lime and then go
on to bt. Joseph. Any assistance or
courtesies extended him will be appre
ciated by the firm.
Chicago Grain and Uve Stock
Chicago. March 7, 1893.
OATTLS-Reoeipt. 6.600 bead; shipment.
1.3 K) head; market hIow. weak: top steern. (5 ISO
no; otheri, II 005 15: mocker and feeders.
13 uua,3 s; ttxans, ti wm l; cows, K lua
4 16.
Hoa Receipts. 17.ono he id; sh omen's, 9..
000 bead; market 10&15c lower; fslrti rood,
7 ouqg7 vu;
Drtme and butcher's. Is 0028 20:
liKht. 16 00.
" u MHKBP -Receipt!
i. wo nana; n
lower; natlv
12.000 heart; shipments,
others 10c
western, 15 4S: fat
Texann, 14 6U&4 65: lambs. 14 6U&05O.
bain Wheat, 73; corn, 41; oats, 30
fancy nat've. S7 85;
. 14 UKO uu;
Omaha Live Stock. -
Omaha, Miroh 7, 1898.
Ho Fair to good hooa of all weights sold
at t7 607 76
Cattle Prime, 14 60t5 06.
Cowr-13 10&3 65: uood western utaers. 00
4 10
hHKsp-Fr me, average 115 lbs.. 6 00: fair to
good natives, 8 75(2,6 00.
A Few Testimonials from Council
We the undersigned have tested the
Excelsior Home Baker and Roaster on
a recent hunting trip and pronounce It
to be superb for roabting ducks, etc.,
giving the meat a rich flavor entirely
unknown before. We cannot speak in
too high terms of the merit of the
S. rarEBworth. ex. ores. First Nat.
II. D. Hsrle, wholesale druggist.
Aug. Bersheim. cashier. C. B. Sav
ings bank.
J. W. Peregoy, wholesale clears.
H II. Van Brunt, wholesale imple
ment dealer.
Grape Vines.
No farm or village lot complete with
out them The trape can be grown as
easily as corn. I will furnish the fol
lowing sorts, well-rooted, No. 1 stock,
by mail poftpaid, 10c each:
Concord, Worden. Niagara. Brigh
ton, tuviren, ives, Avawam. Catawba:
or 1 Com oi d and 2 of any of the above,
3 for 2.'c. In large orders I will make
low prices. 1 Fiy Prolific Currant.
1 t- a. T-l 1 n .-v
iuo. run raui, d ior za.
M D. Tiffany.
116 So. 29th Bt, Lincoln, Neb.
Seventh. No officer of the association
shall receive more than two dollars per
day for services actually rendered.
Eighth The executive board shall
appoint adjustors from among the mem
bers not to exceed three In any county,
whose duty it shall be to adjust the
losses in the county in' which they live.
xne aajustors to De recommended at a
called meeting of the members of each
oouuty. The losses are to be adjusted
according to rules to be formulated by
the execu ive board.
Ninth. In case the losses adjusted ex
ceed the amount collected each loser
shall not receive more than his pro
portionate share of the amount of
money collected.
Tenth. The annual membership fee
shall not be less than fifty cents (SOcts.)
but any member who insures 100 acre9
or more Bhall pay $1.00 for membership
lee. These fees to be used to nav ex-
penses and losses.
Eleventh. No member shall receive
more than five dollars ($5.00) per acre
fer a total loss.
Twelfth. The annual meeting shall be
held at the same time and place ai the
annual meeting of the Nebraska Farm
ers' Alliance. The tecretary shall give
notice of said meeting to each member
at least ten days preiously.
Thirteenth. Insurance shall not take
effect until 100,000 acres are secured.
Kule.l. At the time of giving appli
cation each person will be required to
give two good names as security on his
nota, or give a mortgage on chattel
security on live stock three times the
value of the obligation in which case
he la to pay 20 cents extra for filing
purposes, or give a time certificate of
deposit due November first, issued by
local bank properly eudorstd to the
Nebraska Alliance Hail InaurannA
association. All obligations to become
due on November first, the secret arv
to proceed to collect on the fifteenth of
said month.
lvuie a. au applicants must state
wneiner all or only a part of the kind
oi crop OAned by them is listed for in
surance and shall make a diagram of
location of crop insured on back of application
Kule A. No Insurance will take effect
until noon of the date of approval bv
the secretary.
