The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, March 09, 1893, Image 1

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The Alliance-Independent
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The Alliance-Independent
It tht best?
i V
' S r f J" V f t . " r
I ti
Advertising medium
In the west. It J et-peci-sl'y
valuable its a means
cf r 'ichinit 'h farmers.
Its circulation Is a laree
la Nebraska as the cir
culation of all ibe "farm
Journals" combined.
Give The Aluaxce
Independent a trial il
jou want good results.
Is Eecommended to Pass tho House by a
Vote of Fifty-one to Forty-eight
Republicans Oppose the Bill Propose
a Substitute. .Keckley and
Haller Bolt.
House Boll No. 38 was introduced
into the House by Fred Newberry a
verbatim copy of the Newberry bi l of
1891. The railroad committee got hold
.of this bill and revised it. They took
out some questionable feature!. They
changed the points on which consti
tutional lawyers had quibbled two
years ago. They made the penalty
heavier one that will rot be disre
garded with impunity. They amended
the tariffs so that a straight cut of
twenty per cent was made on present
rates, as it was understood that tho
governor would sign a bill making
such a reduction. And they changed
the name from the Newberry Bill to
the Railroad Committee bill. New
berry never was the author of tho bill
anyway, and his long enough been
given a glory which belonged to other
So the bill in the amended form was
well-nigh as perfect as it could be
3"he bill came up for consideration
in committee of the whole last Friday
' It was one of the fights of the session
short, decisive, but of the very in
tensest nature while it lasted. '
As soon as roll was called in the
afternoon. Scott (ind.), of Buffalo and
McKesson (rep ), of Lancaster, were on
their feet simultaneously to move that
they go into committee of the whole
It is an unwritten law that the mover
of this motion becomes chairman of the
committee; and this was a Ftruggle be
tween the two sides as to which would
get the advantage of the chairmanship.
The speaker recognized Scott, who
made the motion. First victory for the
Then Church Howe, in his soft, pa
lavering way, begged that the gentle
mt a from Buffalo would withdraw his
motion as he (Church) wanted to make
a call of the house. But the gentle
man from Buffalo refused to withdraw
anything. So the republicans made a
call of tbe house anyway.
Four members were found to be ab
sent Crane, Elder, Luikhart and Rug
gles. Mr. Luikart was absent attend
ing a sick wife, He was excused. Mr
Ruggles himself had been on a sick bed
for nearly two weeks. He was excused.
The serge ant-at arms was sent after
Crane and Cider and at about 3 o'clock,
hove in sight with those two delecta
ble gentlemen. The call of the house
was dispensed with. At this point
Scott, of Buffalo, and McKesson, of
Lancaster, again bobbed to their feet.
McKesson was the first to make his
motion, but Scoit, in a quiet way, in
formed the gentleman that his (Scott's)
had never ber-n withdrawn, and was
now the only motion before the house.
The speaker sustained the point, the
motion was put and carried, and Scott
became chairman of the committee of
the wnole.
The e'erk was directed to read the
first section of the bill. As soon as this
was done, Carpenter (rep.) gained the
floor and saH the republi ans had had
a caucus the night before and had pre
pared s substitute for this bill and he
now moved the repub'ican substitute be
adopted in place of the original bill.
The chair ruled tbe motion out of or
der and declared othing in order ex
cept amendments to tection 1. This
decisi n immediately created a wran
gle. The republicans became red
headed. But, finally, with the under
standing that when the whole bill had
been read their motion would then be
in order, they withdrew that motion
for tbe time being, becond victory for
the independants.
Then Porter got the floor and made
cne ot his best speeches, at the end of
which he moved that the committee
bill H. R. No. 33, be reported back to
the House with the recommendation
th tit pass. Third victory for the in
dependents. Th had gained the strate
getic point of having their motion first
before the house, and if the republicans
got a motion at all, it would be an
amendment '
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Again the republicans grew red
headed. They stormed around for a
time, but it did no good. The chair
had put Mr. Pot ter's motion. Finally,
How-j ofiVrd aa amendment that the
republican bUl be substituted. The
chair put the anvndmeBt aod then tho
skirmiebin? settled down t a tight
And right her i a good place to de
It wa a curiosity, a mongrel.
It provided that, hereafter on four
teen articles the roads should charge
only 80 per cent of whtit they charged
cn Jan. 1, 1893.
These fourteen articles wpm such as
were amenable only to the interstate
raw s ad could not be reached by an
inters'ate law. '
Besides who knew what the roads
charged on Jan. 1, 18w3v Could ihev
not swear to any schedule of rates and
could anybody prove the contrary?
