The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, March 09, 1893, Page 5, Image 5

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    AflCII'J. W3.
Til E A L LI A N OK -1 N J) K P E N I) E NT.
Nebraska Farmers' Alliance.
i. H. Powang. President, Cornell.
W. A. PoTHfta, Vlce-Prri , Albion,
J. M. Thompsoh, SUt Seo'y, Lfnoeln.
a. C. Faibchild. Lecturer. Oak lale.
B. r. A.U.KM, Chairman, Bz. Com., Wabash
In the beauty of the UUIet
Christ ru born acroai the sea,
With a glory in his baaom
That transng-ures you and aoe.
As he ttrore to make mea holy
Let ns itriye to make them tree,
8ince God la marching on.
Julia Ward Hjwe.
We would be rlad to ret Hemi
county In the state en condition of
ance work.
frem every
toe Alii-
Allen Root Discusses the Second
Question in the Alliaece Manual.
Editor Alltncb-Indbpendext:
Aside frem the confusion ef thought
s arising out of the tangle of the schoels
and especially of the text books on the
science of political economy, which
recognize little or no distinction be
tween wealth and capital as such, re
garding in the same light that whL'h is
the result of natural laws and that
whieh is the result of human labor,
thought and enargy. This fatal mis
take no doubt runs through our whole
, , social and politieal fabric. (In this con
nection I use politics as the science of
- 1 Natural or passive wealth, which re
sults from the direct operation of the
' Creator's laws, is alike the property of
every created being, and it matters not
whether it be the product of the prrs-
$jpnt season of grass, fruits, flowers and
itrees. or of the operation of the same
laws for millions of years, the garnered
and crystalized ' energy of sua heat as
stored 'away in the coal mines or of the
metals, gold, silver, copper, lead, iron,
and all others that have been gathered
into pockets and In the bowels "of the
earth, belong not to one age or genera
tion but to all alike. This is God-
given wealth to all. So of the land,
the river;, the trees, and the great
All of this Bassive wealth is worth-
Jeis and priceless until wreuerht UDon.
mlded and occupied bv human labor.
bor, then, and its issue constitute
ealth. Then is all labor wealth? No!
only intelligent labor is wealth. Nei
ther is the product of labor wealth un
less it be occupied. Unoccupied houses
or lands are not wealth. If this were
not so, then the abandoned cities of
the plains, Babylon, Petra and Baalbso
f would b wealthy still. But no; occu
pied only by the jackal, the owl and
and the bat, these wrecks of industrial
i . splendor are now worthless. Then we
. must conclude that natural reseurces,
' , appropriated and occupied by intelli
I . gent labor alone creates wealth. The
f converse of this proposition it equally
true, that ignorant and stupid labor
, frequently terminates in calamity,
v' and almost always in poverty. The
genius of invention Bet in motion by
, skill, supplemented by labor, origina-
ted the tools and implements by the use
of which labor creates wealth. By
these means the use of two pounds of
coal in the mo9t improved engines
equais in productive power a mn s la
bor for a day in the creation of wealth.
Thus we find that all wealth of what
ever description is best created by the
The beet bounty is dead and buried.
rganized efforts of the brotherhood of
aboring mea operating upon the raw
material furnished bv their father. Gnd.
I Allen Root.
It tand4 the independent member
of the legislature in hand to push work
rf a'l kinds a rapidly and vigorously
as possible. There ia aa immense
mount of unfinished work on hands.
Several of the investigations started
early in the session have not been heard
from. Although a vast amount of leg
islation is un'Jer way, almost nothing
has been completed.
The prospect for getting any valua
ble measures through th senate is not
gool. On Tuesday Majors was em
powered to appoint a sifting committee.
The independents opposed this, but
were out-voted by repnblicans and mo
nopoly democrats. It is hard to see
how any measure in the Interest of the
people can get through a sifting com
mittee appointed fcy Majars.
