(J1 1 a. MARCH 2. 1893- THE ALLIANCE-INDEPENDENT.- k r f V ALLIANCE DIRECTORY Nehraska Fanners' AIDanca. 3. H. rowans. President, Cornell, w. A- Ponma, Vlce-Prea , Albion. J. If . TaOMPeea, Bute 8007, IJnoeln. a. C. Fairchild, Lecturer. Oaxlaie. B. f. Atxas. Chairman, Ex. Com., Wabash. In the beauty of to Uiilea Christ was born acroaa the tea. With a fiery in bis beeosa That trnsflTire ran and ma. A ae itwe W make mea taolr Let ui strive U make them tree. Since God 1 marehina on. JuMa Ward H awe. We would be rled to ret Kent want? in the state an oenditlon aaea work. freat every of the Alii- P100SAM. SUBJECTS FOB DISCUSSION. 1. The Debsea Usury Bill. 2. Beselved, That the Sandwich Is lands should be annexed to the United States. , SUBJECTS FOB ESSAYS. 1. Woman as a factor in the Reform movement. 2. "Music Hath Charms." 3. Woman's Idea of True hood. 4. What I Would Do if I Rich. SUBJECTS VOR SPEECHES. 1. The Strike of the Future. Man- were 2 Government Ownership of Tele graphs. 3. "The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave." 4. . Cleveland's Cabinet. County Alliance Meetings. Saunders Co. Alliance will meet at Wahooon Saturday, March 4, 1893, State Lesturer Fairchild will be pres ent and every Alliance in the county is urged to send as large a delegation as possible. w. a. bates. Secretary. Lancaster Co. Alliance will meet in K. of L. hall 1029 O St., on Satur day, March 4, 1893. Notice the change in the day of the week. Come to the city early enough to transact all your business in the forenoon and be ready for the meeting: at l o clock sharp. R T. Chambers, Pres. J. M. Thompson, Sec. Good Words From California Dospalos, Cal., Feb. 22, 1893. Editor Alliance-Independent. Sirs: I cannot help but send a word of cheer to the grand Populist host with the sixteen honest democrats that cast their votes for W. V. Allen for United States senator, one of the grandest and truest men the people have left in America. May God bless him in his labors for the down-trodden of America. Cheer up, my brothers, the conflict is raging. I hope we will be able by the ballot to settle this great question: "Shall the $ or the People Rule?" If the people could just get to see that it is English money and English laws that are being forced upon the Ameri can people, by such traitors as John Sherman, Bill Allison and others of their stripe, what a blessing it would bel They are awakening as never be fore all along this coast. We organ ized an allionce with 11 members four weeks ago last night and now have 34 and still they come. Youra for right and liberty, E. A. Shain. I Better Roads but no Bonds. Litchfield, Neb., Feb. 20, 1893. Editor Alliance-Independent: Daer Sir: At a regular meeting of Gracchus Alliance No. 569, held Feby, 18, 1893. The following resolutions were adopted: Whereas, A widely extended inter est is being manifested by National banks and capitalists in favor of improv ing our roads throughout the country and In urging congress to legislate in favor of, this, their scheme. And where as it appears possible that hasty legis- f latlon will be brought about by these enthusiastic agitators, who know and care no more about the needs of the farmers in this respect than the man in the moon. And whereas we believe that we ought to have and can have better roias without any increase of cost by bonds issued for that purpose. Therefore be it, Resolved by this alliance that we hereby place our em phatic protest egainst every project that may come up for the eo-callcd im provement of our country roads that shall add one dollar to the road taxes in shape of bonds either national, state, or township, j And be it further, resolved that we I urge our state legislature to abandon H the present system of road iraking and adopt the system now in use in most of the eastern states, or at least some oeiier nmnod than the one now in use. J. W. 1EAPY, J. T. NUTCHER. President Secretary. The Baby. That "Baby," to which we would call the attention of bur many