SecoDd It provid-d thit the present
state board of transportation should
enforce tho la.
No remarks ara necessary on that
Third. It provided that any road
could aoply to the courts and get the
law nullified in their case.
This was only a mther loophole by
which i he roads might escape from the
And last; it provided that any r-ad
violating this act should bi fined not
les than $100 nor more tan $1,000.
Ye gods! A fine of $!00 for a railwty
corporation! No damage clauon, noth
ing, but a petty little fine of $100.
Reader, ic is pretty plain is it not,
that such a law would be a miserable
And yet it wai offered in good earn
est as the republican bill.
Compare this with tho committee
bill. Thi latter made an ironclad law
on every rrticle shipped through the
state t provided that court and ex
ecutive departments should enforce the
law. It provided as a penalty that any
one sustaining damages by overcharge
could collect those damages from the
road and further that the road viola
ting the act should be fined for the first
offense $1,000 to $5,000: second offense,
$5, 00 to $10,000; third offense, $10 000
to $,000: subsequent offenses, $25,000
Nothing flimsy about that, is there?
It was between these two measures
that the fight came.
But just here occurred a circumstance
which showed to all sides the determi
nation of our men. Old man Ruggles,
looking very sick, but very determined
walked up the aisle leaning on the arm
of his daughter. It was the first time
he had been out of his room for,a week
Touched by this devotion to duty, the
independents gave him an ovation.
As Luikart had d ine in a few minu
tes btfore, thers were now 99 members
in their seats a full h.ouse.
The fight now got d wn to ai inter
esting point. Porter, Gaflin, Stevens,
Khodes, Beal, Newberry and Ca-per led
the fight for tbe bill. Howe, Watson,
Carpenter, McKesson and other repub
licans against it. Gaffin showed(splen
did fighting qualities. He 6howed up
the republican substitute in its true
Bt-al read from an Iowa report and
showed wherein the railroad attorneys
had lied about the effect of the law in
Iowa. Porter and Chat ca Howe ngain
tried each other's mettle and Porter
again got the best of the republican
It was nearly six o'clock befora the
vote was taken. It was a rising vota
and was counted by the clerk. It was
announced 52 to 47 in favor of the com
mittee bill and the result was cheered.
Tnird victory for the independents.
Uhe repu cleans again frothed and
fumed and charged that the clerk had
falsified the count.. But it did no good.
Tho reKult was announced, the com
mittee arose, the speaker resumed the
chair and the report was delivered to
the house.
Howe moved that the report be not
adopted, but that the repuolican sub
stitute be put in place of the committee
bill. On this motioa roll call was de
manded. Everybody was put on re
cord. . It was a close vote. Two demo
crats voted with the republicans, but
two republicans, Keckley and Haller,
bolted their party and voted with the
independents. '1 he independents solid
ly, 40 strong voted for the committee
b 11. The vote stood 45 to 51. The re
publican substitute was lot, and the com
mittee bill was recommended to pass.
It was then half past six and the
house adjourned. Thus ended the fight.
Another beet sugar bill came up last
Friday night and was argued loud and
long; but was knocked out nearly two
to one.
The railroad attorneys came into
Lincoln in a body and argued their
case before the legislature. I hev made
it appear that the roads were all on the
verge of bankruptcy. O, it was enough
to bring tears into the eyes of a paper
of needles to hear them These attor
neys were averaging $10,000 a vear
each, and yet were pleading poverty.
The bill for transfer switches has
passed the senate and its companion
passed the house. This will be a great
po'nt for tbe people.
The anti-Pinkerton bill has passed
the senate.
The bill for the supreme court com-
'1 ..... ,
We worked through spring and winter, thro' summer and through fall,
But the mortgage worked the hardest and the steadiest of them all.
It worked on eights and Sundays; it worked each holiday; '
it settled down among us and never went away. '
Whatever we kept from it seemed almost as a theft;
i It watched ua every minute; it ruled us right and left.
The rust and blight were with us' sometimes, and sometimos:not;
The dark-browed scowling mortgage was forever on the spot.
The weevil and the cut-worm they went aa well as came; ,
The mortgag stayed foreyer, eating hearty all the same.
It nailed up every window, stood .guard at every door,
And happiness and sunshine made their home with us no more.
1 "... i, .
Till with failing crops and sickness we got stalled upon he gade,(
And there came a dark day on us, when, the interest wasn't paid;
And there came a sharp foreclosure, and I kind o' lost my hold,
' And grew weary and discouraged, and the farm was cheaply sold.