Rule 4. No member will be allowed
to Insure any crop except his own. In
case he has an undivided interest, such
laet 6Dau be specified In the contract
Rule 5. The members of this com
pany may meet at the county seat of
ineir respective counties on the first
Saturday In June and recomend
from among their number not to exceed
three persons for adjustors and forward
ne names oi same to tne secretary at
Lincoln for approval.
n .1 . n . .
xvuie d. in case tne members In anv
company fail to recommend an adjuster
the secretary shall appoint some one to
settle any loss that may occur in said
xvuie i. ii any adjuster is in any
way interested in anv loss or .damage
. . - . ,-. .
ue snait not act as adjuster.
T i a v .
xvuio o. ii any mem oer sustains a
loss he must notify the secretary with
in five days from date of loss, otherwise
his claim for loss will be null and void
bule9. Adjustments of losses on
small Brain will be made within twenty
days from receipt of notice of loss by
ine secretary, l, Kses on corn will be
adjusted within sixty days.
ttuieiu. losses will be adjusted on
ine percentage plan, but no loss will be
allowed unless said damage exceed five
per cent.
iiule 11. This company shall not be
liable to any member who fails to give
the secretary notice of loss within five
davs of said damace. nor will it ho liah'A
lor any loss by drouth, frost, wind, and Home Markets exist for every kind
water, or anything else than loss or of farm and garden produce in the
damage done by hail. . neighboring cities of Ogdea and Salt
li.U 1 f thAiu m l.i u ' XI I I 1 I i 1 . . .
uuio ia, xi wici u is a ion arc ui ine i ijub. hdu in me irreat mimnir c&mns
parties 10 agree upon tne amount oi Lianas will be snown from thei &.
such damage or loss the same shall be I fice ef the Company at Corinne. 15tf
e. VTrV
prb. -Nr
- and
Schenectady, If.Y.
Brockville, OnU
Ripan's Tabules cure dizziness, head
ache, flatulence, constipa'ion and tor
pid liver.
White beans, honev. sore-ham molasses
outwr ana eggs to sell on commission,
J. W. Hartley,
State Agent.
Tourists Trips.
Round trips to to tne Pacific Coast.
Short trips to the Mountain Resorts
of Colorado.
The Great Salt Lake.
Yellowstone National Park the most.
wonderful spot on this continent.
f uget Sound, the Mediterranean nt
tne Pacific coast.
And all reached via the Union Pnplfin
system r'or detailed information null
on or address,
J. T. Mastin, C. T. A., 1044 O St.,
E. B. SLOSSON, Gen. Apt..
Lincoln, Neb,
Homes and Irritated Farms. Gardens
and Orchards in the Celebrated Bear
River Valle t on the Main Lines of the
Union Pacific and Central Pacific R. R.
near Corinnt and gden, Utah.
Splendid location for business and in
dustries of all kinds in the well known
city of Corinne, situated in the middle
of the valley en the Central Pacific K.R.
The lands of the Boar River-valley are
now thrown open to settlement by the
construction of the mammoth system of
irrigation from the Bear lake and river,
just cempleted bv the Bear River Canal
Co., at a cost of $3,006,000. Tho com
pany controls 100.000 acres of these fine
ands and owns many lots and business
locations in the city ef Corinne, and is
now prepared to sell on easy terms to
settlers and colonies. The climate, soil,
and irrigating facilities are pronouaced
unsurpassed by competent judges who
declare the valley to be the Paradise of
the Farmer, Fruit Grower and Stock
Raiser. Nice social surroundings, rood
scnoois ana cnurcnes at uormne City
New England Mutual
Life Insurance Co.
49th : Annual : Statements
BUSINESS rop 892.
Net ledger assets, Jan. 1, 1892,
1,145,584 M
30,702,344 47
For premiums .,
For Inn-rent, rents.
and profit and loss..
Lrftss taxes.
J4.106.685 07
, . 60,013 43
124,810,016 61
.f 1,290,654 GO
Death-claims ...
