MAHCII2,1893. THE ALLIANCE -INDEPENDENT. 1 1 Uil 1 MONEY 1 A Short Definition which. According to the Writer, Includes all otier Definition- "A EZPEESENTATIVE OF VALUE." Ex-Representative Steadwell of Buffalo County Writes upon the Leading Issue. No One Objects No one objects! Let all men have their 011 Of any pleasure think, tpeak. do their will- Bat not while others starve to foot the bill. No one objects to power! Let men be. If that's a pleasure, kings on land and sea. But not while other slave in misery! No one ob jecu to riches ! Let men behold. If that's a pleasure, countless sums of gold, But not while others die of want and cold .' No one objects to pomp! Let vain men throw It that's a pleasure, gold away for show, But not while others half-clad-naked-go. Noone objects to pride! Ancestral pride! If that's a pleasure, let it strut and stride. But not while common seute must stand aside Superior Citizen. Criticisms on Mr. Ward. BRIEF NKWS NOTES. Interesting Items Gleaned from People's Party Exchanges. A system that compels laboring peo- Edi tor Alliance-Independent: j I have read with a great deal of in i-oo tVi art ifloa in vnur naner on M n tr.nsai CMv anil ftlsn vnur P.ritlP.ismS I j tmuvinnn aa upon same, wherein you Intimate that frQm jo 1q Januy writers upon monetary tuieuto and the shipments are still neavy. ba able to erive a more terse, accurate aUU SCIOUHUU UCUU1I1UU Wi tuvuvj than has yet been given. And when this question once got fair- Ivintomv "think-tank." I could not rest until I had fired up nnder it, and boiled it down. Here is the result: Money The legal representative of value. "In his last article Mr. Ward says: Money is a complex utility, possessing flnany attributes, and performing a vari- Jbtv of services. It would be almost impossible to for- to prevent the sale, loan and wearing mulateone clear and comprehensive i &oop wr" wnasnex.r Sixty-seven pr cent of Boston's pop ulation live in tenement houses. Aiany homes and occupants are heavily mort gaged. The adyice universally given by Peo ple's party papers and woi kers is, strike at the ballot box. That is the proper place to strike. Fortv-nine men were laid off at the Santa Fe shops at Topeka, Kansas, the day after the election, and forty-seven ol them are fopullsts. A bill has been introduced In the Kentucky legislature entitled "An act dpfinitinn of monev which would not include all (and more than) the definl tiOH I have attempted to formulate." Now I affirm that the "complexity" of money, with its "many attributes," and its power of "performing a variety of services," ali grow out of its inher 1 ent reDresentative nature: ana l do- lieve the above definition is the key to all the verbose explanatory definitions nf it.. It is a "measure of value," because it ia "the leeal representative" of the ounnanf n onmnioroml value of RDV jr, mi 1 oun, v.i . . 1 f and everv article that any one desires. 'he Virginia Sun declares that four People's party Congressional candi dates ia that state were cheated out of their honest majorities by false returns The orthodox ears of the Rev. Tal mage are being severely boxed for his apologies Hnd defense of the Czar of Russia. Talmage is an aristocratic toe kisser. Indiana is buying her toll roads What's the matter with the railroads': The Hoosiers in purchasing toll roads are edging up close to government own ershlp of railroad?. The vot for Wing, the S cialist can It is a medium of exchange becanse "it didate for President, a-t far as heard is the legal representative" of the rela- from, is aa follows; New York", 17,581; tive commercial value of all articles New Jersey, 1.4;jb; Connecticut, diS; liiiffht to be exchanged, 'Tt is a tool for the liquidation 01 debts," because debt is an obligation of the debtor to return to the creditor a certain specified "value,1; and money is the "legal representative of value." As to Mr. Ward's third definition: "A certificate that the holder has performed certain labor:" if it is so, it Is because labor nas a commercial vaiue Pennsylvania, 818; Massachusetts, 170, The man who grunts and growls for 364 days about hard times, low wages, or prices for his products, and on the 365th day votes with capitalism, ought to quit grumbling or quit voting to en slave himself, It is at least comforting to the miner who is starving because he can not get and "money is the legal representative coal to dig to know, according to the of value." As to his fourth definition, orthodox theory, that the coal barons it is only a repetition, or an amplinca- are tending to a region wnere they can tion of his second. A tool lor me noi restrict tne iuei ouipui. Un;j,. r,t Jofct II TVia niinHtv nf . .... , , ; , i"J v, -me utBcouwjmi uj iuo masses 10 as legal tender can only o imputed by marked since the . election as before, statutory enactment, and to be really . ..,,, money, it must be received for all debt. 