readers "may be found in connection with a milk and butter separator, the adver tisement for which may be found in another column under the r ather pecu liar tlfch of "Don't You Need a Baby" Cream Separator. The advertisers, De Laval & Co , would be pleased to sell you a "Baby" separator, which fwill separate the butter from the milk Mrnlle the milk Is warm from the can. bus savin? you much in the cont nf .4 Ice, and leaving the milk in much letter condition for feeding purposes. a. gooa investment we should say. wing Machines Given Away IMPOSTOSS. Although the bounty boom seems to be pretty effectually crushed, we feel like giving it a few finishing touches by exposing two of the impostors who are going about seeking whom they may gull. The first of theae is one . Steele, a dapper little gentleman who I puts up at the Lindell hotel, and makes it his business to instruct the dear hay seed legislators la the wonders of the beet business. Nat long sinee, Mr. Steele requested an in traduction to this crank quill-driver. Ha got it. Then he waattd an opportunity to show us the error of ear way, he baring notioei said error in the columns of Thb Alli ance Indepwdbnt. We informed him that we were always glad , to hays our errors pointed out. Mr. 8teele then proceeded to unfold his tale. He was here merely to '.'Instruct" the- peeple. There was so much ignoraaoe and prej udice in connection with this beet bounty business. He was here as a sort of missionary to let his light shin into darkenrd minds, and show them the road to prosperity, and a great deal more te the same effect. Then he pro ceeded with the "instructions." We can't undertake to tell all he said. It would fill several columns. It was a rich intellectual treat te listen to him. There is nothing we enjoy better than to hear a man lay down one proposition after another and then centradict every one of them within half an hour. But we looked docile, and listened. En couraged by thi, Mr. Steele become confidential. He said he would let us into a secret. He had been working for Oxnard up at Norfolk, but he was going to quit. In fact he had offered his resignation. He was going into the sugar business on his own hook inoppo sition to Mr. Oxnard. He didn't know what Oxnard would think if he found it out. He was going to start a factory just over the line in Kansas, anl he wanted the bounty bill amended so that farmers in eastern Nebraska could ship beets down to him in fiat boats. He drew such a glowing picture that in im agination we could see great fleets of flat-boats loaded with beets sailing down the "Big Muddy." Then Mr. Steele become m ire confidential. He went to his valise and got out a picture of his factory located at Leavenworth, an old glucose factory he had purchas ed. He was going to transform it into a sugar factory, etc. He was going to compete with Oxnard. He would start other factories in Nebraska soon. After j grivlngus ' instructions" of this kind for about an hour, he asked in his most persuasive tones if we didn't think a bounty law should be passed. We poli tely but very positively informed him that we could't see it in that light, and the interview soon ended. flow during this Interview we har bored a growing suspicion that Mr, bteele was an imposter of the first water. To satisfy our mind as to the correctness of this view, we wrote to the mayor of Leavenworth to find out if Steele had purchased the glucose factory. "His honor," turned the let ter over to a Mr. Earl who is financially interested in the Glucose factory. Mr. Earl kindly wrote that the glucose fac tory had not been sold for a sugar factor, but was likely to be sold in the near future for another purpose. This Mr. Steele is simply an impos tor, and a falsifier. He is here in Lin coln to delude, and gull members of the legislature. His argument is a tissue of falsehoods, and sophistry. He is here in the employ of Oxnard whom he is pretending to fight. We are informed that Mr. Steele has a different