The Alliance-independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1892-1894, March 02, 1893, Page 7, Image 7

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P"" "T '5 5, os Ufc-R: A few of its special features, 700 Illi.Htrnt Ion; K.7M In Cah TOTUT TTTODW
Prises; Nntlful colored Plat; everything irood, old or nw. It In mailed fre toall eiicloalng r In WM- HENRY MATJLE.
tamps for return postage (tew fAan ons-Ari U cost.) Write to-day, mention this paper and address 17H Filbert St, Philadelphia
- WW . m . ' L - " , Mr 1T7 W II IMII 1 1 uvr fW PKRn
3;.. '- ' ; j j
w V l' t?f?5 t . mrclener or fruit grower run afford to he without nnr new Knnn
Misery is the shadow of injustice.
' legislation.
is better than bad
Thb People's party is rapidly be
coming so in fact as well as in name.
The present Congress has reduced
the work of doing nothing to a science.
It seems to be a case of dry rot that
is troubling the United States Con'
'Sube things" in politics are bad
An element of uncertainty is alwayi
productive of better results.
To the producer belongs the full re
sults of his efforts. If this is not true
to whom does the product belong?
In 1S88 the labor vote in Kansas
was but 10 per cent of the total vote
ast In 192 it was over SO per cent.
Nothing succeeds like success. With,
euch a showing as the People's party
. de last fall, what will the harvest
n future elections?
JiVEBr big daily paper in the court
try calls anti-option legislation "lu
racy." They will .find that there is
method in such madness.
1HE limited number of souvenir
half dollars makes them worth 100 per
cent premium. The scarcity of other
money makes it cost too much.
A Republican exchange devotes
great deal of space to show that its
party is growing better. It ought to
be getting better, it is dying.
A careful study of election returns
indicates that the number of people
who regard voting as being purely
commercial transaction is growing
beautifully less.
An insane telegraph operator in New
Jersey imagined that he .was a pile
driver. Various people in the West
have had good cause to imagine they
bad been struck by one.
A Democrat for Senator, frcm Kan
sas may not be exactly pleasing, but it
is an improvement. Kansas Senators
have been like the old lady's breath,
60 bad that "asafoetida would help
, The bankers of Missouri and Kansas
have formed a co-operative club to visit
the World's Fair. A big club-house
has been erected on the lake shore and
expense is not being Bpared. We have
seen no notice of a similar organiza
tion of western farmers.
Judge Dundy of Omaha has decided
that George M. Pullman must pay
taxes on cars he uses in Nebraska, and
unless he does so his cars may be sold
for taxes. This looks sensible. The
millionaire should not be exempt from
taxation simply because he is a miL
lion aire.
Such tactics as the Republicans have
resorted to in Kansas are annoying,
dui tney may serve a good purpose
after alL It will keep the fact before
the people that a State that a few
years ago was the Republican strong
hold in the West has been wrenched
from the hands of the g. a p.
Injustice is the result of ignorance.
If those who do injustice knew how
much pleasure there is in doing justice
they would change their conduct; if
those to whom injustice is done knew
how much etter off they would be if
4hey wen justly dealt with they
would not long delay insisting upon
If labor is not the producer of all
wealth, what is? Labor is not only
physical and mental energy expended
in digging ditches, or harrowing the
fields, or fashioning materials. Labor
is physical and mental energy directed
to the production of anything tnat
makes people comfortable and happy,
that satisfies any human want. Those
who do not exert energy toward these
ends are a burden to society.
The people are soon to be relieved,
in a measure, of the telephone monop
oly. Some of tl patents held by the
Bell Telephone Company expire in a
6hort time and there will be a chance
for others to enter into the telephone
business without paying tribute to
this octopus. But the Populists will
not be satisfied until the people col
lectively get all the benefit there is in
the telephone by the government own
ing ail the telephones and running
them in connection with the postofftce.