The raHR of the Newberry bill
through the house is now assured. Also
the Everett bill has been indefinitely
postponed in the senate. This seems
to leave the fiJd clear for a touare
fight on the Newberry bill in the srn
ate. () rerjinjr lt week Senator Stew
art fi'ed a most vigorous protect f gainst
the arbitrary rulings rf Majors.
Farly in the session Attorney-General
Hastings' friends in both housfs
introduced resolutions instructing him
to help proecute asylum boodlers, etc.
Now the people have waited for nearly
twe months for Hastings to begin aetlen
against the bondsmen of Ex-Treasurer
Hill to recover the money lost by the
Capital National failure. There is a
very general feeling of dissatisfaction
over hte action in this matter.
Wednesday morning the friends of
silver won a signal vietory ia the sen
ate. Tbe bill making all debts pavable
List of Great Premiums Offered to Club
Raisers by The Alliance Publishing
Far me for Hale.
iW cres miles north of Alliance
ox Butte county Neb. 70 acres
cultivation, 80 acres fenced, sod houso
and barn, two wells. "Will give posses
sion at once. Price 18 00 per acre
iw acres 0 miles north of Alliance.
J," .T. 10 cultivation, all tillable.
t-ricesi.w per acre. There can be
omenana oougnt adjoining thse
uesirea. or lurther artiu lr i
P. D. Kline.
Alliance, Neb.
Wind Mill, Sewing Machines, Libraries, and Other Articles
too Numerons to Mention,
A Three Months' Campaign.
Grand Premium.
IT Is A Fact that for Prairie Plant
ing, Trees grown on Prairies are the
ucbw x ou can get tnera at
The Geneva Nurseries
To the person sending in the largest
list or suooribers from anywhere In the
Unites: States we will give a Goodhue
windmill, 12 foot wheel, steel geared,
with pump attachment, etc., and a feed
grincier warranted to grind from 7 to
10 bushels fer hour. The retail price
this wind mill and grinder is $140 (X).
District Premiums.
For the largest list of subscribers
sent in from each of the six congress
ional districts of Nebraska, (provided
such listcantalns net less than seventy
yearly subscribers) we will give a
first class high arm sewing machine,
known as the "Columbian." This is
a fine machine, good as the best, and
will be a "thing of beauty and a jay
forever," to the lucky winner. See cut
of this machine, which appears regu
larly in The Alliance-Independent.
Remember, there are six ma
chines, one for each d strict.
in gold, silver or legal tender paper , .
was reported, with the recoromenda- LfOUlltV FPAinillTTlS.
In addition to the state and district
a 11 .
sons oi tnem and In any quant
ity, from one to a car lad, at rery
x nun., uur bmick; is very com
plete in al departments.
braska (providing the list contain
uot less than 50 yearly fcubucrlbprs) we
will st-nd the family library deb
cribed above.
2. The person sending in the next
1 Art?!! Ht t Tirnrl.l net lha li... iH -
not less than 20 yearly subneribers) we USAGE PLANTS AND FOREST TREES.
-i r-ruu taw Lli UalKAK X UeSCrlO-
,-, A aUm... I 4 1 1 1 i .
cu auwYtr, aisu a iun line Of Kru It. RhaA on
Ornamental Stock. Grane Vln. nn
i . 1 "
nuu Jvorrreens. i;at,a noun Wra
Write for Prices. Address.
tion that it pass, and the report was
adopted by a,votejof 17 to 14. The bill
will doubtless pas if it is reached in
Last week the independent, senators
achieved another signal victory al
thoughjthey had to resort to parliamen
tary tactics to do it. The republicans
had arranged to have the heads of vari
ous state institutions appear in open
senate, and talk up tho appropriations
for their respective Institutions. The
independents claimed this was a viola
tion of rules, and an utter sacrifice of
senatorial dignity. After an hour's
fight the republicans backed down and
tbe senate adjourned.