story for the different peo ple he lobbies. He has told some mem bers that he has discovered a new pro cess by which he can get a great deal more sugar out of beets than other manufacturers can. If all his stories were collected and published In a book, li wouia aountless be a formidable ri val of "Gulliver's travels,' or "Wonder ful adventures of Baron Munchausen." If Mr. Steele feels aggrieved because we have given away his secret, we will agree to Intercede with Mr. Oxnard not to "fire" him. There is another man "going up and down in the land" whom we believe to be as big an impostor as Steele, though good deal shrewder, and brainier. His name is Felton. He goes from plaoe to place (seeming to have a decld ed preference for the places where in dependent representatives live) work ing up local booms for sugar factories. Two week's ago we exposed his work atOrd. Siaoe then we have learned that ha worked the same scheme oa the people at CI arks, representative Por ter's home. He had all the people ex cited over the prospect ef a factory, and all they had to do was to circulate petitions fer the bounty. Mr. Porter went home just when the excitement was at its highest.' They had a meet ing, and he made a speech. He pre sented a common-sense view of the situation, and told them not to waste any time sending petitions of that kind to him. He had pledged himself to vote against the bounty and he was going to keep that pledge. When his county alliance met, hie position was unanimously endorsed. The people of Nebraska are too in telligent to be gulled by such impos tors. They are not only wasting their time, but they are really strengthening the opposition to class legislation. We advise them to emigrate to some other state where the people haven't recover ed from the "tariff" disease. Farm, stock and implements wanted in exchange for house and lot. Address L. A. Peters, 245, So. 11 St. -''insr fuffiau jtitr iipoea Ol. Washington, Feb. 28. A demand for the reg-ular order made by Mr. bimpson in the house to-day blasted the hopes of a number of members who desired to have bills passed dur ing the closing hours of congress. Mr. Feel moved to suspend the rules and pass the Indian appropriation bill, but Mr. Kiigore objected. After the bill had been read in full it was, however, passed under suspension of the rules. Tourists Trips. Round trips to to the Pacific Coast. Short trips to the Mountain Resorts of Colorado. The Great Salt Lake. Yellowstone National Park the most wonderful spot on this continent. Puget Sound, the Mediterranean of the Pacihc coast. And all reached via the Union Pacific system. For detailed information call on or address, J T. Mastin, C. T. A., 1044 O St., E. B. Slosson, Gen. Agt., Lincoln, Nek. Farms for Sale. ( 160 acres 4 miles north of Alliance Box Butte county Neb. 70 acres in cultivation, 80 acres fenced, 6od house and barn, two wells. Will give posses sion at once. Price $8 00 per acre. 160 acres 6 miles north of Alliance. 40 acres in cultivation, all tillable. mce 87.00 per acre. There can be other land bought adjoining these if desired. ior further particulars ad- dress, F. D. Kline, Alliance, Neb. No Real Rival Yet. World famous Eli Perkins says: "After people have gone over all the routes to California once, thav sottlA down to the U. P This road will al ways be the great transcontinental line. It has the best track, the best equip ment, the best eating houses, and it teaches the traveler more history and geography than any other line. It shows you historic Salt Lake and the Mormons, takes you throuarh the crpat. Laramie plains, the Humboldt Basin and the Grand Canyon, over the very stage route that Horace Greeley and Artemus Ward rode. Once on the Union Pacific it coes everywhere. It runs to Portland and Pueblo, Helena and the Yosemite. Ta- coma and Seattle,- Los Angeles and San Diego, and Is the only route to San Francisco. It has no real rivals vet" Send for our California Sights and Scenes. J. T. Mastin. C. T. A