'Zl .E" or claims, nubile or private: and tbis Is , . . v.. u i . f iiuLii noil i:arniin 119. uubaiD wiutjnwaiit what makes it the representative oi , tinM w nl.n, n,t n,. value. It mus t have this repr eMntative 8UCCe86ful party 6hall keepBit8 pledges, value, and it may have, (but notneces- r j sarily) an intrinsic value, and the in- Statements published in the Topeka tnnslo value may be more or less man Advocate, ana amy auestea, snow inai its representative or money value; but Charles Foster, now Secretary of the to be money per se it should have no Treasury, sold some land in 1866, and natural or intrinsic value, which makes received as part payment on the same it an article of merchandise as well as monev. The best monev is that which has enly a representative value, it should be utterly worthless and useless for any other purpose but to represent vaiue TkAn .... . A ntninotn irflllia lwnnM rtnt nanca it. tn Vo nntlVArtpfl intfl bullion, or used in the arts and thus subtracted from circulation. One other thought in this connection: . The volume of th s ' legal representa il tive of value," should at all times fully V 7-30 treasury notee, which Foster bow declares were not a part of the circulat ing medium. The Western Union Telegraph Com pany s property la now capitalized at $87,000,000, and it is proposed to iesue $13,000,000 more of stock making fully $65,000,000 of watered stock of purely fictitious value that those who use the telegraph will be bled to pay dividends on. The railroads are demanding of Con- AINTl-lirrilLN ISIIjIj. "mon ot an Wdln6' tn man goTernmeni, ana in the beautiful vision of a coming time I behold th TEXT OF THE GREAT MEASURE"! abolition of poverty. A time ia fore- rOK THE PRODUCERS. Uhadowed mhn th. with. ha .1 want shall not be outstretched for It May hm fom. ireu But ita Gm I charity: when libertv. eonalitv and I - ' ' A J ral Aim ia for th Heat inUrants of justice bhall have permanent abiding th Prodacr It Critical Period la places in the Republic." As was to CoagrM. be expected, his speech does not please the old party organs, but it ia a good Reports from Washington say that thing to prod up th animals once in a tne anti -trust bill introduced bv Ken- wmie. resentative Scott will probably be reported favorably by the Judiciary A PeMimtatl TUw. Committee, to which it was referred. The Presnt attitude of certain Con The bill provides tha when ten gasmen and party leaders indicates reputable citizens of any State or Ter- that the Htch bill may pas, but if it J. W. CASTOR J. P. ROC'. ViPrea. I.E. M0TT, 8TATE AGENT. THK FARMERS MUTUAL IHSORAHCE CO INSURES OF NEBRASKA. ONLY FARM PROPERTY ARMERS, we Invite your attention to the Parmer.' xr,,t.,.KT vmpanyoixsebraslta, If you are in want of Insurant n afford to Insure in any other company, and If vou do not wt i, now, write and get a copy of our By-laws and Constitution and leant whatwa are doing anyway, Kemember we are for Farmen only. PRINCIPAL OFPICC. Room 407 BrM Bnlldln. LINCOLN. NEB. OBTAIN CHICAGO PEICES FOR ALL Y0DR PRODUCE. ritory state on oath that a combina- aoe8 11 wm Do so "amendea" and da tion exists to limit production or re- rormed that iU best friends could not strain trade it shall be the duty of the recognize " and that it will prove ut-Attorney-General to institute proceed- rf inadequate for the purpose for ings of inquiry for the purpose of whicl it ws drawn. It is reported that John Sherman has exists. It gives the Attorney-General announced his intention to favor the td way te do this is t ship your Butter. Poultry, Eggs, Veal, Hay. Grain adequate power to make a successful blll whlch mea that he will put it ?m orn' Creen and Dried Fruit., Vegetables, r inquiry and subjects persons to heavy thron?h e Senate, but with his brand JwarI J M' hv b-n lu these ancles at horn. the existence of a conspiracy against men Ul to boards of trade? able wayof dlspMinar of your nreduoe. Wt invite eorrMpotdenoe from INDIVIDUAL consumers, and puts it in the power of Ve have Bn Inter-State Commerce ALLIANCES, CLUBS, and all erganlsatlons wbodtaire to ship their prwduoe dlrotM citizens to see that an Attorney-Gen- Commission" for the "regulation" of "is market. If requested, we will send you free ef eharre ear dally market report, atiw corporations, wnicn nas the , " u mrormanon as win do or service to yoa, if yeu oon template thi. railroad seal of John Sherman's approval, but Judges Gresham and Field have de cided it practically inoperative. We have a so-called "anti-trust" law which John Sherman oricinated eial discharges his duty or find out the reason why not The bill further provides that on finding that