The children left and scattered, when they hardly yet were grown:
My wife, she pined and perished, and I found myself alone.
What she died of was a ''mystery," the doctors never knew,
But I knew she died of mortgage just as well as I wanted to.
If to trace the hidden c ow was within the doctor's art,
They'd ha found a mortgage lying on that woman's broken heart.
Worm or b9etle, drouth or tempest on a farmer's land may fall,
But for first-class ruination) trust a mortgage 'gainst them all.
" -Will M. Carleton.
mission, providing for three assistant
associate justices, no two of whom be
long to the same party, has passed the
senate and become a law.
The universal woman suffrage bill
wds knocked out in the house.
The senate is still wrangling over the
appropriation bill. Thern is liable to
be lively times when the conference
committees of the two houses get to
gether on this bill. J. A. E.
The Next Comgrgg.
The political complexion of the Unit
ed States senate is as follows: Thirty
nine republicans, forty four democrats,
and four populisU, counting Martin of
Kansas with the democrats. Counting
him with the populists where he really
bel)ngs, there are 43 democrats and
five populists. There is one vacancy
from Washington which the legislature
of that state iJ vainly attempting to
The complexion of the house as shown
by unofficial returns is: 126 republi
cans, 216 democrats, and 12 populists.
Third Ward Independent Caucus.
The voters of the people's independ
ent party of the Third ward are hereby
called to meet in caucus at 2010 O street,
on Saturday evening, March 11, 1893,
a. 8 o'c'ock p. m. sharp, for the purpibo
of selectin? a candidate for councilman
from the Third ward, electing a mem
ber of the city central committee and
the transaction of such other business
as may prope i y come before the caucus.
X. E. Dotv, Committeeman.
The primary election of the people's
independent party of the Third ward,
city of Lincoln, f'.eb., will be held at
2010 O street, Monday. March 13. 1893,
between the hours of 7:30 and 9 o'clock
p. m , for the purpose of electing
twenty-six (26) delegates te the city
convention to be held March 15, 1898.
T. E. Doty, Committeemen.
The Lincoln Jersey Cattle c.mpany
have sold out everything in the way of
females, and all but three bulls, in ad
dition to their already numerous sales
have an open orcer for three car-loads
of cows and heifers from one creamery
concern in Nebraska, and orders from
Kansas, Iowa, Dakota, and even from
Montana. Anyone wanting the very
best milk and butter strains of Jerseys,
should write them at Lincoln, Neb.
Our representative visited tho South
western Stamp Works 1326 Grand ave.
Kansas City They have an immense
establishment from which goods are
shipped to all parts of the globe. They
will sell these goods for ha f price to
our readers who send a two cent stamp
for catalogue this week. See adv. on
page five Mention this paper.
Partner wanted to start a new gro
cery store. A person who is well ac
quainted in country can have one-half
interest by investing about $500. Ref
erence. Address ' Grocer," this office.
For Sale!
1120 acres of good, smooth; farm
land, (partly impioved) from one to five
miles of Alliance, Neb. Price, $5.00 to
$10.00 per acre, if sold soon. Address,
E. S. McWhinney,
Alliance, Neb.
The new spring styles and samples in
suits and trousers have arrived at the
Wannamaker &Brown agency, Lindell
Hotel block. Prices are astonishingly
low, within the reach of all. Come and
inspect the latest.
' . I1 a
The following letter from Senator
Allen will explain iUelf: ,
Washington, D. C , March 4, 1893.
Editor Alliance-Independent:
I am in receipt of many letters re
garding the patrorege of Nbraska
more than I can possibly answer and
discharge the duties devolving upon me
as a member of the senate.
I desire to say through your valuable
paper to all persona that I have no
patronage at my disposal.
The administration will be democrat-
ic and the patronage will belong to
tue democratic party, and, being an in
dependent, I have nothing to eive. 3
hope our friends will understand the
Reeardins the
permit me to say that tbe rule heret
fore allowing a senator or member ef
congress to can up or advance a claim
has been revoked and I can do nothing
in una respect.
I 81 III 1)1 V state tfeeRA faoia no T RnA
they exist, but, of course, hold myself
ieauyai an times to assist my com
rades in any legitimate way I can.
William V. Ai len.
(State exchanges are respectfully
requested to copy.)
Resolutions of Endorsement.
Glen Kock, Neb , Mar 4, 1892.