E. B. Slosson, G. A. Lincoln, Neb. 1044, O. St. Oregon, Washington and the North western Coast. a The constant demand ef the traveling public to the far west for a comfortable and at the same time an economical mode of traveling, has led te the estab lishment of what is known as Pullman Colonist Sleepers. These oars are built on the same gen eral plan as the regular first-class Pull man Sleepers, the only difference being that they are not upholstered. They are furnished complete with good comfortable hair mattresses, warm Blankets, snow white linen curtains, plenty ef towels, combs, brushes, etc., whieh secure to the occupant of a berth as much privacy as is to be had in first class sleepers. There are also separate toilet roems for ladies and gentlemen, and smoking is absolutely prohibited. For full information send for Pullman Colonist Sleeper Leaflet. J. T. Mastin, C. T. A. 1044 O. Si, JS. 0. bLOBSOff, lien. At. Ineola, Neb. A Great Business. We would eall the attention of cur many readers to the advertisement of Messrs James McMtllea A Co , of Mln eapolls, Minn, which appears in another column ef this paper. This firm do a very large business in tanning sheep skins, and arc the largest buyers and exporters ot furs in North America except the Hudson's Bay Company. They at all times pay the highest market nrice for all kinds ef furs, hides etc., and invite shipments from all parts of the United States and Canada. Persons having goods to dispose of in til's line may be sure to obtain the greatest possible results by shipping to this firm whose integrity and responei bility are unquestioned, and of the highest rating. The State Agent offers De Kalb painted wire at 3 cents per pound. Galvanized wire at 3i cents per pound. Glidden paint the best we have ever sold. Evaporated apples in 50 lb cases at 8 cts per lb. Fine Muscat Raisins 6ctsper)b. The best sweet corn in 2 dozeu cases at $1.20 per doz. Sugar 4 to 51 cents per pound. Rock Salt $2 a barrel. Write for anything you want. J. w, Hartley, State Agent. Are You Going East? Now just take a word of advice: Let your next trip be by the North-Western line. Do you think it a longer rouie to unicago tnan tne others? it Is not. It is shorter. Its equipment in ferlor? No, there's nothing better. Track less smooth? By no means; it is tne Dest. lime longer, and more in convenient leaving hours? Should say not, but just the . contrary. . If you do not want to leave as early as 1:40 p m., just try our "Business Man's Chicago l rain," leaving at 5:25 p. m., arriving in Chicago y.M next mornine in six teen nours. Anything: wrong" with that time Go right on to Boston if you mutt in forty-five hours from Lin- coin New York, forty-four: Pbiladel- peia.forty-two; Washington,forty-three. mere's nothing better than this. Come and see us. A. S. Fielding, Wm. Shipman. Citv Ticket Afft. General Aet . 1133 O St. Depot corner S and Eighth streets. Homes and Irrigated Farms. Gardens and Orchards in the Celebrated Bear River Valler on the Main Lines et the Union Pacific and Central Pacific R. R. near Corinne and Sgden, Utah. Splendid location for business and in dustries of all kinds in the well known city of Corinne, situated in the middle ef the valley en the Central Pacific K.R. The lands of the Bear Rivera valley are now thrown open to settlement by the construction of the mammoth system of irrigation from the Bear lake and river, just completed by the Bear River Canal Co., at a cost of 13,009,000. The com pany controls 100,000 acres of these fine ands and owns many lots aad business locatlsns in the city ef Corinne, and Is now prepared to sell on easy terms to settlers and colonies. The climate, soil, and irrigating facilities are pronounced I unsurpassed by competent judges who uot,jatc ura vauoj w utJ buw r or&UlBC Ot the Farmer, Fruit Grower and Stock Raiser. N ice social surroundings, rood schools and churches at Corinne City, and Home Markets exist for every kind of farm and garden produce in the neighboring cities of Ogden and Salt Lake, and in the great mining camps. Lands will be shown from the oiv fice ef the Company at Corinne. 