an unlawful combination exists the Attorney-General shall cer tifv the fact to the 8prtnrir nf th Treasurv. whose dutv it shall then be and caused to be enacted, but whieh, immediately to instruct all collectors on Dcln? placed on its merits, a Kansas of customs to admit free of duty all Nua8'e nas declared unconstitutional. articles which form the subiect of the Aud wlien were trusts more flourishing combination or conspiracy in restraint ttnd regardless of popular rights than of production or trade. For example, under the provisions of John Sher- if it should be found that the manu- man 8 anti-trust" law? facturers of steel rails were combined ' Ana now tricky John proposes to to limit production and maintain an take into his own bands and render narmiess tne xiatcn anti-option bill.; Set it down as a solid fact that when John Sherman places a weapon of de fense in the hands of the people it will be a weapon that shoots only blank cartridges. Chicago Express. J and adequately represent the vclume gress the right to pool. Give them f of 'trade in all articles of value that are in process of exchange. A. Stedwell An Unknown Friend. Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 27, 1873. Editor Alliance-Independent: jjjfiAK oik: i nave jusi nmsnea react ing ''Some Inside Facts" and "Con gratulations" in today's paper, and the spirit moves me to congratulate you. I know nothing of the facts in the case, being a sti-anger here, and yet I do Jtnow the facts for I have just read lyhem, and by reading them from your en I know they are true. The very kind and manner of your statements prove them to be true. It is for this reason that that right and the farmer cannot raise enough on his larm to support the greed of the monopoly. Some of the bankers are alarmed at the fact that gold is going out of the country so rapidly. Secretary Foster thinks be can get along without issuing bonds. This sort of talk is caused by our foolishness in thinking that gold is the only real money. Now Is the time to subscribe for i good weekly paper. The Alliance independent is the one you want Subscription $1.00 per year. Printing Presses. Country Campbell, seven column folic in good repair. Has full appli aHcee for power. Warranted to do good work. Cost when new $750; will I congratu- sell it tor $6M, late jou lor though lean do you no ' Seven column Washington press in good, (and I am inclined to doubt your good repair. Will sell at Lexington need ot neip) yet it can do you no hurt, lor $iuu. t;an on or aaarese, in your trying situation to nave n un known friend acknowledge his esteem oi you and your work. Your Brother in Reform, Fletcher Wilson. R D. V. Carr, Grand Island, Neb. No Real Rival Yet. wona8-iamous rerklns says: Phillips-Rook Island Person aly Con ducted Excursions, They in a very satisfactory way. meet the demands oi tne public lor a Quick Trip at Cheap Rate, and you can .nl-A 4l,io frir, nrff.Ti rnni famuli. (I . IV i "'fu t J, , JL pcupiouttve gone over an wie gend your friends by tbis route, and routes to California once, they settle depend upon it, they will be properly aown to the old U. P. This road will carecl Ior' . i I Thia ia on 1 DhnH rrrr nonir always De tne great transcontinental r' " : J irJl -, Tii..., huu una uarrieu uuio uuuuio tuu an 16 nas me OeSt traCR, the best ntho ownrdnn Aomnaniaa mmMiuul line. enmmnies equipment, the best eating houses, and The conductors appointed by this ex it teaches the traveler more history cursion company are men who can be rui ir,.nyrnhv than T4 trusted ana relied upon, ana will loo it ahnaTa . hiatin sjou't 2;' .i. after your every comfort. MnrmrTn- taW vn IV 1. Ouf next PERSONALLY CONDUCTED Laramie plains, the Humboldt Basic !xcur8n. wiU leavl Dea, Moie8' Fri; tnA th r.PnH r!.n.nn u aay, aioao a. m., uecemoer am, ana stage route that Horace Greeley and fvefy two weeks thereafter, as per fol- Artemus wara roae. Once on the Union Pacific it goes everywhere. It runs to Portland and Pueblo, Helena and the Yosemite, Ta coma and Seattle, Los Angeles and San Francisco. It has no real rivals yet." . For tickets call on, J. T. Mastin. C. A. 1044 O St. Ptjrk Bred Poultry. White Plvm- MthRock. White Games. Partridge kxmins. Toulouse Geese. White Hol- Wd Turkeys, White Guineas, Pekin ucks. .tggs in season. Prices low. i W. A. BATES, JR., 36tf Fremont. Neb. , lowing dates: December 23d. January 6th, 20th, February 3d, 17th and March 3d, i7tn ana ifist. The route of this tourist car is west through Iowa to Omaha, leaving that city at 1:20 noon, and Lincoln, Neb., at 3:40 p. m., same dates as above men tioned. Write for rates and reservation in this car, or apply to Chas. Kennedy, Gen'l N.