The telephone is not 'only a luxury any
more; it has become a business and
social necessity and must be run as a
social institution. Its accommodations
and profits must be socialized; it must
not continue to be the property of pri
vate parties. Its functions are public;
it therefore must be owned and oper
ated by the public in the interest of
the public. ,
How absurd his for the Populists to
demand that a currency can be floated
based upon the products of the farm'
ers and mechanics! How much better
t Is for the government to issue bonds,
sell these bonds to the gold bugs and
money lords and then issue a currency
based upon the bonds! It is true the
bonds are based upon the products of
the farmers and mechanics ultimately,
but to allow the mudsills to issue cur
rency directly upon their own property
without the intervention of Messra
Bondholder and JJanker would be an
innovation entirely destructive of that
beneficient institution called interest
Such financiering as that would not be
circumlocution enough, and would dis
pel the mysteries of finance. It would
show the people that money is only a
medium of exchange, a tool of trade.
and does not need the mystic surround
ings of a national banker to give it
sufficient value to accomplish its legiti'
mate functions. The laboring men of
the country financiers, indeed! Does
the country believe Shylock is to let
go so easily? Preposterous.
Of the numerous organizations for
the betterment of the conditions of
labor there is none of a semi-secret
nature whose special aim is to right
the wrongs of labor at the ballot-box
except the National Industrial Legion.
The Knights of Labor, the American
Federation of Labor, the Alliance,
etc, all have platforms which cannot
be carried out except by political
action, and yet there is net one of
them but which handles the question
of political action as though it was a
tarred stick. Here there is an organi
zation which all who believe in politi
cal action as well as political talk can
join and not interfere with their
trades unionism or their non-partisan
fealty to their other organizations,
which are assumed to be more for edu
cation than for real, earnest participa
tion in the political affairs of the
State and nation. The Industrial
Legion is a political body, as well as j
educational, and its declared object is
to carry out at the polls the princi
pies of the People's party. If the
workingmen of the different organi
sations really believe that their salva
tion is to come about by the ballot
they should take advantage of the
machinery of the Industrial Legion
and help push their ideals to realiza
There can be no question that rail
roads are public highways, just aa
much as the old plank roads were
public highways. The people had to
pay toll on these public highways.
How did they abolish this toll? Sim.
ly by the governments, local and
State, taking them and runninir them
In the interest of the people. Would
anybody like to return to the old
plank road system? Hardly. It is the
mission of the Populist party to bring
all the' railroads under control of the
government it does not only aim to
make laws regulating rates, but its
ultimate object is to own and operate
the railroads, as the , postofflce is
now owned and operated, and give the
railway service to the people at actual
cost If there is any profit in the rail
road business let us all have a whack
at it; if there be loss in their opera
tions we can all better bear the loss
than to throw the burden upon the
poor Goulds and Vanderbilts. If the
railroads could be built and run ex
clusively upon private property there
might be some excuse for letting them
remain in the hands of private indi
viduals for private profit, but no road
can be built except it be built upon
public property. We have, therefore,
that which is the property of all used
for the benefit and profit of a few.
This is a violation of equal rights.
. Tha Souvenir Half Dollars.
As is well known, Congress donated
$2,500,000 to the World's Fair. The
donation was in the form of 5,000,000
half dollars. As soon as the arrange
ments were made for the coins specu
lators begun bidding for them and as
much as $7,500,000, or $1.50 for each
coin, was offered for them. The ex
position authorities decided to sell
them at the rate of $1 each, and at
that rate tbey have been Gteadily go
ing. They will doubtless all be sold
at that price before thisyear has gone..
What gives these coins such a value?
There is but forty odd cents' worth of
bullion in them. Cannot a Jesson in
finance be extracted from the incident?
Does it not prove that the value of
money does not depend on tbe intrinsic
value and that it does depend on the
demand and supply?