Editor Alliance-Independent:
Whereas, We deem the press the
greatest educator of modern times. Its
influence forms one of the greatest
sources of education for tho masses,
socially, morally and politically. The
newspaper bas giadually grownup in
to a po verf ul political, as well as a
social engine, diffusing information on
all subjects of interest and acting on
the public mind in times of excitement
to an extent that has kd it to be called
"a fourth estate of the realm," and
We recognize in The Alliance-In
dependent a publication that embod-
ks te a jarge extent the aoovo qualm
cations in things essential, namely
finance, trarsportation, purity in poli
tics, tbe economical administration of
public affairs, and power of congress to
issue a fiat money. While we have in
our state newspapers that are publish
ed in the interests of corporate power
and do not have the interest of the
peop'.e's party at heart, as shown by the
stand they took in the last campa'gn,
and especially in the election of a Un
iUd States senator, therefore, be it,
Resolved, By the members of Glen
Rock Alliance No. 409, in meeting as
sembled that we pledge our support and
patronage and to use all honorable
means in our power to foster and . en
courage The alliance-Independent
in fighting the battles Jof truth and
justice, that we will use our support
and influence against any publication
trying to supplbnt it as we believe
for selfish motives and political dis
appointment. Be if further
Resolved that a copy of this action
and resolution be forwarded to The
Alliance-Independent at Lincoln
Nebraska for publication.
John C. Deuser, L. L. Sawyer.
Pres. C. L. Cook
S. W. Haynes, S. W. Haynes.
Sec'y. Committee.
Now is the time to subscribe for a
good weekly paper. The Alliance
Independent is the one you want.
Subscription $1.00 per year.
What our Gotemporaries in tht Eeform
Field Think of The Allianoe-Independent-
They Advise tb People to Stand by tbe
Paper That Fighta Their Battles
And te Beware of Wreckers.
Stand by the Alliance-Independent
It would seem, from complete expla
nation published la last week's Alliance
Independent, that there ia some very
unprincipled and underhanded work
going on at Lincoln outside of the leg
islature. ' There seems to be an effort
on foot, and has been for some time, to
force that paper out of existence, or at
least to require the present manage
ment to go out of business. Aa far aa
we have heard the Alliance-Independent
has given good satisfaction. It
has been true to tbe people's cause and
has done good work for the reform
movement. Why men who claim to be
Interested In the success of the peo
ple's cauj should attempt to destroy
the usefulness of that paper will be
very hard to explain. J. Burrows and
J. M. Thompeon are charged with be
ing the principals in the scheme. After
the cours3 J. Burrows pursued during
the last campaign, it ia not surprising
that he should engage in such an under
taking. He seems perfectly adapted to
the work, but surely he can have but
very little influence among our people,
for it is well known that he clasped
hands with Holdenthenrch-traitor, and
assisted Mm in his hellish work against
the people' party. If our people
again place confidence in J. Burrows,
now that be has showed himself to be
untrustworthy, they will deserve to be
betrayed and will HMy get their de
serts. Thompson occupied a prominent
position in the State Alliance, having
been secretary lor tnreo or lour years,
and has also been connected with the
state paper both before and since its
change of management If be Is of the
same stripe as Burrows he has been
more dl creet or deceptive and has
kept his true character Irom the peo
ple. Wo, of course, only have the one
side of the case to judge from, with
circumt'tancaa and what personal know
ledge we hae to help In forming con
clusions. We believe it to be the duty
of the people's party of this state to see
that the All ance-Independent has a
pood support, both morally and finan
cially. And we would recommend our
people of Holt county, as we have done
heretofore, to subscribe for that paper
if they can afford a state paper, and
there are very few who cannot, if the
people expect to be successful in poli
tics they must support the papers that
advocate their principles and show up
the fraud and wickedness of the old
pa-ty machine. f the Alliance-Independent
is not a paper that the people
can trust it will be known and will b3
dropped, but so long as it 6tand by the.
people the people should stand by it.
Holt County Independent.
Judge Tibbetts paused this morning
during the hearing of the Thompson
of O. B. McGovern for the appointment
of a receiver for the Alliance Publish
ing Co He reviewed the case at length
and said that from the evidence before
him he must deny the application.
There were not sufficient grounds for
the court to take the step of naming a
receiver to take charge of the com
pany's affairs; that it wai solvent, ard
that the defense had shown to the court
most conclusively that the charges of
dishonesty made in the petition and
affidavits were unsupported. As it has
been stipulated before the case was
given into the hands of tbe court that
it should be submitted on the affidavits
on file, the decision to be final, then
Alliance-Independent will be continued
under the present management, and
(Jol. H. M. Bushnell not permitted to
go back to running a journal for farm
ers. Lincoln Evening News.
burrows And holden.
It has been predicted that the new
paper will, in many respects, be but a
reprint of Liberty, Holden'a paper.