Matured and Dis
counted endow-
menut 243.332 00
Cancollod and surren
dered nolcies 399.290 19
Distribution of sur
plus 581,053 62
Total paid to policy
holders 12.514.230 31
Amount paid for com-
miHNions to Events,
salaries, medical
fees, advertising,
print lng, stationery
and all other inci
dental expenses at
the home ofllce and
at agencies 566.590 17
Amount paid for ac
crued interest on in
vewments purchas
ed during the year.. 8,165 39
3,088,985 87
Net ledger assets, Dec, 31, 1892, I21,730,30 64
Market value of secur
ities over ledKer cost I 897.685 47
Interest and r -nts ac
crued Dec 31. 1802.. 234.075 52
Net premiums in
course of collection J64.208 98 1,295,969 97
dross assets. Dec. 31, 1892, 123,026.000 61
Reserve at Massachu
setts Standard 4 per
cent 120.471.091 43
Balance distributions
unpaid 107.428 24
Death and endowment
claims approved.... 118,712 00 20,697,231 67
Supplies..... J2.328.76894
Every policy has endorsed through the cash
surrender aud paid up insurance values to
which the insured is entitled by the Massachu
setts statute. Lira Roi.n Kndowmk t policies
are issued at the old life rate premiums. An
nual cash distributions are paid on all
policies. Pamphlets, rates and values for any
age sent on application to the company's office.
President. Benjamin P. Stevens; vice-president,
Alfred I). Poster; secretary. S. P. Trull;
assistant secretary, William B. Turner. .
W. J. Fischer, Gen. Agent. .
A. F, Jennings, Manager.
C.R.Cook, , t). H Bottum,
J. 8. Allan), T.J. Olive,
Special agents, 301 aod 302 Brace b'ldg ,
Lincoln, Neb.
Thttt we, hs manufacturers, can give
best mmiE
r- nwmm
tXl JL...nM'.Vi i.ll ITSiH l Wl ji:UuiklMl j.-
Quality at tho Top, Irl-e at the liottom.
lend for catalogue, illustrating our Chicago No. 1
Jintter, only S. 78, and tlis holiest Rrario modert
itvlo mncliino in the world for SliJ.SS. iSA tlltTercn'
itvles lit intermeilinte prices. HKMtM ItKll!
i' K snve ou from one to three profits. VK isivt
en days frre trial. H'K wiirrnut ever? tnachine II
'ears. AVK- fr.rnish the lutest uttiu'hmeiith. Wt
ilT"r an opportunity to ecure a Bewlnir ninclilm
lui'.K. Mention this p. .per. Addreoi
Chicago .Sewing Machine Co., Mntra.
N. Halsted St. Uept.ASl, Chicago, UI
My New Method
If you r trb, 1 "ill n.'ll
rno I Imj IrUi lr-l-u
-Bt l tli fnio X mi rf.
tmm rj-i rut i Hti;
.r M !' trvalnw-nl fr
tall .. Tbryexii l all 525?3!2K??251
Mttrr iwiuadlr for t'atarrh. I.Mcr. Htdmrr
r KUmark troulilo. iMifnUua. ViojurtA,
'ldr ir. ('onalliation Itklu clii'i-".
terlal IrrsHa to Uvr naminx t '! tpr
Addma lK. K. J. HUIMT, Aalilaxt. !
MATlfiNAI bi'sixkss i...k.;k.
nnilVUnk A reliable iralnlne tu hml
1 for young men and woinin who dewlr to
follow coinmeirlal puraulia. or wth to i
I leara sbortbann.trpevr Itliiir. telPCTanhv.
t-tc Correspondence aollcli1 ctiogue
l nv. i Dr ieasons in i-honbiiud tv Uill
free, national Hi hlness Co-i k; Y
M. !. A. H 'dg., Kansas Ity. M. Send for
srecuu spring and summer iffer.
Foret Tree fee11tnira all va
rietie Ked redar etc. Hfara
ordering tlsewhere. writs for my Prlre .lata ami
OMIIIUI, l m. RBHII V 111,
none irenulne without hs nttincra miriiun
improved style, is a solid make, has deep flange
Bwuiit; fumijtn grate. ana closes perfect iv ugut
saves 83 per cent nutritious elements. Full de
scriptive circular on application. AGENTS
WANTED in every county in the fj. S. Ad-
Hnuu CHlffT.VG CPUTTtTUE'TCt; . (1 XT
(ht., CouncU Bluffs, Iowa.
W. C. T. U.
138 S 12th St., Lincoln.
Fence Machine.
Powerful, durable.
easy, rapid. Weaves
60 to 8u rods per day.
strong, stock-proof
fence, from slats,
poles, willows. Slc
Wholesale price,
freight paid direct
from factory For
circulars address, Goshen Fence Machine
Co , Goshen, Ind.