They are in Earnest,
Walton Alliance, No. 1158, in regular
session adopted the followin?
An Alliance Man's Opinion.
Editor Alliance-Independent:
Inclosed find $1.00 to renew mv sub-
Iription. I don't know just when it
jns out but every alliance man should
renew at once. I am not much surpris
i$l at the actions of J. M. Thorn Dson.
?eading jour article on "Inside Facts"
confirms my opinion of him arrived at
three years asro at the state meeting in
J Lincoln. He has had a soft thing in
5TBSy opinion drawing dalary for work
performed by others and paid for by the
i State Alliance. At that time I inauir-
Vid.of President Powers how much time
' ni . . i i .
LQompsuu gave 10 tne worK oi secre
tary and treasurer, he told me he gave
evflry minute of his time to that work.
I Oiusb.t it strange he ould give all
ot as time to that work and still be the
r,ou.noss manager oi me farmers Alli
ance paper, i am confident you could
if vou felt RO rilannaart crva anma indAa
- J j ' kJUUJV i UlJAVA'J
facts that would be interesting reading
tn matter. I intend to give the
matter an airing at our next meeting
and if I could get some inside facts
would present them at our next countv
jneetmg. i am yours respectfully for
on j year or during the war. E. L,
, u-Nora. Nuckolls Co. Neb.
the following resolu
Whereas, We have discussed the
manner in which Mr. J. Burrows and
our state secretary Mr. Thompson have
attempted to wreck our state paper
The Alliance-Independent, and
Whereas, We also know that Mr. S.
Edwin Thornton, (Editor of he Alliance-Independent)
has been an able
and fearless worker in the great reform
movement and always fighting the
battles of the oppressed against the
uyiM-etssur, ia a cieur ana manly way,
Therefore be it
Resolved that we denounce the actions
of Messrs Thompson and Burrows as
cowardly and ungentlemanly, and also
consider them as enemies to the inde
pendent party, working on the plan of
rule or ruin. Also be it
Resolved, That we as members of
the Walton Alliance, will give the new
paper started by Messrs Thompson and
Burrows no support whatever, and
that a copy of these resolutions be sent
to The Alliance-Indepesdent for
publication. A. J. Angeloe. Sec'y.
Henry Wettencamp, Pr s.
fiditor Alliance-Independent:
1 .Dear Sir: Wright AlHanno Nn ia.
iSlBox Butte Countv. con varied with
Jge outside attendance in a sociable
h ana unanimously endorsed the
n oi ine independent representa
and with great thanks to all the
oined help thev eot to elant A man
a the name and reputation of snno.
r-elect Allen, and the confidence of
the people goes to Washington with
him. , Let lhe good work go on. I am
a reader of The Alliance-Indepen-
,ent. J. E. H.
'Alliance, Neb.
Any of our readers who contemplate
allowing commercial pursuits or who
ish to learn shorthand, typewriting
telegraphy etc., would find it to their
Jnt'-est to write at once to the National
loess College, Y. M. C. A. building
as city, Mo. By writing them at
Ayou can obtain three lessons in
hand free also free catalogue be-
jou will get their special scholar-
spring ana summer rates. See
adv. on page five. It will cost
othing to write. Mention this
The State Agent offers De Kalb
painted wire at 3 cents per pound.
Galvanized wire at 3i cents per pound.
Glidden paint the best we have ever
sold. Evaporated aDDles in 50 lh
at 8 cts per lb. Fine Muscat Raisins
Gctsperlb. The best sweet corn in
2 dozen cases at $1.20 per doz. Sugar
4 to 5i cents per pound. Rock Salt
$2 a barrel. . Write for anything you
want. J. W. Hartley.
State Agent.
premiums, we offer two great premiums
for each county in the state.