15tf j To aaVrrtla and latraSwathMi qutck Uxlint nil furnish any n-Uabte oaraoa (fuwr mi), la w xwntr or toarn, m of lajs aaai mtmt and at auv Jaatraaaeaiato (haw. If applied fur at aaaa tddraaa lavelr. Waai Slat atraa. Hew Yori lUjaadafteae with full particular, I ilmonult, at WESTERN TREEG! IT Is Fact that for Prairie Plant ing, Tree grown oa Prairies arc the best. You can get them at - ' ' The Geneva Nurseries All sorts of them and In anv ouant- ity, from one to a car lead, at Very Lowrrloes. our stock Is very com pleteiaaT departments. OSAGE PUNTS AIO FOREST TREES. 1 1 - .1, it . a yi , . ii ... aibu a iuu line oi r run, ooaae ana Ornamental Stock, Grape Vines, Roses ana fiVerrreens. uauuoaue rree Write for Prices. Address, Youngers & Co., Geneva, Neb. DEAFNESS ITS CAUSES AND CURE, Scientifically treated br an aurlst of world- wlda reputation. Deatnexn eradicated and en tirely -ured, of from SO to SO years' standing, after all other treatments' have failed. How the difficulty is reached and the cause removed fully explained In circulars, with affidavits and teailmnnlala of cures from prominent people, mailed free. Dr. a. FO'Itaine, Tacoma, Wash. The Paragon Incubator In positively the most practicable and re liable Incubator now before the people of the West. ''Patronize Home Industry'' and get the best. We dare come before the people at the preat Nebraska State Fair this year. We hatched 92 chicks from 121 fertile eggs, after moving the cffgs and machine several miles when they were within two days of hatching. There being no premium offered at the fair we were granted the high kst award of honor by the board of examiners. Send for circulars and price list of the incubator, which hatched the chicks at the slate Fair. Address V- L TAYLOR, Box 435, Fairbury, Seb. For Sale or Exchange. Nebraska Lands and Houses and Lots in Lincoln. If you have land for sale or exchange, also stocks of merchandise and horses and cattle write us giving particulars. O. L BRACK St CO , Room 5, Brace B'ldg, Lincoln, Neb. MONEY MOINOPOL (1st Edition of 6,000 all sold.) NEW EDITION ENLARGED. ' 190 Pages Heavy Paper, Kow Really. Price, paper 25e; oloth f 100. Address ThkdAlliakci fpa. Co., Lincoln, Neb. "Money Monopoly, by E. R. Baker, is pro nounced by representative leaders in thfl reform cause to be the most comprehensive work ever Gubllahed on the money question. Every asser on backed up by undeniable preefs. Truly the Galling gun of wage-slavery againit plutocraUo oppression." Iowa Trlbunr, Gen. Weaver's pa per. li.e LAIDLAW BALE-TIE CO. MANUFACTURERS OP ADJUSTABLE WIRE BALE-TIE8. Headquarters for this Class ef Coeds WBira ton prices. MarlonA, Kansas City, Uoi EXCELSIOR HOME BAKER AND ROASTER (none genuine without brass fittings) our large Improved style. Is a solid make, has deep tianue strong ut high grate. and closes perfectly tight saves 33 per cent nutritious elements. Full de scriptive circular on application. AGENTS WANTED in every county in the U. S. Ad dress, CHARLES SCHULTHEISS, 40 N. Main St., Council liluHs, Iowa. Frorr. the Gaw to theDulfdipg Direct. h iitfiso Farmer Alliance Men Please take Notice. wholesale Complete Bills for Houses and Barns a Specialty. retail Write us for Delivered Pri. JOHT4SOK kUNIBGF COWPJITIY 8ce 1001 0 St.. Llneete. Nefc ALLIANCE STATE State Agent quotes prices A good common flour at 90 cts. per 100. White Rose flour at 11,50 per 100. SllrerLeaf " " 1.75 " Prime Brow Sugar $4.00 per 100. Best Granulated Sugar $3.65 per 100. Fine Uncolored Japan Tea 25c per lb. Good Coffee 20c per lb. A full line of Spices, Pepper, Cinna mon, Cloves, Ginger, Mustard, Al spice, etc., at 20o per lb. One gallon best coal oil with glass can 40 cents. J. W. HARTLEY, Nebraska Savings Bant IS and O 8b, Lincoln. Capital qaaeso,ooo. GIVES ABSOLUTS SECURITY. Write Ui and We irill Proye it, Five per eent Interest