1 . .if1 j... ,
Tested - Seed - Corn.
i Mills Co. w bite Dent. Best in cultivation.
Immense yield. 1-t premium and sweepstakes
at Iowa state fair 1- '91 and '92. 1st at "t. Louis
in '92. Each took 1st at winter Cora Show in
Des Moines. Jan. 12. "93. Suited to Central
Iowa and south. 11.75 ner bushel. Two bushel
orders, sacks free. Write for 93 circular.
Emerson, Iowa.
Hardy Small Fruits!
An Immense stock of Northern Grown
Plantsof finest quality; all the best varieties
at lowest prices.
Seed Potatoes.
The cream of new introductions at II 25 ner
bushel, W rite for free list to
Jersey Bulls for Sale.
One a son of Pennsylvania, the Grand
Sweepstakes Cow, Rate 23 lbs. oJ butter
In 7 days 1890. Sire. East Woods
One a son of Eastr Belle, the Grand
Sweepstakes Cow, 1891-1892, beating
Holstines and all milk breeds. Kate 17
lbs, 5i oz., 7 days.
One a son of our Comassie Cow, Im
ported Star, 14 lbs., 14 oz., 7 days.
East Woods Pagls won Grand Sweep
stakes 1891 and 1892, beating Holstines
and ail milk breeds.
Call on or address,
Lincoln Jersey Cattle Co.,
Lincoln, eb.
Albion, Neb.
Has plenty of L. B. snd B.
P. Rock cockrels and pul
lets for sale. Eggs in
Nursery Grown Ash G5c per 1000.
Ash and Box Elder larger $1.10 per 1000.
Fruit iTees. Grace Vines. Small Friilts snii
Evergreens, Osage and Honey Locust Hedge.
Every Tree, Vine and Ihrub a Bargain,
Satisfaction guaranteed. Send .for price list
Address Jansen Nursery or
Jefferson County. Jansen, Nebras
Best in the World.
By mall, nostacre naid.
I -enl a package and up.
Grand lotf EXTRAS srfven
witn every order, fretuest
and only fuke Catalogue in
the world with pictures of
aa varieties. Send yours
and neighbors' address.
mil, ii ui , rt. gnwinnnii
132fl Grand ave.. Kansas City. Mo.
First class t&bla and attendance
Lunches t sJl hours, 80tl
RUHtliS PAT. APRIL 1, JfltfO.
Fanners should SENT) at ntirv. tnr
lars of my new Pitt Forcens: with ths. in.
struments you can save many fine sows and
pigs every year. Warranted to give satisfac
tlon, If your dealer dos not keep tbem, send
direct to me. (WA gents wanted. J. N. REI
MEKS, 1 106 K. High St , Davenport, Ia.
.- - . . . T " I - - , J 1 ' " '
Fprnan, Crt-ely, trT, GarnMd. Hitchcock Iltrlan, Hall, Hayei, Kearney,
Loup, Lancaster. 1'erkiD. Sherman, Valley aud Webster counties in 'ebraska
1 bese lands belong to us, and we will bell tbem from
Per Acre Up,
Call and see us or write us for list naming the county or counties you wish
to invest In.
C. C. BURR & SON, 1
Room I I, Burr Block, - LINCOLN, NEB.
n Ike .i "n
IS NOW used by all the principal feeders
of utock, and 19 better appreciated as its
meiits Income known. It is used for stock
of all kinds and you cannot afford to feed
stock for inaiket without it. There is
nothing that assists so limch. in fattening as
THIS MEAL, and you have only to use
it to be convinced. ONE POUND ISf
EQUAL 10 3-lbs. OF CORN. Put up
in bags of 100 lbj, each. Price, $1.40 per
lOOlhsi nr OK 00 nr frvn If your dealer does not keep it. send us draft or morr
1W JUS or V-O.UU per ion. oraerand we will ship promptly.
Woodman Linseed Oil Works, Omaha
Champion of Nebraska Traoks.
i, 3-year-old record 2:40.
' by MessetiRer Duroc: 2d dam Bonnie Lassie by Hambleton-
Winner of the fastest heat and the fastest three heats ever trotted by a stallion in the State.
v. TnH,,llriii. o-ycwr-uxu recorus:z;
oia recora x.40li: .iua(e uronam,
mis sire is iTinceDs: dam Marv t
!?n i tGu1Pn has Deen a consistent campaigner, and one of the gamest race horses that ever
"'- o'e. oiie. coior aim siweo, an oi wnicn are essential m a horse to breed to.
uueipn wm trot a mueinznu or Detter this season, barring accident. He has trotted a mile
in 2:KH, showing that his record Is no measure of his speed. Guelph will make the season au
Lincoln, Neb., 24th and O Sts. Service fee 50, with the usual return privilege.