To be sure, these coins are regarded
as curiosities and it is not intended
that they should ever be in general
circulation. But their value depends
n the fact that they are issued by the
United States government, and that
j they help commemorate the event that
the world will celebrate in Chicago
this summer.
It seems that half dollars that sell at
$1 each should help to impress on the
minds of all that people have faith in
Uncle Sam. When such an Unstable
thing as popular sentiment doubles
the value of his coins, there need be
but little fear that any of his coins
will depreciate in value. He has said
that lor ty cents wortn oi silver is a
souvenir half dollar and his saying so
makes the coin worth a dollar.
Pertinent Paragraphs.
Charles E. Barnes, member of the
State Central Committee of the Peo
ples' party of Michigan, and formerly
State Master Workman of the Knights
of Labor and ex-Deputy Commissioner
of Labor Statistics, has been appointed
organizer for Michigan for the In-
dustrial Legion.
And now there is a pedro game called
the "Middle of the Road."
Hugh O. Pentecost, formerly editor
of the Twentieth Century and a radi
cal of radicals, has joined Tammany
Ball and is a member of . a prominent
committee. Benjamin E. Tucker,
editor of Liberty, says this is retrogres
sion, and he is not far out of the way.
It would be interesting to know how
Mr. Pentecost can square himself with
his conscience now.
A Prophecy for 1898.
A gentleman who predicted the
sweeping election of the Democratic
National candidates in 1892 said this to
the writer the other day. "Now I
wish to make another prediction, The
people of the West and South had
grown tired of Republican promises
and joining in their weight struck
down the monster party of mono
poly. But the change is merely from
the frying pan into the fire. The
masses have no more in common with
the Democrats than the Republicans.
Both are diametrically opposed to the
principles enunciated at Omaha. Four
years of Democratic rule will have
transferred the voters of 1892 to the
real party of the people. Look for a
Populist President in 1898. I feel sen
timent for auch a climax already.
There may be fusion in 1898 but it will
be between the Republicans and Demo
mm : Great :
Never Failing to destroy the worst case of
Worms in Horses
A Sure Remedy for Worms in Horses,
Hogs, Dogs, cats, and a Splendid
Remedy for Sick Fowls, or Roup,
and is better known as
Price M cents: by mall 60 cents for one . 3
lbs. $1.60, express paid; fl ts $2.00 and pay
your own ex prats. U. 8. Stamps taken la
payment. Address,
Mention Trs ALLiANca-lNDBpntrnKNT.
Blue Valley Feed Mill
Positively the best mill in the market. Has
the largest capacity, the lightest running
most durable, and yet the most simple in con
Birucuon. f or catalogue ana prices write
Manhattan, Kannait
Physician: and : Medical Electrician
Rheumatism of ten years standing has been
posnivfiy curea. .Neuralgia, St. Vitus Dance,
spinal irritation treated with like results.
Women and Children
Private diseases of male and female. Ex
aminatlons free and it will cost you nothing
to consult with him. Write at once and get
question oianits. Anaress.
N.J. Caiirikkb, M. D.,
Offlce:3IOSheelyBlk, ISA Howard
Telephone 1303, OMAHA, NEB.
Farmers of the West
pAPKR St Retail and Wholesale Prices. Paper
una up. corners ic. ana up. Sena K. tor
sapu.les of the most beautiful designs ever offered
in the west S'de walls, ceiling and border ts
match. Our shipping facilities are unequalled. We
simj ly save ou the freight from Chic go.
Hastings, Neb
516 Second Street,
HastiDgs Importing Co,
Percheron and French Coach
Prize Winners of 'gi-'gz
If upen a visit to our barn
you do not find our horses
strictly first class in every
particular, we will pay the
expenses of the trip. Jfivery
horse guaranteed a lirst class
foal getter,
Will give purchasers as liberal
terms as any other Arm
the business.
Hastings, Neb.
A Breeder of choicest strains of
Jr Plymouth Rock,
Light Brahma Chickens
And Mam moth Bronze Turkevs.