-W. Pass. Agt., Omaha, Nob. Jno. Sebastian, G. T. & P. A. Chicago, U. S. A. City Ticket Office 847 P St., Corner 9th, Lincoln, Neb. i arbitrary priae, as it is notorious they have been, steel rails of foreign pro duction would be admitted free, in stead of being taxed $13.44 per ton. 1 tie re may be objections to some features of the bill, but its aim is a good one, and it should become a law. However, the past work of the pres ent Congress does not indicate that much good can be reasonably expected from it in the future. Senator Washburn has succeeded in getting bis bill through the Senate and there seems to be strong reasons for believing that it will pass the Bouse. Already the subsidized press are making a tremendous howL The Louis Globe-Democrat is elated, be cause it thinks President Harrison will veto the bill if it reaches him. Possi bly the President will do so, but it will be as great a mistake as he made when he signed the McKinley bill. That cost him his re-election, and to veto an anti-option bill will cost him the kindly regards of hundreds of farmers whose products have been at the mercy Of non-producing speculators foryears. lne House has already passed an anti-option bill, but as it is different from Mr. Washburn's bill, a confer ence of friends of the proposed meas ure will be necessary. The bill, in its first sections, defines "options" and futures, and then im poses a tax on dealers of $1,000 a year and five cents a pound on cotton, hops, 1 J J! , iaru ana uacon, ana twenty cents a bushel on grain. If passed, the bill will become operative on the 1st of next July. Whether the bill becomes a law or not, it will have served a good pur pose. It has called attention to the need of some such legislation and has ttracted attention to the matter. It has scared speculators and monopolists, and they are beginning to see that the people intend to have some fair and needed legislation some time. ping. When so requested proceeds for shipments will be deposited to the credit of the ihl. per with any wholesale bouse U Chicago. Let hear from you, .gt Summers Morrison & Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 174 South Water Street. Chicago. Reference: Metropolitan National Bank, Chicago. i NORTH BEND NURSERIES. P f, LARGE SUPPLY OF Jp Trees, Plants, Ornamental Trees, Shrubs S? Evergreen. i - V Large Stock of Best Old and New sorts of Strawberry Plants. rort Trui fornClalme at tow Prices. Writ for SPCCIAL prlcwa on larae orders. Ka tabllshed in l882.Send for price list to NOKTH BBN O SftokHiCKIKg, muaTm- anrUi Bed. bode Voearr. Kihratka. ALLEN ROOT. Stock Agent, Nebraska State J. W. Williar, Farmers' Alliance. Oflice and Financial M'gr. CatUeSalMmaa, GIO. 8. BROWN, Bog Saleimau Who the Billif A New York subscriber, Mr. C E. Georgia, asks the pertinent question, "Who pays for the free delivery of mail fa ci'.ies?" The same question has doubtless occurred to many others, and we would like to propound it, with a very large question mark, to the Congressmen who are indifferent to Postmaster-General VVanamaker's Free Rural Delivery plan. For many years Uncle Sam has de livered mail to city addresses with no extra charge, except the small addi tion obtained by charging two cents on "city drop letters." This by no means meets the extra expense of city delivery; consequently, in this country of equal rights to all,. , the country people have been taxed for years to relieve their city friends the necessity of going to the postoffice, and that, too, when the postofliee is not miles away as in the country, and cars and sidewalks give every facility for reaching the postoffice in all kinds of weather. The mails are brought to their doors a dozen times a day, while the farmer considers himself lucky if he is able to plow through snow or mud once a week to get his only glimpse of the outside world by means of his letters and weekly papers. Farm and Home. SHIP YOUR OWN STOGK. ALLEN ROOT AND COMPANY, LIVE SfOCK COMMISSION PRCHAHTS. South Omaha, Neb., Room 220 Exchange Building. Before Ton Ship Bend for the Market. National Bank, Omaha; National Savings and axenange Bank, Omaha; Central City Bank, Central fry Shippers can draw sight draft on ni for 00 per cent of coat, bill of lading attached. WESTFALL COM, CO. GeneralProduce Merchants. Legal representatives of Kansas State Alliance and well known in Nebraska. Our specialty Car Loads Of Potatoes, Onions. Apples, Cabbage. Hay and Oats. w also have a heavy game trade in Nebraska and Wyoming. We have an established trade for all the above mentioned artices, and by shipping direct to us you will get all the value there is In the goods. Write for prices and shipping instrup tions. Reference: Metropolitan National Bank, Kansas City, Mo. WEST FALL COMMISSION CO. - Wwlmit St.. Umrtmnm City Mq. $11. 