Brother in Ttlook to the reat jay Bird. Sired by Monta rr8to (brother to Lumps 2 21V
by Geo. Wilkes: dam Lady Frni.k. p. t. 2:24 (dmn of Karlv Dawn 2:21, Jay Bird 2:21 Dewey
Eve. dam of Galileo Hex 2: 12. McGregor Wilkes 2:27m. by Mambrino Star 2:28; 2d dan
Lady Franklin 2:29 (dam of ( otlaite Girl 2:29) by Esty's Black Hawk.
Moute Carlos is the sire of Dan Hendee, 2-year-old record 2:42, his first colt and others that
are showing early speed. He is d jstlned to make as great a sire as Jay Bird. He will make-
These horses can be seen at the Lincoln Barn, cor. 24th and O streets.
Address all communications to
Cor. 24th and O Sts.
Send for catalogue.
A T. TURNEY & SONS, Lincoln, Neb
Good Hoists Bring Big Money. Poor Horses Bring No
Money. If You Cannot Afford to Breed to
Good Stallions, Don't Breed at All.
With the animals now on hand we have won S Grand 8wepstake
Prizes over all draft breeds; 8 Hweepsmke prizes over shire breeds; 8
First Md 15 hecot.d nrizfs in thpir Hauaa Th o .oo.H ,tA
.;MTKmimiW l in snow varus. Wl'.n snam comnetitinn. lwinir -,r.r,lv at Ht jto ITa .c n0
horses must be solrt within tlie next sixty days at terms to suit t!ie purchaser.
Branch Barns, Lincoln, Neb. Beatrice, Neb.
Buy Salzer's northern Grant Farm Seeds.
jew u
uaui arniiur. a i it itu
Id Diisiici i per acre from our seed. Now. sinrn t.!in hv hr.t r..X ...i... .u. ..."f0"1: y'aing
this year the grandest 0f all vhlteoals,Ai.Xii;N mk bat iiVxiiVMulr u ,nrrouuce
lul oat, aren.arl-.ableet.K.ler, over 2,o6o taUta"n" uti rr5U mimid "Im
oiitylold an, and every white oat known. It is the prnat fieneraucurnosfl t lantwl- lt,w a
all climes and on all soils. aJ withstands eUrj elSnt of SSm mtoS. drou JSf SS?25!S,,.ill
nke in a wonderful degree. Its straw Is still, uiTltlit and never f iin tnS?:,? . ' ra"L8 ana. the
The wide-awake farm- will plant a few icrS Pto th is oat ThteXmand vXm Rj1 ltId
tor mi. fail, for emybady seelu, It irrow win want It "iS,am
IT 10 Farm gram samples, InciuOlu Great Northern Oatt. 8c.;wltH e& 15S?!ita .
Largest erowors of seed potatoes and farm sneds in America r,ono nra
money In buying our c!ioc seeds. Spaclal low freight rates frSm La "cnSSf ftarSfS? Sav
logoe contains valuable infmnation on Brass, dover. whaTwtttSste. tr?,
ItlsmaliedUDon receipt of Be. in stamps. yuujues, etc, etc., lor tlie farmer.
John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse,
When Writlngto Salzer be Sure and
and all other Diseases of the Kectum cured by Drs. Tht.M '
r Ksy W K HS55 e
howtoavo.d sharpersand quacks. OateXW sffi..
..vvw. wmo orwiW UUUrlBr D lug
m mr Ni
McUellan & Go.
WiSlJ.J?? treatment of P.ivate and Chronic Disease. of'tW
.. c nino uiive a rarllfal mint n ...... u 4
rrhnM. j .. - ' Lovmiu iu au us iorma.
nose, throat aad
discovery Pll nr h!,. rZ"" " ""9?' cure lor ca
. -r .v "v"iiuwiuB Hum ann i n daaeaa n n . . '
?i!f or ligature. All taZSS.S!
Aniiiciy mm satisiactorllv cured Fnr fnh, i.k. . .7
Opp. 8, James Hotel, V TemplSk. J. PmS!l&Xl