They are pure and fine.
Mrs. Z. S. BRANSON, Waverly, Neb.
Marcus, towa.
The best of the new fruits, ornamental and
evergreens. Big supply of the BLACK oILLS
SPRUCE, the best evergreen yet. It will cost
you nothing to let me price your needs. Ex
perimental station af the State Horticultural
Society in connection with the nursery. Cor
respond. Satisfaction guaranteed.
more Premiums at State and National
Shows than any other CORN in Nebraska.
$i.oo per bu. Sacks 20 cts. each. Write
for circulars. Address: R. HOGUF.
Crete. Neb.
Has writen under the above title
The Book of the Oentury .
The frandest reform book now in
print. Every tbinkiaff voter shonld
read it. Price, 11.60. For sale at this
office. 47tf
Sendfor our complete book list. '
. in '
Percheron and French Coach
Maple Grovr Farm,
Champion First Premiom and Sweepstakes Herd
For the States of Kansas and Hebraska.
The Nebraska State Fair Herd Premium, for best show, all Draft breeds com
peting, was again awarded to my horses, making the fifth year in succession
Ibat my herd has been the recipient of this much coveted prize.
A Nebraska bred horse, raised on Maple Grove Farm, was this year awarded
the First Premium and Sweepstakes at the Kansas State Fair, in competitioa
with twenty-five head of horses from fire different states, 150 head of registered,
imported and home bred Percheron horses and mares. '
A large portion of my present stock on hand, has been raised on my Farm and
Will be Sold at prices below the reach of any Importer in America.
I am in a position to give my patrons the benefit of not having paid any fixed
sum, or expensive buying and transportation charges in order to own my horses.
I cordially invite a carefnl inspection of my horses, and will guarantee the
buyer that my stock cannot be equaled in America, either in the quality or the
prices that I am asking.)
Write for catalogue, and don't fail to inspect my stock before buying.
Breeding and Importing Establishment, 0m Milt from Dee CrattM, Iowa.
200 Full-Blooded Percheron, English Shire, English Hackney.
Belgian French Coich, Cleveland Bays and Standard Bred Horses.
I fill 111! ik I' lfl?
ill m & li
We Handle More Horses Iban Any Firm in Nebraska. .
We Import oar own horses thus saving the customer the middle man's profit. Bayers
have the advantage of comparing all breeds side by side at oar stables.
We Have 40 Good Young Acclimated Horses on Hand.
An Importation of 40 arrived October 1. We aruarsntee all oar hones to be sound fat
every respect. We make farmers companies a specialty, having a system whereby we
can organise companies and insure absolute success.
We Will Send a Han to Any Part oi the State,
Oh si
on to assist in srganlslng
chaabers tm pay for horses from services.
uon mis paper. Address,
Notice of Amended Articles of Incorpora
Notice is hereby sriven that at an adiourned
session of the first annual stock-holder's meet
ing of the Alliance Publishing Company of
Lincoln, Nebraska, held February 2. 1893. at
me uompany s omce m Lincoln, Nebraska,
Section of Article four, and Article six of
the original articles of incorporation were
amended so as to read as belon :
bectlon two Of article four was amended hv
striking out the word "unpaid" and inserting
in its place the words "the face value of. Sac-
tion two of article four now reads:
' -Fifty per cent of the stock shall be paid at
the time of subscription, and. no assessment
shall be made without thirty ()) days notice
nor for mure than ten per cent r.f the face val
ue of the stock at anv one time on each share
of stock, and at least sixty 80i days shall inter
vene between any two assessments." The
above section two of article four as amended
is to be so taken for use after the date of said
Article six was amended bv striking ont the
words "one-fourth" and Inserting in their
place the words "two-thirds." Article six now
"This corporation shall not Incur llahilitlpa
for more than two thirds of it capital smelt
actually subscribed." The aboveiarticle six as
amended is to be taken for use after the date
of said amendment.