This of course remains to be sesn. One
thing, however, ia quite certain; Mr.
Holden and Burrows haye been very
close to each other in their relations
the past yesr. Messrs. Burrows, Hol
den and others will claim that the in
dependent party is fast losing ground
on account of the work of Messrs.
Thompson, Blake and others. Burrows
will also claim that the democratic
party is swallowing up . the Indepen
dents and he has come back to save bis
old associates from such a fate. Prob
ably if Mr. Burrows, Holden and others
The government own
erhlp of lailrotda and
Tbnt freiehtr rate its
JvebrasVa be rednced ti
a level with those 1b
force in lows,
The hnlldiDg by the
national government of
a ereat trunk line from
North Dxkota to the
Gulf of Mexico.
NO. 89
had not fought so many ot the inde
pendente nominees during the past
campaign their ptrty would have been
much larger and a greater power to
day. It baa been tbe dissatisfaction
and prejudice which Burrows end his,
frlen ia have created that has put tbe
independents in the condition in which
they now fled themselves. Polk
County Independent.
shouldn't act like a traitor.
We believe the alliance members and
Independents rf Nebraska suould stand
by The Alliance Independent at
Lincoln and frown down the attempts
of Jay Burrows and Tbrmpson to start
a new paper If Jay Burrows does not
want to be thought a traitor be should
not act like one. Independent Press,
Tkajr lUde No Mlttak.'
Dispatches from Washington state
that "banks and business men through
oat tbe country" have been urging
Mr. Foster, Secretary of the Treasury,
to stop the further purchase of silver
Recently Mr. Foster kindly hied him
to New York, and in an "interview M
with New York bankers intimated
that they made a mistake in sending
their petitions to him instead of to
"Bankers and business men" are not
apt to make a mistake of that nature.
Is not Secretary Foster a creature of
their creation? Did not President Har
rison appoint him on their recom
mendation? Knowing their wishes on
the subject, dare Secretary Foster do
other than use the entire power and
influence at his command to secure the
passage of a bill (which has already
been introduced) which will stop the
further purchase of silver bullion?
Those New York bankers knew
what they were about when they sent
their petition to Secretary Foster.
They made no mistake. If necessary
they can "see" Congress later. Chi
cago Express.
; What the Industrial Lesion Wants. -
The' Coming Crisis: Somebody Jn
Georgia has tumbled onto tbe fact that
the Industrial Legion is being organ
ized rapidly in that State and Missis
sippi; and when they ask what does
the Industrial Legion want? they get
la prompt reply. "We want an honest
I ballot and a fair count, and we are
going to have it hereafter." They
claim that tbe Populists were counted
out at the last election.
In Georgia they claim that as many
as 3,000 negressei in male attire voted
the Democratic ticket. The person
who imparted ' this information de
clared that the order was for a fai
ballot or a revolution. Fifty lodges
have been organized already in Texas,
one of them in Dallas. There is noth
ing In the Industrial Legion that hints
or even winks at revolution except at
the ballot box; andthere is nothing1
secret, beyond what would exclude
non-members, and that is not compul
sory. The Legion is simply a compact
union of people who are in dead earnest
for the success of a popular govern
ment, as declared in the Omaha plat
form, and who will agree to stand by
the three leading ideas a reform in
the mo:$ey, land and transportation,
making the money question the central
figure. The people are organizing to
win, and it is no wonder the band of
robbers get scared.
Expeet New Yorknri.
Mr. Gotham Do the Chicago folks
eipect many visitors from New York
dnring the World's Fair?
Chicago Boy I guesso. Mos' every
body is buyin burglar-proof safes.
Oregon, Washington and the North
western Coast. )
The constant demand of the traveling
public to the far west for a comfortaVt
and at the same time an economilUl
mode of traveling, has led te the estab
lishment of what is known as Pullman
Colonist Sleepers. .
Those cars are built on the same gen
eral plan as the regular first-class Pull
man Sleepers, the only difference being
that they are not upholstered.
They are furnished complete with
good comfortable hair mattresses, warm
blankets, snow white linen curtains,
plenty ef towels, combs, brushes, etc.,
which secure to the occupant of a berth
as much privacy as is to be had in first
class sleepers. There are also separate
toilet rooms for ladies and gentlemen,
and smoking is absolutely prohibited.
For full information send for Pullman
Colonist Sleeper Leaflet.
J. T. MASTiN, C. T. A. 1044 O. St.,
E. B. SL0SS05, Gen. Agt.
Lincoln, Neb.
Subscribe for The Alliance-Independent.