To the person sending in the largest
list from any county (providing the list
contains not less than fifty yearly sub
scribers) we will send
of twenty volumes, handsomely and
strongly bonnd in cloth, and well print
ed on good paper. This is not one of
the cheap libraries so frequently adver
Used, but a first-class library selected
by the editor of The Alliance-Inde
pendent for this especial purpose. It
contains the cream of literature in al
most every department. It is a mode
library for the family. It includes books
ior tne student of politics, and books
for the student ef history; books for
the ladies and books for the children,
Jvery book is the work of one of the
world's ablest minds. The twenty
volumes are as ioiiows:
"A Call to Action" by Gen. Weaver,
'Caesar's Column," Ignatius Donnelly
"A Finacial nnWhium S f Ttrtu
"Lectures to Young men," Henry
Ward Beecher.
"Life of Peter Cooper." C E Lester.
"History ofbCivilization," Gulzot.
"Child's History of England," Chas.
Dickens. v
' Cecils Natural History," S H Pea
body. "Book of Golden Deeds," Charlotte
"The Sketch Book," Washington
"History of Ireland," Justin McCar
thy. "Franklin's Autobiography."
"Classic Poems," Selections from the
best poets.
"Elzevir Classics." Sketches from the
best authors.
"Arabian Night's Entertainment."
"L.ucile," Owen Meredith.
"Life of Sam Houston," C E Lester.
"Bacon s Essays and Locke on the
"The Spy," Jas. Fennimore Cooper,
"Social Problems," Henry George.
"Alden's Handy Atlas of the World,
138 maps."
These books range in price from 30
cents to $1.50 per volume, their aggre
gate retail price being nearly $20.00.
II To the person sendine in the next
largest list from any county (providing
me nsi contains more man zu yearly
subscribers) we will send
Other Premiums.
EverV Onn who miana a .1K rlll .l
a premium. We are preparing a lit
of premiums for clubs of any size, from
o up w or more, lnis list is not
yet complete, but it will be an eye
opener when it does appear. Every
premium will be worth striving for.
Books for
In addition to all the above Dremi-
ums to club-raisers, we will mail to
every yearly subscriber at $1.00, his
choice of the following books:
"Money Monopoly." E. R. Baker.
Youngers & Co.,
Geneva, Neb.
Scientiflcallv treated hv an . ,..
wide renutailon. rtafn.rHi.. .. '"
Urelyi ured.or from 20 to 80 years' mandlnit.
,hr.mi,?it.hJ".r trea,n'''t8 have failed. How
JU.y la, Ttl and thecauMe amoved
fully explained In rlrpuiur i,h ......
Pr.A. FONTAINE, Tacoma, Wash.
Nebraska Savings Baak
13 and O 8t, Lincoln.
Capital $SCO.OOa
Write Us and W. will Prore it.
rive per cent lnterwrt on MTlng account.
8pecial rate, on tints deposit.
w rite tu or call lor neat veet pocket memo
andum book.
. Q. Seorawnnt,
. B-Tholit
ft ta a .ur cnMWXa MSSid"
win never rpimtt It Kon.hvn.oii
f One Dollar.
luituRu iiunois.
Wire Pfcktt Fence Machine.
Lowden's Perfection. Bart Flld fence
machine ia thv U. 8. MoRtly HUlleabi
Iron. ETerr farmer hli own Iphm
builder. Coati from SO to 35 cent rod. Wdta
for UlustraM eatalogne -
L. C. LOWOEN. Indianapolis, Ind3
Q t??!! PAD M r ! 85 Pe1 bushel ,
OlVrjlJ LUlXli Karly White Dent. Iowa
Yellow let (extra early) and Early Mantodon
three of the Unrest and bent early varieties of
seed euro In tbe world. Write feraalogne.
tL KATKK1N, tfheuanaoah, Pane Co., Iowa.
Cancers Cured.
I will pay liberally for Uie names jnd addresses
of persrms iufferinx from cantor. Guarantee a
lerntanent cure or no charge. No mutter if case
its been ifiven up hy others, write me at once.