Dated this 2nd day of February, A. B.. 1893.
8. Edwin Thornton,
President of Alliance Publishing Cnmnanv.
Edgar a. Murray.
becretary Alliance Publishing Company
Choice Fruit mil Ornamental Trees.
Trim! Shindoril omA J, vn.11 C.:.. 1-V
Kansas Raspberry a blackcap for the million.
Write for reduced prices. A H. GRIKSA,
Box J, Lawrence, Kas.
Millet, Spring Wheat,
Kaffir, Rice and Jerusalem Corn. Yel
low aad White Milo Maize. Black and
White Bailees Barley, Brown Dhoura.
Onion Sets all grown in 1892. For prices
address, McBem & Kinnisen,
Harden city. Kansas.
Big Btrk l&I Holsteln-Freisian
Hogs & Cattle.
My breeders are first class. All
gunranteed as represented. Prices
reasonable. A few choice fall pigs left.
Orders booked for early, spring pigs.
H. S. Williamson,
Beaver City, . . Neb
X hare the largest Msortraent of Xm
ropean Breeds of any man In Americas
not perjnlt a mouthful of hot feed to fee
glvep-f 7 horses ara not pampered and
. -uerly exercised, and fed eoot
which i think are the main :
ons why my horses hare alwayi
PUCC08HIU1 Dreaaen.
Come and visit my establishment.
I am always glad to show my stock.
When arriTing at Creeton rial tor
will please telephone to tha Crest Olty
Farm and I will drivs in after them.
I am prepared to glre long time to
responsible parties.
Every horse guaranteed a breeder and
must be as represented.
Cambridge, Furnas County, Nebraska.
ShireClyde, Tercheron, Jlelglan, ,
German, and Oldenberg Ceach, French Coach,
lerkshlre Coach , and Clereland Bar Htallli
companies. We rive long time thus enabling pot
Correspondence promptly answered.
t& CO., Cambridge, Nob.
Grown 2,300 feet above sea level in
central Nebraska. They are celebrated
Heavy Crops!
Our prices are so low for choice seeds
that our free catalogue
Makes Buyers
of all who write for it.
Lee Park, Nebraska.
r Ot every description, Newfoand
IVwVSIO lands, Mastiffs, St. Bernards.
Greyhounds. Hull. Pox. Save and Scotch Ttmm.
Collies. Pups Spaniels. Beagles, Foxhounds, Set
ters and Pointers ; also Ferrets, Maltese Cats, pet
animals, fancy pigeons, poultry. Send stamp lor
price list. Lave Foxes wanted.
Herman Roeseh, SIS Market St., St. Ionia.
Makes sales in Nebraska sad ther states. Bert
of references. Fourteea y ars ezperiene.
Prices reasonable, correspond ocesollcited and
satisfaction guaranteed
The Seed House for the People.
Pkts rto t cents each. Other seeds cheap in
liroportion. We warrant our seed to be fresh and of
first quality. Send for catalogue. To anyone
sending stamp to pay postage and packing we will
send a sample packet of our seed I4 KEG. Anions,
needing seeds snnuld correspond with us before
Oots, Kaa.
A new and Oomplets Treatment, eomsMiag of Ba
positories, Olntaieat in CapsBles, also la Box aad FWi
a Pesltivs Oars for External, Internal, Kiad or BlesaV
lag 1 toning. Gkronie, Recent or Hares itary FlMs. aM
many stker dines and female weakneasec M is at-
ways a gnat benefit to the general smith. The tist
discovery of a SMdioal enre mxMrtnjr aa oseratios)
with the knife anneeeeaary aatittsi. This raaiedy kas
never been known to fail, f 1 per box for as; stal
by mail. Why suffer from this terrible disease when
a written gaaranow is noslUvev liven wtth t b
to refund the money If not oured. - Send stamp tor
free ample. Croanntee leaned kg J. H. Harley, drax