76 Platform Paragraphs. The producers of wealth are entitled to the fruits of their industry, A tariff that compels the consumer to pay tribute to a middleman is a rob bery no matter whether a few pro ducers are benefited. The greatest good must be for the greatest number. Labor is the only producing power. Speculation in the product thereof is a crime. For every silver speculator in Wall Street there are 1,000 paupers in the West. Pauperism is caused by conditions which permit the vast accu mulation of wealth by individuals who alone derive benefits and who have no real labor to show for their wealth. Value can only be established by the laws of supply and demand. Ficti tious valuations are the work of the few for the swindling of the many. Said by a PopnlUt Goreruor. The new Populist Governor of Kan sas, I D. Lewelling, was formerly a Eepublican, and was at one time a candidate for Secretary of State whjle a citizen of Iowa, but was defeated. In his inaugural address, after enumer ating the wrongs and burdens common to the farmers and working people, which the Populists propose to right and remove, he ends with the follow ing prophecy of the future: "This is the generation which has come to the rescue. These who cry out in the darkness shall not be heard in vain. Conscience is in the saddle. We have leaped the bloody chasm and entered a contest for the protection of home. humanity and the dignity of labor. The grandeur of civilization shall be emphasized by the dawn of a new era, in which the people shall reign, and, if found necessary, they will 'expand the powers of government to solve the enigmas of the times.' The people are greater than the law or the stat utes, and when a nation gets its heart on doing a great and good thing it can find a legal way to do it I have a dream of the future. I have the ero- The Britlah Grain Trade. The Mark Lane its week ly review of Dec. 12, 1892, says: The record for the past week is not bright English wheat sells at 37s, a price that is unprecedented within the memory of English farmers. American and Russian wheats have each declined it, and Indian has fallen 3d. Australian and Chilean wheats sell at previous prices, but stocks of spot grain from those sources are nearly exhausted. The stock of foreign flour and wheat is estimated at 4,300,000 quarters. American wheat is offered in London at 28s, delivered. It is difficult to see how exports continue with this price ruling. The household flour in London sells for 253, being a decline of 10s on the year. The profit on flour has gone almost wholly to the bankers. On the 9th inst, Minnesota first told here for 19s. Will buy a- TWELVE YARD PATTERN OF- Francaise Si Depression in Grain Trade. The recently complained-of depres sion in British trade shows itself forci bly in the insolvency statistics of the last twelve months. There was an in crease in almost every class. England and Wales report an increase of 420 bankruptcies over the total of 4,231 for 1891, being about 10 per cent The number of "deeds of arrangement" was 3,570 for last year, against 3,199 for 18tl, being an increase of nearly 12 per cent The sum of the two items compares closely with the total of insolvencies for the years 1882 and 1883, which were more than 10,000, and the fact is quoted to show that the effect of the act of 1883 has not been to reduce the annual insolvency to the extent expected by the men who advocated its passage. ftenator Sherman Advised. That great farmer and multi million aire, herder of bulls and bears on the Chicago Board of Trade, the Hon. Samuel Allerton, writes Senator Sher man to the effect that he should not allow himself oto be influenced by public clamor in the matter of the Anti Option bill. Public clamor is the ex pression of the will of the people. If, as the Honorable Sam tacitly ad mits, the public are clamoring for the Anti-Option bill, it means that public sentiment is in favor of it and that the people want a stop put to this high- toned yet very demoralizing and dan gerous species of gambling. Farm and Home. i In the New Spring Shades of Cafe au Lait, Military Black, Emerald, Tabac, and Violet. ORDER : SAMPLES. 38 inch Subline Silk Warp, all colors, .... (M A A , . . . ipisUV 4 38 inch All Wool Whip Cord in Change- OR able Colors.... 0ll 40 inch All Wool Suitings, Spring Styles. . jjQ 46 inch All Wool Satin Finish German Hen- 00 rietta in all colors .................. '0 40 inch English Serge, Changeable colors. , jjQ Samples cheerfully sent to out-of-town customers. HAYDEN BROS.. 7SZ'L. LINDetf.-HOTeL INDEPENDENT HEADQUARTEBS. CORNER THIRTEENTH AND M STREETS, LINCOLN, NEB. Three blocks from Capitol building. Lincoln's newest, neatest and bert up-town hoteL Eighty new rooms just completed, including large committea rooms, making 150 rooms in all. tf A. L HOOVER & SON, Prop'rf ,