I'hysicians kunpried with remedy at liberal dis
count, rull rsmady and instructions for self
troalnieat, 9 to. ,
J. 11 IIAKKln,
Eutaw, Urfwd Ho , Ala.
For spraying fruit trees and vines
for catalogue and price list to
1S65 So. 86th St., Lincoln, Neb.
"The American Peasant," by
Tibbies. '
T. n.
"Bread-winners and
by S. S. Kine.
Or any other 25 cent reform
Our Rules.
1. Onb Dollar for every yearly
subscription. 80 cent subscriptions
will be Hccepted as usual In clubs of
five, but they will not count in pre
mium lists. Club raisers will have no
trouble in showing subscribers that
it is better to pay $1.00 and get a pre
mium werth 25 cents, than to subscribe
at 80 cents and get no premium.
2. June 1,1893, the regular competi
tion for these premium) will close.
Provided, that in districts and coun
ties in which no one has a sufficient
number 10 win the premiums, the com
petition will be kept open, if the lead
ing club raisers desire it, until some
body reaches the required number.
3. Remember, that to win a riia.
trict prize, a club of not less than 70
members must be sent in: to win a
county first premiums not less than 50
ana a county second not less than 20.
We are obliged to adopt this rule for
our own protection. Other wisn nlnh-
raisers in sparsely-6ettled counties
might claim the premiums for clubs so
small that the whole amount realized
by us would not Dav for the
The Paragon Jncabator
Is positively the most practicable ana re
liable Incubator now before the people of the
. pi,rnlw Home Induntry1' and get
the best. We dare come before the people at
thereat Nebraska State Fair this year. We
hatched 82 chicks from 121 fertile entrs, after
moving the ctB and machine several miles
when they were within two days of hatching.
Ihere being no premium offered at the fair we
were granted the highest award of honor by
?rd..of.e?amlneM- 8end ,or circulars
and price Hut of the incubator, which hatched
the chicks at the state "alr. Address
Box 435, Falrbtiry. Neb.
For Sale or Exchange.
Nebraska Lands and Houses and Lots
in Lincoln. If you have land for sale
or exenange, also stocks of merchandise
and horses and cattle write us crivinir
I'm o.vuickia. as, k. ar CC J ,
Room 5, Brace B'ldg, Lincoln, Neb,
Surest to growl Surest to bear big crops oi Ana
fruit Stock of highest quality. Warranted true.
Send for our Catalogue ot Fruit Trees, Small
Kruits, Old, New and Rare; Shade Trees and
Evergreens, A large stock,
1 ns Oakland Nursisy Co..
Korgys, Clark Co., Ohio.
Fish Farm for Sale.
80 acres of splendid farm land, all
under ifence, good dwelling house and
out buildings. 3 acres of bearing orchard
fine variety of fruit, a fine stream
spring water upon which is located
fish pond at a cost of $800.00, including
stock of fish. The pond contains about
two acres and is now full of the best
varieties weighing as high as 8 pounds
ir&w.uu worth of hsh can be sold from
tne pond each year.
iTice of farm is $40 per acre, three
fourths cash, balance five rears at 6 per
a. tir "... - i .
uen&. n rite or see me editor of this
paper. 38 3t
v 1 I
, -1
Are You Going East?
JNow just take a word of advice: Let
your next trip be bv the North-West
ern line. Do you think it a longer
iuuwj iv mcao man me omersr it is
nor. it is shorter. Its equipment ifr
leriorc No, there's nothing better.
Track less smooth? By no means; it is
mo oest,. nme loneer. and morn In
convenient leaving hours? Should say
not, but just the icontrary. If you do
u" wuu w leave as eanv as iu i n m
juBttryour "Business Man's Chicago
Train," leaving at 5:25 p. m., arriving
muuiajjUMu next morning In six
teen hours. Anything wrong with
that time? Go right on to Boston if
you mutt in forty-five hours from Lin
coin; New York, forty-four; Philadel-peia,forty-two;Wa8hington,forty-three.