oa aarlnn opvuw va tuav uepwsiia. Write ns or call for neat vest pocket andua book. i. O. BecTirwwx, President .K.TOMLBT CATARRH rivi you .cot IT If A V7 MM Kll.l-. I is a sure cure'. Try 'it and be convm Vm will never regret It. drees. Price One D will never regret it. Sent by mall to any ad dress. Price One Dollar. JOHN P.HOKK.1B Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois. $10 Wire Pleket fmn Machln. Lowden'i Perfection. BestrMd hav machine in Uu U. S. Mostly MafloSr Iron. Ever? farmer his own fasje builder. Costs from 30 to 36 cents a rod. Writ ft Illustrate cataloftie to ' L. C. LOWPCM, lwMrpMe, 1 13 a tram rrnT For n.ts r boakot OLjEjIJ jJ All Early White final, 1 tallow Sent (ex Ira earlr) and Barlr three of the largest and best early varieties of seed sora In the wotld. Writ for tstaJegwa. 4 n. ka i k&jlm, aneaanaoaja, nsv.,h Cancers Cured. I will pay liberally for the names aad address of persona offering from cancer, Gnaraaass a ecnaanent core or no charge. No natter If no cnarge. no matte by ethers, writ me has been given net by ethers, writ at Physicians supplied with remedy at liberal count. Full remedy an inatructioos for treatment, lao. J.B. H1BRIS. Kutaw, Graaa 0o-, Alav, THE BOSS SPRAYER For spraying fruit trees and vine. Seed for catalogue and price list to CURTIS & HUDDELL, lses 8. aetk St., Laacolai Nokv OAKLAND TREES ARE THE BEST Surest te growl Surest to bear big crop of So iruit Stock of highest quality, warranted true. Send for our Catalogue of Fruit Trees, Soaalt KruiU. Old. New and Rare: Shad Trees and Evergreens, A large stock, 1 HE OAKLAND NURSERY UO., Forgrs, Clark Co., Ohio. CRETE ill E. F. STEPHENS Prop., Crete, Nee. RnllahlaTrnM nrl Plant. Satlafac tlon guaranteed. I3,0UU bushels of an atDlea and 800 bushels of cherries grown In 1W1 shows that fruit can be grown if suitable trees are planted. The experience and advice of tot proprietor, president ol the State Horticultu ral society will be found safe and useful to all planters. ForAat Tract, for Timber Claims- Correspond at once before the extreme rusk of spring orders, Cheioe Yellow Dent 100 Buahele per Acre. Seed Corn. Dr. C. Gea Wo the fa mous Chi cago phy sician ol O mak a has over i,oooaUt nun from grateful pat I. nts who have been cored by him. One of tk most sac-' cessful phvsicans In Omaha today is Dr. C. Gee Wo who for the past two years has been doing mora good for suffering hun.anity than any,olher special ists in the country. The doctor can successfully treat you by mail and cure you, as he has done thousands of others, with his wonderful Chinese remedies. Do not delay un til your disease is beyond ill help, but write to him if you cannot call upon him at once, and he will give you his candid opinion of your case. Exami nations free and it will cost you nothing to consult with him Question blanks sent Upoa application. Address, DB,C.CEEWO, 619 N. 10tk 81, Omaha. . QWEET POTATOES sent ont to be spronted kj on snares. ro experience requirea. uireo- on shares. No experience required tloni for SDroutinc free. T. J. SKINS T. J. SKINNER, Columbus, Kan. BLOOM INGTON (PHCENIX) NURSERY 6oO ACRES, 13 GBEENHaVSIS, TREES AND PLANTS We offer a fine and large stock of every description of FRUIT and ORNA ENTAL TREES. Shrubs. Roses, Vines, Small FRUITS, FRUIT and FOREST TREE Hedare Plants, SEEDLINGS. Priced Ctaloeue mailed free. Established iSca The PHCENIX NURSERY COMPANY Successors to Sidney Tlttle A Co., Bloomington, Illinois. , jjt7 W.C.T.U. DINING HALL, 138 S 12th St., Lincoln. First cl&sa table and attendance. Lunches at all hoars, 80tf BUSINESS AGENCY. on the following goods. Soda 1 and Butter cracker 6c per lb. In cases. 40 Grain vinegar in lugs, 25c per gal Lemon extract 2 oz. bottles 50oper doa. Vanilla " ' 65c Finest full cream Y A cheese 12JrC IK A good Overall for only 50c An extra good overall for 65, Rockford half hoee.75o per dot. " " best made $1.05 dei Write for anything you eat or wear. ' State Agt., I- ntk ft, LtoNie, Kit V A