There's nothing better than this. Come
and see us. A. S. Fielding,
Wm. Shipman, Citv Ticket Agt
General Agt., 1133 6 St.
Depot corner S and Eighth streets.
of twenty volumes bound in paper
covers, well printed on good paper.
The only important difference between
this library and the familv librbrv ia
that the books are bound in paper in
stead of cloth. This library will contain:
"Bondholders and Breadwinners' by
"In Office," L V Bogy.
"Tbe Industrtial Declaimer:" L Vin
"The Curse of Contraction," C. A.
"Driven from Sea to Sea," C C Post.
"Money Monopoly," E. R. Baker.
"Protection or Free Trade," Henry
, "Frederick the Great," Maeauley.
"Legend of Sleepy Hollow," Irving.
Life of Peter Cooper," C E Lester.
"Young People's Life of Washington"
"On Socialism," John Stuart Mill.
Juvenile Story book," Ellen T. Al
den. "Fairy Tales," Hans Anderson.
"Anecdotes of Luther," Maeauley.
"Gems of Song and Story."
"The Coming Slavery," Spencer.
"Lady of the Lake," Walter Scott.
"Co-operation," J. G. Holyoke.
"Grandfather's Chair." Hawth
These books ransre in price from 10 tn
50 cents each, their airerefirate retail
price being nearly $8.00.
Premiums for
Other States.
1. To the person sendine- in the larg
est list from any state outside of Ne-1
4. Clubs will always be counted as
coming from the district or county
where the club raiser lives: but a Huh
raiser may go outside of his district or
county to secure subscribers if he
wishes. Thus, if a club ratsr llvm
Buffalo county, he may go over into
Dawson countv to secure suhjierlhrs
but his list will ba set down us a Buffalo
county list.
S. The smaller prem'ums will be
sent post-paid, but on th'i larcer onnu.
such as the windmill, sewing machines,
and family libraries, the winners must
pay freight or express.
6. No one can get both a district
and county premium. For instance, if
some one in Holt county should send in
the largest club In the Sixth district,
the next highest In that county would
come in for the county premium.
. i he same rules tha. aDDlv to
counties in Nebraska will apply to
states outside of Nebraska.
1. Take a few sample copies and rtna
of our 25 cent premium books, and start
2. Don't work exclusively fnr inde
pendent subscribers, but canvass re
publicans, democrats and prohibition
ists as well.
3. Show 'up the strong points of
The Alliance-Independent; (1) as
an organ of the reform movement and
an advocate of its principles; (2) as a
general family newspaper.
4. Send in names as fast as vou Re-
cure them. If a subscriber expresses a
choice as to which premium book he
wants, set the name of the baok oppo
site his name.
5. Write
6. Address all letters to th Alii
Publishing Company. .
7. Mark on every list sent in VOI1T
name, your county, and the premium you
are working for.
(1st Edition of 5,000 all sold.)
190 Pages Hea?y Paper, Row Ready.
Price, paper 25c ; cloth f 1 00.
Address ThhoAllusob Pdb. Co., Lincoln, Neb,
"Money Monopoly, bv E. R. Rub OP la npn.
nounced by representative loadors ia the reform
cause to be tbe most comprehensive work ever
i-uuiinncu uu tne money question. Every asser
Hon backed up by undeniable eraaN. Trnir ih.
Galling gun of wage-slavery against plutoeraUo
ufpiDmiuu. iuit xnuuur, uen. weavers pa'
Headquarters for this Class of Goods
'lafFon Is Kansas City, Ho.
SWERT POTATOES sent out to be sprouted
on shares. No experience required. Dlreo
tlous for sprouting free. T. J. SKINNER,
Columbus, Kan.
We offer a fine anA Urtre itru-t rJ auaw .1
52y?.,V,nf, Sma" BRUITS, Hedse Plants,
Priced Catalneue mailed fr Ftahhh .,,
Successors to Sidney TttrLi & Co., Bloomington,
E. F. STEPHENS Prop., Crate, Ntb.
Reliable Trees and Plants. SatMae-
tlon guaranteed. 18,(M bushels of apples and
800 bushels of cherries grown In 1801 shown
that fruit can be grown If suitable trees ar
planted. The experience and advice of tha
proprietor, president of the State Horticultu
ral society will be found safe and useful to all
Freat Trees for Timber Claims
correspond at once before the extreme rush,
of spring orders,
Choice Yellow Dent
105 Bushels per Aore.
Seed Corn,
Don't YOU Heed a
Cream Separator
If yon har At or mors nm. a RaRT Himii tm
proTd a moat prostatic snd pleasirjc lnrtmvnt.
am means mora and better butter, warm ckim-mllk tot
feedlnir purpoww, Kivlnjr of l-e, time, labor and plank
and better aatiarartlon with dairying (rent-rally.
Send for new " BABY "catnlomie. irlvlntr actnal rxt
rleneea of well-known nneraanri MidnmiMintnr hinh
dairy authorities In every aertlon, styles. iHiIm
prices, and complete information.
general offices: v;
74 Cortlandt St., New York.
i ; ls r v 7:
Simplest and most economical,
engines on earth.
Folly Guarantee!. s
A boy starts It, requires only sj
few minutes' attention a dwr-
Guaranteed cost of running let.
per hour per H. P. Write fO
catalogue. Address Drawer
Weber Gas Engine WorH
names and postofflces very
ouuio porsonu may wonaer now we
are aoie to make such liberal prem
ium offers. In explanation we will
say mat most of these oremiuma are
secured in payment for advertisements
cases where we have to purchase them
we. buy in large quantities and
get the advantage of wholesale
Free Literature.
The "great plain people" have the
gold gamblers on the run. (Want
educate, and complete victory is bound
to come. For ten cents in silver or
Stamps VOUr name will Via nlorwrl
list of reform press circulars and the
leading reform papers of the United
States will send you sample copies free
for distribution among your neighbors.
Write your name and address plainly
Address your letters to
Farmers Tribtjnk Co.,
Des Moines, Iowa.
Well Improved Nebraska Farm For Sale!
One of the very best improved Nebraska home farms in the state for sale.
For particulars address, ROBT. W. FURNAS,
Brownvllle, Nebraska.
Fropi the Saw to the Buiydipg Direct.
' er- Alliance Men Please take Notice.
wholesale Complete Bills for Houses and Barns a Specialty.
RETAIL I Wrlte Vs for Delivered Prices.
JOHNSON COMPANY. Office 1001 0 SI .Lincoln, We,
State Agent quotes prices on the following goods.
A good common flour at 90 cts. per 100.
White Rose flour at $1,50 per 100.'
Silver Leaf " " 1.75 "
Prime Brow Sugar 14.00 per 100.
Best Granulated Sugar 15.65 per 100.
Fine Uncolored Japan Tea 25o per lb.
" ' " i2Jo " "
Good Coffee 20o per lb.
A full line of Spices, Pepper, Cinna
mon, Cloves, Ginger, Mustard, Al
spice, etc., at 20c per lb.
One gallon best coal oil with glass caa
40 cents.
Soda i and Butter cracker ftc per lb. In
40 Grain vinegar In lugs, iSo per gal
LemoH extract 2 oz. bottles 50c per doa.
Vanilla ' " " 65o
Finest full cream Y A cheese 12ie lb.
A good Overall for only 50c.
An extra good overall for 65,
Rockford half hose75o per doz.
" " " best made 11.06 ades
Write for anything you eat or wear.
J. W. HARTLEY, State Agt., 145 S nth tL, Lincoln, N
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